Hair color like julia roberts. Julia Roberts showed off a new hair color

Since the release of the legendary “Pretty Woman”, curls have become the hallmark of the actress. Despite the fact that Julia has changed more than once, the image of Vivian with a mop of copper-red hair has remained the most memorable. Platinum blonde with a short haircut, brunette with a fashionable bob, blonde with a classic "ladder" - BeautyHack has collected the best Julia Roberts hairstyles.

In 1989, an actress with a gorgeous smile, curly hair long hair and porcelain skin no one knew. A year later, everyone was talking about Roberts: the role of Vivian made her a star. Despite many beauty experiments, Julia is still associated with shock curly hair and a parting on one side - in the early 90s, the film image became legendary.

At the premiere of Pretty Woman in 1991, Roberts unexpectedly appeared with a short haircut and platinum blonde hair. The actress had to part with her hair for the role of the Tinker Bell fairy in the movie Captain Hook, in which she played with Robin Williams. The image turned out not too natural, but stylish.

Until 1997, Julia Roberts' hair color ranged from light brown to chestnut. Then the actress preferred shoulder length and periodically cut her bangs. Short haircuts go Roberts, emphasizing youth and unusual facial features.

Before a promotional tour in support of Ryan Murphy's painting "Eat, Pray, Love," Roberts dyed her hair in a brunette, preferring a deep chocolate shade - unexpectedly!

Before the Oscars, Roberts went blonde again. By the way, few people know, but this is her natural hair color. Julia first joined the blondes in 2001 before filming the movie Ocean's 11.

In April 2017, The People magazine recognized Julia the most beautiful woman peace. The still graceful Roberts wears shoulder-length hair, makes California highlights For natural effect burnt hair, and proud of his wrinkles.

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Each new role, shooting a video or just going on the red carpet requires famous women to change their appearance.

And, as a rule, fashionable make-up or a haircut is not limited here. In order to shine even brighter, the star beauties are ready for the most cardinal step - to change the hair color!

True, if someone takes risks and then drinks champagne, then for someone the desire to experiment ends in complete failure!

Remembering the actress who does not leave the ranking of the sexiest women on the planet, we always imagine her only with blond strands. And nothing else! Alas, Scarlett did not know about this and the result is obvious. Fortunately, the actress quickly caught on and corrected the mistake.

But the most important "beauty" of television screens has problems with accuracy and vice versa! Julia Roberts suits all shades of red, copper and even dark chestnut, but not blond!

Knowing today's Victoria Beckham as a standard of style and taste, few people can believe that in her youth she experimented with her appearance to the fullest and not always successfully. And if the fans can still forgive her daring haircuts and styling, then the bleaching of naturally black hair will never!

Agree, comments are unnecessary here!

But actress Drew Barrymore can be safely called a bully when it comes to changes in appearance. And it seems that in the palette of colors and shades there is not one that she would not try on herself. But you must admit, a cardinal white and black ombre is already too much!

Rarely when natural brunettes manages to "painlessly" turn into a blonde. But in the case of Anne Hathaway, it's like a clear reminder that it's best never to do this. Never!

How do you also not recognize this girl without blond curls? Apparently, the actress and singer Ashlee Simpson with a new red hair so often had to prove that she is a fairly well-known character in the world of show business, that it was easier to spit and quickly return everything to its place. What did she do!

Every platinum blonde's nightmare is yellow hair. That's why girls tend to get only to the best masters of their work, so as not to cry bitterly, holding burnt strands in their hands. And fans of Lindsay Lohan still cannot decide - the actress dyed her hair herself or just visited an economy class hairdresser, because her yellow blond seems to them worse than that very nightmare!

Once a year, as scheduled, the most popular star of her own family reality show, Kim Kardashian, goes from a burning brunette to a blonde. True, this failed experiment then does not last long - no more than a month, but even this time is enough for several tons of criticism to pour out on the "bright" head of the TV personality!

In the life of every girl there comes a moment when it seems that hair color can change life (personal and in better side). And the most famous women in this business are no exception. Interestingly, in 2006, such a “shock therapy” helped Cameron or not, but she did the hype for sure. Fortunately, today the face of the actress is again illuminated by her signature smile, the ring finger adorns the ring, and she sees no other alternative to blond strands. And right!

Julia Roberts, that same red-haired beast from the cult melodrama "Pretty Woman", not only won the hearts of millions of both men and women around the world, but also managed to maintain her special attractiveness for 20 years, despite the fact that her style changed repeatedly .

That being said, her glam team of stylists doesn't take all the credit. “Julia hardly needs me,” hairdresser Serge Norman says of the famed curly-haired Hollywood star and Academy Award winner.

And, according to makeup artist Genevieve Guerre, “Julia loves low-key, sophisticated makeup. She is quite special, and she always has the same make-up.”

The star of the new film “Eat, Pray, Love” herself, instead of modern achievements in cosmetology, says that her elixir of youth lies in the form of her three children and loving husband Danny Modera. To makeup artist Genevieve Guerre said, “Now that she has kids, she has reached her beauty peak.”

Let's see how the style has changed, and with it the hairstyle of Julia Roberts over the years:

1985: Gorgeous Teen Graduates high school Campbell in Smyrna, Georgia.

1989: The Steel Magnolias star shows off her gorgeous curls as if to say, "I'm a simple girl from a small town in Georgia with a gigantic, ridiculous dream!"

1991: Julia Roberts cut off her chic locks and dyed her hair blonde for the role of Tinker Bell in Hook.

1994: The I Love Trouble star played her part with a sexy bob cut and signature red hair.

2001: The natural blonde appeared on the big screen in the super hit movie with Hollywood mega-stars Ocean's Eleven and returned to her original color with a hairdo with sharply divided locks.

2007: After playing in the movie "Charlie Wilson's War", Julia Roberts again returned to the red shade of red-red hair, the usual length and curls - everything the guys like.

2009: After filming Nothing Personal, Julia Roberts told Entertainment Weekly, “Being in a movie as a mother of three under 3? This is an achievement that I am proud of!”, and again the actress became a gorgeous blonde!

2010: The Golden Globe nominee appeared on the red carpet in beautiful golden locks and her trademark super charming smile.

No, it's not that we were unaccustomed to seeing the blonde Cameron in a dark color. The fact is that monochrome black looked “cheap”, and even added 5 years to the actress. Fortunately, she looked at her photos and immediately repainted.

Britney Spears - chestnut

Britney's experiments with chestnut were also unsuccessful. It seems to us that the singer could fit dark color hair, don’t choose a dye with a reddish undertone. Down with!


Lindsay Lohan - yellow blonde

It seems that Lindsey did not make up at the Hollywood stylist, but at home herself with the help of perhydrol. Well, or at least such a hairstyle is worthy of a provincial economy-class hairdresser. Lindsey, what's gotten into you?

Drew Barrymore - contrasting ombre

She freaked out ... There is no other way to explain this image of Drew Barrymore. The only plus of this “ombre” is that the black ends can be removed with scissors in no time.

Scarlett Johansson - brown hair

Another blonde who shouldn't have changed her style. Becoming a brown-haired woman, Scarlett seems to have lost her "zest". However, the actress herself quickly realized this and returned to her previous hair color.

Julia Roberts - blonde

But what happens when a natural brown-haired woman with dark eyes and eyebrows decides to turn into a blonde. Yes, and with a yellow undertone! Julia, we promise that we will try to forget this outing of yours as soon as possible ...

Victoria Beckham - blonde

At the beginning of the 2000s, Victoria was a very glamorous girl - so glamorous that today the stylish Beckham probably wants to forget her experiments with clothes, and the blond, which did not paint her at all.

Ashlee Simpson - redhead

Once Ashlee Simpson dyed her fiery red ... She looked like this for a couple of days and again went to the stylist. Not her!

0 30 July 2018, 12:30

Another star who decided on the image became. The other day, the actress appeared on the Great Mental Challenge show, during which she spoke about the filming of the TV series Homecoming, and also demonstrated new color hair. The actress went blonde again.

Recall that this fall, the Amazon channel will present the psychological thriller "Homecoming", in which Roberts played the main role. At the center of the story - Social worker Heidi, she works for a secret government organization and helps soldiers get back to normal after the war. The series is based on the popular Gimlet Media podcast series in the United States, which touches on important social issues.

During the broadcast, Roberts revealed how thrilled she was to be working with longtime friend, 54-year-old actor Dermot Mulroney, once again. The stars starred together in the film "Wedding best friend"(My Best Friend" s Wedding), released in 1997, and in the film "August: Osage County" (August: Osage County) 2013.

According to Roberts, she was not looking for options to return to TV when the representatives of the show approached her with their offer.
