What to blind with children 3 4 years old. We sculpt interesting crafts from plasticine with children

Modeling classes for four-year-old children are a great opportunity to develop in an actively growing child a lot of qualities that are important for his proper maturation, ranging from fine motor skills to abstract thinking and even responsibility for his actions. At the same time, at this age, kids already have the skills necessary to make fairly complex products from this material, including crafts consisting of a large number small parts of various geometric shape, which opens up wide possibilities for choosing figures. It can be:

  • characters of favorite fairy tales and cartoons;
  • various animals and plants;
  • household items;
  • sweets and other products;
  • complex applications (volumetric drawings).

However, you should not restart the child, remembering that plasticine for children from 1 year old to school age- this is not a way to take all the free time of the child, but only a method of developing skills and abilities that are important and necessary for his growing up. In addition, it is important to choose the most suitable material for classes with children. And in this case, it is worth remembering that modeling for children from 1 year old can only be safe if it does not contain any toxic substances that must be replaced with natural additives. Also, the mass should develop easily, keep its shape and not leave greasy marks on children's hands, and, consequently, on clothes.

PHOTO step by step - Modeling with plasticine for children 4 years old

The plasticine photo instructions that exist today on the Internet, including on our specialized website, will make modeling classes the most comfortable and entertaining. In addition, the instructions make it possible to make modeling lessons as simple as possible, and therefore exciting for the baby, which has a positive effect on the process of accustoming him to this useful type of needlework. For example, you can make a very cheerful multi-colored caterpillar that can decorate the interior of any children's room.

So, we sculpt a caterpillar from plasticine step by step in the form original crafts that will decorate any children's room.

To begin with, let's take a little light and dark green, as well as purple, red, orange and brown shades(in general, the color of the mass can be absolutely anything) and knead it well.

Then we mold not big ball ik green color and a ball a little more from the mass of red hue. Let's connect them together. To make the connection more reliable, you can use small pieces of toothpicks or ordinary matches. This will ensure that the craft does not crumble into pieces after its manufacture is completed.

After that, we will attach a slightly smaller ball to the green ball. yellow color, and purple to the red ball. It should have a size larger than the red ball. And we will connect it in such a way that the body of the caterpillar rises up. After that, attach brown to the purple ball. It can have the same size as the previous element of the figurine.

Let's make a slightly oblong blank for the head of a purple caterpillar and connect it to a brown ball. Then we attach elongated horns characteristic of caterpillars to the upper part of the head.

Let's finish the image by adding eyes. The eyes themselves will be white, and for the pupils, you can use any color material, for example, green. With a stack we form a section of the mouth of the caterpillar.

Svetlana Gudkova

Dear colleagues!

In our kindergarten It's "Our Animal Friends" week. Conversations were held: "Domestic animals", "Wild animals". Looking at pictures and illustrations. They made up a fairy tale according to the mnemonic table. Described the picture "Cat with kittens." used didactic games: "Guess by the shadow", "Whose house", "Guess by the description" and others. Played mobile games role-playing games: "Zoo", "Farm". Drawn, glued. Listened to audio stories, read fiction, music and much more.

Today we held an OD on artistic creativity in the second junior group(modeling) on ​​the theme "Hedgehog".

Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about hedgehogs ( appearance, lifestyle, habits)

Continue acquaintance with the properties of plasticine.

Arouse interest in modeling;

To consolidate the ability of children to make a large ball of plasticine, rolling it in circular and longitudinal movements;

Learn how to make a craft.

Develop fine motor skills hands;

Cultivate responsiveness and kindness, respect for nature.

Here's what happened to our kids.

Thank you for your attention!

Related publications:

"A flower for mom" - modeling from plasticine and natural material Objectives of the lesson: 1. Continue to expand the horizons and knowledge of children about nature. 2. Learn to create images of plants in unconventional technique using.

Summary of productive activities in the second junior group. Modeling from plasticine "Mouse" Tasks: - to teach to convey in modeling the similarity and characteristics of the mouse; -to fix the techniques of sculpting the body (rolling a large ball, small ones.

Abstract of a modeling lesson in the first junior group “Here is a hedgehog - no needles, no legs!” Program tasks: To teach children to create collective work in collaboration with a teacher and other children: to glue, stretch plasticine.

To make a cat, we need: plasticine of two colors, a stack and two beads. We separate two parts from the gray piece of plasticine: we sculpt.

Educational activity: Artistic and aesthetic development (Lepka). Necessary equipment: unnecessary old disks, plasticine,.

Sculpting enters the life of a child along with drawing, designing, various games, often intertwined in them so that one lesson cannot be separated.

I mold the sky, the sun, a stream from plasticine, I will spread flowers everywhere, I will wake up the cornflower ... There are daisies, forget-me-nots and baby tulips.

Daria Nikolaevna Koldina

Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes

By the end of the third year of life, the child learns the basic ideas about color, size, shape; listens to fairy tales; learns to compare real objects with their images in pictures; looking at landscapes.

It is easier for a small child to express his impressions with the help of visual activity (volumetric image - in modeling, silhouette - in application, graphic - in drawing). He conveys the images of objects with the help of plasticine, colored paper, paints. These materials should always be with the child at hand. But this is not enough. Need to develop Creative skills baby, show modeling techniques, learn to cut out from colored paper, introduce a variety of drawing techniques. To improve visual skills, one should form the perception of form, color, rhythm, aesthetic ideas.

A child of 3–4 years old can do a lot: wash their hands, brush their teeth, eat on their own, dress and undress, use the toilet. The baby develops simple speech reasoning. He gladly answers the questions of adults, reaches out to communicate with other children; his playing skills and arbitrary behavior develop.

To develop children's creativity and mastery visual activity it is necessary to take into account the interests of children, use a variety of topics of classes and forms of organization (individual and collective work). It is very important to create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom. At first, the child is interested in the process of making crafts, but gradually he begins to be interested in its quality. The kid strives to convey the image of the object as naturally as possible, and after the lesson to beat his craft: roll a homemade ball around the table, feed the hedgehog with the mushrooms made. The child is happy to tell what he has fashioned, what this item can do, what color he has chosen for his craft.

In this manual, we provide summaries of exciting activities for children 3-4 years old in modeling clay and plasticine in combination with natural and additional material. These classes contribute to the implementation of the following tasks: introducing the child to the surrounding beauty; development of imagination, independence, perseverance, the ability to complete the work, accuracy and diligence, skills in processing various materials, which in the future he will be able to independently apply for the manufacture of such crafts.

Classes are compiled according to the thematic principle: one topic unites all classes (on the outside world, on the development of speech, on modeling, on applications, on drawing) during the week. A modeling lesson with children aged 3-4 is held once a week and lasts 15 minutes. The manual contains 36 abstracts complex classes, designed for academic year(from September to May).

Read the outline of the lesson carefully in advance and, if something does not suit you, make changes; prepare necessary material and equipment. Preliminary work is also important (reading a work of art, familiarizing yourself with the surrounding phenomena, examining drawings and paintings).

By observing each child in class or playing with other children, you can learn more about him and deal with difficult behaviors.

If a child quits his job as soon as something didn’t work out for him, it means that he doesn’t know how to overcome obstacles. This can be taught by offering the child other ways to achieve what they want. Then he will understand that there must be a way out of any situation. For example, if your child wants to make a snowman but can't, offer to draw it with you.

If a child quickly loses interest in the occupation, perhaps it is too simple or, on the contrary, difficult for him. Understand the reason and make the task harder or easier. For example, a child needs to sculpt bagels from plasticine. If it's too easy for him, offer to make rolls and decorate them with beads, buttons, and other additional material. If the task is too difficult, start by sculpting pies (balls) from plasticine, and then decorate them with additional material.

If a child gets tired quickly cannot sit even five minutes, try to develop his endurance using massage, hardening, sports exercises. And in the classroom, often alternate between active and calm activities.

In order for a child understood the task and completed it, it is necessary to develop his attention and ability to concentrate. Play with your baby in the game "What has changed?" (put 3-4 toys in front of the child, and then discreetly hide one of them or swap toys). Search as much as possible more ways involve the child in bringing the task to its logical end (for example: "Let's blind some more mushrooms for the hedgehog, he has a lot of friends in the forest, and some may not have enough mushrooms" or "Let's finish the house and put a bunny in it, otherwise he will come running the fox and eat it).

Modeling classes are built according to the following approximate plan.

1. Creation game situation to attract attention and develop the emotional responsiveness of children (riddles, songs, nursery rhymes; a fairy-tale character in need of help; dramatization games; exercises for the development of memory, attention and thinking; outdoor games).

2. Product modeling: acquaintance with the depicted object, the sequence of actions and modeling techniques (sometimes it is desirable to give the child the opportunity to think for himself how best to do the craft). It is not necessary to pre-produce a product sample; you can examine and feel the object or create an image from memory.

3. Refinement of the product using additional material(It is necessary at the same time to pay the attention of children to expressive means: correctly selected desired colors and interesting details).

4. Consideration of finished works (only a positive assessment is given to them). Children should enjoy the result and learn to evaluate their crafts.

In modeling classes, children 3-4 years old sculpt from small pieces of plasticine. The following molding methods are used:

Constructive- sculpting an object from separate parts;

Plastic- the details of the object are drawn from a whole piece of plasticine.

Combined- combination in one product different ways modeling.

We list the modeling techniques that children 3-4 years old can use:

rolling down in a circular motion hands (balls, balls);

Rolling with direct hand movements (columns, sausages);

Pressing the balls with a finger from above (peas, dots on the fly agaric cap);

Stretching pressured balls on cardboard (octopuses, stars);

Pinching the edges of the shape with your fingertips (bird's beak, edges of the bowl);

Flattening between fingers or palms (pies, pancakes);

Smoothing the surface of the molded figure or the junction of the parts (the head and torso of the snowman);

Applying plasticine inside the contour to create a flat plasticine picture on cardboard (mushroom, kitten).

Pulling out individual parts from a whole piece (the head of a matryoshka is pulled out of its body);

Pressing a depression on the surface of the mold (cup, plate) with a finger.

For modeling clay and plasticine, prepare in advance natural material(walnut shell halves, pistachio shells, chestnuts, acorns, twigs, ash seeds, maple lionfish, beans, peas, rice) and additional material (buttons, matches, bubble caps and plastic bottles, capsules from kinder surprises, threads, jars of yogurt).

For accurate work with plasticine and clay, each child should have a lining board and a rag with which he will wipe his hands, as well as a small cardboard stand for the finished product.

If you do not have clay, you can use homemade soft and plastic dough (for the dough you need to mix half a glass of salt, half a glass of flour, half a glass of water and one teaspoon of sunflower oil). The finished dough product must be dried on both sides on a warm battery, and then painted with gouache.

Estimated skills and abilities of a child by 4 years:

Has an interest in modeling from plasticine and clay;

Knows the properties of clay and plasticine;

Uses a variety of sculpting techniques (rolling, rolling, flattening, joining, pressing depressions with a finger, pinching the edges of a mold with fingertips);

It conveys in modeling the difference in objects in size;

Rolls out lumps with straight and circular movements of the palms;

Connects the ends of the rolled sausage into a ring;

Flattens the ball, squeezing it with the palms of both hands;

Knows how to decorate a molded clay object using a stick with a pointed end (match) or a stack;

Plasticine modeling lessons for children are exciting activities in which kids develop their mental functions and creative abilities. Modeling training is an integral component of educational activities in kindergartens, circles and development centers. The modeling technique is easy to learn and accessible to kids over 2 years old. Consider how to help kids make their dreams come true from plasticine.

The benefits for a child from modeling are very great, because during this process, children learn to create something new, think creatively and fantasize. Modeling classes improve concentration, perseverance, memory, and develop patience.

Working with plasticine stimulates areas of the brain that are responsible for fine motor skills. Due to this, new neural connections are formed in the associated speech areas. Younger preschoolers learn speech better, begin to speak clearly and correctly.

The modeling program is designed for more than a year, and allows you to prepare boys and girls for school. It includes figurines and compositions, as well as plasticine drawings. A book on modeling will help you to conduct each lesson at a high level, step by step photos and video instructions.

Use the templates as inspiration for your own creativity. Plasticine from balls is suitable for the smallest children. Older preschoolers can make crafts from plasticine with their own hands from soft plastic "Play-do" or its analogues.

We sculpt a cat

Cats delight everyone with their grace and beauty. Wild tigers and lions, and cute domestic animals - cats and cats, give people inspiration. Children will love the plasticine cat that our master class describes.

Prepare hardening plasticine "Play-do" in black, white, gray, green shades, a stack and two beads for the eyes.

  • Using plasticine, mold the oval body of the kitten;

  • From two sausages and a small oval, each of the four paws of the cat is made. Make notches with a stack in place of the claws;
  • The tail is a long thin curved sausage;

  • Plastic material will be needed to make the head - this is a small ball.

  • Decorate it with triangular ears.

  • Make eyes from green pieces (beads for pupils), as well as a nose for a cat.
  • A muzzle is made of white plastic, on which a mustache is drawn with a stack.

  • Connect the parts of the figurine together;
  • Make a lot of thin sausages from white material - these will be stripes on the skin of a cat. Glue them in arbitrary places of the body, head and paws.
  • From the remaining white plastic, fashion a shirt-front in the form of a small pancake and glue it to the body under the head in front. Make notches on it with a stack.

Pictures of fluffy kittens and printed modeling schemes will greatly improve the creative process during the lesson. Also, children will be interested in a photo of a real wild tiger. If you run a kitten in another color scheme, then you can easily make a tiger cub, a lion cub or other similar crafts from plasticine.

Plasticine cat

We sculpt toys from plasticine

From plasticine, you can sculpt toys for dolls, for example, food. Consider how to create vegetables and fruits from plasticine. A detailed master class will help you find out all the details, the purpose of which is to teach each child to sculpt beautiful and delicious vegetables for toys.

Vegetables growing in the ground are very easy to mold. To make potato tubers, kids make oval or round balls. Brown. Carrots are an orange cone with tops in the form of thin green sausages. Beets are similar to molding, only the base is made tear-shaped and purple. Tomatoes are small balls of red color.

The purpose of the lesson, where vegetables and fruits are made, is to expand the child's vocabulary, help him remember new names and colors. Each kid after the lesson will have his own garden, where you need to place vegetables made by yourself.

Delicious plasticine crafts can then be used in role-playing games.

You can use the templates above, or come up with your own way of making food out of plastic (an illustrated book can help).

We sculpt animals

Modeling animals from plasticine allows children to get acquainted with wildlife, better understand the world, develops attention curiosity. modeling book, detailed photos and video instructions simplify the manufacturing process many times over.

This manual presents abstracts of exciting activities with children 3-4 years old in modeling clay and plasticine in combination with a variety of materials. Classes contribute to the development of emotional responsiveness, fostering a sense of beauty; the development of imagination, independence, perseverance, accuracy, diligence, the ability to bring work to the end; the formation of skills in modeling.

The book is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, tutors and parents.

Daria Nikolaevna Koldina
Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes

From the author

By the end of the third year of life, the child learns the basic ideas about color, size, shape; listens to fairy tales; learns to compare real objects with their images in pictures; looking at landscapes.

It is easier for a small child to express his impressions with the help of visual activity (volumetric image - in modeling, silhouette - in application, graphic - in drawing). He conveys the images of objects with the help of plasticine, colored paper, paints. These materials should always be with the child at hand. But this is not enough. It is necessary to develop the creative abilities of the baby, show modeling techniques, learn how to cut out colored paper, and introduce various drawing techniques. To improve visual skills, one should form the perception of form, color, rhythm, aesthetic ideas.

A child of 3–4 years old can do a lot: wash their hands, brush their teeth, eat on their own, dress and undress, use the toilet. The baby develops simple speech reasoning. He gladly answers the questions of adults, reaches out to communicate with other children; his playing skills and arbitrary behavior develop.

For the development of children's creativity and mastery of visual activity, it is necessary to take into account the interests of children, use a variety of topics of classes and forms of organization (individual and collective work). It is very important to create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom. At first, the child is interested in the process of making crafts, but gradually he begins to be interested in its quality. The kid strives to convey the image of the object as naturally as possible, and after the lesson to beat his craft: roll a homemade ball around the table, feed the hedgehog with the mushrooms made. The child is happy to tell what he has fashioned, what this item can do, what color he has chosen for his craft.

In this manual, we provide summaries of exciting activities for children 3-4 years old in modeling clay and plasticine in combination with natural and additional material. These classes contribute to the implementation of the following tasks: introducing the child to the surrounding beauty; development of imagination, independence, perseverance, the ability to complete the work, accuracy and diligence, skills in processing various materials, which in the future he will be able to independently use to make such crafts.

Classes are compiled according to the thematic principle: one topic unites all classes (on the outside world, on the development of speech, on modeling, on applications, on drawing) during the week. A modeling lesson with children aged 3-4 is held once a week and lasts 15 minutes. The manual contains 36 abstracts of complex classes designed for the academic year (from September to May).

Read the outline of the lesson carefully in advance and, if something does not suit you, make changes; prepare the necessary material and equipment. Preliminary work is also important (reading a work of art, familiarizing yourself with the surrounding phenomena, examining drawings and paintings).

By observing each child in class or playing with other children, you can learn more about him and deal with difficult behaviors.

If a child quits his job as soon as something didn’t work out for him, it means that he doesn’t know how to overcome obstacles. This can be taught by offering the child other ways to achieve what they want. Then he will understand that there must be a way out of any situation. For example, if your child wants to make a snowman but can't, offer to draw it with you.

If a child quickly loses interest in the occupation, perhaps it is too simple or, on the contrary, difficult for him. Understand the reason and make the task harder or easier. For example, a child needs to sculpt bagels from plasticine. If it's too easy for him, offer to make rolls and decorate them with beads, buttons, and other additional material. If the task is too difficult, start by sculpting pies (balls) from plasticine, and then decorate them with additional material.

If a child gets tired quickly cannot sit even five minutes, try to develop his endurance using massage, hardening, sports exercises. And in the classroom, often alternate between active and calm activities.

In order for a child understood the task and completed it, it is necessary to develop his attention and ability to concentrate. Play with your baby in the game "What has changed?" (put 3-4 toys in front of the child, and then discreetly hide one of them or swap toys). Look for as many ways as possible to involve the child in bringing the task to its logical conclusion (for example: "Let's blind some more mushrooms for the hedgehog, he has a lot of friends in the forest, and some may not have enough mushrooms" or "Let's finish the house and put a bunny in it otherwise a fox will come running and eat him").

Modeling classes are built according to the following approximate plan.

1. Creating a game situation to attract attention and develop the emotional responsiveness of children (riddles, songs, nursery rhymes; a fairy-tale character in need of help; dramatization games; exercises for the development of memory, attention and thinking; outdoor games).

2. Product modeling: acquaintance with the depicted object, the sequence of actions and modeling techniques (sometimes it is desirable to give the child the opportunity to think for himself how best to do the craft). It is not necessary to pre-produce a product sample; you can examine and feel the object or create an image from memory.

3. Refinement of the product with the help of additional material (it is necessary at the same time to draw the attention of children to expressive means: correctly selected colors and interesting details).

4. Consideration of finished works (only a positive assessment is given to them). Children should enjoy the result and learn to evaluate their crafts.

In modeling classes, children 3-4 years old sculpt from small pieces of plasticine. The following molding methods are used:

Constructive- sculpting an object from separate parts;

Plastic- the details of the object are drawn from a whole piece of plasticine.
