material prosperity. Material well-being

How to become rich

Material well-being, where does the path to material well-being and prosperity begin? How to gain financial independence? How to make your life secure and happy, and the life of your loved ones?

How to become financially independent person?

Which gods to pray to, or how to really achieve material prosperity? Material well-being, financial success, prosperity, stable income, well-being. No matter how you call it, the essence is still the same.

And no matter how and what you imagine, under the definition of material well-being. It is always direct, no matter what you do, depends on 3 factors:

1. Skills, abilities and knowledge.
2. A properly configured, organized system that works smoothly for you and for you.
3. Plus a well-thought-out work plan of action. And effective action.

This is the three whales of material well-being

And 3 fundamental factors that help to achieve the desired financial result. And determine the degree of your material well-being.

the science of getting rich

To the question - "What prayer to read about material well-being?"

I will answer briefly and immediately. NOT ANY!

Neither symbols, nor prayers, nor conspiracies, nor icons, nor pebbles and mandalas will help you become a wealthy person. Until you become a professional in the field in which you are engaged.
And don't accept these 3 facts as truth.

1. The service or product you offer must be in demand and have consumer value.
2. Your product, product, or service must be competitive and of the best quality, at an affordable price. These benefits will help you save on promotion and advertising, and.
3. You must be able to choose the right target audience, generate and convert traffic.

If you do not apply all 3 points to become the best in your field. Then no gods will help you to avoid failures. Until you improve the quality of the services offered.

become the richest

Salut, dear friend and reader, I forgot to say hello. With you in touch, as always, the author of the blog, Natalia Butenko. And the topic of today's post will be money, earnings and finance. Which is basically the same thing.

And it would seem, what is there to discuss? The topic is as old as the world, and a million posts and books have already been written and read on this topic. But anyway.

If so, then the question is. Why do some people make money much easier, more and easier? And over time, they go out to passive income, under the same conditions. Do others have nothing? And they ask the question - "How to achieve material prosperity?"

Then why did I decide to write this post?

Out of curiosity and as a response to a letter received from a subscriber. Today I received a "letter of happiness" or "good luck" in the mail, whoever likes it, he calls this nonsense.

Of course, I immediately sent the letter to spam. But out of curiosity, I decided to look at Yandex statistics for the request money, prosperity, well-being to St. Spyridon.

And here, I confess to you honestly. The statistics just amazed me. Look at the screen and the requests.

material well-being of a person

But everything would be fine. After all, requests are different, and people may be interested in different things. If not for the statistics by age and gender. Most of the requests are not for teenagers, but for an audience of 25 to 45 years.

Just think. Adult men and women believe that they can become financially secure people if they pray to pebbles, symbols and other things of that kind.

I don't know. What happened to people and why, many do not understand one simple truth. That money is primarily a unit of account, and in order for this unit to come to you in large quantities. You must give what other people demand. This is the principle of money movement.

And the sooner you understand this and begin to improve the product or service that you provide. The faster your material well-being will improve.

Absolutely any undertaking gives a 100% good result, with the right understanding and awareness of what and how to do.

And in the matter of material prosperity, it is primarily necessary, otherwise nothing will change for you. After all, any positive change starts with that. What we bring, evaluate the possibilities, develop an action plan and act.

get rich online

Hone your skills, become an expert in your field. And you will not have to ask yourself questions for a day - "Where to find partners?", "How to increase the number of sales?", "Where to get traffic" or "How to improve material well-being and increase income."

Becoming a master of your craft, you will be in demand and known in this field. And people themselves will want to cooperate with you, follow you, or pay for your services.

Many people think that it is very difficult. But in practice, for those who once decided to become a professional in their field, and who do exactly what they really like. I know it's not difficult.

Using Aiop as an example, I can show you how easy it is.

4. A person signs and already reads about your offer in letters. Then he independently decides whether he needs it or not. If the letters are written correctly, as a rule, a person gets in touch with you, or immediately performs a targeted action.

This, in principle, is what works harmoniously, for you and for you.

If the video is not enough, then just subscribe to the newsletter and find out more about all the opportunities offered.

Whether you use them or not, it all depends on you. If you are ready to improve your professional skills, start studying and implementing this system in life. Then email [email protected] and I will help you on all issues from setting up this system to obtaining the desired result.

I do not make a secret out of the system, and you can read it right now and see that it is really very simple.

Today I know for sure that there are no accidents. It is no coincidence that you are now reading this article. Perhaps you will now close it and go about your usual and ordinary affairs.

One thing I know for sure. Everyone can build their own profitable business, if not immediately, but gradually. Of course, there will be ups and downs. But after a while, you are like me now. If you decide to build a business and earn money with me at AIOP, you will know exactly what and how to do. And most importantly, what mistakes should not be made in any case.

Build your team and be able to help and train your partners. Because you will be able and know how to do it. After all, helping others achieve material prosperity, you yourself will become more experienced and richer.

become rich and happy

And most importantly, you will never again ask yourself the question - "Whom to pray for material well-being?"

Well, at the end of the post, I want to say on my own behalf - "To be a financially independent person, you must make a decision and just start doing it, right now" Because, if not now, then when?

Good luck to you, happiness and prosperity!
Sincerely, Natalia Butenko.

Material well-being is not only money. It is also that help, those services that people around you provide you. But this is not one-sided help - you also have an obligation to help other people on their path to achieving economic well-being.

Agree that the entrepreneur who has a huge amount of money, but no good partners who he can trust can hardly be called lucky. If the leader respects his employees, provides them with good work, then, consequently, he also helps their families, that is, he does good and brings benefits to a huge number of people. This is the law that any entrepreneur, any leader, must follow if he really wants to make even more money and achieve economic stability.

But before I tell you about the principles that allow a person to achieve economic stability, you should in a special way prepare to fully accept and comprehend this knowledge. Tune your brain to "absorb" information, as the earth opens its womb to the seeds that fall into it.

If you're really ready for something, then you won't have to wait long for it:

But you should not assure yourself that it (what you expect) will arise by itself. Look at the huge difference between two seemingly synonymous phrases: "I need this" and "I'm ready for this."

In no case do not identify these expressions, since all the knowledge that I want to share with you will be completely useless.

Try to be more patient, and before revealing the truth I already know, I will prepare you for its perception. For it is so valuable, and you are so eager to know it, that it would be a shame if you misunderstood it.

I will lead you in my own way, by which I myself came to this truth. At first it may seem to you that this path is too scary, confusing, but do not attach much importance to this first impression. This path will be something new for you, which is why it will be difficult for you to immediately accept it. I want to immediately reassure you if you have any doubts about the correctness of the chosen direction: I have already tried this path and it was through it that I gained all the earthly riches that I only dreamed of.

The only reason that slows down the progress of mankind is that people are too hard and reluctant to accept everything new. Recall at least the case of Samuel Morse, who developed the telegraph code (Morse code). When he offered his invention to mankind, everyone just laughed at him. And this is only because it was new, and therefore incomprehensible to everyone else. Unfortunately, everything new is perceived in the same way: it causes completely incomprehensible and inexplicable fears and doubts.

How everyone laughed at Marconi, who proposed to improve the Morse code And invented radio communication!

The inventor of the electric light bulb, Thomas Edison, and the designers of the new car, became a laughing stock. People could not imagine how a cart without horse traction could move.

When brothers Wilber and Orville Wright invented the internal combustion engine airplane, no one was interested, as hardly anyone took it seriously. The journalists invited to the first demonstration of the aircraft did not even appear on it.

Radio, without which we can hardly imagine our life now, which unites millions of people in one space, was at first perceived as nothing more than some kind of funny contraption, not suitable for anything.

I mention these facts from the history of inventors for a reason: I would not like our readers, who have chosen a new life path to achieve wealth, to be afraid of its novelty and unusualness. Feel free to follow me and try to understand my philosophy. And drive away all causeless doubts - my philosophy helped me, I'm sure it will help you too.

I am also helping you for the simple reason that for my "work" as a guide, mentor, I expect a worthy reward. I'm sure I'll get as much as you yourself. Maybe I will get my share from you, my readers and students. But it is quite possible that it is not you who will reward me, but someone else, but this will happen, I am sure of this, since the Eternal Law of Retribution operates throughout the world. The Great Eternal Law says: "Not a single good deed goes unrewarded, unnoticed." Emerson said: "Do what you must, and then the Almighty will give you strength."

But I am going to do good not only because it will certainly be credited to me and I will receive my “share” for it. I still think about my duties to humanity - so generously life has rewarded me with all sorts of riches. After all, I myself became rich not only thanks to my abilities and knowledge, but also with the help of the support of my neighbors.

For many years I have been faithful to one simple truth: only that person achieves much in life who moves up the ladder of wealth with arms wide open. One hand is raised to receive help from those on a higher rung, and the other hand is lowered to help those who are moving up. And I want you, my readers, who are thirsty to receive all the treasures of life, to do the same, so that you are always ready to receive and help. I think that you should be familiar with this rule: it is impossible to ride the wave of life's luck if you do not support those people who are less fortunate. Before you get something, you have to give something!

Now I will try to help you climb the next rung of the ladder leading to wealth. I think that this is the right time for this, because I hope you and I have already figured out what is really of true value in our life.

I have already said that I independently achieved all the benefits thanks to the support of the people around me.

Do not be surprised, but you are already familiar with some of them - these are leaders, leaders, our guides in that great path that I called "the American way of life."

But among these names known to all of you, there are several that you have yet to meet. Among them, there are eight of the most valuable and irreplaceable - it was they who helped me in the search and acquisition of my wonderful riches. I call them the "eight princes". They are constantly with me - both day and night - and are always ready to help me.

I confess I never saw my assistants. And despite this, they tirelessly care for me, protect the treasures I have obtained, protect me from envy, fears, greed, insecurity, timidity and pessimism. It is their job to arouse my activity, excite my imagination, replenish my creative energy, outline the goal in my path and convince me of its attainability.

They became real guides, teachers, assistants, creators of my positive psychological attitude.

My task is to introduce you to these "princes", and they will help you just as they once helped me.

Similar information.

How many contradictory and ambiguous things we heard about the signs called money.

Money is both a universal equivalent, and a means of payment and settlement relations, and a product of civilization, and a form of exchange, and a specific commodity.

Despite the fact that for many of us money has ceased or, more precisely, has not become the measure of all things, it is certainly an integral part of our life.

“In our time, people know the price of everything, but they have no idea of ​​the true value.” Oscar Wilde.

The right attitude towards money is ours holistic feeling. This is what allows us at different periods and milestones of life, despite financial difficulties and trials, to be harmonious and self-sufficient people.

And this attitude is confirmed by the Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca: “money must be managed, not served.”


Today, the main financial resources of the planet, and this is about 80% of all resources, are concentrated in a small group of families and clans around the world. Accordingly, their task is to keep the palm at any cost, including large-scale and local wars, the use of vaccines, GMO products, pesticides and other means of containing the growing population.

Therefore, today the emphasis of world monetary systems is not without reason shifted towards fiat or symbolic signs, electronic money.

It follows that the most favorable condition for states and financial institutions of power is the availability of money that does not have an independent cost , which is essentially what banknotes, electronic, non-cash and credit money are.

But money is not only a material and valuable circulating form or category.


From point of view , money - this is physically concretized or precipitated mental and astral (emotional) energies, resulting from the combination of three elements: motive, desire and action, giving birth to the sum or their number, as a result.

Motivation and desire account for 60% of success in making money. But without 40% of the action, the first two qualities will be zero. Likewise, without sufficient motive or striving desire, the output will be only 60% at the maximum.

In addition, earning and receiving money are different concepts in meaning and fullness. For in the first case, we will claim the energy of money through purposeful efforts and firm intention, and there are no quantitative restrictions, and in the second, our expectations depend on the will and energy of other people, and they rarely coincide.

Money is an energy that circulates beyond our will. We can either use its flows - or ignore it.

If you use this energy unidirectionally, all the time only giving or receiving, then an imbalance occurs, which does not always manifest itself unidirectionally. That is, a person may not experience financial difficulties or problems, but also not receive the necessary positive emotions.

The energy of money is always abundant and full, cyclical and circular.

We cannot change this order of things in the general energy process, but we are quite capable of making changes in our attitude towards money. For the relationship is not strictly regulated, and does not obey immutable laws.


First of all, money is the balance of human life, but not the measure, as is often believed.

Insufficient amount of money, which does not provide the most necessary necessities of life, does not allow full self-realization.

Excessive - gives rise to dependence, acquisitiveness, the need to save, accumulate, replenish and retain, often distracting from the most important life task or .

It is important to learn how to use cash flows correctly, modeling their smooth receipt and return or monetary and energy interchange to create abundance, as the basis of spiritual and material well-being.

Material well-being is much more than the mere possession of sufficient in cash. This is a downward energy flow from the life-giving source of the Universe in the form of spiritual and material prosperity, which a person has learned to precipitate by attracting the necessary amount of material resources into his life.

The analogy with the “powerful ones of this world”, in whose hands the majority of material wealth is concentrated, is not taken into account here, because they are led by the Lunar Lords, races unfriendly to humanity (and their minority) and dark angels.

But humanity can redistribute these benefits by gradually getting out of the influence of these structures, claiming free will and realizing its own opportunity to live at its own discretion and not depend on the state and corporate system of hiring.

Material well-being is the sum of personal and spiritual qualities necessary to fulfill our life purpose.

Therefore, it is important to use the powerful energy of money for your own growth in all areas of life, revealing the tasks of the soul and embodying the aspirations of the spirit through unity with an integrated personality.


“One of the great secrets of prosperity lies in the ability to step aside from personal interests and remain impartial in assessing other people. This ability makes you like God.” - E. K. Proffet. "Creating Abundance".

Learning to manage money wisely is, in fact, necessary for each of us. For this creative process is inexhaustible in the possibility of improvement.

And for this you need to learn a few important rules, natural in relation to the energy of money and leading to your material prosperity:

  • establish contact with your own higher "I" or soul;
  • learn to distinguish the primary intention from the desire itself;
  • learn the art of deposition of energy;
  • allow the energy of money to flow and flow through you gratefully, as well as investing and reinvesting money;
  • create specific thought forms that enclose your intentions through visualization using meditative techniques;
  • be responsible, properly managing cash flows;
  • to believe in one's own divine origin, which is confirmed by the saying: believe in God, but don't make a mistake yourself;
  • keep secret your plans and cherished desires, avoiding leakage of energy (information);
  • use charity as a creation of good for other people in ways available to you;
  • create your own “well-being map” imprinting on it both the most cherished desires and already accomplished achievements and successes;
  • clear your own subconscious and unconscious from limiting attitudes, impressions and negative programs;
  • learn to view yourself and others through the lens of the soul, finding best qualities and ability;
  • be ready and come to the aid of your neighbor when your contribution is really valuable and important, correctly understanding and using charity as a creation of good;
  • use to the maximum the energy of cooperation with people who are close to you in spirit, worldview, consonant with your activities;
  • live according to the laws of prosperity, feeling always abundant and attracting well-being according to the law of magnetism.

In order for all these rules to transform your life, you need to realize your creativity attract as much money as you need in order to feel happy.

Also, if you are in the dark or at a loss as to which projects you need to attract cash flows, except for personal needs, it is important to enlist the support of the Almighty and the Light Forces of Light, which will indicate in a way that is understandable to you the right direction for the needs of your soul.


How often do your desires and dreams remain unfulfilled, sowing disappointments in your soul, which later grow into self-doubt, doubts and low self-esteem?

And all because you have repeatedly heard limiting and harmful statements addressed to you: “not worthy”, “not capable”, “you cannot”, “not your destiny”, etc.

All these educative weeds and thorns have sometimes become so accustomed to your nature that you really have lost hope for a better realization of yourself in the reality that you create according to your best vision and intention.

But you can always put an end to this set-up barrier to feeling well-being and attracting abundance.

And this requires nothing less than a few targeted efforts to change the current reality in a constructive way.

Only then will the creative energy of money be able to pour its abundance on you to the fullest, qualitatively changing your life once and for all.

These efforts will also not be superfluous for those who want to improve the existing material situation, as well as for those who want a qualitative transformation that affects spiritual and material well-being.

Obstacles to Prosperity and Material Abundance:


“Staying in the Light” is not an occult aphorism, but a real alchemical formula that allows you not only to attract the energy of abundance into your life, but also a way to determine and hold your own power through the conscious creation and creation of the Cloud of Light - the source of the spiritual energy of God, the flowing subtle substance of prosperity .

“Having created in our mind a form of radiant milky white radiation in the form of an electronic vibrating action of vital, moving inexpressible light, we will allow it to envelop our physical body and enter our force field. For a moment we will feel lost inside this cloud, and then there will be a feeling that it has always been. Its atmosphere seems to be familiar, soothing ... Let this bright shining cloud be at first 9 feet in diameter (about 3 meters).”

Subsequently, you can expand this cloud, but the main thing still remains the need to preserve the subtlest spiritual vibrations emanating from your cup of the soul.

The art of precipitation is the ability to align and coordinate the physical, emotional and mental bodies of a person with spiritual structures in order to transform the subtle energy of abundance into densely material layers through words, thoughts, sounds, colors, geometric correspondence, figurative representation.

In other words, the ability of stable creation of a thought form and its subsequent precipitation / implementation is achieved.

As Saint Germain teaches in the Course of Alchemy: “Coordination between the four lower bodies (auth. physical, ethereal, astral and mental) and higher vehicles (auth. intuitive, budhic and atmic) makes it possible for a person first of all to control his environment, and then to create, provided that he is capable of understanding and overcoming the obvious illusions of the manifested world, the starting point of which is space and time. Among the primary hindrances in the art of precipitation, he singles out:

  • lack of harmony in the world of feelings;
  • feelings of loneliness or being "forsaken";
  • feeling of insignificance / insecurity and doubt.

And what is most valuable is that "sometimes the presence of these factors can be reduced to a minimum by a simple act of faith."

Each person is self-valuable in his individual and unique life experience and is able to claim the invisible power of change and transformation, improving the quality of life according to the divine will.

And his possibilities in this are limited only by the power of his perception, .

Be persistent and resolute in achieving the best possible reality, bringing to life all the best that is in this world with FAITH in your own power, HOPE for Divine protection and LOVE for all mankind.

And let the words of antiquity resound, put into your mouth with the music of heavenly abundance and divine:

Luck, Goddess of Wealth and Abundance,

All the blessings of the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven.

With streams of sunlight shed your treasures

And give them now to everyone whose heart

Beats in unison with the movement of divine light.

By the power given to you to draw from the heavenly treasury,

Pour on me Divine grace in fulfillment of plans,

Koi is called to perform by the Lords of Heaven.

Set my mind in harmony with your mind.

Expand the scope of my vision

Let me see what you give from your abundance to everyone,

Who turns to God with a prayer in his heart.

And now I call, I command

To bestow earthly blessings in abundance from the hands of the Lord,

So that on earth, as well as in heaven, everywhere

The light of the all-conquering love of the Lord shone in the people.

I teach the art of precipitation in my and individual coaching sessions.

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The level of material well-being is a reflection of our ability to read our own destiny, that is, plans upper world on our lives. It does not matter to him whether we are rich or poor, he is interested in the extent to which each person realizes the plans of the Creator. If the realization is successful, then he will willingly support the physical body, materially encouraging its activities. It will enable a person to create those conditions around him that will preserve him physical health and increase the level of disclosure of creative potential.

However, there are few people who are able to connect deep spiritual truths with the prose of everyday life. But it is here, in our ordinary life, that the role of spirituality is most important. At any level of material well-being, you can be a highly spiritual person if you remember your divine essence.

At the Mental level, a person is a conductor and a transformer of thoughts.. Therefore, his material well-being is either limited to the extent that he limits his possibilities, or grows in proportion to the disclosure of creativity. A physical phenomenon is a spiritual force materially realizing itself in the world. Success and luck determines everyday life. Who learns - becomes smarter, who polishes acquired skills - becomes more capable, who applies them - succeeds.

I. Goethe: "... in the depths of our soul there is a creative force capable of creating what should be, and giving us neither sleep nor rest until it is somehow embodied by us outside or inside us." The creative force has many names: Spirit, spark of God, creative potential, Creative Mechanism. The Creative Mechanism built into us by nature operates automatically and completely autonomously, striving, depending on the goal, for success and happiness or for failure and grief.

By aiming for success, you will make the system function as Mechanism of Success. Charged with negative attitudes, turn it into a Failure Mechanism.

Like any service mechanism, The Creative Mechanism must have a clear goal or objective to work towards. It works based on a variety of information and various information: on our own thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, as well as drawing the necessary data from the universal "memory bank". In the course of evolution, nature has built into man a mechanism more amazing and magnificent than any electronic machine or automatic guidance system. There is no longer such a unique creature in the Universe as man with his Creative Mechanism.

The Success Mechanism helps not only to avoid and overcome dangers, but also create: manage production, engage in commerce, explore new things in science, improve - in a word, succeed in any field of activity.

Dr. Norbert Wiener, who was one of the first to work on the creation of homing mechanisms, believed that something very similar is happening in nervous system a person engaged in a purposeful activity. When you choose a goal and take action, an automatic mechanism takes over. His work is based on the experience of all previous incarnations. He was already learning to solve such problems correctly, to use the information that was sent to the brain through the feedback line. This process is especially noticeable if you watch a baby trying to grab a rattle. He still has little accumulated information, so the hand moves towards the goal in a zigzag, literally groping for the path. As the process is mastered, the adjustment becomes more subtle and imperceptible. The mechanism remembers its successes, forgets failures and repeats successful actions automatically.

Progressive science has long agreed that the information a person accumulates is not limited to his personal past experience. The concept of "Earth's noosphere" was introduced by our compatriot Academician Vernadsky. Emerson compared each individual brain to a bay in the ocean of the Universal Mind. Edison claimed that he got many of his ideas from outside, “ideas are in the air,” and if he hadn’t discovered them, someone else would have. Dr. J. B. Rhine, head of the laboratory of parapsychology at Duke University, has experimentally proved that a person has access to knowledge, facts, ideas that are not the product of information accumulated during his lifetime. His conclusions that a person has a "supersensible gene", which he called "psi", are not questioned by scientists who have seriously studied the results of his experiments.

When are we going to find new idea or a solution to a problem, they must know for sure that the desired solution already exists somewhere, and immediately begin to search for it. If you are serious about what you have planned, sincerely wish to implement it, and think hard about various aspects of the task, then your Creative Mechanism is already functioning. The "scanning device" sorts through the accumulated information, groping for correct solution. It selects an idea here, some fact there, raises the results of previous experience and links everything together into a meaningful whole, completes the missing part of the situation and finds a solution to the problem.

The solution can penetrate the mind completely unexpectedly, even while doing something else, but the person immediately feels that this is the one that he was looking for. Opportunity appears, as a rule, in an unexpected form and not at all from the side from which it is expected.

Often it comes in the form of failure or temporary defeat. That is why many do not recognize her. But the seeds of success are always hidden in failures. Because there are only two ways to make an ordinary person turn on his Creative Mechanism - inspiration on the wave of love or hopelessness of the situation.

You do not need to be an electronics engineer or a physicist to control your own “servo mechanism”, but it is absolutely necessary to learn how to enter a state of inner silence at least for a while. Otherwise, you can skip the desired solution. This is what most often happens to people on the astral level. Waves of emotions, passions, experiences do not allow most of the solutions found by the Creative Mechanism to pass into consciousness.

For conscious work with the Mechanism of Success, several conditions must be met:

1. A clear goal is needed. It must be presented as already existing in reality or potentially. The mechanism functions in one of two ways: it either leads to a target whose location is known, or it determines a target that exists somewhere.

2. "Autopilot" has teleological nature, that is, focused on the final result. One should not be embarrassed by the apparent lack of funds necessary to achieve the goal. It is his business to provide the necessary funds. You only need to think about the final result, and the means will appear.

3. You can not be afraid of temporary failures and mistakes. All "servo mechanisms" achieve their goal using negative feedback, moving along the intended course and constantly correcting the direction of movement.

4. "Learning" is done by trial and error, miscalculations are automatically corrected until the correct movement, rhythm, quality of performance is developed. Success is ensured by the fact that past mistakes are forgotten, and only successful actions are stored in memory, which are later copied.

5. Creative Mechanism acts on subconscious level. A person cannot know what is happening there, therefore he cannot be loaded with excessive concern, anxiety, any astral manifestations. The mechanism cannot be adjusted, that is, the situation cannot be pushed through. It was created by the Creator in such a way as to function spontaneously in accordance with the needs of the Time. If you are familiar with the technique of working in a cause-and-effect relationship according to the method of Professor V.P. Goch, then you can shorten the search path by working out negative obstacles in the matrices.

6. Creative Mechanism comes into motion as soon as a person begins to act and by his actions set various tasks for him. There is no need to delay action until you have confirmation that everything is going well. It is necessary to act as if it already exists, and it will come. "Get down to business, and the strength will appear," said Emerson.

It is naive to believe that you can get rich without working and without taking the lessons of knowledge. There is a threshold for the admissibility of wealth, and it is not possible to get your own. The rule is that the required level of material well-being must correspond to the values ​​that you created in past incarnations and in this life. And if a person officially did not receive what he earned, he will still receive the unpaid difference through winning the lottery, inheritance, unexpected earnings. Most Russians do not know that it was the “sharks” of the criminal world who suffered huge losses by investing in GKO securities. In fact, it was only a manifestation of the law of the Universe, according to which the material well-being of a person is brought in accordance with the true price of his creativity.

Having moved to the mental level, a person is freed from the illusions of the astral world for a long time. The main distortions that prevent access to money are internal limits, restrictions inscribed in the subconscious. The main of the distortions is an inadequate self-image. The image of one's own "I" determines the scope of possibilities. The fact is that positive thinking manifests itself only when it coincides with a person's ideas about himself. The image of one's own "I" changes for better or worse, first of all in the process of accumulating practical experience and only secondarily - in obtaining theoretical knowledge.

A healthy, happy and balanced person does not grow out of a child who was told about love, but from one who himself has fully experienced love. Our self-confidence, self-control is the result of only practical experience, and not acquaintance with theory. Whether we realize it or not, each of us carries a mental image or portrait of ourselves. All our actions, feelings, deeds are consistent with this image of our own "I". A person always acts like the person with whom he is identified. Having imagined himself as a "typical loser", he will always find a way to fail, a "sufferer" - to become a victim of injustice. People believe that they cannot change this reality. Since the Middle Ages, the teachings of "poverty and punishment" have been presented to the masses of people as the only way to salvation. Deprivation was considered a Christian virtue, although all this was done only because the feudal system could provide well-being only to a privileged minority. The creative potential at that stage of evolution was little developed in most people.

The limiting limits, due to which the energy of money cannot circulate freely in the fields of a person, are mainly distortions of the will, doubts and recordings of fears. The distorted record of the will in the external manifestation is expressed by indecision. Indecision is the seed of fear that grows into doubt, and together they transform into fear. Fears consume great amount human energy to nourish and nurture oneself. According to the classification of negative energy formations by V.P. Goch, fears in matrices are seen as “larvae” or “unclean spirits”. Only because it is possible to frighten another person is that fear (“an unclean spirit”) tends to be transmitted and multiplied. The main fears that people suffer from are well known: the fear of poverty, the fear of being judged by other people, the fear of losing health, the fear of losing love, the fear of old age, the fear of death.

Fear is just a state of consciousness. And every fear has its own symptoms.

The fear of poverty has: lack of ambition (indifference), indecision, doubt, anxiety, overcaution, procrastination;

in fear of judgment: shyness, lack of endurance, inferiority complex, extravagance, weakness of character, lack of initiative, lack of ambition;

fear of loss of health: habit of negative self-hypnosis, hypochondria (imaginary illnesses), general lethargy, the habit of begging for sympathy, pretending to be sick to mask laziness, interest in information about diseases;

symptoms of fear of losing love: jealousy, looking for faults in others, adventurousness, gambling, borrowing habits, expenses and gifts that do not match income to impress, believing that love can be bought, habit of spending more than you earn, insomnia, nervousness , disbelief in oneself, bad character;

in fear of old age a tendency to slow down the pace of life, a guilty tone, a craving for a youthful style in clothing, terminology, and actions;

symptoms of fear of death: the habit of thinking about death, preparing for it, lack of goals in life, disappointment in life and love, religious fanaticism.

A person whose consciousness is full of fears not only destroys his own possibilities, but also transmits this destructiveness to everyone who comes into contact with him. Negative thinking leads to failure, anxiety, anxiety, inefficient performance, fear, depression, illness, and poverty. By agreeing with this negativity, a person creates limitations for himself, including financial ones. These are false boundaries that do not reflect the true potential, but it is necessary to realize their existence. Let's call them conditionally "the consciousness of the poor." Recordings of this nature are generic, made by other people, the media, the person himself. Negative programming can be neutralized by internal work to create a new reality with repeated statements (affirmations), but the most effective way is to work in matrices and rune codes with the Force of the Family (method of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Physics, Professor V.P. Goch).

Repeating an order addressed to the subconscious, for an unprepared person, so far the only known way of the conscious development of faith. All thoughts, brought to the image and merged with faith, immediately begin to transform into a physical equivalent, that is, materialize. If you believe that your desire will be fulfilled, the subconscious mind will carry out this mental order in the most direct and practical way. Perfection will come with practice. It doesn't come from reading instructions and attending seminars.

Boundless new reality

By the end of this page, you may find that your biggest flaw is your lack of self-confidence. You can get rid of it with the help of a psychoanalyst or psychotherapist, but the fastest and most effective method- work in matrices.

They interfere with the free circulation of the energy of money in the fields of man:

Negative attitude towards rich people, envy towards anyone. On the subtle plane, an impenetrable energy dirt is formed from energies attracted in the likeness, which does not allow money to reach a person;

The absence of a channel of communication with the subtle World, if a person does not direct anything to charity and spiritual goals;

Negative attitude towards the activity you are doing (“I can’t stand this job”). Work elevated to the rank of coercion is not creativity, that is, it does not add strength and energy to the one who works;

Skewed towards spiritual practices with a disdainful attitude towards money and the physical world. The transition to the Spiritual planes is possible only after

Organization of one's own life, space and time at the physical level;

Linking your own capabilities to the state of the economy in the country. The energy of money is produced by personal creativity, regardless of the ups and downs in the state;

Orientation towards the poor, the unfortunate, the unfortunate, those suffering from hardships and poverty is contagious. " The best way helping the poor is not becoming one of them” (L. Hancock);

Reckoning only on their own strength. distrust of God. People often don't realize that God is always with them, whether or not they believe in his existence;

The absence of at least a small reserve amount, which is inviolable. It may not be needed, but it should always be available, like seed for sowing. Even without using the reserve capital, a person always feels its supporting Force.

And one more condition for the Mental level: a person must desire money first of all for himself, then for others, and clearly know for what purposes he needs it. The absence of selfish motives in interaction with money is already the Causal and Buddhist levels, but they have their own, other Laws.

    material well-being- Syn: well-being, prosperity, prosperity Ant: collapse, ruin, ruin, failure ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    Prosperity, well-being, happiness, luck. Wed . See happiness, luck .. for no well-being ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. well-being, well-being, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    well-being- I, only unit, p. 1) A calm, prosperous life, staying in the streak of success, good luck, prosperity. Complete well-being. Material well-being. Synonyms: prosperity / prosperity, prosperity / nie, prosperity / nie 2) Normal, without any l. unwanted... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    WELFARE, I, cf. 1. Calm and happy state. Family b. I wish you all the best. 2. Life in contentment, complete security. Material b. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    I; cf. 1. Calm and happy state, existence; life is plentiful. Family b. Material b. I wish you every well-being (wish at parting, congratulations, etc.). 2. Normal, without any l. adverse events state… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    well-being- I; cf. 1) Calm and happy state, existence; life is plentiful. Family well-being. Material well-being. I wish you every well-being (wish at parting, congratulations, etc.) 2) Normal, without any l. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    BARN- Material well-being and success in business. The barn is filled with ripe selected grain, so the holiday has come to your street. Cold and hunger gave way to a comfortable life for many years. To consolidate the positive energy of the symbol, in ... ... Big family dream book

    Material well-being, prosperity, wealth, solvency, prosperity; supply, well-being, material well-being, sufficiency, contentment, strength, resource supply, correctness, innervation, prosperity, reliability, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    SOCIOLOGY OF YOUTH- a branch of sociology, the object of which is youth as a socio-demographic group of society (16-29 years old), and the subject area covers the features of its socialization and socio-demographic characteristics, value orientations and motivation ... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

    See property... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. welfare (material) well-being, prosperity, prosperity, prosperity, property; material well-being,… … Synonym dictionary


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