Methodological development on correctional pedagogy (senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Fairy tale play with elements of inclusion for children with visual impairment "Snowmen" for children with visual impairment. Melt or melt: deal with spelling

Did you make mistakes in the verb "melt"? And in his forms? Yes? Well, with whom it does not happen, we all make mistakes at school. However, literacy has never hurt anyone. It's summer now, and you can improve your knowledge of the Russian language. Don't feel like picking up textbooks? And it is not necessary. About how to spell correctly - "melt" or "melt", we will tell in the article.

Verbs of the first conjugation

Before we start looking at how to spell "melt" or "melt" correctly, let's find out how to determine the conjugation of the verb "melt". Why this is needed, we will find out a little later. So, in order to determine the conjugation of a verb, we must pay attention to which vowel comes before "t". In our case, this is the letter "I" - "melt".

The following verbs belong to II conjugation:

  • Ending in "it".
  • Four verbs ending in "at".
  • Seven verbs that end in "et".

As we can see, the verb we need is not in this list.

Now let's talk about I conjugation. It includes verbs with the endings "ot", "yt", "ut" and "yat".

Accordingly, our verb I conjugation.

Let's talk about the present

So, "melt" or "melt" - how should we write? To find out, we find out how the verb "melt" sounds in the present tense.

  • I am melting.
  • We are melting.
  • He is melting.
  • They are melting.

Attention, we learned how to write correctly - snowflakes are melting.

Briefly about snow

Does the snow "melt" or "melt"? What verb is the present tense derived from? What a question - from the verb "melt", as in the example above. So, we will write an essay about how the snow melts in spring.

Suddenly wrong?

Which is correct - melts or melts? Looks like it was just discussed above. But this is the whole point, the whole catch. Remember what was said in the annotation? Snowflakes are ours with a trick. How do you spell "thaw" or "thaw"? In a situation with snow - melts. Why? Because it's the verb "melt" in the present tense. That is, it changes from solid to liquid.

We know that this verb is sometimes used in a figurative form. For example: "Girls are melting before our eyes."

And what about the word "hidden" then? From what verb this form is formed, let's remember. That's right, from the verb "to conceal". That is, to hide something, to hide from others.

Conjugation of the verb "to conceal"

Already from the subtitle it is clear that this verb ends in "it". And this means that it belongs to the indefinite verbs of the II conjugation.

In general, verbs of II conjugation include everything ending in "it", except: drive, hold, breathe, depend, hear, see, offend, endure, twirl, hate, look.

Two verbs - two forms

If we figured out the spelling and origin of the words "melts" and "tait", then what's the catch with the plural form?

There is no trick, as such. It's just that the verbs "melt" and "hide" have completely different semantic meanings. Accordingly, if we are talking about the present tense of the latter, we get the following picture:

  • I am melting.
  • He is hiding.
  • We are hiding.
  • They are hiding.

That is, snow cannot melt, according to spelling. It melts, as we already understood.

Helping students

We analyzed the verbs of I and II conjugations, talked about what the verbs "melt" and "conceal" hide under them, figured out how to write - "melt" or "melt". Now let's make small sentences with these verbs to help students.

Let's start with the verb "melt":

  • I am melting (first person singular) in love with her.
  • We melt (first person, plural) from this heat.
  • Do you still melt (2nd person singular) from his gaze?
  • You melt (2nd person, plural) as soon as you hear her voice.
  • He melts (third person, singular) from attention to his person.
  • She melts (third person singular) with pleasure.
  • They melt (third person, plural) in pain.

Now let's make sentences with derivatives of the verb "to conceal":

  • I have a lot of mysteries in me.
  • We hold a lot of information.
  • You harbor a sea of ​​charm in your soul.
  • You are hiding something forbidden.
  • It has a scary story behind it.
  • She hides her age and social position.

    They conceal everything that has long since sunk into oblivion.


The main purpose of the article is to tell the reader how to spell correctly - "melt" or "melt". Let's highlight the main aspects:

  • Both spellings are correct. It all depends on the verb that is meant. To melt is to change from a solid state to a liquid state under the influence of heat. To hide - to hide something, withhold information from others.
  • The verb "melt" belongs to the I conjugation.
  • The verb "hide" - II conjugation, like almost all verbs with the ending "it", except for those highlighted above.
  • Snowflakes melt because they cannot hide something in themselves.
  • Girls hide because they hide something from gentlemen.


The Russian language is quite complicated, it is fraught with many mysteries and oddities. There is no need to fear or avoid them. As well as writing randomly. You have to be friendly with the language. This will not only bring good grades in the subject at school, but most importantly, it will give knowledge of spelling, which is important in our time. In almost all institutes, regardless of the specialty, the Russian language is included in the list of profiling exams. And what is the probability that an applicant will even enter a paid department if his USE scores are low. And at work, competent employees are valued. Sooner or later, you have to write business letters and correspond with colleagues. And you will be very ashamed of the mistakes in the letter.


Snowman 1.
Snowman 2.
Snowman 3.
Boy 1.
Boy 2.

Scene 1 (prologue)

Winter. A park. The girl appears. She rejoices in fluffy snow, plays with snowflakes. The boys run. They offer the Girl to make Snowmen with them. Everyone sculpts his own Snowman and admires him. The girl takes off her scarf and puts it on her Snowman.

Boy 1 puts a hat on the Snowman, Boy 2 puts glasses on. Children say goodbye to the Snowmen, run away.

Scene 2

Raven appears. She notices three Snowmen standing motionless, examines them, croaks over each, then sits down on a fallen tree, dozing. Snowmen come to life.

Snowman 1. Oh, and I... I can talk!..

Snowman 2. And I move my hands! ( Moves his hands.)

Snowman 3. And I, and I can... walk! ( Takes a few hesitant steps.)

The snowmen begin to move, walk around the stage, getting used to their new state.

Snowman 3. Why, we are... alive!

Snowmen 1 And 2. (with bewilderment) Alive?!

snowmen (together). Alive!

Crow (awakened by screams, displeased and angry). Karrrr! Karrrr! "Alive"! What kind of life are you? The Sun will come - and that's it, you won't be there. You are Snow-go-wee-ki! Karrrr! Karrrr!

The crow flies away.

Snowman 1 (surprised). How is it not going to happen? Why won't it?

Snowman 2. And what is the Sun? And when will it come?

Snowman 3. Let's go to the forest - we'll find out everything there.

The snowmen leave.

Scene 3

Glade in the forest, in the center - a fallen tree. Woodpecker appears. He circles over a fallen tree, sits on it, sighs sadly, covers himself with a wing so that only his little red cap is visible. Snowmen appear, examine the clearing, notice the Woodpecker.

Snowman 3. See what is it?

Snowman 2 (anxiously). Maybe this is the Sun?

Snowman 1 (enthusiastically). Oh how red it is!

A Crow appears, also perches on a tree.

Crow(derisively). Karrrr! Karrrr! Scream-rily! Yes, it's Woodpecker!

Snowman 3. Why are you so sad, Woodpecker?

Woodpecker. My tree was blown down by the wind. Now I don't have a home, I have nowhere to live ... Where is the Sun? When will it come?

Snowman 1 (surprised). What are you waiting for the sun?

Woodpecker. Without the Sun and without a home, I will perish from the cold.

Snowman 2 (takes off his hat, hands it to Woodpecker). Don't get lost - hold on!

Woodpecker (takes a hat). What is this? ( He turns his hat in his hands.) My new hollow? Thank you, good people!

The woodpecker flies away.

Snowman 2 (surprised). Good people?

The snowmen leave.

Crow (with disdain). What are these "good people"? It's Snowmen!

Scene 4

Belka appears. She jumps endlessly from tree to snow and back again. Snowmen appear. They notice Belka.

Snowman 3. Oh look what is this?

Snowman 2 (anxiously). Maybe it's the sun?

Snowman 1 (enthusiastically). Oh what a redhead!

Crow (derisively). Ka-r-r! Karrrr! Scream-rily! Yes, it's Belka!

Snowman 3. Why are you jumping all the time, Squirrel?

Squirrel (shivering from the cold, continuing to jump). I'm very s-s-frozen... I just can't s-s-warm up... Where is Sunshine? It should come soon!

Snowman 2 (with bewilderment). How? Are you waiting for the sun too?

Squirrel. Of course I'm waiting! After all, without the Sun, I’m completely frozen, I know, I’ll disappear from the cold ...

Snowman 1 (takes off his scarf, hands it to Belka). Don't get lost - hold on!

Squirrel (takes a scarf). Oh, is it for me? ( Puts on a scarf.) How warm it is! Thank you kind people!

The squirrel runs away.

Snowman 1. Good people?

The snowmen leave.

Crow (surprised). Why "good people"? It's the Snowmen!

The crow flies after the snowmen.

Scene 5

A hare runs into the clearing. He is shivering from the cold, then he listens, darting back and forth, finally hiding behind a fallen tree. Snowmen appear. Notice the rabbit.

Snowman 3. Oh look what is this?

Snowman 2 (sad). This must be the sun!

Snowman 1(enthusiastically). Oh how fluffy it is!

Crow appears, sits on a tree.

Crow (instructively). Karr! Karrrr! So what is the Sun? This is the Hare - a famous coward!

Snowman 1 (coming to the hare). Don't be afraid, Bunny, and stop trembling.

Hare (still trembling). I can't m-m-become...

Snowman 2. What are you so afraid of?

Hare. Sunshine...

Snowman 3. Are you afraid of the sun?!

Snowmen 1 and 2. Can you melt too?

Hare (surprised, immediately stopped trembling). I? Melt?! Not really. I'm b-b-afraid that the Sun will never come, without it I'll be lost from the cold and the naked...

Snowman 3 (holds out a nose-carrot to the Hare). Don't get lost - hold on!

Snowmen 1 and 2 also give their carrot noses to the Hare.

Hare (takes carrots). Oh, is it for me? It's all for me?

Snowman 3. Of course you!

Hare (starts eating carrots). Ah, how delicious! Thank you kind people!

The hare runs away. The snowmen look after him, then wearily sit down on a fallen tree.

Crow (thoughtfully). "Good people"? Here are the Snowmen!

The crow flies away.

Scene 6

Only the Snowmen remained in the clearing.

Snowman 1. It turns out that everyone is waiting for the Sun?

Snowman 2. So, you can't do without it.

Snowman 3. We need to call the Sun - let him come soon!

Snowman 1 (jumping up). Let it warm Squirrel soon!

Snowman 2. And Woodpecker!

Snowman 3. And Bunny!

Crow appears, sitting on a tree, listening to the conversation of the Snowmen.

Snowman 1 (with bewilderment). But when the Sun comes here, we... will melt.

Snowman 2. Are we melting?

Snowman 3 (sighing). Let's melt. But since they called us people, we need to act like people. Everyone is waiting for the sun.

Snowman 2. Everyone is bad without the Sun.

Snowman 1. So, we need to go for the Sun!

Snowman 2. For the sun?

Snowman 3. For the Sun!

Snowmen are walking across the meadow.

Crow(flying off the tree). Karrrr! Karrrr! Do you want me to fly to the Sun?

snowmen (stopping). You?!

Crow. Well, yes, I, the Sun is high, to go to the Sun is far away. And I'll get there quickly.

Snowman 1 (overjoyed). Of course, fly!

Snowman 2. Tell him to come soon!

The crow is about to fly. Snowman 3 stops her.

Snowman 3. Wait, and this removes glasses from his nose, hands them to Crow) to you in memory of us.

Crow (bewildered). To me? That's for me? Thank you... ( after a pause), good people! Wait for me, I'll be right back!

The crow flies away. The snowmen look after the Crow.

Scene 7 (epilogue)

The sun is slowly appearing. The snowmen love it.

Snowman 3. Look, here it is - the Sun!

Snowman 2. Hello Sunshine!

Snowman 1. How beautiful you are!

Snowman 3. Oh, something stings my eyes ... ( Rub your eyes.)

Snowman 2. And from the nose ... caplets! ( Touches himself on the nose.)

Snowman 1 (sighing). We'll probably...

Snowmen 1 And 2. Taem?..

Snowman 3. Taem...

The song of the Snowmen sounds to the words and music of I. Bodrachenko:

We melt, we melt, we melt
We flow, we flow, we flow
Another hour and we'll be
Creek, creek, creek.
Let's break up, let's break up
Until next winter.
We melt, but we know:
We will return here.
And we are melting, melting,
We flow, we flow, we flow
Another hour and we'll be
Creek, creek, creek.
The goodbye is over
And the water will ring.
Guys, goodbye!
It's time for us to say goodbye...

Snowmen, one by one, turn into snowballs again.

Woodpecker, Squirrel, Hare, Crow, Girl and Boys come out into the clearing. Everyone has snowdrops in their hands - a symbol of eternal spring and life on Earth.

Play-tale with elements of inclusion for children with visual impairment "Snowmen"

based on a Romanian folk tale

(adapted fairy tale for visually impaired children using puppet theater and vocal numbers based on an article by Irina Bodrachenko, magazine " Primary School", No. 3, 2006)

Kosacheva N.A., teacher-speech therapist

Decor: Kamenskikh S.V., teacher of fine arts

Musical accompaniment:Logunova V.G., music director


Snowman 1.
Snowman 2.
Snowman 3.
Boy 1.
Boy 2.

Scene 1 (prologue)

(Winter. Park. The Girl appears).

How wonderful, lots of snow! It's good to run in the snow

Catching snowflakes with a mitten and sculpting snowmen.

(She rejoices in fluffy snow, plays with snowflakes. Boys run in).

We will play with you, with we sculpt a big lump for you.

Instead of a nose, we will very cleverly attach a carrot.

(They offer the Girl to sculpt Snowmen with them. Everyone sculpts their own Snowman and admires it. The girl takes off her scarf, puts it on her Snowman.)

And I will put on a red scarf for the snowman, he will look great!

Beautiful, fashionable, modern, like my friend Lena.

(Boy 1 puts a hat on the Snowman)

Look, look, my snowman looks like Vitya,

I will put on a hat for him, After all, he will not be hot!

(Boy 2 - gives points)

My snowman squints a little, and he does not see well on the street (holds out his glasses).

Take it, treat amblyopia, and there are other glasses at home.

(Children say goodbye to the Snowmen)

All: Goodbye friends, it's time for us to go home!

Do not be bored, come alive, play different games. (run away).

Scene 2

(Magpie appears. She notices three Snowmen standing still, examines them, then sits on a fallen tree, dozing. The snowmen come to life.)

Snowman 1. Oh, and I... I can talk!..

Snowman 2. And I move my hands! ( Moves his hands. )

Snowman 3. And I, and I can... walk! (Takes a few hesitant steps.)

(Snowmen begin to move, walk around the stage, getting used to their new state)

Snowman 3. Why, we are... alive!

Snowmen (together). Alive!

Magpie ( awakened by screams, displeased and angry). Trr-r-r! Trr-r-r! "Alive"! What kind of life are you? The Sun will come and you will not be, you will part. You are Snow-go-wee-ki! Trrr!

(Magpie flies away)

snowman 1 (surprised ). How is it not going to happen? Why won't it?

Snowman 2. And what is the Sun? And when will it come?

Snowman 3. Let's go to the forest - we'll find out everything there.

(Snowmen leave)

Scene 3

(Glade in the forest, in the center - a fallen tree. Woodpecker appears)

I've been knocking, knocking, knocking, knocking all day; And I fly, I fly where I want.

Under the bark I look for food in winter; But without the sun, but without the sun I'll be lost.

(He circles over a fallen tree, sits on it, sighs sadly, covers himself with a wing so that only his red cap is visible. Snowmen appear, inspect the clearing, notice the Woodpecker.)

Snowman 3. See what is it?

snowman 2 (alarmed ). Maybe this is the Sun?

snowman 1 (enthusiastic ). Oh how red it is!

(Magpie appears, also sits on a tree)

Magpie (mockingly ). Trr-r-r! Trr-r-r! Yes, it's Woodpecker!

Snowman 3. Why are you so sad, Woodpecker?

Woodpecker. My tree was blown down by the wind. Now I don't have a home, I have nowhere to live ... Where is the Sun? When will it come?

snowman 1 (surprised ). What are you waiting for the sun?

Woodpecker. Without the Sun and without a home, I will perish from the cold.

Snowman 2 ( takes off his hat, hands it to Woodpecker). Don't get lost - hold on!

Woodpecker (takes a hat). What is this? ( He turns his hat in his hands.) My new hollow? Thank you kind people!

(Woodpecker flies away)

Snowman 2 (surprised). Good people?

(Snowmen leave)

Magpie ( with disdain). What are these "good people"? It's Snowmen!

Scene 4

(Squirrel appears)

I am looking for nuts in the forest; I will not get tired of jumping on the branches,

I'll find a nut for my mother - but only the sun suddenly disappeared.

Frozen paws, ears, tail; It's cold in my forest.

But the sun will come again; And warm everyone, like a mother.

(Snowmen appear. They notice Squirrel)

Snowman 3. Oh look what is this?

snowman 2 (alarmed ). Maybe it's the sun?

snowman 1 (enthusiastic ). Oh what a redhead!

Magpie (mockingly ). Trrr! Trrr! Scream-rily! Yes, it's Belka!

Snowman 3. Why are you jumping all the time, Squirrel?

Squirrel ( shivering from the cold, continuing to jump). I'm very s-s-frozen... I just can't s-s-warm up... Where is Sunshine? It should come soon!

Snowman 2 (with bewilderment ). How? Are you waiting for the sun too?

Squirrel. Of course I'm waiting! After all, without the Sun, I’m completely frozen, I know, I’ll disappear from the cold ...

Snowman 1 ( takes off his scarf, hands it to Belka). Don't get lost - hold on!

Squirrel (takes a scarf). Oh, is it for me? (puts on a scarf .) How warm it is! Thank you kind people!

(Squirrel runs away)

Snowmen (all). Good people?

(Snowmen leave)

Magpie (surprised ). Why "good people"? It's the Snowmen!

(Magpie flies after the Snowmen)

scene 5

(Hare runs into the clearing)

I'm jumping through the winter forest, jumping,

But I'm afraid that I will meet a red fox,

Now under the tree, then along the path I jump, trembling

But without the sun I will get lost in the dense forest.

(Snowmen appear. They notice the Hare)

Snowman 3. Oh look what is this?

snowman 2 (sad ). This must be the sun!

snowman 1 (enthusiastic ). Oh how fluffy it is!

(Magpie appears, sits on a tree)

Magpie (edifyingly ). Trrrr! Trrrr! Well, what kind of Sunshine is this? This is the Hare - a famous coward!

Snowman 1 ( coming to the hare). Don't be afraid, Bunny, and stop trembling.

Hare ( still trembling). I can't m-m-become...

Snowman 2. What are you so afraid of?

Hare ( surprised, immediately stopped trembling). I'm b-b-afraid that the Sun will never come, without it I'll be lost from the cold and the naked...

Snowman 3 ( holds out a nose-carrot to the Hare). Don't get lost - hold on!

(Snowmen 1 and 2 also give the Hare their carrot noses)

Hare (takes carrots ). Oh, is it for me? It's all for me?

Snowman 3. Of course, you!

Hare ( starts eating carrots). Ah, how delicious! Thank you kind people!

(The hare runs away. The snowmen look after him, then wearily sit down on a fallen tree)

Magpie (thoughtfully ). "Good people"? Here are the Snowmen!

(Magpie flies away)

Scene 6

(Only Snowmen remained in the clearing)

Snowman 1. It turns out that everyone is waiting for the Sun?

Snowman 2. So, you can't do without it.

Snowman 3. We need to call the Sun - let him come soon!

Snowman 1 (jumping up ). Let it warm Squirrel soon!

Snowman 2. And Woodpecker!

Snowman 3. And Bunny!

(Magpie appears, sitting on a tree, listening to the conversation of the Snowmen)

Snowman 1 (with bewilderment ). But when the Sun comes here, we... will melt.

Snowman 2. Will we melt?

Snowman 3 (sighing ). Let's melt. But since they called us people, we need to act like people. Everyone is waiting for the sun.

Snowman 2. Everyone is bad without the Sun.

Snowman 1. So, we need to go for the Sun!

Snowmen 2.3. For the sun!

(Snowmen walk across the meadow)

Magpie (having flown from a tree ). Trr-r-r! Trr-r-r! Do you want me to fly to the Sun?

Snowmen (stopping). You?!

Magpie. Well, yes, I, the Sun is high, to go to the Sun is far away. And I'll get there quickly.

Snowman 1 (happily). Of course, fly!

Snowman 2. Tell him to come soon!

(Magpie is about to fly. Snowman 3 stops her)

Snowman 3. Wait, and this ( removes glasses from his nose, hands them to Crow) you, if your eyes get tired, put on magic (healing) glasses.

Magpie (bewildered ). To me? That's for me? Thank you... ( after a pause ), good people! Wait for me, I'll be right back!

(The magpie flies away. The snowmen look after the magpie)

Scene 7 (epilogue)

(The sun is slowly appearing. Snowmen admire him.)

Snowman 3. Look, here it is - the Sun!

Snowman 2. Hello Sunshine!

Sun . Hello animals, hello children,

Hello everyone on Wonderland!

Everyone was waiting for me, looking for a long time; I'll warm you up, here I am!

Snowman 1. Sunshine, you are beautiful!

Snowman 3. Oh, something stings my eyes ... ( Rub your eyes. )

Snowman 2. And from the nose ... caplets! (Touches himself on the nose.)

Snowman 1 (sighing ). We'll probably...

Snowmen 1 and 2. Melting?..

Snowman 3. Melt...

The song of the snowmen

We melt, we melt, we melt
We flow, we flow, we flow
Another hour and we'll be
Creek, creek, creek.
Let's break up, let's break up
Until next winter.
We melt, but we know:
We will return here.
And we are melting, melting,
We flow, we flow, we flow
Another hour and we'll be
Creek, creek, creek.
The goodbye is over
And the water will ring.
Guys, goodbye!
It's time for us to say goodbye...

Snowmen, one by one, turn into snowballs again.

Woodpecker, Squirrel, Hare, Magpie, Girl and Boys come out into the clearing. Everyone has snowdrops in their hands - a symbol of eternal spring and life on Earth.

Here, here;
Here, here;

Here, here wind and frost here;
Here, here wind and frost here;
Here, here wind and frost;
There is beriberi and birches cannot be seen under the snow.

Ooo! Bears on a bike


Hat with earflaps, vodka, rainbow, children.

All year round it's windy and cold.
There is beriberi, and birches cannot be seen under the snow.
Ooo! Bears on a bike.
Hat with earflaps, vodka, rainbow, children.

[Verse 1, Anacondaz]:
Autumn in Russia is very depressing.
Don't even ask me to go outside.
Either iron the puddles, or knead the dirt.
Go for a walk? No thanks...

What could be more disgusting than these eternal downpours?
Neither road nor pass, nor pass me.
And only the wind carries golden leaves.
Autumn - best time(for self ** beating).

It's already cold, and it's December outside.
Pack your suitcase and head south...
Or at least to the States, at least until March -
And better, Santa Claus, give me a green card!

I desperately need this document (aha!)
At first, I was exemplary and obedient.
In the meantime, in the cold, and in the fierce cold
Only the icon at the heart warms the soul.

All year round there is wind and frost.
There is beriberi, and birches cannot be seen under the snow.
Ooo! Bears on a bike.
Hat with earflaps, vodka, rainbow, children.

All year round there is wind and frost.
There is beriberi, and birches cannot be seen under the snow.
Ooo! Bears on a bike.
Hat with earflaps, vodka, rainbow, children.

[Verse 2, Anacondaz]:
April has come, everything is melting and flowing.
Just yesterday, two fishermen went under the ice.
But at least the roads are safer and more convenient.
Now potholes and potholes can be seen from a kilometer away.

The long-awaited spring has come, and with it
Her seventeen moments, mud and melted snow.
I'm here candy wrappers in the ground and scraps of newspapers
Dragged on the sole - the whole hallway in the spring.

And our summer burns from one extreme to another.
The climate is fucking continental here!
A little to the south you can die from the heat and heat;
A little to the north - the same rigmarole as in winter.

Move from here!

All year round there is wind and frost.
There is beriberi, and birches cannot be seen under the snow.
Ooo! Bears on a bike.
Hat with earflaps, vodka, rainbow, children.

All year round there is wind and frost.
There is beriberi, and birches cannot be seen under the snow.
Ooo! Bears on a bike.
Hat with earflaps, vodka, rainbow, children.

Additional Information

Lyrics Anacondaz - All year round.
Album "Children and rainbow".
Anacondaz prod.
