What is the discharge with a hematoma during pregnancy. Brown discharge with a hematoma during pregnancy

Retrochorial hematoma is a common diagnosis that a woman learns about during an ultrasound scan during pregnancy. At the same time, spontaneous interruption can be avoided in 95% of cases. Therefore, do not panic, with proper treatment and following some rules, you can endure healthy child and give birth on time.

What is a retrochorial hematoma?

The chorion (future placenta) for some reason may begin to partially exfoliate from the walls of the uterus. Blood clots accumulate in the resulting cavity - this is a retrochorial hematoma.

This pathology is typical for the first half of pregnancy (more precisely, for the first trimester), when the placenta is forming.

Prognosis for retrochorial hematoma

At large sizes hematomas (1/3 of the area of ​​the fetal egg exfoliated), retrochorial hematoma is a significant threat and can have an unfavorable outcome:

  • oxygen starvation of the unborn child;
  • slow development of the baby;
  • death of the fetus inside the womb;
  • spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).

If the pregnancy persists, then the presence of a previously small retrochorial hematoma in most cases does not adversely affect the further development of the child.

Likely Causes

There are many reasons for the occurrence of retrochorial hematoma, and it is not always possible to find out the exact one. The most likely of them are:

  • an imbalance in the hormonal system, which leads to the failure of the internal lining of the uterus to normally accept a fetal egg during implantation;
  • the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus (a gene mutation does not allow the “defective” fetal egg to attach normally to the wall of the uterus, the so-called natural selection is triggered);
  • increased blood clotting (during the implantation process, blood clots can form, disrupting both the process of attaching the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus and the nutrition of the fetus);
  • severe or chronic stress;
  • genital tract infections;
  • alcohol intake, smoking, drug addiction.

Remember that long-term ingestion of infusions, decoctions of herbs and herbal remedies that have an abortive effect (oregano, marshmallow, aloe, valerian, ginseng, ivy, wormwood, sage, echinacea, etc.) will only aggravate the situation!

All the causes of such a diagnosis are not fully understood in medicine. However, the occurrence of a hematoma during pregnancy is possible both for one reason and for several at the same time.

Symptoms of the disease

When the hematoma is located at the bottom of the uterus, the symptoms of pathology are often absent (blood discharge is not observed). A pregnant woman does not attach importance to small changes in well-being and the pathology becomes known only during a routine examination using ultrasound. But more often it happens differently: a woman begins to feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lower back.

If the pathology is established, then bloody, scarlet discharge from the vagina signals a real threat of pregnancy. Scarlet discharge indicates increased growth of the hematoma. Need immediate medical attention.

If bright red or scarlet discharge appears, call an ambulance immediately!

With detachment of the fetal egg on ultrasound, a retrochorial hematoma is observed. This condition is a threat of miscarriage. The gynecologist will tell about the causes, signs of a threatened miscarriage (miscarriage) and the rules of a woman’s behavior to prevent an undesirable phenomenon in the following video:

Diagnostics, tests

Ultrasonography is the main way to diagnose retrochorial hematoma. With this procedure, you can find the following signs:

  1. Local thickening of the uterine wall- evidence of increased uterine tone. With transabdominal ultrasound, short-term hypertonicity of the uterus may occur. In this case, you need to repeat the study with a transvaginal sensor. If muscle tone does not stop, this may indicate the threat of spontaneous abortion.
  2. Due to the tone of the uterus, there is altered shape of the ovum.
  3. Hematoma detection, measuring its size and establishing its exact location.

In addition to ultrasound, the following diagnostics are required:

  • general analysis blood;
  • blood clotting test;
  • study of the vaginal flora;
  • analysis for infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • study of the hormonal background (progesterone, testosterone, TSH);
  • carrying out CTG and doplerometry of the fetus in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Treatment of retrochorial hematoma

A gynecologist is engaged in the treatment of diseases related to pregnancy, and retrochorial hematoma is no exception. The gynecologist should offer the patient hospitalization, where the treatment process and compliance bed rest will be under strict control. Hospitalization conditions allow you to stop bleeding in a short time, relieve the tone of the uterus, thereby increasing the chance of maintaining a pregnancy.

Treatment of retrochorial hematoma is as follows:

  1. For relieve spasms in the muscles of the uterus prescribe antispasmodics such as drotaverine (no-shpa), papaverine, magne B6.
  2. For improve uterine blood circulation appoint actovegin.
  3. Dicinon, tranexam - these drugs can be prescribed by a gynecologist for stop internal bleeding.
  4. Hormonal preparations - utrozhestan, duphaston. These drugs are synthetic analogues of the female hormone progesterone. Under normal conditions, it is produced in sufficient quantities in the body of a pregnant woman. When the level of this hormone is low, the doctor prescribes the above drugs, to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

Most women in position can be intimidated by such a list of drugs. But do not worry, the listed drugs are acceptable for use during pregnancy. But it is not recommended to take them on your own! Treatment should be selected by a specialist individually and at the right dose.

Do not self-medicate and use folk remedies: not all herbs are harmless during pregnancy, and some can cause irreparable harm to the fetus.

Will a caesarean section be necessary?

Retrochorial hematoma is an accumulation of blood as a result of detachment of the fetal egg. It may take place in the first trimester. If a hematoma occurs after 16 weeks, then it is already called a retroplacental hematoma.

In most cases, with timely seeking medical help, the hematoma safely decreases in size and even resolves.

But if a hematoma formed in the second half of pregnancy and, according to the results of studies, the fetus suffers, a planned C-section, which is performed somewhat earlier than the planned date of natural childbirth.

How does a retrochorial hematoma heal?

The fact that the hematoma began to come out / resolve is evidenced by brown discharge from the vagina. They can be of a smearing nature and even moderate.

On average, a hematoma comes out in a few weeks, sometimes the process stretches for a month.

Can a hematoma not come out?

Maybe. The physiological structure of the pelvic organs is such that the emptying of a retrochorial hematoma in the form of brown secretions is sometimes not possible. Hematoma can be localized high at the bottom of the uterus. In this case, the hematoma does not come out, but slowly resolves.

Lifestyle during hematoma treatment

With retrochorial hematoma, it is important to observe bed rest and sexual rest. If the pathology is localized at the bottom of the uterus, the legs must be kept above the position of the body (use the back of the sofa or bed, or put a folded blanket under your feet). This will help empty the hematoma and improve uterine circulation.

Any physical activity, weight lifting, sexual activity is strictly prohibited until the diagnosis of “threat of miscarriage” is removed.

The emotional state of a woman is also very important. It is necessary to avoid stressful situations by any means. Such sedatives like Novopassit, motherwort tinctures, valerian and others will help maintain a normal psycho-emotional state. But you need to take the drug strictly according to the instructions and not for a long time.


Normal digestion also plays an important role - the intestines should not create pressure on the uterus, this can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus. Therefore, you need to adjust your diet so that there is no constipation and bloating. Eliminate stool-fixing foods (including coffee and chocolate). Also, do not eat legumes and cabbage, so as not to provoke gas formation in the intestines.

Give preference to cereals from cereals such as buckwheat, oatmeal, etc. Drink more liquids: compotes, water.

Should I be worried if you have been diagnosed with a retrochorial hematoma? Not only is it not worth it, but it is strictly contraindicated. Follow the doctor's instructions, provide yourself with complete rest and comfortable conditions, adjust your diet.

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most dangerous period. It is dangerous because there is a huge risk of fetal loss. There can be many reasons. Quite often, a retrochorial hematoma is diagnosed in pregnant women during examination. With such a diagnosis, a woman is immediately hospitalized in order to maintain the pregnancy. If not provided in a timely manner medical care miscarriage may occur. During hospitalization, a pregnant woman must strictly follow all the doctor's instructions and follow all recommendations, only then can the pregnancy be maintained. In order to realize the seriousness of the situation, it is necessary to get acquainted with what kind of diagnosis it is and what causes it.

What is a hematoma during pregnancy

The concept of a hematoma implies an accumulation of liquid or clotted blood in a certain cavity. Retrochorial indicates the place of accumulation of blood. This type of hematoma occurs only during pregnancy on early dates. This ailment can be detected only during an ultrasound examination.

A hematoma in pregnant women indicates a partial detachment of the fetal egg, which means there is a serious threat of miscarriage.

Most often there is a threat for 5-6 weeks6. Hematoma formation is suspected when there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Pain can also occur in the lower back. The appearance of bright red discharge also indicates the discovery of bleeding in the uterus. With such a symptom, you must urgently consult a doctor.

There are such types:

  1. Retrochorial (RCH) is formed when the fetus detaches from the germinal part, in other words, the chorion.
  2. Subchorionic is located around the placenta and poses a serious threat.
  3. Retroamnial is diagnosed at an early stage with timely treatment does not pose a threat. May impede emptying and interfere with the organization of blood circulation.
  4. Subamniotic is safe for the fetus, but requires constant monitoring.
  5. Retroplacental is formed with the complete formation of the placenta.
  6. Intrauterine is a dangerous complication and requires immediate treatment.

Retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy is a blood clot that fills the space between the uterine wall and the fetal egg. It accompanies such a dangerous condition as the threat of miscarriage.

Women are interested in how a hematoma comes out during pregnancy, how are conditions treated?

Possible reasons

There are several reasons for such a condition during pregnancy, like retrochorial hematoma. The bulk is similar to the conditions that will be the main threat for abortion.

Retrochorial hematoma

These include:

  • hormonal problems;
  • stressful conditions;
  • the development of inflammatory diseases of the uterus, tumor processes - fibroids, endometritis;
  • negative impacts associated with labor activity– radiation, noise;
  • pressure fluctuations;
  • bad habits - smoking and others;
  • somatic ailments of a chronic nature;
  • bad ecology;
  • pathological conditions of the vessels, especially those that are suitable for the uterus;
  • mechanical injury to the uterus;
  • genetic problems with the fetal egg;
  • serious physical activity;
  • infectious processes that are sexually transmitted;
  • toxicosis at any stage of pregnancy;
  • anomalies in the female reproductive system;
  • development of systemic diseases;
  • blood clotting problems.

Characteristic symptoms

The answer to the question: how long will the hematoma go out during pregnancy will depend on the severity of the problem. The disease does not manifest itself and is detected as part of a routine ultrasound diagnosis. In such cases, the state of health of the pregnant woman remains satisfactory, there are no specific complaints.

In some cases, there will be symptoms characteristic of a threatened abortion.
The main manifestation of how retrochorial hematoma comes out is the appearance of bloody discharge. Depending on the duration of pregnancy and the severity of the hematoma, their intensity may vary.

The appearance of discharge is not always a bad sign. If they differ in dark red coloration, are brown, this is a symptom of the devastation of the hematoma.

If you have to deal with discharge bright red- a dangerous symptom. The situation can be aggravated by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, you need to see a doctor - this condition is dangerous. This is an indicator of the threat of interruption, the growth of education in size.

With this diagnosis, pregnant women complain of soreness in the lumbar region or in the lower abdomen, which can burn to be both aching and pulling.
Such sensations are permanent, but may intensify against the background of factors, including light physical exertion.

Consequences of a hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy

This condition is dangerous for a pregnant woman. Depending on the activity of blood secretion, the severity of the situation is judged. If blood loss reaches 15 ml or more, these are severe and dangerous states, since education occupies up to half of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus.

The consequences of the violation can be expressed in inhibition of the development of the fetus in the uterus, creating conditions for the rejection of the embryo. This threatens with premature detachment - after detachment of the placenta, bleeding begins. If blood enters the abdominal cavity, then a threat is created not only to the life of the fetus, but also to the pregnant woman.

Diagnostic methods

There are several informative studies that identify this kind of formation. This is an ultrasound examination of the fetal egg and the uterine cavity.
Its results reveal:

  • violation of the shape of the attached fetal egg against the background of the impact that the thickened area has on it;
  • local thickening of the uterine wall, as a sign of uterine tone (the condition indicates the current threat of interruption);
  • hematoma, it is important to determine its position and dimensions, a tendency to increase or decrease.

In addition to ultrasound, a number of laboratory tests are among the diagnostic methods:

  • urine test;
  • smear from the vagina on the flora;
  • the presence of diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • dopplerometry, CTG in the later stages of bearing a baby;
  • assessment of blood clotting;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • hormonal assessment.

Hematoma treatment

The answer to the question: how much does a hematoma come out during pregnancy is individual in each case. Depending on the situation, the tactics of treatment are also chosen.

During the period of time, while there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, therapeutic actions are carried out. Additionally, they are carried out during dangerous periods of pregnancy, 12-14 weeks, from 20 to 24 weeks, from 28 to 32 weeks, and also at the final stage from 36 to 38 weeks.

If brown discharge appears, characteristic of a hematoma, with a threat of interruption, it is important to stop the existing signs, relax the muscles of the uterus. For this, a woman needs to comply with bed rest, lie with her legs raised up in order to normalize the movement of blood.

Conservative treatment is as follows:

  • minimization of physical activity in compliance with bed rest;
  • drugs such as Dicinon and Vikasol to stop bleeding;
  • taking vitamin complexes that will smooth out the lack of vitamins and valuable substances in the body;
  • Magne B6 to relieve spasm if there are no kidney problems;
  • normalization of blood circulation through Curantyl;
  • a balanced daily menu, which should include vegetables and fruits;
  • drugs to relieve spasms, including papaverine;
  • lifting the pelvis in a prone position to ensure the outflow of blood from the uterus;
  • if the blood circulation in the hematoma area is problematic, Actovegin is prescribed;
  • taking hormonal drugs to minimize the risk of spontaneous abortion.

What medicine and how many days to drink it, the doctor can prescribe, taking into account the condition of the woman, the duration of pregnancy, the presence of ailments. Hospitalization is often recommended for women in order to exclude physical activity and sexual activity during this period.

How long does a hematoma come out?

In every specific case the answer to the question of how much a hematoma will come out during pregnancy is individual. It is determined by the state of the woman's body, the severity of the condition and the moment when treatment is started.

In most cases, the formation resolves at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, if it was detected in a timely manner, measures were taken for treatment.
It is important to regularly monitor the condition of a woman in order to prevent complications.


In the vast majority of cases, a hematoma during pregnancy does not give serious consequences for a woman and her baby, the outcome of pregnancy is favorable.
But an unfavorable outcome is also possible. It is typical for the most difficult cases. When education accounts for more than 40% of the size of the fetal egg at this stage of pregnancy, or when its volume reaches 60 cm3.

This condition can lead to:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • delay in fetal development;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • chronic fetal hypoxia.

For a woman during pregnancy, it is important to carefully monitor the state of her body, undergo scheduled examinations in order to detect possible problems in a timely manner and respond promptly to them. Then the outcome of pregnancy will be favorable.

Pregnancy is the best period in the life of every woman. This is a period of prosperity, a feeling of happiness and expectation of the birth of a miracle. But it is also a period of fear and anxiety.

And, as luck would have it, it is during pregnancy that almost every woman expects some kind of health problems. Sometimes - insignificant, and sometimes - and very dangerous.

Hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy is a serious complication when blood begins to collect in a certain place in the uterus. And this, as you understand, is absolutely adverse event. A hematoma occurs due to the fact that the fetal egg, for some reason, exfoliates from the uterus in some place (this is where the blood collects).

More recently, doctors were sure: a hematoma is formed due to bruises or falls. But in our time, doctors believe that it can form for other reasons. For example, with certain changes that occur in the general condition of the vessels of the placenta and uterus. These changes occur due to various internal disorders, for example, due to too high blood pressure, severe toxicosis on later dates, infections, inflammation of the genitourinary system. Stress, hormonal imbalance, uterine defects, and fetal malformations, and can cause a hematoma. At the same time, the hematoma itself can develop into a very large one, but externally it is absolutely not noticeable, and therefore a woman may not be aware of its existence. Detects hematoma ultrasound.

Hematoma is very dangerous for both mother and baby. Because of it, the nutrition of the little one worsens, since it deforms the uterus, thus provoking an increase in blood pressure, but nevertheless, in almost all cases, the pregnancy ends in a successful birth. The severity of the situation depends on what form the hematoma in the uterus developed during pregnancy.

Light hematoma

The woman feels normal, does not feel any discomfort, while the hematoma can be detected after childbirth: it leaves a noticeable mark on the placenta.

Childbirth with a mild form of hematoma usually occurs naturally - in a natural way, but doctors are advised to pierce the fetal bladder themselves, and not wait until it bursts.

With a mild form of hematoma, the main thing even during pregnancy is to eliminate the causes of its formation and stabilize the condition of the pregnant woman.

moderate hematoma

It will definitely make itself felt with pains in the lower abdomen,. Of course, in such a situation, you need to see a doctor. But a hematoma of this form may not cause bleeding: it all depends on how large it is and where it formed. In this case, the baby's heartbeat can be seriously disturbed. This will be the signal for the doctor.

Severe hematoma

The woman feels very bad, periodically, or even constantly, suffers from severe pain to the point that she can lose consciousness. A pregnant woman has a significant drop in blood pressure, she has discharge.

If a hematoma of mild or moderate severity occurs, then a caesarean section is prescribed, moreover, at an earlier date than the birth itself is scheduled.

If the hematoma was diagnosed in the early stages of pregnancy, then it can be cured medicines, such as and . It also happens that if the hematoma is small and does not harm either the expectant mother or her baby, then they will not touch it at all, but at the same time they will carefully observe the pregnant woman throughout the entire period.

To prevent continued bleeding, a woman may be prescribed hemostatic agents - they will not give the hematoma the opportunity to grow and develop further. They will definitely prescribe vitamins of group B and, possibly, E. They will recommend drinking or lemon balm to relieve stress.

In addition, a pregnant woman with a hematoma in the uterus must follow a special diet to prevent congestion in the intestines and the accumulation of gases that can put pressure on the uterus. It is contraindicated for a future mother with a hematoma in the uterus to eat strengthening and laxative foods, it is unacceptable to drink carbonated drinks, strong tea,. Her diet is less thick than usual, cereals, a lot of liquids, especially juices, kefir and milk. And, of course, she can't take any medications and dietary supplements without the recommendation of doctors.

Especially for- Elena Kichak


The “special” position of a woman dictates an attentive attitude to health, condition, and mood. Subject " hematoma during pregnancy subject to detailed study. Quite often, you have to face a number of troubles, and awareness is strength and the first step towards healthy motherhood.

Hematoma. Description, reasons

Hematoma. What it is basically? This is an accumulation of blood / bruising / bruising, due to damage to soft tissues, violations of the integrity of blood vessels. Bruises, blows, physical injuries - the root cause.

Hematoma in the uterus- Potential risk to the life of the child and the health of the mother. There may be several reasons for its formation:

  • the phenomenon of severe toxicosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious lesions of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory processes of the uterus, diseases of the endometrium (internal mucous membrane of the uterus);
  • stress;
  • pathological changes;
  • hormonal "restructuring";
  • thrombophilia (risk of thrombosis, impaired coagulation - the result of poor blood clotting);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • dependence on alcohol, drugs, tobacco;
  • high jumps of noise, vibration;
  • genital infantilism (underdevelopment of the genital organs).

Consciously follow the recommendations of specialists; should be attentive to the sensations; do an ultrasound in a timely manner; provide honest information about yourself and your partner; not to hide the presence of genetic diseases - mandatory, important steps for a pregnant woman.

Retrochorial hematoma

Such a violation is often not accompanied by "specific" symptoms or does not manifest itself at all. But in fact retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy - detachment of the fetal egg from the chorion. The distance between them is filled with blood, so you can meet the medical term "Membranous hematoma in pregnancy".

Chorion - the shell of the fetal egg, the future placenta.

The completion of the "construction" of the placenta occurs at a period of 16 weeks, so this type is hematoma during early pregnancy. Only the attending physician is responsible for the diagnosis, having carefully studied the symptoms, anamnesis, and test results.

In order not to mislead yourself, you should know about the existence of the term subamniotic hematoma in pregnancy. It occurs less frequently in medical practice and is characterized by independent resorption, without medical intervention. Therefore, do not confuse the diagnoses.

The neglected form of retrochorial hematoma is called "retroplacental". It comes after 16 weeks, when the fetal egg exfoliates already from the placenta. The degree of risk and adverse effects on the fetus increases.


Ultrasound examination of the uterus - the main research method retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy. The ultrasound machine allows you to identify the deformation of the fetal egg, thickening of the walls of the uterus, the size and localization of complications.

Auxiliary check the blood flow of the placenta and fetal vessels using Doppler. The study describes the direction of arterial and venous blood flow, the lumen of the vessels. Diagnostics allows you to identify an insufficient supply of blood to the embryo, hypoxia - what is fraught with hematoma during early pregnancy.

Required tests

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • coagulogram;
  • smears from the vagina;
  • hormonal screening;
  • blood test for biochemistry.

Coagulogram- blood clotting test; a test of the body's ability to protect itself from blood loss. The indicators are affected by: pregnancy itself, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver.

early discovered hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy- a chance for a quick, painless recovery. Its dimensions are directly proportional to the degree of risk and undesirable development of complications. That is why high-quality diagnosis, consultation of a worthy obstetrician-gynecologist is the key to a healthy pregnancy and natural childbirth.


A small hematoma tends to resolve itself and come out with secretions from the vagina; identified after birth. The duration of treatment is calculated on average for 30 days with future mother in the hospital. The list of indicators and the standard algorithm of actions is given in the table.

Symptoms Stage The nature of the discharge Treatment
Runs almost asymptomatic First (light form) Virtually absent
  • absolute peace;
  • limitation of physical activity;
  • exclusion of sexual life;
  • compliance proper diet nutrition; possibly a diet;
  • sedatives;
  • antispasmodics (drotaverine, magnesium);
  • hormone therapy (according to indications);
  • complex of vitamins, folic acid;
  • hemostatic agents to increase blood clotting.
Drawing pain in the lower abdomen Second (medium) Minor bloody
Severe spasms in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region;
low blood pressure, often fainting
Third (severe) Abundant

The color of the discharge is an important indicator: bright red indicates the development of bleeding, uterine hematoma continues to grow; brown - blood clotting, presumably "resorption".

Simple pelvic lift exercises help drain blood, thereby reducing hematoma growth. The effectiveness of treatment is determined by how does a hematoma come out during pregnancy, whether it is emptying with dark brown vaginal discharge.

In the case of persistent heavy bleeding in severe cases, doctors may decide to terminate the pregnancy by abortion. It is important to be under the careful supervision of specialists - "on conservation", to report complaints and concerns in a timely manner.

Possible consequences

Extensive hematoma in early pregnancy subject to mandatory treatment, clarification of the causes of occurrence. Compliance with all prescriptions and medication effects have a positive effect of treatment, normal blood circulation is restored.

Especially dangerous uterine hematoma in early pregnancy when the size of the detachment of the fetal egg is close to 40% of the total area. There is a possibility of undesirable consequences:

  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • intrauterine growth retardation.

This is a list of especially dangerous complications, therefore, in no case should you consciously allow an increase in the size and growth of a hematoma. Don't despair! Even retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy 7 weeks - not a sentence, with adequate treatment and careful attitude to your body.


  1. Do not panic. Nervous shocks adversely affect embryonic development.
  2. Do not run. Do not neglect the bearing of a child.
  3. Do not overload the body: food (especially harmful), physical activity, negative.
  4. Don't be afraid to ask the question: What is a hematoma during pregnancy and get a detailed qualified answer.
  5. Not to wait. An appointment in the ultrasound room for two weeks in advance - find another doctor on vacation - find a good gynecologist.
  6. Protect yourself from nervous shocks. Be doubly careful.
  7. Immediately go to the hospital if you have complaints.
