Topiary from fresh fruits. How to make artificial flower and fruit topiary

It has become very fashionable to decorate the room with unusual small trees, which are called "topiaries". Topiaries are similar to real trees only in appearance: they also have a trunk and a crown. But their crown can consist of anything. It can be pebbles, nuts, flowers from polymer clay or from fabric, beads and ribbons, coffee beans and many other unexpected attributes of floristry and more. It all depends on the imagination of the creator of this wonderful piece of furniture. Small fruit trees are very common.

A bit of history

The creation of topiary is one of the oldest types of landscape gardening arts. Even in ancient times, the Roman nobility loved to decorate their gardens with various outlandish figures that were carved from the crowns of trees. Engaged in this hard work, of course, the slaves. They were called topiary.

Gradually trimmed trees became fashionable in Europe. During the Renaissance, in the gardens of large cities, plants increasingly acquired unusual forms. Instead of the usual trees, bizarre balls and pyramids appeared, even shapes that depicted people, animals and other objects. This fascinating art is alive to this day. In addition, it received a new direction - the creation of incredible compositions in the form of small trees.

How to create a topiary from fruits and berries

You will need the following materials:

  • planter;
  • Beautiful twig;
  • Glue or glue gun;
  • Scissors and cardboard;
  • Sisal;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Decorative fruits and berries, as well as other decorative elements: ribbons, butterflies, beads, etc.

First you need to prepare the basis for the topiary crown. To do this, take a foam ball or a Christmas tree toy and wrap it around toilet paper to give the ball the required volume. When the ball is ready, it can be painted with green paint or pasted over with decorative leaves. After the ball is attached to the branch with glue. If there was no suitable branch, then you can take any tube of small diameter and decorate it with twine.

After the crown, they begin to decorate the pot. In order for the tree not to fall, it must be fixed in a pot. You can do this in two ways:

Take alabaster and dilute it with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. The mixture is poured into a pot, a stem is installed and they wait until the mixture hardens.

If the alabaster was not at hand, then you can make the base out of cardboard. The circle is cut out of such a diameter that it is a couple of centimeters below the edges of the pot. A hole is made under the trunk in the core of the circle. The cache-pot needs to be filled with pieces of cardboard, paper, unnecessary newspapers. Glue is poured into the bottom of the pot and the trunk is installed. A circle of cardboard is also glued and fixed in a cache-pot.

After the fruit and berry tree is securely installed in a pot, the soil is laid. As soil, you can use sisal, drainage, coffee beans or cereals. It all depends on the imagination and the general appearance of the topiary. At the end, the pot and soil are decorated with ribbons, birds, bugs and butterflies. The master class on making topiary is over.

What materials can be used to make a topiary?

To create a topiary, you can use not only fruits, berries and vegetables. Topiary can only consist of flowers, multi-colored balls, Christmas decorations, from coffee, from cones or rattan, from beads and feathers or from shells. The form can also be anything. It can be a cone, a flower or a heart. There are no specific rules for creating the appearance of topiaries. You can use any materials and color combinations that come to mind. It all depends on the flight of fancy. Examples of topiary are shown in the photo.

The size of the tree can also be different. This is not necessarily a small tree that can be placed on coffee table or bedside table. Topiary may suffice large sizes and can be placed on the floor. And for those who constantly forget to water fresh flowers, this can be a great alternative. Indeed, in the care of topiaries, they are completely unpretentious. It is enough sometimes to brush off the dust from them (you can blow it off with cold air, for example, using a hair dryer) and keep it away from sunlight so that the colors remain as juicy and bright.

Topiary is a wonderful art form, these are magical compositions that always attract the eyes of others. They are bright and always original, not only because of the shape, but also largely because of the combination of colors and the use of materials of different textures, as well as the curved trunk gives a special zest. appearance tree of happiness. These beautiful and cheerful trees immediately attract all the attention. Their big plus is that it is possible to create topiary for any interior.

Video tutorials on creating fruit topiary

Outwardly magnificent topiary is a symbol of luxury and well-being It is the fruit topiary that is a symbol of well-being and wealth. To make a topiary with artificial fruits, you can use not only dummies of fruits, but also fresh vegetables and fruits. It is not difficult to make such an unusual tree with your own hands, the following master class will help you. You will get a great accessory for home or lovely gift for your loved ones.

Do-it-yourself fruit topiary: preparatory stage

Topiary of fruits and vegetables is a small piece of comfort in home environment. Also, such a tree of happiness can be presented to someone as a gift. To create such crafts use various materials. Our master class will tell you how to make a tree from artificial fruits and vegetables with your own hands.

Topiary can bring celebration into everyday life

By adding sweetness to fruits, you will get a real gem.

For manufacturing we need:

Do-it-yourself fruit topiary: master class, base preparation

The necessary materials are ready, now we start making topiary from fruits and vegetables, which will be discussed in the next master class.

Topiary can be presented as a gift, giving a piece of beauty and comfort

Master class for making the basis of fruit and vegetable topiary:

  1. Let's start the master class with how to make the basis for a topiary from decorative fruits and vegetables with your own hands. To do this, you need to crumple up several pairs of newspapers and wrap them in foil.
  2. Now wrap this newspaper ball tightly with masking tape. It is better to do one or two layers more so that the base does not lose its shape.
  3. The wooden stick will serve us as a trunk, which we will attach to the resulting ball.
  4. Next, wrap the ball with thread or twine, constantly changing direction so that the turns intersect. After winding the ball, start wrapping the trunk of the future tree, moving from top to bottom.

Topiary will decorate any celebration

In order for the twine to fit snugly against the trunk, you need to apply a thin layer of glue on it and wait until it dries completely.

Do-it-yourself fruit topiary: pot preparation

Next, the master class will tell you how to decorate the pot. If you do not have a pot, then you can make it from thick cardboard by gluing the shape. Then wrap the pot with thread or twine and cover its surface with transparent glue. Next, put a floral sponge in the bottom of the pot and stick a tree trunk into it.

For topiary, you can use both real and artificial fruits. You can combine any fruits and details, making them a "highlight"

You may need weighting agents to make vegetable topiary more stable.

Fill the pot with mounting foam or plaster. If you chose mounting foam, then after drying, be sure to cut off the excess.

Now the master class will show how to decorate the topiary with your own hands. You need to prepare the required amount of vegetables, fruits, flowers. To make it more interesting, you can cut them in half.

Making a topiary with your own hands is easy if you treat it with creativity and even a bit of humor.

  • We make a small hole in the ball with an awl. Then we pierce the fruit with a stick pointed at the ends and fix it on the ball.
  • In the same way, place the rest of the fruits and vegetables over the entire surface of the ball.

Our fruit and vegetable topiary is almost ready. It remains to make further decor.

Decorate the tree with ribbons, leaves, and add a few berries and flowers for brightness.

Topiary can be made in bright colors, using accessories and various details of rich colors for this.

We really hope that our do-it-yourself master class will be very useful to you in creating an unusual fruit tree. Such a topiary will harmoniously fit into any interior. And even in the coldest frosts it will remind you of a warm summer.

Do-it-yourself dummies of fruits and vegetables: master class

We present to your attention 4 ways to create dummies.

You will need foil, newspaper, tape, colored paper and glue.

Crumple up the newspaper and create the shape of the item you want to make. Next, fix the newspaper form with foil, securing with tape. Then apply layers of newspaper and glue, then leave the finished form to dry.

The true beauty of the topiary lies in the combination of juicy fruits of rich and delicate shades.

To make it more convenient, pierce the model with a thin wooden stick and, holding it in your hands, continue to apply layers of newspaper and glue.

Once the shape is ready, start gluing to it in layers colored paper until the desired color is obtained.

You will need a model of a fruit or vegetable, glue, brushes and paints (gouache).

You can make a topiary from any fruit at hand.

This method repeats the work of the first option, only we will use the vegetable or fruit itself for the accuracy of the desired shape. For example, to make a banana, you need to take a real banana and apply newspaper and glue on it in layers. After drying, cut the figure with a sharp knife and remove the fruit from the middle, and glue the edges. It remains to color the resulting dummy as desired.

Take a foam frame as a base and apply colored paper and glue in layers, leaving it to dry completely.

Topiary is a flight of fancy

A great opportunity to keep yourself and your children busy creating artificial vegetables and fruits, which you can then just play with or make them. various crafts. Such fruits will never wither and will always delight you. This option for creating a model implies drying in the literal sense. Better fit vegetables such as pumpkin, squash and others. To do this, wash the vegetables thoroughly and put them in the sun. Be sure to turn vegetables once a day. This model will be ready in two weeks.

If the question arises of where to get or buy beautiful artificial fruits or vegetables for crafts, there is a solution - make them yourself! In the future, you can use decorative figurines to decorate any of the rooms or games with children.

There are a lot of varieties of topiary, they are made literally from everything - from flowers from the most different materials, and ending with dummies of fruits and berries. This article is about fruit topiary, and its varieties - from vegetables and berries! A photo and video selection, a master class, after which you can independently make any conceived tree of happiness - that's what is brought to your attention.

Learning to make beautiful decorative fruit topiary

To create any such topiary, you will need the same set of materials, some points will differ, which will be indicated separately. So, to create a topiary you will need:

  • Base ball for topiary - 10 cm in diameter
  • Base stem
  • Capacity for a tree of happiness - a pot, an old mug, etc.
  • Models of fruits, vegetables or berries - depending on the topiary
  • Glue gun and sticks
  • Sisal fiber
  • Artificial flowers, large beads, butterflies and birds are decorative elements that you like and have at hand.
  • Satin ribbons, jute

Of course, fruit alone is rarely enough. Sisal balls, and greens, and flowers, and organza are used. The result usually justifies the effort. Even talking about fruit alone as the main material, the options are dizzying. You can choose only one fruit, keep the whole tree of happiness in one color or in one fruit - in a word, complete expanse for imagination! You can make a fruit topiary on your own in just a few steps:

Step one. Put the ball on the stem base and fix with hot glue. After that, roll up the balls from sisal and glue the ball over the base with them, alternating colors.

Step two. At the joints of the sisal balls, randomly glue the prepared models of fruits onto the hot glue. Large beads and flowers complete the composition.

In such a topiary, of course, sisal prevails, not fruit, and it is good in the case when the scattered remains of the once whole fruit composition cannot find their place in any way, and it is a pity to throw them away. Color combinations between the available fruits and sisal it is easy to choose on your own.

Third step. The decor of the pot and the "installation" of the tree of happiness in plaster. First you need to decorate the container in which your tree will settle - satin ribbons, jute, paper - just blow it with spray paint. Dilute the building material according to the instructions (in our case, to the state of thick sour cream), you can knead immediately in a pot. Insert the topiary trunk there and hold it still for a while so that everything grabs.

The second version of fruit topiary is the most fruity. For him, you will need all the same set of materials, with the possible exception of a large number sisal.

Here, you should first wrap the base ball with sisal, and after that glue the models of fruits on the hot gun. Grape branches can be additionally fixed by sticking the wire on which they are held into the ball, and after that add glue. Fruits should be glued as closely as possible to each other, in the remaining gaps you can glue sisal balls, beads and other suitable decorative elements.

And finally, the third version of fruit topiary is edible! For him, the set of items is somewhat different from the already familiar. You will need tangerines of two varieties - medium-sized and very small. Preferably with leaves and twigs.

Fundamentally, the work process is not much different from creating an ordinary topiary - with the exception that tangerines are glued to the ball with hot glue. It is not difficult to guess why the choice fell on this particular fruit - because the glue does not come into contact with the pulp itself, and in any case, remove the skin from the tangerine. If your tangerines were without leaves, it is not difficult to make them yourself from corrugated paper or organza. To some, such work may seem rather tedious and painstaking - but the result is definitely worth it - a juicy orange color, diluted with dense greens, will enliven the composition, make it more natural and beautiful.

Topiary from vegetables.

For such a topiary, instead of sisal, you can use raffia - also a fairly common and affordable material. Models of vegetables, as a rule, are larger than fruits, and to make it more convenient to attach them to the base ball, parts of vegetables can be cut off, forming a plane that is more convenient for gluing. The principle is still the same - glue the ball with models, making as few gaps between them as possible, and fill the gaps with balls of sisal or raffia.

Berry topiary.

Such trees of happiness can be the most different types. It all depends on the amount of material that you have and what you want to get as a result. If we are talking about edible topiary, then you will need many, many toothpicks, many, many berries and the confidence that your topiary will be eaten on the same day, otherwise the tree of happiness risks turning into a blank for home winemaking.

With artificial material, everything is much simpler - the existing fragments tightly cover the topiary ball, all gaps are decorated with artificial leaves, large beads, butterflies, and other decorative elements.

Video compilation for inspiration

IN Lately resumed popularity handmade (hand-made). Craftswomen with interest master more and more new technologies and share their experience with pleasure.

Among the many crafts, it stands out especially happiness tree, which is otherwise called topiary.

This name, unusual for a Russian person, penetrates deeply with its roots in ancient Rome, and it denotes “horticultural art”, that is, cutting trees and shrubs in the form of various figures. Over time, this art has turned into an element of decor, and has also become a symbol of well-being and protection of the home.

Topiary is traditionally a small tree, the crown of which has the shape of a circle on a stem or trunk, decorated with various artificial flowers, fruits and berries.

But there are basics in the form of a house, a “floating bowl”, a heart, etc. You can create such a craft from simple improvised materials.

Let us consider in more detail what the “tree of happiness” consists of - the so-called topiary - and how to make it with your own hands.

But first, a few words about the types of topiary and materials.

So, there are many master classes with which you can learn how to make do-it-yourself artificial flower topiary, do-it-yourself fruit topiary, or vegetable, berry, with coffee beans, buttons, etc. Some craftswomen manage to make them even from Lego !

Artificial flower topiaries can be different sizes- you can make a large floor, or a small desktop, or a very tiny desktop. It can be not only a tree in a pot, but also volumetric wall panels or paintings. You can buy artificial flowers, or you can make it yourself from paper, satin ribbons, from various fabrics (organza, burlap, silk, felt, etc.), knit from threads. Models of fruits and berries are also made independently from polymer clay, paper (papier-mâché), etc. But all this can also be purchased at needlework stores. Topiary of fruits and vegetables can decorate the kitchen, topiary of flowers will look great in the living room or bedroom.

For a tree trunk, a regular pencil, a tree branch, a drum stick, a sushi stick, etc. are suitable.

The base ball can consist of assembly foam, papier-mâché, polystyrene foam, or use whatever the needlewoman likes.

For a stand, a most ordinary pot, a flower pot, a mug, a vase with a wide neck, a basket, a decorative tricycle, etc.

Photos with examples of topiary - in our gallery, micromanufacturing - below in the text.

Master class: artificial flower topiary

For this work, the following materials are involved:

- thermal gun, glue (PVA or rubber);

- a foam ball base, a bouquet of artificial peony flowers, beads (for decoration);

- a tree branch or a thick pencil, corrugated paper, twine (string);

- a beautiful stand-pot or cup, pebbles for decoration, sisal;

- scissors, clerical knife, awl (toothpick or knitting needle), plaster

  1. Take a bouquet, use scissors to separate the branches from the flowers, leaving small tails (about 5-7 mm).
  2. In a foam ball, use a clerical knife to make a shallow hole, 2 cm deep for the barrel.
  3. The design of the base ball. First, mark the location of the flowers on the ball with a pencil. Using an awl or knitting needle, make holes in the marked places. Lubricate the stems with glue and insert into the base. visible. Try to do it carefully and quickly so that the glue does not dry out. Fasten the flowers so that there is no base
  4. Prepare the tree trunk. Take a tree branch or a pencil. Lubricate the workpiece with glue, wrap it with twine or brown corrugated paper.
  5. Pour a little glue into the hole of the base ball and fix the prepared tree trunk into it.
  6. Take gypsum, make a solution and pour the prepared mass into the pot stand. Insert a tree trunk with a decorated crown inside and wait for a while (about 7 minutes).
  7. When the plaster hardens, artificial grass, sisal or glass pebbles can be used to decorate the top layer of the stand.

Master class: artificial grass topiary

For this work, the following materials are involved: thermal gun, glue, base ball, artificial grass, thick pencil, twine, original pot stand, pebbles for decor, stationery knife, plaster (alabaster).

Instructions for performing work:

It is performed in the same way as in the master class presented above, but with the only difference that the grass must be glued onto the base ball. And you can also combine artificial flowers and grass. This craft looks very harmonious, creating an imitation of a lawn with flowers.

Well, the do-it-yourself topiary made of artificial flowers and grass is also ready. Delight the family with another flower topiary, a small masterpiece that will add coziness to your home.

Master class: fruit topiary Vegetable topiary

This work uses the following materials:

- glue gun, glue;

- newspapers, foil, masking tape, thread;

- replicas of fruits and berries, ribbons, leaves;

- wooden stick, corrugated paper, twine (string);

- a beautiful stand-pot or cup, artificial moss or grass;

- scissors, clerical knife, awl, toothpick, floral sponge

Instructions for performing work:

So, let's start making fruit topiary with our own hands. The master class reveals the secrets step by step:

  1. The base ball for a fruit or vegetable topiary can be made from newspapers, crumpled and wrapped in foil. After that, the newspaper ball is wrapped either with masking tape or with a thread in several layers. Make sure that the lump remains a uniform rounded shape.
  2. Then a wooden stick is taken, which is attached to the ball. For density, you can strengthen with glue.
  3. Continue wrapping the ball with thread or twine along with a wooden stick. Lubricate the trunk with glue for a firm fit of the twine.
  4. Then take the prepared pot, put weights on the bottom (you can use large river or sea pebbles), and lay a floral sponge on top, into which you will need to stick the trunk with the crown. You can decorate the stand with artificial moss or artificial grass.
  5. We make small holes in the base ball with an awl. We put fruits or vegetables on toothpicks, and then we connect them to the base, not forgetting to coat with glue.
  6. Finishing touch. The tree can be painted with leaves, ribbons, berries.

So the do-it-yourself fruit topiary is ready or the do-it-yourself vegetable topiary is ready.

It is fruit topiary that is a symbol of well-being and wealth. To make a topiary with artificial fruits, you can use not only dummies of fruits, but also fresh vegetables and fruits. It is not difficult to make such an unusual tree with your own hands, the following master class will help you. You will get a great accessory for your home or a wonderful gift for your loved ones.

Topiary of fruits and vegetables is a small piece of comfort in a home environment. Also, such a tree of happiness can be presented to someone as a gift. Various materials are used to create such crafts. Our master class will tell you how to make a tree from artificial fruits and vegetables with your own hands.

For manufacturing we need:

  • Pot;
  • Newspapers;
  • Threads;
  • Floral sponge;
  • Foil;
  • Scotch;
  • Wooden stick;
  • Wooden skewers;
  • Artificial fruits, vegetables

Do-it-yourself fruit topiary: master class, base preparation

The necessary materials are ready, now we start making topiary from fruits and vegetables, which will be discussed in the next master class.

Master class for making the basis of fruit and vegetable topiary:

  1. Let's start the master class with how to make the basis for a topiary from decorative fruits and vegetables with your own hands. To do this, you need to crumple up several pairs of newspapers and wrap them in foil.
  2. Now wrap this newspaper ball tightly with masking tape. It is better to do one or two layers more so that the base does not lose its shape.
  3. The wooden stick will serve us as a trunk, which we will attach to the resulting ball.
  4. Next, wrap the ball with thread or twine, constantly changing direction so that the turns intersect. After winding the ball, start wrapping the trunk of the future tree, moving from top to bottom.

In order for the twine to fit snugly against the trunk, you need to apply a thin layer of glue on it and wait until it dries completely.

DIY fruit topiary (video)

Do-it-yourself fruit topiary: pot preparation

Next, the master class will tell you how to decorate the pot. If you do not have a pot, then you can make it from thick cardboard by gluing the shape. Then wrap the pot with thread or twine and cover its surface with transparent glue. Next, put a floral sponge in the bottom of the pot and stick a tree trunk into it.

You can combine any fruits and details, making them a "highlight"

You may need weighting agents to make vegetable topiary more stable.

Fill the pot with mounting foam or plaster. If you chose mounting foam, then after drying, be sure to cut off the excess.

We decorate fruit topiary with our own hands

Now the master class will show how to decorate the topiary with your own hands. You need to prepare the required amount of vegetables, fruits, flowers. To make it more interesting, you can cut them in half.

MK step by step:

  • We make a small hole in the ball with an awl. Then we pierce the fruit with a stick pointed at the ends and fix it on the ball.
  • In the same way, place the rest of the fruits and vegetables over the entire surface of the ball.

Our fruit and vegetable topiary is almost ready. It remains to make further decor.

Decorate the tree with ribbons, leaves, and add a few berries and flowers for brightness.

We really hope that our do-it-yourself master class will be very useful to you in creating an unusual fruit tree. Such a topiary will harmoniously fit into any interior. And even in the coldest frosts it will remind you of a warm summer.

Do-it-yourself dummies of fruits and vegetables: master class

We present to your attention 4 ways to create dummies.

Fruit models: method 1

You will need foil, newspaper, tape, colored paper and glue.

Crumple up the newspaper and create the shape of the item you want to make. Next, fix the newspaper form with foil, securing with tape. Then apply layers of newspaper and glue, then leave the finished form to dry.

To make it more convenient, pierce the model with a thin wooden stick and, holding it in your hands, continue to apply layers of newspaper and glue.

Once the form is ready, start gluing colored paper to it in layers until you get the desired color.

The second way to make artificial fruits

You will need a model of a fruit or vegetable, glue, brushes and paints (gouache).

This method repeats the work of the first option, only we will use the vegetable or fruit itself for the accuracy of the desired shape. For example, to make a banana, you need to take a real banana and apply newspaper and glue on it in layers. After drying, cut the figure with a sharp knife and remove the fruit from the middle, and glue the edges. It remains to color the resulting dummy as desired.

Method - 3

Take a foam frame as a base and apply colored paper and glue in layers, leaving it to dry completely.

Method - 4

A great opportunity to entertain yourself and your children with the creation of artificial vegetables and fruits, which you can then just play with or make various crafts from them. Such fruits will never wither and will always delight you. This option for creating a model implies drying in the literal sense. Better suited to vegetables such as pumpkin, squash and others. To do this, wash the vegetables thoroughly and put them in the sun. Be sure to turn vegetables once a day. This model will be ready in two weeks.

Fruit topiary for beginners (video)

If the question arises of where to get or buy beautiful artificial fruits or vegetables for crafts, there is a solution - make them yourself! In the future, you can use decorative figurines to decorate any of the rooms or games with children.

Fruit topiary (photo)
