Women's mohawk is a hairstyle for brave girls at the height of fashion. Women's haircut mohawk Feminine mohawk

Do you want to challenge society with your appearance? Do you want to show others the full power of the energy that has accumulated in you? Do you want to arrange something out of the ordinary? Then it's time to make yourself a mohawk! Right now, without finding unnecessary excuses, without leaving your home. Right now you will learn how to make a mohawk at home.


Of course, this is rather strange if you still don’t know what it is in our time ... But just in case, you need to clarify that the mohawk is a hairstyle that is popular among the goths and punks of the first wave. Strands of hair along the entire head (from the forehead to the back of the head) rise up and are fixed in the form of a kind of comb.

Great diversity among the Iroquois

How to make a mohawk hairstyle, we will explain to you a little later, but for now you should be warned that they are also different. Short, long, in the form of "thorns", hanging on the forehead or "looking up". Despite this, you do not need special skills in order to put a mohawk on your own. Although you may need eyes in the back of your head. But if there are none, then we will solve the problem differently.

  • If you choose the classic mohawk, then you need to shave off all the hair. Leave only one strip along the entire head, about the distance between your eyes.
  • Do you want “spikes of freedom” on your head (if you don’t understand what it’s about, then remember what the Statue of Liberty looks like, by the way, this is where the name of this Mohawk comes from)? Do everything in the same way as you would do in the case of the classic mohawk, but leave the strip a little wider.
  • Do you need a form of dethovk, which was invented by the keyboardist of the band "Specimen" (Specimen)? Shave your head in the same way as in the classic mohawk.
  • To create a dreadlock you need long hair and dreadlocks on them.
  • Crosshovk. This mohawk is most often worn by women and girls. Shave everything, leaving only the space from ear to ear.

We shave the mohawk

Of course, if you just want to experiment first, you can try not to shave off your hair, but do not forget that this kind of wearing a mohawk should be extremely temporary.

After you have decided on the look of your Mohawk, try to visualize your future hairstyle. Take the section of hair that will be part of the mohawk and lift it up. Perhaps this length of the mohawk will not suit you, and you will want to cut off the extra hair. Next, decide on the width of your future mohawk. The minimum width should be the same as the distance between your eyebrows. You can make the mohawk wider, but do not forget that what more hair, the more difficult it is to fix the comb (the same problem can await you with too thin mohawk).

In order not to shave off the desired part of the hair, you should delimit it, divide it into sides that need to be shaved or left. To do this, wet your hair and dry it with a towel. Then they will become more obedient. For an ordinary mohawk, the hair must be divided into three groups with two partings on the sides of the future mohawk. Shave off the areas from the ears to the mohawk. And in case you want to see "thorns of freedom" on your head, you need to stock up on hair ties. Make ponytails from the hair that will be spiked on your head in the future, and bravely shave off the rest.

Now that you have completely eliminated extra hair, dry the rest. Now we will put the mohawk.

For short hair

How to make yourself a mohawk if your hair is not long? You are lucky if you have a short haircut. How to make a short mohawk is much easier to explain than in the long hair method. Although you also have to sweat. There are many different ways. And here is the first one...

How to make a mohawk using only soap

Yes, regular soap. This method is quite lengthy, but it may be just right for you. You need clean hair. But not wet. Take your hands, rinse under water and lather strongly. When enough soap has accumulated on your hands, simply "wipe" your hands on your hair. Now let your hair dry. If the hair, in your opinion, does not hold its shape well, then do the trick with hands, soap and hair again. You can do this procedure as much as you like. When the durability of your hair suits you, give the mohawk the desired shape and, after letting the styling dry, fix it with hairspray.

mohawk on sugar

If you feel sorry for soap or only eggs and sugar are left in the house, then you can try this method. In this paragraph, you will learn how to make a short mohawk using an egg (chicken) and sugar.

First, backcomb your hair with a fine-toothed comb. Lifting each strand of hair up, move the comb from top to bottom, creating a bouffant on the hair. Fix the resulting comb by moistening the hair with protein whipped with sugar. Let your hair dry. We advise you to fix the hair roots with varnish (and indeed the entire mohawk), you can also dry your hair with a hairdryer. It is not recommended to use a powerful mode for drying, otherwise your comb will "fall".

For long hair

How to make a Mohawk for long hair?

It will be more difficult for you, but "beauty" has always required sacrifice.

To create a mohawk on long hair, apply styling foam (mousse) along the entire length. After that, you will also need to bouffant your hair, each time fixing it with varnish. When the entire comb is combed and varnished, you need to carefully comb it up so that the mohawk is even and sharp, and the hair does not stick out from different sides, otherwise you will look like an old cheap washcloth. When everything is ready, we advise you to fix the mohawk with varnish again, because there is not much varnish in the mohawk. After that, you need to "iron" the mohawk with a special hair iron. The length of the iron must match the length of your hair, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Of course, if the hairstyle option up to this point suited you perfectly, then you may not iron it, but then who knows how soon your Mohawk will sadly “hang your nose” ... You can “warm up” your hair with a hairdryer, we advise you to avoid a powerful mode.

For better fixing your peculiar hairstyle, you can use more cosmetics for hair that helps to fix them, whether it be various mousses, sprays and much more. The main thing is, if you decide to leave the mohawk hairstyle for a long time on your head (and more specifically, live with it), then at the moment when you decide on the type of mohawk and its length, remember:

  • Iroquois will have to put you every day. The longer it is, the more time and effort it will take you.
  • If you make a mohawk that is too wide or too thin, then you are unlikely to be able to put it up and strengthen it properly.
  • Let's be realistic, you won't put it on every day (especially if you decide on a long Mohawk), because the cases are different ... And this means that you should not forget that you should look good even without the Mohawk.

That's all. Good luck and a lot of polish with a very strong hold!

Iroquois is a hairstyle that came to us from the 80s. Throughout all these years, she did not lose popularity, remaining fashionable and in demand among certain subcultures. Becoming a constant companion, she then moved on to fans of grunge, alternative rock. Currently, they do not disdain it and.

You can express yourself in your hair

For more than 30 years of existence, it has changed and modernized. But the main idea has remained unchanged. Iroquois is still the choice of those who feel like an individual and strive to stand out from the crowd.

Types (types) of Iroquois for long, short and medium hair

Although the mohawk was never originally a women's hairstyle in the environment in which it appeared, girls nowadays choose this haircut quite often. Followers of certain subcultures, creative individuals with non-standard taste- these girls choose this extravagant hairstyle. Therefore, a female haircut Mohawk stands out as a separate type.


According to the type of form, the following types are distinguished:

  • Classic Traditional. , the back of the head is shaved by two-thirds. A narrow strip of hair is left on the frontal and parietal parts and up to the occipital;
  • Non-standard types involve some whiskey work. Patterns are shaved or cut off on them, they are dyed in various shades, etc .;
  • The Gothic mohawk involves shaving. The remaining areas are cut short for lengthening in the center of the head;
  • A short men's mohawk (like a woman's) can be elegant. This is achieved by a smooth transition from the shaved temples to the central part of the head. In this case, the zone in the center is left wider. Such a haircut is universal, since, with proper styling, it is acceptable even for wearing to the office.

These types of Iroquois are only the basis for the creativity of the masters and the embodiment of the ideas of clients.

Elegant short men's haircut with mohawk

Women's or men's mohawk hairstyles do not necessarily look aggressive. It is quite possible to create soft, almost classic lines on short hair. The effect is achieved due to the fact that with short hair the transition from shaved to unshaven areas is not so obvious.

Only three-quarters of the temples are shaved off on both sides. You need to shave them, leaving two to three millimeters. On each side, a "transition" zone 3-4 centimeters wide is performed, on which there is a gradual lengthening of the hair and smooth transition from the shaved area to the sheared area.

The back of the head is shaved off by one third, and then it is cut to lengthen upwards to obtain the same smooth transition as from the sides. In the upper part of the head in such a way that the maximum volume and length are in the bangs area. Such a haircut can only be done by a master, while a traditional Mohawk. It is enough just to separate strands of equal width on both sides from a straight parting.

Patterns on the head for guys and boys

Patterns on shaved temples - great way make your hairstyle even more original. Women's hairstyle Mohawk is the softest and most elegant, and wanting to diversify it, many girls resort to applying patterns.

The traditional option is to shave them. Craftsmen can create a simple geometric pattern using a typewriter. Greater detail can be achieved using . Beard trimmers will help you get smooth lines.

Another way to apply patterns is coloring. Through special stencils, a tint varnish is applied to slightly regrown hairs. This option is not suitable for every day, but good for attending events.

The most extreme dandies and informals who wear the mohawk all the time, perform tattoos on that part of the head that is free from hair (passing to the neck or small ones). Mehendi is also used.

Evening hairstyle with bangs for women and men: a wide option

This version of the Mohawk is universal. It allows you to create a variety of styling, radically different from each other. Combines the features of both elegant and classic haircuts. But for its implementation, a significant length of hair is needed.

  1. Making a mohawk for long hair is more difficult than for short hair.
  2. In the variety with bangs at the crown, a fairly wide section is left, about the same width as with the elegant version for short hair;
  3. The temples are shaved off, a smooth transition is not made;
  4. The back of the head is shaved as with a classic Mohawk;
  5. I cut the rest of the hair from the back of the head to the bangs for lengthening so that the strands farthest from the forehead have a minimum length, and the closest ones have a maximum length.

This hairstyle fits in a variety of ways. You can make the mohawk classic and rebellious by putting it on. You can comb the brow back so that it forms a smooth soft line. This option is more glamorous or formal. IN Lately is popular.

Fashionable styling for stylish people: adults and children

It is almost impossible to put a Mohawk of considerable length (height) on your own. It is necessary to make bouffants on wet hair and immediately fix the strands with varnish. It is very difficult to do this on your own. You will need the following:

  1. Frequent comb;
  2. Styling foam;
  3. Strong hold varnish;
  4. Wax or gel.

Treat wet hair with foam. Start bouffanting each strand. Immediately fix it with varnish. After doing this on all strands, dry your hair with your head down. Give your hair the desired shape with wax.

Hairstyle can be an expression of your emotions

Be original!

The desire to surprise others with their original appearance is already considered quite common among modern people. However, few could have guessed that the creative and fashionable hairstyle they will carry the Iroquois worn in former times by the so-called informals.

Iroquois is performed in several ways, in which the haircut looks defiant and daring or romantic and feminine. Any girl will be able to choose a mohawk for her character and style.

Iroquois with extension

Iroquois Quiff - this variety is made with hair lengthening in the direction from the back of the head to the forehead. Whiskey is cut short or shaved. This haircut in the standard version looks like a bob. Sometimes you can lift your hair up, making a mohawk, and at the same time the curls fall slightly on the face, creating a spicy and charming look.

Classic female mohawk

The female classic mohawk is performed in such a way that an even and narrow strip of hair runs in the middle of the head, and the strands located on the sides are cut short or completely cut off. In the process of styling, the hair rises up in the form of a comb on the head.

Iroquois with curly hair

Iroquois on curly hair resembles the previous haircut and is done on thick and curly hair. In this case, the side strands are not recommended to be shaved, but it is better to cut them short. Curls are laid in the comb using reinforced fixation varnish. The option looks extravagant and romantic.

With shaved temple

A single side haircut provides a great opportunity to experiment with styling. A few strands, for example, can be lowered over a shaved temple to cover it if there is no desire to attract attention to yourself. Well, by lifting the hair, the owner of the haircut will be able to show all her creativity.

gothic mohawk

Gothic mohawk - hair at the temples is shaved, and all other strands are cut short. The only thing for the owners blonde hair it is better to darken them at the roots and temples. This will give the hairstyle a complete and harmonious look.

Mohawk hairstyle

Sometimes girls do their hair like a mohawk when they want to experiment a little with their hair, but don't make drastic changes. At the same time, the strands at the temples are not shaved, and the desired effect is created by varnish, wax or gel. This creates the desired visual effect.

A reasonable question arises, and who will be more suited to the Mohawk? This applies to girls who have a square face. It should be noted that shaved temples can adversely affect the female appearance. The mohawk is ideal for a face with oval features and prominent cheekbones. The extravagance of the hairstyle can be given by the patterns on the temples, which are colored or shaved.

Such a hairstyle, for example, is preferred by singer Rihanna, who creates an inimitable image when combined with stylish clothes. Shaves whiskey and Miley Cyrus, putting long strands up. A slightly smaller extreme effect is obtained by the singer Pink, since she only imitates the mohawk through skillful styling.

Making the perfect mohawk on your own is quite difficult, especially with long hair. To do this, it is necessary to process wet curls with foam, which are then collected along the central parting, and then combed up. Next, a little gel can be applied to the palm of your hand, and the strands are lifted with both hands to make a neat comb.

Creating a bold, flashy image is impossible without shocking. It will not work to surprise others with curls or thinning. Even bright coloring does not always help to achieve the goal. The female mohawk is a different matter. An extreme tuft of hair, set up, against the background of short-haired or shaved temples, will definitely not let you go unnoticed. Even options of moderate content, imitations of informal hairstyles help to get the expected interest in the person.

general description

Historically, the Mohawk on the head was observed among the Indians. In modern times, the hairstyle was “approved” by representatives of the punk culture that arose in the mid-60s. XX century. Informals, seeking to attract maximum public attention, left their hair in the central part of the skull, completely shaving off their temples. The long part of the hair was put up in various ways. The resulting tuft was designed in the form of a comb. Initially, the hairstyle was considered masculine, but the female part of informal groups quickly borrowed a bold image.

Now the mohawk on the head does not mean belonging to a subculture. A bright appearance does not symbolize a statement of protest to society, does not emphasize strength, aggression. The styling option allows you to attract attention, emphasize individuality, courage of behavior. The comb of hair set up is more often a situational hairstyle option. Laying is performed from a haircut of a typical shape or even imitates an element.

Mohawk is understood as a hairstyle with short temples. The hair of the central, longer part, lift up. The strands in the classic element are located at an angle of 90 degrees to the head. Modern moderate options allow a smaller angle of inclination.

Iroquois for fashionable female image do on short or medium hair. From a long hair, it will only be possible to imitate a catchy element. It is not necessary to specifically cut the classic version, constantly shocking others. You can create a variation of the hairstyle from a half-box, pixie, garcon or Tomboy hairstyle.

Who suits

Iroquois is not one of those hairstyles that suit everyone. Haircut, styling method must organically fit into the image. An extravagant option should complement the appearance, combined with the style of behavior. Usually a tuft on the head impresses bold, self-confident natures, ready for the increased attention of others.

Contrary to the opinion that a shocking hairstyle is only suitable for a sporty or informal style of clothing, stylists argue that this is an erroneous belief. An elegant mohawk is in harmony with casual outfits and even evening dresses.

The relevance of a catchy haircut is determined not only by the style of clothing and behavior. It is important to consider external data. Owners of an elongated, narrow face should think about the appropriateness of hairstyles. Highly raised hair risks exacerbating the situation. The option is not recommended for owners of bright defects in appearance: scars, warts, asymmetry, ugly features. The styling method will highlight imperfections.

Owners of a large oval: square, round shape, large physique need to evaluate the appropriateness of informal styling of hair. A high comb will emphasize the dimensions, make the appearance masculine, and draw attention to the shortcomings.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the structure of the hair. Straight strands of high rigidity - The best decision. Tight curls will require complex styling. Thin, damaged curls run the risk of not being able to withstand the load.

The age of the Mohawk is not a hindrance if the owner is ready to wear a similar hairstyle. Mature ladies rarely agree to such experiments. Yes, and wrinkles are not the best neighborhood for such styling. A young girl looks more organic with a similar hairstyle.

Hair color does not affect the ability to create a mohawk. Light, dark, natural or dye strands: everything is suitable. A bright hairstyle is often complemented with creative coloring. Contrasting combinations, accent spots are possible.

Preparatory stage

To perform a mohawk, you need a certain length of hair. Specific values ​​depend on desired result. The basis for an elegant option can serve as an elongated pixie, garcon, semi-box. The traditional mohawk is cut separately.

To work on a hairstyle, you will need scissors, a clipper, combs, styling products. To perform a mohawk as a styling will turn out at home.

Attention! It is not recommended to cut the base for the hairstyle yourself. Any imperfections in short hair attract attention.

In the salon, the basis for the Iroquois will be cut for 300–1500 rubles. The hairstyle is often complemented with fantasy coloring, creative styling. These services are charged separately. Doing styling for every day will turn out on your own.

Implementation options

Creation of the Iroquois - creative work, requiring a comprehensive assessment of appearance, well-established contact with the client. The following hairstyles are widely used:

  • Classical. Long hair is left only on a narrow strip in the central part of the head from the forehead to the back of the head or neck. The remaining areas are shaved or cut very short. The length of the comb is 5-15 cm. Long hair remains uniform or the size decreases in the direction from the top of the head down. The hairstyle is informal, the choice is carefully thought out.

  • Short elegant. A semi-box base or similar haircuts with a short hair length are used. Mohawk styling is done as needed. Short-haired or shaved temples smoothly turn into a longer one. central part. The base of the comb is wide. The hairstyle is universal, suitable for everyone. The option can be worn to the office.

Mohawk for short hair

  • Creative. In addition to the traditional crest, the design of the temporal-lateral areas is performed. Cut out patterns, perform accent coloring. The hairstyle is very bright, there is a non-standard spirit.

  • Gothic. Shorten or shave off only whiskey. The length of the side parts gradually increases, reaching a maximum in the area of ​​the central vertical parting. The hairstyle is catchy, but moderate styling is possible. Not suitable for a classic office.

  • Imitation. Hair is not cut, but styled, imitating a classic comb. You can use suitable shapes as a base short haircuts: pixie, semi-box, garcon. Long hair is braided into braids in the side zones or perfectly smoothed, fixed with styling. The ends are placed in the form of a comb. The option is suitable for hair middle length. Maxi hair is difficult to style like this. The method is suitable for those who do not risk parting with the length of their hair.

Mohawk for long hair

Other options are possible according to an individual scheme agreed upon by the master and the client.

Shearing technology

For the implementation of the mohawk, it is recommended to contact a hairdresser. It is permissible to try to perform radical options that do not require the creation of a foundation on your own. Home experiments are acceptable for those who are willing to take risks and are not bound by aesthetics. appearance. The classic comb is cut according to the following scheme:

  1. Well-combed, moistened hair is divided into zones using vertical and horizontal partings.
  2. Processing begins with the temporal areas. They cut their hair short, extinguish the length with a clipper. From the temples smoothly pass to the back of the head.
  3. From the top of the head, they begin to cut out the main shape. The strands are separated by horizontal partings. Leave the required length. Process the entire volume.
  4. With the help of vertical partings, the length from the temples to the crown-parietal zone is connected.
  5. They make an edging that becomes a smooth transition between the long center line and the short sides.
  6. Perform thinning of the tips and root area.

Completes the design process, styling. The hair is pulled up. The comb can be supplemented with cutting teeth, temporary or permanent staining. The final stage usually takes most of the time.

Mohawk short haircut video.

Video is a bold decision for a short female haircut.

Laying and care

Regular styling for a classic mohawk is an important step in obtaining the desired appearance. The process is complex and time consuming. The hair is put up with the help of strong fixatives. Inept actions, the use of light styling risk overshadowing the impression of the hairstyle.

Laying the short version is easier. On the head, you can create an elegant, slightly casual or extravagant look. It is enough to ruffle the hair, comb it up, imitating a classic comb.

Important! Haircut care is complicated by the need to maintain a given length. Overgrown comb hair makes styling difficult. With thin, weak hair, traditional styling is possible while maintaining a certain length.

Comparison with options boxing, semi-boxing

Haircuts boxing, semi-boxing, mohawk are characterized by a short length of hair. In the first version, the haircut is uniform, ultra-short. Semi-box and mohawk have a length transition from a minimum to a predetermined value. Boxing and a mohawk on a woman's head are a sign of outrageousness. Variants are uncharacteristic of mass distribution. The semi-box has a more moderate appearance, it can fit in the form of a mohawk.

boxing and semi-boxing

Advantages and disadvantages

Hairstyle allows you to get the most daring look. Haircut and styling are simple, but require attention. The option is stylish, but not for everyone. The use of styling techniques requires matching the image, style of behavior. Hairstyle hooligan, not suitable for respectable ladies. The choice requires taking into account various nuances.

Celebrity Examples

To notice the styling in the form of a Mohawk, it will be possible for courageous ladies who love to shock the public. A daring look is more often an imitation of an informal appearance. Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Pink shave their whiskey, put their hair in the form of a comb. A light imitation can be seen on the hair of Ann Hattway, Halle Barry. The real Mohawk is worn by Kelly Osbourne.

Rihanna and Miley Cyrus

Pink and Kelly Osbourne

Shock those around you different ways. Creating a mohawk on your head is a great way to focus on your person. The option is unusual, but requires a balanced approach to the choice.



Who would have thought that the hairstyle of the Indian tribes of North America, and later - representatives of youth subcultures (in particular, punks) would become a trend in hairdressing and win the hearts of the most daring fashionistas.

Iroquois of the Indian tribes

mohawk representatives of punk culture

We are talking about the Mohawk, which has never been a female hairstyle. But recently, hairdressers and stylists have adopted it, and offered it to the fair sex. different variants of this hairstyle, including a fake mohawk that does not require shaving the temples, unlike the mohawk in the original.

The distribution of the Mohawk hairstyle in modern society was facilitated by the images of foreign singers, actresses and other representatives of show business.

Rihanna's classic Mohawk

classic Mohawk Miley Cyrus

"Fake Mohawk" Jennifer Lopez

"Fake Mohawk" Julianne Hugh

"Fake Mohawk" Selena Gomez

As you noticed, the original classic Mohawk combines with the fake one that in both versions, the main emphasis is on the volume in the upper part of the head. In a fake mohawk, hair can be styled big curls, various weaves are also used to remove hair from the temples and achieve the desired volume at the crown. Iroquois can be textured with colored strands that fit well with most alternative hairstyles, emphasizing their rebellious, bold character.

If the classic original mohawk always looks somewhat brutal, and in some cases even bold, defiant, then the fake mohawk easily fits into any image, you can remain feminine and romantic with it. A fake mohawk allows you to strike a balance between shocking and elegance, it brings a touch of provocation to your image.

It is safe to say that the fake mohawk is more versatile, so I suggest adopting some of its options. And for this, first check out the master classes on creating such a hairstyle in a photo, which clearly shows step by step how to put your hair in a fake mohawk.

1. This is the easiest styling option. The hair should be temporarily set aside from the front of the head. Gather the side strands into a ponytail. From the deferred from the front of the head weave a voluminous french braid, putting it over the tail, tied from the side strands.

2. The second option is similar to the previous one. The hair is divided into two parts. The lower part of the hair is tied into a ponytail. The upper part should be slightly combed at the crown and wrapped with a tourniquet, fixing it with hairpins over the lower tail. Then you need to attach the harness to the tail.

3. In this version of the fake mohawk, the hair is divided into 4 parts. Each part is collected in a ponytail and slightly combed. Then it follows from each part of the hair to braid braids and wrap them around the base, securing with hairpins.

4. To create this hairstyle, you will need a double comb clip. First, strands are taken from the forehead and at the crown and braided into a classic spikelet, which turns into an ordinary three-strand braid. Then the hairstyle is fixed with a double comb. Strands should be stretched a little with your fingers in order to make the braid more voluminous. The end of the braid must be tucked inward and fixed with hairpins.

For a better understanding, of course, you can watch video tutorials on creating a fake mohawk hairstyle. This hairstyle is popular with many fashionistas, so there are many different options for it.
