How to get oil out of clothes. How to remove oil from clothes without resorting to expensive products

It is very easy to stain clothes, but it is much more difficult to remove all stains. Despite the fact that modern stain removers do a very good job of this task, it is far from always possible to remove oil stains from clothes. To remove such a stain, there are many different ways that you can try.

Preparing things before removing stains

Just applying caustic substances to the fabric is fraught with final damage to the thing, so it is necessary to prepare clothes for cleaning.

Clean your clothes well from dust and dirt, if necessary, you can even wash them. This will allow you to remove the stained layer from your clothing, which means the chemical used will come into direct contact with the stain and work more effectively. In addition, you can use more than just washing to clean - for a quick way, rubbing the stain well with a wet brush is enough.

Prepare in advance all the items that you will use to remove oil stains (rags, brushes, swabs, etc.).

Since you can't know for sure how the solution will affect the fabric, be sure to test it on another fabric and see how it reacts. Starting to apply to the thing with which you want to remove the stain, do it gradually and look at the reaction.

Removing an old oil stain

A stain that has already dried can be removed using the following tools:
  • Salt . There is in every house and costs almost nothing. In order for the use to be effective, pour hot water into the basin, then put clothes in it and pour half a glass of salt. Stir well to dissolve the salt. Now carefully observe the thing, you need to "catch" the moment when the salt absorbs the fat, and immediately wash the thing.
  • Glycerol . An effective tool that allows you to quickly clean any thing from old greasy or oily stains. You just need to apply glycerin to the stain, after half an hour, just wipe this place with a cotton swab or a clean rag.
  • sawdust . This method is best suited for cleaning carpets or fabrics that are difficult to move to other places. If your carpet has oil or oil on it, you can soak sawdust in gasoline and put it on the stain. This is enough to get rid of an unpleasant greasy blot.
  • Ammonia and turpentine . To use this method, you will need to mix turpentine and ammonia, try to mix thoroughly. Soak the solution with a cotton swab and apply to the stain. It is necessary to wait 2-3 hours, then wash the thing.
  • Refined gasoline . In addition to refined gasoline, you can use turpentine with the maximum percentage of purification. In this method, you need to wet the cloth with the substance, then put it under the stain and wipe the stain with another piece of clean cloth. After that, you can clean the fabric with plain water or wash the item.

It is worth noting that after cleaning with gasoline or turpentine, it will be very difficult to get rid of the smell.

Removing a fresh greasy oil-type stain

As you know, it is of great importance how long ago you put this stain. If he is only a few hours old, you need to use completely different methods for removing them than in the case when the stain remained on the clothes for several months.


Ammonia is ideal for removing grease and oil stains from those things whose fabric is of artificial origin:
  1. Add a teaspoon of alcohol to a small portion of warm water;
  2. Dip a cotton swab into a glass, then prepare an iron and a cotton-based cloth;
  3. Wipe the stain with cotton, put a cloth on it and run it several times with an iron set to the maximum temperature;
  4. The stain should come off in a few minutes.

Using ammonia, you can remove not only greasy and oily stains, but also traces of rust, dried glue (although there is one for it), moldy deposits, blood that has got on the fabric, ink, spilled coffee, etc. Alcohol derivatives do a good job of cleaning clothes.

Be sure to use potato starch, as corn starch is not suitable for such purposes. The starch method is best used only if the soiled fabric cannot be washed for any reason.

Use starch in small portions: rub it thoroughly into the stain and leave the item for up to 10-15 minutes. The essence of the method is that starch absorbs fat well. You may have to repeat the procedure several times. If the stain is old, you should use heated starch - just put it in a saucepan and put it on the stove for up to 10 minutes. After the stain disappears, wash the clothes.

Talc and tooth powder

This method is well suited to remove stains from light-colored furs:
  1. Clothes must be placed on some flat surface;
  2. Apply talc (white powder, greasy to the touch) or powder;
  3. On top put transparent paper for making copies of drawings or material that has similar properties;
  4. Iron with an iron set to the highest temperature;
  5. Now you need to press down the thing well and do not touch it for about 12-14 hours.

Other Methods

Check out other recipes:
  • Mustard . In order to remove old grease or oil stains using mustard, you need to leave the applied mixture of dry mustard and water for half an hour. Blend until creamy and apply to stain. After half an hour has passed, wash the item well in warm water.
  • soapy water . Laundry soap can be used in two ways. If you're in a hurry, simply lather the stain with soap, sprinkle with sugar, and scrub the fabric with a toothbrush. There is another way, for it you will have to make a concentrated soap solution and wait about 12 hours. Then just rinse off the solution and wash the thing if you don't like the smell of laundry soap.
  • Method for men . Most bachelors face big amount oil stains and just throw the thing away because they don't know how to wash it. Now you just need to apply shaving foam on the stain for 5 minutes, and you will immediately notice how the stain disappears. After cleaning, be sure to wash the thing.
  • Finely ground salt and cloth . The method is suitable for sofas and armchairs. It is worth using only if the stain is very fresh, has not had time to soak well into the fabric of the chair. Spread fine salt firmly over the place where the fat was spilled, and rub it in. It will easily corrode fresh grease and oil stains.
  • Dishwashing liquid . Pour any thick detergent on a greasy blot and leave for a while. It is best to treat the stain with warm water before applying so that the detergent starts working faster and gives maximum effectiveness.
  • Soap solution and crumb of bread . Wet a crumb of the freshest bread you can find, then simply apply it to your clothes. Most effective on fresh stains. After the crumb has absorbed the maximum amount of fat, use a solution made with soap and warm water to wash this item.
  • crushed chalk . Ideal for removing grease stains from items made from cotton, linen, silk. It is enough just to pour a dense layer of powder on the stain and wait about 3 hours. After that, remove the chalk with a damp cloth or wet cloth and wash the thing.
There are many ways to remove oil and grease from clothes, things and furniture. Try different of them, and you will definitely succeed. Try to remove oil stains as soon as they get on the fabric, this will increase the effectiveness of all the methods described above.

Finding a greasy stain on your favorite clothes can be a real disaster, especially if it was planted a long time ago, and the oil has had time to deeply eat into the fibers of the fabric. Unfortunately, no one is immune from such a situation: most of us cook daily or have fatty foods in our diet. In this article, we will analyze how to remove oil from clothes, regardless of how long ago the stain was placed.

Vegetable oil

To begin with, we will consider ways to remove traces of vegetable fats, because it is with them that housewives most often have to fight. sunflower, sea buckthorn, olive oils found wide application in cooking, traditional medicine as well as in body and skin care. This means that stains from them are found in everyday life quite often. Ordinary washing powders do not always cope with such pollution, although in this case you can do without them. To remove the oil from clothes will help means that almost everyone has in the house.

Laundry soap

Many of us have this versatile laundry detergent. It easily handles fresh spots from oil. It is only necessary to thoroughly lather the dirty area with it, leave it for a while, and then rinse and dry the thing in the fresh air.

Very important! Do not dry washed clothes with hot air or an iron until you are sure that the grease stain from the clothes has completely disappeared. Otherwise, the contamination may eat into the fabric even more, after which it will no longer be possible to remove it.

Dishwashing liquid

Everyone knows that dishwashing detergents break down grease very well. This property can be used to get rid of greasy spots at home. You will need to pour a little gel on the soiled area, gently rub it into the fabric and leave for 20 minutes.


The classic way to get oil stains out of clothes is to sprinkle liberally with salt and wait for the crystals to soak up the grease. To make this cleaning method more effective, cover the stained area with a cotton towel, heat the iron to standard temperature, and iron the stained area with steam. Shake off the salt that has absorbed the fat, pour in a new portion and repeat the procedure several times until the pollution disappears completely. Some housewives use soda or talc instead of salt.

Starch and mustard powder

As in the case of salt, it is recommended to pour starch on the contaminated area, cover with a paper towel and iron (preferably in steam mode). For these purposes, it is best to use corn starch. The procedure should also be repeated several times until the stain disappears completely.

Also good for oil stains mustard powder. It is diluted with water to a thick consistency. The paste is applied to the stain, gently spread, rubbed into the fabric and wait for the mixture to dry. Next, the remnants of the gruel are removed with a brush or knife, and the clothes are washed in the machine as usual.

Gasoline, kerosene or acetone

These tools have long established themselves as excellent stain removers. The main thing in working with them is to be in a well-ventilated place and not to allow close proximity to sources of open fire. In order to remove oil from clothes with gasoline, kerosene or acetone, the thing is first straightened well on a flat surface, and thick cardboard is placed under the contaminated layer of fabric (so that the stain does not spread further). A piece of cotton wool is moistened in any of the listed liquids and the stain is treated with it from the edge to the center. This procedure usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes.

After these manipulations, a slight trace of the solvent may remain on the clothes. To eliminate it, the thing is washed in warm water with soap. From light fabrics, traces of kerosene are removed with a solution of ammonia (in a ratio of 1:8).

cleaning powder

Plumbing cleaners are also great for greasy stains. Pour a little of the product on the contaminated area, add water to it and gently rub into the fibers. Rinse your clothes after half an hour.

Some housewives recommend thoroughly rubbing bulk products into the fabric with a toothbrush. In this way, of course, you will achieve a more thorough penetration of the cleaning agent into the structure of the product, but you also risk spoiling items made from delicate materials. Carefully study the labels on clothes before cleaning to avoid unpleasant consequences.


Glycerin is used to clean delicate items that are not recommended to be rubbed with abrasive sponges or brushes. It is mixed with ammonia in a ratio of 1: 1 and the stain is treated with the resulting solution. After that, the thing is washed in hot water manually.

Before you start working with aggressive chemicals, put on rubber gloves!

Stain remover

High-quality stain removers will help to remove oil from clothes. If you don’t have a store-bought product, try making a stain remover from improvised ingredients. Below are recipe options for making a cleaning solution at home:

All ingredients are mixed well and the stains are thickly treated with them.

Specialized Chemistry

To combat greasy stains, some manufacturers offer special products that you can buy in specialized stores. So, the drug "Antipyatin" has proven itself well, which will not be difficult to find in domestic markets.

Remember that any aggressive chemistry is best applied only to old stains! Traces, set recently, are easily removed with improvised substances.

Technical oil

It happens that an ill-fated greasy stain on things appears in the process of repairing equipment, a car, or at work. Most often, men face such a nuisance. Traces on clothes in such cases are the result of hydraulic, transformer, vaseline or any other technical oil getting on the fabric.

Oddly enough, but the methods of dealing with such pollution are similar to those used to remove traces of vegetable oils. True, in a working environment it is not always possible to notice a stain in time, and as you know, it is much more difficult to remove old traces than recently planted ones.

If it was not possible to remove the trace the first time, try using several of the components suggested above in turn. If these steps are not successful, seek help from a dry cleaner.


You can learn more about ways to deal with oily stains from the following video:

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Do you know that:

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

To combat moths, there are special traps. IN sticky layer, with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of bad smell. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Fresh lemon is good for more than just tea: clean stains from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

Cooking is an interesting and useful process, but it is inseparable from such a nuisance as oil pollution. They can appear anywhere: on clothes, furniture, and even tiles. But it's not so scary when you know how to remove an oil stain from clothes and household items. There are many simple ways, helping to remove an oil stain from any surface, consider the most effective of them.

How to get oil stains out of clothes

Removing oil stains from textiles is quite difficult. Fat penetrates into the fibers of the tissue, which greatly complicates its removal. If the soiled item is thrown into the wash immediately, the oil will float all over washing machine. Therefore, almost all options for removing fat are multi-stage, it is step-by-step cleansing that will help remove the oil stain without a trace.

First, remove fat from the tissue as quickly and completely as possible. This is done by improvised means, followed by washing.

Oil stain removers

  • Salt. The hygroscopic compound quickly absorbs all moisture and oils. Pour salt in a thin layer, press lightly and wait a short time - the crystals should be saturated with fat. If the stain is large and a lot of oil has been absorbed into the fabric, then the salt will have to be changed more than once.
  • Bread. It is recommended to use white bread crumb. Form a ball out of it and roll it over the stained area.
  • Paper. Toilet paper and paper towels are also used to remove oil stains. The selected paper should have a loose surface and have good absorbency. Tear off two sheets from the rolled towel, fold each in several layers. Put one piece under the stain, and the other on it. Cover the entire structure with a light-colored cloth or gauze and iron thoroughly with a slightly warm (not hot) iron. The oil from the stain will gradually be absorbed by the paper, so the sheets need to be changed several times during the cleaning process.

The methods listed above are the first step to get oil stains out of clothes. The next step will help to finally remove the oil and not only from the surface of the fabric, but also from the depths of the fibers.

How to remove an oil stain

Just washing with soap against fat is powerless. Sticky spots will remain for a long time. Therefore, the second step to remove oil from clothes is to clean the stain with grease-dissolving liquids.

  • Kerosene and gasoline. To restore things to their original cleanliness and remove oil stains, wipe the stain with kerosene or high-quality gasoline before washing.
  • Solvent (for nails or construction). These products should be used with caution, because in addition to stains, aggressive liquids can also dissolve fabric paint. Therefore, before using a thinner, test the color fastness in an inconspicuous place.
  • Dishwashing detergent is the most popular way. If dishwashing detergents can cope with removing oil stains on kitchen furniture, they will also help to clean clothes. You can apply undiluted to a pre-moistened oil stain or rinse the stained area with a solution of water and detergent. Leave the thing for a while, the product should react with the fat. After that, erase as usual.

After a two-stage stain treatment, it is necessary to wash the clothes in the usual way.

If none of the above options helped to remove the oil stain, try more complex multi-component formulations.

Folk ways to remove oil stains

Option number 1

Prepare a mixture of grated laundry soap, ammonia and turpentine. Dilute the crushed soap with turpentine to a mushy consistency, then drip a little ammonia. Spread the oil stain with the resulting mixture and let things lie down for 15 minutes. Then rinse the gruel under running water and wash the clothes as usual.

Option number 2

Place a piece of paper towel folded several times under the oily stain from the oil, sprinkle the contamination with talcum powder or crushed white chalk. Cover the entire structure with another paper towel and iron everything with a slightly heated iron.

Remove talc from the stain and wipe it with a solution of salt (1/2 tsp) and ammonia (3 tbsp). The solution can be replaced with gasoline, thinner or stain remover. It is recommended to apply aggressive products with a cotton pad or a white textile tampon, changing them several times during the cleaning process.

These effective ways to remove greasy stains have one significant drawback: at the right time, the necessary set of ingredients may not be at hand. Therefore, it is useful to have a good stain remover in stock.

How to remove oil stains from tiles and kitchen furniture

No matter how carefully you cook, sometimes you can't avoid splashing frying oil. One insidious drop of liquid can provoke a fountain of hot fat splashes in a radius of more than a meter. Leaving surfaces spotty is not hygienic or aesthetically pleasing, so oil stains should be removed as quickly as possible.

Hot oil firmly eats into any surface. And if you do not immediately remove greasy stains from the oil, let them become old, the substance will also thicken, become viscous, which will complicate the process of its removal in the future. So the first rule of removing an oil stain is to remove it while it's fresh. What and how?

How to remove an oil stain from hot fat

  • Oil, easy to remove from tiles damp cloth soaked in warm or hot water. From wiping the tiles with cold liquid, cloudy stains will remain.
  • To quickly remove heavy stains from vegetable oil, you can add a few drops of dishwashing liquid to the water. The active components of the detergent dissolve fats and do not damage the treated surface. From hard surfaces, dirt is removed quickly and without difficulty. Oil stains can be removed from work surfaces, tables, oilcloths in the same way as described above.
  • To remove old oil stains, it is recommended to use special means, for example Cillit BANG anti-fat. Safer and more natural products for removing oil stains can be bought in Western online stores. A large selection of popular kitchen cleaners is presented on IHerb, where you can choose and buy a grease remover.

We hope that at least one of the described methods will help remove the oil stain, and save the seemingly hopelessly damaged thing. If you have proven options for removing oil stains from clothes, share your experience in the comments, we are interested.

Ksenia Petrovskaya especially for

In the article we tell you how to remove sunflower oil from clothes and carpet. You will learn 10 effective ways Learn how to remove grease stains from fabric and learn how to apply them correctly. You will also receive recipes for removing sunflower oil stains from carpets at home.

How to get sunflower oil out of clothes

It is best to start removing an oil stain immediately after its appearance.. But even if the oil is deeply absorbed into the fabric, do not despair. We offer 10 simple ways to remove sunflower oil from clothes at home.

Remove stains while it's fresh

dish gel

Dishwashing detergents dissolve grease well. This The best way how to remove sunflower oil stain from clothes.

How to use:

  1. Pour dish gel into the cap.
  2. Lay the soiled clothes in a laundry tub and soak the stained area in the detergent.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, wash with powder.

If the fabric is light shades, choose a colorless gel. Saturated gels contain a dye that can remain on clothing.

Ammonia and turpentine

How can you wash sunflower oil? Use substances that dissolve fats. A good result gives ammonia with turpentine.

How to use:

  1. Take 1 part of ammonia, 2 parts of turpentine and 1 part of laundry soap.
  2. Grate the soap and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Apply the mixture to clothing using a swab or piece of cloth.
  4. Rub the stained area thoroughly and wait a quarter of an hour.
  5. Remove the mixture with a damp sponge and wash the item.


Chalk, talc or tooth powder are good sorbents. They quickly absorb grease and easily solve the problem of how to wash sunflower oil from delicate fabrics, such as silk or viscose.

How to use:

  1. Chalk crush into powder.
  2. Apply it on the stain and wait 2-3 hours.
  3. Remove excess powder and wash clothes.

There is another way to remove an old oil stain with chalk or powder:

  1. Sprinkle the stained area with chalk.
  2. Lay blotting paper or tissue paper on top.
  3. Lightly heat the iron and iron the stain with it for 2 minutes.
  4. Without removing the product, place a load on top and leave for 12 hours.
  5. After the specified period, remove the powder and wash the item.


If you need a simple and available remedy Instead of removing sunflower oil from jeans and other rough fabrics, use table salt.

How to use:

  1. Sprinkle more salt on the stained area.
  2. Leave it for a quarter of an hour on the fabric. During this time, the salt will absorb the fat.
  3. If you want to speed up the result, use blotting paper or a towel and iron the stain.
  4. Remove excess salt and send items to the wash.


Starch, corn or potato, is an affordable product that quickly absorbs fat. Like chalk, it will get rid of oil stains in a couple of hours.

How to use:

  1. Sprinkle cornstarch over the stained area.
  2. Place a white cotton towel on top.
  3. Iron on top with a warm iron.
  4. Leave the stained area under a towel for 2-4 hours.
  5. Remove excess starch and evaluate the result.
  6. Send the item to the laundry.

If after one procedure the contamination has not disappeared, repeat the cleaning.


This product works well for removing oil stains from white jeans and heavy fabrics.

How to use:

  1. Dip a cotton swab or disc in kerosene.
  2. Rub the stained area of ​​fabric with the product.
  3. Dilute some bleach in warm water.
  4. Soak the stain in the solution for 8-10 hours.
  5. Send things to the laundry.


If you need an affordable remedy than to remove a stain from sunflower oil, use mustard powder. It is in the medicine cabinet or in the kitchen. Mustard washes fat no worse than detergents.

How to use:

  1. Mix mustard powder with water until a slurry is formed.
  2. Apply some mustard mixture to the stained area.
  3. Wait for the powder to dry.
  4. Scrub the dirt with a toothbrush to remove mustard residue.
  5. Carry out a normal wash.


This cleaner copes with oil stains like kerosene.

How to use:

  1. Take a piece of light cotton fabric and fold it in four. A cotton pad or swab will do.
  2. Soak the workpiece in gasoline and apply the substance to the contamination.
  3. Turn the fabric inside out, fold the soiled area several times and dip in gasoline.
  4. Wash things.


Like gasoline, this substance fights greasy stains well.

How to use:

  1. Apply some acetone to the oil stain.
  2. Cover the fabric with a light towel and heat with a warm iron.
  3. Remove the towel and wash the garment to remove the odor and acetone stain.


Highly effective cleaning properties have baking soda or soda ash.

How to use:

  1. Apply baking soda generously to the stained area of ​​the fabric.
  2. Leave it on clothes for 1 hour.
  3. Remove excess soda.
  4. Wash the item in warm or hot water.

How to remove sunflower oil from carpet

Rubbing alcohol will help remove the oil stain from the carpet

Removing grease stains from carpet is not easy. They are quickly absorbed, and the thickness of the product does not allow washing it in the machine. And yet there are several effective ways to remove sunflower oil from the carpet.


Rubbing alcohol is good at removing oil stains, even from carpets. Instead, you can use vodka or moonshine.

How to use:

  1. Apply alcohol to the stained area with a piece of light-colored cloth.
  2. Wipe the stain from the edges to the middle.
  3. When the contamination is gone, rinse the area with clean water and dry.

Shaving foam

This tool contains compounds that allow you to fight fat. Only shaving foam is suitable for cleaning the carpet: do not use gel, as it has a different composition.

How to use:

  1. Apply the foam to the stained area of ​​the carpet.
  2. Leave the product without rinsing for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse the carpet with a damp sponge.
  4. If the stain does not disappear, repeat the procedure.

Vinegar with white clay

Cosmetic White clay in a mixture with vinegar, they will quickly rid the carpet of pollution. You can buy clay in a supermarket or pharmacy.

How to use:

  1. Mix clay and vinegar to form a slurry.
  2. Apply it to the stained area on the carpet.
  3. Wait for the clay to dry.
  4. Clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner or brush.

What Not to Do

If an oil stain appears on the clothes, in no case should you:

  • start removing the stain if there is dust or dirt on the fabric (previously remove it with a brush);
  • apply substances with a pungent odor (gasoline, kerosene) to the fabric without first opening the windows for ventilation;
  • use a cleaning agent without testing it on a piece of cloth;
  • wash things in the machine without pre-treatment of the stain;
  • Postpone washing, because during this time the stain will be absorbed into the fabric even more.

For more information on how to remove oil stains, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Remove the oil stain as soon as it appears on the fabric.
  2. Wipe dirt from the edges to the middle.
  3. Use household products that dissolve fats.
  4. Do not use substances containing dyes.

When cooking, being in in public places, interaction with other people and other life situations, there is a threat to get pollution of various kinds on your favorite thing from the wardrobe.

Pollution from sunflower and corn oil, greasy stains on clothes and shoes give housewives a lot of trouble and additional trouble. How to remove a stain from vegetable oil? Very simple!

How to get oil out of clothes

Old greasy stains, especially after washing, are almost impossible to clean. Therefore, things should be checked for the presence of this type of pollution every time. For all this you need:

  • Inspect items for grease stains.
  • If they are, then such clothes need to be cleaned and washed separately.
  • Clean off dirt and dust with a sponge and brush.
  • Select a cleaning and stain remover.
  • Prepare the solution and tools for the contamination removal process.
  • The choice of blends should be according to the type of fabric and the level of soiling.
  • Choose a small concentration at first and increase very carefully.
  • Wipe from the edge to the center of the stain.
  • Rinse the item from the product.
  • Machine wash using the manufacturer's instructions on the label. If possible, then you should choose a more gentle way of washing - by hand.
  • Dry.

Universal cleaners

You can remove stains from vegetable oil on fabric universal means. This group of funds includes:

  • Cleaning agent that dissolves grease very well.
  • Kerosene, petrol.
  • Salt.
  • Remedies for diaper rash, such as powder, powder.
  • Tooth powder and many other products used to remove greasy contaminants in home cleaning at minimal cost.

These products can help remove stains from almost any type of fabric. At the same time, the color and structure will be preserved. And if everything is done carefully, it will help to avoid tissue tears.

How to remove grease stains from vegetable oil on fabric

There are many folk remedies and ways to remove vegetable oil stains from fabrics. No product will be able to completely remove greasy pollution after one use. The procedures must be repeated several times until the desired result is obtained. If necessary, increase the concentration, but only in extreme cases, and test the effect of the new composition on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.

These methods can be suitable if the spot is placed near the house or at a party and there is a kitchen nearby.

Step-by-step rules and recipes for common folk remedies

Consider how to remove a stain from vegetable oil folk remedies:

  1. In the role of the active substance, a cleaning gel should be used, which perfectly dissolves grease and removes fresh dirt. Put a small amount on the stain and rub in vigorously. Wait.
  2. Also at least effective tool from greasy stains is salt: it is necessary to sprinkle on the contaminated place, rub it with a paper towel, and the stain should disappear on the spot. Suitable for fresh stains only.
  3. Tooth powder can also help remove stains from vegetable oil: you need to sprinkle it, rub it and leave it for a day. Then clean with a brush.
  4. Gasoline and kerosene allow you to quickly and efficiently remove even old and complex grease stains: wet the stain with it with a cotton swab, gently spread it and then wash it.

How to get old stains out

Old stains from vegetable oil are more difficult to remove, but with the help of modern cleaning products or well-known folk recipes, this is greatly simplified. For withdrawal, you need to prepare:

  1. Grated laundry soap.
  2. Ammonia.
  3. Turpentine.

Open windows before use. You should mix these three ingredients, soak the stain with the resulting solution and wash. Instead of ammonia and turpentine, you can use gasoline. Ventilate when finished.

Another good tool is an iron. With it, you need to iron the stain, after putting toilet paper or paper napkins under it and on it.

How to remove vegetable oil stains from jeans

In denim, vegetable oil penetrates deeply and is difficult to remove. You can not rub, so the stains will only take root. Remove contaminants from denim needed immediately, before they eaten. Salt and other products that are rubbed into stains will not help here, they will only harm. How do you get oil stains out of jeans? As soon as contamination has formed, it must be immediately blotted with a paper towel or towel from natural fabric.

Stain removal methods

  1. Methods with laundry soap and dishwashing detergent will go very well in this case: lather, apply foam to the dirt, wait and wash as usual in washing machine.
  2. There is another method using washing powder or stain remover, but these products must be used correctly. Washing powder should be poured onto the stain, cover it with paper and iron it with a hot iron. Stain removers must be used according to the instructions. Only then will the remedy work. After that, you need to wash the thing in the usual way.

Removing stains from a down jacket

Consider how to remove a stain from vegetable oil from a down jacket. In public places, especially in transport, there is a big threat to get greasy stains on outerwear.

To combat oily stains, "Fairy" is very suitable:

  • Must be applied to greasy dirt.
  • Wait about half an hour.
  • Wash by hand or hand wash.
  • Wring out well and dry.

The procedure may have to be repeated until the traces of the greasy stain are completely removed.

Mel too good remedy control of pollution from vegetable oil:

  • Sprinkle the stain with chalk.
  • Wait a couple of hours.
  • Remove excess with a dry cloth or paper towel.
  • Wash in normal mode.

Gasoline, kerosene, ammonia remove even old stains.

Removing stains on suede

Consider how to remove a stain from vegetable oil on suede. Suede is a very whimsical and delicate material. It is very difficult to remove oil stains from it, but if you follow the instructions correctly, it becomes possible. This fabric must be handled very carefully when cleaning.

Before cleaning, preparatory procedures are necessary:

  • It is good to dry shoes or clothes from moisture away from the radiator and sunlight.
  • Remove dust and dirt with a special rubber brush, clean and comb the pile.

As with any material, the stain should be blotted with paper or a napkin. Test on an inconspicuous area first.

Classic tool:

  • Sprinkle with talcum powder, baby powder, corn starch or similar. Wait, repeat the procedure. Comb the material.
  • Can be treated with foam natural remedy for dish washing. Remove with a dry foam sponge.

You can also clean it with tooth powder:

  • Heat the toothpaste in a frying pan.
  • Apply it with a special brush on the material.
  • put on top paper napkin.
  • Press down, compress with something very heavy.
  • Clean with the hard side of the brush.

To remove a stain from vegetable oil from clothes, in particular from suede, you can use ordinary table salt:

  • It needs to be warmed up.
  • Pour fine salt into cotton fabric.
  • Attach the resulting bag to oil stain and rub a little.
  • The procedure must be repeated several times until the contamination is completely removed.

You can remove complex contaminants, including stains from vegetable oil, with ammonia and liquid soap:

  • Mix funds in equal proportions.
  • Stir until foam appears.
  • Apply the foam to the stain with a soft sponge. in a circular motion without rubbing.
  • Leave for about half an hour.
  • Then rinse and comb the material with a special brush for cleaning suede fabric.

Even complex stubborn stains are removed with gasoline and similar substances, the only drawback is the smell, which is washed off over time. How to cook:

  • Moisten the swab with purified high-quality gasoline.
  • Wipe the stain, only carefully so as not to damage the pile and material.
  • paper napkin, toilet paper remove residue, blot.
  • Comb with a specialized brush for suede pile and dry.
  • Wash with washing powder and a special conditioner to eliminate unpleasant odors and restore the structure of the material.

Alcohol is also a great stain remover and is safer than gasoline. How to remove a stain from vegetable oil?

  • Dilute with water in a ratio of one to ten.
  • Wipe the dirt with the resulting solution.
  • Dry the item in the fresh air, but with minimal exposure to the sun.
  • Comb the pile with a special brush.
  • If necessary, repeat the procedure.


There are many home various means grease stains that work effectively, and you don't have to spend a lot of money on expensive cleaning gels and powders to dissolve oil stains. Folk recipes will be more gentle and safe in relation to the material than modern famous brands, but some of them have an unpleasant smell, which means that you will not be able to wear things right away.
