Hygiene of pregnant women. Hygiene of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

The summer baby boom is in full swing. So that the expectation of the baby does not cause physiological inconvenience, and the body pleases with freshness, it is necessary to correct the usual self-care.

And the point is not only in the hot weather outside the window, but also in the fact that throughout the pregnancy in the body of a woman there are significant changes in the hormonal background. As a result, many expectant mothers complain of dryness and hypersensitivity of the skin, increased sweating, frequent urination, and vaginal discharge.

All this creates not only personal discomfort, but also favorable conditions for infection with various viruses, bacteria, fungi. Warn Negative consequences hormonal changes help proper nutrition, taking multivitamins prescribed by a doctor and a hygienic regimen adequate to the needs of a pregnant woman, which we will talk about today.

First of all, the expectant mother needs to change the daily routine so that it becomes less saturated. Slow down and make sure that you have 8-9 hours for night sleep, and 1.5-2 hours for daytime sleep (if necessary), and 2-3 hours for walking in the fresh air.

Before going to bed, the room should be well ventilated. The bed should be comfortable, but not too soft. It is recommended that a pregnant woman sleep on her right side, especially on later dates to avoid hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the fetus.

And more about walks: in the active sun season, it is better for expectant mothers to walk before 11 or after 17 in the afternoon, be sure to use sunscreen to avoid overheating and harmful UV rays.

What other measures and personal hygiene products are mandatory for pregnant women?!

Note to expectant mothers: the basics of hygiene

Oral hygiene

Ideally, it is worth sanitizing the oral cavity, that is, curing teeth and gums, even before conception. During pregnancy, you should also visit the dentist more often than usual, especially if there are any problems in his profile.

Experts recommend expectant mothers to give up hard brushes and pastes with a rough cleaning base, change the brush every 2-3 months and do not forget to brush your teeth thoroughly 2 times a day, using dental floss if necessary.

The habit of rinsing your mouth after each meal, as well as taking calcium vitamin preparations, will also serve your smile in good stead.

Hand hygiene

Delicate care: hygiene during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are especially sensitive to "diseases of dirty hands." This means that antibacterial cleansers should become your assistants both at home and outside: on the street, in the office, on the road, in the store and clinic, etc. Hygiene products Dettol® useful for all occasions: for use at home when there is water, and where water and soap are not available.

For over 70 years, the brand has been a hygiene expert with a focus on the prevention of hand-borne infections - its products are hypoallergenic, suitable for daily use and are recommended by the European Pediatric Association.

For a walk, on the road, to work and to any other place with a large crowd of people, it is convenient to take hand gel with you Dettol® . It provides 99.9% cleanliness and protection of hands and is indispensable in situations where it is not possible to use water. The gel has a pleasant aroma and is enriched with substances that reduce stickiness and provide a lifting effect.

Dettol® wet antibacterial wipes are also indispensable outside the home - they clean hands and kill 99.9% * of bacteria, do not dry the skin, leaving it supple and fresh.

For home and garden your secret of clean hands will be antibacterial liquid soap Dettol® with convenient dispenser. It also kills 99.9%* of bacteria, including E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. This soap does not dry out and gently cleanses the skin, providing it with gentle care, hydration and nutrition.

Do you want something new in the rituals of purity? Try the innovative No Touch touch system for automatic dispensing of Dettol® Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap. It is practical, portable and economical, easy to use. Vacuum dosing prevents soap drops from appearing on the sink after using the product, and a transparent window allows you to track the remaining amount of soap and put a spare unit on time.

These hygiene products are safe for you and your baby and effective in protecting your health!

Note to expectant mothers: changes in the usual self-care

Delicate care: hygiene during pregnancy

Body hygiene

The sweat glands of expectant mothers work more actively, as they help the kidneys, the load on which increases with the bearing of the baby, to remove toxins and other unnecessary substances from the body. Therefore, a daily warm shower with mild, hypoallergenic detergents is essential.

Wash hot water, take long hot baths, bathe in a sauna or bath for pregnant women is prohibited, so as not to provoke dizziness, fainting, overheating of the fetus. Another topical tip: lay a rubber mat so that you do not inadvertently slip in the shower or in the bathroom.

You will have to fight with unnecessary "vegetation" on the legs, under the armpits and in the bikini area with the help of the good old shaving - chemical depilatory creams are banned due to the aggressive composition.

Take care of the skin: nourish, moisturize, exfoliate it - you should also use hypoallergenic products. It will not be superfluous to use cosmetics for stretch marks as a preventive measure, apply, especially in the heat, thermal water for the face and body.

Pregnancy is the most wonderful and difficult time in any woman's life. This period can be called dangerous, since any erroneous action is the basis for the deterioration of the health of the mother and fetus. To remember pregnancy as the most beautiful time, you should know how to properly monitor the state of the body during pregnancy. Hygiene of a pregnant woman - our article is devoted to this topic.

Personal hygiene of a pregnant woman

Clean skin is an important factor in the formation of excellent well-being and beautiful appearance. However, when it comes to expectant mothers, body care should be carefully selected so as not to harm the baby in the womb.

The right decision for the entire period of pregnancy is the refusal to take a bath, visit steam rooms, baths and saunas. High temperature can cause miscarriage, loss of consciousness, dizziness, a sharp drop in body temperature. It is worth delaying the bath due to the fact that there is a high risk of infection, leading to bad consequences.

Physiological changes during pregnancy reveal a beneficial effect on the female body, rejuvenating it. With developed functional systems, pregnancy proceeds without complications. Improper diet, bad habits and alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, poor hygiene - all this leads to difficulties during gestation.

Even before pregnancy, the expectant mother should think about giving up bad habits that are detrimental to the fetus. A sedentary lifestyle of a pregnant woman is the cause of frequent constipation, hemorrhoids, and swelling of various parts of the body. Lack of oxygen, rare exposure to fresh air leads to frequent dizziness, loss of consciousness.

Dirty skin disrupts the protective functions of the body, leading to the appearance of acne, blockage of the sebaceous glands, the appearance of bad smell. If you can get rid of an unattractive aroma with a shower, then the pustules that appear, due to unwillingness to care for the skin, can adversely affect the health of the fetus.

Most gynecologists recommend that pregnant women bathe several times a day, in the morning and evening. Taking a shower strengthens nervous system, normalizes blood circulation, gives a feeling of cheerfulness. Because of internal changes the expectant mother may develop an allergy to the usual cosmetical tools, Therefore, when wudooing, it is best to use the usual baby soap.

It is also desirable to change underwear as often as possible, because during the bearing of a child, many pregnant women suffer from excessive sweating. In clothing, as in bed linen, preference must be given natural materials capable of passing air.

Hygiene of hands and body of a pregnant woman

Caring for nails on the hands and feet is one of the important factors in the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to constantly cut them short, especially this must be done a few months before childbirth. Long nails accumulate dirt under them, after childbirth they can injure the mammary glands or delicate skin baby.

Particular attention should be paid to the armpits, at least once a week, shave the hair in them. This is due to the fact that a yeast-like fungus, which is the culprit of children's thrush, may be present in the armpits.

Close attention should be paid to oral care. Most young mothers begin to deteriorate after childbirth, their teeth fall out. All of this can be avoided by treating caries, getting a filling before the baby is born, as after giving birth you will have to wait at least a year to heal all your teeth. Bad teeth are a source of infection, which can later lead to severe postpartum ailments.

If the pregnancy passes without complications, and the gynecologist does not forbid you to visit the seashore, then you should go to the sea. Air baths and sea air increase the tone of the body. When resting, carefully choose a place, avoiding drafts.

Sunbathing can be taken up to 20 minutes a day, unless the pregnant woman had a history of miscarriage or severe toxicosis in the current position. Ultraviolet affects the lowering of the blood pressure of the expectant mother, having a positive effect on the bone formation of the fetus. Sunbathing is strictly contraindicated between 11 am and 5 pm, since at this time there is a high risk of overheating of the body, which causes great harm to the baby in the womb.

Mothers who are planning to breastfeed their baby should prepare in advance for this process. Proper preparation of the mammary glands during childbearing prevents the occurrence of cracks in the nipples when feeding a child. After bathing, it is recommended to dry the breasts dry using a hard towel, avoiding injury to the nipples. With the release of colostrum and the formation of a crust, you should consult a doctor who will tell and show how to get rid of it. The bra should not tighten the skin, but the breasts should not hang down. Linen must be purchased only from natural fabrics.

Intimate hygiene of a pregnant woman

Careful care requires external genitalia. A large number of sebaceous glands in the vulva area cause copious secretions, subsequently leading to the appearance of acne, diaper rash. All this leads to contamination of the genital organs and the possibility of infection.

As for the intimate side of life, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist on this issue. If the pregnant woman does not increased tone, threats of miscarriage and sexual rest is not assigned, then you can engage in intimacy, only with caution. There is an opinion that an orgasm causes contraction of the walls of the uterus, which can cause a miscarriage or a violation of the attachment process. gestational sac.

This situation is dangerous during the first 2 months after fertilization. A few weeks before childbirth intimacy can lead to early labor.

Every mother dreams of her baby being born strong and healthy, doing everything in her power for this. And although the hygiene of pregnant women is slightly different from the usual monitoring of the cleanliness of your body, the right lifestyle contributes to a quick birth and the birth of a strong baby.

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FGAOU HPE "North-Eastern Federal University. M.K. Ammosov"

Institute of Physics and Technology

Abstract on the topic:

"Hygiene of a pregnant woman"

Completed by: Semenova Akulina

3rd year student gr. FT-13-1

Checked by: M.I. Sentizova

Yakutsk 2015


1. Hygiene of pregnant women

2. Rules for personal hygiene of pregnant women

2.1 Basic requirements for maternity clothing

2.2 What does breast hygiene in pregnant women include?

2.3 Need for fresh air

2.4 Oral hygiene

2.5 Sexual intercourse

2.6 Body care


List of used literature


Pregnancy is not only the long-awaited happiness of motherhood, but also a serious physiological condition of a woman, in which it is necessary not only to be under the systematic supervision of doctors, but also to observe strict rules personal hygiene. Hygiene of pregnant women should include measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of a woman whose body is experiencing increased stress, antenatal protection of the fetus, preparing the woman's body for the normal course of childbirth and postpartum period, as well as lactation and breastfeeding. For a pregnant woman, personal hygiene should come first, because if hygiene is not observed, a number of adverse factors can develop that can affect the health of the fetus.

Among the basic requirements of personal hygiene is the cleanliness of the skin, an organ that performs a number of complex physiological functions. The skin is a protective function against harmful factors external environment: mechanical, thermal, chemical, as well as from the penetration of microbes. In addition, it is involved in the gas exchange of the body.

We all know that pregnancy is different for everyone. It depends on the general physical condition of the woman, character, mental balance, family situation and other reasons. However, under any circumstances, a pregnant woman should strive for inner peace, evoke positive emotions in herself, resist mood swings and follow the rules of hygiene.

1. Hygienepregnant women

The changes that occur in a woman's body during normal pregnancy are physiological. These changes represent the adaptation of the woman's body to the new conditions of existence associated with the development of the fetus. Pregnancy, as a rule, favorably affects the woman's body, contributes to its full development. All organs of a woman during pregnancy function normally, but with an increased load, which is associated with the increasing needs of a growing fetus. Being a physiological process, pregnancy is easily tolerated with the right lifestyle. With improper nutrition, unhygienic body maintenance, overwork and other adverse environmental conditions, the functions of the body of a pregnant woman are violated. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully follow the hygiene rules that contribute to:

preservation and strengthening of women's health;

Proper development of the intrauterine fetus;

the normal course of childbirth and the postpartum period;

Preparation of a woman's body for breastfeeding;

general mode of pregnancy.

If before pregnancy the woman's lifestyle was correct, then pregnancy does not require any special changes in the general regimen. During a normal pregnancy, a woman performs normal work. Work contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, respiratory and other systems of the body of a pregnant woman, improves metabolism. Inactivity, prolonged lying or sitting predispose to obesity, constipation, weakening of the muscular system and to the weakness of the ancestral forces.

2. Rules of personalhygienepregnant

Since during pregnancy a woman's body carries a double load, personal hygiene of a pregnant woman is important.


Take a shower 1-2 times a day, if this is not possible, then wipe the body with a towel soaked in water at room temperature;

2 times a day, wash the external genitalia with warm water and soap (do not douche!);

take daily air baths at t-air 20-22 °, starting from 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing to 20-30 minutes. In summer, short-term sunbathing is useful; in winter and autumn - ultraviolet irradiation;

bras should be comfortable and made of natural fabrics, match the size and shape of the glands;

clothing should be comfortable, do not constrain the chest, stomach, do not squeeze the lower limbs;

shoes should be selected with a wide, low heel;

After 7 months pregnancy, a special bandage should be worn to prevent overstretching of the anterior abdominal wall;

sleep at least 8-9 hours in a well-ventilated area;

Do not lift weights, do not make sudden movements;

Avoid emotional stress

avoid being in rooms where they smoke, and, moreover, do not smoke yourself, since smoking pregnant women give birth to children with low weight, weakened and impaired milk production;

Do not drink alcoholic beverages;

at least 2 hours a day to be in the fresh air, move more;

Avoid sexual intercourse during the first 3 months and the last 2 months of pregnancy. To prevent sexually transmitted infections, miscarriages and premature births;

Perform a set of gymnastic exercises corresponding to the duration of pregnancy.

2.1 Basic requirements for clothes for pregnant women

Clothing for a pregnant woman should be loose and comfortable, not constrain the chest and abdomen, and also not squeeze the lower limbs, so you should not wear tight bras that tighten belts and skinny jeans. With varicose veins, it is necessary to wear elastic hygienic stockings or apply elastic bandage to the thighs and lower legs. From the 7th-8th month of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a special bandage to prevent overstretching of the anterior abdominal wall. In the second half of pregnancy, doctors recommend wearing a bandage, which should only support, but not squeeze the stomach, and shoes, especially in the last two months, you need to choose low heels or a small platform. And with varicose veins, it is worth wearing special elastic hygienic stockings or applying an elastic bandage to the thighs and lower legs. Along with hygiene requirements and a proper diet, it is necessary to include special gymnastic exercises designed to strengthen the abdominal press, deepen breathing and improve blood circulation in the body in the general hygiene scheme of a pregnant woman.

Clothes for pregnant women should be appropriate for the season, comfortable and spacious, so as not to restrict movement. Bra straps should not cut into the body, cups should not compress the chest. Shoes should be loose, comfortable and with low heels. Before going to bed, it is useful to stretch and massage the soles of your feet to relieve them of the tension that has accumulated during the day. This can be done by picking up and dropping a handkerchief or pencil from the floor with your toes. A few minutes of such exercises - and muscle tension will subside.

2.2 What does hygiene includeon the mammary glands in pregnant women

A pregnant woman also needs to systematically prepare the nipples of the mammary glands for future feeding to prevent their cracks and mastitis. Bras should be comfortable, made of natural fabrics, match the size and shape of the glands. The glands and nipples themselves need to be washed daily with soap and water at room temperature and wiped with a hard towel. In addition to morning and evening washing, for the prevention of mastitis, lubricate the nipples with baby cream twice a week, wipe them daily with a hard towel. Flat and inverted nipples should be prepared for the newborn using a special technique and massage. During the last three months of pregnancy, a woman needs to rhythmically squeeze the base of the nipples twice a day, enclosing them between two thumbs hands first in a horizontal and then vertical plane; it lengthens the nipples somewhat. In addition, 1--1.5 months before the birth, the expectant mother should massage the mammary glands daily. After washing your hands with soap and wiping dry, taking off your clothes to the waist, standing up, proceed to the massage (preferably in front of a mirror). Massage with the whole hand, without pressing with your fingers. The palm should fit snugly against the skin, the movements are slow, not causing pain. The duration of the massage is no more than 3 minutes. (preferably twice a day). Massage can be done in one of the following three ways.

1) Massage of both glands is carried out along the drainage lymphatic tract with two hands, stroking, starting from the top of the mammary glands from the middle of the sternum towards the shoulder and from below to the axillary regions.

2) With one hand, several circular strokes of the gland are made, without affecting the nipple and areola. This technique can be used on both mammary glands simultaneously with both hands.

3) Right hand the right mammary gland is supported and slightly raised upward; left hand located on top, without affecting the areola. Then, with both hands, pressure is simultaneously applied to the mammary gland towards chest. Pressing is repeated 2-3 times. The left mammary gland is supported by the left hand, while the right one is placed on top.

2.3 The need for freshairA

Pregnant women are advised to spend at least two hours a day in the fresh air. In summer, sunbathing is useful, which contributes to the production of vitamin D in the body. However, you need to remember the danger sunburn and do not spend more than 5 minutes in the hot sun in the early days. In the following days, sun exposure can be increased and gradually increased to 20 minutes. In this case, the head must be covered with a scarf. Sun exposure for more than 20 minutes. harmful.

2.4 Oral hygiene

Since the unborn child uses the mother's mineral salts, including vital calcium and phosphorus, to build her organs and systems, dental diseases often appear in pregnant women, so it is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene. It is recommended to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening and be sure to rinse your mouth after each meal. Every pregnant woman must be examined by a dentist, because bad teeth need to be cured - they are an increased source of infection for mother and child. Moreover, these recommendations also apply to patients with tonsils: in case of chronic tonsillitis or purulent plugs, be sure to consult an otolaryngologist. Ideally, even before conception, you should bring your teeth and gums in full order. But if you did not have time to do this, then when contacting the dentist, do not forget to inform him of your pregnancy. And discuss with the doctor all the manipulations and means that he is going to use during the treatment of your teeth and gums - x-ray and other studies, anesthesia and anesthesia, and other medications. Use specially designed brushes for cleaning hard-to-reach places on crowns and flosses - special threads of different thicknesses for cleaning teeth. Plays an important role in shaping the health of your teeth and gums proper diet rich in vitamins and microelements. Fluorine, phosphorus and calcium are especially important, and from vitamins - ascorbic and nicotinic acids. Try to reduce the consumption of sweets, especially caramel, hard candies, drinks such as Coca-Cola.

2.5 sex life

A woman during pregnancy should make some restrictions on her sexual life. This primarily applies to the first months of pregnancy. Sexual arousal and increased blood flow to the genitals can sometimes lead to detachment of the fetal egg from the uterine wall at this time, bleeding and lead to miscarriage. You should especially refrain from sexual activity on the days corresponding to menstruation. For women who have experienced spontaneous miscarriages, sexual life should be sharply limited, and in the first months of pregnancy completely stopped. Sometimes pregnant women note that sexual activity worsens their general condition, causes a feeling of weakness, headache, increases the tendency to nausea, etc. In these cases, at least temporary abstinence from sexual activity should be observed.

2 months before birth, sexual activity should be completely stopped for fear premature birth and severe diseases caused by microbes that can be introduced into the vagina during intercourse. In women who do not follow these instructions, premature discharge is sometimes observed. amniotic fluid and untimely attack labor activity, complications during childbirth and postpartum diseases. The onset of pregnancy dictates the need to change the rhythm of sexual relations. In the first two months of pregnancy, when the implantation of the fetal egg and the formation of the placenta occur, they should be practically abstained from. And for contraindications for sexual activity in the last two months is the risk of premature birth and infection of the woman's genital tract. And given the increased predisposition of a pregnant woman to infection of the genital tract, it is worth using condoms during sexual intercourse.

2.6 Body care

Given the increased sweating in pregnant women, it is advisable to take a cool shower in the morning and a warm shower in the evening. A hot shower, like a hot bath, is contraindicated for pregnant women. In summer, you can swim in clean open waters if the water in the water is warm. Closed reservoirs devoid of natural ducts should be avoided by pregnant women and those who have recently given birth.

There are many small glands in the human skin, the holes of which go to its surface. Sweat glands secrete sweat fluid with waste substances through the skin. In addition to the sweat glands, there are also sebaceous glands in the skin. Sweat and fat released, accumulating on the surface of the body, gradually decompose, emit bad smell, clog the excretory ducts of the glands and thereby cause great harm to the human body. In addition, dust with microbes present in it settles on the surface of the skin, and it can be a source of various pustular skin diseases, which during pregnancy are extremely dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the developing fetus. It must be remembered that the human skin takes an active part in maintaining normal temperature body and metabolism. Therefore, it should be clear that during pregnancy, the skin must be monitored especially carefully. In the morning, a pregnant woman is recommended not only to wash her hands, face and neck, but also to wipe her entire body (or at least to the waist) with water at room temperature, followed by rubbing with a hard towel. This event not only improves blood circulation and respiration, but also strengthens the nervous system and provides a cheerful mood. Wash your hands, face and feet before going to bed. A pregnant woman should cut her nails short so that dirt does not accumulate under them. hygiene pregnancy doctor

A pregnant woman should especially carefully observe the cleanliness of the body, underwear and the environment. Because only the untidy content of the skin can cause a number of disorders in the body. And the skin, as you know, takes part in the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide, in thermal regulation, protects our body from the harmful effects of the external environment and from the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the body. Keeping the skin clean greatly facilitates the work of the kidneys, and if a pregnant woman does not keep her skin clean, this will inevitably affect both her general condition and the condition of the unborn child. In addition, diaper rash and pustules can easily form on contaminated skin, which is a very serious danger. Among other things, the skin of a pregnant woman can acquire very unpleasant external changes: redness, dryness and peeling, as well as spots, stretch marks, that is, stretch marks, and veins that appear through the skin. Quite often, some pregnant women notice the appearance of red vascular spots on the skin, shaped like small spiders. These are the so-called "telangiectasias" - dilated small blood vessels. For prevention, you can use soft creams, lotions and special cosmetic creams, and during the day regularly spray your face with filtered or boiled water using a spray bottle and be sure to humidify the air in the room.

Pregnant women sometimes observe the fact that their sweating increases significantly, and the sweat begins to acquire an odor that was not characteristic of it before. In addition to increased sweating, there is an increase in the intensity of vaginal discharge. This is due to the abundance of sebaceous glands in the genital area and increased blood flow to them, which contributes to an increase in the secret from the vagina, where pathogenic microbes can multiply. In order to prevent inflammatory diseases, it is recommended to wash the external genitalia, as well as the mammary glands, with warm water two to three times a day. A pregnant woman needs to beware of infectious diseases and, we repeat, carefully monitor the cleanliness of her skin, as metabolic products harmful to the body come out with sweat. It is better to wash in the shower, and the temperature of the water should be moderate, that is, warm, but not hot, because hot water helps to dilate blood vessels, redistribute blood flow, and this, in turn, can lead to dizziness and even fainting. In addition, excessive overheating is absolutely contraindicated for a child. For the same reason, you should temporarily refuse to visit the bath or sauna if you are used to them. A rubber mat must be placed on the floor of the shower cabin, bathroom and on the bottom of the bath itself - it will prevent slipping, and therefore reduce the risk of injury. Remember that you should never wash yourself with water poured into a basin, as with this type of washing, the water is contaminated from the very beginning. Follow some rules of this procedure: before washing, and also after it, wash your hands thoroughly; washing should be done by moving the hand from front to back, so as not to bring the infection from the rectum into the vagina; a separate towel should be allocated for such a toilet.


Pregnancy is not only the long-awaited happiness of motherhood, but also a serious physiological condition of a woman, in which it is necessary not only to be under the systematic supervision of doctors. Hygiene of pregnant women should include measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of a woman whose body is experiencing increased stress, antenatal protection of the fetus, preparing the woman's body for the normal course of childbirth and the postpartum period, as well as for lactation and breastfeeding.

Proper observance of personal hygiene can contribute to the fact that a completely healthy child can be born to a pregnant woman without any abnormalities or pathology of the disease. But if a woman did not adhere to the hygiene instructions prescribed by the doctor, then such a woman may give birth to a not quite healthy child with the presence of pathological diseases or deviations from the norm.

List of used literature

1. A.V. Bartels, N. E. Granat and others. "A course of lectures for pregnant women" publishing house "Medgiz" - M., 1957

2. Frolova O.G., Nikolaeva E.I. "Hygiene of pregnant women" - M., 1987

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During pregnancy with a desired child, every woman is beautiful. Close people around her provide comfortable conditions for life, trying to alleviate her condition in some way, because cardinal changes occur in all organs and systems of a pregnant woman, which are tolerated individually. The body is rebuilt psychologically and physically to a temporary state. Now he must ensure the normal functioning of not one person, but two.

The most noticeable changes are the skin and mucous membranes characteristic of the external genital organs and the vagina, then there are changes in the hormonal background, a decrease in immunity and local protective factors due to which the microflora and acid-base balance in the vagina are disturbed. Now the protective functions of the mucous membrane are reduced, the sensitivity to the effects of infections is increased, so hygiene during pregnancy takes on a slightly different character.

Rules of intimate hygiene that it is important for a pregnant woman to know

Each future mom must be washed in the morning and evening, every day, using warm running water (shower or jug). The hand in the process of making the toilet should move in the direction of the pubis - the anus. Otherwise, the likelihood of getting infections characteristic of the rectum into the vagina increases.

You should not take long baths, as in this case, an infectious bacillus can also get into the genital area immersed in water.

It is required during pregnancy to pay special attention to the choice of means for intimate hygiene. Experts recommend buying these at a pharmacy. In addition, each trip to the toilet should be accompanied by the treatment of the labia with a damp cloth, the pH level of which coincides with the acid-base composition of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia. It is these wet wipes that are hypoallergenic, therefore they do not violate the structure of the microbial landscape of the mucous membrane and have, in a sense, a preventive effect. Such wipes are necessary not only for pregnant women, but also for those who are prone to fungal infections.

It is important to pay special attention to the choice of underwear for a pregnant woman. It must be made from natural fabric, since only it has good breathable properties. It is important to provide the skin with good air exchange to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions that can develop into an infectious disease.

Hygiene of a pregnant woman provides for the use of only an individual personal bath towel, as well as toiletries. For example, soaps, washcloths and so on. Toiletries of a pregnant woman should not come into contact with the skin of other family members.

Many women prefer disposable sanitary napkins. So during pregnancy, they should be abandoned, as they are provocateurs of the development of irritations and infectious diseases. Observing pregnancy, doctors recommend once again to wash or change underwear.

Sports and nutrition of pregnant women

Many women during pregnancy prefer to visit the pool for water aerobics. If there are no contraindications for this by the attending physician, this is a completely acceptable way to healthy lifestyle life during pregnancy. But there are some conditions that every pregnant woman who visits a public pool must comply with.

When leaving the water, you should immediately remove wet things, take a shower, dry yourself and put on dry clothes. Public pools contain disinfectant solutions that can cause irritation, and the humid environment creates favorable conditions for the development of fungal infections. That is why taking a shower after water activities is the key to cleanliness and health of the genitals and mucous membranes. The temperature of the water in the pool should not bring discomfort to a woman, but, on the contrary, pleasure. Hypothermia is unacceptable.

Hygiene during pregnancy is directly related to nutrition, since even the foods that a pregnant woman eats every day can become a consequence of changes in the microflora in the vagina. For example, a large number of eaten sweets or smoked foods cause the development of fungal infections, so you should control your diet, trying to consume acceptable food norms. This does not mean that a pregnant woman should refuse junk food, but simply control the amount of her consumption.

Skin care during pregnancy

The rules of personal hygiene of a pregnant woman include not only special care for the cleanliness of the genitals. The cleanliness of the skin is important. After all, it is he who performs a protective function from the effects of harmful factors that are around us. The skin regulates heat and the absorption of a certain amount of oxygen necessary for a pregnant woman, so dirty skin loses its functional ability.

All pregnant women face an increase in secretions from the genitals. That is why during this period special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of this part of the body. Many experts recommend completely shaving the bikini area because hair is the cause of persistent odor and other discomfort. If a pregnant woman does not pay due attention to personal hygiene, she develops diaper rash, rashes, and also develops severe gynecological diseases.

Important importance during pregnancy is the hygiene of the mammary glands. This part of the body should be washed at least twice a day, using warm water and soap. After the procedure, the breast should be thoroughly wiped with a hard towel, but so as not to injure the delicate skin of the nipples.

The second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of yellow or white discharge from the mammary glands, which is called colostrum. That is why the expectant mother should use special absorbent pads at this time and wash her breasts more often, removing excess fluid. At night, you should use special underwear made from natural fabrics.

Bed linen should be changed at least once a week. IN summer period From time to time, a pregnant woman suffers from increased sweating, so she should always have dry and wet wipes with her to wipe the sweat. Every pregnant woman should wash her hands frequently and keep the room where she spends most of her time clean.

The hygiene of a pregnant woman also includes the observance of the correct daily routine, nutrition and walks. Fresh air is necessary to normalize blood pressure, which is directly related to the general condition of the expectant mother.

During pregnancy, the fetus is under reliable protection of the placenta. It acts as a barrier against viruses and germs. Nevertheless, it is much easier to break this protection than it might seem at first glance. In this regard, the hygiene of a pregnant woman is extremely important.

The main routes of entry of microbes and bacteria into the body

The hygiene of a pregnant woman is extremely important, because the child must be protected from any viruses, infections and bacteria. The main routes of entry of microbes into the body are as follows:

  • oral cavity;
  • dirty hands;
  • dirty clothes;
  • external genitalia.

Key personal hygiene rules

The hygiene of a pregnant woman is a rather subtle and delicate issue, which includes a huge number of details. However, before going into details, it is worth remembering and following these key rules:

  • You need to take a cool or warm shower daily.
  • Washing, if possible, should be carried out several times a day.
  • It is better to refuse to visit baths and saunas.
  • You can not take a long hot bath.
  • It is better to limit swimming in water bodies, since, in addition to harmful microorganisms, there is strong excitement there, which can adversely affect the fetus.
  • Nails should be cut short so that dirt containing pathogenic microbes does not accumulate under them.
  • The hygiene of the oral cavity of pregnant women should be especially careful, because during the period of gestation, the teeth are especially affected.
  • All hygiene items (toothbrushes, washcloths, towels) must be individual.

intimate hygiene

The female body is designed so that the fetus is in close proximity to the genitals. In addition, the child will have to go through the birth canal. All this determines the importance of maintaining normal microflora, which can be provided by the intimate hygiene of a pregnant woman. Briefly, the points can be described as follows:

  • Daily (several times a day) wash the intimate area with warm water. To do this, you can use special hygiene products or ordinary baby soap.
  • Change your panty liners regularly as they get dirty. It is better to use hygiene items on natural basis, fragrance-free.
  • Opt for cotton or linen underwear.
  • Visiting the toilet in public places, use wet wipes designed specifically for intimate hygiene. Ordinary ones can disrupt the microflora.
  • Do not use gray (recycled) or colorful scented toilet paper. It must be white.
  • Don't forget to remove your hair intimate area. Of course, shaving is inefficient and uncomfortable. Therefore, it is better to turn to modern salon techniques. Sugaring is well suited for pregnant women.
  • At the slightest discomfort in the genital area, go for an examination to a gynecologist.


The hygiene of a pregnant woman should be based on taking a shower. It is best to do this twice a day (morning and evening), but in the hot season, procedures can be increased. In this case, you need to pay special attention to detergents. It is best to use baby soap. If you are used to shower gels, make sure that they do not contain dyes and aggressive ingredients. It is also worth avoiding harsh aromas that can provoke an attack of toxicosis.

Many girls are used to taking a hot bath, which perfectly relaxes and tones. Nevertheless, the personal hygiene of a pregnant woman excludes such procedures, because high temperatures negatively affect the well-being of the mother and the condition of the fetus. If you cannot deny yourself such pleasure (and if there is no threat of failure), remember: the water should be warm, and the procedure should be short. You can add salt or herbal infusions (from plantain, calendula or chamomile). The bath is pre-treated with a disinfectant.

How often to brush your teeth?

The hygiene rules of a pregnant woman will certainly affect the oral cavity. Experts unanimously advise solving all problems with teeth at the stage of conception planning. This is not surprising, because during pregnancy, the teeth suffer greatly from a lack of calcium, and therefore caries and tartar only progress.

But the problem is not only in the teeth. The fact is that in the open cavity of the tooth, the remnants of food rot, and then enter the digestive system. This can provoke indigestion, as well as adversely affect the health of the baby.

If dentists usually insist on brushing their teeth twice a day, then pregnant women should do it four times a day. In addition, after each meal, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with saline or plain boiled water. As for toothpaste, it is better to choose a product with mint flavor. It will not only freshen your breath, but also soothe an attack of toxicosis.

Hand washing is the basis of hygiene

A lot of questions are raised by the hygiene of a pregnant woman. Briefly, the basic rule is: "Wash your hands often!" It is this part of the body that most often comes into contact with all kinds of microbes and bacteria. Money, animals, surfaces in public places - all this you touch with your palms, and then carelessly take an apple or other food. To protect yourself from getting infections, wash your hands every time you want to eat something. In addition, pay attention to these recommendations:

  • Always carry antibacterial wet wipes with you. Wipe your hands after contact with money, surfaces in public places, people or animals. The used napkin cannot be reused.
  • Instead of regular soap, get liquid soap with lanolin or glycerin in the composition (to protect the skin from dryness). Add 10 drops of tea tree oil to the bottle, which kills almost 100% of germs.

  • When choosing detergents, cosmetics and hygiene products, pay attention to products marked "hypoallergenic".
  • Limit the use of strong perfumes and deodorants. It is better to completely replace the latter with natural alum or mineral products.
  • Carefully monitor the condition of the chest and nipples. If colostrum begins to flow, use special sanitary pads.
  • Choose comfortable clothes that won't squeeze your belly. It is advisable to give preference to natural materials.
  • For washing, use Make sure that detergent there was no overpowering scent.

The basis of nutrition

The fundamental points are the hygiene and nutrition of a pregnant woman. Features of the diet are that it must contain such mandatory elements:

  • Animal squirrels. These are any types of meat and fish, as well as milk and eggs.
  • vegetable proteins. Most of them are found in legumes and cereals.
  • Cellulose. IN huge quantities it is contained in fresh fruit and vegetables, greens, as well as a variety of rice, provided specifically for sushi.
  • Calcium as the basis of the skeleton of the unborn child. Found in dairy products and fish.
  • Folic acid. This component is best taken in the form of a dietary supplement (1 tablet per day). And to increase the concentration of this substance in the body, you can eat bran bread.
  • Iron. Found in meat, eggs, cereals and dried fruits.
  • All kinds of vitamins are contained in the above products. In addition, the attending physician will definitely prescribe a balanced complex designed specifically for pregnant women.
  • Water must be supplied to the body large quantities. It must be purified and enriched with minerals. It is better to refuse soda.

Food hygiene

Hygiene and nutrition of a pregnant woman are inextricably linked concepts. To maintain your health and protect your baby, you need to be guided by the following rules:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before every meal. They need to be treated with soap from the fingertips to the wrist.
  • After washing your hands, dry them with a clean towel or paper napkin, because pathogenic microbes can multiply in a humid environment.
  • Follow the correct diet. The daily amount of products should be divided into 4-5 main meals. Small nutritious snacks should also be present.
  • Pay close attention to expiration dates and ingredients. Try to buy natural farm products. If you don't have that option, feel free to test your meats, fruits, and vegetables with a nitrate meter.
  • Do not store vegetables and fruits unwashed.
  • Try to eat only freshly prepared food. It is better to refuse yesterday's dishes.


Intimate hygiene deserves close attention, because not all couples can refuse sexual contacts for the entire period of pregnancy. This is a rather controversial issue, but doctors agree that in the first 3 months of pregnancy, sexual intercourse is strictly contraindicated, because this can lead to bleeding and other unpleasant consequences.

You can resume sexual contacts starting from the second trimester (if there are no contraindications). In this case, you need to pay special attention to the choice of posture. A woman should feel only comfort and not feel physical tension. It is believed that sexual activity during pregnancy not only does not harm the fetus, but even benefits it. It also makes contractions easier to deal with. But without the permission of the doctor, such decisions should not be made.

Again, to give up sexual life is in the last month of pregnancy. If you ignore this prohibition, there is a risk of premature birth. Although some couples prefer to have sex until the birth of a child. But this can be done only with the permission of the doctor.


Pregnancy is a pleasant and at the same time very responsible condition. Future mothers should pay close attention to hygiene and nutrition so that the baby grows up healthy and strong. The female body during the period of gestation becomes very vulnerable to germs and infections. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen it from the inside with quality nutrition and protect it from the outside, observing
