At what temperature can bed linen be washed. How to wash bed linen

Bed linen is an essential item in any home. The larger your family, the more it is required. These things are unpretentious, but increased requirements are imposed on their purity. And you can see that some housewives always have bedding like new and breathe freshness, while others, to put it mildly, have numerous washings. What secrets can there be, and how to care for bed linen Right?

The first, quite obvious step in preparing for washing bed linen is to pay attention to the label, which can always be found on any textile item. The label indicates the composition of the fabric from which the item is made, and the permissible washing and ironing modes. They are usually indicated by special icons. There aren't too many of these icons, and they're easy to remember, especially if you erase regularly.

Washing modes should be selected in accordance with the icons that you found on the label of your bed linen.

The next thing that most housewives never forget is sorting the laundry. It is impossible to load everything in a row, mixed up into the washing machine. If white things are washed at the same time as colored ones, they will turn out to be dyed - they will acquire one or another shade, which will be very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, before washing, be sure to divide your bedding into two piles, depending on the degree of staining.

Sorting by type of fabric may be necessary if you have several sets of laundry, and they are from different materials. The fact is that a coarser fabric in the drum of a washing machine can damage a more delicate one, ruptures of fibers and spools will appear on it.

Duvet covers and pillowcases must be turned inside out before washing and shake out the dust accumulated there from the corners.

It is also rightly believed that children's bedding should be washed separately from an adult. This is especially true for underwear for newborns. Such things are usually made from delicate fabrics, and hardly anyone will dare to use active chemicals in the washing process.

Selecting a washing mode

Processing method in washing machine directly depends on the type of tissue. The softer and thinner the fabric, the more delicate the program should be chosen.

Cotton. Perhaps the most common. (Coarse calico is also cotton fabric.) It is quite unpretentious, but still, before washing, you need to take into account some features.

But coarse calico and cotton with bright color patterns are neither soaked nor boiled, because the paint will be washed out of the fabric and the colors will inevitably fade.

Wash cotton bedding in the machine, no hand washing required. But you need to remember that it is impossible to load any of the other types of fabrics at the same time - the linen can become coarse.

The optimal washing mode is 600-800 rpm. It is not recommended to use a strong spin, because you need to iron the cotton in a slightly damp form, otherwise it will be difficult to cope with the folds.

satin. In the production of this fabric, cotton fibers are twisted in a special way. The result is a material with a pleasant, smooth surface and many useful properties. It is also very durable and practical, the washing mode can be chosen the same as for cotton.

Linen. Another very practical item. Linen fibers are strong but not coarse. All linen items can be washed in the washing machine.

Like cotton, undyed linen can be soaked. For example, dissolve chips in a basin laundry soap and leave things there for 2-3 hours before the main wash. Fabrics without patterns can even be boiled if they are heavily soiled. To do this, prepare a solution (dissolve a tablespoon of laundry soap and a spoonful of soda in a liter of water), put on fire and boil for 1.5-2 hours.

Spinning in the drum is possible even at high speeds.

Silk. Silk bedding is considered a delicate material. Manufacturers usually advise. At the same time, try not to twist or rub the products, just squeeze gently.

When washing in the machine, select the appropriate modes - "Delicate" or "Manual". It is also advisable to use detergents specifically for this type of fabric. These should not be powders, but liquid gels or shampoos, because powder particles will simply scratch the delicate silk fibers.

Silk underwear should not be soaked. Also cannot be used chlorine bleaches because the tissue structure can be easily damaged.

The rotation speed during machine washing should not exceed 400 rpm without spinning.

Poplin. It is a fabric made of silk and cotton threads woven together. For this reason, caring for it combines the features of caring for cotton and silk at the same time.

Batiste. This fabric can be made from fibers of various origins by special weaving. It is very thin and delicate, so machine washing is usually not recommended, only hand washing. If you still decide to try washing cambric bed linen in the machine, then put the most without spinning.

Viscose. You will have to wash linen from viscose less often than things from other fabrics. But when washing, there are features. This is essentially a non-woven material, it is based on pressed cellulose fibers. Regular washing can permanently damage any viscose item. But most importantly - things from mixed viscose fabrics with improper washing.

Therefore, the washing rules in this case are the same as for the most delicate fabrics: use only slightly warm water, refuse any bleaches, do not subject the fabric to strong mechanical stress or boiling.

Synthetics. It is generally not recommended to use such bed linen, it is not good for health. But such a fabric has a number of advantages over natural fabric - it is inexpensive, practically does not wrinkle, and lasts a long time. For washing things made of synthetic fibers, do not use bleach or boil them. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

We select the optimal temperature

You can trust the rule: the more delicate the fabric, the lower the water temperature should be when washing.

  • Cotton is washed in water heated to 60 degrees. This is sufficient in most cases. With severe pollution, the temperature is usually increased to 90.
  • Linen is washed at 40-60 degrees. You don't need to raise it higher, from strongly hot water fabric may warp.
  • Silk, cambric, viscose, synthetics, bamboo - usually not higher than 30 degrees, because these fabrics are classified as delicate.

There is also a general rule: dyed items, or items with color prints, should be washed at a temperature 15-20 degrees lower than white or undyed items from the same material.

    • Newly purchased bedding must be washed before first use. After all, it is not known how it was stored, through which hands it passed and what it was impregnated with to preserve its presentation.
  • The washing machine drum must not be completely clogged. Select the weight of the loaded laundry at a maximum of 60% of the maximum, otherwise the quality of the wash is not guaranteed.
  • If there are zippers on things, then they should be closed completely so that the parts do not catch on the fabric during the washing process and do not damage it.
  • To reduce the wrinkling of products during the spin cycle, reduce the drum rotation speed by at least 20% of the nominal value. So it will be more convenient for you to iron your bed linen later.

At first glance, there is nothing difficult in washing bed linen, because most often it is made from fairly dense fabrics - coarse calico, satin, silk, linen, and complex pollution rarely appears on it. But there is another side of the coin: sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases are used intensively, washed frequently, so it is important to know a number of secrets that will help keep them attractive for a long time.

How to wash bed linen? The temperature and washing mode largely depend on the type of fabric from which it is made, but there are also general rules that every housewife should know. Let's start with them.

Wash bedding in the washing machine following the instructions on the kit label.

Rules for washing bed linen in a washing machine

Our grandmothers washed duvet covers and pillowcases by hand, spending great amount strength and time. Today, women are spared this "pleasure". In the washing machine, you can choose any temperature up to boiling, squeeze out the products with high quality before drying.

Sets made from the most delicate fabrics are recommended to be washed by hand, but in this case, you can also use the “delicate” or “silk” modes. Thus, washing bed linen by hand is gradually becoming a relic of the past.

Before washing bed linen in the washing machine, check out our tips:

  1. Do I need to wash new bedding? The answer is unequivocal - yes. Products in the manufacturing process pass through the hands of many people, and then can be stored in warehouses for a long time. Finished duvet covers or sheets can be treated with special substances to give them a marketable appearance. Therefore, even a new set, sparkling clean, must be washed before use. The very first wash is best done in the "delicate" or "manual" mode, at low speeds when rinsing and spinning. In the future, you need to be guided by the recommendations on the product label regarding the mode and temperature.
  2. How often should bed linen be washed? The answer to the question will largely depend on personal preference, but in any case, you should not change sheets less than once every 1-2 weeks. Fresh linen gives a feeling of cleanliness, promotes sound sleep, so you can wash it as often as you want. It is only important not to accumulate stale duvet covers or pillowcases in a crumpled form for a long time - it is better to wash them immediately after replacement.
  3. How to wash sets with embroidery, rhinestones and other decorative details? Such bedding is best washed in a special bag, separately from other things. So it will be possible to keep the original appearance longer and not damage other products in the drum of the machine.
  4. How to save bright colors printed fabric? Colored bed linen should be washed inside out. So the fabric will experience less friction, and the color will remain bright much longer.

Even if the bed linen was used only once by the guests, it is immediately removed and washed.

Before washing, you need to check that all buttons and zippers on pillowcases and duvet covers are fastened.

It is important that the detergents match the type of fabric from which the bed linen is made and rinse well from the fibers. Conditioners and bleaches should not be used with every cycle. To soften the fabric and remove the smell of the powder, you can use ordinary 9% vinegar, for this, 100 ml of the solution is poured into the air conditioner compartment.

Preparing laundry for washing

In order for the washing to be as efficient as possible, the entire volume of laundry must first be sorted. First of all - by the types of fabric from which the underwear is made.

For example, synthetics should not be washed with natural fabrics, because in the process of friction inside the drum, spools will form on the cotton. White sets cannot be placed in the same drum with color ones - no matter how persistent the dye is, lighter shades will still suffer.

And one more rule: do not wash kitchen towels, potholders, handkerchiefs or ordinary clothes with bed linen. Kitchen textiles and handkerchiefs can be much more heavily soiled than bedding, and during the washing process, such soiling can transfer to sheets or pillowcases. Ordinary clothes, as a rule, require the choice of special modes, and when washed with bed linen, they can stretch and deform.

Sorting should also concern the volume of linen. It is optimal to fill about half of the drum. The weight of the laundry also matters: you must not exceed the norm provided for by the characteristics of the equipment.

Washing different types of bed linen

So, the sheets and pillowcases are prepared, the machine is loaded, the question arises - on what mode to wash the bed linen? In modern washing machines, for example, brands Bosh (Bosch) or Lg (ElG), there are many modes that allow you to choose the most accurate washing program for any type of bed linen.

Linen from coarse calico, satin, chintz

Based on cotton raw materials are made different kinds fabrics, of which calico, satin or chintz are most often used for sewing bed linen.

At what temperature should bed linen be washed if it is made of coarse calico, satin or chintz? For white kits, 60℃ is best, for color kits, 45℃ is ideal. For white items, you can choose powders containing optical brighteners - appearance tissues will improve as a result. For colored linen, it is better to choose delicate products that carefully preserve the pigment.

For a more thorough cleaning, you can turn on the double rinse function, and any number of revolutions is suitable for spinning.

Linen bed linen

Washing linen bed linen is not difficult at all: fabric natural color or bleached can be washed at temperatures up to 95 ℃ and even boiled. If linen is dyed, you need to choose a mode with a temperature not higher than 65 ℃. Any number of turns is suitable for rinsing.

So that the bed linen after washing is not too hard, and it is easier to iron it, you can pre-soak the set in soapy water, and then add 1 tbsp when washing. l. 9% vinegar into the conditioner compartment.

Silk bedding

If you decide to wash silk bedding in an automatic machine, you need to select the most gentle washing program, and it is better to turn off the spin cycle completely. You can pre-rinse the set in water with the addition of an antistatic agent - so the laundry will retain its shine after washing.

The water temperature should not be more than 30℃. Bleaches and stain removers should not be used when washing silk.

Bed linen made from fabrics with a high content of synthetics

Modern fabrics with a high content of synthetic fibers are considered a worthy alternative to natural ones. They have high wear resistance, even stubborn and greasy stains are easily washed off from them.

How many degrees are required for a delicate wash? Bed linen made from this type of fabric should not be washed at temperatures above 45 ℃. In the typewriter, it is better to choose the “synthetics” mode of the same name, and use detergents depending on whether the fabric is white or colored.

Baby bed linen

Children's underwear for the little ones is usually made from natural materials without the use of dyes. Cotton fabrics are well tolerated by any wash, so you can choose modes with temperatures up to 95 ℃, for example, when washing sheets for newborns. This treatment will kill all bacteria and germs. Detergent for washing baby clothes must be marked “for children from birth”, and it is better not to use conditioners and bleaches at all.

Another option for safely treating baby sheets is hand washing with laundry soap. In this case, you need to ensure that the foam is completely removed from the fabrics when rinsing.

For older children, parents often purchase brightly colored kits with cartoon characters and fun prints. To preserve the appearance of such products, do not wash them at temperatures above 45 ℃. Duvet covers and pillowcases must be turned inside out before being placed in the drum of the machine.

Guided by our advice, you can wash bed linen in the washing machine so that it will delight you with its appearance for a long time.


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In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

Maria 03/22/2018 06:46

The cleanliness of bed linen has a direct impact on healthy sleep. Even if you wash thoroughly before going to bed, this will not guarantee the cleanliness of your bed. To maintain the hygiene and comfort of the bed, every housewife should know how to properly wash bedding in a washing machine.

Preparing for washing

In order for your bed set to serve you for many years, you should follow the key aspects of washing. This question concerns not only pillowcases, but also other products. To prevent your textiles from spoiling after washing, follow these rules:

  • Before washing, you must take into account the requirements of manufacturers. Each package with bed linen contains information about the composition of the material, a suitable temperature regime and the method of ironing. Similar information is present on product labels.
  • Before placing the products in the machine, be sure to turn them inside out. If there are zippers on the products, fasten them to prevent damage to the fabric.
  • Sort things by color, type of fabric. Colored linen should not be washed with white to avoid staining the snow-white set in incomprehensible shades.
  • Sets of different types fabrics should be washed separately. This method will help you avoid the appearance of spools.
  • Always respect the weight limit of the washing machine and only fill the drum halfway. Compliance with these rules will ensure delicate washing, easy rinsing along with high-quality spinning.
  • Bleaching agents should be used in a minimal amount, as they contribute to the destruction of fabric fibers and have negative impact for color. This rule applies to colored materials and some types of fabric. Read the manufacturer's recommendations and product labels.

Temperature and mode for different fabrics

Every fabric needs special approach. To ensure the longevity of your bed set, follow the guidelines for taking care of your type of material. You will need to decide what fabric your bed set is made of. Manufacturers offer linen, bamboo, cotton, percale, velvet, silk, poplin and satin linen. Based on your choice, consider the desired washing mode.

Baby bed linen

Children's bed should be washed separately. When washing, use only special detergent products that are not capable of causing allergies in the baby. It is recommended to wash newborn things with your own hands using laundry soap.


In order for a cotton bedding set to serve you for many years, you should start with proper storage. Such material should be in a closet, without contact with the sun's rays. It is recommended to shift the linen with fragrant grass or leave a bottle of toilet water on the shelf. A similar method will give pillowcases a pleasant aroma.

Before washing clothes in the machine, divide the laundry into three categories: dark, colored and white clothes. It is also recommended to divide things according to the degree of pollution.

It is best to wash cotton at a temperature of 40-60 degrees. If things are highly soiled, use the 90 degree mode. Keep in mind that this temperature is only suitable for white things.

It is forbidden to wash color sets in this mode. If you bought a new set, hand wash it in cool water. In subsequent cases, be guided by the degree of contamination of products.

Cotton bedding should be dried on a clothesline. Do not let things dry out, remove them from the rope in a slightly damp state. This method will help you to facilitate and significantly speed up the ironing process.

Satin underwear

Satin is a combination of satin weaves in cotton fiber. Such material looks attractive due to its smooth surface.

Keep these kits as far away from sunlight as possible. Drying clothes should also be in the shade. Please note that after you wash such linen, the fabric may shrink slightly in size, but the kit parameters are designed for such a reaction.

For washing satin, a delicate program is suitable for you, which works at forty degrees. Choose a spin mode of 600 revolutions.

Do not purchase powders that contain bleach. As a rule, a satin set can withstand up to 400 washes.

There is also deluxe satin fabric, which is considered a modernized version of the well-known material. On the label are detailed conditions care for such products. Wash the set in the washing machine on a gentle cycle of 40 degrees.

Coarse calico set

Coarse calico bed sets are considered high-quality products that do not shrink after washing and do not fade over time. To prolong the life of the fabric, you should follow the washing regimen.

Consider the fact that colored material can color the water while maintaining the saturation of the pattern itself. Drying of products is carried out in the fresh air or in a drying chamber.

The washing mode should be selected based on the color scheme of the kit. Turn on the temperature mode in the automatic machine, which does not exceed 60 degrees. Washing this fabric is allowed only in a gentle mode with a spin of no more than 600 revolutions. The use of fabric softener is allowed.

Bamboo products

Bamboo is considered best solution for bed linen. The material is perfectly painted and draped, and is also very hygienic in operation. Many buyers are attracted by its shiny surface, which is similar to the radiance of silk.

Bamboo linen should be handled with care. Do not dry clean or wash with bleach. Drying in machines is possible only in the most gentle mode.

Wash this linen manually at 30 degrees. Chlorine products are not allowed. To keep the bed set attractive after washing, lay it flat to dry.

Silk sets

Many women like it when the bed is covered with silk sheets. Such kits belong to the elite and expensive category.

Silk underwear should be stored in cardboard boxes. Some housewives replace cardboard with white paper or gauze. When buying such underwear, remember that it is not intended for daily use.

The fabric can only be washed in delicate or manual mode. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. Do not wring or rub the products, so as not to spoil their appearance. By adding table vinegar when rinsing, you will refresh the paint of the material. Rinsing consists in changing cool water to warm.


Linen products are recommended to be loaded into the machine during a program with a temperature of 60 degrees. White kits can be cleaned with ordinary detergents, and colored - with a special powder, which is designed for thin materials. Eliminate bleaching particles in the composition of the powder.

If you bought a finished linen set, which contains impregnation with various substances (cellulose, fat, synthetic resin, etc.), choose a delicate mode of 40 degrees.

To make it easier on yourself, lather the sheets before washing and leave them for one hour in warm water. Then add a little powder to the water with a large spoonful of table vinegar. Wash things in cool water and dry.

jacquard set

Jacquard material has found its application in many areas of life, including in the field of bed linen. The fabric has numerous advantages and attractive appearance, due to which many buyers choose it.

jacquard linen Do not wash with bleach and do not tumble dry. Do not wash with detergents containing aggressive chemicals.

Purchase neutral powders for these purposes. If you prefer machine washing, then choose a temperature setting of 30 degrees.

Before the washing process, it is better to turn the duvet covers with pillowcases inside out by fastening the zippers with buttons. Neglect of the last recommendation can lead to tissue damage. Drying jacquard should be done in the fresh air. Avoid contact of linen with sunlight.

Satin underwear

The care of such material depends on the base. If you have silk satin, choose the dry type of cleaning. For other varieties, you can use machine or hand wash. The polyester set can be washed at 30 degrees. Spinning cannot be more than 800 revolutions.

Terry bed sets

Before making a bed with a terry set, wash it. This is required to remove fluff, dust particles and other substances. You can simply refresh your bed with salted water and a good rinse.

Washing in the machine is allowed with a spin of up to 800 revolutions. Do not select economy mode, it is not suitable for this type of laundry. If you have a color kit, purchase special soft action products. You can use fabric softener.

Tapestry set

This bedding set will look great in your bedroom. Tapestry is often given to lovers of bright colors. Such material is practical, because the duvet cover can be used as a bedspread.

The bed is changed every seven days. It is recommended to select only delicate washing programs in order to prolong the life of the material.

Try to avoid contact of products with ultraviolet light, as such contact can lead to fading of the pattern.

Washing of tapestry linen is carried out only with a gentle program with a temperature of up to 30 degrees. Make sure that in the selected mode, the spin does not exceed 600 revolutions. Eliminate the use of powder with bleaching particles and drying in the machine.

How often should you wash?

According to the requirements of SanPiN in the field of medical organizations, bed linen should be washed, taking into account the degree of contamination of the kit, but not less than once a week. With the same frequency, you should wash the bed at home. During this period, the linen loses its freshness, but does not have time to get very greasy.

In winter, when we sweat much less and wear pajamas, you can change the bed once every couple of weeks. In various European countries, it is customary to change linen every couple of weeks, provided that the bed is to be ventilated and the air has a significantly lower temperature regime than in Russia.

Pillowcases get dirty more often as they come into contact with the hair. Therefore, it is better to change these products often - once every two or three days.

If there are households with temperature at home, it is correct to wash the kit daily. The use of fresh bed linen every day will guarantee hygiene and get well soon sick. If you don't have the ability to change your pillowcase daily, at least change your pillowcases.

Wash new linen before use to ensure it is clean and hygienic. Moreover, washing will help to refresh the bed and remove the remaining dust.

Does it need to be ironed?

Many women are interested in the question: is it necessary to iron bed linen and starch. This question cannot be answered unequivocally, because there are positive and negative arguments. However, most of the arguments boil down to the fact that you can not iron the bed.

The arguments that speak about the positive properties of ironing include the following:

  • the process of ironing due to exposure to high temperatures contributes to the destruction of microbes and bacteria;
  • Most people say that they are more comfortable sleeping on ironed linen.

The negatives include the following:

  • in a dream, people secrete liquid, and ironed linen has reduced absorbent qualities, not allowing the skin to fully breathe;
  • ironing takes a lot of time.

In addition to these arguments, it should be borne in mind that ironing may be necessary in the following cases:

  • a sick person lives with you. The iron will eliminate all bacteria and prevent infection of the rest of the family;
  • bed linen on which children who are not one and a half years old sleep should be ironed;
  • with high humidity, due to which the laundry is not able to dry on its own.

Most people do not like to iron things, as this process is quite tedious. However, there are ways to help reduce the time spent and simplify ironing itself:

  • if your bed linen is decorated with embroidery, ironing can only be done from the inside out;
  • you will facilitate the ironing process if you wet things a little in advance;
  • many doctors do not advise their patients to iron the bed, as the linen loses its hygroscopic qualities;
  • do not leave the laundry in the dirty laundry basket in a crumpled state. This will lead to difficulties in ironing.

To prolong the life of your bed linen while using it follow a few easy rules:

  • Wash items as often as needed. If there is any feeling of discomfort, replace the kit.
  • When machine washing, use liquid gel preparations. They are easily washed out of the material and do not leave streaks. Also, such funds do not provoke the appearance of irritation.
  • Dirty bedding should be washed promptly. If you put clothes and other things in the laundry basket, the condition of the fabric may deteriorate greatly. A long stay in the basket has a negative effect on the material.
  • When machine washing, do not set the temperature regime that is needed for hand washing. This is due to the fact that water cools quickly in air and does not cause destruction of the fabric fibers.

  • Heavily soiled laundry is best soaked before washing. This will help enhance the effect of washing and remove stains.
  • To wash the bed set from yellowness, you should find out the cause of the stains. For example, traces of sweat can be removed with table vinegar, urine is removed with hydrogen peroxide, dishwashing liquid, baking soda and table vinegar. By mixing the components in cold water, you will get an excellent product that will remove the stain along with the smell. Saliva is easy to wash off with laundry soap.

Reading time: 9 minutes

Previously, washing bed linen took women all day, it was a very time-consuming process, and today, the main thing is to know at what temperature things will not become unusable. A good cleanser and machine will do the rest. It has long been noted that our health is directly related to the cleanliness of the things around us, especially those that are constantly in contact with the skin (bedding, towels, clothes).

People have been washing clothes for centuries. IN different countries had their own ways and means, but even in the absence of running water in the houses, this was a must for many peoples.

  • In Rus', wealthy families turned to laundresses, and simple people arranged laundry once a month, the process dragged on for a whole day. We used home-made lye (ash from straw from sunflowers and buckwheat), sour milk, decoctions of beans, potatoes and hot stones.
  • In India, only men worked as laundresses. They beat the laundry on heavy boulders. In some regions, they still do this today.
  • And in Europe of the 19th century, as a punishment, prostitutes were sent to work as laundresses.

The hardest thing to wash with your hands is voluminous things, such as duvet covers, sheets, bedspreads. Before the advent of special mechanisms, this was done in large containers, and more often in the fresh air near water bodies.

Even Leonardo da Vinci thought about creating a device that would simplify this process. He drew what looked like a mechanical washing machine, but he never built it. In 1797, Nathaniel Briggs from America invented and patented a wooden box with a frame that had to be moved, due to which the linen was cleaned. In 1949, the first automatic machine was produced.

Modern technology has various functions, modes, you can adjust the temperature, speed and even control it using a computer.

This invention has greatly simplified the life of housewives. The laundress profession has not disappeared either, now their duties include the ability to correctly set the mode, speed and temperature for different types fabrics. And the biggest exercise stress have to bookmark and take things out.

Bedding should be washed no more than once a week. During this time, dust and serious pollution do not have time to multiply, penetrate deep into the fibers, and are not able to harm the body.

It is advisable to change underwear every day only when a person is sick and has a temperature, because in this case sweat and harmful bacteria are firmly and quickly fixed on the fabric.

Frequent washing contributes to premature wear of the material, but if everything is done correctly, the kit will last a long time.

For sewing bed linen, seven types of fabric are mainly used, which have a number of characteristics suitable for sleeping:

  • coarse calico
  • satin
  • poplin
  • percale
  • bamboo
  • linen
  • silk

All of them are quite soft, well absorb moisture and conduct air. Each of them is environmentally friendly if its composition is 100% natural.

Choosing a quality kit is only half the battle. The main task of a good hostess is to preserve its properties and appearance for as long as possible. To do this, you need to know the features of the matter from which it is sewn, and follow the rules of care.

It would seem that nothing complicated, but it is easy to get confused here. To prevent this from happening, the table will help you figure out at what temperature to wash bed linen, on what mode and at how many degrees, how to dry and iron properly.

Type of fabric Coarse calico satin
Compound Cotton Cotton, polymer fibers Cotton, wool, silk, synthetics
Degree of strength Dense, rough, durable, matte, non-slippery Thin, soft, durable, smooth, silky, slippery Thin, soft, durable, non-slip
Wrinkles or not Almost does not wrinkle Almost does not wrinkle Poplin wrinkle, percale won't wrinkle
hygroscopic Yes Yes Yes
Breathable Yes Yes Yes
Color retention No Yes Yes
Hypoallergenic Yes Yes (if it is 100% cotton)
Machine wash mode "Cotton", "delicate"

600-800 rpm

"Cotton", "delicate"

600 rpm

"Cotton", "delicate"

600-800 rpm

Wash temperature 30-60

90 - for heavy pollution


60 - for heavy pollution

Tools used Washing powder, gel, conditioner Washing powder, gel, conditioner
Drying method In a car, on a rope, on a horizontal surface In a car, on a rope, on a horizontal surface
Ironing mode Hot iron, no steam Iron temperature up to 150 degrees, inside out
Chlorine-containing for plain dyed and printed Chlorine-containing Chlorine-containing
Price interval (rubles) 800-4 000 2 500-15 000 Poplin 1 000-5 000

Percale 1 500-9 000

Type of fabric Bamboo Linen
Compound Bamboo, cotton, silk, synthetics Linen Silk, viscose, polyester
Degree of strength Thin, soft, durable, smooth, non-slip Rough, dense, slightly embossed Thin, soft, light, slippery
Wrinkles or not Almost does not wrinkle Wrinkles a lot crumples
hygroscopic Yes Yes Yes
Breathable Yes Yes Yes
Color retention Yes No No
Hypoallergenic Yes Yes Yes (if it is 100% natural fibers)
Machine wash mode "Delicate"

400 rpm


600 rpm

do not squeeze

"Delicate", "silk", "hand wash"

Gently squeeze

Wash temperature 20-40 20-40

60 - for white

Tools used Soft washing powder, gel, conditioner Soft washing powder, gel, conditioner
Drying method Away from the sun On a rope, on a horizontal surface, out of direct sunlight On a horizontal surface, away from sunlight
Ironing mode Can't be ironed Iron wet, iron temperature up to 150 degrees, with moisture Iron while damp, setting the iron on silk mode
Tools that cannot be used Chlorine-containing Chlorinated, solvents Chlorinated, solvents
Price interval (rubles) 3 500-15 000 2 500-12 000 3 000-115 000

It is worth noting that poplin and percale, located in the same cell, are different fabrics. The first is made from twisted threads, the second - from fibers treated with a special adhesive composition. Are used different weaves, but they differ significantly from each other only in terms of the degree of crushing and the price, which is noted in the table.

Poplin and percale often go together, although they are woven differently and have different origin stories. However, it is often noted that in terms of properties, percale is an improved poplin.

In addition to the care manual for each type of fabric, there are general recommendations for washing in a washing machine:

  • first, you need to turn the linen on the wrong side;
  • sort by color, degree of soiling and type of fabric;
  • fasten all fasteners (buttons, zippers, etc.), unfasten all clinging decorative elements;
  • it is impossible to wash other things together with bed linen;
  • load washing machine should be no more than 2/3;
  • do not use chlorine-containing and other aggressive agents.

The most optimal washing temperature , suitable for all types of laundry, 30 degrees. At the same time, the color is preserved and the material does not wear out, but disinfection does not occur. To disinfect a sleeping set washed at a low temperature, it must be ironed or steamed.

What clothes can be washed at 90 degrees? Only cotton bleached or dyed calico. Some sources indicate that flax too. But do not forget that the material from natural fibers shrinks under the influence of high temperatures. Other types are preserved when washed in water up to 60 degrees.

Some fabrics, like satin bedding, can be washed with hotter water than indicated on the label. In this case, you need to be careful and follow a few rules:

  • use intensive washing modes only in case of urgent need (with heavy pollution);
  • use oxygen bleaches or stain removers that do not contain chlorine;
  • do not increase speed;
  • dry and iron properly after washing.

Even after studying all the care tips, do not forget that there are a lot of types of fabrics, they all differ in composition, in the percentage of fiber combination, etc. Before you start washing bed linen, you need to familiarize yourself with the contents of the label.

How to wash baby bedding

  • Children's bed is made mainly of cotton or bamboo. Both materials are hypoallergenic and pleasant to the touch.
  • Coton is cheaper and easier to care for. It can be washed in hot water, ironed and steamed. But it wears out faster.
  • Bamboo has a higher price. It keeps longer beautiful view. But underwear for children must be disinfected, i.e. wash at high temperature or at least iron, which cannot be done with this fabric.
  • Although linen is also natural and harmless, it is rough for delicate baby skin.

How to wash washed bed linen

It happens that an expensive set, after several washes, loses its appearance - spools appear, the pattern fades, the canvas is torn. It is useless to find out how much better this or that bed linen is: from satin, percale, poplin, linen, coarse calico or silk. Here to each his own. The reason most often is that it was not washed correctly.

A heavily laundered bed is unlikely to be saved, but if you act at the first sign of wear, you can fix something by following proven tips:

  • Linen that has lost its gloss should be soaked in a solution of hot water (from 40 to 70 degrees) and ammonia, for no more than a day. The effect will be enhanced by adding salt, soda or hydrogen peroxide.
  • From the appearance of pellets, foil balls thrown into the drum of the machine will help.
  • Color will not fade if vinegar is dissolved in water.
  • Cotton (especially white) will look amazing and crunch nicely after soaking it in cold blue water with a starch paste.
  • Oxygen stain removers do well with difficult-to-remove stains, which do not damage the fabric.
  • If the laundry begins to electrify over time, the air conditioner will remove the static.
  • The most effective option to avoid fading is to wash sheets (especially silk ones) in the laundry or by hand.

You should not follow the "grandmother's" advice, which, without any chemistry and technology, washed any dirt on things. Firstly, the composition of modern fabrics and the dyes used are strikingly different from the previous ones. Secondly, folk remedies you can simply ruin the washing machine. Safer to apply special means from the shop.


To date, bed linen is sewn from different fabrics, which differ in composition, density, softness, color scheme, price, etc. Each hostess can choose a set based on her preferences, needs and financial capabilities. But the greater responsibility for maintaining beauty and softness lies not with the manufacturer, but with the buyer.

A high-quality bed linen set made from natural fabrics cannot be cheap! The price drops if the composition contains synthetic fibers. When combining natural threads (for example, cotton with silk), the cost increases significantly.

The bed will remain tender and beautiful for a long time, if you have a careful attitude and proper care. To get a sound and healthy sleep, it is enough to follow the tips for washing clothes.

It is desirable to have several sets of bed linen in every house. This allows you to quickly change it to fresh. Many people often have questions about proper care for pillowcases, duvet cover and sheets, because they have different colors and are made from different fabrics. This article contains all helpful tips, which allow you to keep bed linen as long as possible.

How to wash bed linen

Before proceeding with this procedure, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • look at the recommendations offered by the underwear manufacturer. It will indicate the optimal temperature and mode for washing, the material of manufacture;
  • distribute bedding by fabric, temperature and color;
  • there is no need to use bleach with or without reason, it can only make it worse;
  • the more often washing is carried out, the easier the mode is set.

In the washing machine

This option is best suited for bedding, as they are quite voluminous. In order not to spoil the appearance of the fabric, the set must be turned inside out, this allows you to save the color. When loading into the drum, all laundry should be approximately the same shade to prevent shedding.

First you need to choose the optimal machine mode for a separate fabric. To do this, we study all labels from the manufacturer, which indicate that it is necessary to wash at a temperature in a certain range. Spinning can also damage the fabric, so it is important to set the correct program.

Washing temperature of individual fabrics

  • cotton - 40 degrees;
  • poplin and satin - 40-60 degrees;
  • linen and cotton - 60-90 degrees;
  • synthetic fabric and silk - no more than 30 degrees;
  • flannel sets - 40-60 degrees.

Which mode to choose

It is quite easy to remember the main types of fabrics that do not require the installation of a special machine mode. These include:

  • coarse calico;
  • poplin;
  • satin;
  • ranforce;
  • percale.

The "Delicate wash" setting is selected for bed linen from:

  • cotton
  • bamboo;
  • chintz;
  • polyester.

Most modern automatic machines have a specially made “Silk” setting. It is ideal for removing stains from silk products. You need to understand that for some kits it is recommended to use special chemicals, according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Hand wash bedding

There are situations when the machine breaks down, but the basket with dirty things remains. Despite the fact that washing bed linen involves a significant expenditure of physical energy, this process can be facilitated. It is enough to make a special solution and place the fabric in it. This approach will allow you to get rid of stubborn pollution.

The solution contains the following components:

  • warm water;
  • bleach (one tablespoon);
  • liquid powder;
  • vinegar (one spoon).

In water heated to 50 degrees, all contents are thoroughly mixed.

After mixing all the substances, the bed linen is soaked in it and aged for about 15 hours. For these purposes, it is best to use large containers (for example, a bath).

If the fabric is likely to shed, cooler water should be used. Next, rinsing and spinning, which is carried out effortlessly so as not to cause damage. The best option is to leave the product for a while so that it is glass on its own.

How often to wash bedding

It is recommended to start washing no more than once a week, but you should pay attention to the season. In winter, people prefer to wear pajamas, so the bed stays fresh longer. In the cold season, you can change the regularity of washing up to once every 2 weeks. With profuse sweating in the summer, it is recommended to change bedding every 3-4 days.

If a person is sick, it is best to change the pillowcase, sheet, and duvet cover every day. If this is not possible, update him at least a pillowcase.

Do you wash new bedding?

Any new thing needs to be washed. This is due to the fact that the fabric is treated with chemicals that retain its shape. Due to this, industrial dust and various dirt are collected on the surface.

The first wash should be carried out at the maximum temperature indicated by the manufacturer. Thus, all microbes are killed and paint residues are removed. Do not panic if the kit has become smaller, this phenomenon is normal and is observed in every housewife.

Now that you have received useful information Learn how to properly wash bed linen to avoid common mistakes that damage the fabric. Properly selected mode and temperature is the key to success.
