Features of the marriage of a Christian woman with a Muslim. What should you be prepared for? Ideal Muslim Husband Relationship between a Muslim Man and a Christian Woman

In an emancipated society, the question of how to please a husband is not very relevant. The vast majority of modern women will tell you that you don’t need to please anyone, because you are an independent, integral person, and you should, first of all, be loved, and not exploited in your own interests.

Marrying a Muslim: Aspects of Future Marriage

It's not a secret for anyone that in Islam there are centuries-old traditions that cannot be violated. And if you decide to connect your life with a representative of this religion, you must be fully prepared to learn to obey your spouse.

Suppose that your romance is developing so rapidly that Mendelssohn's solemn march is already sounding in your head, and you almost imagined a portrait of the future joint child. But everything is complicated by the fact that your chosen one lives according to the Koran. If you gave your heart to a Muslim, you will have to learn to live according to other people's traditions and observe other people's laws.

It's no secret how zealously representatives of this culture honor its commandments. Allah is sacred to them, and they can live only according to his laws. Of course, if we are talking about real Muslims, and not about Europeanized representatives of Eastern countries.

What is your role?

So, if you seriously fell in love with a Muslim, you should know what you should do next to build a family and marry him.

In the near future you should do the following:

  • Get to know his parents and be sure to please them. True, even in the second case, no one can guarantee that they will be ready to give up their principles and allow a Christian woman to stay in their home. It's no secret that Muslims try to choose representatives of the same faith for their children as life companions. And if they are categorically against you purely out of religious beliefs, you can forever forget about your Eastern prince. People who live according to the laws of the Koran respect and honor their parents more than anyone else in the world. And their opinion is guaranteed to be decisive for them, even if the man himself loves you. until your heart stops". How to please the future husband and his mother? First, you need to look modest. Going for the first acquaintance, forget about the existence of mini-skirts and bodysuits with a deep neckline in your wardrobe. However, this rule is relevant for meeting with any parents. Secondly, immediately indicate that you see your future in their son, for which you are ready to live. Third, be discreet, listen more than you talk. Show them that you respect them no less than your own son;
  • Accept another faith. If you manage to please the mother of your beloved and charm his father, you should be ready for the next step - the adoption of Islam. According to Muslim laws, you must renounce the Christian faith and convert to Islam. As a rule, this happens either immediately or over time. But keep in mind - until you have entered into a legal marriage, you can think about it and refuse. If your lawful husband orders you, there will be no more ways to retreat (only divorce). In principle, according to the Qur'an, a Muslim is allowed to marry an "infidel" (non-believer) only in order to convert her to Islam. Therefore, think hundreds of times whether you are ready for such a step;
  • Live according to the laws of the Quran. Naturally, your religious "adventures" do not end with the adoption of Islam. Now you must live exclusively according to the laws of the holy book of Muslims. And wearing a hijab in this case is not the worst thing that you have to practice. By the way, according to the laws of the Koran, some marriages between a Muslim and a Christian are a priori impossible. If you are his teacher or pupil, were previously married to a Muslim, are in equal relationship with him, were the wife of his father, brother or son - you can not dream of an alliance with him. The ban on marriage is also relevant if you are a pagan;
  • Conduct yourself according to the Quran. In continuation of the previous paragraph, there are a few more specific nuances. From now on, you will have to lower your eyes when meeting any man, hide your body and jewelry under your clothes, cover your hair with a scarf, move silently, and not visit someone else's home without the consent of your husband. You also have no right to leave your house alone. A loving mother-in-law will immediately tell you about all these rules. By the way, now you should please her no less than your husband. You must obey the new “mother” in everything, and turn a blind eye to injustice, and even meanness on her part. If you dare to complain to your husband, he is guaranteed to take the side of your mother, and you can also “get it” hard. In fact, a woman in Islam is a creature almost completely without rights. The purpose of her existence is to please her husband and run the household. Are you ready for such a fate?;
  • Be completely obedient. This point applies not only to domestic, but also to the sexual aspects of marriage. How to please a new husband in bed? Listen and do whatever he wants. By the way, you have no right to refuse him the most sexual contact. The ban is lifted only during religious holidays, your menstruation and during postpartum period. IN family life with a Muslim, you must endure even violence if your spouse wants it. However, usually representatives of this religion are quite "courteous" in bed with their chosen ones;
  • Tolerate polygamy. The Qur'an says that a man should marry women who are dear to his heart. A Muslim can have up to four wives, as well as concubines. Nobody will ask your advice and approval in this matter. But everything will be extremely honest in terms of material support - all income is distributed evenly to each of them. If your fiancé is not rich, you will probably be " the one and only". However, no one can guarantee that your husband's caring parents will not look for other wives. Moreover, you will have to nod approvingly, and perhaps even help your mother-in-law with a choice. And do not even try to enter into disputes - these are the prescribed laws of Islam;
  • Endure punishment. Perhaps this point is the most sensitive of all. The Koran says that a man can use physical force against his woman in case of her disobedience, or simply "in order to improve character." At the same time, he can hit you, but not in the face or other vulnerable places. There should also be no marks of beatings on your body. And beatings themselves, according to the Koran, should not cause suffering to a woman. A man does not have the right to beat a woman "inaudible" and for minor offenses. If all this happens - you can demand a divorce in the Sharia court;
  • Remember about divorce according to the Quran. Divorce in Muslim countries, like everything else, is one-sided. Usually the initiative belongs to the man. At the same time, it is enough for him to repeat in front of witnesses three times "You are no longer my wife.", and your union is automatically terminated. The Christian woman herself remains completely powerless in this case. Please note that you will not be able to pick up the children, just as you will not be able to defend your rights in court. But there are pleasant exceptions;
  • reproduce offspring. One of the main goals of Muslim men is to reproduce, so childlessness can be a significant reason for a break. You must also be prepared to give birth as much as is required of you.

A wedding according to the Quran can take place both at home and in a mosque. And, interestingly, even without the participation of a couple. It is enough to ask the witnesses to go to the mosque for the wedding ceremony.

Know his responsibilities

  1. Your husband should fully provide for you, and also bear full responsibility for the well-being of the family. He is obliged to support and protect you, in addition, to pay due attention to you. If a man refuses to provide for his wife, or does not pay attention to her for a certain time (mainly in intimate life), you have the right to file for divorce. But know that divorce is the most hated of what is lawful in the sight of Allah».
  2. Yes, a Muslim man needs to be loved, groomed and cherished without any special reciprocal feelings. Yes, Muslim men love total submission from a woman. And yes, from now on you will feel like a real slave on the loose.

Still want to know how to please a Muslim husband, or are you already looking towards Slavic guys? In any case, we support your choice and are always ready to give you valuable advice.

Be happy in marriage!

This is a union of two people, but not always partners are similar in opinion or religious views. That is why certain difficulties often occur. To be happy with her husband, women are ready for a lot, even to change their faith. Christians and Muslims - is there a chance to become happy together or should a man with other views be preferred?

In fact, it's up to you, because if you clearly decided that are ready to give in and put up with some features, then it is likely that you will be happy. How is the marriage of a Christian and a Muslim different from the marriage of people with the same religion? You will learn about this in this article.

What awaits a woman who decides to marry a Muslim?

1. Religious controversy. Some of the fair sex are quite indifferent to faith or even deny any of its manifestations. If you adhere to Christianity, then it will not be so easy for you to marry a Muslim. Sometimes it is not so easy to adjust to new rules and principles, especially if you are clearly sure that you are right. If a Muslim yields or changes his faith, then this is some kind of exception, so you should be prepared that you will have to change. You can always remain neutral, but if you are a deeply religious person, you will not be able to do this for a long time.

2. Other requirements for a wife. Many modern women they are clearly sure that everyone on the planet is equal, regardless of gender, but Muslims do not think so. You will have to come to terms with the fact that your main task will be housekeeping and the readiness to satisfy the needs of your husband at any moment. If you are clearly sure that you are not ready to serve a man, it is better to refuse marriage with a Muslim. It is unlikely that a Muslim will forgive you for an unprepared dinner or unwillingness to have sex.

3. Willingness to obey. A Muslim always believes that he is right, and the opinion of his wife is a secondary concept for him. Remember how parents made them listen and obey? Be prepared that with a Muslim husband you will have to be just like that. Some women believe that Muslims absolutely do not listen to the opinion of their wives and act only as they want. This is not entirely true, because often they consult with their wives. But remember that no matter what you advised or suggested to him, the final decision will remain with him. Someone thinks that this is normal, but for someone this attitude is a disadvantage. A smart wife will always be able to present her opinion in such a way that a man thinks that this is his decision, so if your love is strong, it's worth a try.

4. You cannot refuse intimacy . All the headache excuses bad mood or problems at work your Muslim husband will not be interested at all. The wife does not have the right to refuse sex, because he is the head of the family, and his desire is the law. An exception may be the situation when you have critical days or you are seriously ill. Headache and just malaise is not a good reason to refuse sex. Even if you don’t want it at all, you will have to please your loved one and be the most passionate for him.

5. You will have to hide your body and face. Surely you have heard that many Muslim women cover their face and body. This is necessary so that other men do not have the opportunity to look at you. A Muslim wife can please the eye only of her husband, and she will have to hide from other members of the stronger sex. This requirement most often applies to Muslim women, but if you are a Christian and are going to marry a Muslim, be prepared for the fact that you will also be required to do this.

6. A Muslim can have 4 wives. In Christianity, it is accepted that one man can be married to one woman, but in Islam polygamy is practiced. Not all Muslims choose to marry multiple women, so chances are you might be the one for him. Your marriage will be more traditional for you if you stay in your country and do not go to his homeland. If you decide to change your place of residence, it is likely that he will eventually introduce you to another wife of his.

7. Husband has the right to punish you physically. Much has been said about domestic violence, but it is not something terrible among Muslims. If a wife does not listen to her husband, shows her character and tries to be equal with him, he can punish her physically. A rather unpleasant fact, but you should be prepared for this. The most important thing is that there are no traces of beatings on her body, because then the wife has the right to file for divorce.

Do not count on the fact that a Muslim will forget his traditions

Many women they sincerely hope that their loved one is quite modern, and all traditions are not as important for him as for more mature representatives of the Muslim faith. Often young guys go to study in other countries, where they meet Christian girls. Of course, they partially forget about some of the rules and principles of their faith, but this is rather short. As soon as he returns to native home where his close people live, he immediately remembers the traditions and adheres to them in strict order. If you decide to go live with your chosen one, then be prepared for the fact that many things will surprise or even shock you. There is a good chance that your boyfriend will behave completely differently than in your country. You can convince yourself as much as you like, but marriage with such a person will not be easy, for sure you will have a number of difficulties due to disagreements and differences in faith.

As you can see, the marriage of two people who do not stick to one faith, can be quite complex and specific. You yourself must understand that the choice is yours, so decide what suits you and what is unacceptable for you. Now you know what are the features of marriage with a Muslim, so you will not be shocked. Listen to your heart, but do not forget about the mind, because you can just ruin your life.

The first thing I would do in a similar situation - would prepare the rear first of all - is money. Let your husband know that, for example, your parents need money (you wrote that dad is sick) and therefore you would like to go to work, since it is not convenient for you to ask him for money, and children should help their parents (here, for example, you you help your mother so wonderfully) and continue your studies at the university. And studying at a university in order to work in the future in a normal specialty. So to say, my mother does such a wonderful job at home, with a child, etc., that I just get in the way under her feet.

Probably, in the current situation, he would be against your work and would simply offer money. You send this money home, where they are calmly put into a jar or into a bank account.

Further study - would have broken into a cake, but continued, this is your future. There are no sudden movements and ultimatums, you have already received a slap in the face for one. Maneuver, be affectionate and accommodating, agree with your mother-in-law in everything, lower her vigilance and alertness.
As an argument for studying - (you kind of wrote that you would be a pediatrician), you are supposedly planning many children, and so, it will be great when there is a pediatrician in the family. Children's health is very important.
You have just six months ahead of you, slowly, gradually by the fall to finish off this issue. As soon as you start learning from you to restore relationships with friends, classmates, life will be more eventful and interesting.

Child - it is customary for Muslims to leave the children to the husband during a divorce, as a rule, they are raised by the mother-in-law. I know a couple of such cases. Think about your relationship with your husband. In such a situation, I would not try to get pregnant with the next child, it is more convenient to hide with one. And then - another child is at least a couple of years still at home and, accordingly, problems with communication and study.

You can look for pluses in something - does the mother-in-law do everything around the house? - Amazing! You're better off. How old is she, by the way, and how is her health? Do not try to conflict with her, on the contrary, enter into trust, and then according to the situation. Try to neutralize the opponent on trifles. For example, she cooks, cook sometime when she leaves the house on business, sleeps, is busy, etc. some kind of breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. unusual and tasty, serve interestingly.
And everything is literally point by point, what you don’t like, slowly persuade you to the options you need, there is no pocket money, you talk with your husband that it’s very inconvenient for you to strain your mother (him), that you need money for pads, it’s very inconvenient for you to ask her money, when you want to give her a gift (when she has a DR, soon March 8), maybe he will be able to give you some amount of money? etc.

Well, and most importantly, try to talk with your husband at the moments of his greatest disposition - how he sees your relationship in the future. Tell us about yourself and your life. Maybe he will listen and think.
I would just have saved up money, studied, got on my feet, and in the absence of a desire on the part of my husband to change something, a child under my arm, and would have sent these comrades on an erotic journey on foot. ;-), although no, I’m already looking at the situation through your eyes, I would have a heart-to-heart talk with my husband and if he didn’t want to change something, I would send him right away, and let Fatima be discharged from their village and have an uncomplaining slave. But it's me.

The yellow press loves to scare Russian women with Muslim men. Articles "expert-experts" - just a compedium, consisting of all sorts of horrors. Honor them - so you might think that Muslim men, especially eastern ones, are all notorious sadists, liars, scoundrels. They will certainly charm with a string of cleverly woven pathos and sweet words, and then they will lock them up in four walls, wrap them in a stuffy niqab, humiliate, beat, kick, whip, and then, pouring acid and chopping with an ax, will burn the bodies of their wives and scatter them. over the sea, thus making serious ratings for the creepy TV. Or, at worst, after a long course of whipping, they will be kicked out of the house in what they have with the word “talaq”, the children will be taken away, expelled from the country and everyone will be told about Russian sharmuts. The indignant howl of invited grannies and the moaning of pop stars in the studio are provided.

It cannot be argued that some marriages of women with Eastern Muslim men really turn out to be extremely unsuccessful and end in divorce, division of children (and most often in favor of the father), expulsion from the country and other unpleasant things.

However, we have already touched on this topic before. As they said that Muslim men are different and that you need to choose a person for yourself, having previously figured out what he is and whether you are ready to accept his way of life, share his goals, ideals, traditions and destiny. There are wonderful people among Eastern men: strong, smart, caring, fair. A special type, so to speak.

Nevertheless, these men will never forgive their women for some things that, alas, are often characteristic of our generally good girls simply because of the vicious system of matriarchal education that instills narrow-minded and unfeminine behaviors based on an unconscious desire to humiliate a man and drive him under the heel.

So, what will an Eastern Muslim man never tolerate, even if he is at least three hundred times intellectually advanced, educated, kind and affectionate?

First: hints of infidelity and games behind your back

The line between the sexes in our society has been erased utterly. You can kiss a good friend on the cheek without a second thought goodbye; in joint dances, languidly snuggle up to a completely alien man; being married or in a relationship and not intending to cheat, you can dance freely, wear immodest clothes and catch admiring glances. Moreover, in all this very often there will be no hint of an unambiguous sexual continuation. Although, of course, nature is nature, and often it does take place - usually spontaneous. Because the line between a simple sweet friendship and a sudden attraction, non-binding flirting and unexpected sex is very thin, especially when motivating factors come into play: alcohol, incendiary dance rhythms, free and relaxed atmosphere of a nightclub or party.

In the Islamic world, this is a completely different attitude. There are certain boundaries of communication between a man and a woman, clearly separating their man from someone else's.

In the book Personality of the Prophet of Islam, Hussein Sayidi cites the following hadith: « The best woman among you is the one who, when alone with her husband, completely throws off the clothes of constraint from her body.

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (‘a) said: “The best of your women is the one who casts aside the shield of modesty when she is naked for her husband, and covers herself with a shield of modesty when she is dressed again.”

And if everything is possible with your man, any flirting, any seductive clothes (or lack thereof), any caresses are allowed, then nothing is allowed with a stranger, including taking his hand. And excuses like “it’s just my colleague Pyotr Ivanovich, but to say hello to the hand is just a tribute to etiquette” and “yes, this is my former classmate Vasya, I’ve known him for a hundred years, and we haven’t seen each other for so long, that’s why we hugged so tightly” Muslim man will not understand. What does it mean to just sit in a cafe? What is this friend? What kind of friendship is this when there is a husband? Moreover, it is not necessary for a Muslim man to arrange violent scenes of jealousy or categorically forbid such gatherings (although, most likely, it will be so) - no, some outwardly restrained Persian may remain silent for the first time, but for him it is “simple sitting in a cafe "I really don't like it. He will regard this as disrespectful to himself. And not now, but then it will come back to haunt a woman - it will lead to a break in relations.

This is with regard to "innocent" forms of communication with childhood friends, former classmates and cheerful colleagues. There is no mention of change. It is clear that he will never forgive this. In Islam, a man has a lot of functions to take care of a woman: to provide, protect, protect, show tenderness and love. A man takes on the main blows of the outside world, whether in wartime or peacetime. He has the right to expect that the woman in whom he invests his soul, and time, and money, will be faithful to him and that her children are definitely from him. By the way, in return, Shariah gives him great opportunities in terms of maneuver in his personal life, and this is all as compensation for a life full of stress and responsibility, and for the sake of arranging fate and good more women. This is an Islamic approach, and you are free to disagree with it if you do not practice Islam. “There is no compulsion in religion…” (K, 2:256). But convinced Muslims look at the issue in this way, and now we are talking about gender roles from the point of view of Islam.

Second: self-disrespect

Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq ('a) said: “Cursed thrice on a woman who upsets her husband and causes him trouble. And thrice blessed is she who respects her husband, does not annoy him, and in any circumstances is obedient to his will.

Unfortunately, respect for the father as the head of the family has disappeared from many families. Partly because not all modern men fully manifest themselves as such: they do not care about family members, making firm decisions, do not take responsibility. An amorphous something, weak-willed and soft-bodied, mumbling something indistinct, having neither serious work, nor clear convictions, nor a worthy cause of life, at leisure cutting into tanks and afraid to go out to the supermarket in the evening for bread, it is difficult to respect and recognize as an authority when all desire. The hedgehogs, of course, choked, but ate the cactus, but in this case the needles are so long and sharp that, having pricked the nose until it bleeds, the hedgehog ends this event without even starting it properly. It is impossible to respect an amorphous effeminate something. But, unfortunately, strong-willed and dominant mothers made the vast majority of “sons” soft-bodied. Simply put, women themselves have made efforts to reduce the number of brave and fair men. Nevertheless, they exist both among Russians and among Easterners. Our women are often drawn to them, because Russians are in short supply in principle, not to mention the best part of them. And when a woman who dreamed of a strong shoulder really gets it, she often begins to cry that she is being “built”, suppressed and limited.

Our women are accustomed to show self-will out of principle. I was told the story of one short-lived marriage and a hasty divorce. Pleasant in all respects, an Arab man married a bright, beautiful and unwilling to accept Islam Russian woman. The man did not press, because "there is no compulsion in religion", but in Sharia there is a provision that even a Christian wife should not be allowed by a Muslim husband to drink alcohol and eat pork. And so they went to some event - either a wedding, or a feast with friends. There they quarreled over alcohol. The woman poured herself a glass of wine. The husband categorically opposed (it is clear that a Muslim, ideally, should not be present at alcoholic parties in principle, but in the conditions of Russia sometimes situations are forced). And she said, "No, I'll drink." He retorted, "If you drink, it's over between us." She insisted on her: "No, I want wine." She apparently did not believe that this would kill their marriage, and went on principle to show: I am a free and not subject to dictate woman. But he also went to the principle, demonstrating in response: I am a strong man who demands respect. As a result, he went home, slamming the door, and after they immediately divorced. Now this man has been married to another Russian for a long time, and what happened to his ex-wife, Don't know. Maybe she arranged her life with a more pliable character, or maybe she proudly joined the ranks of "strong and independent women."

If you want to build a harmonious relationship with an Eastern Muslim man, don't. If you do not like any prohibitions and demands on his part, do not act with brute force and ahead, but flexibly and in a cunning way. Even if you want to challenge some of his decisions, in any case, the most important thing is to show your respect. Insult, humiliate - categorically excluded. He forbids something because it is not accepted in his society. Sometimes this may seem wild and absurd, including from the point of view of Islam. But he can forbid something simply because he worries about you, wants to protect and protect you from the bad. And here it is necessary to show understanding or gently convey to him the idea that his fears are unnecessary. Of course, if it is a legal matter. For example, about an independent trip to another city to visit relatives or a friend.

Naturally, I'm not talking about more odious options, when a woman, out of bad habit, just yells, showering insults on her husband a la "idiot", "freak", "cattle", "shut up", "fuck you", " I spit on you,” etc. People who respect themselves first of all do not stoop to such forms of communication with loved ones in principle. If a woman is convinced that her husband is a freak and an idiot, then she herself is a freak and an idiot, because like, as a rule, is combined with like. Antipodes who have converged by mistake scatter within a matter of months, and if you live under the same roof for years, you are two pairs of boots. Axiom. So why blame the mirror? A rhetorical question.

Third: unbridled and inadequate jealousy

A Muslim man will not understand and will not forgive all these "cute" habits of getting into someone else's phone and mail, inspecting SMS, asking where he was. Let me clarify: neither a serious oriental man nor a business-minded Russian will understand or forgive this. Alas, all these destructive matriarchal habits seep into some countries of the Islamic world. Already in some of them, the lateness of a husband for dinner for half an hour is a crime and a reason to humiliately justify himself. But if a woman wants to see next to her not a creature driven under the heel, but a strong patronizing male, there is no place for such habits in family life. The husband is the leader. By the way, it does not matter here whether he is a Muslim or not, a foreigner or ours, an oriental man or a Russian. This is a universal rule. And if a man is busy with a serious matter, you don’t need to call him every half an hour, reading out any crap from women's magazines and trying to find out what he thinks about the sharp collisions of some series.

Two incidents come to mind in this connection, and both were inspired by such an unfortunate attribute of Moscow life as a long traffic jam. In one of these traffic jams, a Russian girl, a bus passenger, terrorized her Russian boyfriend (or husband) on the phone about what the “zaya” thinks about Victoria Boni’s personal life, test questions from a glossy magazine and a horoscope. The guy on the other end of the wire fought back courageously, letting the maiden of the heart know that he was never interested in this, but then he began to lose the will to resist, having received a fair amount of hysteria into the phone that he was inattentive to her, to her life and her interests.

The other case was more pathological. All the same dead plug did not resolve even in the late evening. Exhausted people were driving home from work. At the window sat an excited, nervous young guy, whose wife, sawing him on the phone, flatly refused to believe in the version about the cork. He squirmed like a suspect in an investigator's office, bombarded by her caustic leading questions, and tried to provide solid evidence that he really was in traffic, and not with someone at the movies. The missus' arguments did not seem convincing, she fought in a fit of jealousy, and her already tired young man already seemed to have fallen into a real psychosis.

Both episodes looked wild, stupid, comical, awkward, disgusting. With Muslim men, with some exceptions, such somersaults will not work. At least for a long time.

In the Way of Eloquence, Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (‘a) is quoted as saying: "The jealousy of a woman is unbelief, the jealousy of a man is faith."

We must come to terms with the fact that, firstly, in some areas, Shariah gives a man more opportunities, and secondly, he may have some business that is not related to a personal topic, which you, if you were a lawful wife three hundred times are in no way related. Especially if your man is in business, politics or something like that.

Why is that? This is a subject for a long and separate detailed discussion. And he is from the same series as the question why, if a woman paints her lips and eyelashes, polishes her nails, does highlights, wears skirts and heels, she is a beautiful fairy, and if a man does it, he is clearly gay, nasty, cutesy and vile. Why is the first natural and the second obviously unpleasant for people with a healthy understanding of gender roles?

Fourth: carelessness

The habit of walking around the house in a worn out dressing gown, with dirty hair pulled back in a ponytail, worn slippers and holes in socks, or in an unpresentable baggy tracksuit an eastern Muslim man will definitely not appreciate it. Unfortunately, many of our beautiful ladies sooner or later begin to cut through the apartment in such a shabby form: well, how about it - cooking, children, life, there is no time to wash your hair, for whom to direct the marafet, I'm at home. But, going out into the street, a woman immediately begins to urgently bring beauty: to build a hairstyle, apply makeup, dress up in high-heeled shoes. And somehow it turns out that this is for oneself, for tone, for mood, to increase self-esteem, but not for her husband. Husband - he seems to be already a piece of furniture, and indeed where will he go and who, in fact, is he.

Bitten peeling nails different lengths, untreated feet without a pedicure, unkempt eyebrows, shiny or flaky stale skin on the face - also bad manners. It is also necessary to maintain a figure in an acceptable condition - not everyone, especially eastern citizens, love anorexic thin people, but obvious obesity is detrimental not only to appearance, but also to health. I'm already silent about intimate hygiene: it should be timely, regular and thorough, regardless of whether intimacy is planned or not. When self-care has become a habit, and neglect causes just physical discomfort, self-care is easy and pleasant for both the woman herself and her beautician. Moreover, it is pleasant and useful form leisure and relaxation.

The hadeeth of the Prophet (s) says: “To look desirable in the eyes of her husband day and night, a woman should use the most fragrant incense, put on the most exquisite jewelry and dress up in the most nice clothes» .

There are no restrictions in the choice of clothes and jewelry, it all depends on the taste of both spouses. I must say, in Eastern society, in the circle of mahrams (husband, close relatives and other women), women often show immoderation, constructing unimaginable hairstyles on their heads, hanging themselves with gold and jewelry and putting tons of makeup on their faces, but by doing so they splurge more each other, because it is not always like the men themselves.

Moreover, in this it is also necessary to show taste and moderation, it is not for nothing that there is another hadith, also cited by Hussein Sayidi in the book “The Personality of the Prophet of Islam”:

“You saw a great turmoil, and you endured it, but I warn you against another, more cruel turmoil against you, which comes from women when they put gold bracelets on their hands, and luxurious dresses on their bodies, when their wealthy [ husbands] are thrown into difficulties [for the sake of unnecessary things] or the poor [husbands] are plunged into difficulties because they are not [able to] get it”

Now, quite often, girls on the forums write “I’m looking for a Muslim husband”, considering Muslim guys a more profitable party - religion forbids them to drink alcohol, and family is a sacred concept for them. But is it really so good in Muslim families? Surely there are some peculiarities here.

Muslim husband, Christian wife

Many ladies are interested in whether it is possible for a Christian woman to marry a Muslim, will the wife be obliged to accept another faith? According to the laws of Islam, a Christian woman may not renounce her faith, but she will not be able to raise a child in Christianity - he will have to become a Muslim. You also need to remember that parents in Muslim society are very respected, and therefore their word is often equated with the law. And if the parents are categorically against the Christian bride, then the man is more likely to break off the relationship than to argue with his parents.

Marrying a Muslim - features of a Muslim family

Often women think about how to marry a Muslim, and not about how they will live with him. In order to get to know a Muslim, there are no special problems - if domestic ones are not satisfied, then you can look for them on vacation or in universities that accept foreign students, as well as on the Internet. But before turning away from men of your religion, think about whether you can follow all the rules of a Muslim family. There are the following features and not for every woman they will be acceptable. Of course, it all depends on people, but it’s worth being prepared for such moments:

Perhaps these rules seem complicated and incomprehensible to a non-Muslim woman. But on the other hand, in the person of a Muslim husband who honors his religion, you will receive a faithful, devoted, honest, sympathetic family man with excellent moral qualities and without addiction to alcohol, who will love you and children, honor your relatives and will not interfere with you in observing your religion.
