Does the child ride the train alone. Traveling a child on a train: rules, age, benefits, documents, power of attorney, ticket, escort

Often parents are interested in - at what age can children be sent on a trip on their own - for example, if it becomes necessary to take a child to summer holidays to relatives, but adults do not have such an opportunity, due to lack of time.

Considering this issue, it is necessary to refer to the rules of intercity transportation on railway transport, according to which it is forbidden to travel by children under the age of 10 on long-distance trains without accompanying (parents, teachers, etc.). Exceptions are cases when children use railway transport to travel to educational institutions. If the trip is carried out on a suburban railway transport, then for an independent trip, the child must reach the age of 7.

It is important to note that age is considered at the time of the trip, and not the purchase of tickets for a child - so, it can be purchased - until the required number of years is reached. When boarding a child under 14 years of age in a railway transport, it will be necessary to confirm his identity and age documentarily by presenting the original birth certificate or a copy certified by a notary. If the child has already reached the age of 14, then a passport is required.

Certificate confirming the right to preferential travel

If travel is carried out on preferential travel cards, in addition to the main document - a passport, you will need to present a certificate obtained at a general education institution (school). The certificate must contain the following information:

  • F. I. About a child who provides full-time education;
  • address and school number;
  • date of issue;
  • director's signature educational institution(or the employee who replaces him).

The legal portal site draws your attention to the fact that the certificate must be certified by the seal of the educational institution - otherwise, it will not be valid.

Fares for children on railway transport

The fare for children is lower than for adults and depends on their age, as well as a number of other factors. So the fare is:

  • for children under 5 years old - free of charge in the case when the child does not occupy a seat (shares it with an accompanying person), if it does, it will be necessary to issue a ticket in accordance with children's tariffs;
  • for children from 5 to 7 years old - in accordance with children's tariffs;
  • for children over 7 years old - in accordance with the tariffs for adults.

Railway safety

Even if the child has reached the age at which independent travel is allowed, one should not forget about his safety. Unfortunately, quite often there are various unpleasant, and sometimes tragic situations. To avoid them negative consequences(or at least reduce the likelihood of their occurrence to a minimum), it is necessary to explain to the child the safety rules on railway transport:

  1. It is possible to cross railway tracks only at specially equipped crossings.
  2. If the crossing is located on the same level as the railroad tracks, you must make sure that there is no approaching train.
  3. It is forbidden to cross the railroad tracks at the prohibitory signal of a traffic light (if any).
  4. You can not use a mobile phone while crossing the path, as well as use headphones, because. it can be distracting.
  5. It is forbidden to cross directly on the railway tracks.
  6. It is forbidden to enter the passenger platform and railway tracks in unspecified places.
  7. Do not approach the edge of the passenger platform.
  8. It is not allowed to crawl under the train - it can go at any moment, which will inevitably lead to death.
  9. Do not play outdoor games and do not run on the passenger platform.
  10. It is forbidden to climb onto the roof of the wagons. they are under high voltage.
  11. Do not touch the wires, and especially broken ones.
  12. Don't lean on the wagons.
  13. It is forbidden to get out of moving cars, or, conversely, to try to get into them.
  14. Doors must not be opened while railway transport is in motion.
  15. It is forbidden to stand on the steps of the train.
  16. Do not lean out of an open window while the train is in motion.
  17. If you are on the platform while the train is moving, you must move to a safe distance.

In addition to the standard safety rules, it is recommended to use the following tips:

  • it is better to buy a ticket in the cars located in the middle of the train. they are usually the safest;
  • it is recommended to buy a ticket for a child to the lower seat - he can fall from the top and get various injuries;
  • if possible, you need to accompany the child and turn to the conductors with a request to control him on the way, as well as to select passengers who inspire confidence and ask them to do the same;
  • upon arrival at the destination, the child must be met by relatives, who must be informed in advance of the arrival time, carriage number and place, as well as other important details;
  • instruct the child about the rules of conduct in cases of possible delay of those meeting.

Of course, it is better not to send a child alone, but if the need for this nevertheless arose, you need to prepare for the trip with all responsibility and not only prepare an established list of documents, but also pay attention to safety rules.

We don't always succeed accompany children on the road, but sometimes a significantly grown son or daughter, according to our concepts, would have completely coped with the road on their own, especially if it does not take so much time for trains long distance . But no! Not always our desires coincide with the letter of the law. Let's find out when it's possible and when it's too early.

Rules for a child on a train

You need to remember one nuance right away, no matter how many years or months your child is, in any case you need to issue a ticket. The only question is whether it will be penniless or with payment according to the Russian Railways tariff.

Gradation by age of children to travel by train is in three groups:

  • Children under 5 years old are entitled to ride for free.
  • Before reaching the first round date of ten years, you need to issue a children's ticket.
  • Children older than the first round date can only purchase an adult ticket.

The last two points imply the provision of a separate place for the child, in the first case this will not happen. So if you have, for example, child on train with grandma rides, it's better to issue a separate child ticket for a baby under five years old, so that the trip of both is as comfortable as possible.

You can issue tickets on the website or by visiting the railway ticket office in person. When landing, you must have the originals on hand. documents for all passengers. Thus buy a train ticket for children you can by copy, but when landing, keep originals.

  • children Must have birth certificate or passport. As well as a certificate of a student of a general educational institution, if the trip is for general educational purposes.
  • Adults and accompanying persons: passport, tickets, power of attorney for a child for travel on the train.

Accompanying children on the train

We immediately note that it is impossible send a child by train alone until he turns 10! The only exception can only be transportation of a group of children, where for every 8-12 people there is always 1 accompanying. But at the same time, the child needs to take on the road certificate outstanding in institutions with full-time education. It confirms the right to receive preferential travel when traveling to educational institutions as a group.

Reference in this case it should contain the following information:

  • Name of the person to whom the certificate is provided;
  • School details;
  • Number and date of issue of the certificate.

Accompanying children Very important point any travel READ ALSO : ). Even if your child, in your opinion, is big and independent, he can still get into completely unpleasant and unforeseen situations, during which he will not be able to understand how to act correctly. For example, he fell off the shelf at night, like his head was spinning a little and that's it. I got up from the floor and went to sleep on the shelf. He may not even tell you about it, and as a result, a slight concussion of the brain will appear. No one is safe from theft either, so even if children allowed to go on the train since 10 years old, this does not mean that they are already ready for anything.

IMPORTANT! If you are sending child on the train alone, do a briefing. He'd rather know how to act than get into trouble.

Documents for the travel of a child on a train with an accompanying person not complicated. To travel through the territory of the Russian Federation, you do not need a notarized power of attorney for a child. Here, in the case when the train with this child crosses the borders, it will be required power of attorney for a child from parents. In the case of a simple border crossing along the route of the train - power of attorney will also be required.
From documents to the accompanying person need to have a passport and parental permission to travel.

Permission written in free form. You can print it or write it by hand, the main thing is that it contains:

  • Full name of the accompanying person and the child;
  • Passport details of the accompanying person;
  • Data per child;
  • If you write by hand, the handwriting should be as legible as possible.

IMPORTANT! For a child, take a medical policy. It is not absolutely necessary that you need it, but it is better to have it with you.

Unaccompanied children on the train

In this form, children have the right to travel only at the age of ten years. Until that moment, our children will not be allowed on the trains! So At what age does a child travel alone on a train? Of course, it is up to you to decide, but it is still recommended to send it with an adult to ensure maximum safety when moving.

Accompanying a child on a train

Russian Railways officially operates such a service. It can be ordered on Sapsan for children from 10 to 16 years old. It operates on train routes, but excludes its registration when a child leaves at transfer stations. To apply for it, you need to apply in advance, that is, 48 ​​hours before the departure of your train. You can issue it:

  • In the service centers of the Leningradsky railway station in Moscow;
  • In the centers of the Moscow railway station in St. Petersburg.

Marina, sons Mikhail (12 years old) and Vladislav (8 years old)

I myself am not from Moscow. At one time, we came with a girlfriend to study, time passed and, in addition to our husbands, we had children. At the very beginning, while we were both on maternity leave, we went together to visit our parents, and then, when we went to work, it became very difficult to coordinate. Therefore, now we draw up a power of attorney and go to parents with children in turn. So it turns out more convenient and not very expensive.

Elizabeth, daughter Eugene (5 years old), sons Dmitry (9 years old) and Ivan (13 years old)

As you understand, it is not always possible to take a child, for example, to a sanatorium in person. Now, of course, I can send Ivan one. But I worry terribly all the time of his journey. Therefore, I try to either go with him, or we are looking for a company for him. As a rule, he travels either with friends, or also with one of the friends' parents. That's when I'm calm. In general, children are not so sociable now, and if they suddenly forget something, they won’t be able to ask again. Feel shy. Therefore, you are afraid for them, no matter what happens. It's good that mobile communications are available almost everywhere, otherwise, probably, it would have been tormented during this time already. But what I want to say is that if we all go on vacation together with dad, then our journey always looks like a fairy tale. Everything is calm, everything is in business. Here if I one with him I'm on the train, then we have running around and fussing, this, probably, still affects my not strong self-organization. In general, in any case, try to travel outside the usual limits so that you have a change of scenery and a friendly family.

Children are those whom we constantly take care of, wishing them all the best and the best. Breaking up with them is always hard, but it's even harder to worry about him or her when he or she is away from you. There are situations when we have to send children on the train journey without our supervision. It can be a trip to relatives or back, and so on. Most often, of course, we choose our vacation in such a way as to prevent such a situation, but not always everything depends on us.

All children are very different, some are noisy and restless, while others are calm and quiet. In any case, it is difficult for a child to fully take care of himself if he is not used to it. The conditions on the train are very diverse, the neighbors are people with different characters and lives, traveling on their own business, the conductors also have a different attitude to their work and duties. In this article, we want to give some useful tips how to make your child's trip safer without your accompaniment.

  • The most basic rule is that children who have not reached age 10 years, do not have the right to travel by train unaccompanied by adults (parents or relatives with documents for the child).
  • To get started, make sure your child has a bag with enough groceries before the trip. And it would be better if there were no chips or a large number candy. This will help so that your son or daughter will not be tempted to eat only what is not healthy, and then suffer from indigestion.
  • Don't let him go valuables such as tablet or laptop. This may attract people's attention and make the trip unsafe.
  • Pack everything you need in your bag. hygiene products and give your child a small bag with which he can go to the toilet to wash and brush his teeth. It will be very convenient for him.
  • It is advisable to take care of the full charge of your son's or daughter's mobile phone, and even better, an additional battery.
  • Very seriously explain to the child a few simple rules: do not get off the train at intermediate stations, do not communicate with suspicious people, and so on.
  • Be sure to call relatives or people who will meet your child. Tell them the exact time of the train's arrival, the train and wagon number, and the seat number. Tell your child not to get up from his seat when the train arrives. This will help everyone to find each other among a large number of people.
  • Check before you travel availability of all documents and that they are in a safe place. Here Required documents for the child to travel independently: the original passport or birth certificate and a ticket.
  • Before you buy a ticket, try to choose compartment carriage. It will be safest if you manage to agree that your child's seat is next to women, and preferably with women with children.
  • For the safest trip of your child, you need to get to know his compartment neighbors when boarding and explain the situation to them, unless, of course, these are people who, as you think, can be trusted. Would also like to explain conductor, that your child is traveling unaccompanied by adults, and ask him to look after him.

Here are the basic things you might need in this kind of situation. It will also be useful to know how to make the road easier when you are traveling.

Upcoming train travel with children many parents are perplexed: many do not know what documents are needed, whether it is worth buying a ticket for a child and from what age to pay for travel.

In this article, we will take a closer look at all the nuances of a child traveling on a train and notify parents where they will have to pay, and where the state provides an opportunity to save.

Until what age can children ride the train for free when a child ticket is needed?

Standing at the ticket office, parents ask a bunch of questions: is it worth taking a ticket for a child and how to place it if you don’t buy a ticket, are there any discounts for schoolchildren, what documents are needed for a child when traveling, and this is not all the ambiguities of the upcoming trip with children.

If your child is still under five years old You can bring it with you for free. Consider the fact that the child is not provided with a separate seat and will have to travel on the same shelf.

If the child is under 5 years of age, then the train ride is free for him

  • But a prerequisite is issuance of a free ticket for a child under five years old
  • For registration, you need to go to the railway ticket office and purchase this ticket there, otherwise the child will not be allowed on the train without it
  • For one adult can hold one child, who has not reached the age of five. If you are traveling in a carriage of the category "Lux", then the child is allowed to travel free of charge up to 10 years
  • After this age, the child already needs to purchase a child ticket, it is valid up to 7 years for suburban trains and up to 10 years for trains that follow longer distances

You can buy it in two ways:

  • through the Internet
  • at the box office at the station

To purchase a ticket, it is not necessary to stand in line - you can do this through the website

In any case, in order to obtain such a ticket, it is necessary enter data from birth certificate child in the electronic version of the ticket order or present the document directly to the ticket office.

Child ticket prices vary from 35% to 50% of the price adult ticket.

Video: Traveling with a child on a train

Rules for children on trains

In order to travel with a child on a train, you must know certain rules of the road:

  • Before 5 years child rides for free
  • A child ticket entitles children under the age of 5 to 7 years old
  • children from 10 years travel is at the price of a ticket for an adult
  • If the travel date coincides with the child's birthday, then payment is made taking into account full years

Children up to the age of five are entitled to free travel.

Be careful and take into account the indicated difference in ticket prices so that their cost does not take you by surprise near the ticket office.

Travel concessions for children on long-distance trains

On the trains that go for a long distance, other conditions for transporting children apply:

  • Child from birth to five years is entitled to free travel, a free ticket is required
  • Five to ten years travel is carried out on a children's ticket
  • children up to ten years travel without adults is prohibited. An exception is the travel of schoolchildren to educational institutions
  • The age of the child is the main indicator for determining the cost of the ticket. If on the day of travel the child turns 10 years, then he needs to purchase an adult ticket
  • children up to 14 years old you need to have a birth certificate with you

After the age of 10, a child can travel on preferential terms only to NE

For your own peace of mind and the safety of your child don't let him go alone on a long trip, even if he is already ten years old.

Ticket discounts for children in a compartment and reserved seat

The seats on the train differ in price and comfort. There are such options places depending on amenities:

  • reserved seat
  • Suite or SW

The cheapest option is to travel in the reserved seat, but in terms of amenities, everything here is not quite perfect - there is no door, all passengers are at a glance.

In the coupe improved conditions - four seats are fenced off from other passengers.

Suite designed for two people, it has more comfortable beds and improved service. Naturally, the price is twice as high.

From 10 years old in reserved seats from September 1 to May 31 price reduced by half. Unfortunately, the coupe does not offer any discounts other than those mentioned above.

If you want to buy tickets at a better price and not wait for them while standing in a long queue with your child - you can order online.

It's much faster, more convenient - you can choose the best travel option, best places and significantly save on the cost of the ticket.

Accompanying children on the train

  • The train ride is extremely unsafe for children Unaccompanied
  • First, it is associated with risk of injury, and secondly, very often on trains, both suburban and long-distance thieves are operating who want to take someone else's property
  • Therefore, it is better not to send children on a trip without adults.

Children on the train must be accompanied by an adult

Children are not allowed to travel without adults up to 10 years old. If you are not able to accompany your child, you can ask relatives or friends.

  • Don't worry about the paperwork involved. To transport a child by territory Russian Federation parental consent is not required
  • If the child crosses the Russian border by train to the CIS countries, you will definitely need official permission from your parents
  • The person who will accompany your child must have not only permission from parents but also identification
  • In the permit, it is imperative to prescribe the name of the accompanying person, his passport data and the data of the child, so that the inspectors can identify the information

If you send the child with the grandmother visiting relatives or just on a trip around the country, then no documents with your consent are needed.

child's birth certificate and a ticket, depending on age. This will be enough.

It is important that the child understands who rides with him and in the case of a question from the check, he could calmly and adequately give an answer.

  • When a child with a grandmother needs vacation abroad, then parents will be required to notarized permission, where you need to specify details about the child - birth certificate, date of birth and full name
  • The grandmother who accompanies your child must also be mentioned in the permit. Otherwise, if there is any doubt at customs, the child may not be released
  • So think carefully route of the child with the grandmother and get everything ready required documents so that there are no difficulties and unforeseen situations during the trip

Documents for the child's train

To everyone who buys train tickets for you and your child, you need to know what documents and data are needed in order to get this ticket.

It doesn't matter if you buy them online or directly at the ticket office, you need this information anyway.

  • If the child under 14 years old, then a prerequisite for buying a ticket for it will be the presence of a birth certificate or a passport
  • When the child is already turned 14 years old, the birth certificate is replaced by a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • If a child does not live in the Russian Federation, is not its citizen, it is necessary for him to have birth certificate issued by the authorized body of the home state. Only in this case, he will receive a ticket on a special foreign document.
  • When buying a ticket online birth certificate number or series and passport number will be the basic information you will need when you receive your e-ticket

It will be a lot easier buy tickets online- The whole procedure can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Do I need a power of attorney for a child on a train?

  • If the child is traveling not with parents, but the trip is carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, then no documents or your documentary consent are needed in order to receive a ticket
  • The most important thing to have with you is identity document accompanying person and birth certificate of the child
  • In case the child goes abroad, then parents are required to visit a notary and issue an accompanying notarized permission, where you need to specify in detail the data about the child and the accompanying person - a notary will help you fill in all the necessary information

When traveling abroad by train, the persons accompanying the child must have a power of attorney

If the power of attorney does not specify in detail the data from the birth certificate of the child and the passport of the accompanying person, then travel may be prohibited.

Pay maximum attention to the fact of paperwork for the child's trip if you are going to send him abroad. For travel within the Russian Federation There are no issues with credentials.

Traveling a child on a train without parents

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a child who under the age of ten cannot travel by train without an adult.

Or rather, in fact, they won’t let him even on the train alone, even if he is with a ticket.

If you want to send a child to visit, but you yourself cannot go with him, there are two options depending on age - if the child up to ten years, then only the accompaniment of an adult is required and no other options.

For children over 10 years of age:

  • Talk to the child and explain to him about the possible dangers that he may encounter are strangers and various kinds of danger on the train. Therefore, be sure to tell your child about safety precautions and that in no case should you get off the train yourself during a stop - otherwise the train may leave and the child himself will remain in a strange city
  • Buy a ticket to the middle carriage on the bottom shelf - they are considered the safest
  • Provide the child with the necessary hygiene products and medicines
  • Ask conductors or passengers to looked after the child and, in case of any problem situations, provided assistance
  • Necessarily give the child mobile phone to keep in touch with him. It is better to download a special mobile application to track where the child is at the moment
  • Discuss with the people who will meet your child, the place and time of the arrival of the train, tell them the car number. Keep in touch with the child until he sees adults

But still it is better not to let small children go by train without adult supervision.

What to take with you on the road?

Here, you have already bought tickets and are almost ready to go, but the question remains open: what to take with you on the road? Now let's take a closer look at an approximate list of necessary things for a trip:

  • Hygiene products- wipes for hands and body, mouthwash and other personal hygiene items
  • Comfortable everyday clothes
  • Beverages, which do not have a diuretic effect, to eliminate too frequent trips to the public toilet
  • Products that are well stored - sausage, raw eggs are best set aside for another occasion

You should definitely take hygiene products on the train - especially if the child is small.
  • The main reason why it is better to take drinks that do not have a diuretic effect, is the need to visit the toilet
  • No matter how carefully they clean it, even if you are traveling in the "Lux", it's still public space With huge amount microbes
  • Traveling by train - the cheapest way to get to the right place, but if the price is a virtue, then there are various disadvantages during trips - shaking, dirt and unfriendly neighbors
  • Choose for yourself the best mode of transport and be prepared for various non-standard situations - then the trip will have a positive ending, and inconvenience will not take you by surprise

What to take a child on a train from food, what to feed?

It is important that the child is on the road was not hungry, but at the same time not poisoned low-quality products that can deteriorate in a stuffy car.

For infants and children up to a year the best option would be baby food if you are not breastfeeding or using complementary foods. It is advisable, if the trip is not more than three hours, to use a cooler bag.

food products that you take with you on the train must not be perishable
  • children from one to three years you can take cookies, fruits, vegetables - everything that is useful, but not hard on the child’s stomach and will not make him thirsty (remember the point about the toilet)
  • For children from three years you can take homemade food - potatoes, boiled eggs, meat or fish, but remember the storage conditions for these products
  • From drinks it is better to take juices or buy tea on the train. In no case do not buy food during stops - dusty food at the station is not the best The best decision to satisfy hunger

Travel for a child under one year old: railway arena, grid

If you are afraid to take a small child on a train and do not want to keep him in your arms all the time, then there are railway arena, which you can install in a compartment and not worry that your child will fall during the next turn of the train.

Using such an arena, it is completely it is not necessary to buy a separate bed for the child and you can not worry that you will create inconvenience to other passengers. The playpen fits perfectly on the bed and does not create any inconvenience.

Railway arena

You can also buy special railway grid, which is attached to the bed and protects the child from falling to the floor.

These handy accessories are not very affordable, but if you often move, then they will become an indispensable thing for you on trips.

This way, your child can play all the way in the arena and you won't have to worry about him falling and getting hurt.

If the path is long and your child is very active, be prepared for the fact that need something to do with it. We offer A few options to brighten up your journey:

  • Reading books- It will be interesting to read funny poems or fairy tales about animals to the child. Choose books with bright pictures
  • ball game- buy a soft ball so as not to injure the child and have fun
  • paint pictures- pencils and felt-tip pens to help you - you can think of drawing what the child sees in the window

  • Technical innovations- download new games or cartoons to your phone or tablet and show them to your child. Don't rely on Internet searches, not all trains are famous for features such as Wi-Fi access
  • Favorite Helpers– dolls and cars will help to have fun.

Thus there is weight fun activities, which will help your child not be bored on the way. Show your imagination and then both you and the child definitely enjoy the trip, and the minor inconveniences that so often occur on trains will not bother you much.

Video: Traveling a child on a train
