Pregnant women are not allowed to attend funerals. Is it possible for pregnant women to go to funerals and what to be afraid of? Against: the cemetery has bad energy

Do you know if pregnant women can go to funerals? This question is very common. If you believe the signs, then it is far from always appropriate for women who are expecting a child to appear next to the deceased.

Suveria pregnant go to the funeral

Pregnancy is a special moment in every woman's life. She perceives him with extreme reverence, rejoices at the fact that she will soon become a mother, tries to guess the gender of the future baby, come up with a name for him and equip the nursery. But in life it may happen that during pregnancy a woman may die one of her friends or relatives.

According to numerous rituals and beliefs associated with funerals, relatives and friends of the deceased need to say goodbye to him, remember, come to the cemetery.

But is it possible for a pregnant woman to do this? Before answering this question, it is necessary to define what a cemetery is. This is a resting place. This is where human life ends. A pregnant woman, in turn, is a symbol of the beginning, a new life. And these two characters are not presented together in any way.

Can a cemetery be dangerous? First of all, it is worth noting that the child in the womb has not yet been baptized, which means that he does not have a guardian angel who will save him from all troubles and protect him from troubles. At the same time, the cemetery is a place of power.

Here is concentrated a large number of negative, heavy energy of death. It is not for nothing that rituals of summoning spirits, demons, inflicting damage, and so on are often held at this place. Agree, such a place is far from the most suitable for a girl in position.

Of course, the guardian angel of the mother will protect her, and therefore the child in the womb. However, this does not guarantee complete protection against that severe negative energy, which is concentrated in this place.

What does the church think about the presence of a pregnant woman at a funeral?

Despite the fact that sorcerers, magicians, psychics are categorically against the presence of a woman at a funeral, in a cemetery, the church has a slightly different attitude to this issue.

The clergy are sure that the living are obliged to take part in the ritual of burial of loved ones, they must visit the graves of deceased relatives and be present at the commemoration. Therefore, there is no ban on the presence of a pregnant woman in the cemetery.

The Church believes that God favors those who honor the memory of their ancestors, pray for them and visit regularly. In addition, the priests insist that death does not carry negative destructive energy.

So, nothing can harm the pregnant woman and her child. On the contrary, if you voluntarily come to a funeral, a commemoration of the deceased, then this correct behavior you will be credited.

An exception will be only if the pregnant woman feels very unwell that day, experiences severe fear and anxiety. In this case, it is impossible to mock oneself and force oneself to go to the funeral.

Therefore, if before pregnancy you calmly perceived the cemetery, were not afraid of it, did not experience negative emotions visiting this place, and were in good relations, then it is certainly worth taking him on his last journey.

As mentioned above, the opinion of the people (superstition) and the opinion of the church on this issue diverge. Of course, situations are different and each needs to be considered. specific case. The sign says that a pregnant woman, like any other person, should not go into the room to the deceased if there is at least one uncovered mirror surface.

Although many people believe that such negligence will sooner damage the deceased, since his spirit can get lost in the looking glass, some are sure that the surface (TV screen, mirror) can be reflected negative energy which will directly hit the woman in position.

In the event that not your relative died or close friend, but just someone you know, then pregnancy may be a reason not to go to the cemetery. In this case, it is really better not to give birth to danger.

It doesn’t matter if you were in a good or not very good relationship with this person, be sure to mentally say goodbye to him. The next day, visit the church, pray and light a candle for the repose. In this way, you will also demonstrate that you do not forget this person, remember him and pray for his soul.

Another sign says that a pregnant woman can come to the commemoration, support the family of the deceased, but it is not worth attending the funeral service and the burial itself.

Such a sign has a very simple explanation - it is advisable for pregnant women not to be nervous. And such events can be very stressful, which will negatively affect the condition of the expectant mother and baby.

It is very important when going to the wake to worry less and think more about your child. Accept the fact that death is inevitable and nothing good will happen from what you experience now. But negatively, fear and stress can affect your condition.

According to another sign, it is impossible for a pregnant woman to appear in a cemetery due to the fact that any spirit of the deceased can “cling” to an unborn child. Not necessarily it will be directly the person whose burial you came to.

Some souls cannot go to Hell or Heaven, so they wander in our world. If the soul of a deceased person “sticks” to an unborn baby, then this can not only lead to his death, but also to the fact that this spirit will have power over the child.

As mentioned earlier, the church perceives death as a natural normal process, therefore, there is nothing terrible in the fact that a pregnant woman looks at the deceased or says goodbye to him - she does not see.

Sorcerers and psychics have a slightly different opinion on this matter. For example, they believe that it is strictly forbidden for a pregnant woman to look at the deceased.

They explain this by saying that the dead and the unborn are, as it were, in the same dimension. And, if the relationship with the deceased was not the best, then he may try to take revenge on you and even be able to take the soul of the child with him.

This has been the attitude for many years. Our ancient ancestors were sure that if a pregnant woman looks at a dead person (not even necessarily during a funeral, for example: a woman witnessed a murder), then she can give birth to a dead baby.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to visit the cemetery and attend the funeral or not. If a person who is not close to you, whom you did not know well, has died and you feel in your heart that you do not need to go to a wake or funeral, then do not do it. Listen to your heart before making such a decision. If you experience horror, fear and excitement, refuse such an event.

It has long been the custom that women carrying a baby were forbidden to be at the funeral, but why pregnant women should not go to funerals and cemeteries, no one can say for sure. There are many beliefs and interpretations of this, and whether or not to listen to them is the decision of the woman herself.

Church opinion

The clergy have always been unanimous, not understanding why it is believed that pregnant women should not be present at the funeral, because these are just idle fictions. The child is still in the womb protected by the mother's guardian angel, and nothing threatens him.

It is believed that a cemetery is a place like any other, and there is nothing reprehensible in the fact that a pregnant woman wants to say goodbye to a dear deceased relative. This means that if a woman is a true believer, then you should not pay attention to all kinds of signs, but follow the dictates of your heart.

Signs why pregnant women should not go to funerals

There are different opinions about why a woman during the period of bearing a baby should refuse to participate in the funeral procession. The most basic thing is that the theoretical possibility of the world of the dead to take away an unstable, unprotected soul has not yet been born baby to yourself.

It is believed that until the moment of baptism, the baby's soul is very susceptible to all sorts of negative influences from the outside, whether it be otherworldly forces or the human eye. It is for this reason that a pregnant woman cannot be present at the funeral of even a loved one. It is better to go to church and order and read prayers for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

In addition, old people believe that in the hustle and bustle of the cemetery, not only relatives and friends of the deceased, but also those who are on a short footing with dark forces quietly come to the cemetery. It is at these moments that a strong one can be directed at a person, and a mother with a child in her womb is a very vulnerable target.

Not only popular superstitions can serve as a reason not to come to the funeral, even to a loved one. After all, it is affection and love for the deceased that can do a disservice to a woman in position. Real warnings for pregnant women going to a funeral An oppressive atmosphere, crying, moaning over the deceased in the most negative way can affect the already unbalanced psyche of a pregnant woman.

Various factors can shake the mental health of a woman at the time of bearing a baby, and the death of a loved one is a very serious reason for this. That is why you should say goodbye to the deceased in your thoughts, ask him for forgiveness, which he will undoubtedly accept and go to church to light a candle for the repose.

An important event in the life of every woman. During this period from before the birth of a new life future mom especially worries about, tries to protect him from everything bad. Therefore, it is now that a woman listens to a variety of signs that can affect the life and even the fate of her baby. Negative attitude to the stay of a woman waiting for a baby in a cemetery, funerals and even a commemoration is one of these signs. But not everyone knows why you can not go to the cemetery.

Pregnancy and cemetery

Almost every family has one or two or more people, many are expecting the birth of their babies. In addition, life is rather ambiguous, and grief happens next to joy: a baby is due in one of the close families, and death can come to another at this time. And then it's pretty hard to accept correct solution, after all, to lead a loved one on the last journey is everyone's duty, but in this state a woman is so vulnerable that attending a funeral can harm both her and the baby. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to be at a funeral, at a burial, is of interest to many.

The attitude towards this problem is ambiguous:

  • some do not attach much importance to such questions and regard them as superstition;
  • others argue that a woman who is expecting a baby should not visit places of mourning;
  • still others - that she should do as she sees fit, so long as her mental state is not disturbed;
  • the fourth think that when it is necessary to recharge only with positive energy, and the cemetery is not intended for this, because here human life ends, and in the mother's womb it is just beginning.
Indeed, everything that has a connection with death is difficult to endure even for a woman who is not “in position”. And the cemetery itself can affect morale for a long time.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery

There are enough opinions about whether pregnant women can go to the cemetery. It would be useful to listen to each of them, especially since almost everyone claims that a woman who is expecting a child has no place in a cemetery.

Psychology opinion

Psychologists do not consider it reprehensible that a woman who is expecting a child visits burial sites, but still do not recommend doing this unless absolutely necessary. After all, she cannot help but get stress there, which will certainly have a negative impact on herself and on the child. It is very difficult to control your emotions in this position, especially for funerals.
Psychologists do not consider a visit by a woman “in position” to the graves of previously deceased relatives to be a reason for getting stress to a large extent, the main thing is that this should not bring negative emotions. Therefore, before going to the burial places, the expectant mother should analyze whether this visit will be a reason for receiving emotions with strong negative impact, and how obligatory it is (whether it can be postponed until the baby is born). If, on the contrary, being near the graves can calm the woman down or it can’t be postponed, then such a trip is quite possible.

Important! Strong negative emotions, experiences during pregnancy can provoke the nervousness of the unborn child, which in the future has an impact on his character, and therefore on how life will turn out.

Not only for pregnant women, but also for other people with normal mental state everything that speaks of death is at least unpleasant, and even causes fear. A pregnant woman is characterized by a susceptibility many times greater than in the normal state, therefore visiting burial places, funerals can cause her not only discomfort, but a significant deviation in emotional and physical well-being. Therefore, relatives will not condemn a relative who is expecting a child, who did not come to the funeral or on timed days at the cemetery.

Esoteric opinion

Esotericists convince that during pregnancy a woman possesses energy that is unique in its uniqueness, which favorably affects her well-being, as well as the condition of the people around her. But also its energy field has weak protection, and therefore can become an attractive object for various entities that feed on life energy and negatively affect it. Such entities, according to esotericists, are especially common in places related to death.
Therefore, they do not recommend visiting cemeteries for women who are expecting a child, since such an entity is able to settle there in the woman's biofield. Esotericists believe that this can manifest itself in different ways: the future mother's health is deteriorating, problems with the child begin, and big life troubles are also possible.

There is also an absolutely opposite opinion, according to which the cemetery, where close relatives and more than one generation are buried, is the habitat of their spirits, which will help and protect the pregnant woman. Therefore, the cemetery is the most peaceful and safe place for such a woman. Therefore, whether it is possible for pregnant women to taste burial places, go to funerals, women themselves should determine. If one of them believes that her aura will suffer from visiting the cemetery, then, naturally, it is better to postpone the idea. But there are those who calm down near the graves of their loved ones, feel support and consolation. In this case, such visits are possible. But if you can wait with this until the baby is born, then it is better to refrain so as not to risk it again.

Medical opinion

Medicine also provides its own explanation why pregnant women should not go to funerals, and it is better not to come to the cemetery, according to which pregnancy is a physiological state with a characteristic increase in stress on the female body. Even a woman who easily tolerates this condition and has no health problems can suddenly increase her blood pressure and become very tired. Edema and mood instability are also possible.
Strong negative emotions, which must necessarily arise at a funeral, as well as when visiting a cemetery, may well provoke and intensify these manifestations, worsen her health. Therefore, mourning ceremonies are best avoided. It is not recommended during pregnancy to go to the cemetery on specially designated days for remembrance, when many people gather there. It is then that there is a great threat to catch an infection that is undesirable in such a situation due to large crowds of people.

Important! If a woman in position nevertheless decided to visit the cemetery, then it is better to do this accompanied by someone close to her. Even if you feel great, support will still not be superfluous.

Medicine, as a science, rejects the presence of any creatures that negatively affect a person. Therefore, doctors approach the presence at the cemetery during pregnancy for purely medical reasons. If there are no negative emotions, then walks in the cemetery are no different from walks in other places, especially since the air is much cleaner in cemeteries located mainly outside the city than in the city. It all depends on each individual woman, on how she relates to this issue, and whether a visit to the cemetery will cause a stressful situation. Also, a pregnant woman, when visiting a cemetery, should be mentally prepared that there will definitely be a “knowing” grandmother who will try to convey her opinion to the future mother, how wrong she is, visiting this place in this position. Therefore, you need to be either absolutely stress-resistant, or stay at home and not attract attention to yourself.

Church opinion

The Church does not indicate to a woman who is expecting a baby whether she can be present at the cemetery, funeral or not, does not forbid her to do so. The Bible does not express any instructions on this matter, in which the presence of such women in places of mourning is not directly prohibited or permitted. The Bible only states that Christians are obligated to honor the departed on their final journey. Therefore, the clergy have nothing against the desire of women who are expecting a baby to say goodbye to people dear to them or visit their grave.

Important! A pregnant woman may not be at the funeral and at the burial of a deceased loved one. She can say goodbye to him in her thoughts, and later put a candle in the church and order a prayer service for the repose of his soul.

According to the clergy, real believing Christians should not be afraid and believe in non-existent ghosts, they simply do not exist. There are evil forces, but they do not live in cemeteries. And pregnant baptized women are under the protection of higher powers, which also passes to the baby, and no evil can harm them.


If a woman who is expecting a child (a Christian or an atheist) does not take the transmigration of souls and other magic seriously and has no medical contraindications, then she can visit the cemetery. The mother-to-be must make the decision. But when visiting such places, as well as funerals, she must remain as calm as possible. If a woman is emotional, cannot control herself, reacts painfully to someone else's opinion, then it is better to abandon the idea and postpone such a trip until the baby. In any case, it is impossible to impose any point of view on a woman “in position”, this can provoke even more stress.

What about commemorations?

With regard to the commemoration, almost everyone agrees that it is possible to visit them. To express condolences to the relatives of the deceased, to support them - there is nothing wrong with that. But the commemoration, along with this, is a large crowd of people where it is possible to become infected with viral and other infections. Therefore, you can attend a wake, but before that it is better to think about what this is fraught with. If the deceased person is so dear that it is impossible not to attend a wake for him, then it is necessary to apply maximum precautions, which are best consulted with the observing doctor. The main thing is to remember that no one will ever condemn the expectant mother if she decides not to come to the commemoration or funeral, everyone will support her in such a decision.

Did you know? Christianity presents death as a transition to another world - a heavenly abode. From this point of view, the funeral is not something bad, it is the process of finding the soul of its real home. A cemetery is a place where the bodies of the dead remain to rest.

To attend funerals, burial places, commemoration or not, the expectant mother herself should decide. If she has no health problems, feels the strength to endure such a process, is not subject to prejudices, then she may well do what she thinks is right. But she must not forget for a minute that she is responsible for one more defenseless little man - her child, therefore, at the slightest anxiety symptoms you need to abandon your intentions or leave the event.
If a woman is serious about signs, feels fear and anxiety before mourning events, then she is unacceptable to appear there. The stressful state for a woman during the time is more dangerous than any otherworldly entities. We wish you that people close and dear to you remain in good health as long as possible, and you would not have to be puzzled by such a problem.

Superstition or truth that pregnancy and funeral are incompatible? In view of the fact that there are many speculations and rumors around the birth of a new life and the completion of someone's life path, no one undertakes to answer this question for sure. So it turns out that some, if necessary, say goodbye to the dead, while others do not. Which of them is right? It turns out that the church and various specialists have different opinions on this matter. Consider them in the article "Can pregnant women go to a funeral."

It is not difficult to understand the true reason for the birth of stereotypes. To do this, it is enough to look at the problem from different angles. So, there were times when the appearance of a little man in the family was considered a real holiday. They prayed for him, and when they became pregnant, they carefully guarded themselves in order to avoid the terrible.

Then the question of whether to go to the funeral of a pregnant woman was not even raised. Life and death are incompatible. Consequently, no one contributed to their intentional meeting, even at parting with relatives.

After that, other times came when the widow was obliged to attend the funeral of her deceased husband in order to avoid gossip. “Disobedience” to this custom was considered a sin, so a woman in any condition, by all means, had to go to the funeral procession. After such cases, there were many miscarriages, problematic births and pregnancies.

The opinion of traditional healers regarding the prohibition of the presence of representatives of the beautiful woman with a tummy in the cemetery then took root, but no one really considered the true reasons for this phenomenon. But women are impressionable and superstitious people, especially in interesting position, therefore, after hours of sobbing and suffering, any pathologies in them are explainable.

There were also peoples who were more attentive to their offspring. In moments of grief for the deceased father of the family, pregnant women were allowed to stay at home. And in the last century, when the territory of Europe was languishing from wars and numerous burials, the question of whether it was possible for a future mother to attend a funeral did not arise. To honor the memory of all the dead, pregnant women came to them before burial or before the funeral service, and this was not condemned.

Summing up all of the above, I would like to conclude that omens and folk wisdom are good, but following them blindly and then suffering that someone could not attend grandmother’s funeral because of them is not worth it. All of them make it clear that even the most Negative consequences happen because of the emotional state of the future woman in labor. Worried and in constant tension at the funeral, she involuntarily transmits this excitement to the child. Time will tell how this will affect its development later.

And until that moment, a woman has to think about whether pregnant women really go to a funeral and what happens after that.

The opinion of esotericists and traditional healers

Analyzing where superstitions “legs grow from”, one cannot help but recall people who feel too well the world, then using this knowledge in their professional activities. These are esoterics, magicians, fortune-tellers, traditional healers. They just believe in folk omens and they say they have a perfectly valid explanation.

It turns out that a cemetery is a place where the life path ends, and after all, pregnancy is, in fact, the beginning of this path. In other words, we are talking about the opposite of concepts, which should not be confused, and here's why:

  • Firstly, while in the womb, the baby does not yet have its own guardian angel (the one is given to him after birth at the time of baptism). Therefore, he is defenseless against the forces of darkness and cannot resist them. What will this meeting bring? Possible complications during pregnancy, difficult childbirth, and even death. In any case, healers are sure of this.
  • Secondly, going to the funeral of a relative in a cemetery, a woman risks exposing her child to the unpleasant effects of otherworldly forces. It is believed that he can suffer from the souls of the dead, who for some reason seek peace for a long time and can move into energetically weak people.

Folk healers say that our ancestors knew about this, and therefore, before parting with the deceased, they made peculiar amulets for themselves. For this purpose, rags, laces, ribbons or woolen red threads were tied around the fingers, neck and belt. They put on clothes on themselves, on which metal objects were present: buttons, pins, brooches. To protect themselves, they sometimes put on clothes turned inside out or tied shoelaces into a strong knot.

Real craftswomen did not stop at these amulets, but additionally embroidered magical signs on the hems of their dresses:

  • the heavenly cross is a symbol of strength, unity and kinship, endowing the owner with the protection of ancestors;
  • overcome grass - a talisman against all kinds of diseases (then they believed that they were sent by evil forces);
  • radinets is a special symbol for babies, which, according to folk wisdom, gave them peace and joy.

Orthodoxy does not agree with these statements. The clergy express their point of view regarding the visit of women with a tummy to such places.

Church opinion

The church is more supportive of pregnant women. Priests say that the memory of the dead and visiting their graves is the sacred duty of all the living. Therefore, everyone can and should participate in the funeral and in other processions that involve the presence at the cemetery. They sincerely do not understand why it is impossible to go there on demolitions, because the Lord loves those who remember their ancestors.

And in death, according to the ministers, there is no negative energy. The best of that confirmation is the testimony of ordinary people who feel much calmer in the cemetery than, for example, in crowded public transport at rush hour. And the child is always and everywhere protected by maternal power, especially when he himself is in the womb.

At the same time, in one question, the priest’s answer is categorical: you don’t need to go to a funeral under duress, even if you have finished your life path close person. For the absence of the procession, the church will not condemn. It will be enough to come and say goodbye later, when the desire appears. After all, being forced to do something is not the best idea.

The opinion of doctors and psychologists

Scientists and doctors are sure that a woman's health directly depends on her emotional state. In other words, everything is good that makes her happy. Is it possible to classify funerals in such categories? Unfortunately no. Although in the old days there were also people who celebrated the transition of a person to another world. Information about this has been preserved in the scientific and artistic literature.

Thus, it is not recommended for a woman to be in an interesting position at a funeral. And all because, having seen enough of the heartbroken relatives, she will worry and suffer, even if she did not know the deceased as well as others.

Yes, and on her physical health extra contacts with a large number of people may not affect the most in the best way. No one canceled the causative agents of colds in the autumn-winter period. They are spread by hugging, kissing, or even just being indoors. Under normal conditions, a person is not afraid of them: pharmacology has come up with a lot medicines for treatment. That's just a pregnant woman, most of them are contraindicated.

Finally, the doctors themselves are well aware of the church's response to questions about attending a pregnant woman's funeral. And if she really wants to, they recommend that she go to the wake, but not to the cemetery or to the funeral. Another option is to say goodbye to the dead person before other people arrive.

This view is shared by psychologists. According to them, often under the influence of negative emotions, the living begin to think about death, hopelessness. Of course, there are many expectant mothers among such impressionable people, and this is not surprising. Their hormonal system is set up in such a way as to be very worried about their future offspring and everything else along the way.

Needless to say, such thoughts should not even be allowed, and so that they do not appear, it is better not to appear at the funeral until the moment of delivery.

How to protect yourself if you need to be present

If you can’t, but really want to, you should go. Simply because a person is a creature that loves to self-flagellate, and this despite the fact that the opinion of the church on this matter is also reprehensible. Without doing something, a woman may regret, after which she will blame and oppress herself, exposing her unborn child “at risk”.

And it’s easy to protect yourself by following a number of simple rules:

  • go to the funeral with someone who can notice any changes in the emotional state of the woman in time and take her out into the fresh air, provide assistance;
  • take with you ammonia, water, a sedative allowed for pregnant women, other medicines if necessary;
  • minimize any contact with unpleasant people, inquiries;
  • treat the nasal mucosa with a saline solution such as Aqua-Maris, if the procession falls on the peak of the incidence;
  • talk with the priest first - he will find the right words and quotes from the Bible that will help the woman calm down and believe that everything will be fine.

A funeral is an event around which myths and legends will hover as long as there is an impressionable person. Whether to believe them or not - everyone decides for himself. In any case, the decision must be made, listening to the heart. Then you won't have to regret it. Then you don't have to worry about the consequences.

Pregnancy and funerals are two parts of life that cause great amount emotions in every person. Despite the fact that these states are diametrically opposed, there are a number of similar things in them. For example, there are many signs, rumors and superstitions about each event. Can pregnant women go to the cemetery? Will there be trouble with the baby? Should we avoid the dead? Can a pregnant woman go to a funeral? These questions are asked by every girl in a position, because caring for the unborn baby always comes first.

Signs: is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery?

Visiting graveyards, being in an “interesting position”, was not recommended by ancestors, grandmothers and even parents. The reasons why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery mainly relate to superstition and mysticism, for example:

  • The unborn baby, which is still in the mother's stomach, does not have its own Guardian Angel, and therefore it is vulnerable to all sorts of evil forces.
  • The souls of dead people who are on the graveyard can take the soul of the child with them, provoking his death.
  • Restless souls in the necropolis can cause great harm to the fetus and even move into it.
  • If a girl carrying a child only looks at the deceased or his future resting place, then the baby will be born pale, weak and sickly.
  • On the churchyard there is a high risk of meeting unkind people, healers and witches who can jinx and harm the fetus.

Of course, all mysticism has come down to us from ancient, poorly educated times, when all the disorders were explained by magic and witchcraft. Therefore, in the twenty-first century, the old explanations why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery should not be taken seriously. Science and the church have long dispelled most of the myths that have accumulated over the centuries.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to go to a funeral: the view of doctors and psychologists

Psychologists and doctors have long found rational explanations for ancient signs. All of them are explained by the peculiarities of the psychological and physical condition of a woman carrying a baby. However, even official medicine recommends refusing to visit the necropolis and the funeral of the deceased. The main reasons why a pregnant woman cannot go to a funeral:

  • A grieving and negative atmosphere negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a woman, which is already unstable during this period. The sight of crying people and the dead, especially if it is a loved one, can make the girl depressed, which will immediately negatively affect the condition of the fetus. It has long been established that between mother and developing baby there is a very strong connection through which all feelings and experiences are transmitted.
  • A large crowd of people is always accompanied by noise that can cause serious headaches, migraines.
  • Significantly increases the risk of catching any viral infection, which is a threat to the health of not only the mother, but also the developing fetus.
  • From the smell of incense and a large number of flowers, allergies, headaches, and nasal congestion can occur.

Thus, both psychologists and therapists recommend refraining from attending mourning events. However, if a woman feels an urgent need to visit a necropolis or funeral service, has a stable psychological state, then there are no contraindications to this.

Can pregnant women attend funerals: religious opinion

The Orthodox Church believes that visiting the graves and remembering the dead is the duty of every person, including expectant mothers. The clergy are sure that strong faith in God and prayer can protect the baby from all kinds of evil forces. The Mother's Guardian Angel in this blessed special period is responsible for both lives, and protects the developing fetus from restless souls.

Pregnant women can go to the cemetery on parental day, as well as on Easter and other memorial parental days. The Church claims that God sends blessings to those people who do not forget to honor their deceased ancestors. However, if unrest is contraindicated for a woman, physical exercise and visiting crowded places, then the trip to the churchyard must be abandoned. The Church not only does not condemn, but also welcomes such decisions, because the health of the baby is the most important thing, and the dead can be remembered in the temple by ordering prayers and lighting candles.

As for Muslims, their Holy Scriptures also do not forbid expectant mothers to visit necropolises. But women are allowed to visit only the graves of loved ones or the prophets and their followers. At this time, her husband must accompany her without leaving her alone for a minute.

It is worth emphasizing once again that a pregnant woman should make a decision to visit the necropolis in accordance with her health, the recommendations of a doctor and internal state. If she has an acute desire to visit the graves of loved ones or to see them off on their last journey, neither official medicine nor religion interferes with this.

Despite all modern explanations, most people are sure that pregnant women should not go to funerals. Why this superstition has not yet sunk into oblivion is explained quite simply: it is natural for a person to shift phenomena that they cannot understand to unknown forces. But even superstitious people can safely visit necropolises, because there are a number of tips with which you can protect yourself during your stay in the churchyard:

  • It is better to be on the graves in the daytime or in the morning. You should not go there in the evening, during sunset and after it.
  • A few hours before departure, it is recommended to visit the temple, pray, ask for blessings from the clergyman. During prayer, you should ask your Guardian Angel and the Saints to protect the unborn child from the influence of evil forces and undead souls.
  • You can make a small amulet yourself, for example, a bracelet made of red thread, which must be worn before being sent to the churchyard. If you sincerely and strongly believe in his protection, then nothing bad will happen.
  • You should not put on a large number of jewelry, as they are most often used in black magic. It is better to remove all jewelry and jewelry, leaving only the pectoral cross.
  • At funerals, it is better not to talk to strangers, and unfamiliar people, which will help to avoid the evil eye.
  • It is better not to come close to the deceased person, and in no case take his things!
  • At the necropolis, carefully monitor the behavior of animals and birds. And if their abnormal condition or behavior is noticed, it is better to immediately go home. There is a belief that animals are able to protect expectant mothers from any negativity.

Girls who are expecting a baby are not forbidden to visit necropolises and funerals, but only if they feel great and are not prone to depression and depressed states. If the expectant mother is very afraid of the whole funeral theme, then it is better to protect yourself from visiting such places before giving birth.
