Makeup for red lips. Irresistible makeup with red lips

Eye makeup for red lipstick

They say that red lipstick does not suit only those who do not know how to wear it. But not everything is so simple. If there are rashes on the skin that cannot be perfectly masked, you should choose a more restrained lipstick. If you do not want to focus on your teeth (due to color, shape or any problems), you should give up red lipstick. Elderly women with big amount wrinkles this color is also not recommended. The rest can not be afraid - red lipstick will definitely suit them. The main thing is to do the right eye makeup.

Eye makeup for red lipstick

There are three main options: classic makeup, smokey ice and "inconspicuous" make-up.

But first, two important rules:

1. If you are going to “put on” red lipstick on your lips, make your eyebrows clear. Not necessarily dark, but definitely bright and with a well defined shape. Otherwise, you can become like a moth.

2. Use shades of white and warm colors: beige, brown, red, terracotta, peach, etc. You can also apply gray tones if the cold range suits you. It is highly undesirable to combine red lipstick and shadows in green and blue tones in one make-up.

Classic makeup with red lipstick

This make-up is very versatile: it suits everyone, regardless of color type and age. It is also called Chanel makeup. The use of red lipstick is originally one of his foundations.

How is classic makeup created? A fairly light tone is applied - in skin color or a little lighter. Eyebrows are given a color that matches the color of the hair, but a slightly lighter or darker tone is possible. This means that dark brown eyebrows for a pure blonde are unacceptable, as well as black eyebrows for a redhead.

On the upper eyelid, along the lash line, a black or dark brown arrow is drawn, gradually expanding to the outer corner of the eye. The tail of the arrow goes to the temple and rises. Light shadows (beige, cream, light golden, peach, etc.) are applied to the moving eyelid.

Optionally, you can carefully select dark color lower eyelid, but always with shading. The water line of the lower eyelid is whitened with a white pencil. Black or dark brown mascara is applied to the eyelashes. This completes the eye makeup.

The apples of the cheeks can be refreshed with peach blush. And finally, the final touch - red lipstick.

A classic make-up with red lipstick is equally well suited for work and for a party. Ideal as wedding makeup bride.

Smokey ice and red lipstick

There is an opinion that you need to highlight one thing: either the eyes or the lips. But this only applies! In the evening, we have the right to make bright both. In the twilight, light classic makeup can be hardly noticeable, as a result of which the face will become inexpressive and “anemic”, which is aggravated by red lipstick. This will not happen with Smokey Eyes.

Who said red lipstick doesn't go well with smoky eyes? When smoky makeup first appeared, and it was in the 20-30s of the last century, it was initially supplemented with red lipstick, creating the image of a vamp woman. If you need to look stunning in the evening - give preference to this particular combination.

"Smoky Ice"- this is makeup using dark shadows, black kayala and black eyeliner. Making the most of dark tones, form (or, in other words, draw) the shape of the eye, paying particular attention to the outer corner and crease of the upper eyelid. In this case, the inner corner is usually whitened.

As a result, the eyes are huge, bright, "burning". Blood-red lipstick is a nuance that fits perfectly into this concept. But only in the evening! In the daytime, "smoky ice" is accompanied by "nude" lipstick, that is, beige, transparent or repeating natural color lips.

Red lipstick is a classic of all time. Able to transform any girl and create the image of a mysterious, elegant and luxurious lady.

The erroneous opinion that red lipstick is a sign of vulgarity, debauchery and frivolity. Yes, it is, but not because of red lipstick, but because of the wrong shade of lipstick.

To avoid such a mistake in makeup, follow the tips below.

Rules for choosing red lipstick

So, for starters, let's define warm or cold shades to suit you.

There are two ways to determine this.

First way. Take two large jewelry, one silver, the other gold. Alternately attach to the face, first one, then the other jewelry. What suits your skin tone best? If silver, then yours are cold shades, gold is warm.

The second way. Find good natural light (it's best to go outside when the sun is shining) and look at the color of the veins on your wrist. If blue - choose lipstick of a cold shade, olive tone - warm shades.

How to make perfect lips

Makeup artists advise you to always choose a tone in accordance with skin color.

Skin color lipstick

- Girls with fair skin should choose cool tones with a pink or blue tint. Ideal for "natural" red lipstick. Avoid peach and orange shades.

- Medium to tan skin tone - warm tones with orange and peach undertones. Avoid cold tones.

- Swarthy girls - rich red lipstick, as well as brown and burgundy shades. Don't experiment with orange and pink lipstick.

The basic rule for choosing a lipstick tone according to complexion: the lighter the face, the lighter the lipstick and the darker the face, the darker the lipstick.

Do not forget about the whiteness of your teeth. If teeth are yellowish, do not use red orange lipsticks. They only accentuate the yellowness of the teeth more strongly. And red lipstick of other shades can “whiten” any teeth.

Bright lipstick requires perfect application, so that the color does not go beyond the edges of the lip contour. For even coverage, use a lip liner. It should be the same tone as the lipstick, it is acceptable if the pencil is one tone darker than the lipstick, but no more.

Matte or shiny?

There are no definite rules, the main thing is that you like it. The matte will last longer and won't run, make your lips more vibrant. Shiny will look lighter and more romantic, plus add fullness to the lips.

How to combine makeup?

You need to remember one principle - to highlight either lips or eyes. Therefore, with red lipstick, use only mascara and foundation. You can add some matte blush.

In evening make-up, shades of beige, caramel, bronze, milky shades are acceptable.

To choose the right shade, apply lipstick on the tip of your finger, or on a piece of white paper. Take a closer look at what other shade is present in it.

If you are not used to bright lipstick, then first apply red lip gloss. It is more transparent and less conspicuous. Look at yourself in the mirror often to get used to the attention-grabbing and seductive lips.

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On the lips. This color represents passion and confidence in itself, but few dare to use it.

No wonder - it is difficult to find the line that separates elegance from vulgarity. We will open for you first secret: "Red lipstick suits absolutely everyone!"

Don't be surprised, you'll understand what I'm talking about when you learn about the second secret of stylists: "It's important to find your shade of red." And, it turns out, there is nothing complicated in this, if you listen to the recommendations.

Any makeup requires evening out the tone of the face, eliminating imperfections and procedures to improve the smoothness of the skin. But in the case of red lipstick, all this must be done. especially carefully, because this color will instantly emphasize all the flaws.

So, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. cleansing. To remove greasy shine and ensure make-up durability, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned with a special gel or foam.
  2. Foundation application, that is special means, which allows you to lay down evenly decorative cosmetics.
  3. Application foundation that evens out the complexion. And it must also be matte, because the rich red color does not tolerate shine.
  4. Disguise dark circles under the eyes and other problem areas with concealer(). Usually, a pink or golden corrector is applied to the area around the eyes (depending on your color type), and a concealer tone that matches your skin is applied on top.
  5. The final stage of the foundation - applying powder. It is recommended to choose a loose version of translucent or transparent shades. The tool will give the skin a velvety and matte finish.

The most important thing for makeup with red lipstick - lips should be in perfect condition, so you first need to go through them with a special scrub to exfoliate dead particles, and moisturize with a balm.

Makeup combination

The Golden Rule of Makeup: focus on only one part of the face. Since we are talking about red lipstick, then, naturally, it will be the brightest spot, and attention should not be drawn from it to the eyes. Although, on the other hand, the drawing should touch all parts: eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, cheekbones.

Here must also take into account, daytime or evening make-up is applied. So for daylight enough mascara and a small amount of blush (only matte!).

Evening option involves the use of shades of bronze, beige, milky, caramel shades. In addition, arrows will add mystery to your look.

Choosing red lipstick

There is nothing difficult in choosing the right tone, you just need to remember once and for all what exactly to pay attention to.


Depending on your skin tone, you need to immediately decide whether warm or cold shades suit you.

Generic Method determining the right direction is to consider the veins on the wrists: if they are blue, then you are a “cold” type, olive ones indicate the choice of “warm” cosmetics.

Considering in more detail the color of the skin, remember that the lighter the skin, the lighter the lipstick should be and vice versa. Respectively:

  • fair-skinned recommend tones with pink or blue cold shades. In no case do not use orange and peach, but the red classic is yours;
  • transitional(from light to swarthy) peach or orange tint is suitable for skin color;
  • "dark girls" they can afford rich burgundy and brown tones, but should forget about cold pinks and warm oranges.

Hair color

Hair is one of the decorations of a woman, while their color immediately catches the eye, therefore, it is on them that you mainly focus. Picking up the shade of lipstick and makeup is not so difficult.

Makeup for blondes.If you are a blonde, then soft shades or the red "classic" is yours. Try to create a day and evening look according to our tips.

  • make thin arrows without shading along the growth of the upper eyelashes;
  • cover the upper eyelid with shadows of a beige or light translucent shade;
  • apply mascara in one layer;
  • complete the image.

For evening uniqueness:

  • draw straight arrows along the upper eyelashes with a black pencil;
  • apply a narrow strip of black shadows along the indicated contour;
  • apply peach or beige shadows on the upper eyelid and blend as thoroughly as possible to get smooth transition;
  • cover the eyelashes with black or brown mascara;
  • Draw the contour of the lips with a pencil of the same shade as the lipstick. Fill your lips with your chosen cosmetic, blot with a tissue and apply another layer of lipstick with a brush.

Video tutorial about makeup with red lipstick for blondes, see the video:

Makeup with red lipstick for brunettes.If you are a brunette, and even with dark skin and dark eyes, then rich, even aggressive colors will suit you: ruby, fuchsia, scarlet. Green-eyed brunettes are advised coral and dark pink tints. In makeup, try not to highlight the eyes too much, but you should not “forget” about them either. Try this option:

  • draw neat symmetrical arrows with eyeliner or a thin pencil. You can choose the color of the arrows not only black, but also coffee, blue, green;
  • make eyebrows more expressive, which is easy to implement not only with them, but also with a special powder pencil;
  • apply shadows, the shade of which you choose depending on the color of your eyes: brown - brown, purple, dark blue; green - the same range as for brown-eyed, plus all shades of green; gray and blue - light shades are preferred;
  • before applying lipstick, outline the lips with a pencil of the same tone, cover the lips with lipstick, blot them with a napkin and cover again with lipstick.

Find out the secrets of creating makeup with red lipstick for brunettes by watching the video below:

Makeup for fair-haired.If you are a fair-haired girl of light chestnut or golden tint, then coral, watermelon or poppy lipstick will suit you. Ash-haired women can choose wine or Crimson. The makeup option can be like this:

  • draw thin arrows with eyeliner or a pencil;
  • choose transparent shadows that blend carefully. Their shade depends on the color of your eyes;
  • cover the eyelashes with a layer of mascara, and if necessary, repeat the procedure;
  • outline the contour of the lips with a pencil of the desired shade and draw lips twice with lipstick. In this case, after the first application of cosmetics, thoroughly blot them with a napkin.

Makeup for brown-haired and red-haired women.If you are a brown-haired woman or with red hair, then almost all shades of red will suit you. Do not highlight the eyes too much, and use light shades of beige, peach or pistachio. Makeup is created in the same way as in other cases:

  • draw a thin arrow along the growth of the upper eyelashes;
  • gently cover the upper eyelid with suitable shadows;
  • apply one or more layers of mascara;
  • Complete the look with the chosen lipstick, which you use to make up your lips, without going beyond the contour outlined by the pencil. For durability, apply lipstick in two layers, blotting the first with a napkin.

A few more nuances

Be sure to pay attention on the color of the teeth, because if they are yellowish, then orange shades will only aggravate the situation. To make your teeth appear whiter, use any other shades other than those indicated above.

On plump lips both matte and shiny lipstick look equally good, but the owners of thin lips should forever forget about the dullness of this decorative cosmetics.

In addition to lipstick, add some more red to your look. It can be a belt, a handbag, shoes or nail polish.

How to make day and evening makeup with red lipstick with the latest Make Up Factory, Pupa and ANNY look at the video:

Seeing a beauty with plump lips and red lipstick on the spread of a glossy magazine or in the next television advertisement, we immediately fly to cosmetics stores for a new shade and frantically try to find exactly the color that the model used. Arriving home, we begin to create makeup with red lipstick. It is enough for us to make a couple of attempts to despair and understand that we look, to put it mildly, ugly, and this color does not suit us. But, dear girls, the palette of shades of this color is so diverse. Red color has warm and cold tones. And following the advice from the article, any girl can create a great make-up.

The color that suits everyone

Trends in fashion world they change quickly and sometimes you don’t have time to keep track of them, but the only thing that is always out of competition is makeup with red lipstick. This is a classic that many women are afraid of, because they consider this shade too defiant. They paint their lips with a neutral shade, while forgetting that women's lips should be such that every man wakes up with a desire to kiss them. Women, maybe it's time to get bolder and add colors? Girls avoiding bright colors in makeup, they are sure that red lipstick will never find a place in their cosmetic bag. Experts are sure that anyone can safely use this shade. The main thing is to choose it according to your skin tone. Makeup with red lipstick requires perfect even tone skin and a minimum amount of cosmetics. It is necessary to make up the eyelashes, draw small arrows and complete this business with blush in natural shades. Manicure in this image should be either French, or to match the lipstick.

The right choice for your skin tone

So the owners dark hair and swarthy skin choose wine shades, rich or blood red, burgundy.

Happy brown-haired women with a warm bronzed tan should make room in their makeup bag for carrot red lipstick or any other that has a carrot shade.

Girls with a cool skin tone, that is, a pinkish matte, should choose a raspberry shade.

Girls who have been kissed by the sun will be decorated with scarlet lipstick with hints of peach or a shade of "red orange".

Blondes with fair skin can pick up any color and palette of red, but you only need to apply lipstick in one layer.

After you have decided on the tone of the skin and lipstick, we begin to paint the lips. Before starting, lightly powder them so that the makeup lasts longer. To emphasize the contour of the lips will help a pencil to match the lipstick.

The subtleties of makeup for brunettes

Makeup artists around the world say that every brunette should have red lipstick in her cosmetic arsenal, and it does not depend on how old she is or what type of skin tone she is, as this appearance creates a perfect ensemble for bright colors. Makeup with red lipstick for brunettes in the style of Monica Bellucci has been inspiring all owners of this hair color for more than a year. However, if it is wrong to use such a bright accent on the lips, then you may encounter 3 problems:

1. Add extra years to your age.

2. Create a vulgar image.

Makeup with red lipstick for brunettes will look good both in daylight and at night. But this shade of hair often sets off the colors. Do not forget that red lipstick in the evening will look more like burgundy. If you do not want such changes, then it is better to check the make-up in advance in the appropriate lighting.

The color of the eyes of brunettes is also taken into account. If you are the owner of green or brown, then the best option is a warm color scheme. For blue, gray or blue eyes, it is recommended to choose pink lipstick or with a slight presence of metallic notes.

Matte or glossy lipstick should be chosen based on the look you want to create. If you're in a festive mood, then glossy lipstick will look quite appropriate. For official meetings, you need to choose matte.

When you paint your lips with this lipstick, remember that it opens up the view and draws attention to other parts of the face. This is especially true for eyebrows. Eyebrows must be perfect. And you can create such a shape with tweezers or an eyebrow pencil.

Win-win makeup: arrows and red lipstick

Emphasize lips with red lipstick, draw arrows, and at the same time not look like a vampire - is it real? Certainly. This make-up will turn a gray mouse into a queen, whose image will forever be engraved in the memory of people around. It is thanks to the arrows that a "cat's look" is obtained, and if you add red lipstick to them, then the image of a seductress is provided to you.

We know how to create makeup with red lipstick, now let's get down to the arrows. First you need to apply shadow or corrector on the eyelids to even out the skin. Each girl has her own technique for drawing arrows, but the ideal option is arrows drawn at an angle of 45 °. For greater expressiveness, they can be made in a more saturated color. And the main rule - the arrows must be symmetrical!

Makeup for social events

Evening makeup with red lipstick always looks dramatic. The image of Kim Kardashian will help us create it. We apply a make-up base on the skin. Then we contour the face, while carefully emphasizing the cheekbones. With the help of the corrector, we remove all skin imperfections: scars, acne, redness, swelling. We apply a bronzer on the cheekbones and complete the process of contouring the face with a translucent powder.

We cover the folds of the eyelids with matte shadows. Apply a bronze tint to the brow area. The inner corner is accentuated with pearl shadows. We draw arrows. We apply mascara to the eyelashes, and for greater expressiveness we use false eyelashes. We emphasize the lips with red lipstick with a slight addition of gloss. The image is ready!

Natural day makeup for blondes

The previous makeup for blondes will be inappropriate at work, so we create daytime eye makeup. With red lipstick, it will turn into an office one and thereby emphasize the individuality and sense of style of a woman. With eyeliner, draw a thin line along the growth of eyelashes. We paint the eyelashes with mascara, thereby creating the effect of natural eyes. We focus on the lips, so we choose a scarlet shade. Office makeup is ready.

Makeup for blondes

A common makeup with red lipstick for blondes is smokey ice. To create such a make-up, you need lipstick bright bloody shade, dark and light shadows, as well as a lip liner that is a little darker than lipstick.

1. We draw eyeliner along the contour of the eyelashes.

2. On the eyelids, you need to apply dark shadows while going a little beyond.

3. Apply light or beige shadows on top. Blend thoroughly to create a smooth transition between shades.

4. Line your lips with a pencil. For volume, go a little beyond the contour of the lips.

5. Lipstick should be applied in 2 layers.

Fiery girls and brown-haired women

Brown-haired and red-haired girls have a leading place in creating makeup. Everything suits their appearance. color palette red lipstick, and evening and day makeup little different from each other. Red hair and red lipstick create a juicy look, so these girls do not need to brightly paint their eyes. The best solution will be mascara and thinly lined eyeliner.

And finally

As you can see, creating an image of a fatal beauty or a flirting person with juicy red lips is not difficult. So make room in your makeup bag for new and bold lipstick shades.

Red lipstick is a classic of the genre that will always be relevant, despite the vagaries of fickle fashion.

It is worth noting that many Hollywood celebrities prefer red lipstick: Megan Fox, Christina Aguilera, Riana, Angelina Jolie and, of course, Marilyn Monroe, whose makeup often consisted of elegant arrows and red lipstick. This style of make-up still does not lose its relevance in Hollywood.

Briefly about the main:

Expressive edge makeup

Do you want to try the famous “ala Monroe” makeup? Then you should take into account a few points that will help you look perfect.

  1. Red color has many tones and if you choose the wrong tone, you get a somewhat vulgar, not elegant look.
  2. In makeup, either lips or eyes are distinguished. Whatever style you choose in eye makeup, try not to focus too much on it by choosing discreet colors. The best option- these are strict classic arrows (although if you don’t get perfect arrows, it’s better to abandon this idea altogether in favor of an almost imperceptible make-up). Below we will look at makeup for such an image in more detail.
  3. Choose accessories based on lip makeup.

Red lipstick and day makeup

Traditionally, red lipstick is considered the most suitable for evening makeup. During the day, it will even look vulgar, since daytime makeup does not provide for such defiant colors.

How to choose lipstick?

red lipstick it is quite difficult to choose - a lot of shades, each of which may turn out to be somewhat different than it might seem at first glance. In this case, ask the sellers for samples - the real shade of lipstick will appear if you apply it on a white sheet of paper, skin or lips.

Lipstick and skin color. If you have dark skin (or tanned), choose lipstick with burgundy and brown tones. For fair skin, opt for orange and peach shades. Classic red lipstick will look beautiful only on perfectly white, porcelain skin.

Lipstick and teeth shade

Dazzling white teeth are not the dignity of every woman, so lipstick must be selected accordingly.

If your teeth have a slightly yellowish tint due to smoking or a love of coffee, then avoid orange or too bright tones of lipstick - they will emphasize the teeth, and you will not get the best spectacular image(you can remove the yellowness, which is not too “eaten” into the tooth enamel, with a pinch of soda, but this procedure cannot be done often).

Lipstick and hair color

Red lipstick for blondes- These are soft shades of red lipstick. If your teeth are snow white, try using classic red lipstick. Scarlett Johansson very skillfully selects lipstick - you can learn from her example.

Red lipstick for brunettes- more aggressive and saturated shades are suitable, too soft should be avoided. In general, it is easier for brunettes to choose their “ideal” tone - experiment and soon you will succeed. The famous Angelina Jolie is asked as an example.

Red lipstick for brown-haired women- here you need to take into account the skin tone, as brown-haired women can suit different tones. For owners fair skin you should opt for a bright red lipstick.

Red and blonde women stick to warm colors. For red-haired makeup artists select terracotta, peach, coral tones. Fair-haired people are also allowed to try light, bright red shades.

Shiny or matte?

Considering that matte lips seem narrower than they actually are, matte lipstick is only suitable for girls with plump lips who are not afraid to narrow them slightly. But the gloss will make the lips plump due to their radiance.

Now that we have figured out the intricacies of choosing lipstick, we can talk about the intricacies of makeup with red lipstick.

Preparing the skin for makeup with red lipstick

  1. Your facial skin should be perfect, because in the presence of red lipstick, its imperfections are more visible. Avoid oily shine, which often appears in the so-called T-zone, so you should not feel sorry for the powder.
  2. Lips should also be exfoliated and moisturized. exfoliate delicate skin lips will help scrub, and moisturize - a special lip balm.

Eye makeup

Basic rules - make-up eyes as natural as possible. It can be accented with eyelashes or even eyebrows, but it is important that it does not compete with expressive lips.

Eye makeup can be more intense, but the main thing here is the right colors. So, light brown shadows, slightly extending beyond the moving eyelid and carefully shaded, are a great option for gentle smokey ice. In this case, the shade of ivory shade should be applied to the area under the eyebrow.

If you want to create a more intense make-up, you should use the classic arrows. When drawing a classically thin line, be sure to consider a few points:

  1. Do not go far beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  2. Try not to apply shadows on the lower eyelid, but if you really want to, draw a thin line with brown shadows (this technique gives a mysterious look).

Ink is final stage eye makeup. It is recommended to choose brown mascara for less intense make-up, and black mascara for evening, brighter make-up.

And, of course, when choosing, you need to focus on hair color. Choose mascara with volume effect, carefully painting over each eyelash - no lumps spoiling perfect image, should not be. Several false eyelashes can be glued on the outer corners of the eyes.

How to increase lips with red lipstick?

Thin lips should not be painted with red lipstick, as they will begin to appear thinner, and more eye-catching.

But this does not mean that only girls with Angelina Jolie lips use red lipstick, because lips, even with red lipstick, can be enlarged.

To begin with, let's pay attention to the fact that matte red lipstick will visually narrow the lips, and mother-of-pearl and glossy will increase.

You'll need:

  • Lip pencil natural shade;
  • Red lipstick.

Clearly outline the contours of the lips with a pencil, and then fill in the inner space with the same pencil, but so that an unfilled space in the form of a small heart remains in the center. This space must be filled with a pencil, lighter than the previous one by several shades.

Then use your fingertips to “drive in” the lipstick and blot your lips with a tissue. To do visually plumper lips, you need to paint over their corners with a brown pencil or dark shadows.

After that, using a lip brush (such a brush will prolong the durability of lipstick) or a brush from an already used gloss, gently apply lipstick. You can even out the contour of the lips with a concealer.

Makeup addition

This makeup style is considered classic, so you need to choose the appropriate clothes (no club dresses or tops). Something in your image should be red - shoes, bag, belt, etc.

Red accessories or a manicure in red tones will look beautiful.

The line of behavior should also be chosen according to the image - no uncertainty or timidity: you are the queen!

Professional video about makeup with red lipstick:
