How to make prizes Common mistakes when choosing gifts for guests for participating in contests

Comic prizes and gifts

Comic prizes and gifts

Comic prizes

1) Here is your favorite perfume called "hee hee" (sample)

2) It will remind you how much to drink (thimble)

3) And you, mummy, just one penny, so that you live in abundance, without worries all year (penny)

4) We give you a chumodan, you need it on the farm (package)

5) And there is a gift for you that you can’t take your eyes off. You will show skill - and you will receive a gift. (name any number from 2012) (number 2 - that’s a good game, you didn’t get a damn thing. 0 - chocolate 1 - uli-tuli, you were scammed. 2 - I’ll read a piece of paper right now ... it says: “Fig you!”

6) Here is a magic ring, you should try it on, if it suits you at the right time, then wear it and be healthy. (drying)

7) You are lucky, from these hands you received - a laptop (notebook)

8) And your gift is just a miracle, I will tell you without further ado. Keep a set of raincoats (bags) as a gift

9) There is no better gift in the world than this shampoo in a briquette. (soap)

10) There is, perhaps, a more practical gift than this miracle washcloth (washcloth)

11) And your gift is beauty: a simulator for the muscles of the mouth (chupa-chups)

12) Of course, I could not deprive you of my attention. Receive this branded flag with adoration. (flag)

13) As soon as there are serious failures in the repair, ultra-modern wallpapers will help. (toilet paper)

14) There is a special surprise for the most creative natures. I give you a musical instrument as a prize (rattle)

15) I don’t mind giving you great joy for the whole night (dummy and diaper)

16) Expected, perhaps you are a player, but today accept this fan (fan)

17) This prize was chosen carefully, it will definitely come in handy for you (adhesive tape)

18) The prize will be this little thing - here's a gel pen (pen)

19) To mess around with food, a grater is very useful (grater)

20) You don’t have a piping or a patch, but a pretty handkerchief (handkerchief)

21) This thing is strong and tenacious - you will be pleased with the clothespin (clothespin)

22) It’s not a pity to give such a prize, here’s a wonderful washcloth (washcloth) for you

23) Get this simple and easy prize (balloon) without whim

24) This prize is rich in sweetness - get chocolate (chocolate)

25) You don’t have a brooch or a badge, but a household hook (wall hook)

26) The prize is small, but I got used to living with the keys (keychain)

27) You will have to work hard, tinker with your prize (beets)

28) To create a hairstyle, you will need a comb (comb)

29) To live, not to be bored, enjoy this tea (a pack of tea)

30) You don’t have a rake or a watering can, but a convenient and necessary ruler (ruler)

31) The prize will be able to absorb moisture - paper will come in handy for you (toile paper)

32) It was nice to live in cleanliness, get this soap (soap)

33) Our prize will be appropriate - today you have a pencil (pencil)

34) If you mess around at the stove, our prize will be very useful (a box of matches)

35) You don’t have a cake or a cheesecake, but a wonderful toy (Christmas tree toy)

36) You will need this nice little thing (package) on the farm

37) Our prize is super, top class, it will come in handy more than once (notebook)

38) So that you remember us, we will give you a prize now (New Year's card)

39) You are good at work - you will get a lollipop (chupa-chups)

40) You don’t need a spoon or a ratchet, but, of course, this brush (any brush)

41) This prize to the table today is delicious, juicy, New Year's (orange)

42) We have a great prize, personally it is for you (pack of cookies)

43) We want to give you a rare prize - beautiful napkins (paper napkins)

44) So that love blooms in the soul, we hand you carrots (carrots)

45) You don’t have a copybook or primer, but this calendar (calendar)

46) To write letters to us, we hand you a notebook (notebook)

47) Prize - so that your teeth do not hurt, but always turn white (toothpaste)

48) This little thing is very old and, undoubtedly, irreplaceable (threads)

49) The prize is tasty and fragrant, it will be very pleasant for you (pack of waffles)

50) You don’t have a closet and don’t take it, but this postal envelope (postal envelope)

51) In order to straighten your hair more often, I will give you a model comb (fork)

52) Cooks a cake, pie and cupcake kitchen combine "Mulinex" (sieve)

53) I am very glad to give you the ultimate dream: your gift is an automatic washing machine (eraser)

54) A cleaning item that tastes very sweet. Easy to use - eat and order (snickers)

55) I give you Bohemian glassware (disposable tableware) for your table

56) For an artist who is not alien to excitement, I give a set for a professional bodypainting (brilliant green and iodine)

57) There is, perhaps, a more practical gift than this miracle lighter (a box of matches)

58) Of course, I could not deprive you of my attention. Adore this one Shaver(grater)

59) Every year this thing is only in higher demand. Above - a plane for mother-in-law, below - a vacuum cleaner (broom)

60) Only you, as a reliable friend, I will give a centrifuge (clothespin) on this day

61) And I'm very happy to give you a copier (carbon copy)

62) Like a true lady, and this is not nonsense, I want to give you a manicure set (file and sandpaper)

63) A gift for a real gourmet: snakes for two from a local Chinese restaurant (2 pack.doshirak)

64) Your win is quite rare - two paper napkins

65) Do you like sweets, or not - you have a handful of sweets

66) The prize is an original smallness, the baby's nipple went.

67) You got it like manna from heaven, the only piece of bread

68) There is no better prize than a plastic bag

69) To wander around the wide world, sew on this button.

71) You got a pencil - it will be yours from now on

72) To send greetings to relatives, you need an envelope

74) He flies like a mosquito, catch a balloon soon

75) It's not a lip, but a sponge - get it, dove

76) A steel pin for you so that suddenly your pants do not sleep

77) May it be brighter for you from this gift of Prometheus (matches)

78) You got a calendar - mark with fervor every day and every hour lived not in vain

79) To keep an income, you need a notebook

80) We give you toothpaste- you will always be sharp

81) We issue without a document, especially for you - a satin ribbon.

82) May the blood never stop flowing in your veins, so that you do not suffer from anemia, we hand over delicious carrots.

83) Be ruddy like a girl, so that your life is bright, and we only know that maroon-sweet beets will help in this.

84) In order not to catch the flu, it's time to use garlic.

85) Onion and garlic will always fit and come in handy in case of illness.

86) Eat a little potatoes to keep your figure, and remember that in your golden years you can be passionately loved.

87) There are a lot of vitamins in cabbage, we give it from the heart, you eat it with vegetable oil. Flowering, happiness, beauty.

88) Like a tomato is good, it is useful if the soul hurts.

89) But a crispy cucumber, eat it and you'll be fine.

90) This apple is rejuvenating, an all-powerful remedy for love.

91) And, of course, a zucchini, so that there is a push in business.

Any contests and quizzes assume that a person will receive something in return for their efforts. This is normal, because no one wants to waste their energy on useless actions, and many understand this. But often the newlyweds forget to take care of the prizes, and gifts for wedding contests are bought in last moment, after the toastmaster reminds them.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to decide in advance what gifts will be awarded to guests. After all, small presents require careful search and selection, so you should decide what style they will be in.

Gifts for participating in contests are cool, small and unobtrusive things that will remind the winners of a good time. And at the wedding itself, such a presentation will help complete the scene. Indeed, without a present it is very difficult to beat the end of one and the beginning of another competition.

Therefore, it is important to try to find inexpensive, but high-quality prizes.

Gift types:

  1. Material - these include all things that the contestant can take with him after the holiday.
  2. Intangible - such that leave vivid memories, but do not have a physical embodiment.

What are the gifts?

  1. Standard prizes are most often minor souvenirs that are associated with the holiday or simply liked by the newlyweds.
  2. Original gifts - when the bride and groom want to distinguish their wedding from many others, they choose prizes that will be remembered by the guests for a long time. It can be both homemade things, and something showing that the newlyweds have shown attention to the interests of a person.
  3. Thematic gifts - if the wedding is organized in a certain style, it will be very good if the prizes are made in the same style or to portray certain scenes.
  4. Funny prizes - can be both tangible like comic props, and intangible.

It is important to remember that there should not be two absolutely identical gifts, because each guest is unique, and he wants attention from the bride and groom, therefore, even when choosing magnets or key rings, you need to be patient and find a sufficient number of different figures.

List of standard souvenirs

When newlyweds choose personalized prizes to be awarded for participation in the competition, this greatly complicates the work of the presenter. Therefore, for weddings with big amount guests are encouraged to choose standard prizes that are well suited for any person.

Gift Ideas:

  1. Most often, they give notebooks with a picture of a heart or with a wedding date. This is a fairly simple prize, but it is important to remember that due to its frequent use at different weddings, it does not evoke strong emotions.
  2. Keychains that can be hung on keys. But here it is important to choose the right accessory. It is best to focus on the age category and how seriously the guests take their image.
  3. Fridge magnets - can be either ordinary, with the image of swans, doves or hearts, or made to order.
  4. Candles in the form of hearts or with pleasant aromas.
  5. Statuettes or candlesticks - small figurines are suitable for most guests, but it is important that they are small and appropriate. Too romantic or extravagant figurines should be abandoned, because they risk causing irritation at the thought that they will need to be hidden somewhere.
  6. Bath foams or bombs are ideal for relaxation. But it is important to choose with an unobtrusive smell so that they can be presented to both a woman and a man.
  7. Cups - good way leave a memory of the holiday. But it is important not to use a lot of decoration. Guests are unlikely to constantly use a cup in pink hearts or with a photo of the newlyweds.
  8. A dance with the bride or a kiss on the cheek is a good way to encourage contestants. But there should be 2-3 such gifts for the whole holiday, and they should not be repeated.
  9. Photo albums or photo frames are ideal when newlyweds don't know what to choose. On the back of the frame, you can order an engraving with the date of the wedding and the names of the newlyweds, and a small embossing is suitable for albums. But it is important to remember that the size of the letters must be small, otherwise the winner will not use the thing.
  10. Edible prizes - you can give chocolates or sweets. But here it is important to know about the tastes of the contestants, otherwise you can give something that will cause rejection. And also make sure that such an encouragement is not given to a woman on a diet or a person with diabetes - this can cause a feeling of bullying.

In the shops you can find a lot of nice and inexpensive souvenirs. It is only important to monitor their quality and variety.

But apart from these ordinary gifts you can make original ones that guests will not find anywhere else.

Original gifts

Competitions are one of the most significant components of every wedding. Many guests will not remember what was on the table and what colors the hall was decorated with - but what made them have fun will definitely remain in their memory. Therefore, you can prepare original prizes for participation and victory in competitions that will evoke pleasant feelings even after many years.

Original gifts:

  1. cups self made or made to order. They may be of an unusual shape or color. If the newlyweds want to leave a reminder on the dishes where it came from, it is worth imprinting the date of the wedding on the bottom. You can also decorate the sides with the inscription golden color, with pleasant words for the recipient.
  2. Notepad or notebook in a circle or rhombus.
  3. Photo frames or handmade albums - although such prizes are classified as ordinary, but because they are decorated by hand, they become unique. And unlike the store ones, they are always appropriate - after all, they are created to order by the newlyweds, who know exactly what and who will like it.
  4. Soft blankets, in the corner of which there is a small monogram of the first letters of the names of the bride and groom, as well as the date of the wedding.
  5. Magnets handmade or made of unusual materials. Wooden animals that are rarely associated with a wedding look very creative - foxes, hares, wolves, bears, cats and squirrels look beautiful on any refrigerator. But you can choose more exotic animals - red pandas, phoenixes, giraffes, dolphins. The main thing is that they do not remind of some negative quality (pig, cow, deer, goat, etc.).
  6. Hobby-related prizes are pleasant little things that will please the guest with the fact that the newlyweds remember his hobby. When doing what you love, a person will always remember the newlyweds and a fun wedding.
  7. Jars of bright jam or honey, with beautiful homemade stickers and lids.
  8. Chocolate wrapped in paper with a photo of the newlyweds.
  9. Gift alcohol (small bottles) with a funny or inspirational postcard.
  10. Desserts made by the bride (groom).
  11. Desserts made to order are a great way to delight guests. Homemade chocolate figurines look especially beautiful.
  12. Handmade soft toys are well suited for presenting any guests, regardless of their age. Often, newlyweds refuse such gifts, due to the fact that there is a stereotype that such gifts can only be given to their girlfriends or children. But small neat toys are also suitable for serious people, the main thing is to choose calm colors.
  13. A set of aromatic oils with a special lamp.
  14. Homemade candles.
  15. Jewelry boxes or pen holders.
  16. Small embroidered pictures are a very unusual gift, and the more carefully the plot depicted is chosen, the more likely it is to be hung in the house.

Original gifts require more time and effort to choose them. After all, the list of standard things consists of those that have stood the test of time.

And unusual ones are always a flight of fancy, and if hastily chosen, they can be ridiculous or useless. Unlike standard prizes, original copies have a number of disadvantages:

  1. Newlyweds need to know exactly the characters of their guests in order to choose the right gifts.
  2. In order to select personalized prizes, it is important not only to know the interests of the guests, but also to spend a lot of time searching for them.
  3. You need to know exactly who will participate in the competition in order to give appropriate prizes. This greatly complicates the work of the presenter, because he needs not only to remember about the contests and words, but also who to call in order not to confuse the prizes.

Original prizes are a very good way to make your wedding stand out from the rest. After all, when choosing gifts for guests, the newlyweds spend more time thinking, which means a more careful selection of things.

This increases the likelihood that the prize will be really useful and cause positive emotions.

Comic prizes

A wedding is always joyful and fun party, which is reflected in the competitions that are held on it, so for passing the test you can be awarded funny or comic prizes that will amuse the participants no less than the tasks themselves.

Funny Prizes:

  1. Round decorative pillows in the form of emoticons.
  2. Comic medals for participation in competitions.
  3. Ball for divination "8", which knows the answers to all questions.
  4. Notebook, each sheet of which is made of different types wallpaper. Very well suited for a gift to young parents or those who were often scolded in childhood for "rock paintings". The cover is also made of wallpaper, with the inscription "for those who like to draw on the walls."
  5. Unusual covers for a passport or work pass.
  6. Beer helmet.
  7. Bubble.
  8. Funny kitchen accessories.
  9. Gift certificates for the newlyweds to perform some crazy action. You can specify what the newlyweds will do, but a more fun option if the guest has to come up with it himself. It is important to tell the winner that he can get the execution at any time.

Funny prizes imply a close relationship with all the guests, so most often this method of rewarding is chosen for small weddings where only friends and relatives are present.

In this video you will be told what gifts to choose for the competition at your wedding:

Everyone understands that they participate in wedding contests not for the sake of prizes, but in order to have fun. But the pleasant little things that a person receives for his success will be highly appreciated by the guests. What kind of prizes would you like to receive?

Photo: Gennadiy Poznyakov/

cook children's holiday? Stock up on prizes for contests! Let's talk about what gizmos will cause the most joy among the little guests.

It's great when everyone "promises" exciting fun with all their looks. Then both the hero of the occasion and the guests like them. It has been noticed that when children choose a gift from a variety of small toys, they most often prefer those souvenirs that they have not come across before. And if the prizes are wrapped in opaque packaging, both boys and girls, as a rule, are drawn to the most voluminous bundles.

Variants of "unsuccessful" prizes

We list the categories of toys that are better not to purchase as prizes for a children's party:
1. Items that may be hazardous to health. Do not give 3-4 year old children very small toys, sharp scissors or sewing kits that contain needles.
2. Sweets. Firstly, they, as a rule, do not impress children too much. Secondly, it is difficult to guess what delicacies parents allow this particular child to eat. Thirdly, on holiday table, there are usually so many "sources of sugar" that little guests get just like that, without participating in competitions. However, a good prize can be a "combination" of sweetness and entertainment: chocolate egg with a surprise inside, an unusual-shaped lollipop, a set of "candy + mini toy".
3. "Boring" items: for example, the most common ruler, sharpener or primitive notebook. must be "with a twist."
4. Children's perfumery and cosmetics. It may turn out that for a small guest, parents buy products only of a certain brand, to which he is definitely not allergic.
5. Toys that are not ready for use. For example, products that run on batteries that are not supplied with batteries.
6. Decorative items that do not involve play or action. When the child understands that with a beautiful thing, for example, artificial flower, nothing special can be done, he will most likely be disappointed.
7. Expensive prizes. Little guests don't care about the price of the "reward". At one of the children's holidays, for example, a simple plastic ruler of an unusual shape, which at the same time was a safe knife for cutting paper, was very popular.
8. If a mixed company is planned, it is better not to choose explicitly "girly" or "boyish" prize options. The pace of children's holidays, as a rule, is rapid. The development of the game is often difficult to predict. In a hurry, you can inadvertently give the boy the “girly” option, and the girl - vice versa. In addition, children sometimes get frustrated because some types of prizes are given only to girls, and others only to boys.

Prizes that are always "out of place"

If you dream up, thousands of ideas for prizes for children's parties will come to mind. We list the most common categories that usually go with a bang for both boys and girls.

1. Stationery and school supplies.
Children will be interested in: toy sharpeners, erasers, rulers of bizarre shapes, stencils, cute notebooks, curly scissors. The main condition is that the office supplies are not quite ordinary. Children will be happy, for example, with pens that can be used as flashlights or key rings at the same time, or small fruit-shaped notebooks.
2. Smart mini-games. Now there is a large selection of board games that fit in the palm of a child: lotto, dominoes, tags, puzzles, metal or wooden puzzles, balls in labyrinths.
3. Items for creativity: crayons, stamps with pictures, scented felt-tip pens, paints, sticker sets.
4. Soap bubbles and everything you need to get them up and running.
5. Children's printing: reusable water coloring books, sticker sets.
6. Small toys: spinning tops, figurines of animals and fish, snakes, water pistols, kaleidoscopes.
7. Mini-books for self-study and knowledge of the surrounding world: counting sticks, compass, watches, binoculars, spyglass, flashlights.
8. Icons. Cute cartoon characters can be drawn on them. Badges with inscriptions, such as "The most best friend or "Very talented kid."
9. Toy Musical And Sound Instruments: whistles, pipes, microphones, wooden spoons, maracas, bells.
10. Jokes: masks with painted faces, eyeglasses, etc.
11. Slimes and anti-stress toys from jelly-like materials.
12. Beauty Items: elastic bands, hairpins, small mirrors, bracelets, combs. This category of prizes is appropriate if only girls are present at the celebration.


Some original prizes can be made with your own hands, together with your child. However, it is necessary to take care of good packaging and provide prizes with printed instructions or inscriptions - then they will not look “clumsy”. Here are some homemade prize ideas.

1. Set for a safe chemical experiment "Table Volcano": sunflower oil (200 g) soda (2 tablespoons), citric acid (2 tablespoons), food coloring, berry juice or red gouache (2 teaspoons). Pour sunflower oil into a small water bottle. soda and citric acid divide into sachets. Label each substance in computer font. For example, such: “fiery lava”, “volcano pathogen”, “magic powder”, “sorceress's potion”. Prepare a printout with instructions. The meaning of the experiment is that citric acid and soda are mixed and poured into vegetable oil. Then 100 g of water and dye are poured into the mixture. Then the liquid "spews" from the bottle.
2. Sculpting kit. Cut out the silhouette of an animal from white cardboard: cats, dogs, monkeys. Pick up a few bars of multi-colored plasticine. The child who will receive the prize will cover the cardboard figure, "painting" it. Prepare a drawing and instructions on how to turn the silhouette into a toy.
3. Jewelry (bracelet or beads) that the birthday girl herself makes for girl guests. It is better for mother to participate in the production process. Of course, this will take time and good imagination. Beautiful, original bracelets can be woven from rubber bands, beads, buttons.
4. "Lizun". In a plastic bowl, combine 50 g of glue and 0.25 cups of water. Add any dye (gouache, brilliant green) and 2 drops essential oil for flavor. In another bowl, mix 0.25 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Pour the second mixture into the first and mix well. Put the finished slime in a tightly closed jar. Keep it in the shade and cool.

"Intermediate" prizes

Children love to receive incentive prizes, for example, for guessing riddles or completing mini-tasks. These are mainly used for scoring. Experience shows that serious battles for such gizmos unfold during the holidays.

As "intermediate" prizes, it is best to use small stickers that are issued on sheets. But you can take colored office stickers for the same purpose (adhesive reminder papers).

Prepare “medals” for such stickers in advance - enough big circles from colored cardboard on a braid. What are they needed for? The fact is that immediately after the holiday, the guest's parents will rush to remove the stickers from the baby's clothes and skin. But if you place the pictures during the game on a cardboard medal, then elegant clothes guests will not deteriorate, and the medal will remain with the guest for a while as a keepsake of a fun evening. You can hang such a “decoration” on each child’s neck, wrist, or simply give it to their hands.

How to give prizes

Of course, you can just give the prize to the child for winning or for participating in the game. However, it is often better for a small guest not to know in advance what kind of “gift” he will receive.

To ensure privacy, it is best to wrap all prizes in napkins or wrapping shiny paper, or put them in a large opaque bag, from which small players will take out awards without looking.

In addition, it is much more interesting to turn the process into another game. How can I do that?

1. Hide the prizes and invite the children to look for them using the “hot-cold” commands.
2. Organize a search for prizes. The main gift can be found in unusual place but in a way that children can reach. For example, with the help of hints inside a nesting doll standing on a shelf.
3. Hide toys inside balloons, at which children will shoot darts for darts.
4. Hide small prizes under cardboard birthday caps. Children will choose a cap and receive a prize that is hidden under it.
5. The game "rope" delights children of all generations. Prizes are wrapped in napkins and tied with strings to a long rope. Blindfolded children take turns cutting "surprises".

As for the holidays, children are a very grateful "audience". If you prepare for the party in detail, having thought over the games and prizes in advance, you will create memories that will remain in small heads for a long time. They will remember you not only as a friend's mother, but also as a kind sorceress who works wonders.

Not a single classic wedding, held in the best traditions of the Russian people, is complete without competitions. And as you know, a reward is due for victory and participation.

We found the sea interesting ideas for a present on such an occasion, and they will not leave indifferent any wedding guest. We present to your attention a selection of prizes for winning at, with which everyone will be satisfied!

1. Wallpaper notebook or circled notebook

Getting a notebook for winning is good, but if it is also with humor, then this is doubly wonderful. For those who love draw on wallpaper or he has never painted and really wants to try, but he can’t - that’s it.

The original invention can be bought for 500 rubles.

But about the notebook in a circle, for sure, everyone who is familiar with notebooks in a line and in a box was thinking. You can present in bulk so that it lasts for a long time. A gift with a touch of philosophy will be appreciated and, most likely, used by extraordinary personalities. Or they will leave it as a keepsake of the celebration.

The price of one notebook is 130 rubles.

2. Sweet gifts

The packaging of such a sweet already speaks for itself - the gift is intended for the winner and nothing else! Three cans of a sweet trophy is a worthy reward for a victory. Appropriately designed packaging will fit perfectly into the context of competitions and winners.

The cost of a set in sweets stores is about 550 rubles.

“Chetprinyl FORTE” is another version of the sweet prize. It is unlikely that with fun competitions it will be sad and boring, but suddenly. Inside the package - milk chocolate with a concentrated dose of the hormone of happiness. Contains a stimulant of a surge of energy and joy. "Chetprily" can be left as a souvenir, but it is better to use it for its intended purpose during bouts of sadness.

You can buy in online stores of unusual souvenirs for 290 rubles.

3. Coin "Yes-No" or magic ball "8"

coin toss is a worthwhile idea to reward the winners of the competition. It will become an amulet that will always be in your wallet and will help you make a decision in difficult moments of choice. A worthy gift for the winner of the competition among the guests of the wedding celebration. Diameter - 2.5 cm.

ABOUTthe bottom of such a coin will cost at least 135 rubles.

The magic ball "8" will always tell you how to act in a given situation and pump the user's level of determination. A cool option as a gift for winning competitions at a wedding. Lovers of the good old film "Route 60" will especially please.

Behind Magic ball give up to 500 rubles.

4. Items of clothing

Practical but a humorous version of the surprise - "Birch Sox". In fact, this is a positive packaging design for socks. Not only in giving them! The sizes of socks are universal, suitable for both women and men.

You can buy Birch, as well as Tomato or Carrot Sox for 365 rubles.

Brutal underwear with weapons for men and husbands of the participants in the competition. Briefs with two pistons and a hip bandolier for real supermen from the world of the wild west who happened to be at a wedding and won the competition!

The approximate cost is up to 1,000 rubles.

5. Very necessary things in everyday life

Garbage bags for feng shui and organizing a meeting of changes in life. This is not just black polyethylene, it is a huge space in order to get rid of unnecessary things and thoughts.

You can buy such packages for only 130 rubles and issue them as an original prize for winning.

And you can choose matches - "Wish Maker". They say that a wish comes true if you blow out the fire, for example, on a candle. But if you think about it, then such an opportunity falls either on a birthday or on New Year. And with such matches, you can make wishes all year round and blow out the fire kindled by the “Wish Maker”. So, in any case, the creators of the unusual thing say.

Price - 120 rubles per pack.

The next variant of the prize is a brush-tank, which is not afraid of dirt and does an excellent job with it. How can you live without this item? A brush is a must, and if it is also decorated in an interesting way, then it’s doubly great! The brush-tank will facilitate and diversify the cleaning process.

Such a brush can be bought for 890 rubles.

6. Beverage containers

Camera-flask "Seize the moment" - ideal for masters of conspiracy! Such an award will appeal to the winner who loves strong drinks and wants to have some laughing liquid with him.

Estimated price - 1 700 rubles.

Prize thermos-battery - for unspeakable activity and victory. In order not to lose vigor and be no worse than a Duracell hare, this thermos is the right decision. This trophy will be useful in Everyday life the winner of the competition. Decent option!

The price in gift shops is up to 1,300 rubles.

7. Maracas or jump rope

Maracas of happiness! This is the best prize for winning a music competition! Yes, they look like syringes, but this is a joke. Maracas fully play the role of a musical instrument with which you can ignite any audience.

You can buy for 750 rubles.

As a reward in sports competitions, the “Knead the Bones” rope will do. With such encouragement, the winner will always be in shape.

For an unusual jump rope, give 1,800 rubles.

8. Growing kits

Online shopping unusual gifts offer various kits for planting and growing, for example, cedar. A planted and grown tree is an eternal gift. Such a prize to the winning guest may indicate the real strength of the relationship of the newlyweds.

The cost is up to 250 rubles.

Winner woman competition, you can present the same jar, only for planting forget-me-not flowers. Such a present will definitely not let you forget about a young family.

Price - up to 250 rubles.

9. Covers for documents

A cover for documents is another utility for the winners of the competition. For example, the cover for the driver's documents "Knock on wood" will become not only the protection of documents, but also a kind of amulet.

Price - 780 rubles.

If some don't bother to drive a car and don't have a driver's license, then fit passport cover "We are not local." A funny accessory with humor will be appreciated by creative young people who prefer simplicity and originality.

The cost of the cover is 220 rubles.

10. Amulets

Plunger from blockages in the head - this is not a joke to you. This is a special device for clearing blockages in the head! We recommend using it in combination with Chetpriunyl FORTE, but the plunger works well alone. None translational movements– it operates at the level of thoughts! Such an amulet is a prize with humor that will not leave indifferent any winner.

The plunger was valued by the inventors at 2,590 rubles.

The shaggy monster - a bizarre analogue of our Brownie - will protect the house from adversity and evil spirits. A little glamorous and a little tired, with its appearance it will expel evil from the house of the winner of the competition. A funny pink animal on the shield (also a symbol of protection, by the way) will definitely please the new owner and will not be forgotten, if only because she is very cute.

Sold for 1,780 rubles.

11. Hats

- winners and beer lovers who do not want to rush around with bottles, glasses and glasses. The vessel is replenished with intoxicating drink and disguised as a helmet that is put on the head. Special tubes will not let you die of thirst, but will not allow you to be distracted from important activities.

You can buy at a price within700 rubles.

Well, who does not know about the hunting hat of Mr. Sherlock Holmes? Perhaps this is a gift with a subtext, and in order to receive it, you will have to show your deductive abilities. In competitions for logic and ingenuity, Sherlock's hat will be the best prize for winning.

The cost is 1,750 rubles.

Wax seal markers for glasses - one of interesting options for an award in a competition at a wedding. It's actually nice and practical gift, which will not remain gathering dust on the shelf after the holiday. Markers for glasses will remind you of the heroes of the occasion and fun competitions for a long time.

The cost for a set of 8 pieces is up to 700 rubles.

Another idea for a prize for the winner is a kitchen set. The set includes a ladle and a skimmer in the form of the Loch Ness monster. It will complement the interior of any kitchen and will not let you forget about the minutes of glory of the winner of the wedding competition.

The cost of the set is 2,100 rubles.

13. Perpetual calendar or funny clock

With a perpetual calendar, the recipient will never forget important events, including the wedding at which he competed. The calendar is made of wood and decorated with carvings. It is equipped with a magnet, so it will take root on the refrigerator. Such a present for winning the competition will be remembered for a long time and will definitely come in handy.

Cost - about 360 rubles.

Watch "Time to dream" - a joke prize for those who are not particularly interested in what time it is, because you can dream all the time. But for those who sometimes forget to dream, this watch will be a good prize. They say that dreams come true with such watches, but we have not tested it, but we recommend it to you!

The price of a watch for dreamers is 350 rubles.

Wedding contests are a lot of fun and humor.
