The difference between deep bikini hair removal and a classic razor: the pros and cons of the procedure. Waxing or waxing

The abundance of hairs in the bikini area not only does not allow the girl to feel confident and attractive. Also, "vegetation" is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, which causes bad smell and various diseases of the genital organs. Therefore, epilation intimate places is a must-have beauty treatment for women different ages. Shaving and applying a depilatory cream allow you to get rid of hair in the intimate area for only a few days, and every woman wants to achieve a lasting effect from the removal of "vegetation".

Hair removal at home

At home, you can easily do bioepilation of the bikini area. So, wax and sugar paste are successfully used to remove hair. Many women perform bioepilation of the bikini area on their own, as this is a simple task. But still the performance of the wax and sugar hair removal at home requires compliance with certain rules.

Waxing intimate hair removal at home requires the use of melted wax (it is advisable to purchase one that is designed to remove hair from intimate places). You also need to prepare a spatula, talcum powder, chlorhexidine (disinfectant), wipes to remove wax or oil, tweezers, nourishing cream. A few days before epilation of the bikini area, grow hairs from 3 millimeters in length. Before epilation, you need to perform hygiene procedures. If the hairs are very long, to simplify the procedure, they need to be shortened to 4 millimeters.

Intimate waxing is properly performed as follows:

1. You should take a comfortable position (put one foot on a chair or on a bath tub).

2. Before applying wax, wipe the skin with a cotton swab moistened with chlorhexidine and apply talc.

3. Melt the wax in a water bath and apply it evenly on the skin with a spatula (strictly according to the growth of hairs). There are 2 hair removal techniques:

  • bandage: fabric or paper strip applied to the wax, after which it must be sharply removed against hair growth;
  • manual: wax is applied along the hair growth with a spatula, and removed in the opposite direction with your fingers.

4. After epilation, you should perform a correction - pull out the remaining hairs with tweezers.

5. The remains of the wax are wiped off with napkins, and a cream is applied to the skin.

It will not work to remove hair forever in this way, because already 3-4 weeks after epilation, hairs begin to appear again. Nevertheless, waxing negatively affects the growth of hairs - they become sparse and thin. It is worth considering that after waxing, new hairs can grow into the skin, therefore, to prevent this problem, it is recommended to treat the skin of intimate places with a scrub once every three days. Waxing should not be done with varicose veins of the groin, allergies to bee products, as well as exacerbation of genital herpes.

Intimate hair removal at home is known to many ladies as shugaring. If a girl, before such hair removal at home, removed hairs from the bikini area with a razor, after which they became stiff, it is recommended to go through several waxing sessions. Paste can not capture thick and thick hairs well, so the bristles need to be “loosened”.

To do sugaring at home, you should take care of high-quality sugar paste. You can not only buy it, but also cook it yourself according to this recipe:

  1. Take 10 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons of water and juice from half a lemon. All products are placed in a metal pan.
  2. The dishes are put on a slow fire and the pasta is boiled, while not forgetting to interfere with it.
  3. As soon as the mass acquires a shade of caramel or honey, the dishes with pasta are removed from the heat.
  4. The paste is poured into plastic utensils and wait for it to cool down.

Before shugaring with homemade pasta, you should check its consistency. Normal material for self-fulfillment shugaring bikini should easily roll into a ball. If the paste is too thick or, conversely, liquid, you should not do hair removal with it.

Sugaring masters advise using several types of pastes to perform Brazilian hair removal. For example, to remove hairs along the line of panties, on the pubis and labia, a moderately dense one is suitable. To remove hairs between the buttocks and around the anus, a dense paste should be used.

The duration of the procedure depends on how radically hair is removed from intimate places. So, the design of the bikini line takes no more than 10 minutes, and in order to completely remove the hair, you will have to spend 40 minutes or more.

Before performing shugaring, the skin should be disinfected. If the hairs are more than 5 millimeters long, they should be shortened with a trimmer, otherwise the paste will simply get tangled in thick “vegetation”. To control the process of removing hair with sugar paste, you need to squat in front of a mirror or put one foot on the edge of the bath.

There are 2 basic techniques sugaring:

  1. Manual: the essence of this technique lies in the fact that only fingers are used to carry out the procedure (hands can be with or without gloves).
  2. Bandage: according to this technique, the paste is applied to the skin with a spatula, strictly against hair growth. A strip of fabric or paper is glued onto the paste, after which it is sharply torn off the skin.

After the end of epilation, the skin is rinsed with water, washing off the remnants of the paste. To avoid irritation and pustules, a sedative should be applied to the skin. To protect yourself from the occurrence of irritation and pustules, in the first few weeks after epilation, you can not visit the pool and sauna, as well as swim in ponds.

If in the last century nothing was known about intimate depilation, today such a procedure for every girl is an integral part of self-care. But before embarking on such a delicate matter, you should understand the existing methods. After all, in addition to pain symptoms, during the procedure, you can get no less serious types of complications, such as ingrown hairs.

Hair removal in intimate places is not only aesthetic and beautiful, but also hygienic. In the intimate area, the skin is quite sensitive, so the hair removal procedure should be carried out with caution.

In order not to provide negative impact on the skin of this area, a woman needs to take the choice of the optimal method with all seriousness. We will deal with the existing methods of depilation of the bikini zone, and also find out how this procedure is performed correctly.

Depilation of the intimate area is a process in which the outer part of the follicles is removed without destroying the channels that feed the bulbs. Depilation of intimate places is an important step that many girls take seriously. Indeed, it is often very difficult to decide on such a procedure, as some are afraid, while others are shy. But in any case, not only girls, but also women strive to have a beautiful appearance even intimate areas.

The presence of hair in the area intimate zone entails a violation of hygiene. First of all, after each visit to the toilet, it is necessary to carry out appropriate care, otherwise the remaining discharge on the hairline contributes to the development of the inflammatory process. No less relevant is the question of when the velvet season comes and girls put on swimsuits. It is very difficult to hide hair in the intimate area under a swimsuit. Therefore, there are enough reasons for removing hair in the intimate part, and whether it is necessary to do this, you need to decide on your own.

Pain in this sensitive area is the main excuse that stops women from depilation. Soreness is due to the fact that the bikini area is quite sensitive. Therefore, almost any method of hair removal entails pain symptoms. But if the depilation procedure is carried out correctly, the process will not be so painful. If the removal procedure causes pain symptoms, then today there are painkillers that allow you to carry out the process painlessly and quickly.

Although many are embarrassed to visit a beauty salon in order to depilate the bikini area, nevertheless, first you need to decide to visit a qualified master. After all, the intimate area is very delicate, so the incorrect implementation of the procedure will entail unpleasant consequences. By visiting the salon, you can not only get rid of extra hair painless, but the most important thing is to learn how it happens. Next time you can do the procedure at home yourself.

The advantage of periodic hair removal is that each subsequent time the hairs become finer. Thin hair is not only easy to remove, but also less painful. After visiting the salon, you will be able to decide on an acceptable method of removal, so you should definitely start with a visit to the beauty salon.

How do depilation in intimate places

At home, depilation of the intimate area is the removal of the upper part of the hair, so the shaft grows back within 1 month. But there are also methods in which hair regrowth does not occur so quickly. Hair removal in a delicate area can be performed at home, while achieving a significant result. To perform depilation at home, you will need to choose the best method, as well as find out the principle of its implementation.

What tool to choose for depilation of the intimate area

You can do hair removal at home using a variety of methods. To do this, you can buy expensive ingredients or use cheap ones. It is even worth noting that sometimes not always expensive ingredients allow you to remove hair painlessly, as is typical for cheap components. But, as they say, female beauty requires sacrifice, therefore, in order to realize what was conceived, it is necessary to be patient. What are the methods of hair removal in the bikini area, we will learn further.


Waxing is carried out using special strips impregnated with this material. There are also roller cartridges made of wax. With the help of such devices, you can remove hair in the bikini area quickly and almost painlessly.

The benefits of waxing include:

  • the ability to remove hair from hard-to-reach areas of the skin;
  • wax activation is carried out due to exposure to high temperatures, so it is enough to rub the strip in your hand, and heat the cartridge in a water bath;
  • when the wax is heated, it can be rubbed on the skin, where it is necessary to remove the hairline;
  • when the wax hardens, it is removed from the skin with a sharp movement.

The effectiveness of this method is due to the sharp separation of the strip from the body. The direction of tearing off the strip should be against hair growth, otherwise, development is not excluded. negative consequences in the form of complications. Important Rule when working with wax, it is to prevent its particles from sticking to the skin.

Sugar depilation

In cosmetology, sugar depilation is called shugaring. Sugaring has some benefits:

  • ease of preparation of components with which hair removal is carried out;
  • cheapness;
  • lasting effect.

To carry out the shugaring procedure, you will need components such as sugar, water and lemon acid. Caramel is prepared from these components, which is the main component for removing hair.

Depilatory cream

There are types of creams that contribute to the destruction of the hair structure after its application. To obtain desired result, you need to apply a thick layer of cream on the bikini area where you want to remove hair. After that, wait 5-10 minutes (each manufacturer has its own time), and then remove the cream along with the hair using a special plastic spatula.

The advantages of the method include:

  • speed of the method;
  • economy, as one tube is enough for 3-4 procedures;
  • the duration of the effect is up to 2-2.5 weeks.

The disadvantage of this drug is its chemical composition, which affects the top layer of the skin along with the hair. After removing the cream for 2-3 days, it is not recommended to apply shampoos or gels to this area.


An epilator is a special machine that pulls out hair. The method may be effective, but rather painful. Therefore, the epilator is used only in rare cases.

To reduce pain when using the epilator, you must perform the following procedures:

  • steam the skin with a warm compress;
  • perform hair pulling movements in the direction against hair growth;
  • slightly stretch the skin under the machine;
  • wear loose underwear for 2 days before the procedure.


Tweezers are the simplest and effective method, but its disadvantage is the inability to remove hair in large quantities. With the help of tweezers, you can remove follicles in hard-to-reach places, as well as where other methods are powerless.

Hair removal with tweezers is an epilation that has the following advantages A:

  • accessibility of the method;
  • slow hair growth;
  • the ability to remove any type of hair.

How to properly depilate the bikini area

Depilation is done in two well-known ways: conventional and deep. The usual method of depilation is based on the method of removing hair from the pubic part only. A deep way of depilation of the bikini area allows you to remove hair from the entire perineal area. Both of these methods can be done at home. How to make depilation normal and deep ways, we will find out later.

Deep depilation

With deep depilation, the following actions are performed:

  1. The bikini area is being prepared for the hair removal procedure. To do this, you need to wash the treated area, and then treat it with a scrub. The scrub is used to soften the hair follicles and reduce pain. It is forbidden to wipe an intimate place; it is necessary to either dry it or get it wet with a towel.
  2. Hair can be removed if its length does not exceed 7 mm. If the length of the hair is longer, then they can be shortened with scissors.
  3. Depending on which method is chosen, wax or caramel must be applied. A strip must be applied over the materials, which will allow the mixture to be removed along with the hairline.

Upon completion of the procedure, the bikini area must be treated with moisturizers and an antiseptic.

The conventional removal method has the following advantages:

  1. It is much easier to remove hair on the rough part of the skin than to do it in the crotch area. The pubic area is in full view, which cannot be said about the perineum.
  2. With a machine tool or tweezers, you can make any intimate haircut.
  3. Ease of the procedure.

Skin care after depilation

After depilation of intimate places, mandatory skin care is required. After all, even a superficial effect on the skin contributes to the occurrence of microtraumas. In order not to aggravate the situation, active skin care is required for 2-3 days after the hair removal procedure. This will not only allow her to recover quickly, but also saturate her with the necessary minerals.

  1. For 3 days, you should forget about the use of aggressive hygiene products.
  2. If during hair removal mechanical damage to the skin has occurred, then it is necessary to use an aftershave cream that promotes healing.
  3. If after depilation there is an appearance of irritation on the skin, then it can help to neutralize the effect. baby cream, for example, Bepanthen.
  4. Be sure to use moisturizers to avoid drying out your skin.
  5. Make sure you have comfortable underwear that won't chafe your bikini area.

Determine the best way

Summing up, it is important to conclude by determining the best and most effective way to remove hair in the intimate area. In reality, there is no such way, since all options are good. You should choose an acceptable option for yourself based on factors such as the level of pain, skin sensitivity, susceptibility to natural and synthetic substances.

It can only be noted that most women use the good old method called waxing. Sugaring practically does not lag behind him, which was known even in the time of Cleopatra.

Despite the fact that these methods are implemented at home, there are still girls who do not bother with hair removal on their own, but visit special beauty salons.

hallmark modern women is their individuality and uniqueness. To create their own unique style, women experiment, show imagination. A real lady thinks through everything to the smallest detail: hairstyle, manicure, makeup, clothes, accessories, well-groomed skin.

To complete the image, of course, you can not do without the beauty of the bikini zone.

Salons come to the aid of women, offering various services for the care of the intimate area: epilation (full or partial), setting a certain length of hair in the pubic area, dyeing, decorating with decorative elements (rhinestones, feathers), and even a tattoo, both permanent and and temporary (mehendi).

Types of intimate haircuts (Hollywood, Brazilian and others)

  • basic (standard);
  • Hollywood;
  • brazilian triangle;
  • "runway";
  • curly drawing.

The basic one involves getting rid of hair along the top line and on the sides. The second option involves absolute smoothness in the bikini area, it is also called "girl".

The third option suggests a small enticing triangle on the pubis. The fourth also suggests the absence of hairs on the external genitalia, and only a small strip in the pubic area remains on the pubis.

But the last option is represented by a huge variety, it is here that you can show all your individuality and imagination ( droplets, hearts, butterflies, car logo and so on).

Note!Despite the apparent ease, such depilation of the intimate area is best done in a specialized salon. This will avoid possible skin irritation.

Depilation of the intimate area in the salon: methods of hair removal, their features

Old proven and in a safe way care for the intimate area is the use of a razor, but after shaving, the smoothness disappears almost the next day, there is a feeling of a "hedgehog" in panties, there is a lawsuit of cuts, irritation often appears, and only the most patient and seasoned are able to carry out this procedure every other day.

Epilation (depilation) of the intimate area in the salon is possible in various ways. Hair removal occurs safely, relatively quickly and with the least discomfort

Various methods of depilation come to the rescue (wax, shugaring, electro-, photo-, laser hair removal).

The use of the wax method and shugaring is possible at home, but you need to remember that carrying out procedures in the cabin has a number of advantages. Firstly, this is done by a specialist with experience, knowing the intricacies and nuances of the method, and secondly, they will conduct a trial test to determine the type of skin, the reaction to these components, they will massage using professional tools and oils to relieve pain.

The third and most important advantage of the salon is the fact that not every woman is able to inflict such pain on herself, the movement will not be very sharp and in the right direction, while the hairs will break, and the hair follicles will remain in the skin.

It is important to know! It is necessary to contact the salons checked, be sure to read the reviews of visitors.

If the salon does not use gloves, does not treat the skin after the procedure with an antiseptic, does not offer disposable panties for the procedure, you should not even consider this option.

Also, before going to the salon, it is worth preparing the skin for procedures, doing peeling.

Wax depilation - how it is done in the salon

Among the many ways to get rid of unwanted vegetation, one of the most popular is the use of wax. By the way, along with shugaring, this is the most common method.

This method of hair removal has a number of advantages: availability, duration of effect, safety, simplicity, cost.

The availability of the method lies in the fact that such services are offered in almost all salons. The effect of this procedure, if used correctly, lasts about a month.

There are 3 types of wax that are used for this procedure: cold, warm, hot. Each of these tools has its own purpose. It must be remembered that the use of hot wax is fraught with burns.

Depilation of the intimate area in the salon with wax must be performed with high quality. In the salon, after a sensitivity test, the skin will be treated with a special tonic, then degreased for better adhesion of the wax to the hair. Then comes the process of applying wax and strips.

After the wax hardens, the master will sharply pull the strip, holding the skin with his hand to avoid bruising. Then the most pleasant: treatment of the skin with an antiseptic, various creams, oils, balms, agents that inhibit hair growth.

Shugaring in the bikini area, rules for performing

Sugaring is a method of hair removal in which a sugar-based paste is applied to the skin.. The skin is treated with lotion, then the master heats the paste and kneads it in his hands to the desired consistency, applies it to various parts of the skin in the direction opposite to hair growth.

The advantage of this method is the fact that the paste envelops even the smallest hairs, fixing them securely. Then the master pulls out all unwanted hairs. Sugaring pastes are of three types: soft (for fine hair), medium (used for depilation of the legs) and hard (armpit and bikini area).

To reduce pain in the most sensitive clients, in salons, creams with anesthetic effect can be used. The paste is heated to a temperature of 37 ° C, so you can not be afraid of burns.

Another advantage is the fact that the paste penetrates deeper than wax and captures short hairs.

When shugaring, you need to do more approaches, since not all hairs are pulled out the first time, pulling occurs in the direction of hair growth, so it is less painful. Rinse off the paste very easily with water.

This method has some contraindications, such as diabetes mellitus, low blood clotting, any violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​application of the paste, in the presence of moles and others. Therefore, specialist advice is necessary when using shugaring.

Laser and photoepilation of the intimate area in the salon

Laser hair removal is a modern and effective way of almost complete hair removal.

This method of depilation has many advantages: hairs are removed almost completely, fast procedure, the laser acts on all hair follicles in a certain area (bikini area no more than half an hour), almost painless (suitable for women with a low pain threshold), the effect of the first procedure lasts about three months, suitable for sensitive skin, ideal for dark and coarse hair.

Types of professional hair removal lasers

Laser hair removal has certain disadvantages: the high cost of the procedure, its availability is limited, since it is carried out only in beauty salons and medical centers.

This method may not be effective or ineffective for light, thin hair, the laser does not affect “sleeping” hair, so the procedure must be repeated 4-6 times with an interval of 1.5-2 months, the hairs do not fall out immediately, but after a week of applying the procedure .

On the eve of the procedure, you must follow a few rules: shave or cut hair short at the desired level, cleanse the skin of creams, deodorants and lotions, do not peel, do not use scrubs, do not wipe with alcohol-containing products, do not steam, do not sunbathe.

There are four types of laser (ruby, alexandrite, diode, neodymium), differ in wavelength and frequency, are used for various types skin and hair.

View of intimate depilation (bikini area) in the salon Advantages Flaws Contraindications
Photoepilation is a very “young” way of hair removal, but already in demand today.Safety, painlessness, use for any skin type, excellent effect, not time-consuming, persistent, long-lasting result.It is used only in large medical centers, clinics, salons. Before applying the procedure, it is not recommended to sunbathe, use tanning products, do not take antibiotics, tranquilizers, and undergo a comprehensive examination.Pregnancy and lactation, the presence of infectious diseases, inflammation of the skin, wounds, malignant tumors, varicose veins, diabetes, age restrictions.

Be careful! This procedure should be performed only in specialized salons where high-quality equipment is used.

Electrolysis in the bikini area

Electrolysis is the removal of hair using an electric current, this method involves microscopic punctures of the skin with a needle-electrode.

As a rule, the result from the use of electrolysis can last up to 5 years, sometimes it is possible to fix the effect forever.

The use of this procedure has a number of limitations, so consultation with a specialist is mandatory.

First, the bikini area is cleaned and treated with an anesthetic, as this is a painful procedure, especially for the delicate and sensitive intimate area.

How is enzymatic depilation of the intimate area performed in the salon

Enzymatic depilation - getting rid of hair with the help of products containing enzymes (papain, trypsin and chymotrypsin).

Cons of this method:
does not cope with ingrown hairs, is contraindicated for use on the face, an allergic reaction may occur, itching, redness of the skin often occurs.

To completely get rid of hair, you need to do about 6 procedures with an interval of a month. There are a number of contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation, varicose veins, skin damage, oncology, infectious diseases, and others.

Care of the intimate area after the depilation procedure

The skin after depilation procedures experiences a “shock”, it needs additional care in the form of moisturizers and emollients, creams with SPF 30 and above, you can use antiseptic preparations, in case of inflammation - compresses with medicinal herbs, avoid microdamages (do not use scrubs, peels, alcohol-containing care products).

Depilation of the intimate areahas not only aesthetic value for women, but also hygienic.

In beauty salons, there are many options for maintaining the beauty of the intimate part of the body and for creating a unique, original image. Each woman can choose the best depilation method for herself, in accordance with her individual and financial capabilities.

Video about the methods of depilation / epilation of the intimate area in beauty salons

A fascinating video about waxing at home and in a beauty salon:

A well-groomed, beautiful and smooth body without excess hair is the dream of not only many women, but also men. When removing vegetation, it is often impossible to do without depilation of the intimate area. It allows you to get rid of annoying hairs for a few days. During depilation, the part of the hair that is on the surface of the skin is removed, the bulb is not destroyed. Therefore, the procedure is less painful than epilation.

Types of depilation of the bikini zone

The bikini area is the surface of the skin and genitals that is usually covered by a swimsuit or underwear. Long dense vegetation in the intimate area is not very hygienic and partners do not always like it. Men and women diligently get rid of hair in this area for a long time.

Not only women, but also men do depilation

Three main types of depilation are common among women:

  • classic - hair is removed along the panty line, all remaining vegetation can be neatly trimmed;
  • medium - hair is removed from the pubis, labia. At the same time, the vegetation remains behind, there is also a small strip on the pubis;
  • deep bikini (Hollywood depilation) - absolutely all hair is removed from the intimate area.

The first time is better to choose a classic depilation

Male depilation can be different:

  • pubic hair removal only;
  • removal of hair from the pubis and skin of the scrotum;
  • deep bikini - complete removal of all hair in the intimate area.

How to remove hair in the intimate area for men and women

You can get rid of unwanted vegetation in the bikini area using various methods.

Remember that depilation helps to get rid of hair for a short time.

Depilation with tweezers

You can use tweezers to eliminate hair:

  • on foot;
  • V armpits;
  • above the upper lip;
  • in the bikini area.

During depilation, not all hairs break off, they can break out with the bulb. Over time, the amount of unnecessary vegetation may decrease. The procedure is not very painful, but unpleasant.
With tweezers, you can eliminate hair in the bikini area, on the legs, face

The main disadvantage is the duration. If the vegetation is dense, you will have to work for more than an hour. It is desirable that the hairs be more than 3 mm in length, otherwise it will be difficult to capture them. Do not try to do the procedure as quickly as possible. Can hurt, pinch delicate skin sharp tweezers.

You can use the method as an auxiliary: after depilation or epilation, unaffected hairs may remain, which are easily removed with tweezers.

Chemical depilation

Chemical depilation is one of the most painless and effective methods removing excess hair. The cream destroys the structure of the hair, acting on it for a short time. After 5-20 minutes after applying the cream to the prepared skin, it must be removed with a spatula or special napkins.
For each type of skin, you can choose the right depilatory cream

One of the first depilatory creams was invented by Dr. Gouraud and called it "Poudre Subtile".

There are creams for dry, normal and sensitive skin. On the market, various manufacturers offer products for men and women.
Men's depilatory creams are designed specifically for coarse and coarse hair.

Wax strips

Wax strips allow not only to eliminate the visible part of the hair, but also destroy some of the bulbs. With regular use, the vegetation will become less and less, and the skin will remain smooth for longer.
Wax strips will help get rid of hair in a few minutes

The first wax strips appeared in the 1960s. They quickly became a popular way to eliminate hair in the armpits and on the legs.

There are strips for:

  • dry skin - with aloe vera extract;
  • normal skin - contains shea butter;
  • sensitive skin - contains almond oil and vitamin E.

Depending on the desired purpose, wax strips should be selected. different sizes

Wax strips suitable for the intimate area can be of different sizes. Large strips can be used to eliminate pubic hair, but small, short strips are more suitable for a deep bikini.

Depilation with a razor

The simplest method, common among men and women, is hair removal with a razor. Although the method does not give a lasting result, it remains popular.
Hair removal with a razor is one of the most common methods among men and women.

The first safety razor was invented in 1880 by King Kemp Gillette. However, it took another thirty years before a razor specifically for women was created.

You should approach the choice of machine responsibly. Blades must not be dull. It is better to opt for special razors designed for removing hair in the intimate area - they have short blades, they easily remove hair even in hard-to-reach places.

Video: how to shave the bikini area without irritation

The effect of depilation

Depilation helps to get rid of unwanted hairs. Special creams, oils will help the skin become soft and velvety. You need to use them after depilation. Unfortunately, the procedure involves the removal of only the visible part of the hair, so the effect of it is short:

  • after using a razor, the hairs begin to grow back after an average of 3 days. Everything is individual, for some the first spines appear in a day;
  • depilatory cream removes hair for 3-4 days. If you also use a cream to slow down hair growth, the effect may last for a week;
  • after tweezers, hairs appear after 2–3 days (if they were broken off at the surface);
  • when using wax strips, hair appears after 7-10 days. If a cream that slows down hair growth is used and the procedure is carried out regularly, the duration of the effect can be increased up to 28 days.

The smoothness of the skin after depilation remains for several days

In the 1960s, revealing bathing suits became fashionable, which led to an increase in the popularity of hair removal in the bikini area.

Contraindications and consequences

Depilation - popular effective procedure but not everyone can do it. It is worth refusing the procedure:

  • in the presence of wounds, abrasions, cuts, inflammatory processes on the treated area;
  • during illness, high temperature body;
  • if the hairs are too short (less than 2 mm);
  • during critical days - it will be difficult to transfer the procedure due to the low pain threshold;
  • in the presence of neoplasms on the treated area;
  • during pregnancy (possible allergic reaction).
Chemical depilation during pregnancy can cause an allergic reaction

When carrying out depilation, unpleasant consequences are possible:

  • the appearance of ingrown hairs;
  • irritation;
  • skin burn (after cream);
  • allergic reaction to wax, depilatory cream;
  • bruises (if waxing was carried out inaccurately);
  • razor cuts.

For depilation, they use a personal razor or tweezers, disposable strips, so it is impossible to get infected with dangerous diseases (hepatitis, HIV).

Preparation for the procedure

Before depilation, it is necessary to steam the skin well. It is advisable to take a warm bath first. Remove the remaining water with a towel: before the procedure, the skin must be dry. You can apply an anesthetic cream. It is advisable to use scrubs for 1-2 days before the procedure. They will help get rid of the keratinized layer of cells, exfoliation will prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs.
Exfoliating your skin will prevent ingrown hairs

Also try to follow these simple rules:

  • if a razor is used, first apply a special gel, foam to the skin. This will help soften the movement of the blades, reduce pressure on the skin;
  • when using a depilatory cream, first do an allergy test;
  • if wax strips are used, dry clean skin apply talcum powder or baby powder. This will reduce sweating, making the procedure more effective.

Safety measures for depilation of the intimate area

To avoid negative consequences, observe the following precautions:

  • before the procedure, make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the product that you will use (shaving gel or foam, depilatory cream, wax);
  • if the choice fell on Shaver, arm yourself with a new razor of a convenient shape, do not try to do the procedure as quickly as possible, there is a risk of cutting yourself. Do not use someone else's razor;
  • do not use depilatory cream intended for other areas or universal in the bikini area. He may be too hard. Opt for a product designed for intimate areas. If you are doing a deep bikini, put on panties that will cover the genital mucosa;
  • when working with wax strips, practice on less sensitive areas. The strip must be tightly stuck to the treated area, it must be torn off with one sharp movement, otherwise delicate skin can be injured.

Before using a depilatory cream, you should do a test on your arm

Painkillers for depilation

If shaving and depilatory creams can painlessly eliminate hairs, then the use of wax strips or plucking hair with tweezers is an unpleasant and painful process. Modern painkillers allow you to get rid of discomfort during the procedure.

If the drug is used for the first time, a test should be done on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

The rules for applying all creams are the same:

  1. It is necessary to warm up the skin well, the treated area should be dry.
  2. Apply a thin layer of cream, on top of which apply an occlusive dressing (material that does not allow air to pass through).
  3. Keep the composition on the skin for no more than 2 hours. After that, remove the remnants of the product with a dry cloth.

The most popular pain relievers for depilation are:

  • Emla (AstraZeneca) is a combination drug containing lidocaine and prilocaine. The consistency is light, pleasant, easily applied to the skin, the maximum effect occurs after 50-60 minutes (when applying an occlusive dressing). The volume of the tube is small, enough for 1-2 uses;
  • Light frost gel - active ingredients: lidocaine, prilocaine, tetracaine, epinephrine. Domestic drug, has a thick consistency, does not spread on the skin. The desired effect appears after 30-40 minutes when using a bandage, the maximum effect is achieved after an hour;
  • Dr. Numb - contains: benzocaine, lidocaine, prilocaine. The anesthetic effect lasts from 1 to 2 hours. An allergic reaction often occurs to the components of the drug; be sure to do a test before use;
  • Speed ​​Numb - the main ingredient of the product is lidocaine, a decrease in sensitivity occurs an hour after application. The disadvantage is that the effect is not very strong and disappears in 40-50 minutes.

Photo gallery: popular anesthetics

Emla cream will make the depilation procedure painless Gel Light frost produced in Russia
When using the Speed ​​Numb cream, the analgesic effect occurs only after an hour. Before applying the anesthetic Dr. Numb be sure to do an allergy test

Skin care after depilation

After the procedure, it is important to refuse to visit the sauna, swimming pool, beauty salon, solarium, beach within 24 hours. Otherwise, irritation may occur in the treated area. Three days after depilation, you can use a skin scrub. This is a good prevention of ingrown hairs. Scrubbing is best done 3 times a week, and then the skin should be moisturized with a cream.
Nutritious cream moisturizes the skin, soothes it after the procedure

Today, bikini waxing has become one of the most popular hygiene procedures for women and men. Removing hair in intimate places allows you not only to maintain perfect cleanliness, but also increases your own self-esteem, liberates partners in bed and brings zest to your personal life. There are many ways to carry out hair removal and depilation in this area, such a variety allows everyone to choose the right method based on its qualities and characteristics.

The function of hair in the intimate area and the meaning of their removal

The hairs in the intimate area perform a protective function. They keep warm and protect the genitals from the cold, and also represent a natural barrier that prevents the penetration of bacteria from the outside. At the same time, they trap particles of the secretion of the person himself and create a pathogenic environment for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms. Based on this information, it is unrealistic to give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is necessary to remove hair in intimate places.

Conducting surveys of people for what purpose they conduct bikini hair removal, the following results were revealed. About 50 percent of people consider this procedure hygienic and carry it out to maintain beauty and cleanliness. Approximately one third of our fellow citizens epilate before going to the sea, and another 10 - 15 percent believe that this will bring positive changes to their sex life.

Intimate hair removal is divided into classic and deep bikini. In the first case, the hair is removed along the underwear line and on the pubis, in the second, the hair is removed completely, starting from the line along the underwear, the pubis, and then the perineum and intergluteal space (in men, on the scrotum and at the base of the penis).

Depilation with a razor

A popular and budgetary way is to use a razor that cuts off the hairs on the surface of the skin. The machine can be used in any conditions, it allows you to quickly achieve visual results and lasts for a long time. However, the very next day, the hair begins to grow in the form of prickly bristles, which provokes irritation and itching.

Useful advice - to avoid side effects, hair is shaved diagonally, and not according to the classical pattern against their growth.

Depilation with cream

This is a special chemical composition applied to the surface of the skin, softening the hairs, which will later be easily removed with a spatula. You can evaluate the result within 15 minutes after applying the cream, it lasts 5-10 days. The cost of the procedure ranges from 100 to 400 rubles, depending on the type of composition acquired.

Useful advice - choose a cream specifically designed for the treatment of the intimate area, and before using it, test for allergies. The product should not get on the mucous membranes.

Waxing (waxing)

The procedure is hair removal with wax. It is applied to the skin, fixed with a strip (bandage), which jerks off along with the hairs. The main advantage of this method is the elimination of hair along with the bulb, so that it stops growing within 4-5 weeks. The cost of such a procedure in the salon is approximately 2000 rubles, the cost of home manipulations is 3-4 times less. The technique is quite painful and requires the application of a local anesthetic to the skin. After the procedure, swelling and redness are often observed, side effects pass during the day.

Useful advice - waxing intimate places is best done with warm, not hot or cold wax.

Sugaring (sugar hair removal)

A popular alternative to waxing, during which the skin is treated with a sugar-based mixture. After application, the composition is fixed with strips - bandages, which are then torn off against hair growth, removing them along with the bulb. As a result, the skin remains smooth for a month. Sugaring is characterized by a minimum of contraindications and complications, as well as low cost. You can carry out the procedure at home for less than 100 rubles, in the salon the price of processing a deep bikini is 1500 rubles.
