The game is 94 percent useless thing. The most useless things in the world

For me, as for most women, shopping is a leisure activity, not a necessity. At some point, I realized that I was spending too much money on unnecessary things that could have been spent on more pleasant purposes, such as travel. And for half a year now I have been successfully struggling with a passion for raids on stores, which is favorably reflected in the balance of a plastic card.

clothes bins

I have a relationship with clothes that many women will understand: I really love to buy it, but not at all in order to constantly change clothes and dress up, but to be! To be honest, my basic everyday wardrobe- almost a uniform, these are jeans, T-shirts and sweaters in the cold season. On the feet are sneakers and sneakers. In this scenario, it is completely incomprehensible that 23 dresses are made in my closet, half of which have never been worn, the other half were more fortunate - they walked her once at solemn events.

Another category of useless waste is clothes bought at wild European sales. When something that cost 200 euros suddenly sells for 20 euros, the brain often turns off and does not send signals that you already have exactly the same thing, calm down, drink coffee and read a book.

In addition, shopping therapy is a terrible disease when you go to the store not because you need something there, but to have fun shopping.

As part of the fight against wasting money, I made a decision not to buy any new clothes at all for a year, except for those that will tear / deteriorate and all sorts of socks and underwear. At the same time, I don’t forbid myself to go to clothing stores and try on something - it turned out that this is also good entertainment.

After six months of experimentation, I can say that cutting out unnecessary spending on clothes has saved a lot of money on my card, and I don't feel any discomfort or deprivation from not having new things.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Astapkovich

Sale stock photo

Beloved beauty

I am a perfume maniac, I have about 10 or 15 different bottles, despite the fact that there are only two favorite smells, and they have not changed for decades - but I always want to try something new!

In addition, about two years ago, I was enslaved by the addiction to watching videos of various beauty bloggers - who doesn’t want to be more beautiful and learn about all the new skin care and color cosmetics? Addiction turned out to be detrimental to the wallet: after watching these stupid videos, it becomes obvious that you need to buy 80% of what they show there, otherwise I will wither and die. Despite the fact that I know very well my capricious skin, which in my whole life came up with a maximum of two creams, despite the fact that I had a lot of decorative cosmetics and sponge brushes, I continued to maniacally buy all the new products - well, what if it was this tool as quickly as possible will turn me into a beloved princess?

As a result, most of the acquisitions went to the trash or as gifts to mom and girlfriends - for some reason, everything suited them! And my wallet was empty, so I made a strong-willed decision to stop watching ruinous beauty bloggers, read articles about cosmetic novelties and start using only proven products and buying new things for a cosmetic bag only when the previous jar-tube-box irreparably run out.

I can say that for six months money was spent only on consumables such as cotton pads / sticks and wipes for removing makeup. Everything else seems to be enough for at least another six months. And since I love expensive brands of cosmetics, the savings are gigantic.

Vitye nest

I used to be very fond of all sorts of beautiful things and trinkets for the house - lamps, bedspreads, decorative birdcages, wreaths on the door and fridge magnets. She loved, frankly, too much, and at some point the passion for decorating began to take away living space.

It is difficult to answer the question why I need six sets of bedding, three blankets, two floor lamps, a tin tram and four rubber ducks in the bathroom ...

By another strong-willed decision, I carried out a general cleaning in order to free up as many surfaces as possible, and gave all the unnecessary beauty to those who need it.

After that, I completely abandoned useless souvenirs from travel and buying new things for the house on the principle of "well, it's so pretty!".

I'll tell you a secret - in most of your apartments for a long time there is everything that you and your household need, and it's worth updating things only during global repairs, relocations and breakdowns. And the best souvenirs are your memories and photos. Everything else is a waste of money.

food cult

It was probably easier for me to start saving on food than for other people, because at normal times I don’t cook, I prefer to eat in a cafe outside the house. So the savings started with allowing myself one dinner a week out of the house and two lunches in the event that I was not at home at lunchtime and without taking a snack with me.

The rest of the time I had to master daily cooking. Well, I know how to master, cook since childhood, I just don’t like to waste time on it.

In the first month, it became clear that not so much time was wasted, and the savings were huge! It feels like a bag of rice and a jar of blueberry jam, enough for two weeks of breakfast, costs as much as one bowl of blueberry rice porridge in a cafe.

© Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresensky

I love poultry meat (chicken, turkey), which is healthier than other meats, and is easier to process and cook and is cheaper than beef and pork. An electric grill and an oven save you from wasting time, where, in fact, you just throw meat and vegetables with seasonings or pre-marinated, and take them out when ready. Shaping a salad is a matter of five minutes, and the cost of a weekly dinner at home is about the same as two dinners in a cafe or restaurant.

Another point of significant savings is to carefully consider your purchases in the supermarket basket AFTER you have selected everything and loaded it into the cart, but BEFORE you line up at the checkout. Maybe, of course, you have a rational approach to shopping, but I’m a terrible “grab” who needs to try everything, and at home, sorting out purchases, I’m thinking – well, that’s why I need all this. Now I do not deny myself "grasping", but after analyzing the contents of the basket before paying, I return almost half of it back to the store shelves.

Another great way save on food - start eating right or follow a diet. Snacks and treats are mindlessly spending quite a lot of money, and if you think about what you eat every day, these useless expenses will decrease.

What I don't save

I will never save on new impressions and positive emotions!

The first and main item of expenditure on which all the money saved is spent is travel. They bring much more joy in comparison with the possession of any things. And if in my youth I didn’t care which hotel to stay in - after all, you only sleep in the room, now I want the hotel to become part of the impressions of the city, and not a source of terrible memories of cockroaches stomping.

By the way, the refusal to constantly buy things helps to save money when traveling too - it has become easy to fly with one hand luggage, plus the time freed from shopping can be spent on something more interesting.

I do not save on technology, because a laptop, smartphone, tablet are my working tools, and it is very important that they weigh little, work autonomously for a long time and think quickly. When, on one of my trips, bad people snatched my smartphone right out of my hands on the evening street, without hesitation, I bought a new one the next day, although this was not at all included in my budget.

For the sake of savings, I will never give up dinner with friends or going to a concert - these events and impressions from them will be with me for a very long time, but I will hardly remember buying new shoes or expensive cheese in five years.

Gifts and surprises for relatives and friends - the emotions given by the person you pleased with the gift are priceless joy, sorry for the pathos.

In general, the common saying that the best things in life are not things is 100% true in my case, especially in Lately. I won’t say that I got very rich or saved a lot of money, I just began to spend what I earned more thoughtfully and on what really makes life more interesting, and does not gather dust in the closet or is swallowed in half an hour from boredom!

In the modern world, time has become the most valuable resource, because it is sorely lacking for each of us. The pace of life has gained such momentum that most simply do not have time to engage in self-development and sports. If you want to optimize your schedule, then get rid of non-essential things that you can do without. The Everygirl highlights 4 main activities that should be pushed aside in order to become more productive.

1. Things that are important to other people


First of all, make sure you don't spend too much time on other people's needs. Of course, we are not talking about helping your loved ones. We are talking about the requests of work colleagues, neighbors and just acquaintances who can simply dump their responsibilities on you. Usually we don’t even notice that we are doing someone else’s work for free. Before you start doing something, ask yourself why you should do it. If you don't have a specific answer, then politely decline. First of all, you need to do what is important for you.

2. Multitasking

© pixabay

According to research, it takes the average person about 20 minutes to switch to a completely different activity. This means that multitasking is just a myth that has almost nothing to do with real life. Even if you take only a moment to check your social media feed, you will completely lose focus. Unfortunately, that's how humans are, so avoid all distractions while you work.

3. Virtual communication

© marchmeena29/IStock

Usually we receive dozens of messages daily from friends and acquaintances in instant messengers. If you answer each of them, you will lose at least an hour of valuable time. This is a big problem, as we check our smartphone after each new message, afraid to miss something important. We are also driven by responsibility and the fear of appearing bad friend. There is simply no universal way out of this vicious circle. To get started, start checking for new messages as they accumulate, for example, no more than once every few hours.

4. Appearance

© lenanet/IStock

Of course, take care of yourself appearance important, but don't turn it into an obsession. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation, because often it is not the outer shell that is much more important, but the inner content. For example, pre-workout makeup just takes up valuable time from you, bringing absolutely no practical benefit. It is much more reasonable to spend this time on additional exercises.

Of course, there are things and products that you need, but most of what you buy belongs to the category of “just want”.

Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy your hunger by wrapping yourself in a bag of sandwiches.

George Carlin, American comedian


Well, how would the beauty industry survive if it weren’t for its enchanting ability to sell any little thing for a huge price, suggesting to customers that this is a real Must-Have?

1. Aftershave

Every day, men shave and often complete the procedure with an aftershave. In principle, with all the tasks of this remedy, just cool water will do a good job: it will soothe the skin, narrow the pores. What a remedy can give you is a pleasant fragrance that will remain on the skin. If you want to get exactly the smell, you can use an aftershave. But you don't need it.

2. Body scrub

What is the main ingredient? Exfoliating particles, which are usually crushed apricot kernels or artificial granules. But believe me: an ordinary hard washcloth can renew the skin no worse than a scrub, only it costs incomparably cheaper.

3. No Rinse Hair Sprays

The label on each such spray promises that after using it your hair will be soft, silky, shiny, strong ... But when using such products, some of their components gradually accumulate in the hair, making them, on the contrary, dull, lifeless, brittle. And you buy a spray again to deal with this trouble.

4. Cellulite cream

Are you kidding me? Do you sincerely believe that some kind of magic potion from a bottle can save you from? Don't waste money.

5. Foundation

Controversial product. Someone really can't imagine their life without it. And yet, ignoring the advertisements and assurances of magazines that without foundation there can be no makeup, look at your face and think: do you really need it? Or is it just a film that unpleasantly tightens the face without giving it any additional attractiveness?

6. Shower gel

Pleasant smell and ease of use - nothing more. A good washcloth and high-quality soap are what you need for proper bath procedures.

Sports and fitness

You need to play sports, there are no questions. But do you need all these paraphernalia, which - so tempting and bright - lies on the shelves of sports stores? Let's figure out what you absolutely do not need.

7. Gym membership

Funny, right? But it is so. You don't need a gym membership to keep fit. If you want to look good and feel good, you can do without much money. Walk more, run, walk up the stairs and just do the complex.

8. Home exercise equipment

Something that hasn't come up lately. Exercise machines for home use amaze with their forms and abundance of functions. But I’m willing to bet that if you, having bought into advertising, have already purchased one of these, now you are only thinking about how to sell it at a more or less favorable price.

9. Sportswear

T-shirts with silver antiseptic coating, the latest moisture-wicking fabrics, microfiber socks… Yes, marketers will come up with anything to get you to spend your money. You really don't need anything more than a pair of good quality cotton tees, shorts and socks.

10. Diet food

Let's bring here all these fitness cereals and muesli, which for some reason cost more than the golden bridge. You can just cook porridge. Although it will not be so fashionable and attractive.

11. Magic pills

Don't fool yourself into thinking that one magic pill can help you get rid of the fat you've accumulated over the years. Only active sports and proper nutrition!

Kids' things

How easy it is to become a victim of marketers when children appear in the family. After all, they deserve only the best, it’s not a pity to spend the last on them, denying even themselves a lot.

12. Baby wipe warmer

World has gone mad? If the napkin is really very cold, you can just warm it in your hands!

13. High chair for a child

Why do you need this gigantic structure? Buy a booster chair - a child seat that can be attached to a regular chair. When you no longer need it, you can easily put it away somewhere, because it takes up very little space.

14. Baby monitor

Naturally, if you live in a two-story mansion, this miracle of modern technology will come in handy. But in an ordinary apartment, can't you hear your baby crying?

15. Walkers

For hundreds of years, babies somehow got up on their own. They will cling to furniture and anything that comes their way. You can help the child, support him. Walkers are fun, but I don't understand why they've suddenly become a necessity.

16. Changing pad

It may not be very expensive, but why spend even on this trifle? You can also change a baby's diaper on a blanket, making bumpers out of its edges.

Household products

Look around, your house is probably bloated with unnecessary things. Do not repeat previous mistakes and nonsense.

17. Descaler for washing machine

A washing machine is already an expensive purchase. But the store wants you to buy more and expensive remedy from scale. In fact, scale is easy to remove citric acid which is worth every penny. You fill it up instead of powder and put it on the cotton washing mode (only without linen and without spinning).

18. Silver Jewelry Cleaner

Best of all, silver will clean tooth powder. Apply a little powder to a damp cloth, rub the jewelry, and then rinse and wipe thoroughly with a dry cloth.

19. Remedies for clogged sinks

They cost big money. And even an ordinary one can cope with a blockage, half a glass of which needs to be poured into the drain for a day. If she did not help, then we can recall the good old method of cleaning pipes with a cable.

20. Kitchen paper towels

The thing is in some sense very convenient, but quite expensive. Washing ordinary towels will cost you less than buying paper towels regularly.

Here is the list. Do you agree with him? Can you complete it?

Have you noticed that no matter how much money you earn, it almost never stays with you? The fact is that we spend too much money on unnecessary things. In this article, you'll find 18 things you should cut costs on...

Of course, money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a lot of other things. Money can buy freedom - freedom from having to trade your time for money. Money can buy opportunity - the ability to do what you want to do, not what you should. If you have money, that's long as you manage it and spend it wisely. But, as a rule, most people do not do this - we spend them on completely unnecessary things, and we don’t even understand it.
How? Why? What is the reason for this?
The reason is simple - many things and services that we habitually and willingly pay for are not worth the money that we pay for them.
Here are 18 of the most common holes where your money gurgles and whistles:
Bottled drinking water - Water is rightfully considered one of the most accessible resources on planet Earth. As is the air. If I tried to sell you air for a few dollars a bottle, would you pay for it? If you doubt the quality of your tap water, it is better to invest in a quality filtration system once, and stop wasting money.
Subscribing to newspapers and magazines - The same information, articles and news can be found on the Internet. Absolutely free. I read them when I want and don't pay a cent for it. Why spend money on this?
Printer Cartridges (Inkjet and Laser) - If you buy a new cartridge every time your printer runs out of ink or toner, you're throwing crazy money at it. Yes, yes, they are insane! Printer ink and toner are sold to customers in cartridges at an incredible markup. So if your home printer runs out of ink or toner, instead of buying a new cartridge, take your old one to a service center where they will refill it for a fraction of the price of a new cartridge. Well, if your business needs in large numbers print products, consider whether it would be cheaper to get printers with a continuous ink supply system, or even go to a printing house.
Bigger house than you need – When you buy or rent a house or apartment that is bigger than you really need, you are spending a lot of money on high interest rates, high repair costs, high utility bills, and a lot of extra furniture. and interior items to fill the void. Do you need it?
Insurance - Theft, fire, flood, accident, and so on. Insurance companies love to rip off the client like a sticky. And although in many cases they cannot be avoided completely, because the law requires insurance, you can consider all the offers on the market, and save a lot in the end. Stop paying crazy amounts for insurance just because you've always done it. Make sure you always choose the best deal. Pay-per-view cable/satellite TV – has many English-language TV series and feature-length movies. For free. And Netflix charges $9 a month for access to thousands of shows and movies that you can watch on your computer, smart TV, and even your phone. So if you're paying more than $9 a month for cable, you're wasting your money.
Retail Store Furniture - Most people are unaware that retail furniture stores mark up 200 to 300 percent on each item in their catalog. Judge for yourself - they need to pay for the warehouse, for the store itself, the salaries of the staff, and so on and so forth. They have a lot of overheads, and they are forced to include a fairly high mark-up in the price. So that table that you like, which supposedly costs $500, is worth about $200 in the purchase, so even if they sell it to you "discounted" for $400, they still get 100% profit. If you really want to save on furniture, shop online at low markups, or even look for used furniture on your city's bulletin boards.
Restaurants and semi-finished products - Well, it’s not for me to tell you about cafes and restaurants, everyone knows what is there on a permanent basis, to put it mildly, not cheap. The same applies to ready-made meals and convenience food from the store next door. No, going out to restaurants from time to time or having a lazy evening with ready-made reheated food is quite normal, but on a regular basis it is better to cook for yourself. It is not only cheaper, but also more useful.
Nutritional supplements - Protein powders, vitamins, "sports" drinks and more. The price of all this is terribly overpriced, and the effect is mediocre at best. And this is not only my opinion, it is primarily the opinion of doctors. To improve your health through food, you should not eat some nutritional supplements a couple of times a day, but approach the issue comprehensively, choosing the right daily diet and developing healthy habits regarding food. All this will not only help you significantly increase the level of energy in the body, but also significantly strengthen the immune system.
"Branded" things - Good car takes you safely from point A to point B. A well-made handbag will perfectly cope with the task of storing your belongings. Sunglasses made from the right materials will reliably protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. A warm jacket will keep you warm in winter. But if you're willing to pay double or triple just to have a fashion brand on each of these products (regardless of how effectively they perform their functions), then you're just wasting your money.
New Cars – Take a look at the previous point and think about it. A car is just a way to get from one place to another. And if you're buying a new car every few years, even if your old car is still in perfect working order, then you're probably trying too hard to impress completely unworthy people... and spending a lot of money on it.
Extended Warranty for Electronics - When you're buying expensive electronics, the idea of ​​spending extra money on an extended warranty might sound pretty sensible to you. Well, of course, because such a guarantee covers everything - from technical problems to a keyboard filled with soda. But here is its cost ... don't you think that they are trying to deceive you? For example, a two-year extended warranty on a $400 laptop will set you back about $280, which is almost 70% of its price. Better save your money for something else, and be careful with your purchase.
Computer programs in retail stores - Most programs sold at retail are sold at a fairly significant markup. You can easily buy online OEM copies of the same software for about 25-30% less. In addition, you can always look at alternatives from the free software world. Instead of paying a few hundred dollars for Microsoft Office Professional, you can download from the official websites of OpenOffice or LibreOffice for free - with the same word processing, spreadsheet, and so on. Moreover, these software products are 100% compatible with Microsoft Office files.
Avoidable Health Problems - Eat Healthy Foods and Exercise Your Body Regularly! Try to keep your body and mind healthy! Serious health problems ruin your bank account, increase your insurance rates, prevent you from working and earning money, and generally keep you in financial trouble for a very, very long time.
Prescription drugs - The previous paragraph leads directly to this. Prescription drug markups are perhaps the highest of any consumer product. They are so high that, for example, in the US, their cost directly (and negatively) affects the economy, and prevents drugs from getting into the hands of those who need them most - people with a fixed income, as well as those with serious or chronic diseases. Unlike other countries, the US does not have a mechanism to control the price of prescription drugs, so people there pay from 200 to 5000% of the real cost for the drugs they need - the same Prozac and Xanax. But even they can save on them by buying them not in ordinary pharmacies, but in wholesale stores such as Costco. Costco prices for many popular drugs are usually about half what pharmacies charge for them.
Jewelry and Precious Stones - All jewelry is highly volatile and sells at a huge markup. The average markup can range from 100% to over 1000%. And jewelers just love inexperienced buyers, so if you buy something from them, try to find out how much this "something" is worth. Besides, Jewelry almost always bought on emotion, so try to cool down a little and understand what exactly you are buying, how much you are going to pay for it, and what other options you have. And even then, don't expect to make a bargain. Be smarter and don't get carried away by your emotions - try to buy and wear less jewelry.
Second-rate entertainment - Remember, the best things in your life are free. So stop wasting your money on games, movies, and other second-rate entertainment. Better take a good look around. Mother Nature has a lot of great entertainment to offer - and it's completely free. Go hiking, swim in the river, light a fire with your friends, watch the sunset with your loved one, and so on.
Habits that suck money (and life) out of you – Smoking, drinking, and gambling can be a near-perfect example of bad habits, your choice to take on long-term debt and inconvenience for short-term pleasure. So please, smoke to your health, have another couple of drinks, deal the cards... In the end, you are only risking your life and well-being.

I had a suspicion that the answers were given exclusively by our beloved and dear men, for all useless things turned out to be connected with women, and in the answers you will not find a single male subject that, in the opinion of us women, can also be considered useless.

Where are the fishing rods, cars, motorcycles? Where are the expensive cufflinks, ties for the occasion and without ..., formal trousers, socks, boots, expensive perfume and other men's paraphernalia? Not a single item! But a baby bear or a train - a toy, for some reason fell into useless spending. Flowers, which are not often given anyway, are here. The cosmetics that we use, for the sake of you, men, turned out to be a stupid acquisition, as well as jewelry that emphasizes the curve of our lines in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms, neck or ears ... Well, except that the picture is one universal answer that we can agree with, when both spouses, having spent a lot of money on it, realize that they should have taken something else, and not a bad reproduction of a famous painting ...
