Who buys a silver spoon. A silver spoon for a child on the first tooth: what is this tradition and who gives a spoon according to custom? The price depends on the uniqueness

For several centuries in Russia there has been a custom to give a child a “spoon for a tooth”. “Knock it on the first tooth, and the rest will erupt painlessly and grow up healthy,” said the grandmother or godmother, presenting her mother with precious valuable gift. Our ancestors believed that a silver spoon for the first tooth would not only help the baby to survive the period of teething easier, but also bring good luck into his life, and in the future - prosperity and success in all his affairs.

Sometimes a spoon is brought in advance, at christening (on the eighth or fortieth day after birth): silver objects and jewelry are considered the most appropriate christening gifts. There is also an opinion that not a grandmother or godmother should buy a silver spoon, but the one who first saw the baby's tooth - parents, relatives, adult brother or sister.

But even those who do not adhere to traditions, are not superstitious and do not believe in omens, often give a silver spoon to their children, grandchildren or godchildren. Perhaps this is where your family tradition to pass on the memory of your childhood? After all, it is difficult for kids to imagine that mom and dad, grandparents were also babies. When they grow up, they will show this memento to their children.

Healing properties of silver

In ancient times, silver was valued not only as precious, but also as a magical metal that protects a person from evil spirits and the evil eye. During epidemics, the inhabitants of some villages lowered ingots of native silver into their wells, and unlike their neighbors, trouble bypassed them. After the advent of Christianity, silver, along with gold, began to make icon settings.

Over time, people learned that Ag actually had a bactericidal effect on most of the microbes that cause intestinal infections. Its disinfecting properties are five times higher than chlorine or bleach.

The appearance of the first tooth in a baby of 4-7 months suggests that it is time to feed him with grated solid food. And if before he only received breast milk, then cereals, mashed vegetables and meat are not so sterile. Of course, a silver spoon will not have time to fully disinfect the foods that the baby eats. But microscopic doses of Ag entering his body would indeed reduce the chance of infections and benefit the immune system.

By dipping a silver spoon into a jar of water and leaving it there for a day, you can prepare water enriched with silver ions, which is used to prevent colds and flu. "Silver" water can be added to juices, purees, compotes for the baby.

Silver spoon for baby

How not to make a mistake with a gift?

In stores you can find a lot of silver spoons. Their pens are decorated with patterns, figurines of toys, cartoon characters, images of the signs of the Zodiac. Order an engraving in the workshop, and the master will put the name or initials of the child, the date of his birth on the pen.

However, a "spoon for a tooth" is not only a memorable gift, but also a cutlery that will be used for many years. You don't want to put it in a sideboard as a souvenir, do you?

  • It is best to buy a teaspoon for a baby. The coffee shop is hard to use for eating, but the dessert shop is big for him.
  • Soon the baby will want to try to eat on his own, which means that the handle of the device should not be too wide and long, and the narrow one can bend. Children's spoons are often made with rounded protrusions or notches so that they do not slip out of the hand.
  • The spoon on the first tooth should not have sharp edges so that the child, biting it with his gums, does not get hurt. This is what mothers who prefer to feed their baby with a spoon made of wood or silicone are afraid of.

Before buying, consider a sample and ask the seller for a hygiene certificate for products. Even if your gift is just a tribute to tradition, the metal must be of high quality! The higher the sample, that is, the more silver in the alloy, the more expensive it is, but the softer.

Silver cleaning

There is a belief among the people that silver darkens upon contact with the body, because it absorbs negative impacts rendered per person. It's hard to say if that's really the case. However, regardless of the cause of plaque, silver spoons need to be cleaned periodically: covered with patina, they lose their healing properties.

It is not recommended to use special jewelry cosmetics for a baby spoon. It can be cleaned with baking soda or prepared with water (five parts), ammonia (two parts) and tooth powder (one part). Before the procedure, hold the spoon in soapy water and let it dry. After that, apply the product to the fabric and rub the spoon until the patina comes off.

Surely many have heard about the tradition of giving a silver spoon for the first tooth, but few people think about its essence. IN last years When, thanks to the development of digital technologies and the Internet, information became publicly available, various signs and superstitions that our grandmothers and even mothers unconditionally followed are subjected to merciless criticism and debunking. So, most young parents calmly show their babies to relatives and friends in the first days of life, actively take pictures of children, cut their hair without waiting for the first anniversary and do many other things, without looking back at the old, sometimes irrational prohibitions. Silver spoons, as a gift for newborns, are also consigned to oblivion. Many parents prefer to "order" and make more rational gifts, considering the tradition outdated, and the spoon itself as a meaningless whim. And, by the way, in vain. Let's try to figure out in detail - why does a child need a silver spoon.

Why give a silver spoon?

Silver products are not only beautiful, but also undeniably useful. So, modern science has the facts that silver ions are capable of destroying about 650 types of all kinds of microorganisms, including pathogens that cause intestinal and other diseases. The disinfecting properties of silver are 5 times higher than those of lime and chlorine. In addition, it is able to quickly neutralize and remove toxins from the body.

IN traditional medicine the so-called “silver water”, which is obtained as a result of “charging” the liquid with noble metal ions, is widely used. It is used to prevent various acute respiratory infections, influenza, strengthens overall immunity and improves metabolism.

Thus, the answer to the question of why they give a silver spoon has a practical explanation. This gift is usually timed to coincide with the appearance of the first tooth, after which, as a rule, the first complementary foods are introduced. Giving the first food from a silver spoon is safe, it not only ionizes food, but also kills bacteria in the mouth and on the baby's teeth. So the child, who previously ate only mother's milk and is now at risk of getting an infection with new food, has an additional "means of protection".

A bit of history

It is believed that the custom of giving a child a silver spoon has its roots in biblical stories. Among the gifts brought by the Magi to the infant Jesus were items made of gold. But, since, in Rus' since ancient times, it was silver that was in great use and honor, the newborn was given silver jewelry or a coin as a symbol of the rich and happy life. The tradition was continued - on the first day of school, the gymnasium was given a teaspoon on the day the study began and a dining room on the day of graduation. A spoon is a symbol of growing up, gaining independence.

Who should give the silver spoon?

If everything is relatively clear with the practical purpose and symbolism of such a gift, then there are different points of view about who and when give a silver spoon. One of them, as mentioned above, supports the custom of giving a spoon on the first tooth. The honorable mission to make a gift is assigned to the one who discovers the tooth first.

There is also an opinion that a silver spoon should be given God-parents for christening. A very rational approach, since, on the one hand, it saves parents from considerable expenses, and on the other hand, it solves the problem of a gift for godparents. Toys can break, clothes will inevitably become small, and a spoon will become memorable and useful gift. In order to make the gift more original, you can make a dedicatory engraving on a silver spoon, a kind of “message to the future”.

However, if for some reason your baby was never given a spoon, try to get it yourself. Think about it - you spend impressive amounts every month on disposable diapers and toys that are, in fact, more interesting to you than to the child, so it might be worth buying a really useful thing for your baby.

The custom to protect children from dark forces came from ancient times. Ancestors created amulets for a woman in labor, sought to facilitate childbirth through magic. The same was true for babies. "Protective" embroidery was considered the best amulet; diapers and clothes of a child were decorated with it. It was believed that embroidery should be done by the hands of the mother. Later, silver began to be attributed to amulets. The tradition was especially developed during the time of Christianity.

A silver spoon for the first tooth was given not by chance. Silver has always been considered a magical metal, its power was associated with the moon. Once upon a time, this noble metal was valued much higher than gold, perhaps for magical properties. The Vikings believed that only a silver talisman would help them get rich and protect them in battle.

Another feature of silver was also important - to disinfect objects. Scientists have confirmed that the metal is indeed capable of neutralizing many types of harmful bacteria and microbes. It is not for nothing that water was holy with the help of silver in temples.

A silver spoon for the first tooth is a gift that can be easily explained from several points of view at once.

A spoon made of silver becomes a real amulet. It attracts good luck, health and wealth to a person. This is partly why the silver spoon on the first tooth is one of the best traditions. A jewelry gift becomes a symbol that the baby's teeth will be strong and beautiful, and his life will become prosperous.

The child will use the gift received on the tooth in the future when eating. Silver has an antiseptic effect on the microflora in the oral cavity and on the quality of the dish itself. Finally, the spoon becomes the first object of wealth that a person will create during his life.

Who should give a gift for the first tooth

The question of who buys a spoon for the first tooth is quite common. Of course, anyone invited to a family celebration can do this. However, there are unspoken rules. It is generally accepted that the spoon is acquired by the member of the family who first discovered a baby's erupting tooth. This means that the buyer will most likely be a mother, father or grandmother.

There is another tradition associated with Christian customs. Today, almost every child has godparents, and it is they who present the gift. Moreover, it can be timed not only to the appearance of the first tooth, but also to the christening itself.

Therefore, a silver spoon for christening becomes great present- traditional, inexpensive and stylish.

How to choose a silver spoon

At first glance, this is a rather simple subject. Today, there are enough such goods in jewelry stores, their assortment is large. So, the purchase of a gift spoon for a child is not difficult. However, it is worth knowing about some features of the choice.

After all, you are buying not only a valuable gift, but also a thing intended for a very small person. So a silver spoon for christening or for the first tooth should be purchased taking into account several criteria at once:

  1. Size. Do not buy a large one, pay attention to tea or dessert. Perhaps it is this spoon that the baby will learn to hold in his hands. Therefore, it should be light enough and comfortable to grasp with fingers.
  2. Form. A silver spoon for a tooth cannot have any pointed elements. Sometimes manufacturers try to create original product, the handle of which is decorated spectacular decor. Remember, children put everything in their hands into their mouths, study each thing in as much detail as possible.
  3. A silver spoon for a baby gift should have smooth lines, be optimally rounded and not have holes in the handle. Otherwise, there is a risk that the child's finger will get stuck in the hole.
  4. Quality. Pay attention to the test: good choice becomes sample and . The stamp is usually placed on the handle of the product on the reverse side. In no case do not buy from street vendors - there is a high risk of fake. The jewelry store will provide guarantees that the product is really of high quality.
  5. Decor. It is worth thinking about engraving on a spoon on a cross or cross. Often in salons, for a small fee, the name of the child will be engraved on the handle. Such a spoon will become not a simple, but a nominal gift. Also choose a product whose handle will not scratch the baby's skin with sharp elements, but also does not look completely smooth. A pen that does not have a relief on the surface will slip out of the fingers.

There is a custom for happiness to touch the child's first tooth with a spoon. Whether you follow it is up to you. But remember that a silver spoon will bring good luck to the baby anyway.

One of the Christian traditions is to give a child a silver spoon for christening or when the first tooth erupts. It has long been believed that this metal has healing properties and drives away all evil spirits. In fact similar gift really will be a good alternative to ordinary metal or plastic spoons. After all, silver has bactericidal properties, and the very appearance of a silver product is very attractive.

Today you can buy a children's silver spoon for the first tooth and christening in Moscow in the online store site. A wide selection of souvenirs, each of which bears the manufacturer's brand, which guarantees quality, allows you to place an order and purchase an original gift.

Product Features

Among all the variety, it is almost impossible to find two similar spoons. Each has its own design and is unique in its own way. They are made from 925 sterling silver. This work is manual, so all the smallest details are distinguished by thoroughness and expressiveness. The price of a children's silver spoon depends on several factors:

  1. Manufacturer.
  2. Product weight.
  3. The presence of gilding or gold overlays.
  4. Product size.
  5. Manufacturing features.

In the production technology, craftsmen use such processing methods as engraving, blackening, chasing, polishing, and enameling.

Both beauty and usefulness

An argent children's spoon made of silver will be a triple useful gift. Not only is the product itself unique and proper care will last a very long time, and a series of tactile children's silver Do-Do helps the baby develop, silver has and medicinal properties. Its antibacterial properties have been known for a long time. Interestingly, it destroys only harmful microbes and bacteria, beneficial microorganisms are not affected by it.

This effect can be explained due to the peculiarities of the action of silver ions. You can use this in different ways:

  • a silver spoon is placed for several days in a glass of clean water. After that, the purified liquid can be drunk to prevent infections;
  • disinfected water is dripped into the ears for inflammation, can be used for diseases of the stomach, eyes, mucous membranes, wounds are washed;
  • if you store a device made of silver in the refrigerator, it is noted that the products remain fresh longer.

You can buy a silver baby spoon from PosudaShop24.ru not only for christening or their anniversary. Over time, when the children grow up, caring godchildren, grandparents can get a spoon bigger size- instead of coffee dessert or tea. In addition to direct use, this will become a memorable gift when the child grows up. Do not refuse him such an acquisition. All products come in original free gift packaging.

The appearance of the first milk tooth in a baby is an important event for the whole family, because it means that new stage its development. All parents dream of a happy, harmonious, successful and prosperous life for their child; for this, it has been customary to observe a number of traditions since ancient times. One of the most beautiful and popular customs today is to present a silver spoon to a baby “for the first tooth”. Where did this tradition come from, who can give a child such a precious surprise, and how to choose the right spoon - all this is worth talking about in detail.

Why is a silver spoon given to a child for the first tooth?

It is believed that the tradition of giving a silver spoon for the first tooth came to Russia from England. In this country, the expression “to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth” is still common, which means the incredible favor of fate towards a person. Why give this expensive thing little child? Today, there are two main reasons to give a precious spoon to a baby:

  1. Mystical - with a donated spoon, you need to lightly tap on the tooth several times with the wishes to grow up healthy and strong, live in abundance and prosperity. It is believed that such a wish will come true, and the spoon itself will become a talisman for a long and happy life.
  2. Pragmatic - a spoon made of precious metal will be the first valuable and memorable gift in the life of a crumb. Toys break quickly, parents will spend money (even if it is for the needs of the child), and the baby will soon grow out of things, but the silver spoon will be with him for many years (maybe even lay the foundation for a family collection of silver), reminding of the person who gave it .

Who can buy a gift for a baby?

There are several opinions about who gives a silver spoon to a child. Modern parents do not always strictly follow traditions and rituals, so many acquire such an item for their baby on their own. Sometimes close friends make a surprise, but if we turn to the origins of the custom, we can distinguish three main options:

A silver spoon is a valuable and expensive gift. Some prefer to present golden spoons, but, of course, the baby will not eat such. The donor wants the surprise to bring joy and be actively used, and not gather dust on distant shelves.

For this reason, it is important to carefully consider the choice of a silver spoon, which is planned to be presented “for the first tooth”, the following recommendations will be useful in this matter.

Product FeatureRecommendationNote
FormroundedThe baby can get hurt on sharp corners and elements when he explores his spoon.
SizeDessert / teaA larger product will be too heavy, and the baby will not be able to hold it in the handle. If the item is very small, then it will not be possible to use it for its intended purpose - for eating.
Handle surfaceembossedA spoon with a smooth handle will constantly slip out.
DesignChildish or neutralYou can choose an item with images of cartoon characters, animals or flowers. No less popular is the option with the engraved name of the child. Today, a boy is usually given a spoon decorated with blue or blue elements, and a girl with pink or cream ones.
Try925 - 999 The chemical alloy must contain at least 92% precious metal.
CoatingSilver platedGold, rhodium and lacquer coatings are suitable for spoons that will perform a purely decorative function.
Additional requirementsIt is desirable to have a hygiene certificateThis document confirms that the product is safe for health when used for its intended purpose.

folk traditions

IN folk beliefs there are references that during the period of teething, the energy of the baby is greatly weakened, so he needs additional protection - amulets, amulets. The tradition of presenting a gift on the occasion of the eruption of the first tooth is partly based on the Christian legend that among the gifts presented by the Magi to the Savior was a spoon made of pure silver, and partly originates in the desire to provide the baby with a reliable amulet - after all, it is this precious metal that all dark people are afraid of. strength.

What to give besides a spoon? There is a tradition to put on a child jewelry made of amber, coral or intertwined red silk ribbons. It is believed that this facilitates the process of teething and protects the baby during this difficult and important period. In order for the amulet to be very strong, it is recommended to make it yourself, reading protective prayers during the manufacturing process.

Silver properties

Why is a silver spoon presented to the first tooth (we recommend reading:)? As a material, this metal was not chosen by chance. With the appearance of the first teeth, the time for the start of complementary foods usually coincides, that is, in addition to the mother’s sterile milk, the baby begins to try other, less safe foods. In the days when antibacterial agents were not yet known, a child who eats with a silver spoon had a much lower risk of catching some kind of intestinal infection.

Silver tends to ionize food or water upon contact and destroy pathogens. Also, do not forget that silver is precious metal, which means that an item made of this material can be considered as a family heirloom and be inherited.
