Why do women open their mouths when applying makeup to their eyes? Why do girls wear makeup without breaks or days off? Your skin will thank you

Hello friends! In touch Vitaly Okhrimenko, and today I am discussing a topic that has absolutely no practical significance for humanity. It’s just an interesting topic and I wanted to cover it!

Recently I was sitting and thinking about what to write, and then the thought occurred to me that it would be cool to develop the topic of cosmetics. In general, as a result of all these contradictions of the mind and sense of humor, an article was born today why do girls wear makeup.

Maybe after this I will be cursed by the entire female race, but I can’t afford to start this topic without remembering an old funny joke:

Why do girls wear makeup, wear heels and perfume themselves?
Because they are scary, small and smelly

Of course, this is all a joke of humor, but, as you know, in every joke there is only a grain of humor. Everything else is pure truth.

Probably a third of the girls have already broken the monitor with a mouse and thrown the system unit out the window, but for the rest I recommend reading the post to the end.

I doubt that many girls have ever wondered why they wear makeup at all.

Most people will answer this question quickly and without thinking: to look attractive. And of course they will be right. But will this be a complete answer to the question of whether a girl needs to wear makeup? No and no again! Today I will try to dig into the essence of such a phenomenon as women's cosmetics. So, let's take our seats, it will be interesting, I promise!

Why do girls wear makeup anyway?

Of course, to please us - men. But not only men, women too. Moreover, if a girl has some minor skin defect that is not covered by makeup, a man is unlikely to pay attention to it. But another woman will definitely notice him, and on occasion she may be sarcastic about this.

But if you dig deep into the problem, then the other side of the coin will be revealed - the internal one. Whatever one may say, everyone has skin defects. Well, maybe except for small children. And here the woman is primarily pressured by the stereotype imposed by society and history: a man should be strong and a woman beautiful. This is why men go to GYM's, and women sit for hours in front of the mirror, creating beauty.

I am in no way saying that girls are not enough, but girls devote much more time and effort to the mirror and beauty salons.

The fact that every woman knows better than others what skin defects are on her face never allows her to relax. According to statistics, girls look in the mirror at least once every 2 hours. To feel confident, a girl needs to know that she is flawless, and that all her flaws are carefully covered under a layer of plaster.

Girls spend more on cosmetics than the average country on weapons.
So they win victories much more often!!!

Let's look at the question through the prism of growing up

Initially, girls are introduced to cosmetics from early childhood - watching mom's manipulations near the mirror.

Here, by the way, it would be appropriate to note that boys in early childhood begin to copy their mother’s manipulations with brushes in the mirror with the same success. But, since such actions of boys are not welcomed by either their mother or society, the boys quickly forget this hobby.

But girls transform it into a separate science as they grow up.

Girls begin to use cosmetics meaningfully and for their intended purpose at the age of 12-16 years.. The temporary difference depends on upbringing: how conservative the girl’s parents are, and whether they interfere with the growing up process. And of course, from the girl’s personal desire to appear more mature.

Nowadays it’s very funny to watch how sixth-graders use cosmetics, according to the principle: the bigger, the better. The coloring of the young charms resembles the war paint of the Comanche tribe.

But even with such an amateurish approach, girls can observe the miraculous power of cosmetics: girls with makeup look older and more experienced in the eyes of their peers. Boys pay more attention to them; at this age, notes with declarations of sincere, and most importantly, only love are typical. Now it’s funny, but in those years, I remember, it seemed very serious.

The assessment of the little beauty’s popularity depends on the number of recipients of love messages. The more classmates are in love, the higher the popularity rating! Usually such little ones know from childhood.

As girls acquire the skills of a makeup artist, they increasingly understand the power of magic, which is called cosmetics. It turns out that cosmetics can not only attract the eye, but also get rid of imperfections. The ugly duckling complex that characterizes adolescence is gradually beginning to dissipate, and girls are already seeing where there is more, where there is less, where it costs nothing to draw at all.

Having reached adulthood, girls already know what is best and are able to apply their knowledge in practice. After 20, girls already really know how to choose the right cosmetics, correct flaws correctly and emphasize advantages, look brighter and more beautiful.

And at this age, most girls can no longer imagine themselves without makeup. Putting on makeup is becoming such a common activity that even going to the store around the corner or throwing out the trash promises lengthy preparation in front of the mirror. And remember the joke that a girl doesn’t even go to bed without makeup, suddenly she dreams of her betrothed in disguise, and she will be without makeup . You can often hear that an unpainted girl feels almost naked.

Cosmetics really bring a girl a feeling of security, a feeling of her own irresistibility, and control over the situation. In general, a girl wearing makeup feels much more self-confident. And she is ready to pay dearly for this feeling! It's not just about money; allergic reactions to cosmetics can be very different.

Over time, applying makeup becomes almost a conditioned reflex. Moreover, the reflex is not to some external stimulus, but for life.

Over the years, women gain wisdom, begin to value skin health more than attractive appearance, and other values ​​appear in life. It’s clear that women are starting to use cosmetics less often. But I got ahead of myself, I suggest you consider:

Why don't women wear makeup?

Why do girls with makeup seem more attractive to men?

Of course, cosmetics hide flaws and highlight advantages. I have written about this several times above, and there is no point in repeating it. But in a deeper understanding of the process of seduction, which women's cosmetics are aimed at, a made-up girl, in a way, gives a signal to a man that she is ready to mate.

Even Barbie without makeup doesn't look so feminine.

It will be funny to note that thanks to intelligence, we have managed to bypass some of the laws of nature. We have sex not so much for procreation, but for pleasure. It would be interesting to find statistics on the percentage of relationships where the goal is procreation. Alas, Google was unable to give me an answer, so we can only guess. I think it's very small.

We engage in sex preferably for pleasure, thereby deceiving the basic instinct of procreation. But we cannot completely deceive our nature.

The instincts remained basic, which are akin to the instincts of animals. It is on these instincts that the entire cosmetics industry rests.

The ability of women to be sexually active without interruption from the moment of puberty is truly unique.

In animals, the process of puberty occurs somewhat differently. Under the influence of some calendar factor (this can be either an internal biological calendar or external manifestations: changes in the length of daylight hours, changes in climatic conditions), the animal’s reproductive system is activated. The animal immediately notifies other animals by some external signs, these could be: change appearance, the release of special smells, some special sounds.

Those animals for whom these manifestations are not intended will be left indifferent by such demonstrations. But in those individuals to whom these signals are intended, response instinctive programs are activated. And then all sorts of mating games, male competitions and other manifestations of the desire to mate begin.

In the supposed majority of animal species, the female gives signals and the males respond to them.

Just as animals respond to signals that females are ready to mate, in humans these signals and responses are inherent at the genetic level. The female gives signals about her puberty by external signs, and the males will be happy to support it. Thanks to the presence of intelligence in our species, this primitive game acquires different rules.

But the essence remains the same - the guys are waiting for a signal from the girl.

Now I have come to the most cherished secret of the cosmetology industry. Without realizing it, girls apply kilograms of expensive plaster on themselves in order to show guys about their puberty. Until today, all this happened unconsciously, but after reading this article, the curtain opened.

Puberty in girls ends at the age of 17-19 years. During this period, the lips swell, the skin becomes softer, the girl turns into sexy girl. That is, the girl gives outwardly those signals that are characteristic of animals during the activation of sexual functions. Here I ask for a little attention: The goal of cosmetics is to bring a girl/woman closer to these characteristics at any age. Little girls strive to grow up, grown women strive to look young. Everyone wants (even if they don’t understand it) to look sexually mature without signs of aging.

Why do girls paint their eyes?

During sexual arousal women's eyes become wider and the pupils dilate. These are purely physiological indicators. Applying mascara to eyelashes, pencil to eyebrows, drawing arrows around the eyes - all this makes the eyes appear larger, giving the look an external semblance of excitement.

Why do girls paint their lips?

During sexual arousal in girls, blood rushes to both the labia and the lips of the mouth. Painted lips outlined with pencil give the seductresses a look of excitement.

Why do girls paint their nails?

Paradoxically, you can learn from a physiology textbook that during sexual arousal, blood also rushes to the fingertips. It turns out that initially this tradition carries the same motives as the previous two.

Why do girls open their mouths when they put makeup on their eyes?

I brought this question here motivated by the same atrophied sense of humor that Mother Nature awarded me. I just googled the question why girls open their mouths when they put on makeup, and here’s how many interesting answers I found:

one of my friends answered this question:

- Yul, why do you open your mouth when you’re painting your eyes?

— Bone, when you poop, why do you read the ingredients in the air freshener?

- Fuck, just like that...

“It’s like I want to see the bumps on my tongue in my mouth!”

For elasticity of soft tissues. Men do the same when they shave.

So that the skin tightens and then all the wrinkles are removed from the eyes: then it becomes more convenient to apply makeup. Just s-s-s-s, don’t tell anyone!

If a girl breathes only through her nose, she lacks oxygen and her head begins to tremble a little, so she has to open her mouth, full breathing ensures the balance of the head!

there is such a statement! that a woman opens her mouth because she lacks intimate relationships! here!

The girl opens her mouth because she thinks that if she opens her mouth, her eyes will be wider.

Face pulled

To remember to paint your lips...

So that your ears don't bleed!

For balance, so that the head does not shake

It’s just that when you open your mouth, your eyes become larger, making them easier to paint..

We show men our abilities.

Because the muscles are the same - facial muscles. You can keep the upper muscles tense (open your eyes, because it’s more comfortable, etc.), but it’s hard to keep the lower muscles (around the mouth) relaxed at the same time.

Try to open your mouth all the way and so that the muscles around the eyes are relaxed. Possible, but difficult.

Muscles are interconnected.

Men, try to paint your own eyes at least once, just for fun, so that no one sees, then you’ll understand!

Guys, why do you open your mouth when you shave???

Girls open their mouths because when applying eyelashes they lift their head up, after which the skin on the chin tightens, thereby opening the girl’s mouth.

Choose for yourself which answer you like best, personally I like all the answers!

Well, that seems to be all. When I decided to answer the question of why girls wear makeup on my blog, I thought it would take at most a couple of hours of my time. In reality, I prepared this article for two days, of course with breaks for sleep, main work, food, gym and walks with the child.

Finally, I want to show those girls who, surprisingly, have not yet thrown their computer monitor into the garbage chute after all the jokes that I allowed myself today, a video. Learn from the Japanese women how to apply makeup.

On my own behalf, I wish all girls to always remain beautiful without using cosmetics. But don’t forget about cosmetics, we men like it.

Good luck, and see you again, exciting meetings.

Was in touch Vitaly Okhrimenko!

90 comments on “Why do girls wear makeup without breaks or weekends?”

    An interesting and informative article, especially for men. Women lure us with their “war color” and force us to capitulate. Loved the reasons why women open their mouths while painting their eyes.

    Yes, I got crazy while I was studying

    I think most girls don’t even know about the true purpose of cosmetics, but thanks to this article everyone learned why girls wear makeup and what Barbie looks like without makeup! 🙂 And the list of why women don’t wear makeup can be supplemented with points: long live summer! and are too lazy to wash off makeup.

    Anna, why wear less makeup in the summer? I somehow didn't notice. Anyone who does this every day will wear makeup in the summer.

    Some people stop putting makeup on their eyes, others don’t paint their lips, and still others refuse to apply plasters all over their faces. There are many options, but of course, a small percentage of girls adhere to this point.

    In principle, I don’t mind, but there are other contestants who may not like it. Let's do this, in the next article I will ask the contestants if they would be against one more participant, or even arrange a survey, and if at least 5 people agree to accept you, then I will do it with pleasure!

    So you yourself have added to the list, for which I bow to you

    In summer, cosmetics behave very capriciously, so they apply them to a minimum.

    Subject open mouth inexplicable to us. Everyone does this, but they can’t explain it to themselves. Thanks for the interesting version.

    Vitaly, I read your article to the end, I didn’t break the monitor, I just laughed with you. He noticed everything correctly - you can’t remove the words from the song!

    Make sure to wash off your makeup, otherwise the consequences of this laziness will be noticeable soon.

    The versions are really interesting

    Will the consequences be revealed by skin defects?

    My makeup is standard both in winter and summer.

    Oh, you made me laugh, Vitakha! We need to keep an eye on my wife.

    Yeah, I asked my wife why this happens, she didn’t answer.

    Yes, it’s a shame to break the monitor; then you’ll have to buy a new one.

    I read the article to the end. It was funny)

    I came to the following conclusion: I can’t please you men. I will paint for myself. It's uplifting

    The article, strictly speaking, was written with the purpose of laughing for oneself and no useful information does not carry within itself

    Of course, wear makeup, but I’ve also heard that buying new underwear lifts girls’ spirits

    Wonderful article. I laughed heartily, especially about the open mouth. It's funny, I always open it when I paint my lips:
    Vitaly, more articles like this on the blog, they make it more alive!

    And he won’t be able to answer. Not a single girl knows why this happens, and all the options that Vitaly described only show how many options there can be

    This is right on point! When I’m sad or bored, I go to the store for new underwear, it immediately becomes somehow fun... it’s a pity the guy is not here right now, so we’ll just cheer ourselves up

    Well, it’s okay, I’m sure this one pretty girl he will certainly appear soon, unless of course he passes the test

    It was interesting to know what men think about why girls wear makeup! I laughed heartily!
    I think that most girls wear makeup for themselves, it’s so wonderful to feel irresistible! Especially when you hear compliments.

    I'm more interested in why many men have already started wearing makeup now.

    Probably, few men began to wear makeup, but only of a certain sexual nature.

    God grant that it stays that way

    Not only skin defects, but if you do not wash off, for example, mascara, this can result in eye disease.

    So being beautiful turns out to be dangerous to health?

    If you use good cosmetics and then wash them off in the evening, I don’t think there will be any harm to your health.

    Yes, Tatyana, there was a typo in my previous comment, I wanted to write a few, but I wrote many. Please excuse me. Although I meet guys of normal orientation who dye their hair, wear earrings and ponytails. In our time there were no such things. And now it’s all around. Look, in 30 years they will wear makeup just like the girls.

    That's right, Irina, you should always put on makeup only for yourself - your beloved!

    I hope it won’t come to this: men won’t wear makeup. But it’s good that you started taking care of yourself in terms of hygiene.

    I wouldn't say that 30 years ago guys didn't have good hygiene. Of course, there are individuals who do not like cleanliness, both now and in the past, but there are certainly not many of them. And I doubt that they are popular with girls. So we didn’t start, but always took care of ourselves in terms of hygiene.

    True, Ksyusha. Now, when I put on makeup in front of the mirror, I constantly remember Vitaly’s article.

    Everything should be in moderation. Then there will be no threat to health.

    Shopping in general always cheers up girls.)) And the more expensive the purchases, the better the mood.

    Nowadays, girls more often begin to take on men's responsibilities. And guys are becoming more feminine. And the problem will only get worse over time.

    Yes, Ekaterina, you are right, the difference between the sexes is being erased, which is a pity, because they are so beautiful feminine girls and courageous guys!
    Although, who knows, maybe everything will return to normal! And again the femininity of some and the masculinity of others will come into fashion.

    Ekaterina, only after expensive shopping, you need to remember to change the price tags. From your panties - onto your husband's shirt, and from your husband's shirt - onto your panties.
    So that he would say in surprise: Honey, you shouldn’t have bought me such an expensive shirt!
    And you answer: For you, dear, I don’t feel sorry for anything! I even agree to wear cheap panties!

    Cool, Irina, what a laugh. I just called my wife over to the computer to read it. Class!
    Did you hear this joke somewhere, or did you come up with it yourself?

    You know, I think this war (God forbid it escalates) will again bring courageous men into fashion and feminine women... although it’s much nicer to hug fragile girls

    Vitaly, I didn’t invent this, life and women’s ingenuity invent this. There are quite a lot of jokes with a similar meaning. I think that more than one woman has resorted to such tricks.

    I completely agree with you! Fragile and defenseless girl in arms strong man- This is wonderful!
    As for the war, I really want this nightmare to end as soon as possible. No political motives are worth people's lives, their happiness and peace of mind.

    There is an old wise saying: lords fight, but men's foreheads crack. Very relevant to our time

    Interesting article. I never understood why girls wear makeup, because natural beauty is much better, if, of course, you lead the right lifestyle.

    Oh, I’ll definitely take the advice)) They say correctly, live and learn))

    Every girl wants to look better, brighter, more beautiful compared to other girls.

    Made me laugh, Irina. What can women not think of? And shopping can really lift your spirits, you make it fun in a special way!!

    The exact name Ivan used was “War Color.” This is exactly why girls put on makeup, to capture guys.

    Every girl is different and each has her own reason for opening her mouth when applying makeup to her eyes. Let it remain a secret.

    The main thing that the girls noticed was that cosmetics made them more beautiful, even when they painted their cheeks with ordinary beets.
    And since then it’s already gone... and you can’t stop it.

    All girls know that before going to bed they need to wash off their makeup so that it does not get absorbed into the pores of the face and cause skin diseases.

    Women are fools, that’s why they wear makeup and ruin themselves with this infection
    women be real and naughty

    I can’t agree with this passerby... girls, you are our dears, put on your makeup to your health, please our eyes. And don’t listen to these smart guys who shout “be real.” Naturalness is great, but cosmetics are cool!

    I noticed that at a young age you smear everything on your face, the main thing is to make it brighter and more impressive, but over time you begin to read the ingredients cosmetics and choose ones that are safe and caring for your skin.

    Very pertinent comment, thank you!

    I can answer the question why girls open their mouths when they paint their eyes. when you open your mouth and stretch your chin to the mirror, tilting your head back, the rim of skin around the eyeball, along which the eyelashes grow, stretches. when you apply mascara, for example, to the upper eyelid separately and the lower eyelid separately, you need to ensure that the brush does not catch the upper and lower eyelids at the same time

    I notice that many people don’t even know how to put on makeup, especially schoolgirls who put on a couple of tons of “combat makeup” and walk down the street, thinking it’s cool. Alas, this looks pathetic. If an adult girl wears makeup moderately, this is the best option, since natural beauty should not be hidden behind layers of makeup. It's a matter of taste and the girl's principle

    for some reason, among birds, males often have decorated feathers rather than females. But with people it’s the other way around, females jump, dance, paint themselves, everything, as long as the male gives his seed))) and dominates other females

    You shouldn’t put on too much makeup; you need to know when to stop everything. It’s clear that you want to look bright, but this is not always necessary, so you should give your skin a break from the extra layer of “plaster”

    It is possible that every girl, in the hope of meeting a guy, puts on makeup every day with the thought that suddenly she will get the opportunity to meet someone, but she doesn’t look very good. That's why many girls even put on makeup on weekends, if, of course, they're going out somewhere, not to mention going to a club, where they look like they've put on makeup for the first time)

    Well, I don’t know how you guys think about girls, but I wear makeup very rarely and I feel beautiful, even if I have slightly visible circles under my eyes. My husband loves me very much and he doesn’t like it if I suddenly decide to “paint up my lips/cheeks”, because then it’s bitter for him to make smacks)
    In general, the main thing is to smile, then your face will be beautiful even without makeup! You don't need to wear makeup often. It’s beautiful, yes, but when you suddenly look at such a girl without makeup, it becomes scary. “Plaster” makeup is especially scary - it’s self-deception. It’s like you put on a mask and walk around with it all your life, without showing who you really are. That's why I only resort to makeup on holidays or if my face looks really stale

Probably everyone who has had to do their own repairs has at least once encountered the problem of uneven painting. It seems that he tried hard, selected paint and tools, prepared the base, and the result was stains and stains, clearly visible in bright daylight. The “saving” thought immediately comes to apply a second layer. However, this, as a rule, does not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, aggravates it. Make at least five layers - it won't do any good. Stains and stains will become even more noticeable. What is the reason for the failure? How to fix the situation? What rules for painting the ceiling will allow you to avoid streaks and stains?

Stains and stains after painting the ceiling: possible causes

There are a lot of nuances. A negative result can be the result of one mistake or several at once. Having found out the main reasons for stains on the ceiling, you will certainly understand what your mistake was.

1. Thick paint. It is much more difficult to distribute viscous paint evenly than liquid paint. It is especially important to dilute it when applying the first, base coat.

So, be sure to dilute the paint with water! Moreover, the amount of water may be higher than ten percent recommended by the manufacturer, but not more than twenty. You need to look at the consistency: the paint should flow gently from the roller, and not flop around viscously. For the first layer it can be more liquid, for the second - a little thicker.

2. Slow work. If the painted areas dry out too quickly, you simply do not have time to roll the boundaries between them. As a result, stripes appear in these places. They are clearly visible after complete drying. Need to work quickly and continuously so that you have time to evenly roll out the paint while the ceiling is wet.

3. Long pile roller. On smooth surfaces, only use a short-haired roller! Otherwise, it will be difficult to avoid unevenness, smudges and other troubles.

4. Banal “not painted”. Didn't take care of good lighting? Do you have poor eyesight, but don’t wear glasses or contacts? If so, then you may simply not have noticed that you left unpainted areas. This happens quite often.

5. Incorrect application. It is not advisable to paint the ceiling in continuous stripes. At the border of these stripes there may remain lines that will not disappear anywhere. Read below to learn how to properly apply paint to the ceiling.

6. Poorly prepared base. This is one of the most common reasons. Keep in mind that paint does not hide surface defects, but, on the contrary, emphasizes them! If you want a smooth painted ceiling, get it to perfection.

Stains and stains on the ceiling after painting: how to fix?

So, we figured out the reasons. In the future, this will help us not repeat mistakes. But what to do now, when the ceiling is already painted, and there are terrible stripes, stains, and smudges on it? How to bring it to mind?

The only true way- sand (sand) the entire ceiling until the surface becomes uniform and rough. Don’t worry, there won’t be a lot of dust and dirt, because only a layer of paint is removed. The skin should be relatively fine. You need to work quite carefully so as not to touch the putty layer.

Then you need to wipe the ceiling with a damp cloth and inspect the surface in bright daylight. If the ceiling has become smooth and uniform, you can take on. If the surface does not inspire confidence, you should use finishing putty, applying it in a thin layer. After drying, light sanding again.

The next stage is priming. It is important to buy a quality primer for painting. It is better to prime several times - at least twice. Each time you need to let the surface dry completely.

When the ceiling looks perfectly even and smooth, like a mirror, you can begin painting.

Remember: if the base has stains, spots and unevenness, all this will be noticeable even after painting! Therefore, before you take up the roller and paint, make sure that the ceiling is in perfect order. If in doubt, prime again.

How to deal with stains from old leaks on the ceiling? These areas require special treatment. First you need to thoroughly clean and wash them, wait until dry. Then treat with a biocidal solution (for example, Fongimur). Do not wash off the product! After this, use a universal blocking primer. It blocks stains from appearing through putty and paint.

How to paint a ceiling without streaks?

1. Create optimal lighting. It is better to paint in daylight. All “unpainted” areas should be clearly visible.

2. To successfully paint the ceiling without streaks, it is necessary that the room has normal or high humidity. Take care of this. Experience shows that successfully painting a ceiling in summer is much easier than in winter when humidity levels are low. The drier the air, the faster the paint dries, which prevents it from being rolled out efficiently over the entire surface.

3. It is necessary to prepare well. Remove everything from the floor so as not to maneuver between the rubble. After all, it takes time, and you have to work quickly. For the same reason, craftsmen prefer to paint the ceiling with a roller with an extension rather than using a stepladder.

How to paint a ceiling without streaks? Work quickly and energetically!

4. The paint must be diluted with clean water to a very liquid consistency.

5. Don’t squeeze the roller too hard. The ribbed surface in the ditch is not for squeezing, but for uniform distribution of paint over the coat. The roller should always be saturated, so dip it in paint often.

6. Do not forcefully press the roller when starting to paint the ceiling. The roller should be rolled over the surface, and not rubbed or pressed.

7. Paint is applied not in stripes, but in squares, especially if the room is large. Working W-shaped (zigzag) movements, evenly distributing the paint over the sector. You should not dwell on one square for a long time. We made a few movements, made sure that the entire surface of the area was processed, and moved on to the next square. Roll out the border of the squares while they are wet. Therefore, the work must be dynamic and continuous!

We start with a zigzag, then distribute the paint over the square using diagonal movements.

We start the second square with a zigzag and immediately roll up the border between the squares with the same diagonal movements. Fill in the second square, move on to the next, etc.

8. Immediately after applying the first layer, you should carefully inspect the ceiling in bright light. If there are unpainted areas, you need to quickly roll them while the surface is wet. After drying, you need to inspect the result again. If the paint doesn't adhere well, you can try applying a second coat. But if there are problems after the second one, you will have to start the work all over again, that is, sand and prime several times.

On a note

  • With gloss and semi-gloss paints the result is more unpredictable. With them, more often than with matte paint, obvious stains remain.
  • On a snow-white ceiling, any nuances are much more noticeable than on a cream or beige one. If you doubt your capabilities, lightly tint the paint.
  • Know that the larger the surface, the higher the likelihood of getting a questionable result. Therefore, do not be surprised if in a small bedroom the ceiling turns out like in the picture, but in a large living room you cannot look at it without tears.
  • Paint quality matters! You can save money on wall paint, but you need to buy the best for the ceiling! After all, he is much more picky.
  • Don't strive for absolute perfection. Painted surfaces are almost never flawless. The main thing is that in bright light, stripes, stains, smudges and stains are not noticeable.

Have you noticed that when you insert contact lenses, use eyeliner or mascara, you open your mouth a little? It's a weird human quirk, like the fact that you sneeze in sunlight and yawn when someone else yawns. Why do you feel the urge to open your mouth just when you touch your eyes? There is no definitive answer, but there is one theory that is quite convincing.

Open your mouth wider!

To understand why you open your mouth when you use mascara, you need to know a few things about the anatomy of your head. The muscle responsible for opening and closing the mouth is called the lateral pterygoid, which in turn is controlled by the trigeminal nerve. On the other hand, the muscle that raises and lowers your upper eyelids is controlled by the oculomotor nerve.

The trigeminal and oculomotor nerves are very close to each other in the brain stem. The leading theory for why we tear our mouths apart when we put on mascara is that, simply put, these nerves can get crossed. When you activate the oculomotor nerve to keep your eyes open and put on your eyelashes or contact lenses, you end up activating the trigeminal nerve and opening your jaw. That's the whole explanation for you.

Blink and ruin everything

There are other theories. Some say that opening our mouth stretches our facial skin so we can apply makeup better. This may be true. But there is one scientific phenomenon that supports the nerve theory. Some children have a congenital condition called Marcus Gunn syndrome. At the same time, they wink their eyelids every time they move their jaw. In our mascara situation, this is not a syndrome, not some kind of disease, but it may be a “mild” version of this neurological problem.

Now you know why you open your mouth when you put makeup on your eyes or put in contact lenses, and you can explain it to men who laugh when they see such a strange expression on their face.

If you've ever watched a person apply eyelashes, you've probably noticed that every now and then he (or she) tries to open his mouth. And if you have tried to apply makeup to your eyes yourself, then you know first-hand how much effort it takes to restrain the attempt of this unconscious movement. The Village asked an anthropologist, biologist and beauty expert to explain what happens to the human head during makeup.

Alexandra Kitova

physical anthropologist

Girls open their mouths to pull back the lower eyelid, which in this position will be more convenient to apply makeup. The lower jaw is the only movable part of the skull. To pull the eyelid without using your hands, you need to pull the skin down, and this can be done by moving the lower jaw, that is, opening the mouth.

Ilya Kolmanovsky

and popularizer of science

There is no simple answer, but I have two hypotheses. First: this happens for the same reason that men stick out their tongues out of diligence in some situation. Perhaps the fact is that keeping the mouth closed requires some brain tone (it is no coincidence that with various disorders or with age the mouth is constantly slightly open). High concentration on another task (on another region of the face) probably eats up some brain resources. I also have another thought: a slightly open mouth is such a sensual grimace. There is such a thing as priming - transferring thinking to a certain track as a result of some subtle key trigger. Talk to people about the dollar, and their brains go into negative mode, and then in tests you can see manifestations of pessimism in non-dollar topics. Perhaps putting on makeup puts us into sexual appeal mode, in which case keeping our mouth slightly open is part of a message to the world around us.

Sergey Ostrikov

beauty blogger
and creative director of the online store Pudra

How can you explain the open mouth, raised eyebrows, or all this at the same time on the face of a girl who paints her eyelashes? The makeup artist does not need any of the listed grimaces on the model’s face in order to apply mascara well. But from a physiological point of view, several explanations can be found. Firstly, girls have a fear of getting mascara on the mucous membrane of their eyes or smearing already finished makeup (unless you are a follower of Ernest Muntaniol, the leading makeup artist for Chanel in Russia: he always paints his clients’ eyelashes before applying eye shadow). Such facial gestures help to raise the fold of the eyelid as much as possible, open the eye and tighten the skin around the face. Secondly, an open mouth indicates a great concentration of attention - just like with surprise, admiration or, for example, horror. I think it’s not for me to tell the girls how painstaking and jewelry work it is to paint eyelashes well without leaving five-millimeter unpainted gaps at the roots. In addition to concentration, the body requires visual tension and control fine motor skills hands

Illustration: Nastya Yarovaya
