Benefits for pensioners on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner. Survivor benefits

A survivor's pension is a monetary compensation for the child of the income of the deceased father or mother. Such compensation, of course, is partial, issued approximately 50% of the confirmed income level of the deceased parent. If there are two or more children in the family, compensation is paid in the amount of the full salary of the breadwinner.

Survivor's pension application

A survivor's pension can be obtained from the Pension Fund, for which it is necessary to provide a certificate of death of a parent, a birth certificate of all minor children, passports of all adult family members, a work book of the deceased, a certificate from his past job and a certificate of his income for the last 60 months , military ID, if available. The survivor's pension can be received from the time of the death of the father or mother, it will be paid to the child when he reaches 18 or 23 years old if he continues to study at the secondary or higher educational institution. In addition, if a child who has lost one of the parents is not yet 18 years old, he is entitled to a social supplement to his pension. Usually, part of the funds for this is allocated from the federal budget, and part is paid extra from the regional.

Fringe benefits

In addition to cash payments, a child left without the care of one of the parents is entitled to some social benefits. However, the availability of many of them depends on the region of residence. While the child receives a survivor's pension, he also has the right to travel free of charge in public transport in his city, without any additional payments to receive all the necessary textbooks in his educational institution, to attend some cultural events, such as theatrical performances, performances, museum exhibitions.

He can count on free two meals a day at school. However, this benefit is very controversial and far from being implemented in all educational institutions, since usually free school meals are provided only to the poor and large families.

Applicants who have lost their parents enter the university on preferential terms. If the child is still small, up to 2 years of age he should be provided with food in a dairy kitchen, and up to 3 years he should be provided with all the necessary medicines that the doctor writes out on prescription. In addition, such families are provided with discounts on utility bills. You need to find out about all benefits at the Department of Social Protection of a particular region, since social assistance can vary greatly, depending on the place of residence of a person and the laws adopted there.

What are the benefits for children in the event of loss of a breadwinner? If minor child lost his mother/father, he is entitled to a survivor's pension. Consider the list of grounds for obtaining this form of state social support, the procedure for applying for financial assistance and the list of documents required for applying. In addition, we will indicate what other benefits exist for orphans.

Citizens who were dependent on the deceased (in our case, children), unemployed and disabled, have the right to receive a survivor's pension. Consider who and when has the right to demand financial assistance, as well as the basic rules relating to this issue.

  • adopted children have equal rights with consanguineous children, including to receive social benefits for the loss of a breadwinner;
  • a stepson/stepdaughter who is supported or raised by a stepmother/stepfather have equal rights with their own children;
  • the size of the pension does not depend on the size insurance experience the breadwinner, is established regardless of the time and causes of death, with the exception of situations where death occurred as a result of intentional harm to one's health or as a result of a criminally punishable intentional act (this fact must be recognized by the court and proven);
  • the dependency of children whose parent has died does not require proof (with the exception of adults and children who have received full legal capacity before the age of 18).

Important! The survivor's pension is awarded:

  • in case of recognition of a citizen as dead;
  • in the event of his death;
  • in the absence of an unknown person (during the year there was no information at his place of residence, which was established by the court).

The conditions for calculating and the amount of this pension depend on which category of persons the breadwinner belonged to:

  • if the deceased is an insured person, his children are entitled to labor pension on the loss of a breadwinner;
  • if the deceased did not have insurance experience, died as a result of intentional harm to his health or as a result of a criminally punishable intentional act (this fact must be recognized by the court and proven), his child is entitled to a social pension.

Labor pension

Who is eligible to receive this form of financial assistance from the state:

  • children under 18;
  • children under 23 years of age who are full-time students of educational institutions (excluding institutions of additional education) until graduation;
  • students over 18 years of age who became disabled before adulthood;
  • children over 18 who are involved in the care, maintenance, upbringing of sisters, brothers, grandchildren, children of the deceased (under 14 years old).
  • round orphans;
  • disabled child who has lost one parent.
  • The amount of such a pension is basic and fixed. It is set by the state and is constantly indexed and raised.

Social pension

They are entitled to receive:

  1. Minor children who have lost one parent, as well as children under 23 years old who are full-time students of educational institutions (excluding institutions of additional education) until graduation, who are not entitled to receive a labor pension. The amount of financial assistance in this case is 3626.71 rubles per month.
  2. Disabled children - 8704 rubles per month.
  3. Minor children who have lost both parents or, as well as children under 23 years of age who are full-time students of educational institutions (excluding institutions of additional education) until graduation, who are not entitled to receive a labor pension. 7253.43 rubles per month.

Indexation of social pensions is carried out in accordance with the legislatively established procedure.

We have analyzed what benefits children have for the loss of a breadwinner, now we need to talk about how to get them.

Applying for a pension

To receive the considered form of state material support, it is necessary to apply to the territorial body of the PFR at the place of residence of the applicant. It is this organization that is engaged in the appointment, recalculation of the size and payment of all types of pensions.

You can also submit an application by sending an electronic document via the Internet.

You can learn about receiving child benefits.

A pension is assigned from the day when the appeal occurred, but not earlier than the moment the right to it arises. In this case, the date of application is considered to be the day of acceptance by the PFR authority of the application, together with all the required documents.

If the application and documents were sent by mail, then the date of circulation will be the date marked on the postmark.

The survivor's pension will be assigned from the day of the death of the parent of the child, but you need to apply to the FIU no later than one year after the loss of the breadwinner. If the application occurred later, the pension will be calculated from the day 12 months preceding the date of application and submission of documents.

If not all documents were collected, then the applicant must submit all the necessary information within three months. If this is done later, the day of applying for financial assistance will be considered the day the application is received.

Required documents

In order to be assigned a labor pension, you may need:

  • documents confirming: kinship with the deceased, the average monthly income of the deceased, his insurance period, the fact of death, identity, citizenship, place of residence and age of the child;
  • identification and authority of the representative of the minor;
  • a document confirming that the stepson / stepdaughter was / was dependent on, educated, supported by the stepmother / stepfather;
  • a document confirming that the deceased was a single mother;
  • confirmation that the recipient of the pension is a full-time student;
  • or is busy caring for, maintaining, raising sisters, brothers, grandchildren, children of the deceased (under 14 years old), while not working himself;
  • on the recognition of the breadwinner as dead, missing.

This list is not final and requires clarification in each case.

The application can be submitted either by the minor himself, if he is already 14 years old, or by his legal representative.

What other survivor benefits are available?

We examined in detail the features and procedure for obtaining state material assistance in the form of pensions for children who have lost a parent/parents. Now let's talk about what other orphans and orphans are.

  • They can enroll in specialty and bachelor's programs at a budgetary expense, subject to successful passing of entrance exams.
  • They can use public transport services for free (for this you need to issue a special coupon).
  • Free meals in educational institutions (two meals a day).
  • Issuance of free textbooks in a general education institution.
  • The right to visit cultural facilities free of charge: museums, theaters and others.
  • Babies up to three years- provision of free medicines, the prescriptions of which must be written by a doctor.
  • Babies under two years of age are provided with free dairy products from the dairy kitchen according to medical prescriptions.

In principle, this is where the list of benefits ends. In some cases, you can try to achieve some privileges in educational and educational institutions: for example, get a discount on school lunch.

But obtaining such benefits depends on the position of the leadership of a particular organization.

Full information can be obtained from the Social Security Administration of your locality. The list of benefits in different regions depends on the regulations and laws of local significance, therefore, it may differ from that adopted in the capital.

Benefits for survivorsprovided for by applicable law. The main benefit for the loss of a breadwinner is the appointment of a pension. Who is entitled to benefits and where to apply for them, you will learn from the article.

Who is eligible for survivor benefits?

Family members who were unable to work and were supported by the deceased are entitled to benefits in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. The exception is made by persons who have committed a crime that resulted in the death of the breadwinner. This fact must be proven in court.

So, who exactly can claim survivor benefits?

  1. Unable to work family members who were on his payroll (who received help, which was the main source of subsistence).
  2. Children, sisters and brothers, grandchildren under 18. This group includes not only relatives, but also adopted children and half brothers.
  3. Children, sisters and brothers, grandchildren under 23 years old who are trained in basic educational programs. Including relatives studying abroad.
  4. Children, sisters and brothers, grandchildren over 18 years of age, if they became disabled before the age of 18. The fact of disability is proved by medical documentation.
  5. Parents, spouses, grandparents over 60 and 55, respectively, or who are disabled. Adoptive parents also apply on equal terms with relatives.
  6. Parents and spouses who were declared incompetent and did not receive assistance from the breadwinner, but who lost their main income after his death.
  7. The above persons who care for the relatives of the breadwinner under the age of 14 who receive payments.

A survivor's pension is assigned by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Documents can be submitted either to its territorial divisions at the place of residence, or through the MFC - either in person or through a representative.

Don't know your rights?

You can apply for a pension at any time after the death of the breadwinner. There is no statute of limitations.

What are the survivor benefits?

In addition to the survivor's pension, minor children may qualify for the following benefits:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • free visits to cultural sites;
  • free dispensing of dairy products on doctor's prescriptions up to 2 years;
  • free distribution of medicines according to doctor's prescriptions up to 3 years;
  • free meals in schools (at least 2 times a day);
  • free provision of textbooks at school.

In addition, the legislator provides for a social supplement to the survivor's pension, which is paid from the moment the pension is awarded. In this case, you do not need to write any statements, the Pension Fund will issue all payments without your participation.

Additional benefits for the loss of a survivor may be established by regional legislation. We recommend that you contact the social security authorities for more detailed advice.

Last update 02/28/2020Reading time: 20 min.

Anything can happen in life, including loss. loved one on which family members are financially dependent. In such cases, the state will help not to lose heart and will pay a survivor's pension.

There are three varieties:

  • insurance;
  • state;
  • social.

Until January 1, 2015, an insurance pension was understood as a labor pension for old age, a variation of which was for the loss of a breadwinner.

That is, you do not need to specially visit the FIU - the recalculation will occur automatically. To find out the amount, you need to multiply the amount of the current pension by 1.066. For example, if last year, relatively speaking, it was 10,000 rubles, then in 2020 the pension will increase to 10,660 rubles. In case of receiving an additional payment up to the minimum, depending on the region, an additional payment will also be assigned in connection with a change in the living wage.

Social pension from the state are assigned to families where the breadwinner did not have an official seniority. The second category is children whose fathers are unknown or not included in the birth certificate. Indexing will take place on April 1, 2020. The indexation size is 6.1%.

What else?

From November 12, 2018, changes have been made for students under 23 years of age studying full-time. Now they can study in any foreign educational institutions without a referral in accordance with an international agreement Russian Federation. Such changes were made by the Federal Law of November 12, 2018 N 409-FZ.

Until what age is paid

The pension is paid:

  • child, sister, brother and grandson of the deceased under 18 years of age;
  • the child, sister, brother and grandson of the breadwinner up to 23 years old, if they study full-time at an educational institution;
  • for life, if the recipient is assigned the category "disabled", which he received before the age of 18;
  • until the brother, sister, child or grandchild of the breadwinner cared for by the recipients of the pension is 14 years old;
  • spouses, parents, grandparents (from the age of 60 - for women, from 65 - for men, with some exceptions, when the pension is assigned 5 years earlier) for life.

Conditions for termination of payments

The pension will stop being paid if:

  • the child, sister, brother and grandson of the breadwinner will turn 18 or 23 years old if they study full-time at an educational institution;
  • the recipient will not be extended the status of "disabled" received before the age of 18;
  • the brother, sister, child or grandchild of the breadwinner who is cared for by the recipients of the pension turns 14 years old;
  • widow of a military man who served under a contract and died due to military injury, get married;
  • recipients will get a formal job. The exception is the relatives of the military who served on conscription as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen. Such relatives are allowed to work and receive a pension at the same time.

Minimum size

Size social pension for the loss of a breadwinner for children in 2019 is:

  • 5180 rubles if one parent died;
  • 10,360 rubles if both died.

For family members of the dead military pension - 5180 rubles.

The insurance pension from January 1, 2019 is equal to 2667 rubles for a dependent who has lost 1 breadwinner. And the amount of 5334 rubles will be received by children who have lost both parents.

The state pension in the event of the death of a serviceman or through the Ministry of Internal Affairs is 7,770 rubles or 10,360 rubles, depending on whether he was in the service at the time of death or not.

From April 1, 2020, the planned indexation of the social, state and Ministry of Internal Affairs pensions for the loss of the breadwinner is expected.

insurance pension

The insurance pension is assigned to the relatives of the breadwinner if they were dependent on him and are unable to work, because:

  • have a disability;
  • have not reached the age of 18;
  • are full-time students but have not reached the age of 23;
  • take care of a child, sister, brother, grandson of the deceased breadwinner who is under 14 years old;
  • have reached the age: women - 60, men - 65 years.

The presence of dependent relatives caring for the child, sister, brother, grandson of the deceased, who are under 14 years old, is an optional condition for receiving a pension.

The fact of dependency for minor children of the breadwinner does not need to be confirmed. All other relatives must provide a certificate that they were dependent on the deceased, or prove the fact of dependency in court.

As soon as the breadwinner is gone, apply for a pension, it will be paid from the date of application.

If you wrote an application for retirement, when after death has passed:

  • less than 12 months, then they will pay for the previous months;
  • more than 12 months, the benefit will be paid only for the previous 12 months, regardless of how much time has passed since the death of the breadwinner.

As soon as a relative receiving a pension has become able-bodied, for example, he is 18 years old, payments are stopped.

If a pension is awarded to relatives before the onset of retirement age, or, if the disability is issued for a lifetime, then the payments will be indefinite.

An insurance pension will not be assigned to a relative who has committed a crime against the breadwinner, due to which the latter died. In such cases, such a relative will be assigned a social one.

Who is eligible for compensation

The pension is paid to the child, sister, brother and grandson of the breadwinner:

  • until they turn 18;
  • all their lives, as long as there is a category of "disabled", and they received it before the age of 18;
  • until the sibling, child or grandchild of the breadwinner they care for is 14 years old. The recipients of the pension themselves must be over 18.

Parents and spouse of the deceased are paid:

  • as long as they have the status of "disabled";
  • until the brother, sister, child or grandchild of the breadwinner they care for is 14 years old;
  • if they reach the age of 60 for women and 65 for men.

They pay the grandparents of the breadwinner if:

  • have the status of "disabled";
  • have reached retirement age: 60 years old - grandmother and 65 - grandfather.

To receive a pension, the grandparents of the breadwinner must not have able-bodied children, and the brother, sister and grandchildren must not have able-bodied parents who are required by law to support them.

The pension will be paid:

If a child receives a survivor's pension and is adopted, the child will still receive benefits.

Where to go

To apply for a survivor's benefit, write an application for the appointment of you or a disabled relative, if you are his legal representative, a pension and choose one of the options:

  • go to Pension Fund RF (PFR);
  • send a letter with an application to the FIU by mail;
  • go with the application to the multifunctional center;
  • send an application through the personal account of the PFR website (, having previously registered on the website

Documents for registration

Please bring with your application:

  • passport;
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • death certificate;
  • documents indicating kinship with the breadwinner;
  • documents confirming the insurance experience of the deceased;
  • documents indicating other circumstances for which a pension is assigned, for example, a certificate of full-time study or a certificate of disability.

What determines the amount of payments and a fixed rate

The amount of the survivor's insurance pension depends on the length of service of the deceased. The higher it is, the higher the pension will be.

Calculation formula:

SPspk = IPK × SPK,

  • IPC - individual pension coefficient of the breadwinner, that is, the amount of points depending on the hours worked;
  • SPC - the cost of the pension coefficient on the day the pension is awarded, that is, the cost of one point;
  • SPSPK - insurance pension.

If at the time of assigning a pension to a child, brother, sister or grandson, not a single parent is left, then the mother's IPC coefficient is added to the father's IPC coefficient.

If the sole breadwinner of a child, brother, sister or grandchild was a single mother, then the IPC coefficient is doubled.

If the breadwinner has already received insurance pension by age or disability, then family members can choose a different formula for calculations:
SPspk = IPKu / KN × SPK,

  • IPCu - individual pension coefficient of the breadwinner, taking into account which the amount of insurance payment for old age or insurance for disability on the day of death was calculated;
  • KN - the number of disabled members of the breadwinner's family on the day of the assignment of a loss pension;
  • SPK - the value of the pension coefficient on the day the payments are made.

Regardless of the length of service and the number of points earned, the state adds a fixed payment to the pension calculated according to the formula.

The amount of the fixed payment will not be indexed on February 1 of each year. Federal Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018 establishes the exact amount of payments for each year from 2019 to 2024.

Payment can be increased:

  • twice if the children were left without both parents or were brought up by a single mother;
  • by the district coefficient, if the family lives in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them. But, if the family decides to leave the area where such a coefficient exists, then the pension will be paid in the standard amount, and vice versa: if the family moves to such an area, it will be increased.

Social pension

A social pension will be assigned to children permanently residing in Russia if:

  • the breadwinner did not officially work for a single day;
  • death was due to a crime committed by his child.


  • children under 18 if they are not working;
  • children under 23 if they are full-time students;
  • children after the death of their mother, who were brought up only by her.

The pension is assigned from the first day of the month when the application for its accrual is submitted, but not earlier than the day of the death of the breadwinner.

Where to go

To apply for a social pension, children need to do one of the following in person or through a legal representative:

  • apply with an application and documents to the FIU;
  • apply with an application and documents to the MFC;
  • send an application with certified copies of documents by mail;
  • apply through the personal account of the PFR website (

What documents are needed

Attach to the application:

  • passport or birth certificate of the child for whom the pension is issued;
  • death certificate;
  • documents indicating other circumstances, for example, a certificate of full-time study or confirmation that the mother raised the child alone.

For a soldier

The pension will be state and paid to families:

  • military conscripts as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen;
  • families whose breadwinner suffered as a result of a radiation or man-made disaster;
  • astronaut families.

The state is paid to the dependents of the deceased serviceman if he died:

  • during the passage military service on conscription as a soldier, sailor, sergeant or foreman;
  • at any time after dismissal due to those received in the service: wounds, concussions, injuries, other diseases.

Who gets paid

A pension for the loss of a serviceman is paid to citizens who are unable to work.

The official employment of disabled relatives of a deceased serviceman will not be a reason for refusing or terminating pension payments.

A child, brother, sister, grandson of a deceased serviceman is considered disabled:

  • until they turn 18;
  • until they turn 23 if they are full-time students at an educational institution;

The brother, sister and grandson of the deceased soldier will be paid a pension if they do not have able-bodied parents who are required by law to support them.

Parents of a soldier are considered disabled if:

  • have reached the age of 55 and 60 years (women and men, respectively), and the death of their child occurred in the conscription service or after, but due to a military injury;
  • have reached the age of 60 and 65 (women and men, respectively), and the death of the child occurred within three months after the conscription service and is not associated with military trauma;
  • are disabled.

The following spouses are considered disabled spouses:

  • those who have reached 60 and 65 years (women and men - respectively);
  • who are disabled.

The exception is the widows of servicemen who died from a military injury in the draft service, who remarried. The state will not pay them a survivor's pension until the age of 60.

The grandparents of a deceased soldier's grandson are considered disabled if:

  • are disabled.

But they will be paid a pension if they do not have able-bodied children who are required by law to support them.

The pension will be assigned to parents, spouses, grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers or sisters, if they do not work, but take care of a child, brother or sister of a deceased serviceman who are entitled to benefits in case of loss of a breadwinner and they are under 14 years old. In this case, the fact of being dependent on the deceased is not important.

Also, being a dependent is not necessary if a pension is awarded to the parents of a soldier, if his death occurred in the conscription service or after, but due to a military injury.

In all other cases, the payment will be assigned if the relatives were dependent on the soldier.

If the death of a serviceman occurred due to the commission of a crime, then a social pension will be assigned and only to his children.


The amount of the pension for the loss of a serviceman who died due to a military injury is 200% of the social one.

The deceased due to a disease received by him during the period of military service is 150% of the social.

If the family lives in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in areas with severe climatic conditions, then the size increase to the regional coefficient.

Through the MIA

Paid to families of breadwinners:

  • served in the internal affairs bodies;
  • who served on conscription as officers, ensigns and midshipmen or served under contract as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen;
  • served in the State Fire Service;
  • served in the bodies for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • served in institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system;
  • who served in the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

A survivor's pension through the Ministry of Internal Affairs is paid to the family of an employee in the internal affairs bodies (OVD) if he died:

  • during the period of service;
  • no later than three months after dismissal from service;
  • at any time after dismissal due to received in the service: wounds, concussions, injuries, other diseases;
  • during the period of receipt of the pension or no later than five years after the termination of payment.

Who is supposed to

The pension for the loss of a breadwinner who served in the Department of Internal Affairs is paid to disabled members of his family who were dependent on him.

The child, brother, sister, grandson of the deceased, who served in the Department of Internal Affairs, are considered disabled:

  • until they turn 18;
  • until they are 23 years old if they are full-time students at an educational institution;
  • all their lives, as long as there is a category of "disabled", and they received it until the age of 18.

The brother, sister and grandson of the deceased employee in the Department of Internal Affairs will be paid a pension if they do not have able-bodied parents who are required by law to support them.

The parents and spouse of a deceased employee in the Department of Internal Affairs are considered disabled if:

  • reached the age of 55 and 60 years (women and men - respectively), and the death of the breadwinner was due to a military injury;
  • have reached the age of 60 and 65 (women and men, respectively);
  • are disabled.

The grandparents of the deceased grandson, who served in the police department, are considered disabled, but they will be entitled to a survivor's pension if they do not have able-bodied children who are required by law to support them.

The pension will be assigned to parents, spouses, grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers or sisters, if they do not work, but take care of a child, brother or sister of the deceased who is under 14 years old. In this case, the fact of being dependent on the deceased is not important.

Dependency is also not required for:

  • disabled children;
  • disabled parents and spouse, if they have lost their livelihood;
  • disabled parents and spouse, if the death of the breadwinner was due to a military injury.

If a police officer who died due to a military injury has a child under eight years of age, then the spouse caring for him is entitled to a survivor's pension, regardless of whether:

  • how old is the spouse;
  • it works or not.

Pay out:

  • adoptive parents, as well as parents;
  • adopted children, as well as relatives;
  • stepfather and stepmother, as well as natural parents if they raised a child for more than 5 years;
  • stepson and stepdaughter, as well as his own children.

If a child receives a survivor's pension and is adopted, the child will still receive the benefit.

The spouse or spouse can remarry or marry, while if the pension was paid, it will continue to be paid.

If the death of a serviceman occurred due to the commission of a crime by him, then only a social pension will be assigned and only to his children.

Benefit amounts

To determine the amount of the pension for the loss of the breadwinner of an internal affairs worker, you need to understand what the monetary allowance of the breadwinner is. The formula can be deduced from the law:

monetary allowance \u003d (official salary + salary for a special rank + percentage bonus for length of service) × monetary allowance in percent for calculating a pension, established by law and changing every year.
The ATS pension is paid in the amount of 50% of the amount of monetary allowance if:

  • the children of the breadwinner, if they were left without both parents;
  • children raised by a single mother.

Paid in the amount of 40% of the amount of monetary allowance if:

  • the breadwinner died due to an illness acquired during the period of service, namely as a result of an injury due to an accident or illness not related to the performance of official duties.

Monthly salaries in accordance with the position to be occupied for typical positions of employees of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the district level

Monthly salaries in accordance with the assigned special rank of employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Russian Federation

Special rankSalary (rubles)
Police General of the Russian Federation27 000
Colonel General: Police, Internal Service, Justice25 000
Lieutenant General: Police, Internal Service, Justice22 000
Major General: Police, Internal Service, Justice20 000
Colonel: Police, Internal Service, Justice13 000
Lieutenant Colonel: Police, Internal Service, Justice12 000
Major: Police, Internal Service, Justice11 500
Captain: Police, Internal Service, Justice11 000
Senior lieutenant: police, internal service, justice10 500
Lieutenant: Police, Internal Service, Justice10 000
Junior lieutenant: police, internal service, justice9500
Senior warrant officer: police, internal service, justice8500
Ensign: police, internal service, justice8000
Petty Officer: Police, Internal Service, Justice7500
Senior Sergeant: Police, Internal Service, Justice7000
Sergeant: police, internal service, justice6500
Junior sergeant: police, internal service, justice6000
Private: police, internal service, justice5000

Calculation example:

Sergey Timofeevich served 25 years and rose to the rank of head of a department at the district level and the rank of "colonel" when he died from an accident not related to the performance of official duties. He left an unemployed wife who is raising his two children: three and twelve years old.

From the example we get:

  • the official salary of the head of the department is 16,500 rubles;
  • the salary for the special rank of "colonel" is 13,000 rubles
  • the percentage bonus for 25 years of service is 30% and is calculated as: (official salary + salary for a special rank) * 30%. For example, we get: (16500 + 13000) * 30% = 8850 rubles;
  • the amount of allowance for calculating pensions from January 1, 2019 is 72,23% . From October 1, 2019, the size changes and will be 73,68% on the basis of the Federal Law of December 11, 2018 N 460-FZ.
  • Since Sergei Timofeevich died due to an accident, his family members will receive a pension in the amount of 40% of the allowance.

(16500 + 13000 + 8850) × 72.23% × 40% = 11044 rubles

Payment will be made:

  • for two children, until they turn 18 or 23 years old, if they study full-time at an educational institution;
  • the widow of a deceased employee in the Department of Internal Affairs until the youngest child is eight years old, regardless of her age and employment;
  • the widow of the deceased, if after the child turns 8 the widow does not officially find a job, they will continue to pay until the child reaches the age of 14;
  • if by the time the child reaches 14, the widow will be 55. In this case, the survivor's pension will be paid for life, regardless of whether she remarries.

We get that from January 1, 2019, a widow and two children will receive pensions in the amount of (11,044 rubles) × 3 family members = 33,132 rubles.

The law establishes that the pension under the ATS line cannot be less than 200% of the social size if:

  • the breadwinner died as a result of a war injury;
  • the breadwinner died - a pensioner, who on the day of death was disabled due to a military injury;
  • it is assigned to the children of the breadwinner who are left without both parents;
  • it is given to children when they were raised by a single mother.

The survivor's pension under the ATS line cannot be less than 150% of the social size if:

  • the breadwinner died due to an illness received during the period of service.


A student will be assigned a pension if he is a child, brother, sister or grandson of a deceased breadwinner, has not reached the age of 23 and is studying full-time at an educational institution.

In addition, the student must not be formally employed. If he gets a job, the survivor's pension will cease to be paid.

And only relatives of military personnel can combine full-time study and work.

If you got married

If you are a child, brother, sister or grandchild of a deceased breadwinner:

  • you are under 18;
  • over 18 but under 23 and studying full-time;

and pay a survivor's pension, you can get married or get married, the pension will continue to be paid.

If you are the spouse of a deceased person and receive a survivor's pension, you can remarry without fear of losing your payment.

The exception is the widows of the military, who served on conscription as soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen who died from a military injury in the service. If their widows remarry, the state will not pay a survivor's pension.

Child if parents are divorced

All children of the deceased, under the age of 18 or under 23, if they study full-time, are entitled to a survivor's pension, regardless of whether the parents were married or divorced. It is assumed that a parent has an obligation to provide for his child, even if he is divorced. That is why the fact of dependence for children is not required.

Federal Law No. 400 of December 2013 states that the right to a survivor's pension is granted to disabled family members of a deceased person.

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FZ-400 guarantees the accrual of material assistance and registration of other benefits.

Which ones are required?

Benefits for the loss of a survivor in 2020 are provided in the form of:

  • issuance of a free kitchen for children under the age of 2 years;
  • providing free meals to children in the canteens of educational institutions and free textbooks;
  • opportunity ;
  • providing free medicines for children under the age of 3;
  • opportunities to visit exhibitions, cinemas and other cultural events.

It is possible to obtain privileges in .

Legal framework

Rightly considers the main legislative act “On insurance pension provision". It is he who regulates the key provisions on the issue of providing due payments and other privileges.

In order to familiarize yourself with the procedure and conditions for obtaining the required assistance, you should refer to Federal Law No. 400.

Benefits for survivors

In addition to a pension, there is an opportunity to receive various benefits and privileges.

To eliminate the possibility of various misunderstandings, we will consider them in more detail.


Pension is the main benefit that is provided to a child due to the loss of a breadwinner. The amount is very impressive, which is why it can be used to cover part of the costs directly related to training and the implementation of other needs.

At the regional level, other types of benefits and privileges are provided. Their list directly depends on the economic development of the area and the developed social programs.

In most cases, we are talking about benefits in the form of:

  • providing subsidies for utility bills;
  • dispensing food in the dairy kitchen, and in school age- in educational institutions;
  • providing free medical preparations and textbooks.

To clarify the available benefits for the region of residence, you must contact the district department of social protection of the population.

Upon admission to a university or college

Benefits for admission to a university, the loss of a breadwinner makes it possible for priority enrollment.
At the same time, appropriate quotas are provided for various specialties, which mean not only free education but also scholarships.

In this case, it is tedious to remember one important nuance - payments are accrued until the age of 23, subject to full-time education.

Travel age benefits also apply.


For many dependents, the pension may not even reach the established level of the subsistence minimum in the region, which is why the Government of the Russian Federation, in the form of a state, provides for additional payments to children who have applied for survivor benefits.

The social type of additional payment for children under the age of majority is assigned simultaneously with the formation of the rights to payment. In order to receive additional payment to the pension, there is no need to write a corresponding application.

Depending on the specific situation, one of the following additional payments may be assigned to the pension, such as:

  • federal - if the living wage is less than the established throughout the country;
  • regional - if the PM is lower than the established regional one.

In addition to the pension, you can count on other privileges in the form of monthly supplements.


For each child, it is possible to apply for a tax deduction, which can be directly related to:

  • undergoing a course of treatment;
  • getting an education;
  • realization of primary consumer needs.

In 2020, income tax can be reduced by at least 1.4 thousand rubles.

For the third and subsequent child minimum size deduction rises to 3 thousand rubles.
In the case of disabled children, the minimum deduction is 12 thousand rubles.

The maximum deduction amount is:

  • 350 thousand rubles - for all children;
  • 50 thousand rubles - when receiving education;
  • 120 thousand rubles - in case of treatment costs.

Knowing about the existing nuances, you can eliminate the likelihood of a misunderstanding with the tax authority.


From the point of view of the Government of the Russian Federation represented by the state, citizens who, for various reasons, have lost their breadwinner, experience difficulties not only financially, but also morally. It is for this reason that the developed state policy, first of all, is aimed at the realization of social needs.

In most cases, we are talking about the provision of benefits for children, since the implementation of numerous programs is aimed at them, in particular in the field of education.

In the case of adult citizens, social assistance for them is provided in the field of medicine.

How to apply?

Regardless of what kind of benefit we are talking about, in 2020 a standard registration mechanism is provided, which is as follows:

  1. Drawing up an application in accordance with the rules of Russian legislation. It should express a request for payments or other types of benefits.
  2. Collection of the necessary documentation that confirms the right to receive benefits and benefits.
  3. Consideration of the formed application by a specially created commission.

Upon completion of the procedure for verifying the information provided for authenticity, the authorized state body makes a decision.
Required documents

Depending on the specific situation, the list of documents varies among themselves.

The standard package includes the following papers:

  • applicant's identity card;
  • birth certificate - if the child is less than 14 years old, if older - a passport;
  • SNILS of the deceased breadwinner;
  • death certificate;
  • work book of a deceased person.

The authorized state body reserves the right to expand the list of documents in order to confirm previously received information.

Features in Moscow and regions

Depending on the region of residence, the list of additional benefits may vary.

Standard set includes:

  • discount on utility bills;
  • free travel in public transport;
  • discount or full tax exemption.

Many regions in 2020 provide for the possibility of issuing a social card for family members of the deceased breadwinner. Such a document has long been used in Moscow.

A social card is a document that contains a complete list of statutory benefits by region of residence.
