Chinese New Year 1991. When does Chinese New Year start? New Year Traditions: How the New Year is Celebrated in China

The exact start time of the Chinese New Year 2017 is January 28 at 3:06 Moscow time.

New Year according to the eastern calendar, it does not have a fixed date and is celebrated differently every year. The exact time of the Chinese New Year depends on the lunar cycle - it is celebrated on the first new moon of the first month of the year. Traditionally, in China at this time, business life freezes for two weeks - a holiday is celebrated for 15 days, each of which is distinguished by its traditions and customs.

The celebration of the Chinese New Year in 2017 will begin on January 28 and last until February 11, however, there will be only 7 days of public holidays in China, that is, they will rest from January 27 to February 2, 2017.

Chinese New Year and its history

According to legend, it all started with the fact that a terrible monster named Chun on the first day of the New Year began to get out of his dwelling in the abyss of the sea and eat animals, grain, supplies and even children. To protect their family, people on the eve of the holiday put food at the doorstep of their house. It was believed that the more you put, the more likely it is that the beast will not touch. It was like this for many years, until Chun met a boy in red clothes. All the villagers were frightened, but a miracle happened, the beast was frightened. People realized that the monster was afraid of the color red and since then it has become customary to decorate houses with lanterns and scrolls of the same color. Later, fireworks were used to scare Chun away.

There is another legend that says that Chun (also called Nian) was defeated by an old man. According to the story, an old man came to the Chinese village on New Year's Day, but no one paid attention to him because of the fuss. Only one old woman told the old man to leave quickly, as Nian would appear soon. He replied that if they left him for the night, he would drive him away once and for all. On the same day, he hung red lanterns and scrolls, and set crackers at the entrance. When the beast came to the village, everything was completely different, and as soon as he saw the house of this old woman, he immediately ran away from this village and did not appear again. As it turned out, Chun is afraid of the red color and loud noise, and the old man, knowing this, decorated the old woman's house accordingly.

How to Celebrate Chinese New Year 2017

As we already mentioned, the holiday lasts a little more than two weeks, namely 15 days. As in our country, they carefully prepare for this holiday, celebrate it brightly, delight each other with small surprises. And also this holiday, like in all other countries, is a great occasion to get together with the whole family to talk and relax after a hard year of work.

Preparing for the Chinese New Year

The first thing the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom begin with is cleaning their homes, after which they throw away all the rubbish and unnecessary things that have accumulated over the year.

They pay special attention to decorating their homes - red and its shades are considered traditional. Not only the house is decorated with red, but also special red clothes are bought. After all, it is this color, according to legend, that drives away misfortunes and sorrows from the house.

If we talk about decoration, then this is worth focusing on, because the Chinese have a special ritual. Paired inscriptions are necessarily pasted at the entrance to the house, and the walls of apartments and houses are decorated with special paintings made of paper patterns. Of course, there is no Christmas tree at all on this holiday, but its trays with oranges and tangerines replace it. But you need to stack them in a special way - be sure to circle and each of the fruits should be exactly 8 pieces, no less and no more. According to Chinese superstitions, it is this figure that means longevity. However, more and more often you can meet those who, instead of citrus fruits, decorate small artificial trees that are decorated with dried fruits or fresh fruit in sugar.

On the last night before the holiday, the whole family usually gathers at the table. They prepare various delicious dishes and discuss the outgoing year - what they have achieved, what they have learned and what remains to be done.

Recently, the Chinese have a rather strange and funny tradition. Let's start with the fact that in China people who after a certain age have not started a family are not respected. For women, this age is 30 years, for men 32. Therefore, in order to earn respect in front of their relatives in this country, more and more on New Year's Eve, the Chinese use such a service as a boyfriend for hire. To do this, they turn to a special agency where they can find a person who will play a lover / beloved in front of their relatives.

Chinese New Year Traditions

1 day

The first day of the Chinese New Year begins with a festive dinner, loud fireworks and noisy festivities. Be sure to burn bamboo sticks with the whole family, moreover, it is considered. that the louder the holiday, the happier and more joyful the year will pass. After all, the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom believe that noise, laughter and joy drive away all negativity, misfortune and grief from the house. Many dishes are necessarily prepared on the table, especially meat ones - this is pork, dried meat, and Chinese sausage, as well as fish. After dinner, everyone usually goes to visit. Also on this day, it is imperative to go to the cemetery to your relatives in order to honor their memory.

2 day

The second day of the Chinese New Year begins with a prayer - families ask for health and happiness to all their loved ones, old people - longevity, business people and businessmen - prosperity and enrichment. After that, everyone must visit their parents and grandmothers. Children are given gifts, but these are not such gifts as we are used to seeing them; in China, it is customary to present red envelopes with money. For the poor, the second day of the holiday is a great success, because they can come to visit and ask for food and alms. Usually the Chinese try to help in any way they can.

3-4 days

This period can be called a holiday of friends, because during these two days all the Chinese try to respect all their comrades and relatives and come to visit to congratulate. They believe that this day should be spent with loved ones in order to be together next year. From this period, all large corporations start their work and everything is gradually returning to its normal course.

5-6 days

These days are dedicated to wealth and business, and therefore the rest of the companies start working, but they go to work for a reason, but they definitely set off fireworks. And the morning of every Chinese begins with a special dish called jiaozi, which looks more like dumplings.

Day 7

Like the second day of the holiday, it is customary to begin the 7th with prayer and worship of God. It is believed that man was created on this day. In order for incomes to only increase and business to flourish, the Chinese prepare a special raw fish salad called Yusheng.

8-10 days

All the Chinese are already returning to work, and in the evenings they arrange small family festive dinners, always with a prayer, after which they go to the temple to light special smoking candles. For dinner, each hostess prepares yuanxiao, which are more like small koloboks.

Day 11

In China, this is the day of the son-in-law, when the father-in-law necessarily arranges a noisy and rich holiday for the husband of his daughter. Every father tries to respect him and arrange the best holiday for him.

12-14 days

Basically, there are no holidays during this period, because everyone is busy preparing for the main holiday - the Lantern Festival. Everyone buys decorations, lanterns, lantern sheds and so on. All three days, the Chinese eat only wholesome food and do not eat meat in order to cleanse their body of toxins. Also in these hectic days, they try to find a moment to pray for prosperity, well-being and wealth.

15 - day

Concerts and theatrical performances are usually held in the city on this day, people with lit lanterns walk around the square with their families, and fireworks, firecrackers and firecrackers rattle around. Jiaozi and glutinous sweet rice are usually on the table, and these dishes can also be bought at the square. In Singapore and Malaysia, there is an interesting and romantic tradition on this holiday. To do this, single ladies attach their phone number to the tangerine, and then send the fruit along the river. Single men, in turn, catch these tangerines, eat them, and then call to meet the lady.

What to give for Chinese New Year

As we have already mentioned, this holiday does not give serious gifts, only small ones. So it has long been customary to present such presentations:

  • postcards with wishes and kind words;
  • red envelopes with money;
  • various souvenirs;
  • charms and amulets;
  • sweets;
  • images of the symbol of the coming year.

How to Give Gifts for Chinese New Year

  • Any gift should be paired, if, for example, it is a picture, then the image should have two items. The owner is always presented with two tangerines.
  • Also, the color of the presentation plays a huge role - the main rule is neither a gift nor gift paper should not be white or blue. In this country, these colors represent death and burial.
  • The number 4 is also a symbol of death, so it should not be anywhere - neither on a gift, nor on money, and the number of bills should be either more or less.
  • The gift itself is presented only in private and with two hands. But it is necessary to give out presents not randomly, but from the oldest to the youngest.
  • It is indecent and to open a gift in front of everyone, this must be done in private so as not to offend the donor with a careless look or word.

Chinese New Year 2018 ©

Chinese New Year 2018 - what is this event

Chinese New Year is one of the most important Eastern holidays, which has been celebrated for quite a long time not only in Asian countries, but all over the world. After all, our people love holidays with a broad soul and are happy to perceive the New Year according to the Eastern calendar as another reason to get together and celebrate a significant event.

As for us, the New Year for the inhabitants of the East marks a new round of time, a beginning, a renewal. On the day when the Chinese New Year arrives, winter will meet spring and a new life cycle will begin.


Chinese New Year 2018: when does it start


The Chinese New Year has a fickle date because it is entirely dependent on the lunar calendar. Chinese New Year falls on the second new moon after winter solstice, 21 December. Every year this holiday can fall on one of the days in the interval from January 21 to February 21.

Chinese New Year 2018 begins on February 16th. More precisely, 2018 will be according to the Gregorian calendar, but according to the Chinese calendar we will meet the year 4716, which will come under the sign and last until February 4, 2019, when it will be replaced by the year of the Yellow Pig.


Chinese New Year 2018: how it is celebrated in China


The Chinese call this holiday "a meeting after parting", because according to the tradition on New Year's Eve, all family members, wherever they are, come home and gather for a richly laid festive table. It is also believed that on the Chinese New Year, the spirits of deceased ancestors are present at the table, who are also participants in the holiday.

During new year holidays people visit each other with congratulations, gifts in the form of money in red envelopes, and necklaces of coins and tangerines as a symbol of wealth.

Throughout the celebration of the Chinese New Year in China, fun folk festivals, fairs, costumed dances and masquerade street processions are held.


Chinese New Year 2018: When does the celebration end?


In the countries of the East, Chinese New is one of the longest holidays, which in the old days lasted whole month. However, in our time, due to a busy lifestyle and busy work schedule, the Chinese have reduced the number of days off by almost half, and the holiday ends on the fifteenth day.

Chinese New Year 2018 (holiday for the Chinese) lasts for 15 days. On March 2, the grandiose Chinese Lantern Festival will take place. Until this day, the meeting of the Chinese New Year 2018 will last, when the festival ends, and the people return to their usual working rhythm.


Recall that we previously said what should be on the table in the New Year of the Dog 2018. Read more on.

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Upcoming Chinese New 2017 Year of the Rooster, differs from ours, if only by the fact that for the Chinese, any event in life is permeated with a spirit - evil or good, but always alive. This means that he should either be appeased or driven away if he came with bad intentions, or treated and honored if his arrival will bring good to the family.

The Chinese live according to the lunisolar (Chinese) calendar, so their chronology does not coincide with what we are used to. For example, in 2016, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire celebrated the advent of the 4714 New Year of the Monkey, which took place on February 8th.

In 2017, the Chinese New Year begins on January 28th.

It is not for nothing that this event is otherwise called the Spring Festival, because for the Chinese this date symbolizes the beginning of sowing work (often in the buttonhole outerwear insert several spikelets of rice as a symbol of the abundance of the harvest). All Chinese in honor of such an event gather at their native hearth - in the house of their parents. If someone is away, he will definitely try to be in time for family table is the most enduring tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year celebration

Gifts are not common in China. However, after the date of the first day of the Chinese New Year comes, parents always give their children money in a red envelope with the hope of their material well-being. Greeting Cards also hard to find in China. But the red color hits the eyes from all possible places Red is the main color of the New Year. After all, he is so afraid of the evil spirit, which the Chinese call the New Year. It should also be driven away by the noise of fireworks and loud laughter. Houses are decorated with many red lanterns and scrolls with good wishes to their family, protecting the home from evil spirits.

In honor of the New, the people of China will change old clothes a new one, they will clean the houses (so that the favorable energy of the house circulates freely in it and does not stagnate), and treats will be prepared. Their favorite dish is dumplings, whose shape resembles an ingot of gold - a symbol of prosperity. Often houses are decorated with tangerines, always eight pieces - a number symbolizing infinity.

When does Chinese New Year 2017 end?

The Chinese or Oriental New Year is a grand event that lasted a whole month in the old days, but now, with a modern busy lifestyle, the people of China cannot afford so many days off, and holiday ends on the fifteenth day (in 2017 this date falls on February 11) the huge Chinese Lantern Festival.

In 2020, according to the eastern calendar, the year of the Rat begins, which begins a new twelve-year cycle. Many are interested in when this will happen: with the first strikes of the chimes or in the East do people celebrate the New Year in a different way?

Chinese New Year

When 2020 officially comes around the world, the Celestial Empire will only prepare for this holiday. In the East, it is called Chun Jie, which means "spring festival" and symbolizes the awakening of nature. Most people in China still live by agricultural labor, so it is very important for them moon calendar.

Each year according to the eastern calendar is associated with some kind of animal. There are 12 in total. The date of the change of the year depends on the phase of the moon: Chun Jie occurs on the second new moon after the winter solstice (January 21 - February 21).

Eastern zodiac

Time reckoning in the Chinese tradition is based on the division of the entire universe into five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) and the allocation of 12 sacred animals (rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and a pig). In 2020, the year of the Rat is coming, the most cunning animal, according to the legend of the ancient Chinese. According to this zodiac, they live not only in the Celestial Empire, but also in the Land of the Rising Sun, Mongolia, Korea, and Vietnam.

The complete cycle of the eastern zodiac is 60 years. Every 12 years, the owner of the year is replaced, which passes from one element to another. In 2020, the cycle started in 1984, led by the Wood Rat, will continue. The elements change every two years. In 2020, the era of metal begins.

There are three versions of how the animals were chosen:

  • The Jade Emperor, who rules in heaven, once wished to meet 12 of the most interesting animals living on earth. His assistant chose a rat, which he instructed to send an invitation to heaven to a cat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, and a dog. The rat completed the task, but deceived the cat, considering him a contender for his place. The emperor, seeing 11 animals, became angry and ordered to bring another one, which would be the first one that his servant would come across on earth. It turned out to be a Pig.
  • The Buddha invited 12 animals to the Chun Ze festival. As the guests appeared, the Buddha gave each a year of reign. There was a cat among the animals, but there was no rabbit.
  • All the animals living on earth were supposed to come to say goodbye to the Buddha. Only 12 of them came, and they were appointed guardians.

Comparing these legends, the Eastern sages came to the conclusion that it is necessary to combine the year of the cat and the rabbit.

When is 2020 according to the Chinese calendar?

A new twelve-year cycle will begin on January 25th. It is on this day that 4718 will be celebrated in the East. Its symbol will be the White Metal Rat. To find out what the 12 months will be like, it is important to consider the color of the year, its element and patron.

The element and color are determined by the last digits of the year, but not the eastern, but the Gregorian:

  • 4 and 5 - the element Wood, the color is blue and green;
  • 6 and 7 - the element of Fire, the color is pink and red;
  • 8 and 9 - the elements of the Earth, the color is yellow and ocher;
  • 0 and 1 - element Metal, color white;
  • 2 and 3 - the element Water, the color is black and blue.

2020 will start in the East on January 25th and the celebrations will last for 15 days. And before that, there will be careful preparation. It is especially important in the days after the winter solstice. Until the second new moon, the monster Nian (literally, the Year) rules, which does not want to let go of the departing owner and seeks to destroy everything around. But Nian does not like beauty, so the more elegant the house is, the more his monster will be afraid.

The Mistress of 2020, the White Metal Rat, is an ambitious animal with a sense of purpose. The year promises to be eventful, you won't have to relax. With effort, you can expect good results from the Rat.

Traditions and rituals

Whatever the color of the year, in China, all decorations are traditionally red. According to legend, once Nian was very frightened of a child in red clothes, so he immediately left the residents alone. The second tradition is the cleansing of the home and soul. The third is a festive table. Among the treats, there must be jiaozi (outwardly reminiscent of dumplings) as a wish for the birth and well-being of sons. So that there is always prosperity in the house, a dish with tangerines and oranges is placed on the table.

Every day has its own traditions:

  • On the night of the celebration, the whole family gathers together. It is good when several generations sit at the same table. At night, the house should have a lot of light and decorations. When the year 2020 arrives according to the Eastern calendar, thousands of fireworks will fly into the sky as a greeting to the Rat.
  • The second day is the day of the son-in-law. It is customary to visit each other, visit distant relatives.
  • The third day is the day of sacrifice. It is customary to make figures out of paper and then burn them.
  • From the fourth to the sixth day they meet Chun Jie with friends.
  • The seventh and eighth days are spent in a quiet family circle without noise and fun.
  • The ninth day is the day of memory of ancestors. The number 9 is symbolic here, which in the Christian tradition is also associated with remembrance.
  • After 10 days, they prepare for the Lantern Festival, which completes the New Year's Eve. Lanterns light the way for the departing symbol and the souls of the dead to heaven.

How is New Year celebrated in China? video

We all know that according to the Gregorian calendar, according to which we all live, the New Year is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. But, the Eastern New Year, the very one, the symbol of which is the red fiery Rooster, according to all the rules, will come on the night of January 27-28.

For almost all countries of East Asia, the New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2017 begins on January 28, 2017. This is a very important holiday for Asian countries, it is celebrated noisily and on a large scale. The celebrations last fifteen days in a row.

This is interesting! Many are wondering when the new year is coming according to the eastern calendar 2017, because this date changes every year. It depends on the lunar calendar. The New Year comes into its own on the first lunar day of the second new moon, always after the winter solstice.

New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2017 is the year of red Fire Rooster. If you delve into the Eastern teachings, you can find out that the year will bring good luck and in general will be filled with good events. It is the red rooster that has long been considered a strong magical symbol. He is able to fly, show strength and courage even in the most difficult situations.

It is quite clear how to celebrate the New Year according to the Eastern calendar, because our cockerel is red. But, this is not the only color to pay attention to. New Year in Asian countries is one of the brightest and longest holidays. Traditionally, especially great importance during the celebration is also given to the golden color. So, in order to please the rooster and all oriental signs, in your outfit you can harmoniously combine red and White color.

This is interesting! In the east, red symbolizes fire, it drives away bad luck and troubles. Asians not only wear red clothes to celebrate the occasion, but also write cards on red paper, give gifts in red wrapping, and launch wish lanterns in this color.

New Year's Eve in China and other countries of this region is very noisy. Mandatory attributes of celebrations are festivals, fire shows and fireworks. It is believed that the noisier the holiday, the more successful people will drive away evil spirits from themselves and their families.

If you are thinking about what to cook for the new year 2017 according to the eastern calendar, then you should pay special attention to oriental food. But, it is not worth fixing only on it. On the festive table, you can also serve dishes that the rooster will like. First of all, these are fresh apples. Also, the rooster will be delighted with his favorite fresh vegetables, herbs.

Eastern calendar legend

It is no coincidence that the new year according to the eastern calendar 2017 is the year of the Rooster. The fact is that the lunar calendar consists of twelve cycles, each of which has its own animal symbol, but how did these symbols appear? Buddha is involved in everything. Before leaving the earth, the Buddha decided to gather all the animals and say goodbye to them. Twelve animals came and in the order in which they came, the Buddha gave them a year each. As a result, the first year is Rat (cunning), then comes the Ox (hardworking), Tiger (brave), Rabbit (quiet) and Dragon (strong), Snake (wise), Horse (beautiful) and Sheep or Goat (artistic), Monkey (smart), Rooster (bright), Dog (loyal) and Pig (happy). In addition to the fact that each animal received its own year, it conveyed to the year the traits of its character: both positive and negative. It is believed that a person born in the year of a certain animal also adopts these traits. He receives both the strengths and weaknesses of the animal and must decide for himself which line of behavior to choose.

Other Chinese New Year Traditions

What to do in the new year according to the eastern calendar 2017, besides cooking oriental dishes and wearing red clothes? In Asia, New Year's wishes are written in the form of poems on red paper. It is customary to give lucky money to children in red envelopes.
The first days of the holiday in China are an opportunity for family reunion. All family members, no matter how far they live from each other, should gather at a large festive table. New Year's Eve dinner together is as important a New Year's tradition as fireworks.

New Year for the inhabitants of East Asian countries is the longest and most important holiday. Family celebration continues with festivals. The festive period ends with the Lantern Festival, it is held on the fifteenth day of celebrations. An important part of the Lantern Festival is the dragon dance. The dragon is made thirty meters long from silk, paper and bamboo. The big dragon is swayed by people who hold the doll and dance under it.
These are the traditions of the new year according to the eastern calendar 2017. If you want to once again arrange a holiday for yourself, get together with friends and drink for good luck and success in the new year, then February 8 is a great occasion to do it! Happy holiday!
