Haircut according to the lunar calendar for November. Haircut lunar calendar for November

Recommendations and tips for the Lunar calendar for cutting, curling, coloring, depilation and hair removal in November 2018

Recommendations and tips for cutting, curling, depilating, epilating and coloring hair

When visiting a hairdresser, have you noticed that haircut, made by the same master, is ideal and does not require styling, but can cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes, after a haircut, the hair lies well, and sometimes it is not possible to cope with it. Sometimes they grow quickly, and sometimes they grow very slowly. To be satisfied with the haircut, visit the hairdresser on days when Moon is in Leo or Virgo. haircut these days it's good to do like on the growing, and on the waning moon, but better - on a growing one. If you cut your hair in the days of Leo, the hair will look thick. If to get a haircut in the days of Virgo, they will grow back faster and will keep their shape perfectly. You can get a haircut on other days of the growing moon, with the exception of the signs of Pisces and Cancer. Haircut on the waning moon keeps the hair in good condition, but they will grow slowly.

Bad for hair waning moon haircut in Capricorn, as well as a haircut on the days of Cancer and Pisces in any phase. If you make a haircut on a bad day, the hair will lie badly, grow for a long time, may begin to fall out, dandruff may appear in them, they split faster and become thinner. It is very harmful to cut hair on the waning Moon in Aries - they will fall out quickly and strongly! It is also harmful to have a haircut on the days of Gemini.

hair waving successfully passes at any phase in the days of Virgo. Any days of any phase are also suitable, except for the days of Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. If you curl your hair during Leo days, the curl will be too strong, because these days the hair curls itself. In the days of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, at any phase, you should not curl your hair, as it will look lifeless, dull, and will begin to split and break.

Hair coloring better to do with the growing moon, the paint will last longer. If you dye your hair on a waning moon, the color will wash off faster. If you want to check whether this or that color really suits you, use a coloring shampoo instead of paint. It will wash off after a few times, and you will see if the color suits you or not.

Depilation and epilation

There are many ways to remove hair and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laser and photoepilation, hot wax - effective method but painful, the razor has more pluses. When choosing a method for hair removal, keep in mind that hair removed on the growing moon grows faster. You can shave them off in the morning, and by the evening they will have grown back quite a bit. If you remove them on the growing Moon in Leo or Virgo, they will not only grow back faster, but also become even thicker and thicker. It is best to remove hair on the waning moon in Capricorn. And also on any other days of the waning moon, except for the signs of Virgo and Leo.

We bring to your attention:

Conception calendar (pregnancy). The conception calendar will help calculate the probability of conception, the nature of the pregnancy and the predicted gender of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of proximity.

Wedding calendar (marriage). Personal wedding calendar - the reliability and durability of the marriage union, well-being and psychological climate in the family largely depend on the date of the wedding. In marriage, the initial astrological situation affects the further course of life. Therefore, use the wedding calendar and choose the most suitable date and time for this. Regardless of the position of the Moon in the Signs of the Zodiac and auspiciousness lunar day, marriage is unacceptable during all fasts, on the eve or during church holidays, Christmas, carnival, etc.

It is very easy to determine a favorable day for a particular hair procedure thanks to the lunar haircut calendar. Before you visit the hairdresser, the haircut calendar advises which day is best to choose. Moon calendar will help you know your destiny in order to succeed and avoid problems and hardships.

The time and period of the haircut depends on how your days will go. With the help of the lunar calendar of haircuts, where recommendations for every day are selected, you can easily improve your life, learn how to prevent danger and what to expect in the future.

According to the lunar calendar for November 2018, the cyclical change of the phases of the moon will take place in the following sequence:
Full moon- November 23 at 08:39.
Waxing Crescent from 8 to 22 November 2018.
Waning moon from 1 to 6, from 24 to 30 November 2018.

November 1 (Thursday) - a haircut should not be done on this day, because it endangers physical and mental health.

November 2 (Friday) is an excellent day for a haircut, hair will grow slower, but will be healthier.

November 3 (Saturday) - it is advisable to postpone the haircut, because it can lead to depression and injury.

November 4 (Sunday) is a good period for a haircut, the hairstyle will keep its shape for a long time, and the hair will become stronger and healthier.

November 5 (Monday) is a neutral day for changing your image, but it is better to refuse a trip to the hairdresser.

Haircut lunar calendar for November 2018 - when to cut your hair

November 7 (Wednesday) - in order to set up hair for energy work, it is better to plan a change of image at the end of the lunar day, after 16:00.

November 8 (Thursday) is a neutral day for a haircut, but it is better to refrain from dyeing and waving.

November 9 (Friday) - extremely auspicious time for a haircut. A change of image will provide an influx of money and positive emotions.

November 10 (Saturday) is a good day for cutting hair. After going to the hairdresser, the hair will grow faster and become stronger.

November 11 (Sunday) - if you have problems with hair loss, then after a haircut, your hair will become obedient and almost not fall out.

November 12 (Monday) - a haircut will help solve existing health problems, especially get rid of viral infections and colds. A change of image will also attract money.

November 13 (Tuesday) is a great time to strengthen the hair roots and nourish. On this day, you should do a scalp massage, vitamin wraps and masks.

November 14 (Wednesday) - on this day it is advisable to avoid going to the hairdresser, because a haircut will not bring any result.

November 15 (Thursday) - a good opportunity to change your hairstyle and start new life. After a haircut, the hair will grow faster and become less brittle.

November 16 (Friday) is an unfavorable day for any hair procedures, it is better to wait with a trip to the hairdresser.

November 17 (Saturday) - if you want to accelerate hair growth - cut it today. Changing your hairstyle will keep you healthy and protect you from offenders.

November 18 (Sunday) - an unfavorable time for a haircut. Hair will become naughty, and the hairstyle will not keep its shape.

November 20 (Tuesday) is a dangerous period for cutting hair, because it will be very difficult to restore them.

November 21 (Wednesday) - a haircut on this day will improve your general condition and attract good luck in all endeavors.

Haircuts in November 2018: the condition of the hair depends on the haircut according to the lunar calendar

November 22 (Thursday) - on this day, you should refrain from cutting, it is only allowed to trim the tips a little.

November 23 (Friday) - if you have not planned big changes, then haircut will go to your benefit. If new beginnings await you ahead, then you should refrain from changing your image.

November 24 (Saturday) - a haircut will have a positive effect on attracting new love into your life, or it will improve relationships if you have a soulmate.

November 25 (Sunday) - on this day, it is advisable to avoid any manipulation of the hair, so as not to attract health troubles.

November 26 (Monday) - it is better to postpone the trip to the hairdresser, because the haircut will not keep its shape, and you probably will not get the desired result.

November 28 (Wednesday) is an auspicious day for cutting hair, the hairstyle will be neat, and the hair healthy and shiny.

November 30 (Friday) - if you change your hairstyle, it will keep its shape for a long time and your hair will become healthier.

People have long known about the powerful influence of the moon on our planet and, in particular, on people. For many centuries, people have used various lunar calendars for crops, calendars for choosing the most successful dates for marriage, as well as horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac. Haircut calendar for November 2019 will help you attract good luck with a nice change in your appearance.

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Nov. 1. The lunar calendar warns that today is an extremely negative day for haircuts and hairstyles. On this day, the horoscope warns against any manipulation of the hair, try to refrain from even ordinary combing. Coloring can make them thinner, more brittle and take longer to repair. a large number of time.

November 2. The moon will have a beneficial effect on the hair after today's haircut, accelerate growth and eliminate the cross section. In addition, today is a great day for healing and firming masks, thanks to the lunar position, their strength will be revealed to the maximum. Coloring will also be successful and without much harm to the curls.

the 3rd of November. Today is one of those days of the month when a haircut promises you strong and lasting good luck in financial matters. Coloring is preferred only in light shades, it will bring you good luck on the personal front.

November 4th. The horoscope predicts that today's shortening of hair can have a very negative effect on them - the consequences can be expressed in loss, brittleness and dullness. The Oracle recommends postponing for a better day and changing the color of your hair.

November 5. The moon will extremely negatively affect the condition and health of your hair if you carry out any manipulations with them on this day. Haircut will lead to a strong section, and coloring can worsen the condition of the scalp.

November 6th. Bad day for any haircuts. The quality of the hair will suffer significantly, in addition, there is a risk of a sharp deterioration in your well-being. Coloring will increase your irritability, which can lead to conflicts with relatives and close friends.

November 7th. The horoscope warns that shortening the hairstyle can lead to its rapid loss of shape, damage to the quality of the hair and its general condition. Hair coloring is only allowed natural dyes, so as not to bring problems at work and in relationships with superiors.

November 8th. The period of the unfavorable position of the moon for cutting hair continues, the horoscope advises to wait a little longer. Hair coloring is acceptable in any shades, no negative consequences will not be.

November 9. The oracle predicts that a haircut will have a very positive effect on the condition of your hair. The moon will help increase their density, splendor and health, however, perhaps a slight slowdown in growth for an indefinite period. Coloring is desirable to transfer, as the paint can be washed off the hair faster than usual.

10th of November. The neutral position of the moon for cutting and coloring, when no procedure will have any effect on your future destiny.

11th of November. good moment for a strict, formal haircut. The horoscope predicts that she will bring you good luck in your work and good relationships with colleagues for a fairly long period. It is permissible to dye your hair, but only in a beauty salon, since at home there is a risk of getting a completely different shade and greatly spoiling the condition of the hair.

November 12th. An extremely negative day for a haircut. With its help, there is a risk of attracting a lot of negative energy into your home, which will lead to scandals in the family and bad mood. Hair coloring can attract various health problems to you.

the 13th of November. The perfect day to update your everyday haircut, and for absolutely any experiment. Hair will look much better, gain pomp and growth will settle down. Coloring will give you an intense, rich shade, which will also bring you quick financial success.

November 14th. Throughout the day, the moon will have an extremely beneficial effect on the hair through any procedure. The lunar calendar recommends signing up for a beauty salon today for cutting and coloring, this will significantly improve the structure and appearance of your hair. It is also recommended today to use various masks, the moon will contribute to their deepest penetration and impact.

15th of November. The lunar calendar says that the day does not promise absolutely no consequences for your destiny after any hair manipulations, the day is completely neutral.

November 16th. The day is neutral for any haircuts, both for short and medium, no changes will occur in your life. If you intend to dye your hair, give preference to light colors - this will attract good people to your destiny.

November 17th. The position of the moon, neutral for haircuts, continues. You can experiment with new hairstyles without any fear of harming your future, but when dyeing, try to give preference to bronze shades - this will save you from big financial losses.

November 18th. Today, the moon affects your hair in a very positive way after any haircut - growth will double, loss and section will decrease. Pretty good day to use homemade masks, they will give your hair the maximum amount of vitamins. Any new color hair will not only not spoil their structure, but will also attract an important acquaintance.

November 19th. Shortening your hair just above the middle of your shoulders will soon bring you unexpected joy, happiness and financial success. The day is quite good for dyeing hair in any desired color. In addition, the lunar calendar advises you to perm your hair today, this will help you quickly unleash conflicts with colleagues.

20 November. Lunar horoscope recommends today to make an appointment with the master for those whose hair roots are weakened, after a haircut they will noticeably strengthen within a couple of weeks. It is better to postpone coloring for another day, but this day is ideal for masks - your hair will receive all the most necessary useful components in full.

November 21. Short haircuts today will bring you the greatest luck, in particular they will contribute to your rapid career advancement. Hair coloring with natural compounds will bring you an unexpected gift, financial difficulties with ordinary dyes, and physical injury with lighteners.

November 22. The lunar horoscope predicts that on this day, more than ever, any extravagant and bold hairstyles, as well as coloring in bright colors. The moon is in a great position for a complete change of everyday image. Changing hair color will have little effect on their quality and will attract a romantic date into your life.

November 23rd. The horoscope recommends today not to listen to the advice of a hairdresser, but to choose exactly the form of a haircut that you most like. It is better to postpone strong changes in hair color for later, and today give preference to the most natural shades.

November 24th. The moon is today in a position where even the most healthy hair will be naughty in the hands of even the most experienced master, so the lunar horoscope recommends postponing the haircut for a more favorable day. The day is completely unsuitable for dyeing in any color, it is also recommended to refuse to wash your hair in order to avoid conflicts in the family.

November 25. Shortening your hair on this day can have a very positive effect on your life expectancy, so the lunar horoscope strongly recommends visiting a salon for at least minimal changes. However, staining will have to be postponed for a more suitable day.

November 26th. Today, the moon affects your hair very negatively, they are very vulnerable and any haircut, coloring or even combing can greatly spoil their quality. In addition, you risk incurring a number of troubles and conflicts at work that can significantly damage your reputation.

November 27th. The negative influence of the moon continues, the horoscope strongly recommends that you protect your hair from any manipulation with it as much as possible, it is best to wait out this period at home if possible. In addition to traumatizing your hair, you will attract a strong stream of negative energy that will stay with you throughout the next month.

November 28. A neutral day for haircuts, there will be no negative or favorable consequences, but today is a pretty good moment for coloring. Also, any chemical interactions with curls, for example, perm or keratin restoration, will be successful.

29th of November. Special luck today will have various feminine haircuts and hairstyles, as well as the use of restorative masks. Coloring will give exactly the result that you want, raise your self-esteem and mood for a long period and contribute to good relationships with colleagues.

November 30th. The lunar horoscope predicts a very good outcome of a haircut today, which will have a beneficial effect on both the condition of your hair and your general well-being and mood. The day is very successful for restoring masks, especially for strengthening gray curls.

The last and most rainy month of autumn forces us to put on hats, hide our heads in hoods, wrap ourselves in warm scarves and shawls. It would seem that health is the main thing when it comes to thinking about a hairstyle! But does it really take certain months and weather to be beautiful, desirable, to attract admiring glances? But no, hair can look its best even in the cold! Helpful Hints, little tricks and beauty secrets you can learn from our lunar haircut calendar for November.

Favorable and unsuccessful days for hair care

In this table:

  • + good day
  • - bad day
  • ± neutral day.

Haircut lunar calendar for November 2018

  • Date: November 1st. Lunar day: 23. Phase: waning moon. Zodiac sign: Leo.
If you want to reduce the number of conflicts and misunderstandings with others, trim the ends today

Neutral day: If you wanted to change your haircut a little, you can do it today. Hair will grow faster and even become a little thicker. But we warn you: discoloration and even light toning with balms are contraindicated. Dyes will not give a rich, rich shade, they will quickly wash off, leaving your strands in a rather deplorable state.

  • Date: November 2nd. Lunar day: 23–24. Phase: waning moon. Zodiac sign: Virgo.

One of the most auspicious days months! New haircut will delight and keep its shape well, coloring will allow you to achieve a shade that will favorably emphasize your complexion. Secret: hot hair masks are very effective today! This procedure will not only give a healing effect, but also make the strands shiny and healthy.

  • Date: November 3rd. Lunar day: 24–25. Phase: waning moon. Zodiac sign: Virgo.

If you did not have time to visit the salon yesterday, we do not recommend making an appointment for today! The maximum that you can afford on this day of the lunar calendar is to cut your bangs or change its shape. Hair growth is slowed down, it is better to do without serious manipulations with them. Coloring is best done using henna, and if you decide to do styling, try to do without curling irons and irons: a light basal volume is enough!

  • Date: November 4th. Lunar day: 25–26. Phase: waning moon. Zodiac sign: Virgo.

Virgo gives hair a special charm: it is silky, voluminous and looks healthy. Therefore, unnecessary intervention is not required. Today it is especially important to remember: the best is the enemy of the good! It is better to postpone a trip to the hairdresser for another day, coloring should also be postponed. Hairpins, headbands and hairpins with flowers will help to emphasize the natural beauty of the hair.

  • Date: November 5th. Lunar day: 26–27. Phase: waning moon. Libra.

Today you can dye your hair red or light, but try to use natural dyes.

A very favorable time for a haircut. Hair still grows slowly, but it endures any experiments. Bleaching, dyeing, perm, complex styling - whatever your heart desires! Today Libra helps to accept right decisions, this also applies to changes in the image. Treatment procedures prescribed by a trichologist are also particularly effective.

  • Date: November 6th. Lunar day: 27–28. Phase: waning moon. Libra.

But today is not the time for a hairdresser! Even a skilled master will not be able to achieve the haircut that you dreamed of, and the mood will be spoiled. But any styling will hold up perfectly, and without the use of strong means for fixing. It is not recommended to wash your hair with chemical shampoos; it is better to pamper your hair with nettle decoction. This not only has a beneficial effect on the condition of the strands, but also heals the scalp.

  • Date: November 7th. Lunar day: 28, 29, 1. Phase: new moon. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

Unfavorable day, do not plan any major image changes. The body accumulates energy, it is very important now to support it and not waste your energy - wait a while with an appointment with a beauty salon. Cutting and coloring can be very frustrating, so limit yourself to home treatments that combine healing effects for your hair with relaxation. Nourishing masks and baths with herbal decoctions are what you need!

  • Date: November 8th. Lunar day: 1.2. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

Again, do not resort to scissors. Of all the ways to bring something new to the look, styling and complex pigtails are suitable today. Do not rush to do a perm, otherwise you risk ruining your hair! Under the influence of a water sign become more effective liquid products care: conditioner-spray and nourishing serums.

  • Date: November 9th. Lunar day: 2–3. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

Behind the new moon, hair growth accelerates. But do not rush to get a haircut! If today you entrust your hair to a hairdresser, it will violate energy balance, will make you prone to rash spending and rash decisions. Better take care of your strands and do nourishing mask: 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp peach oil and ½ tsp. jojoba oils. After mixing the ingredients, apply them to the hair roots, cover with a hat and wrap with a towel. Wash off with shampoo after half an hour.

  • Date: 10 November. Lunar day: 3–4. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.

Today all kinds of perms are successful

Those who are scheduled for a haircut today should think about it. It is unlikely to harm the hair, their condition will remain exactly the same as before, but changes can occur in your life. And not the most pleasant: there is a risk of attracting a lot of fears and experiences, up to obsessions. It is best to focus on coloring and light, lush styling.

  • Date: November 11th. Lunar day: 4–5. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

The lunar haircut calendar for November 11 will undoubtedly please: Capricorn is not even against small updates. So you can cut your hair and change the color of your hair. And it’s also quite profitable, because today it will attract additional financial flows to you. But the styling will not work out in any way: the hair is naughty, no varnish and mousse will keep them!

  • Date: 12 November. Lunar day: 5–6. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Another surprise from Capricorn is the strengthening of the effect of nourishing masks and hair conditioners, take advantage of this! At the same time, the hairdresser will have to get bored without you: a haircut today will cause severe headaches, unnecessary worries and even depression. A great day for a variety of styling: hair is smooth, frizz-free and fits well the way you want it.

  • Date: November 13th. Lunar day: 6–7. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

Auspicious day, because today you can and should get a haircut! This will help improve the condition of the hair, get rid of the problem of split ends. Coloring will go smoothly and you will be pleased with the result, the main thing today is to carefully monitor the time and not wash off the paint earlier than it is written in the instructions. Updo and hair pulled back will help you achieve your goals.

  • Date: 14 November. Lunar day: 7–8. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

No haircuts, styling, braided hair! Pay more attention to yourself: any care procedure will not only give a healing effect, but also attract good luck and the location of loved ones. Nourishing hair masks with an anti-stress effect are especially good. Melt 100 g of chocolate in a water bath, mix with 2 tbsp. l. honey and 80 gr of natural yogurt. Apply to hair, wrap with foil and towel. Wash off after 30 minutes with shampoo.

  • Date: 15 November. Lunar day: 8–9. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Aquarius.

Styling today is inconvenient to do - the hair is fluffy, curly, does not obey

If you like extravagant hairstyles with complex weaves, luxurious buns or bright decorations, today is your day! Aquarius approves such bold decisions and rewards them with good luck in business and career growth. And for a haircut is not the right time: it can provoke fading hair.

  • Date: 16 November. Lunar day: 9–10. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Pisces.

A series of neutral days, and Pisces take this baton! Hair today is like real rebels: they do not want to go to bed normally, resist combing, fluff and can even be electrified more than usual. Cutting or styling can cause dandruff. Knowing this, stop at coloring and gentle, gentle shampooing.

  • Date: 17 November. Lunar day: 10–11. Phase: new moon. Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Simple hairstyles and unpretentious styling using a minimum of means of fixation - that's what we can advise for today. By cutting your hair, you will not be prepared for the result that you will see, and this can negatively affect self-esteem. When combing, use a wooden comb - it will carefully separate the strands and remove static electricity.

  • Date: 18 November. Lunar day: 11–12. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Scissors are not your best friend again. It is worth shortening your hair, as you will surely receive bad news, up to severe shocks. Leave the strands loose, this will attract the necessary energy. Lightly combed hair at the roots will attract the person whose heart you would like to win.

  • Date: 19 November. Lunar day: 12–13. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Aries.

Aries stubbornly holds us and threatens: do not touch your hair today! Any manipulations will be extremely traumatic for them, so it’s better not to even go through the strands once again with a comb. Instead of washing, we can offer a cleansing and healthy mask. Mash half a kiwi with a fork and mix with 2 tsp. burdock oil. Distribute through the hair, wrap, rinse after 20-25 minutes.

  • Date: 20 November. Lunar day: 13–14. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Aries.

Today's haircut will help strengthen your well-being

An unfavorable day is left behind, but it is too early to rejoice. A haircut will make the hair thin and lifeless, they will begin to split along the entire length. Curls and curls cannot be done either - today our strands will not want to be like a rune! But the coloring will pass perfectly, and a special iron will help to tame the hair.

  • Date: 21 November. Lunar day: 14–15. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Taurus.

Auspicious day, Taurus comes to us and gives "good" to everything. At the same time, he carefully monitors that the result is as close as possible to the expected. Changes in image and experiments will give joy and increase your prestige in the eyes of others. Today you can decide on any bold steps: perm, coloring in bright unnatural colors, shaving temples.

  • Date: 22 November. Lunar day: 15–16. Phase: waxing moon. Zodiac sign: Taurus.

A respite, a day between two extremes. Do not cut your hair: today they serve as conductors of cosmic energy. Laying with light “waves” and curls on this day will turn out just fine and will delight you with the result for a long time. It is better to color the strands in natural light shades.

  • Date: November 23rd. Lunar day: 16–17. Phase: full moon. Gemini.

The twins just came into the law, but they are clearly out of sorts! The situation is aggravated by the full moon. The result is an unfavorable day, any attempts to do something with the hair turn into disappointment and even provoke loss, up to bald patches. As a safe grooming routine and for aromatherapy, make a mask with 3 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 5 drops essential oil rosemary. Apply the mixture on your hair and wash off after 15-20 minutes.

  • Date: November 24th. Lunar day: 17–18. Phase: waning moon. Gemini.

Not the best day for a visit to the hairdresser. If your hair, weakened by cold weather, is also cut, it will lead to brittleness and thinning. Hair coloring in dark shades will attract success, and styling that opens the face will help make useful contacts.

  • Date: 25 November. Lunar day: 18–19. Phase: waning moon. Zodiac sign: Cancer.

Treat your hair with colorless henna today

So, almost without a break, we are forced to wait out another unfavorable day. Our strands are not in the best condition today: they are fluffy, split and do not want to fit in any way. Limit yourself to soft means with natural composition- they will provide hair with decent care and at the same time they will not be exposed to chemistry.

  • Date: November 26th. Lunar day: 19–20. Phase: waning moon. Zodiac sign: Cancer.

Cancer, even in the end, does not want to please us. Whatever we do with our hair, it doesn't want to look the way it's supposed to. Today they simply cannot be recognized: dull, hard, dry strands do not allow us to be fully satisfied with our hair. appearance. Gels and wax will help to put your hair in order. Good fixation will not allow the strands to be disheveled and wrinkled from outerwear. Remember: today it is especially important to protect them with a hat when going outside!

  • Date: 27 November. Lunar day: 20–21. Phase: waning moon. Zodiac sign: Leo.

Leo comes softly. You should not expect disposition from him, but he will not bring bad news either. So, coloring today will give a result that will not suit you at all, and the color itself will quickly wash off. Curls will not want to lie neatly, no matter how you curl them. But the perm and haircut will go just fine! And the latter will also make the hair thick and strong.

  • Date: 28 November. Lunar day: 21–22. Phase: waning moon. Zodiac sign: Leo.

Finally, Leo gives us the opportunity to show off and show off our luxurious “manes”. A haircut will emphasize the beautiful features of your face, the styling will last a long time, and the coloring will cover the gray hair and perfectly shade the skin color. The use of golden jewelry in the hair will attract the energy of the sun and give self-confidence.

  • Date: 29 November. Lunar day: 22–23. Phase: waning moon. Zodiac sign: Leo.

Look closely at the signs: they will guide you today and tell you how to act. The master is delayed, and the hairdresser asks you to wait? Then it is better to refuse a haircut altogether. Can't find the color you want in the store? So, it’s worth leaving and postponing the procedure for later, and not looking for an analogue. A win-win option is to collect hair in a bun. This will give much-needed focus and composure and help structure your thoughts.

  • Date: 30 November. Lunar day: 23. Phase: waning moon. Zodiac sign: Virgo.

Unusual hairstyle today will attract the attention of the opposite sex

A wonderful period bestowed on us by this feminine sign! Virgo, who loves to disassemble everything to the smallest detail, passes this habit on to us. It's time to analyze your image and decide what we would like to change in it. And immediately put all plans into action! Even the most desperate experiments will be rewarded, and you will receive a lot of compliments.

On the threshold of winter. During this period, it is important to take vitamins and eat a balanced diet so that the skin and hair look healthy, and we maintain a cheerful attitude. But not less good remedy from the blues - our satisfaction with our appearance. Follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar, do not spare time for care procedures, and then you will always have a great mood, and good luck will accompany you in all areas of life!

And, of course, before you go to the salon and do any hairdressing procedures at home, do not forget to look at our lunar haircut calendar for November 2018, and then your hair will always be beautiful, shiny, and most importantly, healthy.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing you should pay attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but the astrological influence changes.

It also happens that the lunar day in its energy does not seem to prevent going to the hairdresser, but the Moon is in a sign in which it is not recommended to get a haircut. Or vice versa - the sign favors a visit to the salon, but the lunar day does not. And all this is also displayed in our calendar. Please note that in November the Moon quite often passes into another sign of the Zodiac after the beginning of the next lunar day, in the evening or shortly before midnight, respectively, recommendations are given taking into account this factor.

As an addition to our haircut lunar calendar, we offer you a small bonus:

Best days for manicure and pedicure: 2 (after 8:32), 3, 4 (before 11:59), 13 (after 19:46), 14, 15 (until 14:11), 29 (from 14:21 to 23:13).

Best days for hair removal: 25 (after 10:25 to 18:15), 26 (after 19:16), 27 (before 12:06).

First decade of November

Today is an extremely unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with health problems, creative crises, and a sharp decrease in self-esteem. From staining, homemade and salon procedures should also be avoided.

November 2, Friday, 23rd lunar day continues (until 0:04, later focus on the 24th lunar day), the Moon is in Virgo.

There are only 4 minutes left of the 23rd lunar day, so go straight to the recommendations for the next date.

November 3, Saturday, 24th lunar day(until 1:27, later focus on the 25th lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

A great day for a haircut - not only will it turn out perfect and keep its shape for a long time, but it will also attract additional material wealth to you, as well as push you to start something that will perfectly reflect on your future. Coloring is not forbidden, but it is better not to use unnatural tones. Any home procedures, especially healing and strengthening, will be as effective as possible.

November 4, Sunday, 25th lunar day(until 2:50, later focus on the 26th lunar day), the Moon is in Libra.

This day is perfect for a visit to the salon. A haircut will have a good effect on the structure of the hair, make it healthier, and on a metaphysical level it will help to put things in order in some complicated cases. Coloring will also be successful - the paint will lie evenly and will not fade for a long time. All home procedures will give excellent results.

November 5, Monday, 26th lunar day(until 4:12, later focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

It’s a good day for a visit to the salon, but it’s better to decide in advance what exactly you want to see on your head, and what additional procedures you need now, rather than figure it out “on the go” with the help of a master - you will be easily “spinned” to what what costs more, but does not suit you at all or your hair does not need it. In addition, it is recommended to refrain from asymmetrical haircuts, contrast coloring and homemade masks, wraps, rinses.

November 6, Tuesday, 27th lunar day(until 5:33, later focus on the 28th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

A favorable day for a haircut - it will save you from any doubts and thoughts that disturb you, give you inner harmony. You can do a retro hairstyle, two-tone coloring, a light curl, while, as on the eve, you should refrain from asymmetry and sharp contrasts. Home treatments will not bring benefits.

November 7, Wednesday, 28th lunar day until 6:53, 29th lunar day (until 19:02, later focus on the 1st lunar day), New Moon, Moon in Scorpio.

On the 28th lunar day, which falls on November 6, it is worth going to the hairdresser only if everything is in order with you. nervous system(no chronic stress, neurosis, depression); home treatments will be useless. Directly on the 7th, it is recommended to refrain from any manipulations with the hair.

November 8, Thursday, 1st lunar day(until 8:11, later focus on the 2nd lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Not a good day for haircuts, coloring, home and salon treatments. Let your hair rest and, if possible, do not use styling products.

November 9, Friday, 2nd lunar day(until 9:26, later focus on the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

This day is also not suitable for cutting and coloring. At home, you can make a nourishing mask based on honey and fat components. In addition, it is worth looking through hairdressing magazines or wandering through thematic sites, decide on hair color and hairstyle, choose a time that is convenient for you and favorable according to the lunar calendar for a visit to the salon, call and make an appointment with the master.

November 10, Saturday, 3rd lunar day(until 10:35, later focus on the 4th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

An excellent day for a visit to the hairdresser. Bold experiments are welcome, you can radically change your hairstyle and hair color, make a creative haircut and fancy coloring. An excellent result will give cauterization. At home, a supportive mask based on dairy products is recommended.

Second decade of November

November 11, Sunday, 4th lunar day(until 11:37, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

On the 4th lunar day, falling on November 10, a haircut in sports style, dyeing in soothing light colors will be successful, in the salon you can do glazing, lamination or screening of hair, and at home - light mask based on a decoction of oats. Directly on the 11th (from 6:11 to 11:37) it is not recommended to get a haircut, but they will give an excellent result: coloring in natural shades, a strengthening white clay mask, head massage and washing it with bread or egg yolk.

November 12, Monday, 5th lunar day(until 12:29, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

November 13, Tuesday, 6th lunar day(until 13:11, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

An unfavorable day for a haircut, but quite suitable for primary and secondary coloring, stone massage of the head, restorative and healing masks, rinsing with decoctions of mountain herbs.

November 14, Wednesday, 7th lunar day(until 13:44, later focus on the 8th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

On the 7th lunar day, which falls on November 13, you should not cut your hair before 19:46, but you can do coloring and a firming mask. After 19:46 on the 13th and until 13:44 on the 14th, the haircut will turn out excellently, and on a metaphysical level it will attract very entertaining acquaintances to you; coloring will also be successful, as well as innovative salon procedures, but home hairdressing manipulations will be useless.

November 15, Thursday, 8th lunar day(until 14:11, later focus on the 9th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Aquarius.

On the 8th lunar day, which falls on November 14, haircut, coloring and salon procedures will be very successful, moreover, all this will help you feel renewed and happy. Directly on the 15th, it is recommended to refrain from any hairdressing manipulations throughout the day.

November 16, Friday, 9th lunar day(until 14:32, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

An extremely unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with dependence on circumstances and people who treat you badly, and it will not affect the health of your hair, just as it will not affect your general well-being. in the best way. Coloring, salon and home treatments are also not recommended.

November 17, Saturday, 10th lunar day(until 14:51, later focus on the 11th lunar day), the Moon is in Pisces.

An unfavorable day for haircuts, coloring and salon procedures. At home, you can make a healing mask, and it is also recommended to rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile (for blondes and fair-haired) or oak bark (brown-haired women and brunettes).

November 18, Sunday, 11th lunar day(until 15:08, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again, the wrong day for a haircut, coloring, salon procedures. At home, you can make a regenerating, firming or moisturizing mask, but not cooked on your own, but purchased at a specialized store.

November 19, Monday, 12th lunar day(until 15:25, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

An unfavorable day for a visit to the salon and for home procedures. In addition, you should refrain from using hot styling devices and hard fixing styling products.

November 20, Tuesday, 13th lunar day(until 15:41, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again, the wrong day for a haircut, coloring, salon and home procedures, using a hair dryer, styler, alcohol-containing styling products. In addition, you should not wear tight decorative headbands and fasten your hair with sharp hairpins.

Third decade of November

November 21, Wednesday, 14th lunar day(until 16:00, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

On the 14th lunar day, which falls on November 20, the recommendations given for the 13th lunar day remain relevant. Directly on the 21st (from 4:07 to 16:00), the haircut will not only turn out to be very successful, but will also attract additional financial flows to you, help get rid of some kind of conflict with relatives, and add confidence in solving work issues. ; when staining, you can make a slight clarification; any home treatments will be very effective.

November 22, Thursday, 15th lunar day(until 16:22, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

An extremely unfavorable day for any kind of hair manipulation - a haircut is fraught with a violation of their structure, and at a metaphysical level it will negatively affect the business sphere of your existence; staining will harm the scalp, and home treatments will give a diametrically opposite result.

November 23, Friday, 16th lunar day(until 16:50, later focus on the 17th lunar day), Full Moon, Moon in Gemini.

On the 16th lunar day, which falls on November 22, the haircut will not only turn out just amazing, but will also “provide” you with amazing commercial ideas, by implementing which you will pleasantly weigh down your wallet; coloring is not forbidden; all home procedures will give excellent results. But directly on the 23rd, throughout the day, it is better to refrain from hairdressing manipulations.

November 24, Saturday, 17th lunar day(until 17:27, later focus on the 18th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

A great day for a haircut - it will give lightness and good mood, remove the accumulated negativity and attract to you interesting people, bright events, new hobbies. You can experiment with shape and color, make fantasy coloring, some very unusual hairstyle. But home procedures will not bring benefits.

November 25, Sunday, 18th lunar day(until 18:15, later focus on the 19th lunar day), the Moon is in Cancer.

On the 18th lunar day, which falls on November 24, and on the 25th until 10:25, you can safely cut your hair and do coloring, and the hairstyle you have invented will become a very “talking” reflection of your current psychological state. Directly on the 25th (after 10:25) it is worth getting a haircut only if you have been wearing long hair, and now they decided on an ultra-short "hedgehog"; coloring is not forbidden, but it is better not to paint in black; of home treatments, the most effective are restorative masks based on blue clay or algae.

November 26, Monday, 19th lunar day(until 19:16, later focus on the 20th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

A categorically unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with hysterical states, which as a result will lead to emotional stagnation, and your trust in others will be thoroughly undermined. It is also strongly recommended to refrain from staining and home procedures.

November 27, Tuesday, 20th lunar day(until 20:30, later focus on the 21st lunar day), Moon in Leo.

On the 20th lunar day, which falls on November 26, and on the 27th until 12:06, it is not recommended to cut your hair; you can color, treat your hair and scalp, and strengthen the roots. On Tuesday, after 12:06 - a great moment for a haircut - it will incredibly decorate you, give you inspiration and some truly brilliant creative ideas, attract the love of others to you; if you are going to do primary coloring or decide to change dark color hair to something lighter, then give preference to golden, wheaten, reddish shades or their harmonious combination in one of the trending techniques; At home, you should apply a mask with the addition of honey.

November 28, Wednesday, 21st lunar day(until 21:50, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Leo.

This day is perfect for a haircut - it will not only turn out to be luxurious, but will also significantly raise your self-esteem, teach you to love and appreciate yourself, your personality, your talents and abilities. Coloring will also be successful, as well as carving. A vitamin mask is recommended at home.

November 29, Thursday, 22nd lunar day(until 23:13, later focus on the 23rd lunar day), Moon in Virgo.

And again, a great day for a haircut - it will have a great effect on the structure of the hair and retain its shape for a long time, and on a metaphysical level it will attract people to you who you need right now to implement some kind of creative or commercial ideas. Coloring is not forbidden, but it is better to refrain from unnatural shades. Until 14:21 of the home procedures, tonic masks will be the most effective, after the indicated time, everything that you do for your hair will be of great benefit.

An extremely unfavorable day for a haircut - it is fraught with serious health problems (and first of all with the gastrointestinal tract), as well as mistakes that will greatly harm your reputation. It is also recommended to refrain from staining, home and salon procedures.
