How can you improve your child's health? How to improve the health of the child - important rules and basic methods

What affects the health of the child? Family lifestyle, good and bad habits, the level of physical activity, the ratio of stress and rest, the quality of nutrition.

Today it is important for adults to form and maintain interest in a healthy lifestyle both among themselves and among children. This is especially true for those who are close to the baby from the very first days - his own parents. The life of a child is completely dependent on adults who care about his health and physical development.

Physical activity.

Incorrect posture and flat feet, weak immunity and frequent illnesses, low stamina - this is all a consequence of an inactive lifestyle. Physical education and sports are still the key to a full-fledged physical development and good health. Encourage your child to be physically active. Instead of computer games - walks in the fresh air, visits to sports sections, morning exercises.

Proper nutrition.

The abuse of "fast foot", industrial sweets and carbonated drinks, overeating lead to a deficiency of nutrients, gastritis, dysbacteriosis and obesity.

Healthy eating involves the exclusion from the child's diet of foods with suspicious chemical composition, excess sugar and fat, low content of vitamins and other nutrients. Your child's daily diet should include natural products- vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat and fish, dairy dishes.

Walks in the open air.

The threat to the health of children is fraught not only with car exhaust gases, but also with ordinary household dust. Asthma and allergies, cough and runny nose are the most harmless consequences of inhaling dirty air. Walk - one of the essential components of the daily routine. Staying in the fresh air helps to increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child always normalizes appetite and sleep. The walk must be carried out in any weather, except for particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and footwear must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Usually, children enjoy participating in games organized by their parents when balls, hoops or other sports items are used.

Regime compliance.

The daily routine is a rational distribution of time for all types of activities and rest during the day. Its main goal is to ensure high mental and physical activity throughout the entire period of wakefulness. The mode is built on the basis of the biological rhythm of the functioning of the body. Sleep is an important part of the routine. It is important that the child falls asleep at the same time (both day and night). home mode the child should be a continuation of the daily routine kindergarten and especially on weekends. The nervous system of a child aged 3-6 years is easily depleted during prolonged wakefulness, so preschoolers should also sleep during the day.

The implementation of the regimen, combined with the correct methodology for raising children, prevents them from overworking.


Strengthening the health of children by hardening increases their resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Systematic hardening develops in the body the ability to adapt to various conditions and changes. external environment: to temperature changes, to windy and rainy weather.

Cultural and hygienic skills are one of the important factors in improving the health of the child. Under the guidance of adults, children are instilled with a love of cleanliness, neatness, and order. From early childhood, children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, eat neatly, keep their clothes in order, and treat objects with care.

Choose the right clothes and shoes for the child - in accordance with the season, age and physical activity of the child.

How earlier child get an idea about the structure of the human body, learn about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. But if a child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education and observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this. The principle of "do no harm" should be the basis of the physical education and development of the child.

Unfortunately, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for a child, as they themselves often abuse smoking and alcohol, prefer hours of watching TV shows and videos to active activities and devote very little time to hardening, physical education, and outdoor walks.

Bad habits of parents directly and indirectly affect the formation of these bad habits in children. Their destructive effect on the children's body can not be mentioned.

Do you love your child? Then it is in your power to make him healthier and stronger, more resilient to negative environmental factors, more resistant to diseases. Help your child stay healthy!



How to improve the health of your child?

What affects the health of the child? Family lifestyle, good and bad habits, the level of physical activity, the ratio of stress and rest, the quality of nutrition.

Today it is important for adults to form and maintain interest in a healthy lifestyle both among themselves and among children. This is especially true for those who are close to the baby from the very first days - his own parents. The life of a child is completely dependent on adults who care about his health and physical development.

What affects the health of the child?

Physical activity.

Incorrect posture and flat feet, weak immunity and frequent illnesses, low stamina - this is all a consequence of an inactive lifestyle. Physical education and sports are still the key to full physical development and good health. Encourage your child to be physically active. Instead of computer games - walks in the fresh air, visits to sports sections, morning exercises.

Proper nutrition.

The abuse of "fast foot", industrial sweets and carbonated drinks, overeating lead to a deficiency of nutrients, gastritis, dysbacteriosis and obesity.

Healthy eating involves the exclusion from the child's diet of foods with suspicious chemical composition, excess sugar and fat, low content of vitamins and other nutrients. The daily diet of a child should include natural products - vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat and fish, dairy dishes.

Walks in the open air.

The threat to the health of children is fraught not only with car exhaust gases, but also with ordinary household dust. Asthma and allergies, cough and runny nose are the most harmless consequences of inhaling dirty air. Walk - one of the essential components of the daily routine. Staying in the fresh air helps to increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child always normalizes appetite and sleep. The walk must be carried out in any weather, except for particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and footwear must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Usually, children enjoy participating in games organized by their parents when balls, hoops or other sports items are used.

Regime compliance.

The daily routine is a rational distribution of time for all types of activities and rest during the day. Its main goal is to ensure high mental and physical activity throughout the entire period of wakefulness. The mode is built on the basis of the biological rhythm of the functioning of the body. Sleep is an important part of the routine. It is important that the child falls asleep at the same time (both day and night). The child's home regimen should be a continuation of the kindergarten day regimen, and especially on weekends. The nervous system of a child aged 3-6 years is easily depleted during prolonged wakefulness, so preschoolers should also sleep during the day.

The implementation of the regimen, combined with the correct methodology for raising children, prevents them from overworking.


Strengthening the health of children by hardening increases their resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Systematic hardening develops in the body the ability to adapt to various conditions and changes in the external environment: to temperature changes, to windy and rainy weather.

Mastering cultural and hygienic skills.

Cultural and hygienic skills are one of the important factors in improving the health of the child. Under the guidance of adults, children are instilled with a love of cleanliness, neatness, and order. From early childhood, children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, eat neatly, keep their clothes in order, and treat objects with care.

Properly selected clothes and shoes.

Choose the right clothes and shoes for the child - in accordance with the season, age and physical activity of the child.

Formation of interest in the improvement of one's own body.

The sooner the child gets an idea about the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. But if a child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education and observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this. The principle of "do no harm" should be the basis of the physical education and development of the child.

Unfortunately, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for a child, as they themselves often abuse smoking and alcohol, prefer hours of watching TV shows and videos to active activities and devote very little time to hardening, physical education, and outdoor walks.

Bad habits of parents directly and indirectly influence the formation of these bad habits in children. Their destructive effect on the children's body can not be mentioned.

Do you love your child? Then it is in your power to make him healthier and stronger, more resilient to negative environmental factors, more resistant to diseases. Help your child stay healthy!

Parents often hear from pediatricians and other specialists that it is necessary to strengthen the child's immune system so that he gets sick less often, responds better to environmental changes, a change of scenery. But how to do it at home without resorting to medicines and vitamins? Let's talk about ways to improve the health of the child at home.

Strengthening immunity at home

The health of a child directly depends on the ability of his body to resist various infections and bacteria that surround us, the ability of the body to adapt to temperature changes in the environment. Helping your child not get sick after contact with other children, wet feet or walking in the wind is very simple. It is necessary from the very first days to introduce strengthening procedures, daily rituals into his life. (hardening, charging, etc.).

When a baby is born, he receives primary protection against pathogenic microbes with mother's milk. In the first months of life, the body of a small person gradually learns to distinguish between unwanted microorganisms and fight them. How well the immune system can fight back infection largely depends on the frequency of illness in a child.

Runny nose, sneezing, cough, frequent companions of the first year of life. The appearance of these signs without temperature indicates the activity of immune cells. It is not paradoxical, but if a child is sick 4 times a year, this is considered the norm. By interacting with infections, the cells of the immune system train their ability to distinguish pathogenic microorganisms from beneficial ones. Therefore, it is believed that the use of antibiotics in a child's illness is necessary only as a last resort. The principle of action of the antibiotic is the complete destruction of all microorganisms, including beneficial ones. But in any case, with an increase in temperature in a child, consult a doctor and get tested.

After illness and when the child is healthy you should carefully consider home methods of stimulating the child's immunity. In the arsenal of parents there should be several simple, time-tested ways:

  • Compliance with the daily routine;
  • Daily walks in the fresh air;
  • hardening procedures;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Massage.

The simplicity and availability of these methods to increase the immune response allows every family to help their baby become healthy and strong every day.

Daily regime

The first way to improve the health of a child at home is to create and follow a daily routine. Depending on the age of your crumbs, the duration and sequence of daily procedures and activities is different, but general principles the same for both infants and adolescents:

  • Compliance with the norms of sleep for the child. The total sleep time should correspond to the age norm. It is necessary to put the child to bed no later than 22.00.

Compliance with sleep norms allows the body to rest, assimilate the information received during the day, and prepare for new knowledge. This has a positive effect on the general condition of all organs and systems of the baby, improves the functioning of the immune system.

  • turnover different types activities. Educational and creative workload should alternately replace each other. The child does not overwork, which helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Meals at the same time. Children on breastfeeding in the first six months of life, they eat on demand, and with the introduction of the first complementary foods, it is advisable to start adhering to certain intervals between meals: 6-9 months - 3 - 3.5 hours; 9 -12 months - 3.5 - 4 hours. After transferring the child to the adult table, weaning, children eat 5 times a day: breakfast, afternoon snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Schoolchildren eat 3-4 times a day, with an interval between meals of 4 hours. Compliance with the diet allows the gastrointestinal tract to prepare for the next meal, to release a sufficient amount of the necessary enzymes. The process of digestion and assimilation is easier. This helps to strengthen the body.

The daily routine allows the child's body to get used to certain rituals (bathing, exercise, walking) carried out at the same time.

Proper nutrition

Proper, balanced nutrition of children plays an important role in ensuring harmonious development, maintaining immunity.. Every day, the child's diet should include vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals. Depending on the season, it is good to diversify the nutrition of a son or daughter with berries.

A good resistance to viruses and infections is provided by the body, all systems and organs of which receive the necessary amount of useful substances. Nutrition plays a major role in this. It is recommended to avoid fried, smoked, heavily salted, fast food in the child's diet.


In strengthening the health of the child, daily walks and outdoor games play an important role. It is recommended to go outside with a child for at least 2 hours a day in the warm season, at least 30 minutes a day in the cold.

Massage and exercise

Another way to improve the health of the child at home is massage for children under 1.5 years old and accustoming the baby to exercise after acquiring the skill of walking.

Massage for a toddler is introduced from the first days of a child's life and can be of several types:

  • Relaxing massage. Made for children from birth;
  • Warm-up massage. It is applied from 2 weeks of life;
  • Massage training. It is introduced after 1 month of life.

Acquaintance with massage begins from the first days of life and consists in lightly stroking the child's body, gentle movements of the arms and legs. After 2 weeks, warm-up elements are added to the strokes, giving a small load on the muscles of the legs and arms. Gradually, the child begins to master his body and the massage combines not only stroking, but various exercises. So, for example, at six months, a child can be offered to sit down during a massage, while the mother massages her back.

Techniques and massage techniques for a child up to a year differ from each other in intensity, methods with the involvement of muscles. Polyclinics usually have a dedicated physiotherapist nurse who can teach you how to do the right things for your child.

After the child learns to walk, you need to teach him to perform a set of exercises every morning in the morning - exercises. The complexity and duration of the morning set of exercises should be selected based on the age, skills, and interest of the child. In most cases for morning exercises 5-15 minutes and 10-15 stimulation exercises are enough different groups muscles (running, squats, stretching, tilting, walking, etc.). By teaching your child to start with exercises every morning, you make a great contribution to the health of your son or daughter. Light exercise stimulates blood circulation, gives vigor, allows the body to adapt more easily to changes - useful for the formation of immunity.

It is easy to create conditions for strengthening the health of a child, you just need to teach him to observe generally recognized standards of a healthy lifestyle. In the first weeks, the baby may resist, refuse to follow the proposed scheme, but after 21-30 days he will get used to it and will follow the path of health with pleasure all his life.

Natalya Anicheva
Ten Tips for Improving the Physical Health of Children "Recommendations for Parents"

Problems of education healthy child were and remain the most relevant in the practice of social and family education. And do you know that happy child- it is first of all healthy child?

Neither the quality nor the quantity of pediatricians is a problem children's health cannot be decided, because health much more dependent on mom and dad than on everyone else.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.

Foundation health, physical and mental, is laid in childhood. That is why it is very important in preschool age at children develop the habit of regular exercise physical culture.

It should be remembered that only in preschool age the most auspicious time to develop the right habits, which, in combination with the education of preschoolers health-saving conservation technologies and health promotion will lead to positive results.

To do this, we have prepared for you a few advice that will help you strengthen physical health your child:

Tip #1. Try to actively participate in health of your child. Not only tell him what to do so as not to get sick, but also personal example show the usefulness of personal hygiene, morning exercises, hardening, proper nutrition. ( For example: Start the morning with a healthy breakfast, arrange cycling, skiing, etc. on weekends with the whole family);

Tip #2. Teach your child to strictly observe the hygiene requirements for the cleanliness of the body, linen, clothes, and home. ( For example: Putting things in order in the house, do it not alone, but together with the child, explaining why you are doing this.);

Tip #3. Teach your child to build his day, alternating work and rest. Nothing hurts like this nervous system child, as the lack of a daily regimen. The rhythm of life, which includes classes physical exercises and sports, walks and games in the fresh air, as well as good nutrition and sound sleep are the best prevention of fatigue and illness.

Tip #4. Teach your child how to use natural health factors - the sun, air and water. Instill in your child the desire and habit to harden the body. The main types of hardening of the child's body - water procedures, walking barefoot, walking in the air and rubdown.

Tip #5. Remember that movement is life. Do sports with your child, walk more, play outdoors. healthy image life, cultivated in the family, is a pledge child health.

Tip #6. Help your child develop self-management skills health, especially when performing exercise.

Tip #7. Organize your child proper nutrition and foster a positive attitude towards dietary compliance. The child needs to know which foods are good and which are bad. health.

Tip #8.Teach a child elementary rules prevention of infectious diseases: stay away from those who cough and sneeze; do not use someone else's dishes, towels or toothbrushes; do not wear shoes or hats of others children. If a child is sick on his own, sneezes and coughs, he should know that he should cover his mouth and nose with a mask or handkerchief, do not play with friends, follow the doctor's orders

Tip #9. Introduce your child to the rules of safe behavior in the house, the street and teach him to follow these rules in order to avoid life-threatening situations.

Tip #10. Read popular science literature about the age and individual characteristics of a child's development, about how to teach him improve your health.

An example of harmful and healthy foods for children:

List of the most harmful foods

* Chips are a product that is a mixture of fats and carbohydrates, richly flavored with flavor substitutes and dyes. For the same reason, you should also avoid eating french fries.

* Chewy sweets, brightly colored candies with an intense smell - such products contain a considerable amount of chemical additives, dyes, substitutes, etc.

* Carbonated drinks - in addition to the high concentration of sugar contained in such drinks, they contain a large number of chemicals. Therefore, it is better to replace cola, fanta and other carbonated drinks with natural juices.

* Fast food is all fried food, which is very harmful to the child's body. It can disrupt digestion and cause symptoms such as heartburn, colitis, constipation, and gastritis.

* Mushrooms - absorb various substances from the soil, and not only useful ones. Among the harmful may be mercury, heavy metals. Mushrooms contain chitin, a substance that can cause allergic reactions. Therefore mushrooms recommend use for children only after 12 years.

* Sausages, sausages, smoked meats - These products contain a lot of dyes, flavors and preservatives. Therefore, children should not eat them, unless, of course, these are home-made products. In smoked meats (fish, sausages) may contain toxic substances.

List of the most useful products

* Apples - contain beneficial acids that inhibit the growth of putrefactive bacteria in the stomach and intestines, improve heart function, replenish the body with essential trace elements.

* Dairy products are a source of calcium needed for growth and strengthening of bone tissue. The bacteria contained in fermented milk products contribute to the normalization of the stomach and intestines.

* Bananas are not only tasty, but also healthy fruits containing a large amount of vitamins, which help relieve stress, replenish lost strength.

* Honey - due to its bactericidal properties, this product is widely used to treat many diseases.

* Green tea - promotes strengthening immunity.

* Fish - rich in substances useful for the human body - protein, fats and minerals.

* Onions - onions effectively fight colds, reduce the growth of pathogenic bacteria even after heat treatment.

Not so long ago, our children enjoyed the holidays, the warm sun and the sea. But we didn’t have time to enjoy the summer, as it was already October on the calendar, and with it the autumn coolness, excessive dampness and ... seasonal colds.

Moreover, with the start school year, stay in children's groups lead to the fact that various infections more often penetrate the body of the baby.

Speaking of childhood diseases, we are accustomed to focusing on treatment. Although equally important is the correct restoring the health of the baby after illness. What needs to be done so that the child becomes active and joyful again as soon as possible? What preventive measures do experts recommend to strengthen immunity? Let's figure it out together.

First of all, it should be noted that immunity It is the ability of the body to resist infections and prevent various diseases.

What are the signs of a weakened immune system?

As a rule, the disease after its departure leaves the body's immunity lowered. Main signs of a weakened immune system child are:

  • lethargy;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • poor health, the inability to hold attention for a long time;
  • increased susceptibility to new infections;

In addition to infections, a reduced protective background provokes the penetration of pathogens and the occurrence of allergic reactions. In addition, an imbalance in the immune system can lead to autoimmune diseases, in which immune cells begin to destroy their own tissues.

Therefore, strengthening the immune system after illness is extremely important.

What to do if the child is very weak after an illness?

In order for your child to quickly recover from an illness, he needs to provide:

1. Balanced diet, which allows the baby's body to receive all the substances necessary for recovery. To do this, parents should offer the child:

  • light food- it is better to give foods that are easily digestible and do not put an additional burden on the digestive system;
  • complete diet- Vitamins and microelements should be mandatory in the composition of food. Make sure that the menu is varied and includes all the necessary components. During the recovery period, vegetables and fruits are mandatory in the daily diet.
  • adequate amount of food. In the process of recovery, the child's appetite will improve, and in accordance with this, the amount of food should be increased. But in no case should you overfeed the child, trying to catch up. After an illness, it will be very difficult for a child's body to cope with big amount food.
  • drinking regimen, which is an essential component of immunotherapy. Restoring immunity requires acceptance a large number liquids (at the same time, the temperature of drinks should not be lower than body temperature). This will help remove toxins from the body and compensate for fluid loss.

2. Ventilation and maintain humidity. During recovery, it is very important that the room where the baby is located has access to fresh air. Therefore, do not forget to ventilate the room 2-3 times a day.

Drying of mucous membranes can lead to re-penetration of pathogens. To prevent this, you need to maintain the humidity in the room at 50-70%. Providing it at a sufficient level can help you humidifier. In addition, daily wet cleaning in the baby’s room will not be superfluous, because bacteria and viruses accumulate in the dust.

3. Gradual increase in physical activity, which stimulates all body systems, enriches cells with oxygen, which leads to stabilization of their work and restoration of immune forces.

If during the acute period of the disease the child's mobility must be limited to prevent complications, then during the recovery period, physical activity is welcome. Yes, you can do it with a child. exercises, breathing exercises etc.

However, the baby does not need serious loads immediately after the illness (therefore, it is better to postpone classes in the sports section or dancing for the time being). In addition, physical activity may be limited according to the doctor's indications for certain diseases.

4. Healthy sleep. The child should be provided with a full-fledged sleep (daytime rest is mandatory for preschoolers), because its lack interferes with the recovery process of the body and reduces the barrier qualities of the immune system.

5. Walks in the fresh air. When the child is strong enough, you can go for a walk with him, play ball or other outdoor games. However, be sure to ensure that the baby does not sweat and does not overwork.

In addition, when taking a child outside, remember that his body is still quite vulnerable to infections. That's why avoid visiting crowded places.

The time required for recovery depends on the severity of the disease and its course. If we are talking about the flu or SARS, then recovery period usually is 1-2 weeks. In any case, after an acute period of illness, a certain time must necessarily pass before your baby goes back to school or kindergarten.

And how to protect a child from the flu and increase his immunity?

Today in Ukraine, the use of immunomodulators, immunostimulants and other drugs “to improve immunity” and speedy recovery is very common.

However there are no independent scientific studies yet, which would prove that Immunostimulants are effective in preventing influenza, SARS or colds.

  • According to the presenter expert immunologist, doctor Eric Hughes, immunostimulants are used in medicine for serious diseases (for example, oncology), when there are serious grounds for such interference in the immune system.

Not tested by research and advice to take vitamin C, echinacea extract or herbal preparations to prevent disease or improve the barrier resources of the immune system.

Uliana Suprun, and about. health minister, also warns against the use of multivitamins in order to strengthen immunity: “There is no evidence that they improve health or prevent sickness. It is not recommended to take them "just in case".

It is worth remembering that the conclusion Does the child need to prescribe vitamins and which ones, can only do pediatrician based on the analyses.

To date the only proven method of preventing influenza and prevention of its severe complications is vaccination. Doctors note that it takes 2-3 weeks to form immunity after vaccination, so it is advisable to do it before the end of October or mid-November in order to protect yourself from the first outbreaks.

Besides, To maintain the immunity of the child at the proper level will help:

  • balanced diet;
  • full sleep (children from 7 years old need to sleep at least 9-10 hours);
  • physical exercise;
  • indoor air humidification; frequent washing hands, wiping the table, keyboard, phone screen and other surfaces with disinfectants.

That's why boost your immune system the right way, contact your family doctor for advice and be healthy!

How can you improve your child's health? How to strengthen the child's immunity?

What only loving parents do not do for their child to be healthy. Some constantly give children some pills, drops and vitamins. Others run with their child barefoot in the snow and swim in the hole. Let's take a look at some of the ways you can improve your child's health.

Before you start any wellness procedures: massage, hardening, herbs, vitamins, etc., consult with your child's pediatrician.

Wellness programs

It is good for health to conduct comprehensive wellness programs. Talk to your pediatrician about how to create an individual wellness program for your child.

Approximate health complex (table). Consult your pediatrician before use!




Cranberry or lingonberry juice

Twice a year for two weeks. To strengthen the body during an increase in colds

Ascorbic acid

Twice a year, 1 tablet, two weeks


Twice a year in winter and spring, course - 1 month

Mineral water

Twice a year for two weeks before bed

Rosehip syrup

With increased physical or mental stress

Vitamin tea (dried rose hips - 1 tsp, chamomile - 1 tsp, honey - 2 tsp)

In winter, and only if the child is not allergic to tea components

Oxygen cocktail

200 ml, 1 time per day, 1 month (two courses per year)

During an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, as a rule, this occurs in the cold season, before going out, it is advisable to lubricate the child's nose with oxalin ointment.

Acupressure of biologically active points of the body according to the system of Professor Alla Alekseevna Umanskaya. Helps to strengthen the child's immunity.

The essence of the method lies in the impact of fingers on 9 point zones on the child's body (Fig.). Massage increases the protective properties of the membranes of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs.

In order for the massage to achieve a positive result, you need to do it regularly, without gaps. Better if acupressure will become a habit. Then he will give a positive result. You need to massage the points in order, first point 1, then 2, etc., without violating the sequence.

It is necessary to start the massage with short-cut nails, clean and warm hands, hydrated nourishing cream. Before applying the technique to your child, consult a pediatrician and try the massage on yourself.

Press on the point with the pads of one or more fingers. Then make screwing movements - 9 times counterclockwise and the same number clockwise, then move on to the next zone.

Points 3 and 4 are massaged differently. They need to be massaged simultaneously with both hands, rubbing from top to bottom from the back to the front of the neck. All symmetrical points (6, 7, 8) also massage at the same time.

Helpful for children's immune system hardening .

Airing the room

The air temperature in the child's room should be from 20 to 22 C. Airing in winter can be carried out in the presence of the child, just avoid drafts. Due to open vents and windows, a decrease in air temperature by 1 degree is quickly achieved. Airing is repeated in winter 4-5 times a day, and in summer the access of fresh cool air should be constant.

Water procedures with a child

Shared baths with dousing. Bathe your baby as usual with a bath temperature of around 37°C. In another container, prepare water for the first dousing, it should be 10 ° C lower. First, pour cool water over the feet, and then the back along the spine to the back of the head. Dry the child with a terry towel. Take out of the bathroom and put on immediately. It is recommended every 3-5 days to reduce the temperature of the water for douching by one degree, reaching a water temperature of 18-20 °C.

Jokes when pouring. To make it more interesting for the child during dousing, you can tell the child rhymes-jokes that are passed down from generation to generation. Every time a mother or grandmother rinsed a child with clean, cool water, they said: “Like water off a goose, with (child’s name) thinness!”

And I heard this joke since childhood:

Water, water - clean, bright,

Take away all sorrows, hardships, illnesses.

evil eye look,

Bad language word.

Where you flow, there you carry.

Thanks to such rhymes, good and tender relations are established between an adult and a child. Our grandmothers knew this very well, for each case they had their own funny rhyme. For example, if a woman started baking pancakes, she always sang a cheerful song to the children with a simple motive:

The first pancake is lumpy

The second one is familiar.

The third pancake - distant relatives,

And the fourth is for me.

Wet rubdowns for children

You need to start wet rubdowns by preparing the child's skin for the upcoming procedures. To do this, rub the body, arms and legs of the child every morning with a dry flannel cloth to a pink color, but this should be done gently. After 7-10 days, you can start a wet rubdown. Moisten a terry towel in water (35-36 ° C - in winter and 33-34 ° C - in summer), wring out and wipe your hands from fingers to shoulder, legs - from feet to thigh, chest, stomach, back. Thus, a combination of the action of massage and water is achieved. Immediately after a wet wipe, wipe with a dry towel until slightly reddened. Once every 5 days, the temperature of the water for rubbing is reduced by 1 degree, bringing it to 28 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 3-4 minutes. It is better to spend it before daytime sleep.
