What is the name of the foundation under the foundation. Makeup bases: why you need them

A quality foundation will help you make perfect makeup. How to apply it correctly in order to achieve the desired effect.

Learn how to apply makeup foundation

Creating makeup is like painting a picture, before you start painting, you need to prepare a canvas. The process of work and the result will depend on how well you prepare the surface of the canvas. If the surface of the canvas is of poor quality and hastily done, then no matter how hard you try, you won’t get a good picture, just waste your time. With the face as well: if the makeup base is of poor quality, applied incorrectly, then all your efforts and the best means decorative cosmetics will have no best view and won't last long on your face.

When applied foundation What matters is which tools you use. There are three main ways to apply foundation:

  1. fingertips
  2. brush
  3. sponge

1. This is one of the most intense ways to apply foundation. If you apply the foundation with your fingertips more than once, you will be able to achieve that the layer will be uniform and dense. With this application, the cream lays down quite densely, this allows you to hide visible skin imperfections, so use this method if you need a dense thick layer of cream. However, this method has disadvantages: difficulties in shading and applying in parts.

2. The second way is to apply foundation with a brush. Such brushes differ in size, shape and density. It is best to use a brush with medium settings. The brush will allow you to make a layer of medium thickness and more convenient shading, unlike applying with your fingers.

3. If you chose to apply foundation on a sponge, then know that with its help you will be able to achieve the most subtle and natural tone. The foundation sponge is designed in such a way that it absorbs the rest of the tone with its surface, resulting in a very natural and barely noticeable layer. This method is suitable if you want to make the most natural makeup. The sponge will also help to blend the tone where it was not possible to do it with your fingers. Before using the sponge, you need to moisten it a little, so it is even more convenient to use it.

If you have ever done sculptural makeup, then to usual variant it will be very difficult for you to return, because such makeup allows you to literally “sculpt” your face. When doing it for the first time, it may seem to you that this is not a feasible task, but with time and a little experience, it will no longer be difficult for you. Here are the highlights.


The cheekbones need to be made more visible, and the shape of the face narrower, or vice versa, it all depends on the shape of the face. With a brush we draw a line under the cheekbones, this line runs from the bone behind the cheek to the temple. Blend the lines carefully.

Use a palette with correctors

This method will take you longer, but it is much more interesting. With a special brush for blush, we apply the main lines mentioned above on the face. Then, with the help of a sponge and a tonal base, we shade everything, just do not overdo it so that the cheekbones do not stand out too much, it will look ugly. Using a sponge and foundation, the transitions can be made very smooth, gently flowing into each other.

This method is especially suitable for creating evening makeup.

Using a bronzer

This option is suitable for frequent use, as it takes very little time. On the face of the already applied tonal foundation with a brush, apply a bronzer under the cheekbone, then blend the line upwards. This will make the line of the cheekbones more natural. If suddenly the line turned out to be not very smooth or something does not suit you, it can be corrected with a sponge dipped in water, carefully walk over the place that needs to be corrected, first with a clean sponge, and then together with the tonal base.


Using a concealer palette

In principle, this technique is very similar to the one we used in darkening, the only difference is that now we need to apply a lighter shade to the area under the eyes, the inside of the cheeks, the line of the nose and the center of the forehead. All this is done when the makeup base is already applied to the face.

We use a highlighter

Highlighter - a means of decorative cosmetics, to create a "sculpture" of the face. It helps to brighten and visually highlight certain areas of the face, hide fine wrinkles, refresh and add radiance.

We need a highlighter in order to give the face shine and radiance. The highlighter is applied to the face with light touches on the very top of the cheekbones, on the level of the bend, which is located above the eyebrow and on the tip of the nose.

Let's add colors

We use blush

A little blush to match your makeup will not be superfluous, they will give your face even more freshness and brightness, the main thing is not to overdo it, because it should be harmonious and emphasize your dignity.

We hope these tips were helpful to you.

Foundation (not to be confused with foundation and make-up base) is the general name for any foundation, from cream powder to cushion. In everyday life, such funds are most often called "tonal cream". But in Lately so many new formats and textures have appeared that the concept of “cream” has ceased to be universal. Therefore, a popular definition was born - “tonalniks”. Here we'll talk about them.

By "foundation" is meant any tinting agent: from cream powder to cushion. © iStock

The tonal base is a mix of water substance, fat, powder and color pigments. This is the minimum set of ingredients that can give the skin a uniform color and cover imperfections. In the modern beauty world, the purpose of tonal means goes beyond banal camouflage. New ingredients endow them with a variety of properties, not only of an optical nature.

    Silicones and silicone oils give the texture lightness, provide an even, smooth coating and protection from external influences.

    Light reflective pigments of the new generation are responsible for the “illumination” of the skin, refracting and scattering light in a certain way.

    Vitamins and Antioxidants protect against negative environmental influences and free radicals.

    SPF filters protect against photoaging, while the level of sun protection reaches SPF 30 and even 50.

    Minerals have a matte effect.

    Moisturizing and moisture-retaining components prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin and give the face a well-groomed, radiant appearance.

Makeup procedure

If you want the foundation to lay down perfectly and justify the hopes placed on it, first moisturize your skin properly. On an unprepared surface, makeup will lie unevenly. In addition, the moisturizing ingredients in the composition of the tone will immediately begin to compensate for the lack of moisture (and this is not part of his responsibilities).

Moisturize skin before applying foundation© iStock

For the sake of experiment, try to make up after a deep moisturizing treatment - the difference will be obvious.

Foundation and make-up base

A common question from novice beauty users is whether it is possible to apply Foundation without foundation? Yes, if the skin is hydrated, make-up is generally well kept on it, and additional correction of irregularities is not required.

The primer due to silicones slightly evens out the relief of the skin, filling in irregularities. Plus, it provides resistance to makeup and slightly moisturizes. At the same time, it will not replace a moisturizer in any case.

Types of foundation

Foundations vary in texture, formula, and purpose. Here are the main types.

    Fluid. The light liquid texture contains more water than oils, has medium coverage, but smoothes the skin well. The concentration of pigments is not high enough to hide skin imperfections. It is fluids that often contain matting components in the form of fat-absorbing minerals.

    Mousse (foam). It has an airy texture and only slightly tones the skin.

    Cream. It has a plastic texture and a relatively high content of fats and hydro fixatives, often contains anti-age ingredients.

    Cream powder. The compact version of the foundation may contain more powder particles than the foundation. Easily applied with a sponge, smoothes the surface of the skin and hides its imperfections.

    Powder. Compact or loose, mainly used to fix or correct make-up. Often has matting properties due to minerals - perlite and silicon.

    Cushion. Moisturizing tinted fluid in a compact package has a weightless texture; coating density may vary.

The choice of foundation format and texture depends on skin type and personal preference © iStock

Today, we treat foundation as a continuation of daily care. Of course, it is naive to expect the same action from him as from a day cream. But it is quite possible to count on pleasant bonuses if you focus on the type of skin when choosing.

Foundations for different skin types

How to choose a shade

Ideally, you need to choose a foundation in daylight, since artificial distorts colors.

If the lighting in the store is artificial, take the advice of professional makeup artists: test the shade NOT on the wrist, but on the face.

“The tone of the hands and face of almost no one matches,” says Vichy medical expert Elena Eliseeva. “So don’t be surprised if a cream that perfectly matches the color of your wrist looks like a mask on your face.”

The chance to choose the shade closest to your skin will be much higher if, when testing, you apply foundation on the border between the face and neck, that is, along the chin line. .

Everyone determines the ways of applying foundation for himself © iStock

Nowadays, most of the fair sex is constantly faced with various skin problems. In this regard, the foundation lays unevenly, quickly rolls or flows. In this case, a makeup base will help to fix the problem. How to apply makeup base? If you choose it correctly and skillfully use it, then the make-up will look decent throughout the day.

Appointment of a base for makeup

A make-up base is a special cosmetic product that is designed to prepare the skin of the face for the use of concealer, foundation, blush, eye shadow, powder or lipstick. It is made up of ingredients that support skin health. The base can be replaced with a daily face cream.

With the help of a make-up base it is possible to:

  • visually align the structure of the skin;
  • give the face a beautiful, even tone;
  • mask areas of redness;
  • moisturize dry areas and relieve them of peeling;
  • fill pits, large pores and wrinkles, make them invisible;
  • give make-up stability for 5-6 hours.

The make-up base is selected individually according to the skin tone and the problems with it. Thanks to the tool, the makeup will look perfect.

The existing make-up bases on the market differ in:

  • consistency;
  • appointment;
  • application areas.

Such a variety will allow you to choose the right base for day and evening makeup, as well as for a certain season and different life situations.

Makeup bases by consistency:

  1. Liquid base - fluid. Lies on the face with a thin layer, moisturizes, hides minor problems. Its composition includes beige pigments, and therefore, it is suitable for all skin types. Most of all, the base is suitable for young women with fairly smooth facial skin, as it will help hide visible defects.
  2. Liquid base - primer. The tool has a very dense pigmented structure, so it is more suitable for women with problematic porous skin, which has small scars after acne and dark spots. Universal for any skin tone.
  3. Cream. This group includes BB and CC creams that carefully care for the skin and mask visible imperfections - pigmentation, redness, acne spots. There are bases with varying degrees of coverage - light and medium.
  4. Gel. Its formula is designed for oily skin types, which quickly form sebum and give an unattractive shine. The tool has easy simple texture, pleasantly cools, does not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe. Available as a clear or tinted gel.
  5. Stick. Used to mask obvious defects. Due to the fact that the stick has a thick texture, it is not suitable for owners of dry skin.
  6. Powder. Available as a loose powder or as a compact powder, applied after the day cream. Ideal for oily or combination skin.

Destination base:

  1. Mattifying. Regulates the production of sebum, due to special particles that inhibit the work of the sebaceous glands. It contains talc and zinc dioxide, which dry the skin and destroy bacteria. The tool makes the skin more even, smooth and radiant, and also blocks the appearance of comedones. It is superimposed in combination with foundation or powder.
  2. Moisturizing. The tool is indispensable for owners of very dry and hypersensitive skin, which is prone to peeling. The composition of the product includes natural and artificial oils, as well as hyaluronic acid. Produced on a water basis.
  3. Illuminating mother-of-pearl. Its composition includes light-reflecting particles, so that the skin acquires a healthy radiant appearance. Most suitable for evening make-up.
  4. Corrective (masking). Sold in several shades and when used allows you to visually hide defects such as dark circles, hematomas, yellowness and grey colour faces. It comes in white, green, purple, yellow.

Base on areas of application:

  1. Under eyeshadow. Shadows do not roll all day at any pace of life, their color is especially expressive.
  2. Under lipstick. Evens out the structure of the lips, moisturizes and nourishes. In the cold season, the product prevents drying and cracking. Thanks to the tool lipstick lays down beautifully, long keeps, does not roll down to corners and is not erased.

How to apply makeup base?

Before applying the product, the skin must be cleaned with a special mild foaming soap, dried with a napkin and a tonic is applied that activates the cells and prepares them for applying the makeup base. If the skin is too dry, then you can pre-apply a moisturizer and blot its remnants with a napkin.

You can apply the base in several ways:

  • with your fingertips;
  • special wet sponge;
  • makeup brush.

The sponge will provide a light coverage of the base, and the brush - dense. It is better to apply a corrective base with a brush for obvious defects. If it is worn with the fingertips, then a small amount of the product must be squeezed onto them, rubbed slightly and wait for it to melt and liquefy a little, and then apply to the skin of the face with light patting movements.

Makeup base mistakes:

  1. Do not apply the product in a thick layer and rub with vigorous movements. At the same time, the base will lie in spots, and the face will take on an unhealthy look.
  2. If you use a day cream, then you need to give it time to absorb. The cream and the base have a different consistency and, when mixed, can give the skin an oily sheen and a dirty tint.
  3. A small amount of the base is also unacceptable. In this case, it will not lie in an even layer, but in separate spots.
  4. You can not use the base to try to correct the complexion, applying it in several layers. Makeup will be very heavy.
  5. Do not apply to delicate areas under the eyes, it is better to use a special concealer.
  6. The base for make-up in the open state is only good for one year. An expired product can cause various problems.

The make-up base can be combined with foundation and moisturizers, as well as with thermal water, which eliminates makeup congestion on the skin.

Makeup base is the base layer that is applied under foundation. It provides alignment of tone and relief of the face. Many women do not use this tool and are content with the usual caring cosmetics. However, all professional cosmetologists and make-up artists assure that this product will help mask skin defects as much as possible and eliminate the irregularities of its surface layer.

Primer is a modern concept that defines a cosmetic product that prepares the skin for further application of foundation. Makeup base in the form of a primer will make makeup resistant and make it easier to blend the foundation.

In the absence of anything else at hand, to create a leveling base, you can use a regular moisturizer that suits the characteristics of your epidermis. However, it is still better to use special primers that have special properties.

Why is a foundation needed?

A foundation base helps to idealize the skin and add sophistication to the make-up. A make-up base is essential for women who have an uneven tone or structure of the skin. In particular, the problematic epidermis with rashes, acne and pimples needs the use of this specialized product, which creates a reliable base for further application of make-up.

The primer for the face performs the following tasks:

  • Helps to even out the texture of the skin and hide the unevenness of its surface layer;
  • Evens out the tone and color of the epidermis, masking visible differences in tone and various pigmentations;
  • Hides the expressed imperfections of the skin, idealizing it appearance;
  • Conceals specific color and tone problems present on the skin;
  • Increases the durability of decorative cosmetics, keeping makeup fresh throughout the day;
  • Gives the skin a radiant shine due to the content of shimmering particles;
  • Improves the condition of the skin, moisturizes it, tightens pores and mattifies;
  • Provides easy make-up application.

Many cosmetic brands have makeup bases in their assortment. If you prefer to use foundations of the same brand, then purchase the foundation from this collection. It works best under foundation.

Primer types

There are several types of primer cream for the face, which should be selected taking into account the characteristics of your epidermis and the effect you would like to get.

Types of makeup bases depending on their functions:

  1. Foundation is a cosmetic product that is perfect for problematic epidermis. It has pigment particles, helps to hide the present skin imperfections, even out the color and improve its appearance. It should be used under foundation and powder.
  2. The smoothing agent is great for women with aging and problematic epidermis. It not only evens out the tone and structure of the skin, but also masks problems such as wrinkles, pigmentation, enlarged pores.
  3. The silicone base helps to hide the imperfections of dry and dehydrated epidermis. It eliminates small peeling, redness and spots. After its application, the face becomes smooth and silky.
  4. A mattifying base is great for oily skin types, as it helps to eliminate its main imperfections. By absorbing excess sebum, this base prevents the formation of oily sheen and clogged pores. Thanks to this tool, the make-up will keep its fresh look for a long time.
  5. The color base contains pigment particles of various shades. Each color helps to hide certain problems of the tone of the face.
  6. Moisturizing base saturates the epidermis with moisture, makes it soft and tender.
  7. The radiant makeup base has reflective particles that give the face a natural radiant glow. The luminous skin looks healthy and well-groomed, and the make-up at the same time acquires a special sophistication.
  8. Transparent products have a light and weightless texture, and when applied to the skin provide freshness and radiance of the face.

Types of primer depending on the color:

  1. The green base helps to mask red defects: vascular networks, acne, rashes.
  2. The pink base improves the appearance of the face, giving the skin a healthy complexion and a natural glow.
  3. The purple base helps eliminate the yellowness present on the face.
  4. The yellow base eliminates blue, for example, dark circles under the eyes or spots after acne.
  5. The white base gives the epidermis a fresh and rested appearance.

Many of the makeup bases can be used as a standalone product, just powdered on top. Others should be applied exclusively as a foundation under foundation.

How to choose?

  • Determine your skin type and choose all cosmetics, taking into account its needs. Each type of base performs its tasks, improving the appearance various types skin. Features such as mattifying and sebum absorption will further exacerbate the dryness of dehydrated skin.
  • Creamy and rich texture is great for dehydrated epidermis. It contains moisturizing and nutrients that will fill the cells with the necessary components. The fluid form lays down in a thin, weightless layer, creates a matte effect and does not clog pores.
  • For the base for eye makeup should be selected special remedy, which gently affects the sensitive epidermis. Such products absorb sebum and prevent shadows from rolling.
  • The color of this product should also correspond to the needs of the epidermis, or rather, its shortcomings. Pay attention to what problems are most pronounced on your face and, given their appearance, select the appropriate shade of cream.
  • It should be well applied and distributed. Since foundation is most often used on top, it is necessary to select a base that will even out the structure of the skin of the face.
  • Women with aging and problematic skin need to choose this type of cosmetics very carefully. It should not spoil both the appearance and health of the skin. Carefully study the composition and do a skin test before the first use.

Do not forget that for healthy skin and creating an attractive make-up, it is necessary to follow all stages of epidermis care. Sufficient cleansing and moisturizing will improve the appearance of the face and give makeup freshness.

Review of the 5 best primers for the face

The foundation is presented in the form of a serum, which, when applied to the skin, evens out the tone of the face, tightens the skin and maintains its youth. The primer formula is enriched with rose water, goji berries and plum extract. Substances moisturize the epidermis, have an antioxidant effect. The serum can be used on its own or as a make-up base.

Price: 850 rubles.

  • Has a matting effect;
  • Enriched with Collagen Peptides & Vitamin E;
  • Normalizes the production of sebum and tightens pores;
  • Keeps make-up fresh throughout the day;
  • Presented in more than 10 shades;
  • Gives the epidermis a healthy and radiant look.

Price: 800 rubles.

  • Evens out uneven complexion;
  • Does not highlight the drawing borders;
  • Creates the effect of a second skin;
  • Gives the face smoothness and silkiness;
  • Gives a perfect look to the face in any light;
  • Helps create natural radiant makeup.

Price: 600 rubles.

L'Oreal Infaillible Face Primer

L’Oreal Infaillible face primer is a real find for creating high-quality and lasting makeup. The base from L'Oreal is represented by a collection of 4 primers with a directed task:

  • Primer neutralizing redness (color-correcting);
  • Primer for the face matting (masking pores);
  • Smoothing;
  • Increasing radiance of the skin.

Price (each primer): 500 rubles.

  • Helps prepare the epidermis for further makeup application;
  • Aligns the tone, color, structure of the skin;
  • Maintains make-up throughout the day
  • Gives dullness and silkiness to the epidermis;
  • Eliminates dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • It spreads easily and absorbs well.

Price: 200 rubles.


Primer - the basis for foundation. A makeup base is needed for any type of epidermis before applying makeup. This tool helps to eliminate irregularities in the color and relief of the face, as well as improve its appearance. The base provides durability of a make-up and keeps it fresh throughout the day.

We all dream of a healthy and uniform complexion. If your skin is far from ideal, because of which the foundation lies unevenly, emphasizing all the flaws, this is not a problem, because there is a unique product on the cosmetic market: a makeup base. With the help of such a base, the skin will acquire a well-groomed and radiant appearance. It is only necessary to choose the right foundation for your skin type.

A good base is a pledge good makeup!

What is a makeup base?

A pimple popped up on your face? After a day spent in the cold, the skin began to peel off? With the help of the base, you can completely mask all the imperfections and prepare the face for applying others. cosmetics. The makeup base contains special ingredients that care for the skin, so sometimes it can even be used instead of a day cream. The base performs several important functions:

  • evens out the skin texture;
  • evens out complexion;
  • corrects redness;
  • covers peeling with a thin moisturizing layer, making them invisible;
  • fills pores and wrinkles, reducing their visibility;
  • prolongs the durability of make-up.

If you choose the right base according to your skin type and existing problems, you can visually make your face almost perfect.

What are makeup bases?

There are many foundations for makeup, and choosing the right one for yourself is not difficult. According to the texture of the makeup base can be divided into the following categories:

  • Liquid base (fluid). It spreads easily, covers the skin with a thin, weightless layer and hides small imperfections. As a rule, such a base contains a small amount of beige pigment, which easily adapts to skin color. Due to the light coverage, the liquid base may not suit the owners problematic skin, as it is not able to mask serious flaws.
  • Liquid base (primer). This foundation is more pigmented and is suitable for owners of problematic porous skin with post-acne spots and scars. Most often, the primer is available in a universal shade.
  • Creamy base. This category includes today's popular BB and CC creams, which combine the properties of a caring cream and a tonal base with a light or medium degree of coverage. The creamy base will easily mask skin imperfections such as rosacea, slight pigmentation and post-acne spots.
  • Gel base. Ideal for very oily skin. Due to the light texture, the gel-like base cools the skin, does not clog pores and does not provoke the appearance of acne. The base for make-up in the form of a gel comes with or without a tonal pigment.
  • Solid base (stick). The most pigmented foundation. It is presented in the form of a stick, has a firm, lipstick-like texture. The base stick is suitable for masking the most noticeable imperfections, creating a dense coating. Suitable for combination and oily skin. On dry skin, a hard base can accentuate flaking and cause further dehydration.
  • Dry base. It comes in loose or compact powder form. Unlike regular makeup-finishing powder, foundation powder has a denser texture and is designed to hide imperfections. Dry foundation smoothes pores and is suitable for oily and combination skin. The powder base is applied immediately after the day cream.

Makeup bases also differ by skin type, performing different functions:

  • Mattifying base. It contains antibacterial and sebum-regulating substances, as well as absorbent particles: talc, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide. A high-quality matting base regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands on the face without clogging pores and without provoking the appearance of comedones. In tandem with foundation and setting powder, the mattifying base prevents the appearance of oily sheen throughout the day.
  • Moisturizing Foundation. Designed to soften and protect dry and sensitive skin. The composition of the moisturizing base necessarily contains components such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin, natural oils. As a rule, all moisturizing bases are water-based.
  • Illuminating base. May be with or without tonal tint. The main distinguishing feature of the illuminating base is the presence of microscopic shimmering particles, similar to mother-of-pearl. This foundation makes the skin healthy, polished and literally glowing from the inside.
  • corrective base. Such a base contains a certain color nuance that allows you to effectively hide skin imperfections: a green base neutralizes redness, completely masking them; pink - covers an earthy and tired complexion; purple base neutralizes unhealthy yellow skin tone; yellow base - removes bruises and dark circles under the eyes; white base evens out the overall tone of the face and fills in wrinkles.

There are also basics for different areas of the face:

  • Eye shadow base. It has a thick texture and contains cosmetic silicone. Such a base mattifies and slightly dries the skin of the eyelids, preventing the shadows from rolling into stripes, and prolonging their durability. Shadows applied to the base look more pigmented and brighter.
  • Mascara base. It comes in a tube that looks like mascara. Contains a powder component that significantly increases the volume and length of eyelashes, and also prevents mascara from shedding during the day. Many mascara bases contain caring ingredients that strengthen eyelashes and stimulate their growth.
  • Lipstick base. Moisturizes, nourishes, evens out the relief of the lips, fills in fine wrinkles. Thanks to the base, lipstick on the lips lasts much longer, does not roll or smudge. In winter, the base protects delicate skin lips from frost and drying.

Before applying the base, the skin must be cleaned and prepared

Preparing the skin for base application

Even though the base itself improves the appearance of the skin, it is still better to prepare the skin for the application of the base, making the complexion even more radiant and healthy, and make-up fresh and natural.

  1. Exfoliation. Do deep peeling facial skin, removing all dead cells and scales. Cleaned from the stratum corneum, the skin is actively renewed, breathes and generally looks healthier.
  2. Cleansing. Use a gentle foaming facial cleanser to wash away makeup residue and dirt accumulated in the skin during the day. This will help unclog pores and release less sebum. Lightly blot your face with a tissue and immediately proceed to the next step.
  3. Toning. Apply facial toner with a cotton pad. It will help close the pores and enhance metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis. Tonic activates the absorption of nutrients by the skin, preparing it for applying the cream. If you wipe your face with tonic immediately after washing, without waiting for the skin to dry completely, then the moisture will “seal” in the skin, making it soft and velvety to the touch.
  4. Intensive nutrition. Irrigate your face with thermal or floral water and apply in a thick layer nourishing mask. Keep the mask on for the right amount of time. Rinse with water, pat dry with a tissue and apply toner again.
  5. Hydration. Apply a day cream on your face (with patting movements along the massage lines). If you are taking a course of serums, then first apply the serum, then the cream. After 10 minutes, your skin is ready for makeup.

Applying makeup base

Applying a make-up base on the face is somewhat different from applying a regular foundation, because the base is not only a decorative, but also a caring part of the make-up. There are several ways to apply the base:

  • Finger application. Coverage will be light to medium.
  • Application with a special wet sponge (beauty blender). The coverage is light.
  • Apply with a makeup brush. The coverage will be medium to heavy.

You can choose the best option for you based on the general condition of your skin and the problems you want to cover up. If the base color is different from the color of the neck, be sure to apply the foundation on the collarbones and on the sides of the neck. So you visually align the color in these areas.

There are some tricks that professional makeup artists use to give the skin a natural and uniform tone.

  • Moisturizing cream + make-up base. If you have extremely dry and flaky skin, try pairing your moisturizer with your makeup base. Warm the mixture on the pads of your fingers and apply to the skin in a circular motion, paying particular attention to the driest areas.
  • Makeup base + foundation. Sometimes it happens that the makeup base does not completely hide imperfections, and the foundation is too noticeable on the skin. In this case, mix in equal parts the base for makeup and foundation. You will get a medium density coating that will smooth out bumps, but will still look natural.
  • Thermal water. Pharmacy mineral water will help eliminate the “peach” effect - when the face looks overloaded with makeup. After each layer of foundation or foundation, spray thermal water on the skin and wait until it dries completely. This manipulation will help moisturize the skin and mix all the layers of makeup with each other.

If your goal is perfect tone face and maximum natural coverage, then opt for a make-up base.
