Consequences of eyelash extensions. Is it worth it to build eyelashes at sea - features of care and recommendations Is it worth it to build eyelashes in the summer

A little about my eyelashes:
By nature, I have quite long, but very light and thin eyelashes that are not visible at all. Therefore, in order to highlight the eyes, I have to constantly paint them. To make it clear how my path to eyelash extensions began, I attach a photo without makeup and extended eyelashes:

Very pale and expressionless eyes that look at me every morning, so I had to highlight them with makeup, but it looked like this:

Why get eyelash extensions?

The answer is simple, to make your eyes more expressive!

For the last half a year I have been working at home, and therefore it’s possible not to put on makeup, it’s one thing when you live alone and there’s no special need for it ... But when your husband watches your “pale” face every day / evening / morning / night, then this sad ... This is probably where the stories begin, how he began to stare at others, and so on. In general, it was just even most unpleasant for me to look at myself and I thought that something needs to be changed!

I tried to dye my eyelashes with paint, did lamination, tried to paint with mascara even at home, but all these options did not suit me, so I decided to build.

After reading the reviews, the horrors of extensions, how the eyelashes fall off along with their own, how all the eyelashes are glued together, that then it is not possible to save your eyelashes, how they become thin and lifeless, and all in this spirit, I still decided on this procedure.

How do I find a master?

Prices for hair extensions at home are on average from 500 rubles, in salons on average from 1200. They say that a miser pays twice, but this did not stop me ..

Although my eyelashes are dear to me, something pulled me to take a chance and turn to a master who works at home and takes only 500 rubles for classic eyelash extensions. Before going, I naturally looked through the group with the works of the master, which were quite good for themselves, well, I calmed down that she doesn’t take expensive, not because she is a bad master, but because she wants to replenish her portfolio and this is just a temporary action . And I took a chance.

Eyelash extension.

Although the procedure took place at home, I did not experience any discomfort, a special comfortable couch, sterile instruments (everything was processed right in front of me). The girl did the extension in 2 hours, they write on the Internet that this is a normal time for this procedure, so I didn’t even expect to be free before.

Before the procedure, the master clarified what effect I want to get, I wanted a natural one, so that it would not be like a fan, but also that the eyes would become more expressive, which is why I actually chose the classic extension. Then she set to work. I didn’t hear any questions about the bend, thickness and length, apparently something specific was meant by the natural effect, but I trusted the master and didn’t ask any extra questions.

At the end of the procedure, I did not experience any reddening of the eyes or burning or anything else like that, and most importantly, I was more than satisfied with the result! The photo was taken immediately after the procedure:

Then the master handed me a brush for combing the extended eyelashes, specifying that they should be combed daily as needed. During sleep, my eyelashes are very rarely wrinkled, but after washing, the eyelashes stick together, so they should be combed and they return to their original shape.

Do not wash or wet your eyes, no baths, solarium and gym, but this is only the first day.

Don't rub your eyes.

Do not sleep with your face in the pillow.

Do not use anything containing oil on the eyelashes and around the eyes, as the oil will adversely affect the adhesive.

And then, as the master said, the extension will last about 3 weeks. By the way, the master provided a guarantee for her work - 1 week, which turned out to be very useful.


I completely followed the instructions, the first five days I couldn’t get enough of it at all, but then something went wrong ...

Here is a photo 8 days after extension, with which I turned to the same master to find out what was wrong:

Since I had no experience before, I already thought that in a week to lose half of the extended eyelashes is the norm ... At what the extended eyelashes flew off, while their own remained in place. If a little bit of their own fell out, then it is within the normal range, because eyelashes, like hair, tend to change. I understand this and did not sound the alarm, but what happened with the extensions is not clear ...

The master reassured me and said that this is very rare, but it happens, for example, from hormones, from the eyelash growth phase, and also from the fact that her materials might simply not suit me and called me to carry out a correction under the guarantee provided.

Literally in 40 minutes, the cilia returned to me, and the master said that this time she increased my eyelashes with a different glue, since it is likely that the previous one simply did not suit me.

Unfortunately, I did not take a photo immediately after the correction, but here after 10 days after her...

Again, more than half of my eyelashes came off, and after another five days the rest flew around .....


I would like to say that I don’t blame the master for anything, I chose him myself, maybe the materials really didn’t suit me, or maybe because of the action cheaper materials were used, or maybe hormones somehow affect (for example, on certain days of the cycle I have a gel keeps worse on nails and can peel off, although I use the same materials).

Despite everything, my native eyelashes remained in the same place and the same composition, which is good news, so for its price the experience was quite successful, at least there were no casualties.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if you are still going for eyelash extensions, then the main thing is to find good master. Well, let my eyelashes peel off, the main thing is not to harm your own, as it happens with some.


Of the minuses, I would like to note that for those who likes to rub their eyes- it will be very difficult to resist. I love doing this in the morning

And second: Washing is not very convenient, again, do not rub your eyes if water gets into them, but I adapted :) By the way, you need to shower! Necessarily! Daily! I'm writing this and I'll even highlight it!!! For those who do not know (and judging by some photos and videos on the Internet, some really think that it is not necessary to wash your face), look at the consequences of non-compliance with personal hygiene during eyelash extensions, this is very sad.

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Olga Serova.

Eyelash extensions are comfortable and beautiful. To keep the beauty for a long time, you need to properly care for the cilia. How to do it in winter, says Olga Serova, a stylist for modeling a look.

Forget about winter creams

If you have eyelash extensions, discard frosty creams to protect your face from the cold. If you can't use anything else, apply as far away from the eyes as possible and wash your hands thoroughly after use.

Greasy creams and oils are used to remove eyelash extensions, so careless use of them can lead to the fact that you lose your cilia.

  • What to replace: For girls with sensitive skin that easily becomes inflamed from frost, I advise you to use mineral powders, which also protect against chapping. You can buy them from an eyelash extension specialist or buy them in a store.

Set aside castor oil

Cold wind, frost, temperature changes destroy the structure of natural eyelashes, they become brittle and fall out prematurely. Often used to protect against weather aggression. Castor oil, sometimes adding a few drops of cognac or rum to make it easier to wash off.

The method is very good, but only for native eyelashes! Eyelashes become stronger, darker and due to this they appear thicker. But castor oil is absolutely not suitable for extended eyelashes.

  • What to replace: an alternative is an eyelash fixer, which can be used not only in winter. Eyelashes will last longer, but you need to renew the product after each wash.

What to do all the time:

  • Rinse eyelashes and inter-eyelash space well in the morning and evening before going to bed. Otherwise, you can earn infectious or inflammatory diseases of the eyes.
  • Wash properly. Try not to touch your eyelashes at all: splash with water, but do not rub with your hands and a towel. Blot the skin around the eyes and fan dry or just wait. If you are not using a fan, comb your lashes while still damp.
  • Take vitamins: group A is responsible for the health of hair and skin, group B prevents premature loss of eyelashes, fish oil is very useful.
  • Don't use mascara. It is better to ask the master to build long and voluminous eyelashes for you.
  • Remove makeup with foams and tonics, refrain from oil-based products. Do not rub the skin at the base of the eyelashes with the sponge. Remove shadows cotton buds well moistened with water or foam.
  • Make adjustments about once every three weeks.

Modern cosmetology allows you to correct almost any flaw in appearance. There is no problem in "drawing" new eyebrows, lip augmentation or nail extensions. Another thing is how natural the result looks, does a woman look vulgar in a new look? And the question of safety of the procedure is also important. And if only a few decide on radical changes, then the eyelash extension service, which is innocent compared to other interventions, is now especially popular. Why?

Not everyone has naturally thick and dark eyelashes, and doing a thorough make-up every day can be tiring for many. But before you go for a procedure in a beauty parlor, you need to figure out if eyelash extensions are harmful?

Why do women get eyelash extensions?

Long eyelashes, curving up, give the look of mystery and expressiveness. Usually women paint their eyes with mascara, but thanks to artificial cilia, the need to do makeup every day disappears.

Masters can perform extensions in two techniques:

  • beam;
  • eyelash.

With the help of special glue, cilia made of artificial materials are attached to natural ones. The procedure takes one and a half to three hours. After two or three weeks, you will need to make a correction, or remove artificial materials. As a rule, eyelashes of the upper eyelid are increased. The service of giving volume to the lower row of eyelashes is practically not in demand.

Only a qualified master who has completed the relevant courses and has a certificate can correctly perform the procedure. Unfortunately, there are many so-called "self-taught" in the field of beauty. The result of their work often disappoints customers who notice that after the procedure, “native” cilia have deteriorated.

Women who want to try something new, improve their appearance and become even more beautiful are interested in the procedure. But since taking care of your health always comes first, the question of whether eyelash extensions are harmful remains relevant. After all, there are a lot of negative reviews about this procedure on the Internet.

Why eyelash extensions hurt them

Even the highest quality and finest artificial hairs give a noticeable load. Under the weight of extended eyelashes, natural ones do not rest at all, and eventually begin to weaken. Eyelashes will deteriorate, but not abruptly, but in 2-3 months or even in six months. This is the main harm of extended eyelashes.
Normally, all the hairs on our body constantly grow and renew, and the old ones fall out. Usually a person does not even notice how this happens. If the procedure is performed technically illiterate, the eyelash cannot fall out, but gets stuck in the artificial hairs. This poses a threat to the eyes, as it can provoke the development of an inflammatory process.

Also, the use of low-quality materials by the master does not promise anything good. They hold worse, look cheap and are more likely to cause allergies. Unfortunately, often clients do not have the opportunity to understand what materials are used in the salon, and they are forced to take the word of the master.

What happens to natural eyelashes after the procedure

After removing synthetic materials, women often think that almost nothing is left of natural cilia. This is not entirely true, it’s just that they could have deteriorated, become shorter, thinner and lighter, and now they no longer look so impressive. For some time, the hairs may actively fall out or grow worse. Such a reaction is quite natural, because the cilia for a long time were under the weight of the weight of the glued villi.

Also, girls often notice that their eyes often water from building up. This suggests that the wrong glue is being used, causing irritation on the delicate skin around the eyes.
If the eyes are watery, they feel burning and discomfort, then you need to see a doctor, after removing the synthetic "beauty".

Are there any contraindications

Like any cosmetic service, extensions can have Negative consequences. Here is a list of contraindications, in the presence of which it is better to refuse the service:

  • Tendency to allergic reactions. In allergy sufferers, the procedure may increase the risk of adverse reactions to both the artificial material and the adhesive.
  • Inflammatory eye diseases: blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, barley.
  • Too dry, dehydrated skin around the eyelids. With such skin, its hydration is shown cosmetics based on natural ingredients. Any creams, gels, emulsions slightly oily skin, because of this, the cilia can peel off.
  • Strong loss of eyelashes. If natural hairs are too weak and actively fall out, extensions will not solve the problem. The problem will only get worse and reach a critical point, when the eyelids will remain completely “naked”.
  • Psoriasis is a non-infectious skin disease.
  • The procedure is not recommended for girls who wear contact lenses. Inserting and removing them every day, they will disturb the cilia, because of which they may require correction ahead of time.
  • It is also recommended to refrain from building in the presence of diseases such as bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, tuberculosis, as well as with the common flu or colds.

Here's what can affect the life of wearing eyelashes: coloring them with paint, taking antibiotics, oily skin using oily make-up removers.

Proper care of your eyelashes

What should I do if, after removing the extensions, my eyelashes become thin, light and weakened? Here are a few simple rules for their care:

These actions take only a few minutes a day, but the result will not be long in coming.

Usually, fashion trends replace each other pretty quickly. If now eyelash extensions are included in the list of the most popular services, then in a year or two the demand for this procedure may drop sharply. But their natural eyelashes will be badly damaged, and it will take a lot of effort to restore them.

That's why best solution- apply natural remedies to strengthen eyelashes and shine with natural beauty.

Eyelash extensions make the look more expressive and open. At the same time, the eyelashes look natural, and there is no need to increase them with mascara every day. However, before building up, you should learn about the pros and cons of this procedure.

Consequences of eyelash extensions: myths and reality

The technique of eyelash extension is quite simple and similar to the technology of hair extension. Artificial hairs are glued to the base of the cilia using a special composition.

There are several types of extensions. The most popular: eyelash or beam. Undoubtedly, only a highly qualified specialist can carry out this procedure at the proper level.

In the world of cosmetology, discussions have been held for many years on the topic of the harmfulness / usefulness of eyelash extensions. There are 5 most famous myths about artificial cilia:

Thus, for girls to get thick and beautiful eyelashes, it is advisable to contact a qualified specialist.

Are eyelash extensions harmful to the eyes?

Some girls are sure that artificial hair extensions adversely affect eye health. This claim is based on the fact that false eyelashes are attached with glue.

According to the assurances of the opponents of the extension procedure, the glue causes allergic reactions and swelling of the eye. This is partly true. When using low-quality adhesives, allergies may occur.

Therefore, it is advised to glue the hairs with certified adhesives from a good master. Be sure to test on small areas of the skin before the procedure. Only in the absence of allergies, you can begin to attach false hairs.

Eyelash extensions are a simple but painstaking procedure. It is worth choosing an experienced master, because an unqualified specialist can damage the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye. After all, gluing the hairs is done with tweezers. Incorrect movements are likely to cause injury to the eye.

The extension specialist must decontaminate the devices used. Otherwise, clients may experience infectious disease blepharitis, as a result of which all eyelashes fall out.

In addition, dust collects on artificial hairs, forming an environment suitable for the reproduction of bacteria. As a result, women often develop a disease such as conjunctivitis.

Therefore, for the extension procedure, girls should contact a beauty salon that has the necessary licenses.

How long can you grow eyelashes without harm to health

Girls, I turn to the master for the creation of thick and long eyelashes want the effect to last as long as possible. However, you can not walk all your life with false hairs.

Over time, artificial hairs will begin to negatively affect native eyelashes. Experts recommend doing the extension procedure for 9-12 months, and then a break.

But these terms are approximate and it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. With the appearance of allergies, itching, rashes, false hairs should be removed immediately. Every month you need to visit the master for inspection and correction procedure.

In addition, the period of wear of artificial eyelashes depends on the method of extension. If the hairs were glued one by one, then you can walk with them longer.

Indeed, in this case, the external influence does not occur on all native eyelashes. With beam extensions of voluminous hairs, it is worth taking a break every six months. Otherwise, natural eyelashes can break under the weight of false hairs.

After removing artificial hairs, you should take a break to restore native eyelashes. The optimal period is 150-190 days. However, not all women want to wait that long. Therefore, experts assure that a break of 2-3 months will be enough. But all this time it is necessary to strengthen the eyelashes with special nourishing oils.

To eliminate the adverse effects of building, you must follow the necessary security measures:

In addition, there are rules that must be followed after building:

  • do not rub your eyes and stretch the skin around them;
  • wash your face gently with milk or lotion without using any soap;
  • do not use greasy eye cream or oils;
  • apply a degreasing facial lotion to girls with too oily skin;
  • you need to sleep on your back, because during sleep on your stomach, most of the hairs will fall out due to friction on the pillow;
  • Do not use waterproof mascara
  • avoid contact with sea water or chlorinated water.

By following the above tips, girls will be able to enjoy the effect of "doll" eyes for a long time.

To whom the procedure is contraindicated

Eyelash extensions, like any cosmetic procedure, has certain contraindications. A specialist in a beauty salon should acquaint clients with them. Based on this information, girls decide whether they can grow artificial hairs.

The main contraindications to building:

  1. Allergy to substances in the adhesive or artificial hair material. To avoid health problems before the procedure, you need to glue a few eyelashes in the corner of the eye;
  2. Chronic conjunctivitis. This disease is characterized by constant inflammatory process. Artificial hairs can exacerbate the disease;
  3. Use of contact lenses. In this case, the risk of allergies and inflammatory processes increases significantly;
  4. Thin eyelashes. False heavy hairs can completely destroy the structure of native hairs. You need to ask a beautician for advice on how to strengthen eyelashes. Most often, a course of use of castor oil is prescribed.

Doctors' opinion

It is advisable to first visit a doctor (ophthalmologist). Doctors approve eyelash extensions. At the same time, they emphasize that it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and professionally select materials for the procedure.

Therefore, an experienced master will always tell you about all the intricacies of the procedure before the procedure, and the girl will decide whether to start building. After all, the process is absolutely safe, subject to all the necessary rules.

If the fair sex dreams of an expressive look with chic fluffy eyelashes, then the extension is great way get a good result.

All girls dream of long fluffy eyelashes, this is what they become after extension, not a single mascara will give such a result. Do eyelash extensions have cons and contraindications?

One of the mandatory attributes of female beauty is lush, long and curved eyelashes. Eyelash extensions in performance professional master gives an effect that even the best mascara cannot achieve. The extension procedure is complicated, but now it has become accessible to everyone, the process takes no more than a couple of hours, the result will fully comply with the desire. Theatrical super-long eyelashes or more natural, as if they were inherited from nature, this is a personal choice for everyone. After eyelash extensions, you can not dye or curl, many girls go for extensions solely to save time on makeup. But before signing up for extensions, it will be useful to know all the pitfalls of this procedure.

An extension is the attachment of new cilia to your eyelashes, they are made from artificial or natural material The cost of the procedure depends on the choice. Eyelashes are glued using a special composition, there are several technologies, small bundles are glued or each eyelash is glued separately. For a more natural look, 3-5 bunches for each eyelid and a length of 8-9 mm at the base will be enough, closer to the edge of the eye - 10-13 mm. To create a theatrical image, you can stick 10-13 bunches on each eyelid. Sticking eyelashes one at a time, and not in bunches, takes more time, costs a little more, but the result after it lasts longer.

Extension in bunches gives an effect for a couple of weeks, a separate extension - for 2-3 months.

Eyelash extension glue can be colorless and black, when using black glue it will look like a thin line of black eyeliner on the eyelid. Often girls experience allergic reactions to glue. In order not to run into an unpleasant situation, you need to do a trial build-up, the master glues one or two beams in the corners of the eyes so that the client can check if the glue will irritate the eyes.

Eyelash extensions have contraindications, there are few of them, but they are strict:

  • If you are allergic to the components of the glue for building;
  • Weak eyelashes prone to falling out. After eyelash extensions, the condition of the eyelashes may noticeably worsen;
  • Regular manifestations of conjunctivitis;
  • Oily skin around the eyes, occurs infrequently, but does not allow the cilia to hold on;
  • Use of contact lenses. Their owners can make extensions, but the cilia will fall off very quickly due to the regular removal and putting on of lenses.

Otherwise, all fears about eyelash extensions will be unjustified. There is no need to be afraid that the cilia will fall off at the wrong moment and create an awkward situation, after a certain period of time they will begin to fall off gradually, one by one. Eyelash correction is the process of sticking new eyelashes in place of the ones that have fallen off. If eyelashes were extended for any event, and correction is not included in the plans, then after the cilia begin to crumble, they must be removed. In salons for removing eyelashes use special remedy, at home it can be replaced with olive oil. Lubricate the eyelashes with oil at night, and by morning they will go away.

In order to walk with eyelash extensions for as long as possible, you need to take precautions. It is necessary to avoid any contact with eyelashes - do not rub your eyes, avoid contact with water. If you regularly visit the pool, then eyelash extensions do not make sense, they will fall off very quickly from contact with chlorinated water. For facial skin care, you need to use water-based tonics and lotions, fat-containing compounds will act as a solvent for glue.
