Tea house from newspaper tubes. Newspaper tube houses Weave newspaper tube houses

Elena Mikhailovna Smerdina

Master Class« Izba» (from paper tubes )

2017 was declared the year of ecology, and in connection with this, a review competition for the best environmental center was held in our preschool educational institution. A lot of interesting work has been done. For layout "Village Yard" I made a hut from paper tubes.

Hut layout from paper tubes.

Required for work: glue, stationery knife, paper(for print or landscape, color paper, colored and white cardboard, brush, napkins, pencil, ruler, board,

First, we determine the size of the hut (length, width, height, then roll up paper tubes required size. Laying out the first layer tubules, gluing them to each other and to the base of the hut.

For the strength of the building in the middle of each wall, we glue vertically along tubule.

When the walls are laid out at the desired height, you can paint the hut in desired color let dry.

Next, we proceed to the manufacture of the roof. To do this, we determine the height of the roof and cut out a rectangle of the desired size from cardboard, bend it in half. Now we cut out strips of colored cardboard - this will be the roof covering (tiling)

Making a hole in the roof pipes and carefully glue the tiles from the bottom up. Then we cut out a rectangle from colored cardboard of the desired size (a hole in the roof, draw it under a brick and glue pipe. lower part pipes are cut along the bends to stick to the roof.

When the pipe is glued, close the front and rear wall of the roof. Cut out 2 triangles (1 cm more on the sides, bend according to the allowance, spread with glue and glue to the roof.

Now the roof is ready and can be glued to the walls.

The hut is almost ready. It remains to make windows and doors and glue them to the walls.

Here is such a hut turned out. She took her place in the layout. From thin tubes can make a fence, a bench, a stack of firewood and you get a rustic courtyard.

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Dear colleagues, we continue the theme of "weaving from newspaper tubes"And today I present to your attention another master class on weaving.

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Dear colleagues, today I present to your attention a master class on weaving from newspaper tubes, I have already shown several master classes.

Cats are strange creatures. On the one hand, they are very attached to their owner and love to lie close to the owner, but on the other hand, they are quite independent pets, which is reflected in the frequent search for secluded places for a sound sleep. So, owners often find their pets in closets, boxes, baskets, and even on closed suitcases with unsorted things after a recent trip.

If you want to take care of your pet, then you can make a secluded corner for him with your own hands, in which he will feel safe. At the same time, you can do without huge cash costs, because you can assemble a home for a cat only from old newspapers.

There is a lot of information on the Internet on the topic: how to weave a cat house from newspaper tubes. However, it is most often incomplete and displays only the final result. But do not be upset, because making such a basket is quite simple.

What you need

Each person in an apartment building has their own Mailbox, in which almost every day there are new advertisements and newspapers. After reading, they are moved to closets or balconies. It is this waste paper that will be needed to make the base - the tubes from which the cat's home will be assembled.

In order to form tubes, and subsequently assemble a full-fledged house from them, it will also be useful:

  1. Pencil.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Needle for knitting.
  5. PVA glue or pencil.
  6. Thick cardboard.

Having collected all the necessary ingredients in a heap, you can get to work.

How to make tubes from newspaper

Before starting work, newspaper sheets must be unfolded and cut into equal strips 10 cm wide each. From 4 to 6 tubes can come out of one standard newspaper - it all depends on which side (wide or narrow) the strips will be cut off from.

After that, you need to take one strip of paper and attach a knitting needle to it at an angle of 45-60 degrees relative to the narrow side.

Next, you need to tightly press the newspaper strip onto the knitting needle. Before wrapping the end, it must be lubricated with glue to ensure fixation and prevent the tube from unwinding. After these manipulations, you can remove the needle, and the tube is ready.

Does a cat need a home? Cat owners know that these individuals, although they are attached to people, always remain independent. They like to climb into remote corners of the apartment, arrange a rookery for themselves in secluded places. Who hasn't found their mustachioed friend in an accidentally unlocked closet? A box, an open suitcase, a laundry basket beckon like a magnet. Apparently, the desire to hide is inherent in the nature of these animals, and nothing can be done about it. But you can help your pet and give him Alternative option retire - buy or make a cozy house for a cat with your own hands.

Buy or do it yourself?

A great variety of models and variations of cat houses are on sale - multi-level, closed, open, with scratching posts, shelves. Sometimes it's easier to buy. But creating a house for a tailed pet with my own hands has its benefits. Firstly, the materials for manufacturing are usually improvised, something that is always in the house. It's economical. Secondly, you determine the dimensions, design, stability, taking into account the dimensions of the animal and its nature. This will truly be a home for YOUR cat. And finally, you can get creative and fit the "cat house" into your interior, and even make it an art object. This will be an individual decision.

A cat house made of newspaper tubes can take almost any shape.

A popular destination is a house made of newspaper tubes

pay attention to fashion trend in creating houses for cats with your own hands - weaving from newspaper tubes. This is a kind of decorative art, an analogue of weaving from a vine - there are many descriptions on the Internet. What is so great about this method:

  • material costs are minimal, almost zero (how much do old newspapers and magazines cost?);
  • a large number of options for shape, wall thickness, color;
  • a house woven from newspaper tubes can be painted with food coloring, stained or simply PVA glue diluted with water (in the latter case it will be an original piece of furniture);
  • a ready-made house for a cat from newspaper tubes is in harmony with many modern styles in the interior - eclecticism, country, minimalism, Provence, Scandinavian.

Only your imagination can limit the beauty and sophistication of the newspaper house.

What to cook:

  • old newspapers, magazines;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • long knitting needle;
  • glue for paper;
  • PVA glue.

How tubes are made

To base the house, it is necessary to weave a disk from newspaper tubes

Draw and cut the newspaper into strips of 8-10 cm. Place a knitting needle on the edge of the newspaper strip at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees. Wrap the newspaper strip tightly around the needle and secure the end with paper glue. Carefully remove the needle from the tube. The thickness of the tube from different sides will turn out to be different - it is necessary that the tubes can be inserted one into the other, thus increasing their length.

Prepare the tubes in the required quantity (intuition will tell you). From a sheet of thick cardboard or plywood, cut out the bottom, or floor, of the future house in two copies (it can be an oval, circle, square, rectangle in shape). Glue newspaper tubes to the inside of one part of the bottom along the edge so that they diverge to the sides with rays, 1.5-2 cm of the tube should be glued. Glue the second part on top, covering the glued ends of the tubes.

Weaving of the walls is carried out on a frame glued to the base of the house

Do not forget about the entrance to the house, it must be selected in the frame and braided along the edge, for greater strength

Nearly completed house

We finally form the house and complete the weaving

Use a cardboard frame - it will help keep the shape you have planned while weaving. Raise the tubes up in the form of racks, fasten with clothespins or clips to the frame and start braiding them like a basket weaving. At a height of 5-6 cm, interrupt the weaving in a circle to start making a hole for the entrance. Now weave in straight and reverse rows. Consider the width and height so that your cat can comfortably enter the home. Continue weaving in a circle to the height of the entire house.

Now two options are possible. You can complete the weaving of the walls by tucking and securing the vertical racks, and weave the lid separately according to the shape of the bottom or make it out of cardboard (plywood) and fasten it to the walls of the house. The second option is to start narrowing the walls and make a domed roof. And do not forget to sew a soft pillow in the shape of the bottom of the house - for sweet dreams. Now the wicker house is ready to receive a guest.

How to decorate a wicker house

The easiest way is to paint an already finished house in one or two colors. Use food coloring - they are odorless and will not irritate or repel your cat. You can apply paint in one or two layers - depending on how intense the color you want to have. You can cover it with stain.

There are many options for decorating the finished house. The photo shows the product with the use of paint and stain.

Paint a wicker cat house different colors, V different techniques and styles. For example, graffiti, drawing with rice paper, decoupage, appliqué.

Decorate your creation with ribbons, braid. To do this, during weaving, you need to leave holes in which you can fix it. Or leave a few rows unbraided and in this place stretch the tape (also according to the principle of weaving) between the posts around the entire perimeter of the house and fasten the ends.

Glue on the ears, tail and whiskers.

Sometimes improvised materials allow you to create real masterpiece, which will fit perfectly into the interior space. Weaving from newspapers is becoming quite a popular craft among needlewomen. They have high strength, which allows the use of finished products for domestic needs.

The newspaper tube begins to gradually replace weaving from natural willow vines. Now, for the manufacture of any item, you do not need to go in search of high-quality raw materials. In this case, it is enough to use a regular newspaper. Proper processing of the finished product helps to withstand any mechanical stress and testing by the aquatic environment.

Our material presents step-by-step instruction on weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners. Tips and recommendations of experienced craftswomen allow you to avoid the most common mistakes in the process.

How to prepare newspaper for weaving?

Before you start weaving the product, you need to prepare consumables. This will require more than sixty newspaper tubes. For proper twisting you will need:

  • newspaper sheets;
  • wooden skewer;
  • glue.

A long wooden skewer allows you to make a thin paper tube. Any adhesive solution will help to fix the finished result.

  • To do this, cut newspaper sheets into strips 4 cm wide.
  • After that, each element is divided in half with a sharp knife.
  • Place the wooden skewer at a 45° angle.
  • We bend one edge of the paper under the stick.
  • A sharp movement begins to twist the paper into an elastic tube.
  • Lubricate the remaining edge with glue.

Steps to create a basket of paper tubes

When the right amount of material is ready, you can proceed to the manufacturing process of the product. First of all, you need to decide on the shape and size of your craft. For beginners, it will be easiest to make a rectangle or square. The fact is that round and polygonal products require special dexterity.

Many novice needlewomen are often interested in: “How to properly complete the bottom of the basket?”. There are two types of the bottom:

  • cardboard bottom. It is executed in accordance with the selected basket parameters;
  • braided base. For this, a certain weaving pattern is performed, which adds strength.

It is worth noting that the cardboard base is suitable for small baskets or boxes. Small items can be placed here.

During the workflow, it is important to follow the weaving pattern. Here, each element should be in its place. Any deviation from the instructions is accompanied by a poor-quality product.

To make the basket neat, you need to fix the ends of the newspaper tubes with clothespins to the base of the form.

How to make the bottom of the basket?

Make a strong base for the basket will help detailed instructions. In the manufacturing process, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of experienced needlewomen:

  • Take 10 tubes and cross them together.
  • Further each end paper vine intertwined with the neighboring one.
  • Weaving must be done clockwise.
  • You can increase the length of the tube by gluing them together.
  • After the bottom has the desired shape, you can proceed to the next step.
  • The remaining ends of the vine are lengthened and fixed with stationery clothespins on the surface of the object.

Finished product processing

The most painstaking process in the manufacture of paper baskets is the dyeing and tinting of the wickerwork. It is not recommended to paint the newspaper vine ahead of time. This may spoil the finished result. Paper may lose its strength, which will affect the appearance of the product.

Baskets are used for priming acrylic paints and gypsum plaster. These components are highly durable and are not afraid of contact with the aquatic environment. As a result, the product can be washed in warm water.

You can add a water-repellent component with the help of odorless furniture varnish. To do this, it is recommended to open all parts of the finished product twice. After surface treatment, the paper basket is placed in a cool place until completely dry.

Varieties of patterns for weaving

To date, there is great amount technique and patterns for weaving from newspaper. The most relevant are:

  • simple bend;
  • rod bend;
  • bulk bend;
  • lazy pigtail;
  • isis;
  • double folds;
  • complex bends;

Master class on making a wicker basket

We have prepared for you detailed wizard- a class of weaving from newspaper tubes. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • paper vine 60-80 pieces;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • form for manufacturing;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

First of all, we proceed to weaving the base of the future product. This will require 10 tubes. All elements are neatly crossed among themselves. Each subsequent vine is intertwined with the previous one.

All actions are best performed in a clockwise direction. step by step photo weaving from newspaper tubes greatly facilitates the task.

When the desired bottom size is obtained, proceed to the next step. We begin to weave the sides for our basket. To do this, we lengthen the remaining ends by gluing with a new vine. We fix long lashes on the form. They should be as elastic as possible in order to avoid deformation of the finished result in the future.

We begin to weave a new newspaper tube into the finished paper rods. Extend the remaining end of the tube. Weaving continues until the vine reaches 2 cm from the edge of the form. After that, he proceeds to fix the remnants of paper tubes.

Each subsequent end is smoothly bent over the previous one. They are carefully glued to the wicker base. When the edges are fixed, you can proceed to the manufacture of the handle.

Here you will need 4 pcs. newspaper vines, one end of which is glued to the side of the basket. Next, we begin to intertwine the elements with each other. When the handle reaches the desired length, it is fixed to the other edge of the base of the basket. As you can see, everything is quite simple. The main thing in this matter is to have a lot of patience and a good imagination.

Photo of weaving from newspaper tubes

In today's master class, you will learn how to make a tea house from newspaper tubes with your own hands. In the article you can see Full description manufacturing process with photo.

To make a tea house you will need:

- Newspaper tubes of two colors (white and brown).
- Glue gun.
- A box of tea.
- PVA glue.
- Acrylic lacquer.
- Scissors.
- Pencil.
— Cardboard.

Let's start making a tea house:

1) Cut out two rectangles from cardboard, this will be the bottom of the teapot. Then we glue two tubes on one of them as shown in the figure. Then we glue the second cardboard on top and press down with a load for a while.

We leave one of the blanks, from a pair, for the bottom, and raise the other for the base. We weave the bottom of several rows with a rope. And we start weaving the base. To begin with, weave one row with a rope of three parts.

Then nine more rows with a regular rope.

After that, we make a drawing by connecting one white and one brown tube over several rows.

At the end we make a bend Brown from a rope into three tubes. The ends are cut off and fixed with glue.

We make another bottom and weave it with white details - this will be the lid for the teapot.

Then we glue the cardboard and form the roof.

We glue the roof with blanks and form a pipe. At the base of the house we cut a hole for tea bags.

2) Now the house needs to be covered with PVA glue diluted with water and painted with acrylic varnish.

3) Let's start decorating crafts. From the tea box we cut out pictures and statements related to tea.

On the walls of the homemade product, we form hearts from newspaper tubes. We also glue the words TEA in English.

That's all our tea house is ready!
