Male and female energies. The balance of feminine and masculine energies in a person is the basis of harmony both inside and out. Women have many signs of masculine energy.

According to esoteric and Vedic knowledge, each person has both male and female energies. And all their lives the sages of the East try to find in the sacred scriptures more ways balancing them, because when a balance comes, a person begins to feel not just happy, but self-sufficient and whole.

If there is no predominance of one over the other, stabilization occurs. But, for example, many women in the modern world take something hard, but give themselves well, thus the second part of the energy reserve is not replenished, depressive disorders begin.

However, acceptance starts first with yourself. So how can we learn to let all the necessary abundance that nature gives us into our life-giving vessel? How to accept yourself so that there are no difficulties with accepting other people?

Differences in the development of energies

If we take male and female energy as separate objects of our existence, we can trace the tendency of the dominance of the former. Indeed, for many centuries, humanity has carried over from its past lives the memory of conquests, confrontations and the fact that everything in life should be achieved. Nothing comes ready-made, beautifully laid out on a silver platter. These are all natural properties of the masculine energy in a person, and the feminine is the opposite.

With the help of healthy female energy, a person mentally tunes in to acceptance without worries. Then everything that he desires is embodied by itself, requires minimal effort. Only humanity has completely forgotten how to accept the modern world. Many believe that they are unworthy of something or will be obliged to someone, hence the fear of accepting, and especially asking for something.

Unlike male, the harmonization of female energy and its generation are a little harder and more complicated. The main obstacle is the mind. It is he who will create difficulties even in accepting that a person needs to learn to accept himself. Here is such an uncomplicated tautology defines the root of the problem.


You can achieve the harmony of female and male energies with the help of a wonderful free way - observing yourself and analyzing in acceptance / bestowal. For example, you can always notice how much we give our best morally in different situations help other people and how much we can accept. The line between the feminine and masculine energies in a person is very thin.

When there is a significant bias in acceptance or giving, then inside a person begins to feel discomfort. He lacks energy, he stops enjoying the world around him and feels constant fatigue. Nature has created the human body so that it instantly reacts to any failures in its work, the same applies to the levels of male and female energies. Therefore, in order to maintain balance, one must always be in a conscious state.

It often happens that, while helping another, a person completely forgets about himself and does not notice the burnout. Therefore, when we are given to receive energy in response, we cannot do this. For example, they begin to admire us and make compliments, and in our head at this moment there is a real war going on: "No, he went too far!". They offer us help, they try to do something out of noble goals, and we answer: “Oh, why, don’t worry, I can handle it myself!”.

Acceptance of existing energies

Another important point is our rejection of male and female energies within our own body. For example, based on psychosomatic aspects, when a woman refuses to accept her feminine side, she suddenly develops diseases associated with the genitourinary system.

But if the problem is not in the female energy, but in the male, the woman ceases to understand the representatives of the masculine gender. She cannot take the male side in any matter, difficulties appear in relations with men, and then in creating a full-fledged family.

It is necessary to think and understand one simple thing: Male and female energies bring a lot of opportunities for both men and women. Sometimes women are filled with mostly masculine energy, so they hastily take on the development of feminine energy in themselves, but this is not quite the right step. First you need to understand and accept the male half in yourself, otherwise the result will not be completely healing.

The reverse side of the coin has a slightly controversial aspect. Unlike female, male energy initially implies a certain core, originating in cosmic distances. Its foundation carries into the existing earthly space that core power that is necessary for the formation of the core of freedom. It is this core that becomes a factor in self-awareness as a whole person. It also makes it clear to the mind that in addition to the surrounding objects, an invisible inner force is located in the human body.

Feminine energy and acceptance

In addition to the interaction of male energy with female energy, it is worth analyzing how the latter affects the development of a single Homo sapiens. Figuratively speaking, the foundation of female energy is a spiral, which is attached to the energy of our lawful mother, the Earth, with long roots. That is, this spiral should carefully wrap around the male core, hence the development will begin. Male and female energies must necessarily interact with each other.

When a woman realizes her feminine nature during growing up, this means that she is in her place and stays in her force field. Having met the right man, she can easily wrap her spiral around his rod, and the resulting rings will influence him, supporting him.

The energy of the spiral is flexible, it can intertwine with other feminine energies, thereby strengthening the masculine foothold on planet Earth. It is the tandem of male and female energies in a relationship that creates a strong and holistic couple.

Interaction of energies

Several female energies can gather around a well-developed core. Male, interacting with them, receives excellent nourishment. A woman who is engaged in self-development creates and feeds her spiral rings herself. Such a woman can raise a man with low vibrations to her level. She strengthens her spiral positions and enables a man to grow.

However, the exchange of female and male energies can also occur at the moment when a woman and a man simultaneously achieve a certain level of development or goals in relation to each other. When such a mutual aspiration coincides, an explosion occurs, the rod and the spiral are soldered. At this moment, a woman receives energies from space, the conductor of which is a man, who, in turn, receives energies from deep earthly roots. The space created as a result of the union of yin and yang becomes indestructible.

During such a period, the woman calms down and simply begins to admire her man, thereby continuing to feed her spiral, and the man receives from her a charge aimed at stability and the production of strength to ensure her calmness. In other words, the woman begins to inspire the man to do things for their tandem.

It follows that without female support, a man is just a miserable stalk, swaying with every breath of the wind. He does not have a meaningful plan for moving in the life stream. Moreover, a woman in this regard does not have to be his sex partner or wife, it can also be a girlfriend or mother.

Energy exchange between man and woman

If you turn to Tantra for a definition, then a man feeds a woman with sexual energy, and a woman gives him heart energy, that is, tenderness and love. Often such an energy ring is formed during sexual contact, quite spontaneously. True, when performing meditation, the harmonization of male and female energies will take place at the same pace. For such purposes, there are special tantric practices. From here come the arguments, popular in the world of relations, about the loss of sexual energy by a man if, in return for its return, he does not receive love from a woman. This often happens with promiscuity.

How to treat an energy deficiency?

How can sexual male and female energies be cultivated? For example, a woman who concentrates on the chest area, that is, in the place where the Anahata heart chakra is located, can instantly feel happy, having soaked her body with sweetness. Her body will float in space like an astronaut in weightlessness. She will literally feel able to spread her wings and take off. This concentration enhances the feminine and maternal feeling. Even without children, a woman can feel like a mother.

For each person, she will show compassion and care, which means that more love will appear. Such concentration should be done in a relaxed state. If there is even the slightest hint of tension, then an invisible barrier will appear between the heart and the woman. She must merge with him, feel that only her breasts remain in the surrounding space.

To improve the male and female sexual energies, of course, the work of both partners is important. Therefore, a man, instead of the heart chakra, should concentrate on his sexual center - the root of the penis. It is in this part that a man has a creative beginning.

Exchange and restoration of energy potential in a couple

The meeting of a man and a woman is characterized as an acquaintance of two poles - negative and positive. In a woman, the first is located below, and the second is on top. For men, it's exactly the opposite. When negative and positive or plus and minus are connected, a ring is formed - this is part of a spiral that wraps around the rod and closes the soldering. This ring is fraught with total bliss. With ordinary sexual contacts, this condition does not occur. This situation explains the fact that the male half is so drawn to sex and at the same time repelled from it.

This feeling of bliss can arise only when both partners are completely relaxed, when they are completely open to each other and there is no fear and resistance between them. Otherwise, only a feeling of disappointment and a feeling of lack of something will remain. The movement of energy is felt at the tip of the penis or in the region of the heart chakra. A slight tingling may be felt. A man receives with his heart, and a woman with a zone where the uterus is located. Moreover, it is not always necessary to have a sexual intercourse for such an exchange of energies.

Alternatively, you can try to feel yourself without touching each other. For example, the most popular tantric practice offers to sit in a relaxed state in front of each other at a very close distance, close your eyes and try to feel what your partner gives and what you receive. At such moments, if the energies of lovers really merged together, there is a flicker between them. A man becomes either loved or loving, and the same thing happens to a woman. Or for a moment a man takes the place of his partner and vice versa. This is where the very ring of unity is created.

At first, a man can be active, after which the time will come for him to relax, then the woman will take over the activity. This means that the masculine energy has migrated to the woman, and she will continue to act, and the man will remain passive. This will continue as long as the common ring is working.

If you are a man, then, being in a position of deep love, when you reach orgasm, it will feel like an exchange of bodies. That is, for a moment you can feel like a woman, and she, in turn, will become a man. Such changes in activity will be clearly perceived and bring great pleasure.

How do practicing hermits work?

Working on your energies is a very ancient process that began even before the advent of modern human civilization. Thanks to the knowledge left to us by our ancestors in the form of Vedic literature, various mystics of the East can awaken in themselves not only the masculine principle, but also the feminine. Thus, the energy in their body closes in the same ring described above and circulates in a circle.

This is the very stage of achieving enlightenment - Samadhi. The human soul goes beyond its consciousness and definition. It merges with the universal energy and becomes its being. There is an interesting comparison of an energy ring with a snake eating its own tail. This means that the circle has successfully closed, the person is no longer either a man or a woman.

Such people have no need to create family relationships and find a partner, since they are already beyond all this. And if you look at the most famous saints, for example, the Buddha, you can see the presence of femininity in his enlightened images. It lacks aggression or ambition. He does not carry the violence inherent in masculine energy, as he successfully awakened the feminine in himself.

For a woman, there is no universal recipe: to be stronger or weaker, and so on. The main thing in development is to understand well your inner needs and be able to fill the empty inner vessel with what it lacks. Women's troubles come from the fact that she is trying to achieve something, becoming independent and brushing off the existing need for a man. She doesn't realize that not having independence makes her truly happy. It is rightly said that the happiness of a woman is not in strength, but in weakness. After all, only being defeated by male energy, a woman receives a real win for her whole life.

The easiest way for a woman to accept herself

Of course, a woman should thank herself for the presence of male energy in her, which gives her a million opportunities to realize her essence in the modern world. It is thanks to male energy that a person can set goals correctly and focus on them, say “no” or defend their priorities. Of course, when a woman realizes what benefits male energy gives her, she begins to appreciate and develop it further.

Social standards impose on us that a woman should be patient, feminine, show the full manifestation of her feminine energy. But such women do not feel happy. What is the snag? Why then, according to such standards, is a woman afraid to make decisions and does not know what to do next? The answer is simple: lack of harmony within. But, from the point of view of the Divine mind, it is the predominance of male energy in a woman and female energy in a man that is the norm, and development is achieved by awakening one's initial energy channels.

Therefore, it is always worth remembering that male energy is aimed at achieving goals, understanding one's life priorities, determining desires and intentions, as well as the emergence of the ability to take decisive action. Women's is the knowledge of how to accept and enjoy what is accepted.

It's no secret that the basis of a happy and long life family life is harmony in relations between a man and a woman . In these relations, as elsewhere, there are features, real secrets.

In this article, we will consider what health, well-being, success and simple happiness depend on - sacred secrets.

There is an opinion that the relationship between a man and a woman is characterized by full return from a woman.

Of course, this can be frustrating for an unprepared person. However, not everything is so bad: in a relationship, a woman gives only what nature has given her in abundance. We are created very harmoniously, and, as you know, where it decreases, it arrives there. Therefore, for bestowal, a woman is rewarded with well-being and happiness.

The Creator, creating humanity, wisely divided it into two halves.

Initially, it was conceived by him that the halves would not be able to live without each other, and they should always strive for each other. This is where the sexual chakras come into play - the male chakra is always empty, hungry, while the female chakra is full of energy, with which it feeds the man. The woman was conceived this way - the Earth, with which she is closely connected, feeds her with energy, with the help of which a woman attracts a man, inspires him, conceives children, gives birth and keeps a family. A woman is by nature self-sufficient precisely because of the always full sexual chakra.

The man is the engine he transforms, develops the world . He is responsible for future offspring, and for this nature endowed him huge amount active spermatozoa, making a man polygamous. To do this, he must be full of energy all the time. This explains the fact that the sexual chakra of a man is not filled with a single woman. After all, if one woman gave insufficient energy, the man will look for more sources to replenish his chakra. All women have the energy to fill a man, so in a relationship it is important to give your companion as much energy as he needs, otherwise the other will “feed” him.

A woman is conceived by polygamous nature, she has a huge responsibility for the quality of future offspring . That is why only one egg matures in a woman's body in a month. A woman chooses a single man for herself and envelops him with her sexual chakra and energy. But there are cases of female infidelity, and they are no longer explained by energy, but by psychology. However, in this case, a man suddenly deprived of nourishment will immediately feel that his woman is giving her energy to another man.

By creating union, a man and a woman unite their biofields , thereby. Creating one for two energy structure. For a harmonious union, it is very important that the partners' energy centers perform functions clearly distributed between them.

The following diagram will help you understand how the chakras of a man and a woman are distributed.

First chakra. The man in this case giving . The male chakra is full of energy, which he seeks to give to the woman. Note that the male chakra is represented by a protruding organ, this is its strength, the center is full of energy. The female chakra is represented by a deepening, and the energies here are only for elemental survival. For a strong union and a normal life, a man gives a woman protection, comfort and reliability. But if these conditions are not provided by a man, then the unreleased energy will be realized in a negative direction - attacks of jealousy, aggression will begin, betrayals will appear. All this leads to early impotence, weak spermatozoa and the inability to continue the race. Such a man should be left as soon as possible.

Second chakra . A woman gives energy through the second chakra. Most of the energy is given through sex, but also through caresses, hugs, kisses. In the case when a woman pinches her energy and does not want to give it to a man, the energy is in excess: the woman becomes a nymphomaniac or acquires gynecological diseases, such as fibroids, cysts, cancer. At the same time, the man, not receiving energy, begins to look for it on the side.

But what if a woman has not yet met a companion, and her sexual energy does not find an outlet?

In this case need to redirect energy higher, to the next acres. This is very important point, since the energy will not play against its mistress, but will help her to realize herself at work, in society and in general - to reach great heights. Remember, a woman is conceived by nature as happy and giving energy to a man who has been reaped for a long time, loneliness should not continue.

Third chakra. If you look at the projection, the man in the third chakra is represented by a convex tummy. In this case man - giving energy . And he pays the woman precisely for the sexual energy received from her through the second chakra. It is important to remember that a man can only give if he has received enough energy from a woman. The third chakra opens for a man power, respect for others, professional growth, his will increases. Life is filled not only with vital necessary things, but also cars, beautiful interior items appear, the family begins to relax. When energy is retained in a man, that is, in the absence of its return to a woman, the energy begins to work against the man: he becomes vindictive, greedy and cruel. Often the outcome is various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fourth chakra. In the projection, the fourth chakra is represented by a bulge in a woman, therefore in this case, she must give energy to a man . It is the heart center of a woman that is an inexhaustible source of love and tenderness. According to the law, the more you give, the more you receive, so a woman who gives in this chakra is encouraged in a variety of ways. Moreover, you need to give energy to everything around you - through a smile, inner good mood, sweet words and gentle look. A man to whom a woman mentally sends the energy of love is charged with a huge amount of energy, no matter how far he is from the woman.

The heart center of a man will open the flow of energy of love.

He will become compassionate, merciful, gentle, instincts will fade into the background.

Fifth chakra. A man gives off on the fifth chakra - take a closer look at the projection, and you will see that the man has an Adam's apple in this very place. The energy that a man received from a woman through the fourth chakra, given by a man in the form of harmonious and lasting relationships. Everything will go smoothly and easily. At the same time, a woman's energy is released, which she can with great success direct to self-development in a creative way.

Only the woman who is allowed to be king to her man becomes queen.

It is quite easy to do this, it is enough just to fulfill the duties that Nature has entrusted to us. In addition to the five described chakra centers, there are two more higher centers - they open as the five lower ones open. Such a harmonious union is filled with love, joy, which makes it possible for the union to realize itself in all profiles - the shell of the union expands from above and receives the energy of the Cosmos.

But what happens if a man and a woman do not understand how the mechanism of energy exchange between a man and a woman should work correctly, and, nevertheless, form a union?

The fact is that then both a man and a woman will begin to transfer their energy through their own centers to maintain life.

The fact is that between the first and second, third and fourth chakras there are valves that perform a safety function. They work at the moment when you need to transfer energy from one center to another.

For example, a man is not able to give energy to the first energy center, therefore, a woman has to take everything on her fragile shoulders, deal with the arrangement of life, and the energy for this will be taken from their sexual chakra.

The consequence of this is the loss of attractiveness for a man, the appearance of various diseases of the genitourinary system, and menstrual irregularities. A man has no relationship with a woman for a long time: part of the sexual energy from the first chakra through the valve will pass into the second chakra. He begins to look for energy from another woman, since his own woman no longer attracts him. This situation is the most unattractive, since the development of the family does not see any further prospects.

In the case when a woman does not provide her man with enough energy for the third energy center, the man will not have the energy to realize himself in the matter of improving living conditions.

Consequently, the woman transfers these functions to herself, spending energy from the first chakra. As a result, a woman becomes callous, unhappy, realizes her ambitions like a man. Such a development seems to be an expansion of the shell of the union from top to bottom, and in such a position it is impossible to receive the energy of the Cosmos. You can save the union with the help of the huge efforts of the psychologist, and in some cases the best way out of this situation is the breakup of the union and the search for happiness separately.

So, the rules for building relationships filled with harmony and love have become clear.

If problems start in a couple, you need to try to understand where the weak link is, and then try to correct it.

Remember that the happiness of your family is only in your hands, the main thing is to correctly use the knowledge and opportunities given to us by Nature.

Men and women are arranged differently not only physically, but also energetically. In a woman, nature has an endless ocean of feminine energy, which she must periodically share with a man. Otherwise, he, without female energy, will wither like a plant without rain. If a woman does not exchange energy with a man, she acquires masculine qualities and begins to lead something or someone. And in this her main mistake, because the woman is the ocean, and the man is the captain of a ship sailing on this ocean.

How does the energy exchange between a man and a woman take place?

Consider the example of heavy-duty and most modern equipment, without fuel or energy, this equipment does not work, it is just a piece of iron, albeit stuffed with smart electronics. A man is an engine, a motor, and a woman is fuel. It is enough to fill it with energy, and it will get you a "star" from the sky. No energy, don't expect a new fur coat, or a trip to the Maldives, etc.

That's why women who accuse their husbands of lack of money saw the branch on which they themselves sit. It is their fault that the man does not bring money into the house, they "did not fill" him with energy. A man is capable of great deeds for the sake of his beloved woman, but on condition that she fills him with energy, thanks to which he will move mountains for his beloved.

Women love to envy and discuss their more successful friends in their personal lives, but they don’t think that they are successful, because they feed their husbands with energy, in response, the man passes the received energy through himself and returns it back in the form of money and gifts.

The issue of money is always acute in any married couple. But yes, if a man is a workaholic and disappears at work 24 hours a day, he will receive a penny, only because at home he does not receive the female energy or energy of love that he needs from his wife.

Before you get something, you have to give something
. If you don’t want to share your energy with your husband, don’t complain that he earns little, doesn’t give you gifts, doesn’t take you to resorts, and doesn’t pay attention to you at all.

Women, remember when you scold and saw your husband, you saw and disable your money machine. Put energy into the machine and print money as much as you need. Understand that your girlfriends are well settled in life, not because they found a money man, but because they turned an ordinary man into an oligarch, constantly pouring their energy into him.

The financial stability of the family is entirely the merit of the woman. They share their energy, and in return they receive fur coats, jewelry, cars, villas, etc. The family cup becomes full only thanks to a woman. And this process can be endless. When the woman is happy, she gives more to the man, and he, in turn, returns everything with gifts and money.

But there is also the reverse:
Any successful and rich man can be destroyed in a few days. It is enough for him to contact the wrong woman (a woman is a bitch) and all his well-being and financial viability will fly out the window. This is the category of women who know how to block access to money. And while a man is with such a woman, he will never become wealthy. NEVER! No matter how talented and brilliant he is, he will not be able to get anywhere.

What is the reason? In that women always write on their husband's forehead with such an invisible pencil their attitude towards him. And the surrounding people subconsciously read these inscriptions. And if it is written: sucker, loser, idiot, mediocrity, etc., then no one will pay him decent money or offer him a good job.
And if it is written: genius, talent, well done, clever - everyone will want to deal with such a man, and will offer interesting projects.

As in the song: “whatever you call a boat, so it will float”, the same can be said about a man, whatever you call it, you will get it.

There are female predators or consumers. They themselves do not give energy and suck all the juices out of a man. They do it solely for the love of money. Such women consider a man solely as a money machine. They constantly only demand gifts and money, giving nothing in return. Lovers fall into this category. They understand that the future married man you can’t build, so they try to get as much as possible from a man, while he is able to give something. They drain energy from him, giving nothing in return.

The next category of women are prostitutes. The most powerful way to transfer information is through the bed. Therefore, women who have many sexual partners carry all the dirt that men poured into them. Sex with such women is tantamount to bathing in the gutter. A man then has to wash himself for a long time, both literally and figuratively. It's not surprising that For many men, after going to a prostitute, life changes not for the better.

But this also applies to loving men who will not miss a single “skirt”. Such men also carry all the dirt of those women with whom they slept and generously share it with others. A woman who has slept with such a womanizer will lose her peaceful sleep and a decent life for a long time.

Seven ways for a man to get feminine energy.

1. Contemplation. Men just need to look and admire. This is the simplest and affordable way get some of her energy from a woman. Girls wearing miniskirts or crop tops are a tidbit for masculine looks. They drink their energy like a cocktail, slowly through a straw, savoring every exposed area of ​​her body. Girls also enjoy such a return of their energy.

You must have met girls who, on a hot summer day, wear long sundresses or skirts. It is these young ladies who catch on themselves the most men's views. Why? Half-dressed girls are already boring, everyone undresses them with a glance and drinks their energy. A under long skirt an ocean of feminine energy accumulates, and every man dreams of becoming its sole owner.

This also includes photos and videos of naked girls. This channel for contemplation is open around the clock and for everyone! Girls, remember that by posting your nude and semi-nude photos on the networks, you lose not only your feminine energy, but also your life force, including health, luck, love, etc.

Everyone makes the choice himself, to demonstrate their charms and share their feminine energy with everyone they meet, or to accumulate energy and give it only to their man, who will appreciate it and return it to you a hundredfold in the form of gifts and money.

2. Communication. A man starts a conversation with a girl he likes. If the girl reacted positively, then in the process of communication she shares her energy.

3. Being nearby. After contemplation and positive communication, rapprochement begins, in which the channel of energy expands. The distance between the two smoothly disappears and there is a transition to the next stage.

4. Touch. Through physical contact, a man receives a lot of energy from a woman. Surely men remember when they first touched the woman they love, their heart jumped out of their chest, everything dried up in their mouths, their hands were sweating from excitement. It was their ocean of female energy that was dousing them. Unfortunately, most men underestimate the power of touch. They stop taking their loved ones even by the hand, and women suffer from this. Since for them - touch, this is one of the ways to reset their accumulated feminine energy.

5. Care. Not many people know about this method, hence the conflicts on everyday grounds. Food prepared by a beloved woman will put the sick and tired on their feet. But if a woman hates, then food will become poison for you. Men think, if a woman is preparing dinner, you should not spoil her mood. Laundry, ironing, cleaning the house are all filled with the energy of a woman. And if a woman does it all in bad mood, then there will be no happiness and money in such a house. Yes, it all depends female hands, but if a man spoiled the mood, humiliated, changed, etc. do not expect a warm and friendly welcome in your home.

6. Weasel. This includes kisses, intimate caresses. The main thing here is sexual arousal, a prelude to the main thing, after which the man will be swallowed up by the abyss of female energy. Or in other words, he gets the opportunity to dive headlong into the ocean of female energy.

7. Sex. Sex with a loved one gives a man the opportunity to swim in this vast ocean of energy. The previous six points are also good, but without great sex, a man will not be able to increase his financial well-being.

It would seem that everything is simple and clear. But most couples continue to suffer from lack of money. Where is the mistake? The fact that women began to work on an equal footing with men. And now, instead of saving their energy and giving it to their husband, they share it with their boss, male colleagues. That's why big companies are thriving, there are so many women with their energy. As a result, your wife makes her boss's dreams come true, but not yours.

Summary of all of the above. A woman accumulates an ocean of energy in herself and she constantly needs to share it. A man needs female energy, otherwise he will wither like a tree. Man and woman are made for each other, especially from an energetic point of view. During sex, biofields are adjusted. Therefore, when lovers are separated for a while, the woman continues to feed the man. An invisible bond is formed, which can only be broken if one of the partners betrays. Cheating is not just sex, it is a break in your connection with a loved one, after which you start having problems in life.

Think very well before cheating, spoiling a woman's mood, lying, deceiving. Men, you also get what you give. Learn to live in harmony with your loved ones.

When I think about how male nature differs from female nature, I remember the Yin-Yang sign. Remember? It would seem that two absolutely identical crescents in shape, but directly opposite, like black and white. And despite this, they merge together very tightly, forming a perfect circle shape, they are like each other, like two pieces from one puzzle, they are made for each other. So are the man and the woman. Only together can we achieve happiness and. But in order to be together, we need to be aware of the partner's differences, accept them, thus complementing each other. In life, very often our disagreements arise for a very simple reason - we do not take into account these natural differences and sometimes we just don't know about them or forget about them.

Male energy, nature.

Male related solar energy. The main male qualities - purposefulness, responsibility, determination, readiness to go forward and achieve goals, overcome obstacles. Figuratively speaking, a man is like an arrow shot from a bow that flies forward. And a man with the necessary energy to manifest these qualities. It gives strength to take action, optimism, which helps to overcome difficulties, gives determination and self-confidence.

That is why the roles that correspond to male nature are earner, conqueror, warrior, businessman, superman . A man is charged from overcoming difficulties, becomes even stronger, more energetic and hardened. His gaze is directed forward, he sometimes does not attach importance to everyday details. The main sphere of male self-realization is outside. He is able to build a business, create new products, erect structures, extract a "mammoth" to bring to his family.

Feminine energy, lunar energy.

The energy of a woman is directly opposite to that of a man. This lunar energy. Unlike solar energy, which glows and burns, lunar energy cools and soothes. The woman's gaze is oriented inward. A successful relationship is the only source of happiness for a woman. - with a husband, with children, with friends, with parents. And although in our time, women themselves sometimes take on their fragile shoulders the male responsibilities of earning money and career self-realization, deep down a woman cannot become happy, having conquered even the steepest pinnacle of business, if at the same time she is unhappy in the family.

Lunar energy gives a woman the necessary strength to fulfill her feminine responsibilities to preserve the family, take care of loved ones, and raise children. She gives her calmness and reason which a woman passes on to her husband in difficult situations in the form of mental support and the necessary confidence that everything will be fine. By using lunar energy woman poses energy resource to survive even the greatest challenges.

I think you understand that the power of a woman is different from the concept of power that is familiar to all of us. It does not consist at all in entering burning huts. The strength of a woman allows. The strength of a woman creates a protective cap on the subtle plane, which protects the household from adversity, accidents, strangers and promises. inner strength women inspires a man in order to achieve heights and succeed financially. The strength of a woman, through her intuition, suggests the right decisions and warns of danger.

The strength of a woman is like a powerful anchor on which the ship of her family's well-being rests. But this concept is energetic, subtle, intangible, invisible ordinary eye. It is a strong magnet that attracts a man and keeps him close. And here external factors, to which we often assign the main role, do not matter. That is why it is very important for a woman to be emotionally and energetically filled.

Unfortunately, the time in which we live does not favor a calm and measured way of life. Constant stress, frantic pace of life, striving for material well-being and success, makes a woman exhausted and exhausted. We are tempered and become stronger, but this is a masculine force that only harms a woman and gradually takes over the natural feminine. Therefore, if you want to stop and take a step towards your original femininity, you must, first of all, realize in which direction you should move, figure out whether your actions correspond to the goal that you would really like to achieve. In fact, it may turn out that the right road leads directly in the opposite direction.

To understand the essence of the difference between male and female nature, I suggest you look at the list of those factors that help overcome stress, energize and create a filled resource state in men and women. You will see how different they are. This list will also help you understand if you are looking for a resource for yourself in the right place or if you are mistakenly trying to conquer someone else's peak.

Male energy.

Sources of strength for men that increase male energy:

  • Clear goal setting
  • rivalry, competition,
  • Ability, having time to solve a problem, privacy,
  • “Lean on me” mood, a feeling of trust from a woman in a difficult situation,
  • risk, danger,
  • The right to dominate
  • Success, awareness of success, having money, achieving results,
  • The deadline set in the projects,
  • Power, influence.

Feminine energy.

Sources of female power that increase lunar energy:

  • The ability to share
  • The need for communication
  • Feeling safe
  • (in clothes, in relationships, in the atmosphere, etc.)
  • Beauty, both external and internal, beautiful things,
  • Trust (both the ability to trust yourself, and the understanding that you are trusted),
  • Collaboration, the ability to do things together,
  • Ability to delegate responsibility
  • Praises and compliments, expression of love in any form,
  • Skills, women's skills (knitting, embroidering, cooking, sewing, decorating, drawing and others),
  • The ability to feed, treat (even the female body itself is a source of nutrition with breast milk),
  • Group joint activities, meetings, games, joint evenings, etc.,
  • Predictable, measured.

Now it becomes clear that it is not at all difficult for a man in the modern world to get solar energy - work, the need to earn money themselves create opportunities for the manifestation of these factors from the men's list.

At the same time, a woman must consciously choose for herself an activity that enhances her feminine energy. This is her great responsibility. As you can see, career self-realization is only to a small extent able to satisfy some of its basic needs (partly the need for communication, joint activities, some creative self-realization). But most often, a woman, placed in an environment of male factors, squanders her fragile lunar feminine energy. Therefore, she must find opportunities to fill her energy vessel from other sources. Very often a woman makes a big mistake, trying to get the necessary energy from her husband, taking the position of “first you to me, then I to you”, or from children. Such situations lead to family tragedies. Only when a woman herself becomes an unconditional source of love and energy can she create a lasting center of well-being.

In the following articles, we will talk about specific steps that need to be taken to strengthen your female resource, sources female energy. I invite you not to miss.

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Implementation is a question that worries many people now. A lot of knowledge has been discovered, television and the Internet are full of stories of people who live easily and joyfully, and at the same time they have everything. There are fewer and fewer people "who then want to get their daily bread with their blood." Exit to a new level of self-realization is possible through the adoption of two principles in oneself. In the article we will consider in detail the concept of male energy.

People have become actively interested in spiritual practices, because they are not satisfied with what they have. Over the past 10 years, there has been a lot of information and training on the healing of female energy. The collective image of male and female energy is created as two opposites: Yin and Yang, as black and white, as a duality. Precisely because we initially divided these two energies within ourselves, believed that there is something bad or something good, there is white and black, a separation arose and, as a result, pain (which is expressed very clearly in the world as eternal struggle of opposites).


“Feminine is the power of the Earth! All! From the very depths. All her power and wealth, generosity and mercy. The male gender is the power of water, sun, wind. The sun, water and wind are the sources of new alternative energy in the world. But this is not new for a person. A person who recognizes the feminine gender in himself follows the path of a viscous, stable energy of wealth and heritage. When we recognize the masculine gender, we switch to a new, lighter form of energy, huge speeds, environmental friendliness and an inexhaustible source always! power and strength, an easy movement in the direction of creation and creativity of what only Love can do!

With Gratitude and Love, Julia!!!"

About female energy

The female energy in every person is a state of flow, inspiration, compassion, the energy of merging, unification, it is a state of peace and silence inside. The feminine energy is the energy of Home. It is the energy of the Primordial Source, flowing Light, pure Being. It is the unmanifested energy, the inner aspect of things. It embraces and connects everything in a single ocean. It does not divide or individualize.

A lot has been said about female energy, you can remember what female energy means to you, as you knew it from the beginning, using the awakening of true knowledge meditation in the Technology of Imaginative Creation.

See also: in the Technology of Figurative Creation - immersion in oneself and remembering one's truth.

Today - about male energy (not about men or women, but about the presence of the feminine and masculine in everyone).

Our main purpose is to learn to love ourselves, this can be done by restoring the harmony of our two principles - male and female. Remember your divine nature, recognizing in yourself the divine feminine and divine masculine energy.

When I awakened the knowledge of the divine feminine energy, there were many tears and rejection.

When I looked at the image: divine male energy, for a long time I could not accept the divinity of male energy.

Spirit Awakening

Now there is an awakening, crushed for many centuries, the spirit of men and women. You feel strong-willed men immediately, as well as true femininity. They are holistic, everything is easy for them, they know exactly what they want, they easily go through life, they easily say no to what does not correspond to their love for themselves. They easily embody their ideas, they are listened to. And we like to be around such people. Their ideas are captivating and inspiring!

A year ago, during the sessions, I heard about the desire of women to leave a man (husband) and find another, stronger, more successful, determined, richer - to meet a twin soul and then everything will be ...

Now I know (it is honesty that helps us quickly change and change our lives) - my clients showed me my own thoughts then - thoughts that I will be happy when my loved ones change (stop behaving the way I don’t like).

Now, as soon as I accept my next deep fear, watching my world and plunging into myself, I see how my world is changing. This is the Freedom that we give ourselves when we awaken true knowledge.

Male Energy

Reflecting on the male energy and its manifestations inside me and in my world, many realizations came:

The masculine energy is the outward aspect. This is that part of God or Spirit that is responsible for external manifestations, which allows the Spirit to materialize and take form. Male energy has great creative power. It is natural for male energy to be highly concentrated and goal oriented. The male energy in every person is the unbridled energy of research and renewal, this is movement, the desire to act, the ability to structure information, make quick decisions, justify information logically, This is fearlessness and responsibility, this is the full realization of one’s energy on physical plane. Male energy creates individuality. It allows you to separate yourself from the One, from the Whole, to become a certain personality.

Signs that the masculine energy in you needs healing:

  • You have difficulties with the opposite sex.
  • You are not inferior in controversial issues. Conflict.
  • You have many ideas, but no desire to act, or you force yourself to take action through effort.
  • You cannot clearly express your thoughts, structure information.
  • It's hard for you to say NO.
  • You feel powerless. You are not confident in yourself and your abilities.

If you are a woman and the masculine energy in you needs healing and acceptance:

  • You do not have a man nearby, there were difficulties and problems with men.
  • In the family, men were weak and indecisive.
  • Men drank or drink alcohol, show themselves aggressively.
  • Men don't want to work next to you.
  • You cannot say no.
  • You are afraid to act.

If you are a man, the masculine energy in you needs to be healed and accepted:

  • When women suppress and criticize you.
  • You have a constant desire to relax, drink (alcohol).
  • You need the approval of others.
  • You hesitate to act
  • Be afraid to make a mistake.
  • If you are constantly in doubt.

The male energy in you needs to be accepted and healed:

  • If you constantly meet information about terrorism, wars, disasters.
  • Or you often face violence, aggression of the world.
  • If you are afraid of everything and do not feel safe.
  • You grew up in a family where violence was the norm.
  • If you have a fear of being alone.
  • Or there are no realized men in your WORLD.
  • If you quarreled with your sister (brother) as a child
  • The men in your family die early.

Entering a new level of implementation

Healing male energy brings a person to a new level of self-realization. Leads to the creation of a harmonious World. The action of a man = thoughts of a woman!

When ME is healed:

  • You easily say NO
  • You easily decide on global projects
  • Fears and doubts go away
  • Awakens a lot of energy to act
  • Aggression is gone
  • All issues are easily resolved
  • You speak your mind calmly
  • You have a "rod inside"
  • You feel whole
  • You are not afraid to make mistakes
  • It is easy for you to build relationships with other people
  • You have the ability to structure information
  • And many more nice bonuses!

We have come to a point where it is time to pay attention to the masculine energy within us.

Now the World is sending signals from all sides, manifesting certain events on the Planet or in your own World (what you see around you), drawing our attention to the crushed, wounded, tired male energy inside of us. The main goal of male energy is to be realized! By healing your masculine energy, you reach a new level of self-realization.

The full realization of personality occurs when a complete harmony is built between the feminine and the masculine. Once upon a time the words came into my life: I AM! When I said them, I felt a vibration inside.

“In the ultimate realization of who you are, there remains only one truth, which is I AM.
And in this mystical mantra, both aspects are very accurately connected.
In "I" - masculine energy and in "IS" - feminine.
"I" is limiting, differentiating, giving focus, direction, and individuality: I, not others, I, then AM. "IS" is all-encompassing and gathering. She reflects the ocean of Home, feminine energy, an inexhaustible source that has no boundaries and differentiation. The fluid and connecting aspect is the core of the feminine energy. In I AM, the masculine and feminine energies emerge together in a happy union of their energies.”

Yeshua through Pamela Kribe

If you have worked hard with your feminine energy, let your masculine energy manifest and create a New World for yourself and your loved ones.
