Beautiful status for your girlfriend. Statuses for your girlfriend

I want to catch a beautiful sound, The touch of kind hands, The beautiful taste of my favorite lips, Oh God, am I not stupid?

Why so many pretty girls, and you fall in love with one, the most ordinary, so sweet, beautiful, the best, with such eyes, a nose ... I want to hug, kiss and not let go!

You are like a star in my window, What gives me a ray of light! I love a star! I love you even though you are far from me!

You are not mine and not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...

You are my muse, you are my angel, you are always by my side!

Love is looking into the eyes of your beloved, you see only your own reflection there ...

I love her so much that my heart is torn to pieces! No one has ever hurt me as much as she did. But I still love her...

Perhaps I rarely give you flowers. I rarely indulge in cakes and chocolates. I rarely take you to restaurants and interesting places. But I'll try to fix it! Because I love only you, one.

Statuses about love for a girl - Love is when you look at her, it doesn’t matter who she is, what she is, what others think about her, she is the only one for you, she is the one with whom you will feel better. BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT!

" are my girl that I'm crazy about...thank you to your parents for raising you this way...I adore you and your little me will be there for eternity..."

I look at the sky, one star burns there, it burns so brightly, it reminds me of you that you are such a beauty I have one and I am very glad that you are mine

The sun is shining, I feel good, all because you are next to me, my heart beats, only for you, all because you are mine

When I met you my heart was broken ex-girlfriend into small pieces. No, it was even just torn to shreds by her ruthless claws. But thanks to your patience and care, I, step by step, put all the pieces together and now I give my heart safe and sound to you - my beloved.

When I first met you, I thought that you are my dream... And now I know for sure that dreams come true!

The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I love, dear, I miss you only !!!

Dance only for me. Look only into my eyes. You know you are the only one for me. All lines about love for you!!!

He remembers every breath, the smell of her hair... beautiful eyes and still in love with her...

Think, is it not happiness when you have one beloved girl who waits and loves, believes, dreams ... Small miracle in your life. And you're just a fool if you traded her for a herd of shabby girls far from the first freshness.

It is necessary to love a girl so that she feels every second that she is needed.

Hug her... let her scream and cry.. let her hit her fists and say nasty things... and you just... hug

Beloved, you light up the whole world with beauty

There is a common sky above us, which means I am near, wherever you are.

And you know ... you are very similar to spring ... she has the same Blue eyes, cheerful look and she, just like you ... makes the heart beat ...

Why are there so many pretty girls, but you fall in love with one, the most ordinary, so sweet, beautiful, the best, with such eyes, a nose ... I want to hug, kiss and not let go!

Take care of the relationship, and then you will take care of the memories ..

Shout - everyone will hear, whisper - the nearest one will hear, and only I will hear what you are silent about

You are not mine and not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...

"Me too" - there is no such feeling.

You are my muse, you are my angel, you are always by my side!

I will never ask people to come back. Yes, I will miss you. Yes, I will miss them. But they have already made their choice.

Love is looking into the eyes of your beloved, you see only your reflection there ...

Petty is love, which is not afraid of the appearance of charity for the beloved.

I love her so much that my heart is torn to pieces! No one has ever hurt me as much as she did. But I still love her...

A girl is a sweet and harmless creature that can break your heart.

Perhaps I rarely give you flowers. I rarely indulge in cakes and chocolates. I rarely take you to restaurants and interesting places. But I'll try to fix it! Because I love only you, one.

A guy will never look stupid if he makes the first move. It's a pity that many people forget about it.

Statuses about love for a girl - Love is when you look at her, it doesn’t matter who she is, what she is, what others think about her, she is the only one for you, she is the one with whom you will feel better. BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT!

In your eyes the whole sky is blue, oh how I love you ...

You are my girl that I'm crazy about... thanks to my parents for raising you this way... I adore you and your shyness... my little me will be there for eternity...

And I love her, more than anything in the world, and I don’t care who is there and what they say about us ... The main thing is that I love her!

I look at the sky, one star burns there, it burns so brightly, it reminds me of you that you are such a beauty I have one and I am very glad that you are mine!

I fell in love with you, like the stars, they love their night distance. It hurts me to see your tears, and it's scary to feel sadness.

The sun is shining, I feel good, all because you are next to me, my heart beats, only for you, all because you are mine!

Girls, be beautiful ... So that the real ones are not disappointed, so that the future ones want the former to bite their elbows.

When I met you, my heart was broken into small pieces by an ex-girlfriend. No, it was even just torn to shreds by her ruthless claws. But thanks to your patience and care, I, step by step, put all the pieces together and now I give my heart safe and sound to you - my beloved.

The hostess abandoned the bunny. The bitch deceived the bunny. I played and forgot, I broke the heart of a zaykino. He took revenge on her cruelly, chopped her into cabbage. Because it was necessary to respect other people's feelings!

When I first met you, I thought that you are my dream... And now I know for sure that dreams come true!

A girl is like a rose, even after pricking we continue to love her.

The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I love, dear, I miss you only !!!

Love is when they send you 200 times, and you call to apologize (although not guilty) ... Because you want you to be together!!!

Dance only for me. Look only into my eyes. You know you are the only one for me. All lines about love for you!!!

He remembers every breath, the smell of her hair... beautiful eyes, and is still in love with her...

The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I'm beloved, dear, I miss only you!

Think about it, isn't it happiness when you have one beloved girl who waits and loves, believes, dreams ... A small miracle in your life. And you're just a fool if you traded her for a herd of shabby girls far from the first freshness.

They don’t remember the beloved girl, they think about her constantly.

It is necessary to love a girl so that she feels every second that she is needed.

And even though she is not perfect, I know that she is real, sincere, that she loves me. As do I her!

Hug her... let her scream and cry... let her punch her and say bad things... and you just... hug her.

You are not mine, not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...

Beloved, you light up the whole world with beauty!

Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

There is a common sky above us, which means I am near, wherever you are.

Love is when you look into the eyes of your beloved and see your reflection there!

You know... you are very similar to spring... she has the same blue eyes, a cheerful look, and she, just like you... makes her heart beat...

A man who was able to put his pride at the feet of his beloved deserves the most devoted love.

I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love!

I miss. I love. Kiss. Thinking of you. Mentally, I draw meetings in you in a dream ..

Loving a girl and not telling her about it is like smelling flowers through a gas mask.

Let's move on to "WE" shall we?

Perhaps you are not my destiny ... perhaps you are not my dream ... Perhaps you are not my life ... but I love you ... But my heart hurts more and more ... But my heart beats more and more often .. But my heart is still yearning for you... only for you!

Love is like air: when you have it, you don’t notice it, when it doesn’t, you suffocate, and when it’s too pure, you feel dizzy…

With every day that I spend with her, I understand how much I love her and I will never give her to anyone!

If a guy loves, he will always look for an extra reason to meet, and not excuses why he cannot meet ...

I wanted to call you. But even more I wanted to hear a call from you. That's why we never talked.

My favorite...
- Tell me why you never call her by her first name?
- Well, what name can she have if she is everything!

How painful it is to be a friend with someone you love...

A girl is a harmless creature that can destroy your heart...

He who does not adore the shortcomings of the one he loves cannot say that he is really in love.

You are like a star in my window, What gives me a ray of light! I love a star! I love you even though you are far from me!

Tell me can you like me? - No, you already did it.

It's hard to love a girl when she thinks you're friends!

I miss you like the desert misses the rain.

If you ask if I feel good with you, I will answer: "Yes." But if you ask if I can live without you, I will answer the same.

We are with you different ends planets, but I miss you so much that I want to shout at the top of my voice: I can't live without you!!!

Smoking kills the lungs. Alcohol liver. And you me.

I need a dose... A dose of your love, your smile and eyes... Just a new dose of you...

If you want to hug a girl more than sleep with her, then you love her.

My girlfriend is the one who loves me, not the one I am!

If you were a tear, I would never cry for fear of losing you...

He put his phone closer to the speakers so that he would know about her call 2 seconds earlier.

You are so beautiful, so tender, you are incomparable as a goddess. I miss you very much, I need you now ...

Each of us has his own person who holds his hand and does not let you fall when you are standing on the edge of a cliff.

A beautiful girl is visiting you, sitting on the couch, and your hand is reaching out to do what you love ... Comb her hair!

The beloved is loved the harder it is to reach her.

The best man is not a set of qualities and material baggage. This is the person next to whom you feel desired, the most beautiful, loved and just happy.

I fly in the clouds when she is near. I want to be kind when she is around. I'll forget how to love if I can't be near her.

This smoke in my head, from your smile, but when you're with me it's even harder for me.

Bear with me. I'm still marrying you.

Kitty!!! When you are sad - I suffer, when you are happy - I laugh, when you are near - I melt all over, a little more and I will fall in love!

And this is how they live: she is in his heart, he is in her friends in contact ...

The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I'm loved. I only miss you dear!!!

You can see and not believe, but if you believe and you will see ...

Lord! Give her happiness! And I don't need anything at all. Enough that she was happy - that's all I dream about.

She always looks at me so surprised, I even start to be afraid that she can read minds ...

A happy girl, not the one who has many admirers, but the one who has one, besides whom, she does not need anyone !!!

Let everyone hear what you are talking about, but as soon as I hear what you are silent about, because I really love you ...

Woe to him who, in the initial period of love, does not believe that this love will be eternal!

You are like a drug for me, I feel good with you, I feel bad without you ...

I was completely wrong about everything. I lost you. I miss. Come back!

Missing you greatly and loving with all my heart, I want to see you soon.


Active sections:

Every respectable man should have a girlfriend. The one he protects, pampers and pleases. The one that can bring comfort and tranquility to the house. After all feminine energy is an amazing source of inspiration and vigor. True, there are exceptions, and then the relationship turns from a calm abode into a cruel hell. But, we won't talk about that. Nowadays, guys often do not wonder what their relationship with really worthy girls who love and respect them is worth. A real man will every day give a reason to his girlfriend to understand that she is the most wonderful person in the world for him, that there is something special in her, for which he loved and appreciates her. Therefore, you need to focus more often on the pluses in a relationship than on the minuses. We invite you to please your girlfriend by choosing statuses about your beloved girl and giving her a little attention. Best wishes.

Love is when you look at her, no matter who she is, what she is, what others think of her, she is the only one for you, she is the one with whom you will feel better. BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT!

Today I was asked if I miss you. I didn't answer, I just closed my eyes tightly so as not to cry, turned away and whispered - crazy!

If you ask if I feel good with you, I will answer: "Yes." But if you ask if I can live without you, I will answer the same.

"... you are my girl, which I'm crazy about .... thanks to my parents for raising you this way ... I adore you and your shyness ... my little me will be there for eternity ... "

We are too similar and too different. We cannot be together and we die without each other. We love each other, but we are afraid to show it because of stupid pride in front of us!

You and I are on different ends of the planet, but I miss you so much that I want to shout at the top of my voice: I can't live without you!!!

When I first met you, I thought that you are my dream... And now I know for sure that dreams come true!

Sometimes you insult me ​​and ask me to forget you forever, but how can I forget you if there is only a place in my heart for you!

My girlfriend is the one who loves me, not the one I am!

I love you like chocolate, I breathe you like nicotine, without you I melt like a snowball in the palm of my hand, without you I fade like a candle flame!

He put his phone closer to the speakers so that he would know about her call 2 seconds earlier.

I will stop loving you only when the artist can paint the sound of a falling tear.

You are so beautiful, so tender, you are incomparable as a goddess. I miss you very much, I need you now ...

A beautiful girl is visiting you, sitting on the couch, and your hand is reaching out to do what you love ... Comb her hair!

Beloved woman must be loved ... just love ... that's all .. if you want to educate someone - buy a dog.

I fly in the clouds when she is near. I want to be kind when she is around. I'll forget how to love if I can't be near her.

My beloved, I adore you, I don’t see you for an hour, I already miss you very much, I miss your lips, your eyes, your sweet smile ...

Kitty!!! When you are sad - I suffer, when you are happy - I laugh, when you are near - I melt all over, a little more and I will fall in love!

Favorite girl looks best in the kitchen. Barefoot, in his shirt, pouring him coffee.

Lord! Give her happiness! And I don't need anything at all. Enough that she was happy - that's all I dream about.

We met eyes and I suddenly realized that a dream has a color.

A happy girl, not the one who has many admirers, but the one who has one, besides whom, she does not need anyone !!!

The trouble is when you shaved in the evening, and got up in the morning and you have stubble again, and she asks you to kiss!

Let everyone hear what you are talking about, but as soon as I hear what you are silent about, because I really love you ...

Quietly adore a girl and keep silent about it is like swimming in a coat. And there is no pleasure, and you will drown soon.

If a guy is constantly looking for an excuse not to date, then he doesn't need you. Who appreciates and loves, he will always call, and find, and come.

Why don't you ever call me by my first name? Am I not the only one? - What are you, my love ... What name can the one that is everything to me have?

My sun, you are everything to me. I love you, I can't. I'm waiting to meet you.

Best Status:
If a guy constantly pokes at your shortcomings, then there is reason to think about whether he loves?

It is impossible to love others without loving yourself. It is impossible to hate others without experiencing self-hatred. Everything is relative.

You will sit in front of the computer for a long time and yell at the whole apartment, you will not notice how she leaves and does not return.

Do you know how love is different from clay? If you share it with her, then it will not become less anyway.

Love is like air. When it is - you do not notice it, when it is not there - it suffocates, when it is clean - you feel dizzy, and when it is dirty - be afraid to get infected.

Luckily, he and she never met. Now they are very happy...

You are not mine, not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...

It always seems that we are loved for being good. And we do not guess that they love us because those who love us are good.

I miss. I love. Kiss. Thinking of you. Mentally, I draw meetings in you in a dream ..

Let's just be with each other, shall we? Please... I need it, don't lose me completely. No need…

Love is when you look into the eyes of your beloved and see your reflection there!

A man who was able to put his pride at the feet of his beloved deserves the most devoted love.

The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I love, dear, I miss you only !!!

She is for someone the whole world and happiness in the morning.

I hate everything about you, so why do I love you?

He put his phone closer to the speakers so that he would know about her call 2 seconds earlier.

Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

You can always look at three things, at the stars, at how others work and at you, dear!

When you move your mouse over my page, you do not know that you are moving a thin blade over my heart ... so that's why it constantly hurts!

And even though she is not perfect, I know that she is real, sincere, that she loves me. As do I her!

Let's move on to "WE" shall we?

You are like a star in my window, What gives me a ray of light! I love a star! I love you even though you are far from me!

You are a reason for someone to smile...

Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find a bottom and does not see a limit!

Such beautiful girl and smoke ...... - such an ugly guy also talks ..

It's easier to say that everything is for .. beat ... Than to explain why you want to bang your head against the wall ..

and I increasingly forget this strange word - love - especially if I feel that I love

The hostess abandoned the bunny. The bitch deceived the bunny. I played and forgot, I broke the heart of a zaykino. He took revenge on her cruelly, chopped her into cabbage. Because it was necessary to respect other people's feelings!))

Today I say to the chick: don't fuck my brains. take it and blurt out: it doesn’t get on my brains ...)))

I advise you to call me today. Otherwise, I will call, but not to you ...

Yes, I'm a witch. Yes, I'm evil, but there are others. Just know, my dear, that you made me like this :))

How painful it is to be a friend with someone you love...

You're fickle, I know! BUT now I realized that it's better to doubt that you love me than to be sure that you don't ....

And she buried her nose in what he gave soft toy and wept softly...

Dance only for me. Look only into my eyes. You know you are the only one for me. All lines about love for you!!!

Chocolate will replace the sweetness of your lips, a cup of coffee will fill the bitterness of insults, and cigarettes will fill the warmth of your hands ... Do not think that you are irreplaceable ...

It's a pity you are so far away. It's so hard for me without you. Thoughts fly in the darkness, But come quickly to me!

You can sympathize with hundreds, get carried away by dozens, admire a few, and love only one ...

If a guy loves, he will always look for an extra reason to meet, and not excuses why he cannot meet ...

Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you got.

The girl is a harmless creature that can destroy your heart...

When you lie next to your loved one and you are not worried about what is between his legs, but how he breathes, how his heart beats ... This is Love.

One morning you will wake up and realize how much you need me. And at this moment I will wake up with someone who already understood this.

You bitch hurt me. But I am grateful to fate. That we can no longer be together. But it's all bullshit, we'll survive!

I'll put a password on my heart. Sit, bitch, hack!

He who does not adore the shortcomings of the one he loves cannot say that he is really in love.

I wanted to call you. But even more I wanted to hear a call from you. That's why we never talked.

Living with the person you love is as difficult as loving the person you live with.

It is much easier to love someone you really want to get. But usually you have to learn to love the one you already got.
