How to make the chest elastic. How to make breasts elastic and beautiful? Firm Breast Exercises Cute girls with firm breasts

The most beautiful thing about a girl is her eyes! But for some reason, women get hung up on their breasts. Everyone wants their breasts to be beautiful, raised and elastic, but desire alone is not enough.

Physical exercise

Get used to starting the morning with a charge, namely with those exercises that develop the muscles of the chest. With circular movements of the hands, you will warm up the pectoral muscles and then you can move on to complex physical activity. To get started, you can do 20 circular motions 3 times a day for 5 days. During this time, the body will get used to work and activity.

After a week of charging, you can go to. Not everyone can do push-ups from the floor, so you can take a window sill as an assistant. In this exercise, the most important thing is how the hands are positioned. The palms should lie firmly on the surface, and the elbows should be perpendicular to the windowsill. As you begin to do the exercises, you will feel how the pectoral muscles will tighten. Over time, they will grow, the chest will rise and acquire round shape. Exercises with dumbbells will help to make the chest elastic.

There is another chest firming exercise that you can do at any time. Put your palms together at chest level and squeeze them tightly as far as you can, fixing the position for 3-5 seconds. This exercise can be used anywhere: while watching TV or while taking a shower. The result is important, but it will be.

Breast firmness and proper nutrition

Dear girls, if you want your breasts to remain beautiful for as long as possible, then not only physical exercises for the breasts will help you, but also proper nutrition. To support the chest great shape, you need to include orange and red fruits in the diet, for example:,.

The female breast consists of adipose tissue, which is not restored after childbirth and breastfeeding, so you need to contribute. It is necessary to eat peas, lentils, and dairy cuisine. The products contain natural fats that will not harm the body.

To keep the elasticity of the chest in hot weather summer days, you should not show your chest to the scorching sun. If it's really hot, then cover yourself with a silk scarf or pareo. This will not save you from the heat, but you will hide from ultraviolet radiation and keep your breasts in great shape.

Do not forget about the "correct" bras, which should support the chest and not drag or squeeze. Carefully select a thing in size, otherwise you will face unpleasant consequences, which are also not so easy to deal with.

The nude is beautiful and delights many, but they cannot imagine how much excitement and trouble she brings to women. If you do not constantly do exercises to develop the muscles of the chest and do not follow some rules, then over the years the female breast loses its shape and may sag.

Still great Coco Chanel warned women that nothing ages a woman so noticeably as large and sagging breasts. That is why modern girls strive to maintain the shape of the breast and its elasticity. In the pursuit of the perfect breast shape, many go under the plastic surgeon's knife and acquire beautiful, firm breasts of seductive size. And for those who do not want to achieve an elastic breast shape with a surgical method, we offer to deal with sagging breasts with simple and boring methods that will help turn your bust into an object of admiration.

In fact natural breast much prettier than silicone, and men like them more than artificially inflated balls. Main effective method to maintain the elasticity of the chest are regular fitness classes. The pectoral muscles are like an open fan, originating at the shoulder joints, they diverge widely towards the sternum. The most effective exercises for developing these muscles are the arm raises and the bench press. Presses are push-ups, exercises with dumbbells and barbells. They give an excellent result for maintaining the elasticity of the chest, since two joints work at once - the shoulder and elbow.

Changing angle inclination you can direct the load to certain parts of the pectoral muscle. When doing fitness, you can do these exercises on benches at various angles and on a gym ball. Ball exercises are more suitable for women, they strengthen the chest muscle and develop a sense of balance. Take two dumbbells in your hands and lie on the gymnastic ball with your back, then spread your arms to the sides and back together. The next exercise, lying on a gymnastic ball: grab one dumbbell with both hands, and extend your arms above your head, keeping your arms straight.

Raise and lower your hands. Do the exercises several times in a row maximum benefit for muscle development. The third exercise on the gym ball: feet on the ball, hands on the floor and do push-ups from the floor. The exercise is strong and requires endurance. Repeat as many times as you can. Exercises with dumbbells while standing on the floor are also useful, raise your arms with dumbbells and bend at the elbows until a right angle is formed.

Except fitness Swimming, aerobics, dancing, skiing and skating effectively help to maintain the elastic shape of the breast. When swimming, hand movements help strengthen the pectoral muscles, and cold water tempers the whole body. Before you start intensively doing fitness, aerobics and other strength exercises, you must first prepare the body for physical exercises and do daily gymnastics at home. There are many exercises to maintain the elasticity of the chest, you need to choose the ones that suit you and like you the most.

The most popular and easiest exercise for is the repulsion from the wall. Stand facing the wall at a short distance from the wall, then, resting your hands on the wall, push yourself away from it, bending and unbending your arms. Do the exercise 30 times every day. In the same way, you can push off from the floor, from the edge of the sofa or from the chair, but this will require more effort and strength. Push-up exercises can also be done in a kneeling position, placing the elbows of the hands and knees on the floor. Keep your back straight and place your elbows at chest level.

Straining the muscles of the hands, do push-ups with your elbows from the floor, while keeping your back straight. Women with good physical shape can complicate this exercise by leaning on their heels instead of their knees. Do the exercises at least 30 times. Simple exercises in the form of alternate circular movements of the shoulders in different directions, movements of dumbbells in different directions and pressure with the palms of the hands, while straining the muscles of the chest, also contribute to the development of the muscles of the chest and maintaining its beautiful shape.

In addition to physical exercises, to save nice shape and firmness of the chest, it is necessary to choose and wear a comfortable bra correctly. Too tight or spacious bra causes great harm to the elasticity of the muscles of the chest. Women, whom nature has awarded with large breasts, must wear a bra, otherwise it will sag. Also, breastfeeding women should not go without a bra. Whoever has small breasts should not be upset, now there are a lot of bras that will not only tighten your breasts, but also increase its volume with the help of silicone inserts. It is undesirable to play sports without a bra to maintain the elasticity of the breast, even if you have small breasts.

Sagging breasts are more characteristic women with a stooped posture. Therefore, at all times try to keep your back straight, distributing the weight of your chest evenly on your shoulders and back. In the solarium and in the summer you can not sunbathe without the top of a swimsuit, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the skin of the chest ages very quickly. Do not forget to take care of your breasts by applying moisturizing and nourishing creams, various masks containing vitamins and trace elements to nourish the skin. Constant experiments with weight, sudden weight loss and weight gain contribute to stretching the muscles of the chest. Therefore, it is very important to maintain breast elasticity to choose the optimal balanced diet and stick to it constantly.

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Girls with large elastic breasts can afford to wear dresses and blouses with a bold deep neckline, attracting the admiring glances of men and distracting them from possible imperfect other parts of the figure.

If you do not belong to the owners of elastic breasts, of course, you can use the visual illusion and put on a bra with the “push up” function or model a non-ideal breast shape, but in reality, the problem will remain unresolved, rooting the imperfection complex. Therefore, it will be more effective not to hide the flaw, but to turn it into a virtue.

Breasts that have lost their former elasticity can be restored to a beautiful toned shape by regularly paying attention to work on its improvement. All in your hands!

So, "How to make the chest elastic and return it to a beautiful shape?"

One of the most common reasons for the loss of breast elasticity is a sharp significant weight loss. In addition, the reason for the change in the shape of the breast is also breast-feeding the mother of a child for a long period of time.

In order for the bust to remain attractive at any age, regardless of the circumstances, it is advisable to start caring for the décolleté as early as possible.

Alternatively, you can use the services of plastic surgeons and with the help of surgery to make the breasts large and not naturally elastic. But there are costs here, the operation itself is not only a rather expensive “pleasure”, but also a painful and long recovery period. And besides, guarantees that everything will turn out the best way, no one can give you, because each organism is individual and unique. However, deciding whether to change the shape of the breast or not is a personal matter for everyone, the main thing is to clearly understand why you need it and whether the game is worth the candle!

Well, in order for the breast to please with beauty and elasticity for a long time, it is advisable to simply follow simple recommendations for caring for it:

Choose the right bra, it should not squeeze the chest, you should feel free and comfortable in it

Periodically massage the décolleté area, only correctly calculate the force with which you act on the skin so as not to stretch it

At least once/week make cosmetic masks of the décolleté area, preferably with the help of folk natural ingredients

An excellent tool that helps to strengthen and firm the breasts is a daily contrast shower. In addition, over time, not only the skin in the chest area, but also on the whole body will become elastic.

Use nourishing creams for the décolleté area, especially if your skin is naturally dry.

Regularly perform a set of exercises for an elastic chest, so you will keep the pectoral muscle in good shape, improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of hardening in the chest area.

Try to eat right, let your diet include a sufficient amount of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish

In addition, do not overcool, at least twice a year examine the breasts from a mammologist and just take care of the health of your breasts.

Following these simple recommendations, you will not only maintain the elasticity and beauty of your breasts, but also give yourself moments of pleasure while caring for your charming body. After all, this is not so much work on oneself, but rather rest!

Next, we give an example of some exercises that will make the chest elastic and attractive. Exercises for elastic breasts can be performed at a convenient time for you at home. To do this, you will need an elastic band and a small elastic ball.

Lying on your back, place a roll rolled up from a towel under your shoulder blades, straighten your arms and lift them up (in each hand, a dumbbell or a bottle of water). Spread your arms in different directions, without lowering them to the floor and bring them back. Do the exercise slowly, without haste. Repeat 2 sets of 20 times.

Stand up straight, join your palms at chest level and press each other with force for 15 seconds. Repeat 3 sets of 15 seconds.

Push-ups from the floor or camp. Perform a classic push-up from the floor: hands shoulder-width apart with palms on the floor, elbows looking to the sides, legs shoulder-width apart, stomach pulled in, body forming a straight line. Lower yourself down and then return to the starting position. Make sure that during push-ups the body does not bend down or the pelvis does not protrude upwards, the body should form a straight line. Repeat 2 sets of 15 times.

Stand straight, take a small elastic ball in your hands, squeeze it with your palms as much as possible, while your elbows should look forward. Squeeze and relax your palms alternately. Repeat 2 sets of 20 times.

Stand straight, take the elastic in your hands and stretch it by spreading your arms to the sides as wide as possible, stretch it at chest level. Stretch as much as possible, hold the tension for 5 seconds, then slowly bring your hands back to the starting position. Repeat 2 sets of 15 times.

Daily devoting 30 minutes to doing exercises for an elastic chest, after a couple of months you will notice how your chest will change.

So be patient and go ahead, to a beautiful elastic chest!

Tell me, please, dear ladies, what associations does the word "Persy" evoke in you? What, none? It's a pity. In the old days, poets and artists called this harmonious word the female breast - tender, beautiful and elastic. And do not think that this definition applies only to young girls, not at all. Having Percy in your arsenal can even be quite elderly woman. And how to make even saggy breasts elastic at home, read in this article.

Take care of your breasts

It is very important from young years teach yourself to properly handle your breasts. It's not difficult at all. You just need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. The bra should be the right size. Too big a bra will not hold the breasts well, and it will quickly sag. Too small - it will disrupt blood circulation, which is also unacceptable.
  2. Avoid sunlight. Remember that the skin on the chest is 2 times thinner than on the face. The sun's rays are not at all useful for her, and even harmful. Under their influence, wrinkles can form and dark spots. Do you need it?
  3. Watch your posture. With a stooped back, the chest sags faster, since the pectoral muscles do not support it well. But once you straighten your shoulders, the picture changes radically.
  4. Don't try to lose or gain weight too much. Since the mammary gland is based on adipose tissue, a rapid change in weight also adversely affects its elasticity. With a sharp weight loss, the skin sags, and with rapid weight gain, stretch marks appear.
To make the chest firmer

And what about those who did not follow these rules? First, don't despair. Secondly, pull yourself together and take care of your beauty. Since one of the most effective ways to make sagging breasts more elastic are exercises, we will pay close attention to them. Here is a good set:

How to make the breast skin elastic with the help of masks?

Because the soft skin decollete often suffers from a lack of moisture, then another wonderful tool for creating elastic breasts will be moisturizing and nourishing masks. You need to use them at least once a week.

  1. Slice a lemon and cover the chest and décolleté with them. Hold the compress for 5-7 minutes and wash off the juice with warm water without soap. Then lubricate the skin nourishing cream. The same action can be done with orange and cucumber.
  2. Mash strawberries or strawberries and add heavy cream to them. Mix well and apply on the chest. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes, then wash off.
  3. In 1 st. l. olive oil add 2-3 drops of your favorite aroma oil, mix thoroughly and rub into the skin of the chest after a shower or bath. And never use ordinary bath soap to wash this area. It has a drying effect. Don't waste your money and buy soap self made with palm oil and herbal extracts.

You see how easy it is to make the chest elastic. The main thing is not to be lazy, and everything will work out!

A beautiful bust does not necessarily impress those around you with its size. But in fact, of course, it is not the size that is valued, but the shape, elasticity and aesthetics of the breast. How to take care of your breasts so that they always remain beautiful?

The most beautiful breast size

What size breasts do you need to have to be considered attractive? It's no secret that quantity here does not always turn into quality, because no one has canceled the laws of gravity, and a heavy bust will certainly fall down. Therefore, girls with impressive busts have been forced to choose really comfortable bras for years, and some even decide on breast reduction.

There is a popular belief that the ideal breast is the one that can fit in a man's hand. If we translate this into modern sizes, then depending on the size of the hand, we will get the second or third size. The point, of course, is not male hands at all; any breast is beautiful by definition; however not big breasts simply more convenient for the woman herself.

According to researchers, that breast looks ideal if the ratio of the upper and lower lobes of which is 45% to 55% with the nipple pointing upwards. True, they do not specify what size it should be, so owners of large busts should not despair.

But even if your breasts are suddenly not so close to the generally accepted ideal, you should remember that you can get closer to it with the help of constant breast care. You need to monitor your health, take care of your posture, which greatly affects appearance chest, take a contrast shower that restores skin elasticity and freshness, and do not forget about physical exercises.

The biggest breasts in the world

But what about girls with a huge bust? After all, this is in every sense a very difficult test for the whole organism. However, some desperate women specifically increase their breasts, such as Chelsea Charms. Her breasts are considered the largest in the world and give a certain reason for pride.

Chelsea had her breasts enlarged with the help of surgeons who inserted polypropylene implants into her. Since the girl is engaged in striptease, and also acts in films for adults, such a change in appearance only played into her hands. Each of her breasts weighs more than 11 kilos, and the size is marked with the numbers 164XXX.

But not only silicone breasts can be the largest in the world. The chest of the Chinese woman Ting Hiafen is in no way inferior to the forms of Chelsea. And she is completely natural. True, the surgeons showed their skills here too, but not in the direction of increasing, but just the opposite.

Ting's breasts began to grow at a very young age, and soon became the butt of peer ridicule. The reason for this rapid growth, according to doctors, was hormonal failure. Ting could not even move without assistance, because the weight of her bust exceeded 20 kg, which, of course, was an unbearable burden for a 12-year-old fragile girl. After a successful operation, the breasts have become smaller, but they are still among the largest busts in the world.

The most beautiful natural breasts

Undoubtedly, true connoisseurs of a beautiful bust prefer natural beauty, which was not created by the hand of the surgeon. And there are a lot of girls with such wealth both among celebrities and among ordinary people.

In the history of cinema, one of the most beautiful breasts was considered Marilyn Monroe. Until now, however, it is not clear whether her breasts were enlarged or not; Perhaps this is just the speculation of envious people. The parameters of Marilyn's figure are considered almost ideal in our time, and many women try to achieve the same feminine and expressive figure.

And among our contemporaries, Scarlett Johansson has the most beautiful natural breasts. Moreover, the actress enlarged her breasts at the dawn of her career, but after a short time she abandoned implants in favor of naturalness. By the way, surgeons note that such visits to their clinics are becoming more frequent, which means that the fashion for silicone breasts is gradually disappearing.

The most beautiful and sexy breasts in the world

Glossy magazines regularly rank the most beautiful busts. According to the magazine "In Touch", which was one of them, pop singer Jessica Simpson takes the first place in it.

Jessica pushed the famous Pamela Anderson out of leadership positions, although Jessica's bust is much more modest in size. So now the title "The most luxurious breasts in Hollywood" belongs to her. Many felt that her bust can really be called perfect.

Upon closer inspection, it turns out that Jessica Simpson's breasts did not become so by nature at all. The professional hands of surgeons and some silicone helped her to get a great shape. But this does not bother the many fans of the singer, because the result is magnificent, and is it really important how Jessica achieved it? Emily Ratajkowski has breasts of rare beauty

The editors of the site recall that beauty is different, and there is no single standard of attractiveness. We invite you to read about Russian stars, which are considered complete and at the same time feel quite comfortable.
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