Intimacy on a first date. Does she need? What date can you sleep on: recommendations from psychologists You can sleep with a man after meeting

Usually, after several dates, couples transfer relationships to the level of bed, believing that they can quite trust a partner. However, the opinions of men and women differ greatly in this regard. The behavior of partners may also depend on the sign of the zodiac.

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Psychologists advise against engaging in intimacy too early, as there is a risk that a man will quickly lose interest. But it is not worth delaying more than six months.

Men's opinion

Most men have a positive attitude towards sex already on. But when discussing the topic of which girl to choose for a serious relationship, even more guys would prefer a girl who will not agree to sex too quickly. Psychologists only confirm the opinion of the men interviewed:

  • If you enter into intimacy too early (on the first or second date), then the man will not have time to seriously become interested in the woman. Men are hunters by nature, and if prey is obtained quickly and easily, then the excitement of pursuit and interest immediately fade away. Therefore, the fears of girls are not unfounded, that if a man enters into an intimate relationship too quickly, he will find it accessible - this scenario is very likely.
  • If sex is put off for too long (half a year or more of meetings), the man will decide that the girl does not see him as a future sexual partner and simply does not want him. A rare guy is ready to do without intimacy for such a long time, so he can go in search of a more interested in sex lover.

How to behave on a first date

Women's opinion

In this matter, women are usually more careful than men. Most women are not ready to get intimate on the first date, although many girls have had such an experience. But after such a hasty entry into intimacy serious relationship 72% did not work out, so women do not want to repeat such experiments.

On first dates, girls usually try to find out the level of culture of a man, intelligence, financial capabilities; determine how much he is interested in building a serious relationship.

According to women, if it turns out that a man suits on all counts, then on a 4-5 date, sexual compatibility can already be checked. If you enter into intimacy on the first date, then in the future it may turn out that with this partner there are no common interests except for the bed. Since most women are still looking for a serious relationship, and not a lover to satisfy their sexual needs, the female gender is in no hurry to check compatibility in bed.

WITH intimacy should be postponed at least until the third meeting, otherwise man may not be seriously interested in a woman, considering her too easily accessible.

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The point of view of psychologists

Psychologists say that in most cases, women's fears to seem frivolous to a man if the first date ends in sex have no basis.

In the development of relationships, it is not the speed of the transition to sex that is important, but the mood of the man and his life period during which the meeting took place.

For example, if a man has recently gone through a divorce and yearns for a cozy home, then he is able to try to see a future life partner in every woman he meets. In this case, it will only accelerate the development of relations.

Another example is if a guy practices non-committal relationships and is used to regularly changing girls. Not with a man like that either. big difference when the transition to intimacy occurs - on the first or tenth date. This type of man is able to devote many months to conquering a woman, but this will not make him see her as a future life partner. After a while, he will still set off in search of a new lover.

How long can a woman be without intimacy

Zodiac signs and sex

You can build a love relationship, starting from the zodiac sign of the intended partner.

You can sleep with some on a date, having barely met, while with others it is better to communicate longer, without touching on intimate issues:

Zodiac sign On what date does it usually turn to intimacy Attitude tosex

Representatives of this sign combine hot temperament and romantic nature.

Both the girl and the guy born under the sign of Aries are able to have sex already on the first date if they are overwhelmed by a strong love.

Given the passionate temperament of Aries, this development is highly likely.

Sex and physical attraction play a very important role for Aries, so they usually go on a date only with a partner who attracts them outwardly.


Those born under the sign of Taurus usually take their time with the transition to intimate relationships.

If you offer Taurus sex on the first date, then in response there is a high probability of receiving a puzzled look and a categorical refusal.

Even a Taurus man will not be delighted with such an offer.

This zodiac sign is not looking for a one-night stand, but in a long-term and serious relationship with a regular partner, he reveals himself sexually.

Taurus usually love long foreplay and gentle kisses: sexual intercourse for them is by no means a mechanical action, but a sensual expression of true love.

Therefore, it is better not to even think about sex with Taurus on the first date.


The openness and love of life of Gemini can only be envied.

Gemini, as a rule, are not tormented by long thoughts, whether it is worth moving on to intimacy or delay with close relationships.

Even a girl born under the sign of Gemini is able to test sexual compatibility on the first date.

Geminis usually have nothing against casual one-night stands, considering it one of the pleasures that life gives them.

But this does not mean that it is impossible to build a serious relationship with Gemini - having walked up in their youth, they are able to remain faithful to one partner.


For Cancers, feelings are usually more important than physical attraction.

Therefore, there is no need to push Cancer to intimacy on the first date - most likely, he will be disappointed and stop communicating with such a frivolous person for a long time.

But it is with Cancer that you are most likely to build a serious and trusting relationship.

True, sex in these relationships will not be given the first place.

a lion1–4

Both with the Leo guy and the Lioness girl, there is a chance to finish the first date in bed.

The passionate temperament of Leos can make them give in to feelings and forget about conventions.

But if the love did not happen, Leo will immediately report this and go in search of another partner.

Representatives of this sign are usually very liberated and most of all appreciate external attractiveness.


Virgo rarely manages to be persuaded to intimacy on a first date, so many people make the wrong conclusion about the tightness and shyness of the representatives of this zodiac sign.

But when the relationship gets closer, it turns out that Virgo has many different sexual fantasies that not every partner is able to satisfy.

With a lover born under the sign of Virgo, sex is unlikely to ever become boring and mundane


Libra fully justifies its name: a certain balance is always noticeable in their behavior.

A balanced approach will not allow them to succumb to a passionate impulse and go to bed with unfamiliar person, so you can forget about sex with Libra on the first date.

At subsequent meetings, only those partners whom Libra considers not only attractive, but also promising have a chance.


The first date Scorpio usually spends on a thorough study of the partner, leaving intimate relationships for future meetings.

Building a relationship with Scorpio is not so easy, because his high erudition and a peculiar sense of humor can give rise to many complexes among people around him.

The Scorpio man is very fond of romantic surroundings - champagne, candles and expensive bedding are almost guaranteed if the relationship comes to intimacy


Even a girl born under the sign of Sagittarius has the traits of a hunter and a warrior: if she wants sex on a first date, she will do everything possible to achieve what she wants.

Sex with Sagittarius is almost always hot and passionate, because this is one of the signs of the fire element.

But as lovers, Sagittarians choose only someone they can completely trust.

If on a date the future partner gets caught even in a small lie, the cautious Sagittarius will postpone the transition to intimacy for a long time.


A date with a Capricorn is usually more like an interview with a future employer.

Capricorn does not belong to those signs of the zodiac that are given over to the power of feelings and are able to unconditionally fall in love with an unfamiliar person.

For the emergence of feelings, Capricorn needs to properly know the future partner.

But in a permanent relationship, Capricorn manifests himself as a tireless lover, trying to perfect his skills in bed.


When meeting with Aquarius, you should not move on to intimate relationships on the first date.

Representatives of this sign may not refuse sex, but after love comforts, relationships will quickly come to naught.

It is necessary to communicate with Aquarius for quite a long time in order for a real mutual interest to appear.

Sexually, Aquarius is constantly in need of variety, so his partner needs to show imagination in order to keep such a changeable nature.


Pisces usually tend to be in pretty old-fashioned relationships.

They will not be delighted with proposals of an intimate nature, not only on the first date, but also on subsequent dates.

Usually they are distinguished by loyalty to one partner, but in sex, Pisces do not show much imagination.

Intimacy for Pisces is far from the most important part of the relationship, so the temperamental partner will be disappointed by the excessive coldness of Pisces.

Sooner or later, every girl faces the question: on what date can you sleep with the man you want to keep? As a rule, girls get the answer to this question from their friends. Some recommend not to rush, while others, on the contrary, advise not to delay. One way or another, the best advisers in this matter are psychologists. After all, it is they who know what men really want, and whether women need to adhere to the unspoken rule of five dates.

There has always been a tendency in our society that sex is unacceptable on a first date. Grandmothers groaned and gasped at the sight of "vertihvostok", which drag men to their homes. However, this statement can be disputed. Of course, every man wants to get close to the girl he likes as soon as possible. But, if a girl gave herself to him on the first date, this does not mean that she is easily accessible. For a man, the quality of sex and ease of communication are much more important. If a girl after a joint night will not try on Wedding Dress and planning the sex of the unborn child, which means she has a chance for a second date. However, a man may leave a girl after the first night, despite her unique appearance, rich inner world and quality sex. The fact is that each representative of the stronger sex has his own views on intimacy. There are men who simply collect the women they have slept with. For them, sex is an ordinary marathon, a race for leadership. And even if you have the appearance of Angelina Jolie, for such a man you will be just one position from a million list. Another category of men is waiting for their bright ideal, and in order not to get bored while waiting for the most best woman, they spend time with "less worthy" applicants.

Relationship Development Periods

Psychologists identify several periods in a relationship when a girl can agree to intimacy. Of course, these rules will not work with the men mentioned above. It is better to stay away from womanizers and dreamers. For the first, you will never become special, and the second are waiting for a non-existent person. With other men, you can safely be guided by the following instructions.

Dating period

Is not best time in order to demonstrate your talents to a man in bed, because you are just starting to get closer and get to know each other. Usually this period includes the first three dates. Of course, you can agree to sex on the first date if you are confident in yourself and your partner. However, pick-up artists are taught to “breed” women for sex precisely in three dates. So, for starters, it's better to make sure that your chosen one is experiencing sincere feelings and not just practicing your seduction skills.

Adaptation period

The interval from four to ten dates is usually called the period of adaptation, when a man and a woman have already looked at each other and are starting to get used to it. During this period, sex is acceptable, but you should not be sure that a man will begin to take you seriously after intimacy.

Rapture Period

Most favorable period when you need to take your relationship to the next level. As a rule, it begins after ten dates. At this time, a man and a woman see only positive aspects in their partner. Psychologists say that after a month of a stable relationship, sex will only strengthen them. After all, you have already known your partner enough and are confident in his sincere intentions.

If a man agreed to a platonic relationship for six months or a year, then you should be wary. Maybe he's having sex with another girl.

There is an expression "if you want to save good attitude never discuss money, politics, and sex with your friends.” Or a variant of this statement “you should not discuss money, politics and sex with a new acquaintance.” I fully agree with these expressions, because these are the topics that are the most painful and cause the most heated debate. We will not dwell on the first two points, but what concerns personal relationships between a man and a woman, including sex, this is a rather sore subject for most people. This is probably because it is in this area that most of us had to suffer for our, so to speak, beliefs. So, someone is sure that you cannot have a close relationship before the wedding, and someone with foam at the mouth will prove that it is quite possible to sleep on the first date, if there is such a desire.

If a girl has a question, after what time of meeting with a guy can you move to a new level, then you need to consider various nuances, for example, how the transition to a new level will affect your further relations(how long will you be dating, how will the guy treat you, etc.). Well, for example, if you sleep on the first date, then 80% of the fact that there will be no continuation. Of course, there may be girls who will say, “And I slept with both of my husbands on the first date - I lived with one for 2 years, I have been living with the second for the 3rd year.” I think that in this case the girls fall into the remaining 20%. There are some guys who believe that relationships start with sex. That is, they are sure that they need to sleep first, and then they will be able to decide whether to have a relationship with this girl or not. However, most guys will have a frivolous attitude towards such a girl. Often there are such cases that they part with a girl immediately after the first meeting, when she slept with them. Although, of course, I do not argue there are ardent supporters of sex on the first date, both among women and among men, therefore, I think that if you are one of these people, then you can do it, since you like it.

There is another extreme - the girl believes that sex is possible only after the wedding. Usually such beliefs are present in religious people. In accordance with this opinion, girls believe that the fact that sex is possible only after the wedding can bring the wedding closer. Girls say that you first need to marry them, and then everything else is possible. But first of all, of course, people who are convinced that it is impossible to have sex before marriage for religious reasons, because it is a sin and greatly harms our soul. The option that you can have sex only after the wedding also has the right to life, and since religious people usually have such beliefs and they are usually looking for a mate, they are usually among “their own”, then there should be no problems finding a soulmate who will appreciate it arise.

If you do not consider the extremes, then again the question arises, after what time of meetings with a guy can you sleep with him. Someone says that this can be done on a 5-7 date, someone is convinced that this can be done only after 3 months of relationship. But I don't think it's critical. I think that you need to act according to the circumstances and take into account both your desire / readiness and his.

When a guy and a girl like each other, they begin to meet and go on dates, the guy takes care of the girl, shows all sorts of signs of attention. In a word, she does everything to seduce a girl, and the younger she is, the sharper in her mind is the question “to sleep or not to sleep with a guy and when?”. Moreover, these thoughts overcome almost constantly, as young guys, as a rule, try to persuade a girl to have sex at every opportunity.

Although, of course, there are those who are more shy, so they do not show too much activity, although they still think and hope for it. But in any case, hormones play in young guys, youth, and the desire to have everyone, everything is immediately clear. Girls, out of inexperience, believe everything that guys promise them, and often, although they are tormented by thoughts of whether to sleep or not to sleep, they do it not for very long and pretty soon enter into an intimate relationship with their guys, after which these guys somehow quickly begin to change their attitude and change their place of deployment. But with young people, everything is clear, they have their own nuances, depending on age, this is experience, and perception, and upbringing, and many other subtleties that make you make mistakes and behave not quite right.

But the whole problem is that even adult women make the same mistakes as young teenage girls. Moreover, wherever possible: both in the media and in all kinds of women's magazines, and even in the advice of some psychologists there are attempts to convince women that they should have sex with men almost in the first minutes of dating. Of course, I am exaggerating, but the essence is the same, arguments about how the modern world differs from the last century reach the point of absurdity, and that now everything is rapidly developing and flowing, and one cannot lag behind the present time.

A modern person does not develop faster, this is proved by the timing at which children are born in the womb: they were born and developed for 9 months, and they are born, after birth it already affects external environment, which gives thousands of times more information to people than before, hence the development. People do not have to spend time learning something new, as before. People are just used to getting what they want quickly. All this I mean that the essence of man, human instincts have not fundamentally changed. It's just that over time, depending on the world around us, people have new needs and new rules are formed, these rules become part of human culture. So humanity needed sciences, one of which was psychology, which, among other things, understood human relationships and determined under what conditions the strongest development of relations, both friendly and partner, is most favorable.

Therefore, it is not worth talking about changes in the world and equating them with a change in behavior when building strong relationships with a man, this is a delusion that many women fall into.

Therefore, when you think at the beginning of your relationship with a man about the question “to sleep or not to sleep”, then tell yourself and him “no”, you will definitely not lose.

To sleep or not to sleep? - That is the question!

If you like a man and you want to enter into a long-term relationship with him, then you can’t have sex with him at the beginning of your relationship, this is just a rule, this is the condition under which you increase your chances of achieving your goal or desire.

The fact is that when you are in the dating period, you are just friends, your communication does not oblige you to anything, you want to - communicate, you want - no. You can more freely recognize your partner, as your consciousness will not be clouded. You must get to know him as a person, what he is, at this moment, in these meetings, you must be very attentive to what he does, what he says, how he behaves, so you will have a general picture of trust or distrust towards man. If you sleep with him, then if he does not leave you, your relationship begins to develop not on a conscious level, but on a passion that always obscures and makes it difficult to adequately perceive a person.

A man, while you are not in an intimate relationship with him, probes your weak points and tries to understand how close you can get, from which side, in a word, he tries to understand how to persuade you to have sex. In the process of this probing and inclination side effect is to recognize you: your character, your interests, your ideals, outlook on life and so on - this is your goal. And while he wants to persuade you to have sex, he will find out everything.

Thus, whatever his goal, he will have a certain impression of you, and the more he learns pleasant moments for him about you, the more likely that he will have interest in you, and purely human, and not only in sex.

It is important to understand that he will only want to know you before sex, then his curiosity will disappear. And if, before sex, he learned something that hooked him, then the relationship can develop further at a higher level, here it will be possible to talk about falling in love. If not, then the man either quits, or, if you are interested in him as a sexual partner, he can keep in touch with you for some time, but this has nothing to do with love, this is passion and desire.

That's why, Dear women, do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to be happy with quick sex, give a man the opportunity to know himself better, and then you will give yourself a chance to find that one and be happy with him.

If someone has already appeared in your life, and you don’t know how to develop relationships with him, how to behave so as not to break what you managed to build, contact the specialists of our Love-911 service, and they will always provide assistance , give advice or prepare personal recommendations, on the basis of which you can properly build a relationship with a man.

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After hearing from a guy an offer to get closer to him in body and soul, you should think about what might happen if you sleep with a guy, especially about the consequences for your health and relationships.



If you slept with a guy, while not using any methods of protection from unwanted pregnancy, you may one day find two lines on the test and realize that your prank led to your pregnancy. Good or not, it's up to you.



Naturally, if you sleep with a guy, then you will enjoy it, and if you are one of those women who know how to get an orgasm, then your pleasure will be several times higher. But even if you do not achieve it, you will still get a pleasant pleasure from it.


Perhaps, having slept with a man, you will find yourself a good and very wonderful lover. From which you will constantly enjoy and, perhaps, your life will become brighter and more diverse.


Some girls, having slept with a guy, expect that he will henceforth be their husband, which, naturally, such hopes are not always justified, and some, having slept with a man, specially become pregnant from him and also think that he is now theirs, but this not this way. Even if a man agrees to be with you without love for you, but for the sake of a child, then such a family is unlikely to be happy, since the guy is likely to cheat on you, and this will certainly affect your relationship.
