How to use depilatory wax at home. Choosing a cartridge wax for epilation

  • 1. Methods for heating wax
  • 1.1. On a water bath
  • 1.2. in the microwave
  • 1.3. Granules or pieces
  • 1.4. in cartridge
  • 2. Frequently Asked Questions
  • 2.1. Which stove is best for melting wax?

Ways to heat up wax

The finished product can be bought in stores along with instructions that describe in detail how to heat it and to what temperature. This is very important information, because an overheated mixture can burn delicate skin, and the cold mass will not be able to effectively remove hairs.

On a water bath

You can melt the wax at home in a water bath. Pour a little liquid into a wide saucepan, place a container with wax particles in the center. Put everything on the included stove, in case of boiling water, reduce the heat. Constantly stirring the substance to reduce the time required for melting. After the complete disappearance of the grains and the formation of a homogeneous mass, remove the pan from the heat. On average, a water bath takes 5-10 minutes, depending on the amount of substance.

Before applying the mass to the skin, it is necessary to check the temperature, for warm wax it should not exceed 37 degrees, and for hot wax - 45 degrees. The comfort of the mass is tested on the inside of the wrist.

in the microwave

You can heat the wax for depilation in the microwave. For safety reasons, remove the foil from the can or cartridge. Be sure to place the wax in a heat-resistant container. The time required to melt the mass depends on its volume and the power of the device. For example, at 650W, the mass is melted in a microwave oven for almost a minute, at 850W, the time is reduced to 45 seconds, and if the power is 1000W, then half a minute is enough.

If the container with the product was initially not full, then the process goes even faster. It should be remembered that along with the wax, the temperature of the melting container will increase, so take it out carefully.

If the mixture is not warm enough, you can set the microwave timer for another 15 seconds. After each turning on the device, the temperature of the mass on the hand is checked.

Repeated heating and cooling of the wax does not affect its quality in any way.

Granules or pieces

To melt pieces or granules of wax, it is best to use a jar wax melter. Depending on its power, it takes from 15 to 30 minutes to heat the mass. Do not forget about the composition of the product, light azulene mixtures become usable much faster than refractory compounds.

If it is not possible to melt the mass into special device, then it is melted using a conventional microwave and a steam bath.

in cartridge

There are two ways to heat the wax in the cartridge. In wax, it is quite affordable and easy to get for home use. On the packaging with wax, manufacturers often indicate the required temperature, it remains to set the appropriate mode.

Modern wax makers are equipped with various indicators (a sound signal or a light bulb), as soon as the mass reaches the desired value, the device will report this. Some models have a special thermostat that allows you to maintain the optimal paraffin temperature throughout the epilation.

Another one gaining popularity original way melting cartridge wax for depilation - using an iron. The product is wrapped in fabric and gently ironed with a warm iron, this is an important condition that will prevent the fabric from getting dirty and quickly kindling.


Which stove is best for melting wax?

If it is better to cook food on gas, then from the point of view of safety, an electric device is more suitable for melting paraffin. This is explained simply: in the process of heating, the mass first becomes liquid, and then passes into a gaseous form. The likelihood of ignition of wax gases is much lower on an electric stove.

If a safe type of stove is not available, place the substance in a wide saucepan to prevent the fire from contacting the wax fumes.

When using any method of melting a solid mass, do not leave it unattended and stir constantly to ensure even heating. If possible, use a thermometer so as not to apply too hot a mass even on a test area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and wax depilation was effective.

Many people prefer to use wax instead of a depilator, arguing that wax is safer and even more useful. There are several types of wax. Most waxes need to be heated before use, although there are special cold waxes that are ready to “use” right away. But today we will talk about wax, which must be heated. Such wax includes warm wax and hot wax.

Warm wax provides for the use paper strips, and with hot wax, their use is not necessary at all. Wax, as a rule, is sold in a special packaging-cartridge. There should be a voskoplav, but sometimes it happens that it is not included in the kit. What to do in this case? How to heat the wax in the cartridge?

By general rule, the wax package itself should describe how to heat the wax at home, but some manufacturers do not bother with these instructions, and poor women have to invent everything themselves. Here are some really working ways to heat wax at home.

First, wax can be heated with an iron. The main thing is to heat the wax through the fabric, otherwise the wax will quickly melt, stick to the sole of the iron and the iron can be thrown away. The item will be damaged. Secondly, wax is well heated in a water bath. We put a pot of water on the fire. Place a container of wax on top. The vessel with wax is heated by steam, and the wax melts. This method is suitable for both packaged wax and wax in cartridges.

Thirdly, wax can be heated in a special device called a wax cartridge heater. In addition to the above methods, wax can be heated under running water. This method is one of the most convenient, since you can control the temperature of the wax, so to speak, in real time and you won’t have to waste time if you suddenly overheat the wax.

The wax can also be melted in the microwave. But this can not be done with every wax, and it is better to manage with the above methods. However, if you still decide to heat the wax in the microwave, then you should adhere to a few simple rules.

Firstly, if the instructions do not say that the wax can be heated in a microwave oven, then the wax should be placed under heating in the microwave for no more than 2-3 minutes. If the jar does not start to melt, hiss, bubble or make some other sounds or deform, then you can heat it for another 5 minutes. At the same time, the jar of wax must be opened, turned over and put on a plate so that the heated wax drains onto it. The most important thing is not to burn yourself on the jar or on the wax itself when you get it out of the oven.

If you need to make an epilation, a warming application, medical or decorative candles, you should figure out how to melt the wax at home. You can use a water bath, microwave or wax melter.

It is most convenient to melt wax for epilation in a wax maker.

You can melt the wax at home in a minute in the microwave.

How to melt wax with a wax melter

In beauty salons, wax is heated with a special electrical appliance - a wax melter. By design, such devices are canned and cassette. Wax melters of the first type are capable of heating a large volume of wax or paraffin at a time. It takes them 15-20 minutes to do this.

Devices of the second type are intended for heating wax in cartridges. Cassette waxers, in turn, come with and without a stand. The former melt the wax in 20-25 minutes, the latter in 30-40 minutes.

Advantages of working with wax:

  • The compact device takes up little space, it can be taken on the road.
  • It consumes minimum energy and is safe to use.
  • Wax in the device quickly heats up to the set temperature.
  • Thanks to the thermostat, the heated hot product does not freeze.

Using the wax is convenient and simple. Since it is inexpensive, it can be purchased for home treatments. waxing. Undoubtedly, it will also come in handy for craftswomen who are fond of making candles. If you have to use hot wax from time to time, it is better to use other methods of heating.

How to melt wax in the microwave and in a water bath

If the house has a microwave oven, the bee product can be heated in it. To do this, completely remove the foil from the cartridge or jar. Melt the wax in heat-resistant glass. The heating time is set based on the power of the microwave. At 650W, wax is kept in the oven for a minute, at 850W - 45 seconds, at 1000W - 40 seconds. If the jar has already been started, the heating time should be reduced by a third.

Instructions on how to melt wax in a water bath.

  • Pour some water into a large saucepan.
  • A bowl or mug with crushed wax is placed in it.
  • The pot is placed on the stove.
  • After the water boils, the fire is reduced.
  • The wax is constantly stirred to speed up the melting process.
  • When there are no grains left in the mass, the pan can be removed.

Depending on the volume of wax, it takes from 5 to 10 minutes to heat it.

Beeswax is a unique biologically active product obtained as a result of the vital activity of bees. Known in medicine since the time of Hippocrates and Avicenna, today one can observe the increased interest of a large number of people in its specific properties. At the same time, many have heard about the benefits of the substance, but not everyone knows how and in what cases it is correct to use it, how to melt beeswax and what is required for this.

Video: How to melt the base in a water bath

What you need to know about wax

The composition of the substance is quite complex, includes about 300 useful components, due to which it is widely used:

  • in pharmacology;
  • for cosmetic purposes;
  • in the manufacture of candles;
  • in polishing compositions for wood products.

Home craftsmen on its basis prepare various medicines, added to face and body masks, hair removal, decorative candles, etc.

Before use, as a rule, the wax should be melted. Everyone can do this, adhering to a number of simple rules. The first thing to consider is that dishes with a substance are not allowed to be placed directly on the flame. Melting temperature natural product- 62-65 degrees, at 100 - boiling begins, which is unacceptable, since the structure of the material is destroyed, and it loses its beneficial features. It is impossible to melt wax in containers made of copper or iron, it is better to use stainless steel or enameled products.

There are several ways to melt the product:

  • in a water bath
  • in the microwave
  • in a wax maker

Melting wax using a water bath

Before proceeding with melting in the bath, it is better to cut the material into pieces or chop it on a grater. If the product is intended for epilation, this can be omitted. The container where the substance is placed must have a suitable long handle, which will help to quickly remove the dishes, preventing the mass from boiling. Would be nice if it had a non-stick coating. Next, prepare a container larger than the one with wax, pour water and put on fire.

Advice: it is better to use a gas burner rather than an electric stove, because after turning it off it will immediately stop heating, while the second one will continue to heat until it cools down.

As soon as the water becomes hot, dishes with material can be placed in it. It is necessary to stir the contents all the time so that the mass does not burn and reaches uniformity.

Attention: at temperatures above 62 degrees, the wax will begin to melt. If it is intended for the manufacture of candles, coloring components and flavors can be added at this stage.

    • Constantly monitor the melting process;
    • Use a thermometer to control the temperature of the product. Do not let the temperature rise above 75 degrees, otherwise the wax will turn dark and lose its honey smell;
    • Watch the water level, top up if necessary;
    • Use gloves;
    • Do not fill the dishes to the top, make sure that it does not spill over the edge.

Once the mass has melted, it can be poured into molds, or used for its intended purpose. The water bath is considered the safest method of melting.

Video: How to melt wax, paraffin, stearin

Warming wax in the microwave

The question of how to heat the wax at home will help solve the microwave. For this, glassware is used, where the required amount of material is placed. As in the previous case, the product can be crumbled with a knife or a grater can be used. The warm-up time depends on the power of the furnace and capacity, but usually does not exceed 60 seconds.


  • Set minimum power
  • Do not cover the container
  • During cooking, monitor the dissolution of the mass
  • Don't boil

Attention: in a microwave oven, a product intended for cosmetic purposes, in particular, hair removal, is usually heated. This wax goes on sale in special jars and cartridges. There are several important points not to be overlooked:

  • Carefully remove all foil from the package after opening.
  • Please note that the duration of heating must be indicated on the packaging, i.e. how long it takes to melt the substance
  • If the instructions do not require the use of a microwave, then the heating time should not exceed 2-3 minutes.
  • It is better to open a jar of wax and place it on a plate in order to prevent leakage to the surface of the furnace.
  • Use an oven mitt to avoid burns

We use wax melt

If the waxing procedure is a frequent occurrence, it is better to think about buying a waxer. Voskoplav is a device that automatically heats the material to the desired temperature.

Advantages of the device:

  • compact;
  • safe;
  • heats up quickly;
  • saves electricity;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature.

Depending on the shape of the container with the product, there are three types of apparatus:

  • cassette- the material is placed in special cassettes or cartridges. Easy to use as there is a roller applicator. These heaters are ideal for home use.
  • canned- the mass is in jars, usually the device is purchased by beauty salons. The material is applied with a spatula and, when cooled, forms the thinnest film. Such a wax melter must be equipped with a lid to protect it from splashing.
  • combined- a multifunctional device, where there is a place for both cassettes and jars. Its advantages include the ability to set a specific temperature for each type of product.

Yellow wax is the best material for melting at home

There are many types of beeswax, each with its own characteristics. One of the best is considered yellow. It is it that is most often used in home melting for the preparation of face and body skin care products, because it contains a large number of vitamin A, which is destroyed when the wax is bleached. ethnoscience also focuses on yellow wax.

Its advantages:

It is important not to make a mistake in the choice of wax and not to purchase a counterfeit product. Natural can be distinguished by:

  • pleasant honey smell;
  • uniform coloring;
  • by structure: it will easily split upon impact and at the break you can see a pronounced fine grain.

Important: when heated, the color does not change! The problem of how to melt this type of wax is solved according to the principles described above, a double boiler, slow cooker, portable refrigerator using foil and solar energy can also be used.

Video: Waxing a plastic mini honeycomb frame

Good to know: wax for impregnating the floor in the bath is especially popular, since this procedure does not make it slippery. Special care should be taken when waxing the ceiling, as it is subject to the most intense heat. If desired, they can process buckets and tubs made of wood in a washing bath.

You can treat the bath with wax with the addition of any oil, best of all - linseed or hemp. Painted spoons and plates were impregnated with this composition in the old days. The process is easy:

  • For two parts of oil, take one part of beeswax. We put the oil on the fire and boil for 20 minutes, turning off the heat, immediately add the wax and mix very well.
  • If the impregnation is the first, you need to sand and degrease the inner surfaces of the bath, if it is seasonal, then just carefully sand it.
  • We apply the finished emulsion to the wood with a brush, or with a cloth, cotton or felt cloth.
  • Then you need to heat the bath and remove the excess with a waffle towel.
  • It is advisable to apply impregnation in 2-3 layers.

Impregnation with oil - wax has a positive effect on the service life of the bath, however, it must be carried out not once, but several times a year. It is best to do this in the spring - summer.

Beeswax rightfully occupies the second most important place after honey. No synthetic substitute has been found for it, and a wide range of applications has made it one of the most popular beekeeping products.
