How julia roberts hairstyle has changed over the years. Julia roberts demonstrated a new hair color What color to dye her hair julia roberts

Since the release of the legendary “Pretty Woman”, curls have become the hallmark of the actress. Despite the fact that Julia has changed more than once, the image of Vivian with a mop of copper-red hair has remained the most memorable. platinum blonde c short haircut, a brunette with a fashionable bob, a blonde with a classic "ladder" - BeautyHack has collected the best hairstyles of Julia Roberts.

In 1989, no one knew the actress with a gorgeous smile, curly long hair and porcelain skin. A year later, everyone was talking about Roberts: the role of Vivian made her a star. Despite many beauty experiments, Julia is still associated with a mop of curly hair and a parting on one side - in the early 90s, the movie image became legendary.

At the premiere of Pretty Woman in 1991, Roberts unexpectedly appeared with a short haircut and platinum blonde hair. The actress had to part with her hair for the role of the Tinker Bell fairy in the movie Captain Hook, in which she played with Robin Williams. The image turned out not too natural, but stylish.

Until 1997, Julia Roberts' hair color ranged from light brown to chestnut. Then the actress preferred shoulder length and periodically cut her bangs. Short haircuts go Roberts, emphasizing youth and unusual facial features.

Before a promotional tour in support of Ryan Murphy's painting "Eat, Pray, Love," Roberts dyed her hair in a brunette, preferring a deep chocolate shade - unexpectedly!

Before the Oscars, Roberts went blonde again. By the way, few people know, but this is her natural color hair. Julia first joined the blondes in 2001 before filming the movie Ocean's 11.

In April 2017, The People magazine recognized Julia the most beautiful woman peace. The still graceful Roberts wears shoulder-length hair, makes California highlights For natural effect burnt hair, and proud of his wrinkles.

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And didn't change appearance, although the actress's hair quite often and dynamically changed its appearance. But that was in the crazy 90s, when fashion was crazy and made a lot of mistakes.

Let's see, not only how it developed, but also on the example of one of the most famous actresses of our time. In addition, the peak of Julia Roberts's popularity came in the 90s, and looking at the beauty images of that decade is rather curious.

See how the main one looked at different stages of her career.

In 1989, she was still an unknown young actress with incredibly curly hair and a wide, amazing smile. Untouched by makeup and stylists natural beauty cannot but rejoice.

1990 became quite decisive for the actress when she tried on the image of a girl prostitute from the movie Pretty Woman. Her slightly cheeky look and famous curls made her too cute not to fall in love.

In 1991, Roberts drastically changed her image for the role of Tinker Bell in the film "Hook". The then version, although it looked quite attractive on it, it is immediately clear that it is “not right”.

Large curls on and a light, almost imperceptible presence of makeup make her face more interesting, but deprive her of femininity.

Expressive eyebrows and cheekbones, natural but unruly curls, white and clean skin- this is how the appearance and style of Julia Roberts is remembered for most fans.

In 1995 Julia Roberts radically changed her appearance, cut her hair short and repainted it in a real one. It didn't look very natural, but it was interesting enough.

The actress can be safely called a trendsetter, since in 1997 she was seen with a fashionable hairstyle for that time and now trendy blorange coloring (or its early variation). This hair color looked more harmonious with her appearance. And, as always, a complete lack of makeup.

In 1999, her hair darkened, and the whole beauty look took on a more adult and feminine look. A little mascara on the eyes, curls with still short hair and that is all. Minimalism sometimes looks very appropriate.

In 2001, the feminine and noble style of Roberts only strengthened and gained momentum. She began to appear in large jewelry, with light, but noticeable and interesting evening styling.

In 2003, she reappears with a short haircut and already red, almost fiery hair, which favorably sets off the color of the actress's eyes. Makeup became as bright as her hair.

A noticeable change in style after was in 2006, when the actress appeared with long dark hair and bangs, which at the same time made her appearance more interesting, shed a couple of years, but also added age. Perhaps the lack of makeup is to blame and too dark shade hair.

In 2009, the actress looked more familiar to the present time. Blonde, honey-colored hair, long and wavy hair, no makeup and a wide smile.

In 2011, she again did not pass by the trends and was one of the first to try out a kind of version. Honey shades in overflow with brown looked very attractive on the actress.

In 2015, she again radically changed her image, returning to the row of red-haired beauties. A bit of makeup, defined eyebrows and a rich shade long hair can't paint.

Now she has changed her style again, opting for a light shade of hair. Smile, prominent eyebrows and curly hair remained unchanged. However, some eye makeup has appeared, which is not necessary. In her case.

Julia Roberts, that same red-haired beast from the cult melodrama "Pretty Woman", not only won the hearts of millions of both men and women around the world, but also managed to maintain her special attractiveness for 20 years, despite the fact that her style changed repeatedly .

That being said, her glam team of stylists doesn't take all the credit. “Julia hardly needs me,” hairdresser Serge Norman says of the famed curly-haired Hollywood star and Academy Award winner.

And, according to makeup artist Genevieve Guerre, “Julia loves low-key, sophisticated makeup. She is quite special, and she always has the same make-up.”

The star of the new film “Eat, Pray, Love” herself, instead of modern achievements in cosmetology, says that her elixir of youth lies in the form of her three children and loving husband Danny Modera. To makeup artist Genevieve Guerre said, “Now that she has kids, she has reached her beauty peak.”

Let's see how the style has changed, and with it the hairstyle of Julia Roberts over the years:

1985: Gorgeous Teen Graduates high school Campbell in Smyrna, Georgia.

1989: The Steel Magnolias star shows off her gorgeous curls as if to say, "I'm a simple girl from a small town in Georgia with a gigantic, ridiculous dream!"

1991: Julia Roberts cut off her chic locks and dyed her hair blonde for the role of Tinker Bell in Hook.

1994: The I Love Trouble star played her part with a sexy bob cut and signature red hair.

2001: The natural blonde appeared on the big screen in the super hit movie with Hollywood mega-stars Ocean's Eleven and returned to her original color with a hairdo with sharply divided locks.

2007: After playing in the movie "Charlie Wilson's War", Julia Roberts again returned to the red shade of red-red hair, the usual length and curls - everything the guys like.

2009: After filming Nothing Personal, Julia Roberts told Entertainment Weekly, “Being in a movie as a mother of three under 3? This is an achievement that I am proud of!”, and again the actress became a gorgeous blonde!

2010: The Golden Globe nominee appeared on the red carpet in beautiful golden locks and her trademark super charming smile.

No, it's not that we were unaccustomed to seeing the blonde Cameron in a dark color. The fact is that monochrome black looked “cheap”, and even added 5 years to the actress. Fortunately, she looked at her photos and immediately repainted.

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