Analysis of the labor activity of children in the middle group. Development of labor activity of a preschooler

Diagnostics is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the educational program, which contains criteria for assessing labor skills in children of older preschool age.

Examples from the experience of preschool educational institutions:

Example 1

labor in nature.

· The child is invited to work hard - water the plants, loosen them, remove dust from them.


  • the child accepts the goal of labor, willingly accepts the offer of the educator;
  • the child agrees to the offer of the teacher, but he needs additional motivation (“Help me”);
  • the child does not accept the goal of labor outside game situation(“Dunno doesn’t know how to take care of plants. Do you want to teach him?”).

The child is invited to select two plants from a corner of nature that need watering, loosening, dusting, and explain why he chose these plants


  • independent in determining the object of labor, isolates its features (signal signs of a living object: the earth is dry, dust on the leaves, etc.);
  • the subject of labor and its features that are significant for labor are singled out with the help of an educator;
  • does not single out the object of labor with its features (even with the help of an adult).

The child must answer what the plants will be like after he provides care for him.


  • the child foresees the result of labor (flowers will grow well after watering, loosening);

The child is invited to talk about the sequence of labor actions and explain the need for such a sequence. In case of difficulty, give the child a set of pictures depicting labor actions to remove dust from plants and offer to arrange them sequentially


  • the child independently tells, explains the sequence of labor actions;
  • puts the pictures in the right order and explains;
  • cannot plan the sequence of labor actions.

Invite the child to select the equipment necessary for work. Put him in a situation of choice: along with the necessary tools and equipment, put those that are unnecessary for this labor process (for example, a net for transplanting fish, etc.)


  • independently selects the necessary equipment;
  • with a little help from an adult chooses necessary tools;
  • unable to complete tasks.

The child is invited to show how he will take care of the plants: water the plants correctly, loosen the soil, remove dust from different plants


  • performs all labor actions with sufficient quality and independently;
  • individual labor operations are carried out quite independently, but of poor quality;
  • the quality of the performance of labor actions and the quality of the result are low.

Consolidate the results into Table 4.

Table 4

Diagnostics labor activity plant care

requiring special attention- A

average- B

high- IN

Household work.

A subgroup of children is invited to wash plant saucers. Everyone washes 1-2 saucers. Conclusion: all saucers are clean. When completing the task, the teacher pays attention to how the children distributed the objects of labor among themselves, selected the necessary equipment, perform the labor action, and evaluate the quality of the labor actions performed.

A subset of children are told that the paint cans are dirty. What to do?

Collective labor assumes that each child performs a certain labor action (one washes, another rinses, the third wipes, puts on a tray, etc.). Distribute responsibilities, agree among themselves, the children themselves. When completing a task, the educator pays attention to the ability to set a collective goal of work, distribute work between participants, distribute work equipment for each participant in joint work, organize a workplace, work at a common pace, etc.

Consolidate the results into Table 5.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of labor activity of children of early and preschool age.

1. The concept of "Labor".

The concept of "labor" is interpreted as "an expedient human activity aimed at modifying and adapting natural objects to meet their needs." All material and spiritual values ​​are created by human labor; in the process of labor, the person himself is improved, his personality is formed. Modern stage social and economic development makes high demands on the personality of the child: attitude to work as the most important public duty; conscientious attitude to work, movement towards work and its results, collectivism; manifestation of initiative, active creative approach to work; the inner need to work to the fullest extent of one's mental and physical powers; attitude to work as a conscious necessity and one's basic vital needs of a person.
A.S. Makarenko. Labor is the basis. But what is labor is not at all what the hands of a child, a teenager are busy with. Labor is what develops a small person, supports him, helps him to assert himself.
Diligence and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are brought up from early childhood. Labor must be creative, because it is creative labor that makes a person spiritually rich.
Labor makes a person physically move. And, finally, work should bring joy, bring happiness, well-being.

Labor education of preschoolers- a purposeful process of forming in children a positive attitude towards work, the desire and ability to work, morally valuable qualities, respect for the work of adults. Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. In kindergarten labor education It consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to work activities available to them. In the process of getting acquainted with the work of adults, the educator forms in children a positive attitude towards their work, a careful attitude to its results, and the desire to provide adults with all possible assistance.

Labor education in the program is a mandatory component of the development of basic and creativity child, the most important means of forming a culture of interpersonal relations.

The task is to gradually develop in children (taking into account age-related capabilities and gender characteristics) an interest in the work of adults, instilling a desire to work, skills in elementary labor activity, diligence.

In accordance with the program, labor education includes the main types: self-service, household work, work in nature, manual labor, Self service- this is the work of the child, aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, washing).

Household work- work on cleaning the premises, washing dishes, washing, etc. Unlike self-service, it has a social orientation. The child learns to create and maintain the environment in an appropriate form. The child can use the skills of household work both in self-service and in work for the common good.

Labor in nature de - caring for plants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden, landscaping the site, participating in cleaning the aquarium, etc.

Manual and artistic labor- work aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person (making handicrafts).

and the forms of its organization are assignments, duties, common, joint and collective work of children.

The role of labor in shaping the personality of preschoolers: The role of labor in the physical, mental, sensory, moral, speech development children;

· Labor satisfies the child's needs for self-affirmation, for the knowledge of his own abilities, brings him closer to adults (this is how the child himself perceives the activity).

In labor, children master a variety of skills and abilities necessary for Everyday life: in self-service, in household activities. Improving skills and habits does not consist only in the fact that the child begins to do without the help of adults. He develops independence, the ability to overcome difficulties, the ability to volitional efforts.

· In the process of labor, children practically learn the properties of surrounding things, observe the growth and changes of plants, examine animals, getting acquainted with the conditions of their habitat. They develop curiosity, cognitive interests. Labor becomes an important means of mental development of children.

· Aesthetic education and emotional development are carried out in labor activity. Children develop the ability to perform any task carefully, to give their crafts beautiful view. They rejoice, noticing a new bud when watering a plant, examining a neatly tidied room, cleanly washed doll things.

· Labor hardens children physically, as they perform many of its types in the air. Children become capable of exerting strength and overcoming difficulties.

Work activity is of particular importance for the formation moral qualities. By performing simple duties related to table setting, helping to prepare everything necessary for classes, children learn to be useful to others. This forms their readiness to come to the aid of those who need it, willingly carry out feasible labor assignments, forms a responsible attitude to the task assigned, diligence and diligence.

The essence and originality of the labor activity of preschoolers;

Labor education is a purposeful process of shaping children's labor skills and abilities, respect for the work of adults, and the habit of working. The main means of labor education of preschool children is teaching self-service, elementary labor activities, manual and household work. Even the result itself (washed dishes, embroidered napkin, etc.) is interesting and useful for the child. At preschool age, the labor activity of children is formed as an independent one with its inherent components: the formation of a goal, the choice of materials and tools, the determination of the sequence of labor actions, the actual labor actions with material and tools aimed at achieving a result, as the realization of a goal. The child masters labor activity gradually throughout childhood. The higher the level of development of labor activity, the awareness of the importance of labor, the more opportunities for its use for the comprehensive development of the child. So, the labor activity of preschool children has great educational opportunities and can be used as a means of consolidating knowledge about the world around them, cultivating diligence, responsibility for the task assigned, perseverance, and the ability to coordinate actions in joint activities with others. In order for the labor of children to be a means of moral and labor education, it is necessary to organize it with pedagogical expediency. Makarenko noted that labor can remain a neutral process in terms of educational impact when the pedagogical conditions for its organization are not provided. In the labor education of children, the unity of the requirements of the family and preschool.

originality : The work of people in society is always aimed at creating material and spiritual values. The labor of children does not and cannot have such significance. The results of children's work satisfy the needs of the child himself or those around him. We can agree that an objective assessment of the results of a child's work is extremely difficult. But at the same time, a preschooler in the process of labor experiences true labor effort, begins to realize its significance, the focus on satisfying his needs on his own, without using the help of adults. His inclusion in work is always provided by motives that are essential for him, and, finally, the child experiences a high emotional upsurge and joy from the results achieved. But how, then, to evaluate even a small participation of a preschooler in work, because the lack of evaluation significantly reduces the desire of children to work? And therefore, it becomes necessary to introduce the concept of “subjective significance of labor”, i.e., the assessment of the result not in terms of the amount of work performed, but taking into account the manifestation of care, perseverance, labor or volitional efforts expended. Thus, when evaluating a child's activity, one should pay more attention to his attitude to the matter, the desire to bring joy to others, to do something useful for himself. Labor captivates the child, allows you to feel your abilities, experience the joy of the results achieved, and joint activities unite children with common emotional experiences, thereby contributing to the formation of a children's society. In the work of a preschooler, a connection with the game is clearly revealed. In the game, the first manipulative actions are carried out, which by their nature resemble labor ones: they contain imaginary labor operations. But not only this exhausts the significance of the game, in which the child in role-playing actions reflects the work of adults. Taking on the role of an adult, he becomes imbued with an emotional attitude to the actions performed: he worries about the patient, pays attention to passengers, etc. He experiences an emotional upsurge, excitement, joy, his feelings correspond to the feelings of a worker, although they are not related to labor efforts. The process of play encourages the child to carry out labor activities, such as bathing a doll. Such actions help to master the first labor skills. But sometimes these labor actions capture the child so much that he forgets about the goal. So, being on duty, the child arranges sockets with gouache, using a tray. Having placed them on the tables, the child turns the tray into a steering wheel and, pretending to be a driver, “drives” for another set of sockets. Or he becomes a zoo worker when he is instructed to feed fish, a bird: he talks to Them, portraying Dr. Aibolit, performs the necessary actions, accompanying them with words expressing concern for his wards. On the other hand, the game can become a motive that encourages work. So, for example, to play in a stream, you must first make boats; to start a game of sailors - make caps. The end of the game also makes it necessary to perform labor actions: built a palace from cubes - you need to put all the remaining material on a shelf, finished playing loto - put all the cards in a box, made attributes for the characters of the future dramatization game - remove scraps of colored paper, wash brushes, rosettes from glue, etc. At the older preschool age, work is separated from play. Children begin to realize the difference between work and play. Thus, during preschool childhood, the relationship between play and work is manifested:

In the manipulative actions of children playing the roles of adults;

In productive actions that make up the plot of the game;

In the inclusion of game actions in the labor process;

In the role-playing behavior of a child who creates the image of a worker.

Means of labor education. The means of labor education of preschool children should ensure the formation of sufficiently complete ideas about the content of adult labor, about the worker, his attitude to work, and the importance of labor in the life of society; assistance in teaching children the labor skills available to them and organizing various types of labor in order to educate them in the process of their activity in a positive attitude towards work and establish friendly relationships with peers.

Such means are:

Acquaintance with the work of adults;

Training in labor skills, organization and planning of activities;

Organization of work of children in the content accessible to them. In the pedagogical process kindergarten All of these tools are used in close relationship, complementing each other. The content of the work of the teacher in the use of these means becomes much more complicated when taking into account the gradual growth of the ability of children to master labor skills.

Place of work in the daily routine of children. For the rational organization of labor activity in groups, it is necessary to create conditions. Determine where to store equipment. Plant care work in the corner of nature is organized in the morning. Cleaning of the group, washing of doll linen is carried out in the evening after a daytime sleep. At the same time, work on crafting attributes is organized. Individual assignments, which include different types labor are organized throughout the day. The teacher in each case chooses the most convenient time for their implementation. In the morning, as well as after a walk, all children clean their clothes, and how they do it should not be left out of sight of the teacher. On a walk, children perform age-appropriate work on cleaning the site, caring for plants, taking out and cleaning up play material. After dinner, all older children take part in preparing the beds for bed, and after sleep they are cleaned. Toys are removed after the games.

Self service- self-service activities are present at all regime moments (hygiene procedures - washing hands, washing, using napkins and handkerchiefs).

Household work- various forms of organization are possible: frontal (collective work), subgroup (duty), individual (assignments). - Duties are conducted accordingly regime moment(before classes, after classes, before and after meals); - Instructions are given to children throughout the day in the process of performing routine processes; - Collective work is organized when cleaning the premises (group room, locker rooms) - carried out in the afternoon; when cleaning the site - during walks in the morning and afternoon.

labor in nature- organized in the form of assignments, duties (in the corner of nature), collective labor(on the kindergarten site). Duties in a corner of nature, in a group, are held in the morning, before breakfast, at the same time, assignments related to labor in nature are carried out. During the walk, collective and individual work in nature is organized: caring for plants and birds. Manual labor- from preschool age. Manual labor classes are held in the first half of the day (according to the schedule of classes), individual work and free activities of children in manual labor are organized in the second half of the day. Thus, children are involved in labor activity during the entire time they are in kindergarten. And for the formation of a positive attitude towards work among preschoolers, a clear planning of labor activity is necessary (duty schedule, plan for collective labor activity, plan for individual work with children). 5 The correct organization of the subject-developing environment is also necessary: attributes of the duty officers (aprons, scarves, panicles and scoops, cloths for tables - for duty in the dining room; aprons, scarves, rags, watering cans, spray guns, shovels for loosening the earth, etc. - for duty in a corner of nature; necessary materials for those on duty). - Garden tools, gloves, gowns or aprons, etc. are required to work on the site. Only correctly and rationally organized and positive labor activity will give positive results and form labor skills and abilities among preschoolers, and, therefore, will contribute to labor education.

The specifics of labor activity planning.

Reb-to ml air-ta: does not plan at all.

Older children: they plan only the execution process, forgetting about the organization of labor and outline only the main stages, but not the methods of execution. Monitoring and evaluation is not provided. Verbal planning lags behind practical - the child cannot draw up a work plan, but acts consistently.

The role of an adult at different stages is different: first he plans the work of children, then he involves them in joint planning, after which he teaches them to plan independently

The labor activity of children has its own specifics. Therefore, it requires special approach and guidance from the teacher.

goal setting Older preschoolers themselves set a goal, performing daily duties, but they do this only in familiar situations. When conditions change, they should be prompted what to do. The ability of children to independently set a goal develops most successfully in those types of labor where, as a result, a material result is obtained.
Work planning Senior preschoolers plan only the process of doing work, not including organization (what to prepare for work, what materials to take, where to put, etc.); outline only the main stages of work, but not the methods of execution; they do not plan to monitor and evaluate their work; verbal planning lags behind practical planning.
Work process Adults and children work together, directing efforts to achieve a common result. The teacher should not work with pupils from beginning to end, but they should see the adult's interest in achieving a common goal. Communication arises on the basis of unity of purpose. Cooperation and mutual assistance are supported and encouraged by the teacher. Leading are subject-tool actions, with the help of which the result is achieved.
The result of labor activity At the senior preschool age the attitude to work changes. Children already before the start of work are interested in why it is needed, to whom the result is intended. The evaluative attitude to the result of labor also changes: evaluation criteria are formed, its categorical and unmotivated nature is overcome, although it is easier for a child to evaluate the work of a peer than his own.

All this contributes to the development of imagination, planning activities, which include the ability to foresee not only the final result, but also intermediate ones, purposefully build the labor process.
The work of children is of great importance for physical development: muscle activity, physical effort increase the functional activity of all systems of the child's body; movements are improved in labor, their coordination, consistency, arbitrariness. Achieving work goals causes a positive emotional state, increases the child's vital activity.
Thus, labor is a means of comprehensive development of the child, and it is for this purpose that it is used in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten.

The role of adults at different stages of labor activity planning.

The role of an adult at different stages is different: first, he plans the work of the children himself, then involves them in joint planning, and, finally, teaches them to plan independently. .

children ml: they do not know how to independently set a goal in labor, this is because they do not have the ability to keep the whole process and results in memory. For the development of the ability to set a goal in work, it is important to realize the goal, the ability to see the result, the possession of methods of action, skills. At this stage, this role belongs to an adult, he sets a goal and helps to realize it.

older children: in habitual situations they set a goal themselves. They do it more successfully when they achieve a material result. A child of this age may also be aware of distant goals (growing crops). Long-term goals are set by an adult. It is possible, and sometimes necessary, for children to gradually realize a distant goal, an adult helps him by dividing the entire labor process into short stages and sets a goal at each such stage.

motive can be different: to receive from adults + an assessment of their actions, to enter into communication with an adult, to assert themselves. All of the above motives can be in children different ages, but only in 5 - 7 years r-k able to formulate them.

Practical lesson.

Methods for diagnosing the work activity of preschoolers;

In order to most appropriately outline the main directions of their pedagogical activity when organizing the work of children, the educator should have a good idea of ​​the level of development of the labor activity of each child and the group of pupils as a whole.

Diagnostics is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the main general educational program of education and training in kindergarten and contains criteria for assessing the labor skills of preschool children in the following types of labor: labor in nature; household work; manual labor; self-service.

Diagnostics of labor skills and abilities

labor in nature.

1) The child is invited to work hard - water the plants, loosen them, remove dust from them:

The child accepts the goal of labor, willingly accepts the offer of the educator;

The child agrees to the offer of the educator, but he needs additional motivation (“Help me”);

The child does not accept the purpose of labor outside the game situation ("Dunno does not know how to care for plants. Do you want to teach him?").

2) The child is invited to select two plants from a corner of nature that need watering, loosening, dusting, and explain why he chose these plants:

Independent in determining the object of labor, isolates its features (signal signs of a living object: the earth is dry, dust on the leaves, etc.);

The subject of labor and its features that are significant for labor are singled out with the help of an educator;

Does not single out the object of labor with its features (even with the help of an adult).

3) The child must answer what the plants will be like after he provides care:

The child foresees the result of labor (flowers will grow well after watering, loosening);

The result of labor is determined with the help of an adult;

Does not cope with the task even with the help of an adult.

4) The child is invited to talk about the sequence of labor actions and explain the need for such a sequence. In case of difficulty, give the child a set of pictures depicting labor actions to remove dust from plants and offer to arrange them sequentially:

The child independently tells, explains the sequence of labor actions;

Arranges the pictures in the correct sequence and explains;

Cannot plan the sequence of labor actions.

5) Offer the child to select the equipment necessary for work. Put him in a situation of choice: along with the necessary tools and equipment, put those that are unnecessary for this labor process (for example, a net for transplanting fish, etc.):

Independently selects the necessary equipment;

With the help of a little help from an adult, selects the necessary tools;

Can't complete tasks.

6) The child is invited to show how he will take care of the plants: water the plants correctly, loosen the soil, remove dust from different plants:

All labor actions are performed quite qualitatively and independently;

Individual labor operations are carried out quite independently, but of poor quality;

The quality of the performance of labor actions and the quality of the result are low.

The following criteria for assessing labor skills are distinguished:

LOW - L - the effectiveness of labor activity is low, instructions are required, direct assistance from an adult in the performance of labor activities.

MEDIUM - A child's work is effective with a little help from adults; the child has a desire for independence

HIGH - In the child is completely independent in the work of caring for plants. Labor is productive.

Household work.

1. A subgroup of children is invited to wash plant saucers. Everyone washes 1-2 saucers. Conclusion: all saucers are clean. When completing the task, the teacher pays attention to how the children distributed the objects of labor among themselves, selected the necessary equipment, perform the labor action, and evaluate the quality of the labor actions performed.

2. A subgroup of children is told that the paint cans are dirty. What to do?

Collective labor assumes that each child performs a certain labor action (one washes, another rinses, the third wipes, puts on a tray, etc.). Distribute responsibilities, agree among themselves, the children themselves. When completing a task, the educator pays attention to the ability to set a collective goal of work, distribute work between participants, distribute work equipment for each participant in joint work, organize a workplace, work at a common pace, etc.

LOW A - the child willingly accepts and is included in labor activity, but labor actions are hasty, of poor quality. In collective work, he prefers "work side by side".

MEDIUM B - the child willingly accepts and joins in labor activity, shows diligence in the performance of labor actions. Willingly joins in the collective forms of labor activity, but plays the role of an assistant.

HIGH B - the child likes to work. All actions are performed skillfully, efficiently. Acts as an organizer in collective forms of children's labor activity; distributes work benevolently, interacts with other children.

Manual labor.

1) The child is invited to make a snowflake. The child must choose the paper of the desired quality, color, size and the necessary tools (scissors, pencil) and make it according to one of the variable samples.

The teacher lays out in front of the child on the table 3 options for making snowflakes and their corresponding step-by-step cards, clearly representing the method of making snowflakes.

When completing the task, attention is drawn to the presence of general labor and special skills, the formation of generalized design methods, the development of combinatorial skills, the reproductive or creative nature of the activity.

2) The educator reveals to what extent the child can accept the goal of the activity, choose material and tools, organize a workplace, use step-by-step cards, master self-control actions, and the ability to independently achieve results.

Analyzing the attitude of children, we determine which group the child belongs to:

LOW A - helplessness in all components of the labor process; refusal to work, low independence, the need for direct adult assistance; the result of low quality work.

MEDIUM B - high independence in reproductive activities. the quality of the result is high, but without elements of novelty or close transfer, insufficient combinatorial skills and independence for the implementation of a creative idea (advice, guidance, inclusion of an adult in the labor process are required); The idea was partially realized.

HIGH B - advanced combinatorial skills. The use of operational maps, a generalized design method; complete independence; high quality result, original or with elements of novelty.

1. The essence and originality of the labor activity of preschoolers

Labor education is a purposeful process of shaping children's labor skills and abilities, respect for the work of adults, and the habit of working. At preschool age, the labor activity of children is formed as an independent one with its inherent components: the formation of a goal, the choice of materials and tools, the determination of the sequence of labor actions, the actual labor actions with material and tools aimed at achieving a result, as the realization of a goal. The child masters labor activity gradually throughout childhood. The higher the level of development of labor activity, the awareness of the importance of labor, the more opportunities for its use for the comprehensive development of the child. The labor activity of preschool children has great educational opportunities and can be used as a means of consolidating knowledge about the world around them, educating diligence, responsibility for the task assigned, perseverance, and the ability to coordinate actions in conjunction with other activities. The most important component of the labor development of the child, the formation of his personality is the education of his industriousness. Diligence - is manifested in the need to get involved in labor activity, in the ability to experience joy in its process, in the ability to overcome difficulties and achieve goals. Industriousness is formed only in labor. originality child labor. 1. Child labor does not create socially significant material values. 2. The work of children is of an educational nature. 3. Labor satisfies the child's need for self-affirmation, for knowing his own abilities, and brings him closer to adults. 4. Child labor is close to play (play with water while washing). 5. In the process of labor, children acquire labor (but not professional) skills and abilities. Skills that help a child become independent from an adult. Independent. 6. The labor of children has no real material reward. 7. The work of the child is situational and optional. 8. All components of the labor activity of preschoolers are in the development stage and necessarily involve the participation and assistance of an adult. 2. The content (types) of work of preschool children According to its content, the work of preschool children is divided into four types: self-service; household work; labor in nature; manual and artistic work. Labor education begins with the formation of self-service in children, aimed at meeting their personal daily needs. Self-service is a constant concern for the cleanliness of the body, the order of the costume, the willingness to do everything necessary for this and do it without demands from outside; from internal needs, observe hygiene rules. This attitude of children to work

self-service can be achieved by painstaking systematic work in kindergarten and family. Self-service is the main type of work of a small child. Teaching children to dress themselves, wash themselves, eat, and put toys away after themselves formulates their independence, less dependence on an adult, self-confidence, desire and ability to overcome obstacles. In the younger group - difficulties: the muscles of the fingers are not sufficiently developed; the difficulty of mastering the sequence of actions; inability to plan; easy distractibility; reluctance to comply. It is necessary to develop skills, to achieve accuracy and thoroughness in performing actions, habits of cleanliness and order. Individual communication with each child, maintaining his emotional state. Dictionary extension. Children's trust in an adult, care for him. IN middle group- children are quite independent, work becomes a duty; increased requirements for the quality of actions, for the time of performance of activities; the educator teaches children mutual assistance, the ability to thank for the service rendered. IN senior group new skills are acquired: making the bed, caring for hair, shoes. Habits for neatness and cleanliness are formed, knowledge of behavior among peers is enriched: consider the needs of others, show precaution. Self-service is aimed at self-care (skills in caring for one's body, food culture, dressing, etc.). The educational value of self-service lies in its vital necessity. Repeating daily, skills are firmly acquired, habits are gradually formed. Household work is necessary in everyday life. It is aimed at maintaining order and cleanliness in the room and on the site, assisting adults and serving the entire team. In the younger group - set the table, tidy up the play corner, clean the area. Adults evaluate the participation of children, the desire to imitate adults and peers. Approximate content of the work:  arrange toys, arrange books;  place handouts for the lesson on the tables and collect it after the lesson;  put sharpened pencils in boxes;  clean and wipe building material with a damp sponge;  dress up dolls, change doll bed linen;  wash toys;  collect toys before leaving the walk;  pour sand from watering cans;  sweep in houses and other buildings;  wipe benches and shelves on the veranda;  collect garbage;  sweep snow from benches, buildings, rake snow into a pile;  clear paths from snow, etc. In the middle group, the content expands: they set the table, wash, wash, sweep. The teacher teaches children to make an effort, to show independence, activity, initiative. Approximate content of labor:  put away toys, building materials, equipment for classes;  support appearance dolls (put in order clothes, hair);  wash doll linen;  wipe clean, easy to wash washing toys;  select books, boxes, toys to be repaired;

 Prepare the workplace for manual labor to work together with the educator;  arrange or lay out light physical training equipment in a certain place;  to prepare, on behalf of the educator, handouts for classes, etc. In the older group, work is enriched in content, becomes systematic, and passes into the duties of duty officers. Children can independently organize it, select equipment, clean up after work. They show diligence, benevolence towards peers, achieve results, are able to notice the disorder and eliminate it without reminders. Approximate content of work in the senior group:  keep in order common toys, board games, study aids;  wipe the furniture;  wash clothes for dolls, small personal items (handkerchiefs, socks, ribbons, napkins for bread boxes;  wash cups, spoons and other utensils after breakfast or afternoon tea;  sweep the floor, path in the yard;  help adults in cooking: clean boiled potatoes, wash vegetables, make pies, cookies, etc.;  provide all possible assistance in various household chores: help bring food, bring things and arrange them in the closet on the shelves, etc.;  take care of younger children ( help dress for a walk, play, look at a book with the baby, etc.)  provide attention and help to adults and the elderly. flower garden.Work in nature is important for the development of skills, education of moral feelings, environmental education.In the younger group, the teacher attracts the attention of children, maintains their interest, organizes observations, organizes work with the participation of children.Names parts of plants, labor actions; expands and activates children's vocabulary. Explains the need to care for plants and animals. Approximate content of the work of children under the guidance of a teacher:  water the plants; wipe large leaves;  plant onions, large vegetable seeds; plant bulbs of tulips, daffodils, gladioli;  feed the fish;  harvest onions, radishes, beans;  remove dried plants from flower beds or beds;  feed the birds;  collect natural material, etc. In the middle group, the work becomes more difficult. Children themselves, under the supervision of an adult, do the work: watering, growing greenery, harvesting, etc. Children are aware of the dependence of plant growth, animal behavior on the quality of care and responsibility for them. In this type of work care, attentiveness, responsibility are brought up. Approximate content of children's work:  water plants, wipe large leaves, spray small and fragile leaves from a spray bottle;  loosen the earth in flowerpots with special sticks;  feed fish, feed birds and other animals;  wash the feeders, shells, pebbles from the aquarium;  plant onions in boxes;

 water the garden bed, flower bed;  sow large plant seeds;  collect natural material;  collect seeds of wild herbs, berries;  remove dried leaves of plants from the garden;  harvest onions, radishes, carrots, beans, cucumbers, etc. In the older group, objects with more complex care appear. Labor becomes systematic, its volume is increased. Children spray indoor plants, sweep dust from fleecy leaves, loosen the ground, feed; planting seedlings; recharge the aquarium, etc. Observe, note the ongoing changes, distinguish by characteristic features, discover patterns and relationships between individual phenomena. Approximate content of children's work:  sowing grain for green fodder for birds;  planting onions, root crops, parsley, dill in boxes;  cuttings of plants;  sowing seeds of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers for seedlings;  sowing flower seeds for seedlings;  watering beds, seedlings;  dig bushes, trees, dig the ground for planting and crops;  washing indoor plants;  preparation of feed for birds;  washing the aquarium (walls, pebbles, shells, feeders);  harvesting;  covering bushes of perennials with foliage;  cleaning of dry haulm from beds;  weeding, watering crops;  hilling plants in the garden, etc. The labor of children in nature creates favorable conditions for physical development, improves movement, stimulates the actions of various organs, strengthens the nervous system, labor in nature is of great importance for mental and sensory development children. In this work, as in no other, mental and strong-willed efforts are combined. Labor in nature is associated with expanding the horizons of children, obtaining accessible knowledge, for example, about soil, planting material, labor processes, and tools. Labor in nature contributes to the development of observation, curiosity of children, instills in them an interest in agricultural work, and respect for the people who are engaged in it. Labor in nature helps to cultivate love for it. Through the content of labor in nature, for example, growing beautiful flowers aimed at meeting the aesthetic needs of people, through the organization of the labor process in accordance with the requirements of culture and aesthetics, the use of the results of labor to meet practical needs and joyful aesthetic emotions, aesthetic education of children is carried out. Manual and artistic work is aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person. The content includes the manufacture of items from a variety of materials: paper, cardboard, wood, natural, junk. They make handicrafts, toys, attributes for games, teaching aids, repair books, printed board games. They show perseverance, patience, accuracy. They plan the work, select the necessary details, make simple blanks. Crafts - gifts for kids, adults and decorate the premises of the group for the holidays. Exhibitions, competitions of creativity of children and adults, parents. Approximate content of manual labor in the senior group:  repair of books for kids;  sewing loops to new towels;

 production of "vegetables and fruits" from foam rubber for playing "Shop";  repair of boxes for printed board games;  sewing doll bed linen;  making decorations for the holiday for the group;  production of characters for the table theater;  production of elements of costumes for the holiday;  weaving from a braid of a belt to doll clothes;  manufacturing Christmas decorations;  craft toys for playing with buildings (trees, little men, animals, cars ...);  production of souvenirs as a gift for father, mother, friend…;  production of fun toys for kids, etc. Manual labor - develops the constructive abilities of children, useful practical skills and orientation, forms an interest in work, the ability to assess one's capabilities, the desire to do the job as best as possible (stronger, more stable, more elegant, more accurate). In the process of labor, children get acquainted with the simplest technical devices, master the skills of working with some tools, learn to take care of materials, objects of labor, and tools. Children learn by experience elementary ideas about properties various materials: the material undergoes various transformations, various things can be made from it. So learning to make useful objects from thick paper, children learn that it can be folded, cut, glued. Various types of labor are not the same in their pedagogical capabilities, their significance changes at a particular age stage. If, for example, self-service has a greater educational value in junior groups ah - it teaches children to be independent, equips them with skills to overcome difficulties, then at the senior preschool age this work does not require effort, it becomes habitual for children. Assessing the educational value of self-service, first of all, it should be noted its vital necessity, the focus on meeting the daily personal needs of the child. Daily performance of elementary labor tasks accustoms children to systematic work. Children begin to understand that everyone has work responsibilities related to their daily needs. This helps to cultivate a negative attitude towards idleness and laziness. 3. Forms of labor organization The content of labor is realized in various forms of organization. In science, various forms of organizing the work of preschool children have been developed and put into practice: assignments; duty roster; common, joint, collective work. Assignments are requests from an adult to a child to perform some labor action. The assignment is the first form of organization of labor activity. They can be simple and complex, short-term, episodic and long-term, individual or collective. Particularly valuable (in terms of preparing children for responsibilities) are long-term assignments, when the child is responsible for some work for a certain period (a day, two, three). In the practice of working with children, individual assignments are especially common, less often assignments for small groups. The latter type opens up great prospects for the educator: through various assignments, to form and consolidate labor skills and abilities in children. After all, teaching one or two is easier than teaching a whole group of children. In addition, it is more convenient and possible to carefully control the plan: which makes it difficult for the child where additional demonstration, help, advice is needed. In other words: in the process of individual labor, the teacher has the opportunity to individual approach to each pupil, thereby forming in one - labor skills, in the other - a positive attitude towards activity, some moral and volitional qualities.

In the practice of upbringing, assignments are more often organized both in the first half of the day - in the morning, before breakfast, and in the second half - after daytime sleep. Children can perform simple and feasible tasks from the age of 1.5–2. Available tasks (“Put the doll on a chair”, “Give Vova a ball”), containing certain instructions from the educator, will introduce purposefulness into children's behavior, teach obedience, the ability to fulfill the requirements of an adult. The younger group is characterized by assignments of an individual nature (duty is not provided here). Each kid during the day performs less than 2-3 assignments of the teacher. For example, Vasya, at the request of the teacher, put forgotten shoes in the closet; Andrei collected building materials before going for a walk. Instructions in younger groups are used to maintain interest in work, the desire to work; for teaching labor skills and abilities; for the formation of children's confidence in their strengths and abilities; to meet the need for communication with an adult; to prepare for other forms of work organization. In the middle group, through assignments, the teacher actively prepares children for the upcoming duties in the classroom (introduced in the second half of the year of the second junior group in the dining room and from the middle group in the lesson). In addition, children are involved in various assignments: in a corner of nature, in a play corner, etc. In older groups, assignments do not lose their significance. A special place is beginning to be occupied by assignments - tasks delayed in time in order to obtain a specific result. Orders of a socially oriented nature are practiced: helping the younger ones, employees of the kindergarten. Thus, assignments as a form of organizing the labor activity of preschoolers in all groups enable educators to daily, systematically involve children in participating in feasible work. The content of the instructions is gradually becoming more complicated, and with it the requirements for their independent and high-quality implementation are becoming more complicated. Duty requires more independence from children, knowledge about the sequence of work, ideas about its full scope, about the requirements for the final result. Duty as a form of organizing the work of children was first studied by Z.N. Borisova in 1953. This author developed the content of this form of labor and the methodology for managing the activities of children. Later, this problem was studied by G.N. Year. Duty involves the work of one or more children in the interests of the whole group. On duty, to a greater extent than on assignment, the social orientation of labor, the real, practical concern of children for others, stands out. This form of labor organization contributes to the development of responsibility in children, a humane and caring attitude towards people and nature. In preschool practice, duty in the dining room, in a corner of nature, in preparation for classes has already become traditional. This form of labor organization is introduced in the second junior group (canteen duty) at the end of the second half of the year. Starting from the age of three, children are already able to perform several interrelated actions aimed at solving a specific problem. At first, the teacher is on duty with two children and gives each child only one assignment. Then the task becomes more complicated: one child must arrange bread bins on all tables, and the other must lay out spoons. And finally, one child arranges everything that is needed on the tables: bread bins, napkins, cups, lays out cutlery. Gradually, children master the ability to coordinate their actions, learn to negotiate, distribute labor duties. In the process of duty of younger preschoolers in the dining room, the teacher teaches the child to follow the sequence in work, controls, comes to the rescue, taking into account his individual characteristics. Evaluates the diligence of the child, care for comrades, help provided to an adult. The number of attendants is equal to the number of tables served. Children of primary preschool age are only on duty before breakfast. The duty of older preschoolers is gradually becoming more complicated both in terms of the content of work and in the forms of association of children, according to the requirement for the manifestation of independence. An important task in the organization of duty is the formation in children of responsibility for the task assigned, the habit of systematic performance of duties. These qualities can be brought up in children only with their regular participation in labor. Senior preschoolers are regularly on duty in the dining room, in preparation for classes, in a corner of nature. When evaluating the quality of work on duty, the educator pays attention to the pace and quality of the work. He especially appreciates the manifestation of creativity, the desire of the child to bring joy to other children with his work. Sometimes the teacher tells the attendants how to show attention to a friend; encourages the desire of the attendants to come up with something interesting and enjoyable for everyone. The organization of duty in the dining room of older preschoolers is somewhat different. Two are on duty in the dining room, distributing duties among themselves. Options for the appointment of duty officers are different: according to the sympathies of the children; a girl with a boy; can - can't; active - passive; fast - slow, etc. The duty to prepare for classes is introduced in the middle group and requires special concentration, since the content of this duty is not as constant as the duty in the dining room. At first, children should be helped, reminded of what should be on the tables when drawing with pencils, paints, modeling, and designing. When the work is completed, the teacher invites the attendants to check if everything is in place. Duty in the corner of nature is introduced from the beginning of the year in the senior group. It should be organized in such a way that throughout the day the children feel responsible for living objects. Therefore, it is better for the teacher to help the children distribute responsibilities for the whole day: the fish can be fed in the morning, and the plants can be watered later. In addition, the duty officer must understand that you need to “talk” with a parrot, and with fish, and with plants. After all, they are alive and attention is important to them. sweet Nothing. So preschoolers will develop a need to take care of nature, a sense of responsibility for its preservation. Duty contributes to the systematic inclusion of children in work. It should only be noted who, where and when was on duty. In the group, a stand is drawn up, where the children on duty are marked. The information should be understandable to children so that everyone is aware of their responsibilities. The duration of duty should be different depending on the type of work, the age of the children, and the educational goal. Thus, duty as a form of organizing child labor is of great importance in the education of preschool children. Duty brings up organization, independence, accuracy in children, thanks to which children become more confident in their actions. Common, joint, collective work contributes, first of all, to solving problems moral education. The common, joint and collective work is united by the socially directed goal of children's activity. This means that the result of labor is always beneficial for everyone. Common, joint and especially collective work creates favorable conditions for the formation in children of the ability to coordinate their actions, help each other, and establish a single pace of work. Common labor presupposes such an organization of the work of children, in which, with a common goal, each child performs some part of the work independently. Joint work involves the interaction of children, the dependence of each on the pace, the quality of the work of others. The goal, as in common work, is the same. Collective can be called such a form of labor organization in which children, along with labor, solve moral problems: they agree on the division of labor, help each other if necessary, “sick” for the quality of common, joint work. The collective form contributes to the purposeful education of collective relationships. So, not every common and even not every joint work is collective. But every collective work is common and joint. It is important that the educator knows how to organize truly collective work of children. General work is already possible in the middle group of a preschool institution, joint and collective - in the senior and preparatory to school. Keeping children interested in teamwork

contributes to the conscious acceptance of his motive and purpose. Traditionally, collective work is organized once a week. In the younger groups, collective labor as a form of organization of children is not used by educators, since children do not yet have strong labor skills in one form or another of labor. In addition, the work of a younger preschooler in the form of association is similar to "labor nearby." The child willingly accepts a task from an adult and performs under his guidance, and while he masters the labor operations, he does not need a partner. In the middle group, as skills and abilities improve, children are already able to unite in a “common work” (4-6 people), where there is a common goal and a specific task for each member of the team and where everyone is responsible for their work to the teacher. In the older group, children are given greater independence in the process of work. Children begin to work collectively. For example, the teacher invites all children to plant onions together, wash doll linen (the number of children can be very different: from 2-3 to 6-7 or more). Each of the children receives a specific task. Children work side by side. But when the labor process comes to an end, the educator combines the results of all into one general result. This enables him to draw attention to the advantage of collective work: everyone worked hard and together they completed common work. This is the simplest association, here the overall result of the team's work is summed up. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities and level of skills of each child, to provide for the amount of work for each, so that everyone does the work at about the same time. This form of association is transitional from labor "nearby" and "common labor" to "joint labor". These tasks are most successfully solved in the joint work of children (RS Bure). In a preschool educational institution, two types of collective labor are more often used: "general" labor and "joint" labor.


1. Features of the work of preschool children

2. Analysis and diagnostics of labor skills and abilities of children of senior preschool age



Labor education is one of the most important aspects of the upbringing of the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists in familiarizing children with the work of adults, in introducing children to work activities available to them. In the process of getting acquainted with the work of adults, the educator forms in children a positive attitude towards their work, a careful attitude to its results, and the desire to provide adults with all possible assistance.

The study of pedagogical literature showed that the formation of a positive attitude towards work among preschoolers is influenced by various factors: the formation of knowledge and ideas about the work of adults and its social significance, the development of labor motives, the assimilation of skills and abilities, the creation of a highly emotional atmosphere, methods and techniques of pedagogical influence.

Kindergarten No.__ of Zelenogorsk became the basis for the practice. The kindergarten is working on the problem of creating conditions for the social and personal development of preschoolers.

The basis for planning the section "Labor education" is a comprehensive educational program by V.I. Loginova "Childhood".

The organization of the process for creating conditions for the labor education of preschoolers is regulated by regulatory documents: the Charter of the preschool educational institution, job descriptions of educators and specialists, an agreement with parents, orders for core activities.

During the practice, the main questions were raised for the observation and analysis of the labor activity of children:

    Organization of collective work for cleaning a group room or plot, repairing and gluing books, boxes for games, caring for crops and plantings in a garden and flower garden, etc. in the senior group.

    Organization of work with small groups of children: cleaning the premises, play areas, washing and ironing doll linen; repair of toys and books, production of play equipment, handicrafts from natural materials; work with fabric in the senior and preparatory groups for school; work in nature, organization of crops and plantings, plant care; work in the garden and flower garden; animal care, etc.

    Organization of labor assignments and work with those on duty: training them to perform their duties, providing assistance and evaluating the result.

    Observation and analysis of the organization of the labor activity of children: labor assignments, shifts, collective work.

    Observation of the performance of labor duties or assignments by some children, analysis of the level of formation of labor skills, attitudes towards work.

1. Features of the work of preschool children

Labor education in the program is an obligatory component of the development of the basic and creative abilities of the child, the most important means of forming a culture of interpersonal relations.

The task is to gradually develop in children (taking into account age-related capabilities and gender characteristics) an interest in the work of adults, instilling a desire to work, skills in elementary labor activity, diligence.

When organizing labor, the educator is guided by the "Kindergarten Education Program", which determines the content of the labor activity of children in each age group. Gradually, from group to group, the tasks of labor education become more complex and broadened. Starting from the second junior group, in the section “Labor in nature”, the subsection “Work in a corner of nature” is highlighted, and in the older group, manual labor is introduced as an independent type of labor.

By organizing labor activity, educators ensure the comprehensive development of children, help them gain confidence in their abilities, form vital skills and abilities, bring up responsibility and independence. Kindergarten teachers take into account the main aspects of managing the work of children, namely:

    emphasize the social significance of labor;

    make sure that all types of labor and their content correspond to the age capabilities of children;

    strictly observe the norms of the load performed by children, preventing their overload and overwork;

    gradually expand the independence of children;

    create a favorable psychological atmosphere, form in children a benevolent attitude towards all participants in labor activity, the desire to help each other;

    direct the attention and efforts of children to the qualitative performance of labor activities.

Children of senior preschool age can perform the following types of work, united by the concept of "household work": keep their toys, board games, study aids in order; wipe and wash some toys; wipe furniture (together with one of the adults); wash clothes for dolls, small personal items (handkerchiefs, ribbon socks), napkins for bread boxes, etc.; set the table, clean the dishes after eating; wash cups, spoons; sweep the floor in the room, with a small broom path in the yard; provide all possible assistance in various household chores: hang or remove small-sized linen from the rope, help carry a shopping bag, buy bread, bring, carry a thing, pick up a fallen one; take care of the younger ones (help dress, walk, play, sing a song, recite a poem by heart).

In accordance with the program, labor education includes the main types: self-service, household work, labor in nature, manual labor, and the forms of its organization are assignments, duties and collective labor of children.

Self-service is aimed at personal care (washing, undressing, dressing, making the bed, preparing the workplace, etc.). The educational value of this type of labor activity lies, first of all, in its vital necessity. Due to the daily repetition of actions, self-service skills are firmly acquired by children; self-service is beginning to be perceived as a duty. At the senior preschool age, new self-service skills are acquired: making the bed, caring for hair, shoes. The processes associated with it are used to solve more complex educational problems: the formation in children of the habit of neatness and cleanliness, the skills of behavior in an environment of peers. The child serves himself by being close to others, in connection with which he must understand the needs and difficulties of others.

The educator, using specific examples, explains how to act, taking into account the needs of others: step aside in the locker room to let someone who has already undressed pass; when washing, let the attendants go ahead (it is more important for them to wash as soon as possible in order to start their duties), do not linger at the tap so that everyone can wash on time, ask permission to pass so as not to cause inconvenience to anyone, etc. All this forms in children an elementary courtesy, a respectful attitude towards others.

Household work of preschoolers is necessary in the daily life of the kindergarten, although its results are not so noticeable compared to other types of their work activity. This work is aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and on the site, helping adults in organizing regime processes. Children learn to notice any disturbance in the group room or on the site and, on their own initiative, eliminate it.

Household work is aimed at serving the team and therefore contains great opportunities for cultivating a caring attitude towards peers. In the older groups of the kindergarten, household work is even more enriched in content, it becomes systematic, in many respects turning into permanent duty duties. Children maintain cleanliness in the room and on the site, repair toys, books, and help kids. A feature of the household work of older preschoolers is the ability to independently organize it: pick up the necessary equipment, conveniently place it, put everything in order after work. In the process of labor, children show diligence, striving for a good result, and treat their peers kindly.

Labor in nature provides for the participation of children in caring for plants and animals, growing plants in a corner of nature, in a garden, in a flower garden. This type of labor is of particular importance for the development of observation, the upbringing of a caring attitude towards all living things, and love for native nature. It helps the teacher to solve the problems of the physical development of children, improve movements, increase endurance, develop the ability for physical effort. For the older group, plants and animals that require more complex care methods are placed in a corner of nature, various types of vegetables with different growing seasons are planted in the garden, which makes work more systematic. The amount of child labor is also on the rise.

Preschoolers spray plants from a spray bottle, brush dust from fleecy leaves, loosen the ground. With the help of a teacher, children feed plants, recharge the aquarium, dig up the ground in the garden and in the flower garden, plant seedlings, collect seeds of wild plants (to feed wintering birds). In the process of labor, the teacher teaches children to observe the growth and development of plants, to note the changes that are taking place, to distinguish plants by their characteristic features, leaves, seeds. This expands their understanding of the life of plants and animals, arouses a keen interest in them.

Manual labor - making items from a variety of materials: cardboard, paper, wood, natural material (cones, acorns, straw, bark, corn cobs, peach pits), waste material (reels, boxes) using fur, feathers, fabric scraps, etc. , p. - carried out in the older groups of the kindergarten. All this has a great educational impact on children, forms their aesthetic feelings and moral and volitional qualities.

Through the main forms of organizing the work of children - assignments, duties, collective work, the issues of educating industriousness in children are solved.

Assignments are tasks that the teacher occasionally gives to one or more children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, experience, and educational tasks. The assignment is the first form of organization of labor activity. Assignments become a means of forming in children the habit of labor effort, preparing them for duty.

Duty is a form of organizing the work of children, which implies the obligatory performance by the child of work aimed at serving the team. In the older group, individual assignments are organized in those types of labor in which children have insufficiently developed skills, or when they are being taught new skills. Individual instructions are also given to children who need additional training or especially careful monitoring (when the child is inattentive, often distracted), that is, if necessary, individualize the methods of influence. Most of the assignments that have already taken place in the middle group become group ones, uniting from 2 to 5-6 participants, i.e. take on a collective character. In the older groups, duty is introduced in the corner of nature. The attendants change daily, each of the children systematically participates in all types of duty. As a rule, two children are on duty. The same tasks are solved through familiarizing children with the work of adults and through the direct participation of children in feasible labor activities in kindergarten and at home. At the same time, the role of familiarization with the social orientation of labor, its social significance is especially emphasized, and a respectful attitude towards the work of adults is formed.

A simple analysis of the social situations of role-playing, through which preschoolers, as a rule, realize this need, shows that the main place in them is occupied by the labor and professional actions of adults (the playing child drives a car “like daddy”, cooks food “like mommy”, treats “like a doctor”, teaches “like a teacher”, etc.), household and industrial plots, social professional roles. In order for older preschoolers to understand the importance of work activity, and also to respect the work of adults, one should work on shaping the ideas of older preschoolers in the world of professions.

2. Analysis and diagnostics of labor skills and abilities of children of senior preschool age

In the course of monitoring the organization and content of the work of children in the older group, answers were given to the following questions:

1) What labor activity took place in groups (senior, preparatory). Duty roster:

a) in the dining room (tables are set, second and third courses are served, dishes are collected from the table after eating);

b) in preparation for classes (distribute and remove manuals, materials, wash brushes, dishes from glue, paints, wash rags, wipe tables after work, sweep away paper scraps);

c) in a corner of nature (they prepare and give food and water to animals, wash their dishes, wash or clean cages, aviaries together with adults. Take care of plants: water, wash, cut wilted leaves as needed, loosen the ground in pots, keep a calendar weather).

2) What work is done by children in addition to duty:

a) household work (cleaning a group room: they wipe window sills, furniture, building materials, wash toys, wash and iron doll clothes, linen);

b) cleaning the site (leaves are raked in autumn, snow is removed on paths, a playground in winter, a hill and other buildings are built from snow, colored ice floes are made, etc., flowers and sand are watered in summer, benches are wiped after playing with sand);

c) labor in nature.

In autumn, they harvest in the garden, in the garden, collect seeds, participate in transplanting plants into the ground, digging beds, flower beds, replenish the corner of nature with the inhabitants of reservoirs, prepare food for wintering birds, and start feeding them.

In winter, root crops are planted - beets, carrots, oats are sown, i.e. they grow green fodder for animals of a corner of nature, feed wintering birds.

In the spring, seedlings are watered, seedlings are planted in the garden and flower garden.

In the summer, they continue to care for the plants of the garden, flower garden, garden: water, loosen, spud, thin out, tie up);

d) manual labor.

Working with paper, cardboard, making various crafts for games and gifts, repairing books, manuals, boxes.

Fabric work: sewing doll clothes, seed bags, threading a needle, tying a knot, sewing on buttons, hangers. Working with wood: nailing, sawing, painting in the manufacture of toys, etc.

Work with natural material: bast, grass, bark, leaves, cones, crafts of various souvenirs, toys).

3) It was determined that children had the skills, habits, and habits to work carefully, in a certain sequence, to bring things to the end, to properly handle tools and materials.

4) The ways of organizing the work of children are characterized (the number of participants, grouping, independence of children in the distribution of work, the nature of the relationship of children in the process of activity).

Diagnostics is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the program of education and training in kindergarten of labor skills and contains criteria for assessing labor skills in children of senior preschool age in the following sections:

    labor in nature;

    household work;

    manual labor;

    diligence in the process of duty;

    ideas about the work of adults.

Diagnostics was carried out with children of the older group, consisting of 6 people.

2.1 Diagnostics of labor skills and abilities

labor in nature.

1) The child is invited to work hard - water the plants, loosen them, remove dust from them:

    the child accepts the goal of labor, willingly accepts the offer of the educator;

    the child agrees to the offer of the teacher, but he needs additional motivation (“Help me”);

    the child does not accept the purpose of labor outside the game situation ("Dunno does not know how to care for plants. Do you want to teach him?").

2) The child is invited to select two plants from a corner of nature that need watering, loosening, dusting, and explain why he chose these plants:

    independent in determining the object of labor, singles out its features (signal signs of a living object: the ground is dry, there is dust on the leaves, etc.);

    the subject of labor and its features that are significant for labor are singled out with the help of an educator;

    does not single out the object of labor with its features (even with the help of an adult).

3) The child must answer what the plants will be like after he provides care:

    the child foresees the result of labor ( flowers will grow well after watering, loosening);

    the result of labor is determined with the help of an adult;

    unable to cope with the task even with the help of an adult.

4) The child is invited to talk about the sequence of labor actions and explain the need for such a sequence. In case of difficulty, give the child a set of pictures depicting labor actions to remove dust from plants and offer to arrange them sequentially:

    the child independently tells, explains the sequence of labor actions;

    puts the pictures in the right order and explains;

    cannot plan the sequence of labor actions.

5) Offer the child to select the equipment necessary for work. Put him in a situation of choice: along with the necessary tools and equipment, put those that are unnecessary for this labor process (for example, a net for transplanting fish, etc.):

    independently selects the necessary equipment;

    with the help of a little help from an adult, selects the necessary tools;

    unable to complete tasks.

6) The child is invited to show how he will take care of the plants: water the plants correctly, loosen the soil, remove dust from different plants:

    performs all labor actions with sufficient quality and independently;

    individual labor operations are carried out quite independently, but of poor quality;

    the quality of the performance of labor actions and the quality of the result are low.

The results are summarized in table 1.

Table 1 - Diagnostics of labor activity for plant care

LOW A - the effectiveness of labor activity is low, instructions are required, direct assistance from an adult in the performance of labor activities.

MEDIUM B - the work of the child is effective with a little help from adults; The child has a desire for independence.

HIGH B - the child is completely independent in the work of caring for plants. Labor is productive.

Table 2 - The level of formation of attitudes towards work in caring for plants

Household work.

    A subgroup of children is invited to wash plant saucers. Everyone washes 1-2 saucers. Conclusion: all saucers are clean. When completing the task, the teacher pays attention to how the children distributed the objects of labor among themselves, selected the necessary equipment, perform the labor action, and evaluate the quality of the labor actions performed.

    A subset of children are told that the paint cans are dirty. What to do?

Collective labor assumes that each child performs a certain labor action (one washes, another rinses, the third wipes, puts on a tray, etc.). Distribute responsibilities, agree among themselves, the children themselves. When completing a task, the educator pays attention to the ability to set a collective goal of work, distribute work between participants, distribute work equipment for each participant in joint work, organize a workplace, work at a common pace, etc.

The results are summarized in table 3.

Table 3 - Diagnostics of the formation of household labor

Analyzing the attitude of children, we determine which group the child belongs to:

LOW A - R the baby willingly accepts and is included in labor activity, but labor actions are hasty, of poor quality. In collective work, he prefers "work side by side".

MEDIUM B - the child willingly accepts and joins in labor activity, shows diligence in the performance of labor actions. Willingly joins in the collective forms of labor activity, but plays the role of an assistant.

HIGH B - the child likes to work. All actions are performed skillfully, efficiently. Acts as an organizer in collective forms of children's labor activity; distributes work benevolently, interacts with other children.

Table 4 - The level of formation of the attitude of children to household work

Manual labor.

1) The child is invited to make a snowflake. The child must choose the paper of the desired quality, color, size and the necessary tools (scissors, pencil) and make it according to one of the variable samples.

The teacher lays out in front of the child on the table 3 options for making snowflakes and their corresponding step-by-step cards, clearly representing the method of making snowflakes.

When completing the task, attention is drawn to the presence of general labor and special skills, the formation of generalized design methods, the development of combinatorial skills, the reproductive or creative nature of the activity.

2) The educator reveals to what extent the child can accept the goal of the activity, choose material and tools, organize a workplace, use step-by-step cards, master self-control actions, and the ability to independently achieve results.

The results are summarized in table 5.

Table 5 - Diagnosis of the formation of manual labor

Analyzing the attitude of children, we determine which group the child belongs to:

LOW A - helplessness in all components of the labor process; refusal to work, low independence, the need for direct adult assistance; the result of low quality work.

MEDIUM B - high independence in reproductive activities. the quality of the result is high, but without elements of novelty or close transfer, insufficient combinatorial skills and independence for the implementation of a creative idea (advice, guidance, inclusion of an adult in the labor process are required); The idea was partially realized.

HIGH B - advanced combinatorial skills. The use of operational maps, a generalized design method; complete independence; high quality result, original or with elements of novelty.

Table 6 - The level of formation of children's attitude to manual labor

Table 7 - Summary table of the formation of labor skills of children of senior preschool age

Criteria for the examination of labor skills in children of senior preschool age (Appendix).

Table 8 - Results

    Children have well-formed labor skills and abilities. Children are happy to carry out the instructions of adults, responsibly approach the duties of duty officers.

    In the older group, children develop skills in various types of manual labor: embroidery, sewing, beadwork, working with natural and waste materials, etc.

2.2 Diagnosis of industriousness in different types of duty

The children were observed while on duty in the dining room, play area, nature corner. To do this, we appointed two people for each type of duty. There was a change in the types of duty every two days, and together with the children they evaluated the quality of work, i.e. formed self-esteem.

During this study, we determined:

    whether the children want to be on duty, and whether their desire is reflected in the actual work process;

    what are their motives, the nature of their behavior in the process of duty: do they evade duty;

    whether they are on duty well only under the control of the educator, children;

    whether they work well during duty as assigned by the educator;

    whether they are on duty well, whether they do work off duty, whether they help others.

The data obtained were recorded in the form of table 9.

Table 9 - Diagnosis of industriousness in the process of duty

Analyzing the attitude of children to duty, we determine which group the child belongs to:

Group A (low level) - children are on duty carelessly, willingly transfer their duties to others, refuse to be on duty, forget about it, do not finish the job, believe that order is the work of the assistant teacher, other children.

Group B (below average) - attitude to duty is unstable, the quality of work depends on mood.

Group B (intermediate level) - perform their duties well, actively, do not forget about them, but do not help others, strive to get the approval of adults without fail.

Group G (above average) - children are willing, they are on duty well, they themselves remember their duties. If they are not on duty at the moment, they still pay attention to the disorder in the group and eliminate it, asking them to appoint them on duty.

Group D (high level) - children constantly strive to participate in collective activities, work well, help comrades in various activities.

Table 10 - The level of formation of the attitude of children to duty

These results indicate that most children prefer to be on duty in the play corner.

Thus, it can be seen that in children, industriousness is formed in the following way: children work without control, but only during duty. They do only what is included in their duties (group B) In this group, most children belong to group B - 3 children, but there are also children who belong to group A and C. These children understand the meaning of work, but do not bring it to the end , they need systematic external control (group A) - 2 children.

Other children work off duty, help others. There is an internal motivation to work (group B) - 1 child.

Conclusion: Analyzing the results of this study, we see that in children of this group, diligence is manifested at an average level.

2.3 Diagnosis of perceptions of adult work

The method of diagnosing the knowledge of children about the professions of E.I. Medvetskaya "What is a profession".

Questions were drawn up for discussion.

Then the children were interviewed individually.

The children were asked the question: What professions do you know?

For each named profession, the child was asked to tell what tools a person of the named profession uses.

It is proposed to explain the process of work of this profession.

The children's answers are listed in Table 11.

Table 11 - Data processing. Results for each conversation

No. Child Profession Tools of labor Labor process (what does it do?)

Vorobieva Valeria

Gorlinskaya Sofia

Ilchenko Denis

Ionova Vera

Shilin Ivan

Shpak Sergey

Cashier Cashier -

Journalist Notepad, computer, voice recorder Interviews, writes articles, writes stories

Carpenter Hammer, saw Makes furniture

Captain- Riding a boat, fishing

DriverSteering wheelcarries cargo

Pilot- Flying in the sky

TeacherBoardTeach children

HairdresserScissors, hair dryerDoes hairstyles for different aunts

MilitaryShoulder straps, pistolMarching, shooting

DoctorThermometer, injection, glassesGives an injection

Firefightercar, waterExtinguishes the fire

PilotAirplane, glassesflies

SalesmanCalculator, cash register, scalessells milk

BakerBuns, doughBakes buns

Policeman"Wand"Looking for criminals

AstronautSpaceshipFlying in space

SoldierPilotka, tank, machine gun, machine gunShoots and rides in a tank

SailorShipRides on a ship, serves

Teacher- Teach children

HairdresserScissors, chair, shampooDoes haircuts



car, steering wheel,Carries people

DoctorThermometer, tabletsHeals


Conclusion: for most children, the question caused some difficulty. A large number of children named the simplest and most common professions: salesman, doctor, teacher. It was noted that almost all children immediately named the professions of their parents. The question of tools for each of the professions also caused some confusion among the children.

Shpak Sergey knows a lot about the profession of his father, who works as a journalist. He knows the special terms "interview", "article", "dictaphone".

Some children were able to name the professions of adults, but they could not easily talk about the weapons of labor associated with the profession. So Vorovyeva Valeria could not answer the question of what the captain and pilot use in their work, Ionova Vera - what the teacher uses, Shpak Sergey - could not answer what the cashier does at work.

It can be concluded that there were quite a few professions named, answers about the process of work and tools of labor are very scarce.

According to the results of diagnostics, a problem was identified: a low level of formation of ideas about the work of adults. It is necessary to develop an action plan to familiarize children with the work of adults in all groups.

After an individual conversation with the children, a general conversation was held with the children about professions and the importance of adult work. It turned out that the children do not understand the question “Who does he work for?”, do not distinguish between similar professions (both the nanny, and the teacher, and the cook wear bathrobes, so that half of the children examined confused the nanny with the cook), they correlate the profession only with a specific person. A clear separation of the concepts of “labor” and “work”, “specialty” and “profession” allows not only to establish a real relationship between them, but also to answer the question of what a person chooses, meaning a profession.

Analyzing the results of this study, we can make a general conclusion that in children of this group, the level of formation of industriousness and attitude to work is manifested at the average level.

In order to educate industriousness, improve the working abilities of children, the educator needs to distribute work among everyone, provide the conditions for its existence, observe the children, and guide their actions in a timely manner.

Children need to be more independent to do the work, but at the same time control their actions, increasing the requirements for the quality of the work performed.

The teacher needs to form self-esteem in children so that they can compare their work results with the results of their peers.

We need more intelligible and convincing living examples, a genuine example of labor. Vital visibility will provide the greatest clarity of representations. In the process of further conversations, through the stories of the educator, it is necessary to clarify, consolidate the knowledge gained, use visual methods, skillfully combining them with verbal ones (story, conversation).

It is also important to use artwork. With its emotionality, imagery, liveliness, a children's book infects children with the enthusiasm of work: it awakens interest, respect for work, a desire to imitate the heroes of literary works, like them, to work well.

In order for children to have a stable positive attitude towards the daily necessary work, it is important to create optimal conditions.

When forming the elementary skills of household work, one should think over its organization and methods that are used in teaching children certain skills. Before dividing responsibilities between children, it is necessary to agree on who will do what work, and also teach the children some rules for dividing responsibilities.

Before assignments it is important:

    to tell children about the benefits of work so that they can have an idea of ​​how necessary and important work is;

    list to the children the entire volume of upcoming activities, for example: “You are all on duty today, we will clean our room, what needs to be done? It is necessary to put things in order on the toy racks, wash doll dishes, put building materials in boxes, etc.” During the work of children, the main attention should be paid to coordinating the work of individual attendants, to helping children.

    allocate tasks that would become the content of the work of individual children. Discussing with the children what things still need to be done, in their opinion, so that “everything is in order” in the group, put before them the question of whether they will be able to complete this work in the allotted time, what things should be done first.

    pay attention to how children relate to each other when distributing work among themselves, in what form they express their disagreement, whether they know how to correctly make a remark to a friend, to prove the validity of their claims.


    Babunova, T.M. Preschool pedagogy / T.M. Babunova. - M.: Sfera, 2007. - 204 p.

    Vasilyeva, M.A. Labor education / M.A. Vasilyeva // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 4. - P.18.

    Kozlova, S.A. Moral and labor education of preschoolers: Proc. allowance / S.A. Kozlova, N.K. Dedovskikh, V.D. Kalishenko and others; Ed. S.A. Kozlova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 144 p.

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    Kondrashov, V.P. Introduction of preschoolers to the world of professions: Educational and methodological manual / V.P. Kondrashov. - Balashov: ed. "Nikolaev", 2004. - 52 p.

    Krulekht, M.V. Preschooler and the man-made world / M.V. Krulekht. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2003. - 160 p.

    Kulikova, T. Teach children to work! / T. Kulikova // Preschool education. - 2000. No. 7. - P.101-105.

    Kutsakova, L.V. Moral and labor education of a preschool child / L.V. Kutsakova. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004. - S.45-54.

    Loginova, V.I. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten. / Loginova V.I., Babaeva T.I., Notkina N.A. - M.: Detstvo-Press, 2008. - 224 p.

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Criteria for the examination of labor skills in children of senior preschool age

Familiarization with work of adults points Self-care skills points Work skills points

Attitude towards work

points Labor productivity points Communication with peers pointsThe child has clear ideas about the variety of professions (builder, librarian, teacher, pilot, steelmaker, artist, artist, doctor) 1

The child shows complete independence in self-care

The child knows the duties of the attendant and performs the duty in the dining room

The child's desire for independence is clearly expressed

The work of the child is productive

The child is proactive in helping comrades

by class

1 - the child consistently shows diligence 1 - the child evaluates the result of his work 1 - teaches others what he himself can do 1- has a clear understanding of modern technology, machines and mechanisms involved in human labor, about their role 1

in the corner of nature 1

Strives to become proficient

1 - strives for a good result
- capable of business cooperation 1

Knows and fulfills the requirements of hygiene 1 - knows how to provide the necessary household assistance 1 - feasible daily work has become a habit for the child 1

Possesses organizational skills 1

- is able to build a model of the labor process of a particular profession 1

Plans and gradually implements the labor process 1 - respects the results of the work of other people

Cultural in communication with peers 1

- has a general understanding of the work of close people 1

Knows how to design from paper 1

Uses existing skills to master new work processes


Feels joy in the process of joint or collective work 1

Skillfully using scissors 1

- understands the material value of labor for people 1

Able to work with natural material 1

Feels a sense of satisfaction from a job well done, the realization of an ore plan


Objectively evaluates the actions of peers 1

Owns the basics of work culture (saves material, saves tools, etc.) 1

Rejoices in the results of common work 1

Proficient in some handicrafts 1

Maintain order in the area and in the group

Reflects the processes of self-service and household work in games on household topics 1

Marina Avdoshina
Self-analysis of the GCD lesson “Let's help plants in a corner of nature”

Direct - educational activities carried out with children of the older group, age 5.10-6.0 years old. There were 13 children present.

Prepared methodological development GCD on the topic « Let's help plants in the corner of nature» ; an envelope with a letter; nature corner plants; work equipment; schemes indicating the type of inventory; schemes - cards with symbols of the necessary conditions for growth plants; watering cans, sprayer, baths, aprons, oilcloth, rags, brushes, sticks. Arranged the tables so that the children were comfortable.

In preliminary work with children were carried out: monitoring plant corner of nature(features of appearance, structure, observation in favorable and unfavorable conditions (experimentation) observation of the work of the educator, acquaintance with the model of the labor process). Conversations, viewing illustrations, compiling stories about plants, guessing riddles, labor activity, reading.

Before NOD, sanitary and hygienic conditions: done assistant educator wet cleaning in the group room; corner ventilation (at this time the children were in the music room). The furniture is arranged so that during the GCD the child is comfortable throughout classes.

The material, visual aids, equipment for GCD were selected at an accessible level for children, corresponded to their psychological features and was rational for solving the set goal and tasks. Their appearance is colorful, bright, aesthetically designed, meets general requirements.

Directly - educational activities- complex type.

Integration of educational regions: cognitive,

social-communicative, speech.

Program content:

Target: Cultivate children's interest in plants

In the introductory part, it was decided task:

cognitive development:

Cultivate children's interest in plants.

In the main part, they decided tasks:

cognitive development:

Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge of how to care for plants and the sequence of work.

Train children to identify plants in need of care draw conclusions about the lack of certain conditions.

Cultivate children's interest in plants, cause a desire to observe and care for them.

Socio-communicative development.

Strengthen the ability to plan their activities and distribute responsibilities among the participants.

To consolidate knowledge about actions with inventory.

Develop a culture of work activity, curiosity.

speech development:

Develop dialogic speech.

In the final part, it was decided task:

speech development:

Develop dialogic speech.

Purpose, tasks GCD complies with program requirements age group("The program of education and training in kindergarten" under. edited by M. A. Vasilyeva).

The duration of the NOD is 25 minutes. Introductory part - 3 min. ; main part - 18 min. ; final part - 4 min.

The duration of the GCD was the requirements of the program.

In the introductory part of the GCD, to create interest in the topic, I used a technique - a surprise moment (letter).

In the main part, the GCD used techniques - a conversation, showing methods of action, using samples, and explaining.

There was individual work with children in the main part of the GCD - she gave instructions in a word.

In the final part of the GCD, the analysis of children's work was carried out with by looking, questions.

All parts of the GCD were interconnected, subordinated to a given topic, goals and objectives of the GCD. Properly organized change of activities helped to prevent fatigue and oversaturation of children.

Applied methods:

Verbal (for questions to children, encouragement);

visual (removals);

Practical (in the performance of the task);

Control method (in the analysis of the work performed - approval and praise).

All teaching methods and techniques corresponded to the program content and age characteristics children.

The speech was expressive, calm, reasonable.

Used health saving Components: change of postures of children; to keep the interest of the children.

I believe that the form of organization of the children's NOD that I chose was quite effective. During the entire educational activity, UUD were formed (educational universal activity, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard).

Analyzing the activities of children in GCD, I would like to note that they showed cognitive activity in environmental education, used competently having knowledge and skills in cognition, in labor activity in nature. They were interested, attentive, organized. Involved indecisive and shy children in the answers to questions asked, helped verbal instructions at work. The children aspired on one's own analyze your work and the work of your comrades.

Analyzing the conducted GCD, we can say that the goals and objectives were successfully achieved.

Children worked at their own pace, the task was completed by virtue of their individual capabilities.

The children pleased me with the fact that the kindness of the child's soul, their curiosity, interest in the environment, was felt throughout the entire NOD.

Related publications:

In the process of familiarizing children of younger groups with nature, the educator solves a number of tasks: he forms the first ideas about some subjects.

Synopsis of GCD in the middle group "Planting onions in a corner of nature" Purpose: To systematize knowledge about the process of planting seeds. Tasks: To develop the ability to determine the object of labor, select tools and materials.

Lesson on labor education "Work of children in a corner of nature" 1. Type of activity: labor education 2. Theme: "The work of children in a corner of nature." 3. Program content: To develop labor skills.

At the end of February, from a walk, together with the children, we brought birch and poplar twigs to the group for observation. Purpose of observation: to fix.

Self-analysis of GCD according to FEMP "Let's help Kolobok find his way home" Direct educational activities Educational area"Knowledge" (FEMP) Topic: "Let's help the bun find its way home" Purpose:.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 6 st. Vekovka. Educator: Maly Tatyana Evgenievna. Integrated lesson using ICT

At the first stage of the experimental work, we diagnosed the level of formation of a positive attitude towards work in children of older preschool age.

The base of the study was kindergarten No. 44 "Cinderella", Naberezhnye Chelny. Diagnostics was carried out in the senior group of the kindergarten. This was a stating experiment, the purpose of which was to study the influence of building and constructive play on the formation of a positive attitude towards work in children of older preschool age. The ascertaining experiment involved 20 children from two groups - control and experimental. (Table 2.1).

Four methods were identified to identify the level of formation of a positive attitude towards work in children of older preschool age.

1. - Conversation.

Purpose: to reveal the level of formation of a positive attitude to work in children of senior preschool age.

Material: Illustrations with a simple, accessible plot, reading fiction, excursions.

Tasks: To form in children the concept that any work is honorable and necessary, that a person is beautiful with his work.

2. - Observation.

Purpose: to identify the skills and attitudes of children of senior preschool age to household work.

Material: Illustrations depicting the processes of household activities, observing the work of a janitor, an excursion to the catering department.

Tasks: to form in children a positive attitude towards the work of adults.

3. - Questioning.

Purpose: to reveal the attitude of children of senior preschool age to assignments in the family.

Material: questioning of parents and children.

Tasks: to form in children a positive attitude towards the fulfillment of assignments in the family.

4. - Game.

Purpose: to reveal the formation of a positive attitude to work in children of senior preschool age through a building-constructive game.

Material: a preliminary conversation about professions, looking at illustrations, choosing a topic for a construction-constructive game.

Tasks: to form a positive attitude towards work in children through a building-constructive game.

The analysis of the results was evaluated on a three-point scale.

1 point - low level

2 points - average level.

3 points - high level

The results of evaluating children according to the methods are presented in the tables.

For children of the seventh year of life, these are not very good results.

Fig 2.1. In comparison with the control group, the results are positive.

Based on these methodological techniques, children were diagnosed and three levels of formation of a positive attitude towards work in children of older preschool age were identified.

Low level The formation of a positive attitude to work is formed in every child, regardless of any special educational influence and systematic knowledge that make up the content of his education. This level creates opportunities for the initial development of the child and provides him with contacts with the outside world. It is characterized by the ability of children to name and simply explain their ideas about the labor activity of a person. It differs from other levels in the lack of independence in actions and their depleted content, poorly developed speech, lack of emotional coloring of activity, low quality of executive operations.

Average level the formation of a positive attitude towards work is formed with a special pedagogical influence on children in the conditions of the implementation of a certain system of knowledge in the strictly regulated activities of preschoolers. It is characterized by an increase in the capabilities of children, some success in their development, but at the same time, the average level does not yet lead to the self-development of children in their independent activities, since the actions are reproductive, imitative. At this level, children are distinguished by the ability to understand simple connections and patterns, the ability to express them in speech, and to build their activities taking into account these patterns. The content of their labor activity is more diverse, they are able to act under the guidance of an adult and partially independently. However, manifestations of creativity, curiosity, imagination, initiative are limited.

High level the formation of a positive attitude to work is possible only with the developing interaction of an adult with children, in the process of assimilation by children of their own labor activity. This level is characterized by the presence in children of elementary systemic knowledge about labor activity, the ability of children to reason, draw conclusions, and draw conclusions; rich content of children's activities that are creative independent in nature; increased social intellectual, emotional activity.

Also, on the basis of these methods, a comparative analysis of the groups was carried out aimed at identifying the level of formation of a positive attitude towards work in children of senior preschool age. The analysis of the results is evaluated on a three-point scale:
