What does the godmother give for christening. What to give for christening to a boy and a girl from godparents, guests, parents, relatives: Orthodox traditions and useful gifts

Why is this necessary when the baby, most likely, will not even remember this strange trip to church, and modern parents do not differ in the strength of faith in the Almighty? Isn't it easier to do without unnecessary fuss? What is the point of this strange "church" campaign and babies crying at the altar, taking a special "training course" for godparents and sponsoring the church? As always, there are many more questions than answers to them, and, nevertheless, we will try to answer most of them ...


Baptism is one of the brightest and most joyful events in the life of parents and the baby himself. Of course, the child is still too young to consciously choose his faith and take full part in this process. However, involvement in traditions, the conduct of this ritual will certainly leave its mark.

Among the Persians and Egyptians, among the Phoenicians and Chaldeans, immersion in water also had a sacred meaning. The Romans and Greeks also attached great importance to washing, which cleansed them not only physically, but also spiritually. By the way, the tradition of bathing babies came from the Romans, who washed their children after 8 or 9 days after birth. It was at this time that the child was given a name.


The Jews also had the rite of bathing in a mikveh called twila. During this ceremony, believers got rid of and washed from impurities. The ceremony was performed in the Jordan River, and it was conducted by John the Baptist himself, who told about an imminent meeting with the messiah. Baptism for the Jews was a kind of sign of repentance for the earthly sins of those involved in the process. Jesus Christ himself took part in the baptism, despite the fact that he had no sins.

Be that as it may, today it is necessary to approach the ceremony very carefully, observing traditions and following certain requirements.

The meaning of the rite of baptism


As a rule, long before the baby is born, parents are already beginning to think about who to take as godparents. Today, this tradition has somewhat lost its original meaning.

Once upon a time, in the distant dark times, when the mortality rate was incredibly high, godparents, taking part in this ceremony, gave their agreement for the upbringing of the child (both spiritual and physical), assumed a huge responsibility if the parents of the child leave our world. Now, fortunately, this happens extremely rarely, and the function of godparents is reduced to a minimum of annual congratulations to their godchildren on their name days and birthdays, and a maximum to spiritual education and care for their wards.

Baptism is a special sacrament during which a person unites with God, opening for himself the path to a beautiful life (temporal and spiritual). Baptism is a symbol of faith and hope, as well as a huge invisible connection between all family members, immeasurable in its strength and depth.

Parental consent alone is not always sufficient for baptism. So, before the child is 7 years old, it is allowed to perform the ceremony only with the consent of the child's parents, because as soon as they during this period bear full responsibility for the child before God. In the period from 7 to 14 years, for the ritual, you will have to obtain the consent of not only the parents, but also the child himself, who can already make a decision. For those who have crossed the line of 14 years, parental consent is no longer required - they can independently make such decisions.

When is the baptismal ceremony performed?


However, today it is not uncommon for adults to be baptized. Despite the recommendations to carry out baptism as early as possible, it is the baptism of an adult that is considered the most complete and meaningful process, since a person approaches this consciously.

There is one more interesting fact when to baptize children. Previously, when baptism was taken more seriously, people chose a later time for this ceremony. They wanted to enjoy sinful deeds all their lives, and resorted to baptism almost on their deathbed in order to enter heavenly life cleansed of filth and sinfulness. However, the church quickly figured out the evil plan of the cunning and began to fight this trend, demanding that baptism be performed already on the eighth day after the birth of the baby.


It is not recommended that the godparents of the baby be his own parents, and we have already discussed the reasons for this - the child must have a reliable rear in case something happens to his parents.
Once you have chosen godparents for your child, they take on a huge responsibility for the process. And the main manifestation of their responsibility is the choice of a gift for the godson or for the goddaughter. The chosen gift will testify to a reverent and touching attitude towards the child, as well as to the very event that occurs in the life of the baby only once.

What to give a godson for christening?


The first and most important gift from godparents is a cross. It is not at all necessary that it be made from noble and precious metals. The most important thing is to give a gift from the heart. And the question of the value of a gift should depend purely on financial capabilities and on the views of the godparents.

By the way, even a simple wooden cross sometimes looks much more attractive than platinum and gold "relatives".

Today there is a lot of controversy about who should give this attribute - godmother or godmother. In fact, it doesn't matter at all. If you would like to purchase valuable gift, but you are short of money, you can simply agree among yourself and buy the cross you like in a pool.

Another indispensable gift from godparents is new clothes. This is not an indication that the parents take poor care of the child and do not dress him well enough. There is a secret meaning here.

The death of sin is one of the most important symbols of such an event as baptism, during which a person is reborn for a righteous life, for following religious canons and the path to God. New clothes are a symbol of rebirth after the death of sin.


For new things, they usually choose a new shirt or dress, as well as a new towel or a new piece of fabric, which is used to wipe the baby after washing with baptized water.

You can always sew a shirt yourself without spending huge sums on purchased clothes. Considering that the child will most likely put on this clothes only once in his life, and the rest of the time it will lie in the parental bins, here you will not have to have special talents and knowledge in sewing. To give the product a special charm, you can simply do fine embroidery (initials, symbolic drawing) or decorate the edges with exquisite lace. Agree, handmade gifts have always been worth their weight in gold.

In any case, a gift from godparents to their godchildren should be saturated with the special spirit of this holiday. It can be a children's bible in pictures, a nominal icon, etc.


A gift in the form of a small cute night lamp is perfect, since baptism is light that has triumphed over darkness. Often godparents give silver spoons with the names of their godchildren. However, this custom came only recently. It is believed that such a spoon will help the child keep the teeth during the period when the first complementary foods are introduced.

What to give for christening if you are an invited guest?


Here it is customary to give everything that will be useful for the baby in life and at home: bedding sets, towels, blankets and pillows, toys and much more.

Despite the fact that children of such a young age grow too quickly, guests often give them beautiful dresses and suits, blouses and pants.

If you want to emphasize the special deep meaning of the holiday, it will be great if you make a toy yourself by knitting or sewing it with your own hands.

For more industrious and painstaking, religious and attentive guests, we can recommend embroidering a protective prayer on a blanket or towel given to a child, which will accompany the child throughout his life.


If we are talking about an invited man with golden hands, then you can also impress everyone with your skills, especially if you have a jigsaw or a lathe. A little imagination, a lot of love - and an excellent developing rattle, toy, high chair, pyramid or cubes can come out from under your hand.

If you are a practical person and do not like such sentiments, you can directly ask the baby's parents what they need for a more harmonious and full development of the child. A car seat, a playpen, a chair for feeding, a carousel for a crib, as well as the most necessary gift in the form of a package of diapers will always be of help in the hard work of parents.

Congratulations to parents on this bright day will also not be superfluous. Agree which of the invitees can arrange home delivery of flowers, order a beautiful themed cake or give a basket of sweets or fruits. the perfect gift for them it will be a good photo album in which you can put the most joyful events in the life of the baby and parents.

What if an adult is baptized?


If an adult has made the decision to be baptized, this indicates his serious and conscious approach, as well as a deep understanding and attitude towards the sacrament. Here, godparents and guests need to be more attentive to actions and gifts, since they have the most sacred and deep meaning for the culprit of the holiday.

When deciding what to give an adult godson for christening, you can rely on the experience of infant baptism. It will always be appropriate to give a cross, a holy icon, in whose name an adult is baptized, a baptismal shirt. Such gifts will be especially appreciated by people of conscious age, however, like gifts made with their own hands ...


It is absolutely not necessary to make a perfect gift (sew, make, knit). Even with minor flaws, such things will have a special value and attractive power. You can not embroider the entire shirt, for example, but only the cuffs or collar. Choose beautiful threads, gold or silver.

Give preference to practical gifts for an adult godchild, but that they have their own zest. You can give mittens, socks, knitted scarves, sweaters, hats.

To give or not to give gifts to godparents?


The tradition of gifts for godparents is not very common, but it will never be superfluous.

Why should you give gifts to godparents?

1. Often the choice of godparents for many comes down to purely mercantile interests. That is, the relatives and parents of the baby turn unjustifiably great attention how expensive and useful gift godparents can give. So a gift from your parents will indicate that you don’t care about their material abilities at all.

2. A gift for godparents is a symbol of the fact that you appreciate their dedication and dedication, their readiness to be responsible for your child. The gift will show that you perceive your godparents as new family members who will always be welcome in your home.

3. A gift to godparents is a kind of wish for a long and healthy life, happiness and bright future.

What to give a godmother for christening?


When choosing a gift, remember that a symbolic date requires symbolic gifts. A great option would be a thing that will constantly remind her of this joyful event.

Print the most beautiful photo baby or a joint photo with the godmother and place in beautiful frame. Today, the service of printing photos on canvas is popular - why not a gift? The date can be marked on the back of the painting.

A personalized napkin with embroidery can be a wonderful gift for a godmother. In such a napkin, it will be convenient for the godmother to hold baptismal candles. And despite the fact that it is not entirely practical, but such a gift looks incredibly aesthetically pleasing.


Today on sale there are different thematic sets for godfather and godfather. For example, you can find embroidered towels, personalized aprons, T-shirts and other textiles.

Warm things, especially those made by hand, will also always be in place - a beautiful shawl, scarf, jumper.

Depending on the hobbies of the godparents, you can also give them pendants or coins made of precious metals with their names or with their zodiac signs.

And of course, there will always be a good one practical gift- a set of bed linen, tablecloth, a set of bath accessories. Kitchen utensils are also great options: stainless steel pots, cast iron pans, and more.

Festive table


A festive feast is an integral part of the celebration. However, you should always remember that the presence of alcohol on the table is inappropriate, because the holiday itself brings quiet joy, and alcohol is incompatible with a quiet and modest table.


Pay attention to light dishes that will be a great addition to tea drinking. Pancakes, delicious homemade cakes (sweet and savory), light portioned salads and much more will be an excellent solution for this modest spiritual holiday.

Christening: foreign traditions


Conducting baptism in the Catholic and Orthodox churches has a number of distinctive features, but the meaning is the same there and there - the path to the light.

Most Western countries profess the Catholic religion as the main state religion, so there are some differences from our traditions.

When baptized in the Catholic Church, the godparents give the baby not a cross, but a candle. It is on the feast of baptism that a candle presented for the first time is lit. The process of its burning symbolizes the filling of worldly life with true light, goodness. And godparents can give a cross later. After baptism, the candle will play its role several more times - it must be taken out on the day of the First Communion, and after - during the Wedding.


Remember that such a bright day - real holiday. Filled with meaning and light for both the child and his parents. However, the features of its conduct in the first place will depend on you, and not on the accepted canons and rules.

The baptism of a child is not only a significant event in the family of every believer, but also a headache for godparents and guests about what can be presented for a baby's christening. After all, I want the present to be not only appropriate, but also as useful as possible.

Someone prefers "hackneyed" gifts, but for someone it is fundamentally important that the gift be symbolic or take part in the very implementation of the ritual. Consider everything possible options presents that are given for christening.

Traditional christening gifts

Baptism according to Orthodox traditions is the second birth of a child. As on any other holiday, it is customary to present gifts to the hero of the occasion on this day. You can, of course, get by with a standard set of toys, clothes or sweets. But it is much more interesting to choose such a gift for the baby, which will become symbolic and will remind you of this important event.

The most common traditional baptismal gifts for a girl or boy can be considered the following:

This gift is very useful, because you can then feed the baby from a spoon. Such an item is also used to disinfect water, for which it is enough to lower it into a jar of water. On the spoon you can make an engraving with the name of the baby.

It has been noticed that in those children who used silver utensils in childhood, milk teeth do not turn black.

This gift is one of the most important. Not knowing which icon to give for christening, you can opt for an icon with the image of the Guardian Angel. They usually put it at the cradle, believing that in this case the baby's sleep will be strong and serene. Suitable as a gift and any icon of the Virgin. You can present the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. An icon depicting the face of a saint, the patron saint of a baby, is perfect as a gift.

  • Children's Bible

Baptism is a fateful event for every child, parents. This is the acquisition of spiritual peace, integrity of the spirit, God's reliable protection of man. In addition, the baby has second parents who are always ready to provide help and assistance. The duties of a godmother are especially valuable in later life.


Before agreeing to baptize a child, a woman must accept the great responsibility placed on her shoulders. It is important to understand what it means to be a godfather, and not superficially follow the traditions of Orthodoxy. It is imperative to choose a suitable candidate with faith in the heart and full responsibility. This may be a relative or girlfriend, not necessarily married, but believing and exemplary. If she is not baptized, it is important to be baptized before the fateful day for the baby, be sure to take communion.

Responsibilities of a godmother

You should not conduct an interview and casting for the role of second parents. You just need to make a conclusion, what is the attitude of the applicants to God, the surrounding people and all living things. If the mother of the crumbs thinks that godparents should only buy a cross and a kryzhma, and then participate in the sacrament of the church, and this is where participation in the fate of a new person ends, then she is greatly mistaken. Spiritual upbringing and development of the child - that's what you should be able to do godmother throughout life. In this case, we are talking about the following duties of godparents:

  1. Always be close to the child, help in difficult situations.
  2. To teach prayers and just talk about God, his role in the life of every person, attend church together.
  3. Happy birthday every year, make gifts for Angel's Day.
  4. Communion regularly, involve the godson / goddaughter in the ceremony.

How many times can you be godfather

Every Orthodox person can participate in this church ceremony, and an unlimited number of times, if the baby's parents ask for it. A truthful and informed decision is only welcome. Another important question that worries before the sacrament, who can be godparents, according to church scripture? All believing relatives and friends can assume duties, for example, an older brother, sister, girlfriend, friend, grandfather, grandmother, even stepfather. Cannot be godparents:

  • unbelievers;
  • ministers of the church;
  • people of other faiths;
  • unbaptized;
  • mentally unbalanced people;
  • biological parents.

Baptism of a child - rules for the godmother

The future godmother makes or buys a baptismal towel and clothes, and this is a mandatory step in preparing for the upcoming sacrament. In addition, a woman must first take communion and confess; on the day of christening, it is imperative to have a cross on her chest. There are other rules for the baptism of a child in the Orthodox Church, which are important to include in the rite.

Christening girls - rules for the godmother

It is important for a girl to have a spiritual mother, since she is the first after the mother and father of the child to be responsible for him. It is one thing to baptize a baby, and quite another to become a support, support, spiritual mentor for a growing person in life. The duties of the godmother at the baptism of a girl are as follows:

  1. Before the beginning of the sacrament, read by heart the prayers for the child, among them the "Symbol of Faith."
  2. Dress modestly for christening long dress, tie a head scarf.
  3. Pick up the goddaughter after immersion in the font, dress in white clothes.
  4. Hold the goddaughter in your arms while walking around the font for the priests, when reading a prayer, during the procession of chrismation.

Boy's christening - rules for the godmother

During the christening of the boy, not only the godmother plays an important role, but also the father, who in the future will provide him with spiritual support in everything. The main duties of the godmother during the baptism of a boy are identical, as well as during the church ceremony of a girl. The only difference is this: after immersion in the font, the baby picks up Godfather; the priest also carries baptized boys behind the altar.

Prayer for the baptism of a child for godparents

During the procession, the priest leaves a reminder of what the godparents should do: say the prayer “Symbol of Faith”, “Our Father”, “Our Mother of God, Rejoice”, “King of Heaven” three times aloud, answer honestly several traditional questions about faith. Each prayer for godparents at baptism gives a powerful energy charge, contributes to the child receiving grace.

What do they give a girl for christening

What should the godmother do after the completion of the sacrament? Buy and present to your godson or goddaughter a memorable gift. This is where the problem arises with choosing a suitable presentation. So what does the godmother give for the christening of a girl?

  • silver or gold cross;
  • god's image;
  • nominal icon of the Guardian Angel;
  • silver spoon.

What does a godmother buy for a boy's christening?

For future men, there are also certain requirements for gifts. This needs to know what is needed for the christening of the boy, so that during the sacrament not be taken by surprise. That's what a second mom should do.

If you were invited to a christening as a godparent or just a guest, then the question immediately arises: what to give for christening? After all, the event is religiously sublime, shrouded in holiness, spirituality, I want to give a not simply banal thing, but something with a deep meaning, so that for a lifetime. Let's try to figure out what you can give a child for christening?

Baptism - the first solemn event

What is a rite? Orthodox baptism is the divine sacrament of the second spiritual birth of a child. On this day he becomes a member of the church family, Orthodox Christian. According to tradition, the rite of Orthodox baptism should be performed on the 40th day of the baby's birth. Why so, you can find out from the article. But back to worldly problems, as well as the question of what to give for christening?

Baptism is a whole ritual. Here's what it includes:

  • meeting of people called to baptize the child
  • giving them a child through the threshold with the words "Take the unbaptized, bring the baptized"
  • waiting for the return from the church
  • traditional feast, reception of presents

What do godparents bring?

A great responsibility is entrusted, you are going to baptize a child. Have you already prepared for the sacrament itself? If you haven’t had time yet, then read the article “There you will find a lot of useful things and find out how the rite of Orthodox baptism itself goes (what for).

Have you thought about gifts yet? After all, the unspoken rules say that the godfather and godmother must give the so-called obligatory offerings (gifts).

What should a godfather give for christening?

What should a godfather bring with him? Since ancient times, the godfather brought a pectoral cross as a gift to the baptized as a gift for christening. This tradition has been preserved to this day:

  • it is customary to give a boy a silver cross
  • girl - golden

The section on metal has been led recently (men's metal is silver, women's is gold), but this is not important. The cross must be with a crucifix. Also, according to a tradition that originates in ancient Rus', on the back of the cross, it should be written "Save and save."

They usually try to give a chain of the same metal to the cross. In our time, the cost of precious metals is quite high, so modern godparents "jointly" present a gift - a cross with a chain.

What else is required of a man? The spiritual father is responsible for paying for the baptism performed by the church.

What should a godmother give for christening?

What should a hostess have with her when going to christening? The spiritual mother brings kryzhma. What is kryzhma? Previously, it was a piece of linen fabric. Today, terry towels are used as kryzhma. In stores you can find special towels for christening with embroidered angels, crosses. After the rite of Orthodox baptism, this gift is preserved, and is used only when the baby is sick.

Usually, a spiritual mother can give a “set” with a kryzhma clothes in which a child will be baptized (a baptismal shirt) or a suit that is intended for a baptized person to “go” to church.

Nowadays, all godparents often bring kryzhma, regardless of their number, as well as gender.

What else can a woman give? The godmother must give an icon for baptism. In general, a certain icon is used for the rite itself:

  • for boys - savior
  • for girls - the mother of God with a baby

You can give a nominal icon (a saint with the name of the person being baptized), Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Matrona of Moscow or a Guardian Angel. Earlier, in Rus', on the day of christening, the spiritual mother gave a measured icon, which was made to order, had the height of a newborn, the Guardian Angel was depicted on the icon.

What else can spiritual parents give?

With obligatory "offerings" sorted out. Now let's talk about what else you can give? Accompanying gifts, which very often give for christening godparents.

1. Gold pin. A popular expensive present that can be given for christening. Although the celebration is spiritual, it is generally accepted that the pin will protect the baby from the evil eye.

2. Silver spoon. Needed item. On it you can engrave the name of the child, the date of christening. The silver spoon will remind you of the second spiritual birth. After all, few people can name the date when he was baptized.

3. Bible. Of course, the baby will not appreciate such a present yet, but this will be the first contribution of the godparents to the spiritual education of the godson. Holy Scripture should be in every home and accompany a person through life.

4. Ladanka. This is also a kind of amulet, the same as a pin. Only the amulet has a religious connotation.

What else to give? If you want to give the right thing, it is better to ask the parents what the baby needs. It can be:

  • walkers
  • bike
  • development mat
  • arena
  • high chair, etc.

More and more people prefer to donate money. Yes, it's not bad, but there will be no memory left.

What do christening guests usually give?

Each guest must decide this question for himself, relying on his imagination, as well as the budget.

The following practical, necessary gifts are often presented:

1. Clothes. A child does not have much. After all, the little fidget will soon not sit in one place and his mother will have to change his clothes several times a day. Therefore, gifts in the form of clothes for a baby will never be superfluous.

2. Bed sets, blankets. It is also a good gift. A practical thing needed in the "household".

3. Toys. Giving toys on the day of christening is considered normal. After all, the little "hero of the occasion" is only on them this moment will be able to appreciate. It could be soft toy, doll or car.

4. Book. To give a book is to bestow knowledge. Although it is still too early for such a thing, but in the future, today's baby will enthusiastically rejoice at such a thing. After all, we all grew up on good fairy tales.

5. Photo album. It should not be simple, but special ( original design) to store baby photos.

6. Money. Trite, but very necessary. On them, parents themselves will purchase the most necessary things for the child.

7. Gift certificate. This is the same money, but with a purpose. Now it is popular to give such certificates, it is original and obliges a person to choose a thing as a gift with a certain direction. The certificate can be from a children's clothing or toy store, as well as a choice jewelry.

What to give godparents for christening in return?

As for gifts for them, these can be:

1. Small souvenirs with religious overtones. These can be symbolic gifts in the form of amulets, small icons.

2. Useful souvenirs. Basically, they carry the memory of the event. These can be hats, towels, general photos with the baby designed in an interesting way. So that you do not decide to give already held godfathers, the main thing is not a gift. With this gesture, you show that you value these people and are ready to accept them into your family as native people and mentors for the crumbs.

Now you know what to give for christening? The main thing is to make a gift from a pure heart with Best wishes.

Author of the publication: Victoria Teterina

Baptism is one of the most significant events in the life of a person and his family. According to church canons, baptism introduces the baby to the Lord, opening the door to the spiritual world for him. On this day, the child not only visits the temple for the first time, but also receives his godfather and mother. From time immemorial, after the ceremony, the parents of the hero of the occasion organized a celebration, inviting the closest relatives and friends. However, the significance of the event distinguishes Christening from a series of traditional family holidays, therefore, a special meaning has always been invested in the process of choosing gifts for Christening. In this article you will find various ideas What to give for Christening.

What do they give a girl for Christening?

The most important gifts for Christening for a girl are a kryzhma or "rizka", as well as a pectoral cross. Kryzhma (“rizka”) is called a towel or cloth, in which it is customary to wrap a child immediately after a sacred ablution. According to tradition, the godmother prepares kryzhma for the girl. In the old days, there was an interesting custom: if the kryzhma was a piece of fabric, then later it was used for sewing bed linen, which was given to the girl as a dowry.

From ancient times, another sacred custom has come down to our days, according to which the godmother must sew and embroider a robe for her newly-baked daughter with her own hands. As a rule, to create kryzhma was chosen natural fabric in white, cream or pale pink. As for embroidery, it was not just an ornament, but a symbol of a baby's amulet. For example, in the corner of the kryzhma, the name of the saint patronizing the girl, floral ornaments symbolizing beauty and health, the face of angels, etc. were often embroidered. In addition to the kryzhma, a baptismal shirt and a bonnet are needed to perform the rite of baptism.

Despite the fact that when creating the robes with her own hands, the godmother puts her energy into them, the church does not prohibit the use of ready-made sets for baptism. Now there are a lot of beautiful and original sets, consisting of a kryzhma, a baptismal shirt and bonnets. As a rule, sacramental clothing is decorated with ribbons, lace, patterns and embroidery. However, when choosing such an important gift, first of all, pay attention not to its beauty, but to its quality and naturalness. According to tradition, after the ceremony, the kryzhma and the baptismal shirt, without washing, must be hidden in a secluded place, taking it out only in cases where the child is sick.

A gift in the form of a pectoral cross and a chain is the responsibility of the godfather. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to give a child a cross made of precious metals, because products made from more precious metals have no less grace. simple materials. As for the chain, most often it is selected under the cross, but since a metal, silver or gold chain can hurt delicate skin baby, often a soft rope or satin ribbon is additionally given to the cross.

According to Orthodox traditions, on the day of Epiphany, the girl should be presented with a small silver spoon, from which she will later try “adult” food for the first time. To make this gift memorable, the spoon can be engraved in the form of wishes, Christian symbols or the name of the baby. In addition, in the old days on this day it was customary to give a girl a motanka doll, which protected the health of the child and protected him from the evil eye.

On the Christening of a girl, you can give a beautiful container for storing the first curl, as well as any attributes related to the spiritual development of the child: a children's bible, icons with the face of saints, a prayer book, etc.

An interesting tradition exists among Catholic Christians. On the day of baptism, the godmother or maternal aunt of the girl gives the baby a bracelet made of natural pearls. Subsequently, the pearls from the bracelet are used to decorate the wedding dress.

What do they give a boy for Christening

Traditional gifts for Christening are practically not divided by gender, however, it is believed that the christening robe for a boy should not have extra decorations in the form of embroidery, lace or ribbons.

Boys on this day are also often presented with some kind of leather product that they can wear in the future. For example, a bracelet with the name of the baby, a leather rope for a cross, a commemorative keychain, etc.

It is very important that, in addition to standard gifts, on the day of his spiritual birth, the boy receives an attribute associated with knowledge and faith. According to Orthodox tradition, the best gift for a boy, the bible is considered, from which he will subsequently receive his first knowledge about the world and God. In addition to the Bible, the boy can be presented with an icon with the face of the Guardian Angel, who gave the name to the baby. The donated icon should be hung over the child's bed in such a way that he can see it freely.

A good gift for a boy will be a suitcase with a set of necessary things: blouses, diapers, caps, bibs, etc. To fill things with favorable energy, you need to embroider the initials of the child, as well as the name of his patron, on the back of the clothes.

In Catholic countries, in addition to the above gifts, on Christening Day, boys are given a boutonniere made of snow-white artificial flowers. After many years, this boutonniere is used to decorate the groom's suit.

What to give a godmother for Christening?

The Church does not give specific guidance on whether gifts should be given to godparents. However, Christening marks not only the spiritual birth of a child, but also the acquisition of new relatives, so symbolic gifts for the godparents, mom and dad, will become a tribute to them.

According to tradition, the parents of the baby should give their newly-made godmother something related to domestic well-being and happiness. For example, it can be a tablecloth, a set of bed linen, a coffee service, a set of towels, etc.

In addition, as a sacred gift, the godmother gets a napkin under the candle, which is lit during the baptismal prayer. This gift is memorable and valuable in itself, however, as an addition, you can embroider the name of the godmother on it.

If the godmother does not yet have her own child, in the old days, after the rite of baptism, godfathers gave her a bag of flower seeds, which she was supposed to plant in her garden.

What to give the godfather for Christening?

According to the rules, the godfather of the baby must pay for the ceremony, make a church offering and cover the costs of celebrating this event. Since, after the sacrament, the godfather “gets poorer” in material terms, the baby’s parents must reimburse the expenses by giving him something related to financial well-being. For example, a good gift for the godfather there will be a beautiful wallet, a pendant in the form of a symbolic coin, a “money” tree, etc.

In addition, the godfather, as well as the godmother, is presented with a baptismal napkin under a candle as a gift.

What to give grandma for Christening?

Gifts from the closest relatives, and especially from the grandmothers of the child, are also endowed with sacred grace and can become the most powerful amulet for the hero of the occasion.

In the old days, one of the baby's grandmothers gave her grandson or granddaughter a measured icon. A measured or nominal icon is a wooden image, the height of which corresponds to the growth of a child being baptized. The face of the namesake saint is applied to the icon. Previously, a measured icon presented by a grandmother was carefully kept throughout her life and often became a family heirloom. In addition to the measured icon, you can give the baby a book with a biography of his saint.

In addition to the measured icon, grandmothers on the day of baptism can give their grandchildren silverware (including personalized silver spoons), jewelry and other memorabilia. If there are things in the family that are passed down from generation to generation, often after the ceremony they are transferred to the family of the baptized child.

The above gifts correspond to the canons of the Orthodox Church, however, this does not mean that only them should be given to the baby on the day of Christening. In addition to the mandatory attributes, a memorable day can be safely supplemented with other interesting and useful things. For example, you can give your baby good bedding, interesting toys, clothes, books, leisure accessories, etc. If a child is not baptized in infancy, as a rule, relatives and guests present him with some sweets.

Since a gift for such an important event should be memorable, a photo or video filming can be presented as a present to the family of the person being baptized.

The most important thing is that the Christening gift should be useful and symbolic at the same time. Try to find such a thing that will last even after many years and will evoke pleasant associations in the hero of the occasion.
