Oblomov's attitude to friendship and love. Are Oblomov and Stolz antipodes? Farewell to home

In the novel "Oblomov" Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov wanted to oppose Western and Russian culture. Oblomov and Stolz are two key images of the work. The novel is built on the reception of antithesis. It is realized through the opposition of these two characters of the work. In many ways, Stolz and Oblomov are opposite. In Russian classical literature there are many works constructed in this way. These are, for example, "A Hero of Our Time" and "Eugene Onegin". Such examples can also be found in foreign literature.

"Oblomov" and "Don Quixote"

With "Oblomov" the novel "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes most of all echoes. This work describes the contradictions between reality and a person's idea of ​​what an ideal life should be like. This contradiction extends, as in Oblomov, to the outside world. Like Ilya Ilyich, Hidalgo is immersed in dreams. Oblomov in the work is surrounded by people who do not understand him, because their ideas about the world are limited to its material side. True, these two stories have a diametrically opposite outcome: before his death, an insight comes to Alonso. This character understands that he was mistaken in his dreams. But Oblomov does not change. Obviously, this outcome is the difference between the Western and Russian mentality.

Antithesis - the main technique in the work

With the help of antithesis, it is possible to draw the personalities of the characters more voluminously, since everything is known in comparison. It is impossible to understand Ilya Ilyich by removing Stolz from the novel. Goncharov shows the strengths and weaknesses of his characters. At the same time, the reader can look from the outside at himself and his inner world. This will help to avoid the mistakes that the characters Oblomov and Stolz made in Goncharov's novel Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich is a man with a primordially Russian soul, and Andrey Stolz is a representative of a new era. In Russia, there have always been and will be both. Stolz and Oblomov are characters through whose interaction, as well as through their interaction with other heroes of the work, the author conveys the main thoughts. Olga Ilyinskaya is the link between them.

The value of childhood in the formation of the characters' characters

Childhood in the life of every person is of great importance. Personality in this period is not yet formed. A person, like a sponge, absorbs everything that he offers. the world. It is in childhood that upbringing takes place, on which depends what a person will become in adulthood. Therefore, an important role in Goncharov's novel is played by the description of childhood and the upbringing of future antipodes, which are Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stoltz. In the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" the author gives a description of Ilya Ilyich's childhood. He recalls Oblomovka, his native village. After reading this chapter, we understand where immobility and laziness appeared in the character of this hero.

Childhood of Ilya Oblomov

Stolz and Oblomov were brought up differently. Ilyusha is like a future master. Many guests and relatives lived in his parents' house. They all praised and caressed little Ilyusha. He was exquisitely and a lot fed with "cream", "rusks", "buns". Food, it should be noted, was the main concern in Oblomovka. She spent a lot of time. The whole family decided what dishes would be for dinner or lunch. After dinner, everyone fell into a long sleep. So the days passed: food and sleep. When Ilya grew up, he was sent to study at the gymnasium. Parents were not interested in Ilyusha's knowledge. They were only interested in a certificate that he had gone through various sciences and arts. Therefore, Ilya Oblomov grew up as an uneducated, downtrodden boy, but kind at heart.

The childhood of Andrei Stolz

Stolz, on the other hand, is just the opposite. Andrei's father, a German by nationality, raised independence in his son from an early age. In relation to his child, he was dry. Purposefulness and rigor are the main features that his parents invested in Andrei's upbringing. All family days were spent at work. When the boy grew up, his father began to take him to the market, in the field, forced him to work. At the same time, he taught his son the sciences, the German language. Then Stolz began to send the child to the city on errands. Goncharov notes that it never happened that Andrei forgot something, overlooked it, changed it, made a mistake. The Russian noblewoman, the boy's mother, taught him literature, gave spiritual education to her son. As a result, Stolz became a smart, strong young man.

Farewell to home

Let us turn to the scenes that describe how Stolz and Oblomov left their native villages. Oblomov is seen off with tears in their eyes, they do not want to let go of their dear child - there is an atmosphere of love for the boy. And when Stolz leaves his home, his father only gives him a few instructions regarding spending Money. At the moment of parting, they even have nothing to say to each other.

Two environments, two characters and their influence on each other

Two completely different environments are the villages of Oblomovka and Verkhlevo. Oblomovka is a kind of heaven on Earth. Nothing happens here, everything is calm and quiet. Andrey's father, a German, is in power in Verkhlevo, who arranges the German order here.

Oblomov and Stolz have common character traits. Their friendship, which existed since childhood, led to the fact that, communicating, they influenced each other to some extent. Both characters were brought up together for some time. They went to school, supported by Andrei's father. However, they came here, one might say, from a completely different worlds: once and for all established, undisturbed order of life in the village of Oblomovka; and the active work of a German burgher, which was interspersed with the lessons of his mother, who tried to instill in Andrei an interest and love for art.

For the further development of relations, however, Andrei and Ilya lack communication. Gradually moving away from each other, growing up, Oblomov and Stolz. Their friendship, meanwhile, does not stop. However, it is also hampered by the fact that the property status of these two heroes is different. The real gentleman, the nobleman is Oblomov. This is the owner of 300 souls. Ilya could do nothing at all, being on the provision of his serfs. Everything is different with Stolz, who was a Russian nobleman only by his mother. He had to maintain his material well-being on his own.

Oblomov and Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" in their mature years became completely different. It was already difficult for them to communicate. Stolz began to taunt and make fun of Ilya's reasoning, which was so far from reality. Differences in character and outlook on life eventually led to a gradual weakening of their friendship.

The meaning of friendship in Goncharov

The red thread in this novel is the thought of friendship, of the role it plays in a person's life. A person in interaction with others can show his true essence. Friendship has many forms: "brotherhood", sung by Pushkin, selfish, friendship for one reason or another. Except sincere, in essence, all the rest are just forms of egoism. Andrei and Ilya had a strong friendship. She connected them, as we have already noted, since childhood. Roman Goncharova helps readers understand why Oblomov and Stolz are friends, what role friendship plays in a person’s life, due to the fact that it describes many of its ups and downs.

The meaning and relevance of the novel "Oblomov"

The novel "Oblomov" is a work that does not lose its relevance to this day, since it reflects the essence of people's lives, which is eternal. The antithesis proposed by the author (his portrait is presented below) perfectly conveys the essence of rock in the history of our country, which is marked by these two extremes.

It is difficult for a Russian person to find a middle ground, to mix the desire for well-being, the activity and diligence of Andrei Stolz and Oblomov's broad soul, full of wisdom and light. Probably, in each of our compatriots, as well as in our country itself, these extremes live: Stolz and Oblomov. The characterization of Russia's future depends on which of them will prevail.

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Friendship is one of great feelings, it stands next to love, respect and honor. True friends save us when we are in trouble, rejoice in our victories and help us in difficult situations.

The problem of friendship and its significance in life is well covered in literature, many writers and poets have discussed this topic.
Recall the novel by I.A. and Oblomov. The boring, pessimistic and monotonous hero of the novel - Ilya Ilyin Oblomov lived his life completely aimlessly, having no desire to improve himself or even have fun. But he had a friend Stolz - an educated, intelligent and decent person who tried with all his might to pull his friend out of his meaningless existence. Stolz was a true friend for Oblomov, he experienced Ilya Ilyich as well as for himself. But, unfortunately, Oblomov's life did not depend 100% on Stolz, which is why a friend could not completely change his life. After the death of Oblomov, Stolz took his son to him, and this is what true friends do. Relationships are made in friendship. Friendship is a strong feeling that makes a person better. The strong nature of Andrei Stolz tried with all his might to change the difficult nature of Ilya Oblomov. He tried with all his might to "move" Oblomov off the dead center and push him to some kind of activity. But Ilya Ilyich could not adequately respond to Stolz's friendly concern. Nevertheless, the actions of Andrei Stolz are worthy of respect.
Friendship - real and devoted is rare. Often we become witnesses of false friendship, for example, when the relationship is based on the subordination of one person to another. We can observe a similar situation in I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”. Arkady Kirsanov did not have a strong character and established convictions. His friend Yevgeny Bazarov is the opposite. The friendship of young people lasted as long as Arkady agreed with everything with Eugene and supported his convictions. After arriving at the parental home, Arkady went over to the side of his father and uncle, thereby losing a friend. We see that friendship was unequal, and people like Arkady Kirsanov can be "friends" with absolutely everyone. But will this relationship be called true friendship?!
Finding a true friend in life is a great happiness. Everyone who has a friend is an incredibly rich person. After all, friendly support and advice is indispensable. As it was said in the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba": "There is no holier than the bonds of partnership."

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In childhood they lived almost nearby - in neighboring villages - then, already in their teens, They studied at a boarding school for noble children. Throughout their lives, fate brought these people together again and again. What are you talking about, you ask? Of course, about Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolz from Ivan Goncharov's novel Oblomov and their unusual friendship.

To understand the essence of the relationship of these diametrically opposed friends, you need to trace their life throughout the work.

The image of Oblomov: immersed in thought

In order to understand how opposite in character Andrei Stolz and Ilya Oblomov were, you must first follow the character of the first hero, whose last name is the whole novel. Ilya Ilyich appears to readers as a slovenly and extremely lazy middle-aged man. His favorite place is the sofa, and his dressing gown, which “had in the eyes of Oblomov a darkness of inestimable virtues: it is soft, flexible; the body does not feel it on itself; he, like an obedient slave, submits to the slightest movement of the body ... "
The careless decoration of the room, where, it would seem, order was observed, but a close look revealed a lot of external flaws, further emphasized the infantilism of the hero. He had neither a specific goal in life, nor any clear plans, looking at his surroundings absently and thoughtfully.

Active and purposeful Stolz

Andrei Stoltz was completely different. With youthful fervor, even in his youth, he explained the lessons to a slow and dreamy friend, sought to help Ilya find himself in life. But his aspirations were not justified, because the study “had a strange effect on Ilya Ilyich: he had a whole abyss between science and life, which he did not try to cross. His life was on its own, and science on its own.

Little Andryusha has been curious and very active since childhood. Any of his antics, up to the fact that the boy could leave for several days, while not causing concern to his father, were perceived by his parents without any panic. Without interfering with his son to freely explore the world around him, dad contributed to the development of a holistic, completely independent personality. Andrey Stolz is an amazing person, to whom you feel sympathy from the very first lines. Hero of the novel, loving life and looking to the future. This is how he is depicted on the pages of the work.

The reason for the friendship between Oblomov and Stolz

The reader, delving into the images of such completely opposite personalities, may have a fair question: how could they be friends? But, perhaps, some will be surprised to learn that at first Andrei and Ilya were similar in character. But it was the upbringing, the environment in which the young friends lived, that made them as different as the South and the North. However, close comrades perfectly cope with their dissimilarity and perfectly complement each other.

These two temperamentally different people were able to appreciate each other. Stolz sees in Oblomov his beautiful soul, and he, in turn, notices best qualities true, devoted friend.

“... I knew many people with high qualities, but I have never met a purer, brighter and simpler heart; I loved many, but none so firmly and ardently as Oblomov. Having learned once, it is impossible to stop loving him ... ”- Andrey Ivanovich responds about Ilya Ilyich.

He loves a friend for his sincerity, he considers very a good man, even despite his impressiveness, apathy and laziness. Stolz hopes that someday it will be possible to remake Ilya Ilyich and is trying to take appropriate measures. But will he succeed?

Episodes from the novel: the friendship of Stolz and Oblomov

Throughout the whole novel, Oblomov and Stolz go hand in hand, maintaining sincere affection for each other. Consider some episodes from their lives.

Here Ilya and Andrey are small children. One of them is bold and active, the other is a little lazy, dreamy and timid. Parents love their children immensely, but they raise them in different ways. Therefore, their fates are completely different ...

Here Andrei, “often, breaking away from business or from the secular crowd, in the evening, from the ball, goes to sit on Oblomov’s wide sofa and, in a lazy conversation, take away and calm an anxious or tired soul.” In the presence of Oblomov, a friend calms down, feels like a person who has come "from magnificent halls under his own modest shelter."

Here they are conducting a dialogue among themselves, and Andrey cannot convince Ilya to become more alive, go out into society, break away from his comfortable sofa, change his way of thinking, leave passivity, apathy and laziness, become a full-fledged personality ... “Just like a lump of dough, curled up and you’re lying,” reproaches Stolz Oblomov, but he does not respond to the remarks. However, Andrei is adamant in his decision to change the situation. “No, I won’t leave you like this,” he resents. In a week you won't recognize yourself. Already in the evening I will give you a detailed plan of what I intend to do with myself and with you, and now get dressed ... "

Clever Stolz, behind the veil of indifference and laziness, managed to discern a philosopher in a friend, because he sometimes speaks very correct speeches. Life: good life! What is there to look for? interests of the mind, heart? Oblomov says to a friend. Just look where is the center around which all this revolves: it is not there, there is nothing deep that touches the living. All these are dead people, sleeping people, worse than me, these members of the world and society! .. "

“You reason like an ancient,” Stolz concludes. And yet, even that is good, at least you reason, you do not sleep.

The insightful Oblomov was tired of everything, and therefore he tried to close himself in the shell of his ridiculous dreams and dreams and limit himself to staying in his own house, where everything is so familiar and familiar, where there is no fuss and mock fun. But living according to a friend’s plan is also extremely difficult for him ...

And here is another scene. “Now or never,” Stolz declares, and Oblomov makes a great effort on himself, deciding to follow his friend's advice and get a French passport. However, at that time he did not go anywhere. But unexpected changes take place in his personal life: Oblomov falls in love with Olga Ilyinskaya, a simple and at the same time noble woman. His friend Andrey also treats her with trepidation.

But Ilya Ilyich’s approach to the girl is original: not wanting to flatter, here too he shows some kind of clumsiness, indifference to pompous phrases, and maybe even ignorance, saying: It doesn’t cost me anything to say: “Ah! I will be very glad, happy, you, of course, sing excellently ... it will bring me ... But is it really necessary?

Finally, Olga began to sing, and Oblomov could not resist an enthusiastic "Ah." “Do you hear? Stoltz told her. Tell me honestly, Ilya: how long has this not happened to you? he asked his friend in love. Unfortunately, Oblomov's infantilism eventually prevailed over his bright feelings for Olga Ilyinskaya. He could not, and did not want to overcome his natural laziness and become the husband of this beautiful woman. In the end, it was Andrei Stoltz who took Olga as his wife, who, it turns out, was also in love with her, but did not want to interfere with his friend's happiness.

The time for change comes, and Oblomov marries Agafya, the widow of the collegiate secretary Pshenitsyn, an economic, kind and intelligent woman who faithfully looked after him in times of illness and depression. His life again goes measuredly and smoothly. Agafya surrounds her husband with care and maintains complete order in the house. But what about Stoltz?

Unfortunately, the last meeting of friends five years later was very sad. "Dead!" - Andrei Ivanovich lamented about his friend, seeing him in an extremely difficult state of mind. He was also shocked by the fact that Agafya is the wife of Ilya. At this unexpected news, it was as if a stone wall opened up between friends, and Stolz realized that his comrade would never leave Oblomovka again. But nevertheless, he heeded the requests of Ilya Ilyich "not to forget his son Andrei." And he promised himself to lead the boy in a completely different way, and with him "to bring their youthful dreams into action."

This kind of friendship is very important.

Following the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz, we can conclude: such friendship is also necessary and useful, because they surprisingly complemented each other and supported each other in difficult moments of life. It is a pity, of course, that Ilya Oblomov died, unable to cope with internal apathy and a lazy lifestyle, but after him there was a son who was taken up by his best and faithful friend, Andrei Ivanovich. This time he also helped Ilya - now having adopted his own blood and giving the child a chance for a full, meaningful life. But how could it have happened otherwise? After all, the friendship of Ilya and Andrey has always been real.

Composition in the direction: friendship and enmity. Example

Friendship is a bridge over an abyss, a warm blanket in the cold. Before discussing the role of friendship in human life, let us turn to the formulation of the concept of “friendship”. If I were asked what it is, I would answer in the same way as the modern science fiction writer B. Werber: "Friendship is the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder." Today, many people perceive friendship as the number of friends in in social networks, a prestigious acquaintance with famous people and even the opportunity to move up the career ladder. But after all, there are also front-line friendships, friendships that have stood the test of time, as well as the friendship of colleagues united by one thing. I, in turn, have no doubt that it is precisely such relationships that can become the very blanket that will shelter you from any adversity.

An example of ideal friendship can be seen in I. Goncharov's novel Oblomov. The author tells the story of the relationship between two heroes: Stolz and Oblomov. Their friendship was predetermined by the fact that the Stolz family lived in the neighborhood. Both boys studied at a boarding school for noble children. We learn that Andrei has been helping Ilya since childhood: he translated English, did his homework for him, that is, spoiled his friend. Reading the novel, one wonders how different people are connected for life. If Andryusha could disappear from home for half a day and his father forbade him to interfere, then Oblomov did not step a step without a nanny. If the 8-year-old Stolz sat with his father at a geographical map, studied Bible verses, studied well, spoke Russian and German, then Ilyusha saw one main concern in his home - about the kitchen and dinner. It is no coincidence that I. Goncharov describes in detail one day in the life of an adult Oblomov - weeks, months, years of a person's life can be so similar. Readers see how, having woken up at 8 in the morning, he did not even get out of bed at five in the evening. What is Ilya Ilyich busy with all this time? Lying on the sofa, the hero receives guests. He listens to how busy the day of his friend Volkov is, and rejoices that "he is not loitering around, but lies right here, maintaining his human dignity and his peace."

The former colleague also could not get Oblomov out of bed. The arrival of Sudbinsky does not cause enthusiasm to work from eight o'clock to twelve, from twelve to five, but allows you to be proud that you do not have to go with a report, write papers, that "there is scope for feelings, imagination." No matter how creative a person Oblomov is, even the writer Penkin could not inspire him to work as a writer. “And write everything, write everything, like a wheel, like a car… When is it time to stop and rest? "- considers an unfortunate person main character those who are forced to serve, work, and rejoice that "he lies, carefree, like a newborn baby." It is surprising that this man was able to evoke sincere warm, friendly feelings from Stolz, because Andrei, who is well-educated, purposeful, persistent, and travels a lot, is constantly on the move: I send him as an agent to Belgium or England, writes projects, implements new ideas. As the author says, “he went to his goal ... and only then abandoned the task when a wall appeared on his way or an impenetrable abyss opened up ...”
Sincere friendship is tested first of all in difficult, problematic situations. Oblomov has a lot of such situations. He started the business on the estate and suffers heavy losses, he moved away from the world, his comrades and leads the life of a recluse who has stopped in his spiritual development. Tarantiev and Mukhoyartov are trying to deceive him. He is ready to marry Agafya Pshenitsyna. The weak-willed and dependent Oblomov is waiting for help only from Stolz. “He would have settled ..”, “he would have delivered ..” - the words of the last hope of the protagonist. We are convinced that the friendship of the characters has been tested by time by reading the final pages of the novel: it is Stolz who brings up Oblomov’s son, Andryusha, conducts the affairs of Ilya Ilyich after his death, provides for Agafya Pshenitsyna, sending her income from Oblomovka.

I. Goncharov does not allow to doubt that real friendship can become a bridge across the abyss, and a warm blanket that shelters from worldly and life's hardships.

  1. Introduction
  2. Conclusion


Reasons for friendship between Stolz and Oblomov

The friendship between Oblomov and Stolz began during their school years. At the time of their acquaintance, the characters were similar in character and had common hobbies. Little Ilya is depicted as a curious child who was interested in many things. He wanted to learn about the world around him and learn as much as possible of the new, even as a young man he was still preparing for the fact that his life would “take on other, wider dimensions”, he was full of various aspirations and hopes, preparing for an important role in society.
However, due to the "hothouse", "Oblomov" upbringing and the influence of relatives, the hero remains in place, continuing only to hope and plan, never moving on to action. All Oblomov's activity passes into the world of dreams and dreams, which he himself invents and lives by.

Little Andrei Stoltz was just as curious a child as Ilya, but he was not limited in his knowledge of the world and was even allowed to leave home for a few days. And if in Oblomov upbringing killed an active, active principle, then the formation of Stolz's personality was influenced by the death of his mother, who dearly loved her son. A strict, unemotional father could not give his son all the love and warmth that he lost after the loss of his mother. Apparently, it was this event, coupled with the need, by order of his father, to leave for another city and build a career on his own, made a strong impression on young Andrei Ivanovich. Mature Stoltz is a person who finds it very difficult to understand his feelings, moreover, he does not understand love, since he cannot grasp it with a rational mind. That is why many researchers compare Andrey Ivanovich with an insensitive mechanism, which is fundamentally wrong - in fact, Stolz, no less sincere and a kind person than Oblomov (remember how often and absolutely disinterestedly he helps a friend), but all his sensuality is hidden deep inside his soul, incomprehensible and inaccessible even to the hero himself.

The relationship between Stolz and Oblomov begins as a friendship of two very similar in nature and character personalities, but different upbringing makes them completely different and even opposing characters, who, nevertheless, continue to see in each other something important and close that brought them together in school years.

Features of friendship between Oblomov and Stolz in adulthood

Stolz, at any opportunity, tries to “stir up”, activate Oblomov, force him to act “now or never”, while Ilya Ilyich gradually, unconsciously for both heroes, instills in a friend those same “Oblomov” values ​​that Andrei Ivanovich was so afraid of and to which in eventually came - to a calm, measured, monotonous family life.


The theme of friendship in the novel "Oblomov" is revealed on the example of the relationship between two opposing characters. However, the differences between Oblomov and Stolz are only external in nature, since both of them are individuals who are in constant search of their own happiness, but have not been able to fully open up and realize their full potential. The images of the heroes are tragic, since neither the active Stolz, constantly striving forward, nor the passive, living in the illusions of Oblomov, find harmony between the two main principles - rational and sensual, which leads to the death of Ilya Ilyich and internal confusion and even greater confusion Stolz.
