How to put bags in a plastic bottle. How to fold packages: a great life hack! Rolling into a tube

It is difficult to do without packages in life. They are bought specifically for various household needs, but most bags enter the house along with food and clothing and are reused. To make packages easy to find at the right time, you need to learn how to fold them and store them.

Triangle folding

Many have had situations when you are looking for a bag that is not crumpled or torn and you can’t find it in any way. To prevent this from happening in the future, all packages in the house must be carefully folded. It is quite easy to do this.

  • Pick up the bag and flatten it on a table or floor.
  • Fold in half along the length. You need to do this 2 times to get a narrow strip.
  • Bend the bottom corner of the strip and continue to fold it into a triangle, turning it to the left, then to the right.
  • As a result, you have a plump corner that takes up very little space.

If the package is with handles, then they can be tucked into the corner. Such manipulations must be carried out with all used bags. The resulting triangles can be stored in a special bag, in a drawer or cardboard box.

Rolling into a tube

It is even easier to roll a thin T-shirt bag into a tube. To do this, you need to level it, make it flat and carefully fold it into a narrow strip, just like in the triangle folding method. Next, this strip must be wound around two fingers, and the handles should be wrapped around the resulting tube.

After you roll up all the thin packages, they will take up significantly less space. They can be stored in a tea jar or any other container with a lid. At the right time, the packaging material will always be at hand.

If the packages are large and rigid, then you can fold them in half and put them in one box in a row. At the same time, it is necessary to inspect and immediately throw out leaky or heavily soiled specimens. The likelihood that you will reuse them tends to zero.

Never store bags containing meat or fish. They will distribute bad smell and can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Check that there are no food residues, crumbs, moisture inside. From this, mold and insects can start inside.


There are special drives for packages that allow you to store them compactly and easily get them one by one. Such a drive can be bought at the store or made from an empty box of paper hand towels. There is a narrow hole in the box that allows you to get napkins out.

  • it is necessary to fold the bag into a narrow strip and put it in the box so that only the handles look out;
  • the next package is folded flat, pulled through the protruding handles of the previous one and thrust into the box, again leaving only the handles outside;
  • the process is repeated until the box is full or until the packets run out.

Accumulators can be sewn from bright shreds or tied in the form of a long pipe. One end of the pipe should be free, and an elastic band is sewn into the other, which prevents the contents from falling out. Packages are thrust into them from one side, and they are taken out from the other.

bottle storage

The packages lying around the house can be folded compactly into plastic bottle. If you look closely, it looks like an excellent drive, you just need to cut off the bottom. The more bags in the house, the larger the bottle will be required. Usually a 2 liter container is used.

For convenience, the neck is also cut off to expand the hole, and the edges are rubbed with sandpaper. From the wide side, the bags are put into the bottle, and from the narrow side they are taken out. It turns out a kind of dispenser, which is convenient to use and store on the shelf of the kitchen cabinet

It will be even more convenient if you attach such a bottle to the inside of the sink door. You can do this with double sided tape. There, under the sink, there is usually a trash can. It will be possible to get the old bag and immediately use it for its intended purpose, that is, for the trash can.

Plastic bags can come in handy at any time. How to fold bags correctly so that they do not take up much space? There are several simple and interesting ways.

How to fold packages compactly?

Putting packages in a box

You will need a small cardboard box with a hole at the top, which will fit in the desired locker.

We take the package by its lower part. With the other hand, we wrap it around the diameter and pull it to the hole to expel the air.

We put the bag on the bottom of the box, turn the side with the handles up so that they stick out of the hole.

We take the next package, expel the air, as in the first case. We stretch it with the bottom side into the loop of the handles of the first.

We fold it in half (it wraps around the handles of the previous package) and push it into the box so that the handles of the second package stick out of it.

We repeat the procedure, based on the number of bags.

As a result, your packages will fit compactly in the box. In addition, it will be convenient for you to get them from there. Pulling out the first package, you prepare the next one.

How to fold packages? Triangle, cylinder, envelope

You can turn the routine of folding bags into an exciting fun. To do this, you need to show imagination.


Lay out the bag evenly, straightening out any folds, expelling air. Fold it in half lengthwise. Then double again. You will get a long ribbon, the width of which will depend on the width of the package. You can make the ribbon narrow enough by repeating the fold in half a few times. Now bend the bag at the base away from you so that you get a small triangle. Repeat bending away from you and towards you along the entire length of the tape. As a result, the package will turn into a triangle.

Put the package in narrow tape, as in the previous method. Then, from the base of the bag, wrap the tape loosely around your finger. Insert the middle and ring fingers of the other hand into the handles of the bag. Make one turn around the axis of the package just below the handles. Then put the loop on the twisted bag. Remove the resulting cylinder from the finger.

Each time when buying products, the store carefully provides us with packages - before for free, now for money. And over time, we accumulate a bunch of packages that were used only once - and it's a pity to throw it away, and the habit of going to the store with a package has already outlived its usefulness. The packages need to be folded somehow: some of us have convenient places in the kitchen for storing packages, someone out of habit puts them in one bag, which turns into a pot-bellied bag stuffed to the top with other packages, and someone prefers to get rid of them right away, sending them to the trash can. All these methods have one thing in common - keeping them in the kitchen. And how do you solve the problem of storing only once used packages? I think that the method below will still be of interest to someone, because thanks to the habit of stacking packages correctly, you will save space for other, more useful things in the kitchen. Watch our video, repeat all the steps, and you will succeed. By the way, many have adopted this method, and use it with pleasure, explaining that they are tired of a lump with a package that is attached between cabinets or on a door handle. Link to official site★★ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL:★WE ARE ONLINE. SUBSCRIBE AND FOLLOW THE NEWS!!! IN CONTACT WITH: Instagram: Every time you purchase us products shop carefully provides packages for free before, now for the money. And over time we have accumulated a bunch of packages that were used only once, and throw a pity, and habit to walk with the package in the store has already outlived her. Packages need to add: some of us have a comfortable place in the kitchen set storage bags, someone habitually puts them in one package that turns into a pot-bellied bag, stuffed to the brim by other packages, and someone prefers to get rid of them by sending in the trash. All of these methods share one thing - keeping them in the kitchen. How do you solve the problem of storage once the used packages? I think the way below anyone"s still interested, because thanks to the routine to properly fold the bags, you will save space for other, more useful things in the kitchen. Watch our video, repeat all steps and you will succeed. By the way, many have adopted this method, and with pleasure use it, explaining that they are tired coma with a package attached between cabinets or on the doorknob. from under napkins + how to fold a bag in a triangle + how to fold bags + into a bottle + how to fold bags correctly + how to fold plastic bags + how to fold bags compactly video paper napkins + beautiful napkins on the table napkins + on the table napkins paper napkins + for table setting napkins festive napkins napkins + on the festive table beautiful paper napkins napkins + in a glass of napkins ki + in a napkin holder + how to beautifully fold decoration + from napkins serving paper napkins + how to fold napkins beautiful table beautiful napkins + napkins for the table photo

Before you figure out where to store them, you need to divide the bags into several groups. Depending on the size, material and purpose:

  1. Packing - everyone knows transparent small bags with or without handles, they are mainly used for packaging food and non-bulky things.
  2. T-shirts - depending on the size, they are used for different purposes. Some go to the market with them, someone throws garbage in them.
  3. Large bags - mainly appear in the house after going to the supermarket, they are suitable for packing old things and collecting garbage.
  4. Gift Bags – Useful for gift wrapping, a small picnic, or to store memorabilia. But they, unlike the previous types, are stored in cabinets with things.

Life hacks for storing bags: interesting ideas

Creative people use handmade items for storage. But not every person has a creative approach to organizing space. For those who do not want or cannot bother with the manufacture of unusual vaults in online stores, there is a large selection of ready-made products for bags. They are closed and open type, with different types of attachment to the surface. Such things are made from the most different materials:

  • cardboard;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • tree;
  • silicone;

Housewives take note!

A container for storing packages can become an item that will complement the interior of the kitchen, the main thing is to beat it correctly.

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Needlewomen do not get tired of coming up with new options for storing packages, they will not only help organize the space, but can also serve as a decoration for your home.

In a plastic bottle

On an ordinary plastic bottle of any convenient volume, you need to cut off the neck, and you can decorate it depending on your creative preferences. For those who are friends with knitting needles or crochet, it will not be difficult to knit a beautiful cover, it can be either simple with a pattern or in the form of animals, berries or vegetables. Seamstresses can easily sew a cover, for example, in the form of nesting dolls or animals. Even if not sewing machine, it can be sewn to order in the workshop.

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You can also simply wrap the bottle with threads or strings, and then attach any decorations to it with silicone glue. People with a talent for the fine arts will do a great job of decorating a container with paints and a brush. Such a piece of furniture can be hung on a door handle, attached to a wall or the inside of a kitchen set.

In the box

Shoe boxes are perfect for storing large packages; if desired, you can decorate it. Fold the bags in the form of envelopes and place in a box. You can put it in the hallway or wardrobe. If necessary, finding and getting the right bag is not difficult.

For small bags, a plastic or cardboard box is perfect, in which napkins were previously located. The containers already have a hole through which it is convenient to get the packages. Fold them in such a way that the handles of one are threaded into the handles of the other. The boxes are placed on horizontal surfaces in the kitchen or hallway.


To store bags, you can use purchased or hand-made bags. Will fit there great amount kulechkov. They hang such products on a hanger or doorknobs, you can also attach a small bag to the inside of the kitchen door.


You can buy or sew a bright doll made of fabric or yarn, the main condition is fluffy skirt in which it will be possible to hide a bag with bags. The doll will be not only a functional thing, but a great decoration. It is attached to racks, wall or handles.

How to fold packages correctly?

In order for the folded bag to be triangular, it is folded lengthwise 4 times. You should get an even strip, it is folded into corners so that the corners roll over one another, if there are handles, they are hidden in a pocket. If free time is running out, then you can fold the bags into squares or rectangles (this depends on the shape of the package). First it is folded lengthwise, then across.

On a note!

Compactly folded packages take up much less space.

Another convenient way is called a tube. First, the package is folded lengthwise several times to make a strip, and then wound around the finger. So that it does not turn around, the ends are fixed with pens or stationery gum.

Many housewives accumulate packages for months or even years, and after they fill most of the free space in the boxes, they throw them away. Thanks to the recommendations, this can be avoided. After all, polyethylene decomposes very slowly, and contributes to environmental pollution.

  • In order not to buy extra bags in the store, you always need to have at least one bag with you; you can put it in the inner compartment of your handbag.
  • You can refuse to buy garbage bags, and use stale plastic bags;
  • If there is free space in the kitchen set, you can store the packages there, in large plastic containers;
  • Containers from under liquid funds for washing are also great for storage, it remains only to decorate them;


Plastic bags are an indispensable thing in the household, they are needed for packing lunches for work or for children at school, as well as packing things. Therefore, you do not need to throw them away, and so that they are not scattered around the house, you need to properly organize their storage. All it takes is imagination and a little time.

Plastic bags are not only used for a variety of needs, but also kept “in reserve” and “just in case”. As a result, they accumulate so much that an untidy pile appears or they become littered with a box or shelf. There are several simple ways to organize this domestic chaos. First of all, the packages should be neatly folded, after which it is enough to place them in a nice storage box so that they become an interior decoration.

It is difficult to find a package in a pile of old cellophane that is not torn, not soiled and has a presentable appearance. But from a pack of neatly folded plastic bags, choosing the right one is not difficult. The time spent smoothing and folding is compensated later. But all unusable products will be deliberately rejected.

The three most popular wrapping techniques are:

  • triangle;
  • tubule;
  • tape in the drive.


It is easy to fold the package into a triangle compactly. Any flat surface will work for this method. An empty bag needs to be leveled by expelling air from it. Then fold in half lengthwise and in half again. Smooth the resulting “tape” from the bottom to the handles, expelling air again and trimming. Also, from the bottom, you need to fold it at an angle, successively wrapping the entire “tape” in a triangle up to the handles either to the right or to the left. The handles themselves should be leveled, folded in half and tucked under the corner. You will get a tight but neat triangle.


Rolling into a tube will take even less time. The initial steps are the same as in the previous method. But the “tape” from the package is simply rolled up into a tube or folded up to the handles.

The resulting tube must be stretched under the handles to fix it and prevent it from turning around. This method is suitable for products with protruding handles.

Tape in the drive

The following method is applicable to "T-shirts". To implement it, you need a drive. A tissue box will do, any other box that can have a similar hole in the lid. The "T-shirt" is folded into a tube, but the handles should remain free. The bag itself must be put into the box through the slot, and the handles left outside.

The bottom of the next folded package is inserted into the handles of the previous one. His "body" also needs to be hidden in a box, leaving the handles outside, and so on, until the drive is full.

You can fold the packages neatly and without any frills into a regular rectangle without fixing with handles. This method is suitable for any packages, including paper ones.

Storage methods

The most obvious way to store already compact packages is in a drawer. But if you add a little imagination, you can save space and even harmoniously fit a container with packages into the interior. On the Internet you can find a lot of noteworthy ideas. Here are some of them.

Idea one: do not fold packages using a special technology, but use a box drive. A suitable one can be found on sale. Or you can use a regular plastic bottle. She needs to cut off the bottom. In order not to cut yourself on a sharp edge and not spoil the cellophane, the cut must be processed with sandpaper or pasted over with adhesive tape. The resulting container can be fixed with the neck down on the inside of the cabinet door or on the wall. Then the packages will be loaded into the bottle through the bottom, and removed from the neck. It is better to arrange separate containers for different types packages.
