Pigtail of six strands: materials, tools, instructions. Weaving complex braids and dreadlocks Weaving from 6 strands step by step instructions

Long, luxurious and attracting the attention of the opposite sex, hair has always been considered for the fair sex the main source of pride and the main decoration of appearance. Curls look especially beautiful if they are braided into a unique braid. A pigtail can be braided from 3, 4, 6, 8 strands, etc. In fact, there are a lot of weaving variations, but we will consider below how a six-strand pigtail is weaved.

How to make beauty out of six curls?

In order for the pigtail to turn out beautiful, attractive and unique from 6 strands, you will need a clear knowledge of some steps, as well as acquire certain materials and tools before the procedure. So, let's try to consider the necessary attributes of the work, the procedure and everything that may be needed to implement such a hairstyle of 6 strands.

Materials, tools:

  • Rubber bands, hairpins;
  • Comb, hair dryer;
  • Means for washing and care.

Having prepared everything necessary materials, the tools that a pigtail braided from 6 strands will require from you, you can proceed directly to the weaving process itself. Below is a list of steps to implement such beauty on your head.

Step-by-step instruction:

A pigtail made of 6 strands can be used as a decoration for a smooth hairstyle. Braid it on the side of your head, and in order to get a tight braid, you can make thin ponytails and pull them up as you weave. Try to maintain uniform tension along the entire length of the strands. A loosely braided pigtail will simply look ugly, especially if the pigtail is made of thick ponytails.

It is always possible to make your own appearance more beautiful and attractive, and the efforts can be minimal, since a pigtail made of 6 ponytails does not take as much time as it might seem at first glance. On top of that, a huge advantage of the weaving technique is the lack of need for financial costs.

A 6-strand braid is a truly special hairstyle. It is delightful and unique, although not easy, especially for beginners. She collects her hair in a kind of flat spikelet, similar to weaving a basket. Hair in such a hairstyle shimmers beautifully in the light, it is neat, stylish and suitable both for a business meeting and for every day.

You will need:

  • comb
  • small hair ties
  • curling iron with large nozzle (optional)
  • cream wax for hair
  • Polish for hair

Laying process

1. Gather your hair on one side.

2. Remove any jewelry, if you are wearing them, so that your hair does not get tangled in them.

3. Comb your hair thoroughly.

4. Divide your hair into two equal parts.

5. Divide the left side into three more parts.

6. Place left 1st strand over 2nd strand and pull under 3rd strand.

7. Divide the right side of the hair into three identical strands.

8. Pull the rightmost strand (6th) under the next (5th) strand, over the 4th strand and under the 1st strand.
9. Repeat steps 6 and 8 until the end of the hair.

10. Secure the braid with an elastic band.

  • The braid can come out a little messy, especially if you're braiding it for the first time. But that's just part of the process. At the end, it can be carefully corrected.
  • If you have bangs, you can wind them with a curling iron and cover with wax or varnish for fixation.

A 6-strand braid is a truly special hairstyle. It is delightful and unique, although not easy, especially for beginners. She collects her hair in a kind of flat spikelet, similar to weaving a basket. Hair in such a hairstyle shimmers beautifully in the light, it is neat, stylish and suitable both for a business meeting and for every day.

You will need:

  • comb
  • small hair ties
  • curling iron with large nozzle (optional)
  • cream wax for hair
  • Polish for hair

Laying process

1. Gather your hair on one side.

2. Remove any jewelry, if you are wearing them, so that your hair does not get tangled in them.

3. Comb your hair thoroughly.

4. Divide your hair into two equal parts.

5. Divide the left side into three more parts.

6. Place left 1st strand over 2nd strand and pull under 3rd strand.

7. Divide the right side of the hair into three identical strands.

8. Pull the rightmost strand (6th) under the next (5th) strand, over the 4th strand and under the 1st strand.

9. Repeat steps 6 and 8 until the end of the hair.

10. Secure the braid with an elastic band.

The braid can come out a little messy, especially if you're braiding it for the first time. But that's just part of the process. At the end, it can be carefully corrected.
If you have bangs, you can wind them with a curling iron and cover with wax or varnish for fixation.

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A six-strand braid looks stylish and very original, insanely beautiful airy hairstyles are made on its basis, and in itself this pigtail will suit almost any image you create.

A 6-strand pigtail is a traditional Russian hairstyle. Our great-great-grandmothers easily and simply braided, six, eight and even twelve strands. They learned this from a very young age, because in those days the braid was the pride of every girl and all the headdresses of young women since the 17th century were adapted for it.

Weaving a braid of 6 strands you can do yourself at home. Of course, it’s harder to do it with your own hands, but by following our instructions step by step and having practiced a little time, you can easily and quickly braid a six-strand braid on your own. It is better to train first, for example, on a girlfriend. When you get the perfect six-strand pigtail, you can even easily and freely braid it yourself.

So, let's take a step-by-step look at weaving a pigtail of 6 strands. In order to make it easier for you to absorb the information, let's number each strand from one to six. In fact, the weaving pattern is quite simple, as you will now see for yourself.

Scheme of weaving a six-strand braid

  1. First of all, it is necessary to comb the hair very carefully so that it lies in an even, heavy waterfall;
  2. Then we divide the whole mass of hair into six identical parts. For convenience, we assign a serial number to each bundle from left to right. (1,2,3,4,5,6)

We start weaving. Instruction

  1. We put strand No. 1 on 2; 1 put under 3; 1 to 4; No. 1 under 5; No. 6 under 1;
  2. No. 2 we put 3; 2 under 4; 2 to 5; 2 under 6; No. 1 under 2;
  3. No. 3 put on 4; 3 under 5; 3 to 6; 3 under 1; No. 2 under 3.
  4. Thus, we continue to weave for the entire or for the length of hair you need. We fasten the braid at the bottom with a regular elastic band.

Well, our six-strand pigtail is ready. With your own hands, you easily and quickly created an unusual weaving that can be combined into different options hairstyles.

Let's look at a hairstyle option based on a six-strand braid.

Mesh over hair

This is a very easy hairstyle for which you only need to know the 6 strand braid technique described above. The execution scheme is as follows.

  1. We divide the entire hair horizontally from the right to the left ear, as for everyone known since childhood.
  2. We collect the lower part of the curls in the tail so as not to interfere.
  3. The upper part of the hair, in turn, is divided into three bundles. We temporarily grab two of them with an elastic band.
  4. We divide the first bundle into 6 parts and weave it according to the braid pattern of 6 strands along the entire length of the hair. When you finish braiding to the end, intercept the hair with an ordinary elastic band.
  5. By the same principle, braid the remaining two pigtails.
  6. You have three beautiful braids. To make them look like a solid mesh, lace up their edges with a thin satin ribbon like a corset.
  7. The lower large tail is loosened and gently combed.

The hairstyle is ready. It looks as if on the surface of your hair lies a beautiful thin mesh, laced with a satin ribbon. In order to give this styling even more original look you can decorate it various decorations and accessories. For example, the material for decoration can be satin ribbons different widths. You can also not only twist your hair with them, but also tie large and small bows, both simple and complex. Also, to decorate the mesh, you can use hairpins with rhinestones, which are fixed at the intersection of the strands.

Video: master class on weaving a braid of 6 strands

  1. The braid retains a beautiful and neat appearance for a long time. Weaving is not afraid of wind or humidity, does not wrinkle under a hat and is less electrified than loose ones.
  2. Beautiful braids relevant everywhere. On the beach, in the office or at a wedding, they will look equally good.
  3. Even if you master only one weave, you can create an infinite number of variations based on it. For example, braid two or three braids instead of one. Or decorate your hair with accessories. Ribbons, scarves can be woven into braids, decorative hairpins or hairpins can be added. Fresh flowers will look good in your hair in summer.

How to weave braids

  1. It's better to start with simple options. Do not rush to weave a complex braid from your hair right away, practice on ribbons or floss threads. Having mastered the principle, you can experiment with the location, number and complexity of braids.
  2. If you are braiding yourself, do not use a mirror, trust your feelings. It is quite difficult to navigate the mirror, it is very confusing in the process.
  3. To make it easier to work with hair, they need to be washed, dried and combed well. Mousse or styling gel will also come in handy: thanks to it, the hair will become obedient.
  4. When weaving braids, it is better to use wooden combs. Wood electrifies hair less than plastic, which means it will be easier for you to work with strands.
  5. Alternating strands according to the scheme, pull them evenly. With practice, you will master any weaving.

6 options for weaving braids

Two strand braid

A two-strand braid is a twisted, two-wire ponytail that will suit your hair. middle length. Weaving can be used for a French braid. A ribbon woven into a bundle will look beautiful.

  1. Divide your hair into two sections.
  2. Tie a ribbon to one of them.
  3. Twist each strand into a tourniquet clockwise.
  4. Twist the strands counterclockwise. The difference in directions will not allow the braid to fall apart.
  5. Secure the ends of your hair with a ribbon.

Fish tail

This braid captivates with its spectacularity, although it is woven quite simply. Suitable for shoulder length, but looks especially good on long ones.

A simple option is weaving from the back of the head.

  1. Divide your hair into two parts.
  2. Separate a thin strand from the left half from the side of the ear and throw it over the top to the right side.
  3. Then separate a thin strand near the right ear and throw it to the left.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you reach the ends of your hair. Secure the braid with an elastic band or ribbon.

If you want to complicate weaving, do french braid, turning into a fish tail.

french braid

French braid goes well with a strict office suit. Weaved on the basis of a braid of three strands. Suitable for long hair and medium length hair.

  1. Divide your hair into three sections.
  2. Throw the far right to the center.
  3. Then send the extreme left there.
  4. Continue until you run out of hair.

For a change, you can weave a French braid only to the middle of the back of the head. Collect the remaining strands in a bun or, securing with an elastic band, leave in the form of a tail.


At the heart of the same braid of three parts. Unusual hairstyle give released strands. This braid is suitable even for chin-length hair. It weaves horizontally from the temple. You can collect hair in this way only on one side. Or you can make a symmetrical weave and wear it instead of a headband: styling collects hair and prevents it from getting into your eyes.

  1. Separate a strand of hair from the temple and divide it into three parts.
  2. The beginning is the same as in a regular three-strand braid. Throw the top strand to the center, then do the same with the bottom.
  3. Once again, send the top and then the bottom strands to the center.
  4. Add a strand of hair to the top.
  5. You don't need to add anything to the bottom. Instead, under the existing lower strand, collect another, separating it from the free ones. Release the old one. Move the new one to the center.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you reach the middle of the head. Temporarily fix the braid.
  7. Make a symmetrical weave on the other side.
  8. Connect the ends of both braids together and secure with an elastic band or ribbon.

Four strand braid

The complexity of weaving will allow without embarrassment to apply this option not only to female hairstyle but also to a long beard.

First, try weaving a straight braid. When you master weaving, you can make braids from the back of the head or rim using this technique. In order not to get confused, remember that only the outer strands need to be moved.

  1. Divide your hair into four sections. Take two strands in your right and two in your left hand.
  2. Stretch the leftmost strand (we will consider it the first) over the second and under the third. Now in your left hand you will have the second and third strands. The first and fourth will be in the right hand.
  3. Place the rightmost strand (fourth) under the first.
  4. Again, take the leftmost strand (second). Swipe it over the next (third) and under the fourth. In your left hand, you will have the third and fourth strands. The first and second will be in the right hand.
  5. Stretch the rightmost strand under the next one.
  6. Place the leftmost one under the next one and over the next one, transfer it to the other hand.
  7. Bring the far right one under the neighboring one, which we just moved.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you reach the end of the strands.
  9. Secure the weave with a ribbon or elastic band.

Five strand braid

Weaving is reminiscent of Irish knitted patterns arana. This option will require training, but braids from many strands look very unusual and bright.

Practice braiding a five-strand braid based on a high or low ponytail. The tail will hold the hair, and it will be more convenient to work. When you master this method, move on to a hairstyle without a tail or make a French braid with such a weave.

  1. Divide your hair into five equal sections.
  2. Take three middle strands. First, throw the left to the center, then the right - just like in a braid of three strands. Then take the outermost strands of the three middle strands, lift them above the weave and temporarily secure with a clip.
  3. You will be left with the middle strand and two side strands, which we have not touched yet. Of these three strands, throw the leftmost strand to the center. Then send the far right there.
  4. Fix the middle one with another clamp. This will keep the weave from falling apart.
  5. Release the strands that you lifted. Place them along the edges of the weave.
  6. Take the strands that you just worked with: now these are the second and fourth parts in the weave. Lift and secure them over the hair.
  7. Of the remaining three parts, first move the leftmost to the center, then the rightmost.
  8. Fix the middle strand with a clip.
  9. Lower the raised strands, placing them along the edges of the weave.
  10. Lift and fix the second and fourth strands.
  11. Repeat steps 7-10 until the end of the weave.
