You can use this drug for pregnant women. Video - Nutrition during pregnancy

The need to use any medications and medications during pregnancy often causes great anxiety in the expectant mother. It is well known that taking certain drugs can adversely affect the condition of the fetus or even cause developmental abnormalities. This is especially true of the first trimester of pregnancy, when all internal organs and life systems of the future baby.

It is unlikely to go without medication throughout pregnancy. During this period, there may be a cold, a severe headache, an exacerbation of chronic diseases, and other health problems. It is important in such cases not to self-medicate and not to prescribe any drugs on your own, but to consult a doctor.

Doctors usually try to minimize the use of drugs in pregnant women, with the exception of those drugs, the safety of which has been confirmed by studies and many years of practice.

Unfortunately, among the most popular drugs there are many such for which there are simply no complete and reliable data regarding the possible risks of use during pregnancy. In this case, the doctor can only rely on his own knowledge and experience and must assess how important the medication is for the health of the mother, because often the painful condition of the expectant mother is much more dangerous for the unborn baby than the possible risk from a particular drug.

antibiotics during pregnancy

Features of taking antibiotics during pregnancy can be reduced to several of the following principles.

  • In the first trimester, the use of any antibiotics is strongly discouraged.
  • In the second and third trimester, in case of serious indications, it is possible to use certain types of antibiotics strictly as directed and under the supervision of a physician. It should be borne in mind that some drugs are approved for use in the second trimester, and in the third are not allowed. In addition, it is extremely important to observe the correct dosage.
  • Diseases and conditions in which taking antibiotics for a pregnant woman is justified and necessary - pneumonia, pyelonephritis, severe burns and purulent wounds, acute intestinal infections, blood poisoning, as well as diseases provoked by rare types of bacteria that are insensitive to other drugs.
  • For flu, fever or diarrhea of ​​unknown origin, fungal infections, the use of antibiotics, as a rule, does not make sense.

What kind of antibiotics to prescribe to a pregnant woman is determined by a specialist. Conventionally, all such drugs are divided into three groups: permitted during pregnancy (even if they pass the placental barrier, then in small quantities and do not harm the fetus), unacceptable during pregnancy (can cause deviations and disorders in the development of the child) and those whose use perhaps in extreme cases, when the condition of the mother requires it (the effect on the fetus of such drugs is often not yet fully understood).

Can pregnant women take paracetamol?

Paracetamol is one of the most famous and common painkillers and antipyretics. Sometimes it is sold under its own name, but more often we come across drugs that have other names, but in which paracetamol is the main active ingredient. Such drugs include, in particular, Citramon, Panadol, Tylenol, Influstad, Rinza, Coldrex, Fervex, Pharmacitron, Solpadein, Cefecon, Efferalgan and many others in the form of tablets, suppositories, powders, etc.

Side effects when taking paracetamol are reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, allergies, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. With long-term use of large doses, liver damage is possible, so paracetamol should always be considered only as an “ambulance” for acute respiratory viral infections, fever, and severe pain.

Can pregnant women take paracetamol-containing drugs?

  • On the one hand, the negative effect of paracetamol on the fetus has not been proven, therefore, such drugs can be used during pregnancy, but only if there are clear indications ( heat body with SARS, severe headache, etc.) and with strict adherence to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  • On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular drug: if you look at the instructions for a number of medicines based on paracetamol, then many of them will reveal a prohibition for use during pregnancy.

Theraflu, for example, should not be taken by pregnant women, as reported in the annotation of the drug. Citramon, very popular and effective for headaches, in addition to paracetamol, it also contains acetylsalicylic acid ( aspirin). It is because of the presence of aspirin that citramon is contraindicated in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. When used at the beginning of pregnancy, acetylsalicylic acid can cause fetal abnormalities, and in the third trimester, provoke bleeding and weaken tribal activity. Naturally, all this applies not only to citramone, but also to aspirin in pure form.

Also, you should not take antigrippin during pregnancy, a medicine based on paracetamol and ascorbic acid, which is used to combat the symptoms of SARS.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have analgin?

Analgin is an anesthetic drug that is considered literally “classic” in our country (it can also be produced under the names baralgin or trialgin). Meanwhile, this medicine is restricted or even banned in the US, Japan and a number of EU countries, as it can provoke serious blood diseases and disrupt kidney function.

As for taking analgin during pregnancy, in addition to the risk to the mother's body, this can cause disturbances in the formation and functioning of the cardiovascular system of the unborn child. Therefore, the use of analgin by pregnant women is prohibited.

Nurofen during pregnancy

The main active component of Nurofen, ibuprofen, is, like paracetamol, a well-known antipyretic and analgesic agent.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, Nurofen and other ibuprofen-based drugs should not be taken, as this can cause uterine contractions and provoke premature birth.

As for the use in the first and second trimester, it is possible only when absolutely necessary, based on the condition of the mother. Taking nurofen (ibuprofen) can have a particularly adverse effect on future male babies, since the substance can cause disturbances in the development of the genital organs.

A drug such as Nurofen Plus is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have no-shpu and papaverine?

No-shpu gynecologists very often prescribe their patients during pregnancy to relieve spasms and increased tone uterus. It is believed that no-shpa is safe and does not adversely affect the development of the fetus. In the early stages of pregnancy, no-shpa helps to cope with the threat of miscarriage. However, in any case, you should not rush to take no-shpa without consulting a doctor, especially if you have problems with the kidneys, liver or cardiovascular system.

Papaverine, like no-shpa, has an anti-spasmodic effect, however, its effectiveness is usually somewhat lower. There is no evidence that papaverine can be harmful to a pregnant woman and fetus, so the drug is often prescribed to pregnant women, including in the form of suppositories. At the same time, no-shpa is considered more “studied”, and therefore a safer remedy.

Antiviral and immunomodulating agents during pregnancy

SARS or flu during pregnancy - alas, not so rare. It is especially difficult for a future mother to choose the right drugs to alleviate her condition. However, many modern antiviral agents have no contraindications for pregnant women.

  • Arbidol often used for acute respiratory infections and influenza. This tool stimulates the production of interferon in the body, increases resistance to viral infections, has an overwhelming effect on influenza viruses type A and B. Arbidol is a low-toxic drug and can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  • A similar mechanism of action has anaferon, however, its use during pregnancy is not recommended, since there are no reliable data on the effect of the drug on the fetus.
  • Viferon- a complex antiviral drug, available in the form of suppositories, as well as in the format of an ointment and gel. Viferon contains human interferon, it activates the production of antibodies in the body and increases resistance to infections. Viferon has no contraindications for use during pregnancy. This medicine is even used to treat premature babies.

Means against various manifestations of acute respiratory infections, colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract (runny nose, sore throat, cough, etc.), including external ones

  • Mukaltin- a cough medicine known to all of us since childhood. Mukaltin has a strong expectorant effect, so it is prescribed, including for bronchitis and pneumonia. Of the contraindications to taking mukaltin, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis and kidney disease are usually indicated. However, there is not enough experience with the use of the drug during pregnancy, so only a doctor can prescribe it, taking into account possible risks for the expectant mother and baby.
  • Furacilin- tablets from which a bright yellow solution is prepared, which is used to treat serious wounds and burns, with conjunctivitis, as well as for gargling with colds. In addition, furatsilin can be produced in the form of an aerosol, ointment and ready-made solutions. Pregnancy is not a contraindication to treatment with furatsilin, however, there are no reliable data on the safety of its use during this period.
  • Doctor Mom- lozenges, syrup and ointment for the treatment of cough and other manifestations of acute respiratory infections. These preparations have a vegetable basis (the composition includes licorice extract, ginger extract and other components). Despite the fact that drugs do not have a systemic effect and are used to treat children, the use of Doctor Mom products by pregnant women is not recommended: there is not enough experience of treatment with these drugs among expectant mothers. Also, experts fear a possible negative impact from licorice extract.
  • Bioparox- inhalation drug for the treatment of various inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. It is an aerosol can that is used to inject into the nose or mouth. The active substance of bioparox is the antibiotic fusafungin. As in many of the cases described above, there is no exact evidence that this medicine can be safely used during pregnancy. Doctors are advised to evaluate the possible effect on the health of the mother from treatment with Bioparox and decide on the possibility of prescribing the drug.
  • Lugol- "old as the world" drug for the treatment of tonsillitis and other diseases of the throat. Lugol is an aqueous solution of iodine in potassium iodide. Sometimes glycerin is added to it.

The use of Lugol during pregnancy is not an entirely unambiguous question. The annotation to the drug states that it is not recommended to use Lugol for pregnant women - there is not enough experience in using it, moreover, a possible overdose of iodine can adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. However, many doctors do not see a problem if future mom will be treated with the help of Lugol, because the drug is used only externally (the surfaces of the pharynx and tonsils are treated with a solution), and the iodine content in it is not so high as to act on the thyroid gland. For additional safety net, it is recommended that a pregnant woman refuse to take iodomarin or other iodine-containing drugs for the period of treatment with Lugol.

  • Ingalipt- an aerosol for the treatment of the throat based on streptocide and vegetable oils (eucalyptus and mint). In general, the drug is not prohibited during pregnancy, but can only be prescribed by a doctor if there are strong indications. Be sure to follow the permissible dosage.
  • Hexoral- an effective antifungal and antiseptic drug for the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, diseases of the oral cavity. It is often used as an additional aid in various SARS. With regard to treatment with Hexoral during pregnancy, there is no information on possible harmful effects on the fetus. However, on this moment There are also no complete data on the safety of the drug for expectant mothers and babies, so the decision on the appointment is made by the doctor, taking into account all risk factors.
  • Faringosep t - tablets for resorption in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, throat and upper respiratory tract. This drug helps well with tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, etc. The annotations indicate that pharyngosept can be used by pregnant women, since there are no data on side effects and negative effects on the child. In fairness, it is worth noting that serious clinical studies regarding the safety of pharyngocept for pregnant women have not been conducted.
  • lollipops Halls often used to relieve sore throats and coughs. They include menthol, eucalyptus oil, glucose and other excipients. The abstract reports that during pregnancy, these lozenges can be used as directed by a doctor. In practice, pregnant women often take Hols for a cold. It is only necessary to take into account that lozenges can only temporarily alleviate unpleasant symptoms, but do not fight the causes of the disease.
  • Chlorophyllipt- bright green alcohol or oil solution of eucalyptus extract. It is often recommended to be used for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, nasopharynx, etc. Chlorphyllipt can also be sold as a spray.

It cannot be said that chlorphyllipt is prescribed to pregnant women without any fear or hesitation, however, in the absence of allergic reactions, this is one of the most common drugs used by expectant mothers. Often it is prescribed for newborn babies. Chlorphyllipt is quite effective, quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms.

  • Miramistin used as an external agent in the treatment of acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, sinusitis, as well as for the treatment of burns, purulent wounds and in gynecological practice. Global studies regarding the safety of miramistin for pregnant women have not been conducted. However, it is often prescribed as a mouthwash for mothers-to-be and for various skin conditions. Miramistin is not used for gynecological manipulations during pregnancy.

Is it possible to take Derinat for pregnant women?

Derinat- a modern immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agent. Available as a solution for treating wounds and ulcers, for application to the surface of the throat and tonsils in acute respiratory diseases, as well as for instillation into the nose. The medicine is of natural origin (produced from the milk of certain fish species).

The use of Derinat during pregnancy often causes controversy. The annotation states that the use of the drug by pregnant women is not recommended, but doctors sometimes prescribe it to their patients. In any case, there are no reliable data on the safety of Derinat during this period. In addition, there is an opinion that strong immunomodulatory drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause miscarriage.

Oxolinic ointment we all know it as a good prophylactic against influenza and SARS, if you lubricate the nasal mucosa with it.

As is often the case, there is no reliable data on the harm or safety of using oxolin ointment during pregnancy. But pregnancy does not appear in contraindications to the drug. Doctors quite often prescribe this ointment to pregnant women, rightly believing that the risk of a possible infection of a future mother with the flu is much more serious than the probable one. negative impact"oxolinks".

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops

Vasoconstrictors are best for helping with nasal congestion. However, doctors recommend always using such drugs with caution, since when using them for more than 3-4 days, a condition may occur when the vessels can no longer work properly without drops. This can provoke the so-called medicinal rhinitis, when nasal discharge becomes even larger, and it is already much more difficult to treat them.

Is it possible for pregnant women to use naphthyzinum, tizin, nazivin and other vasoconstrictor drops?

During pregnancy, the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops is not recommended at any time. First of all, it concerns naphthyzinum. It can cause spasm of the vessels of the uterus and disrupt the normal blood flow in the "womb-placenta" system, which has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the fetus and can lead to developmental abnormalities.

  • Tizin like more modern facility, doctors sometimes prescribe to pregnant women, but it can be used only occasionally and with great care.
  • The same applies to Nazivin: it is recommended to use it during pregnancy in children's concentrations and if other means do not help. The period of taking Nazivin should not exceed 3 days.
  • Pinosol may be an alternative to vasoconstrictors during pregnancy. This is a herbal preparation, it contains oils of pine, mint, eucalyptus, thyme. These drops are considered one of the safest medicines for the common cold. If a pregnant woman is not allergic to the components of Pinosol, then it can be used (as prescribed by a doctor) to treat a runny nose, but the total duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

Means for the gastrointestinal tract

Almost every pregnant woman during pregnancy periodically encounters unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. It can be nausea, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and other phenomena. What drugs are used to relieve such conditions?

Can activated or white charcoal be pregnant?

Black activated carbon is an effective sorbent that absorbs all dangerous and harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract. harmful substances, and therefore an indispensable assistant in case of poisoning. During pregnancy, activated charcoal is not only allowed, but often recommended. It is not absorbed into the bloodstream and does not affect the baby in any way, since it does not pass through the placental barrier. However, we must remember that coal "absorbs" not only harmful, but often useful substances, so its too abundant and uncontrolled use can lead to beriberi.

You should not take activated charcoal at the same time as vitamins, because then there will be no benefit from the latter. The interval between doses should be at least 2 hours.

White charcoal is, in fact, a more modern and concentrated version of black activated charcoal. However, due to the lack of complete information about its possible effect on the fetus and the body of the expectant mother, white coal is not recommended during pregnancy.

Mezim, festal, rennie and other stomach remedies

  • Mezim- a well-known enzyme remedy that compensates for the deficiency in the body of its own pancreatic enzymes and normalizes digestion processes. In addition to diseases of the pancreas, it is often prescribed to improve the digestion and assimilation of food with an improper diet, eating large amounts of fatty, “heavy” food. There are no contraindications regarding the use of mezim during pregnancy, only it must be taken into account that taking this drug can affect the absorption of iron, therefore, with prolonged use, iron preparations may be prescribed at the same time.
  • Festal, like mezim, is an enzyme preparation that promotes better absorption of food. As prescribed by the doctor, festal can be used by pregnant women.
  • Rennie is a popular remedy for heartburn. Heartburn is a frequent companion of pregnant women, especially in the third trimester, when the baby is already quite large and the growing uterus puts a lot of pressure on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Many pregnant women take rennie to relieve the symptoms of heartburn. The abstract confirms that this drug has no contraindications during pregnancy, but the dosage must be strictly observed.
  • Espumizan- one of the most famous drugs that alleviate the symptoms of bloating. It is used even for babies in case of intestinal colic. They say about this drug that its mechanism of action is due not so much to the "chemistry" in the composition as to physics - it contributes to the breakdown of bubbles in the intestines. Espumizan has practically no side effects and contraindications and can be used during pregnancy.
  • Almagel prescribed for various diseases and painful conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, gastritis with high acidity, flatulence, pain or discomfort in the abdomen after diet violations, etc. During pregnancy, Almagel can be prescribed by a doctor, but the total period of its use should not exceed three days.

Allergy Remedies

  • Diazolin- one of the most famous antihistamines, which is used to treat various allergic diseases. However, the use of diazolin during pregnancy is not recommended.
  • Suprastin- Another popular antiallergic drug. In-depth clinical studies regarding the safety of its use during pregnancy have not been conducted, therefore, suprastin is not recommended for pregnant women (especially in the first trimester and in the last weeks of pregnancy) and is possible only if the effect on the health of the mother significantly outweighs the likely risk to the fetus.

Other medicines and home remedies

Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), alas, is common in pregnant women. One of the most effective drugs in this case is kanefron having natural composition. According to the doctor's prescription and in compliance with the dosage, kanefron can be used during pregnancy.

Can Pregnant Women Take Lidocaine?

The use of lidocaine as an anesthetic or in diseases of the cardiovascular system during pregnancy is generally not prohibited, but requires careful consideration by the doctor.


Often during pregnancy there is a need for the use of sedatives. Expectant mothers are often prescribed glycine how effective and safe remedy from insomnia, overexcitation, stressful psycho-emotional state.

"Old, kind" valerian it is also constantly used by pregnant women, however, in the first trimester it is contraindicated. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor before taking valerian.

Is it possible for pregnant women to soda (wash, douche, drink)?

Drinking soda during pregnancy to combat heartburn is not recommended, as it can backfire and cause symptoms to worsen.

There is no consensus regarding the use of soda for douching and washing during pregnancy (in the case of thrush), however, many doctors agree that any douching during pregnancy is undesirable. Washing with a soda solution is safer.

Pregnant women can safely use baking soda for gargling.

Potassium permanganate during pregnancy, it can be used for baths that help with exacerbation of hemorrhoids. There are no contraindications for the use of potassium permanganate by pregnant women, but it is better to refrain from douching.

Reception hydrogen peroxide orally during pregnancy is contraindicated. There are no restrictions on external use.

Balm "Asterisk" during pregnancy

The well-known Asterisk balm during pregnancy should be used with caution and only if the expectant mother does not have allergic reactions. There are no studies on the safety of Asterisk in pregnant women, however, many pregnant women use it to relieve headaches and severe runny nose.

Is hematogen possible for pregnant women?

Hematogen contains iron, stimulates hematopoiesis, normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Despite many positive properties, during pregnancy, hematogen can cause allergic reactions, diarrhea, and increase the likelihood of blood clots in the vessels of the placenta. Therefore, taking hematogen during pregnancy is possible only in some cases, strictly according to the doctor's prescription, for example, when a woman has iron deficiency anemia.

10 strict "no" during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a state of mind, body and health of the whole organism. This is a wonderful and unforgettable period in the life of any woman, however, and quite vulnerable. Therefore, the expectant mother should not be vigilant and should be aware of what is strictly forbidden for her in these 9 months of pot-bellied happiness.


The effect of alcohol on the fetus is well researched. Ethanol easily penetrates through the placenta immediately into the blood of the fetus, causing congenital deformities. Facial anomalies, microcephaly (underdevelopment of the brain), physical underdevelopment, anomalies in the development of organs - these are the dangers of drinking alcohol, especially in the first trimester.


Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which reacts with hemoglobin and replaces part of the oxygen during gas exchange. As a result, both the mother and the fetus experience a lack of oxygen. Intrauterine hypoxia is fraught with developmental delay, problems with the cardiovascular system, and reduced immunity. Smoking during pregnancy can cause placental abruption, pregnancy failure, and even premature birth. Nicotine can also affect the psyche of the unborn child.


Excess caffeine is believed to overstretch the cardiovascular system in the mother and fetus, cause anxiety, and can even lead to miscarriage or premature birth. But here we must make a reservation that all this is true if you drink more than 3 cups of espresso per day. Women with high blood pressure coffee is generally contraindicated.


The instructions for the drug always indicate whether it is contraindicated for pregnant women. Otherwise, it is better to consult a doctor once again. Prohibited during pregnancy are vasoconstrictor nasal drops, ambroxol, ambrobene, aspirin, a number of antibiotics, etc.

Medicinal herbs

Among a fairly large number of useful medicinal herbs, there are those that can provoke a miscarriage, and those that have a negative effect on the fetus. You can find out which herbs are contraindicated in our Encyclopedia.

weight lifting

During pregnancy, avoid lifting heavy objects (no more than 2 kg). Such a thoughtless movement can provoke a miscarriage. This is especially true with uterine hypertonicity.

X-ray and fluorography

With x-ray exposure, there is a risk of damage to the nervous system of the child. Therefore, this type of diagnosis is prohibited during pregnancy.

Active sports

Sports such as weightlifting, equestrianism, cycling and any other power and traumatic sports fall under a strict ban. It is recommended to give preference to swimming, walking in the fresh air, (yoga and Pilates).


It is always necessary to protect yourself from stressful situations, but especially during pregnancy. Therefore, if your work involves a busy schedule, frequent negotiations and active participation in large-scale projects, then consider how to avoid all this. The load at work should in no case be reflected either on your nerves or on the health of you and your baby.

Some Products

Do not eat raw or undercooked eggs. Eggs must be thoroughly cooked, whites and yolks must be firm. This prevents the risk of Salmonella infection. Do not drink raw (not pasteurized) milk, you can only one that has undergone thorough heat treatment or pasteurization. Raw or poorly cooked meat also forbidden to use during pregnancy. The same applies to sausages and minced meat. Should be avoided moldy cheeses. They may contain listeria, the bacteria that causes listeriosis. Even a mild form of this infectious disease during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or severe illness in the newborn.

Pregnancy is certainly not a disease. However, this condition often requires the use of certain medicines. In addition, the usual means of dealing with the disease may now be undesirable for you. Therefore, the usual composition of your home first aid kit should be replenished with the following components.

1. Multivitamins

The pregnant woman needs more vitamins, and even rational nutrition during this period cannot fully satisfy the body's need for vitamins and microelements. It is best to take multivitamin preparations designed specifically for pregnant women. The doctor will help you choose such a drug. However, if you experience various complications during pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe the following drugs in addition to your multivitamins:

  1. folic acid- vitamin B9, which is recommended to be taken before the 12th week of pregnancy, because with its deficiency, anemia, blood clotting disorders, and fetal malnutrition can develop. A sufficient amount of folic acid will ensure the correct formation of the neural tube of the fetus, from which the baby's nervous system will then form;
  2. vitamin E performs an important protective function in the body, fighting free radicals - metabolic products that destroy cells; in addition, it helps to relax the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy, thereby preventing its interruption;
  3. during pregnancy, the need for gland, because this trace element is part of hemoglobin, which ensures the delivery of oxygen to the body not only of the mother, but also of the fetus. Satisfying this need is quite difficult by simply adjusting the diet;
  4. calcium ensures proper growth and formation of fetal bone tissue. If calcium is supplied in insufficient quantities with food, then it is "taken" from the mother's bones, which leads to a violation of their structure - osteoporosis, deterioration of the teeth. Therefore, pregnant women in some cases are recommended to take calcium supplements. Often these preparations also contain vitamin D, which helps to improve the absorption of incoming calcium.

The necessary dosage and duration of taking these drugs will be selected by your doctor, because they are individual for each woman and depend on the severity of pregnancy complications.

2. No-shpa

This antispasmodic drug, which is used during pregnancy with an increase in the tone of the uterus. The action of the drug is based on the relaxation of the muscular muscles of the uterus. Clinical studies have shown that no-shpa does not adversely affect the fetus. Doctors recommend having this drug with you and using it if there are signs of increased uterine tone ( pain in the abdomen, when the uterus becomes hard and dense, does not relax for a long time). It is recommended to take no more than 6 no-shpy tablets per day. Before you start taking no-shpa, you need to consult a doctor, since this drug should not be taken with symptoms of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

3. Candles with papaverine

They have an action similar to no-shpe, and are used to enhance its action, since both of these drugs interact, increasing the duration of each other's therapeutic effect. Candles with papaverine - rectal, i.e. are inserted into the rectum, the frequency of their use is determined by the doctor.

4. Laxatives

During pregnancy, stool problems often occur, which interferes with normal digestion and metabolism. If a corrective diet does not help, mild laxatives can be used, such as Guttalax. This drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy and does not affect the fetus.

5. Preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Often occurring during pregnancy, constipation can provoke the development of hemorrhoids - varicose veins of the anus and rectum in the form of painful knots and bumps that begin to bleed when the bowel is emptied. Can be used after 12 weeks of pregnancy rectal suppositories and cream Hepatrombin, suppositories with novocaine. While taking these drugs hemorrhoids become smaller, the pain will go away. In addition, hepatrombin will also have a preventive effect: against the background of its use, the risk of recurrence of the disease is sharply reduced.

6. Means that increase immunity

Can be used for colds immune boosting agents. These include, for example, a drug containing interferon, which helps fight bacterial and viral infections, Viferon. It should be noted that a dosage of 150 thousand IU is suitable for pregnant women.

7. Oxolinic ointment

For the prevention of SARS and influenza **, especially during epidemics, you can use a tool such as Oxolinic ointment. It is placed in a small amount in the nose, lubricating its mucous membrane. The action of oxolinic ointment is based on the fact that it prevents the introduction of the virus. It is recommended to use oxolinic ointment before a planned visit to crowded places, as well as in the autumn-winter period. Balm can be used in the same way Vitaon.

8. Calm

In the first half of pregnancy, given the peculiarities of changes in the excitability of the nervous system, such as increased tearfulness, irritability, and in the second half of pregnancy, given frequent insomnia, you may find it useful sedative. As such, we can recommend Valerian and motherwort(they can be used in the form of tablets, extracts, decoctions of dry herbs). You can use the drug Novopassit, which is based on herbs and does not contain alcohol.

9. Remedies for heartburn

Often occurs in the second half of pregnancy heartburn, because the growing uterus “supports” the diaphragm and stomach, as a result of which the outflow of bile is disturbed: it is thrown into the stomach, esophagus. This problem can be eliminated by taking pills. Rennie or Almagel.

10.Headache Remedies

The question often arises: is it possible for a pregnant woman to take medication for headache? It should be remembered: to endure a headache is much more harmful than drinking painkillers (of course, if the head hurts not regularly, but occasionally). If you are worried about frequent, excruciating headaches, then they may indicate the development of a disease, and you should consult a doctor.

If such a reason is excluded, one can accept anesthetic. The most studied in terms of the effect on a pregnant woman and fetus paracetamol and preparations based on it (for example, Panadol). In small doses or with a short period of treatment, it does not adversely affect the fetus.

11. Antihistamines

During pregnancy, due to a change in the immune status, there is a high probability of manifestation of certain allergic reactions, even if you have not had to deal with this disease before. In this case, such well-known drugs as Suprastin, Claritin.

In conclusion, we recall: to apply any medicines it is possible only after consulting a doctor and with extreme caution - up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Nadezhda Zaretskaya

Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category


Being pregnant, it is not enough for a woman to give up alcohol alone. Many drinks from Everyday life should be limited, and some even abolished. For example, your favorite coffee can be consumed no more than 1 time per day due to the caffeine it contains. Black tea should be drunk lightly brewed. And with cocoa you need to be careful, because it is a strong allergen.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and swelling does not bother the expectant mother, doctors recommend drinking 2 liters of fluid per day. What can replace ordinary water? If you are a happy owner of a juicer, prepare yourself freshly squeezed juices. These can be mono-juices: apple, pear, pumpkin, etc. Or mixed, for example, an apple combined with carrots or oranges. Do not drink any one juice for several days. Diversify your menu.

You should not drink citrus juice in its pure form, this can lead to allergies. But pomegranate juice must be included in your diet. It increases hemoglobin, the lack of which expectant mothers often suffer from. The systematic use of pomegranate juice can reduce the amount of blood lost in childbirth.

Fruit drinks cooked from cranberries, lingonberries or currants will benefit both you and yours. You can also water berry jams or jams. For these purposes, it is better to use your own stocks, because store-bought products contain preservatives, dyes and other chemicals.

Green tea contains no less caffeine than regular black tea. Instead, treat yourself to homemade white or fragrant tea. To do this, you will need leaves, flowers or fruits of plants at the rate of 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Raspberries, blueberries, currants, lemon balm, mint, rose hips are perfect as raw materials. A decoction of lingonberry leaves well removes excess water from the body, it is often prescribed for.

Milk is poorly absorbed by an adult organism, so it is better to replace it with fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk or cream. They contain calcium and potassium, necessary for the formation of a small organism. Also, these products are rich in beneficial bacteria that will improve the functioning of the intestines and strengthen the immunity of the expectant mother.

It is a mistake to think that limiting fluid intake will reduce swelling, which often occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. This can lead to dehydration of the body, which will cause even more harm. To prevent or reduce edema, you should limit the amount of salt in the diet of the expectant mother. It is she who retains water.

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Do not prepare tea with the addition of sage, chamomile, valerian or parsley. These herbs increase the tone of the uterus.

Helpful advice

If pregnancy is accompanied by toxicosis, add a few drops to a glass of clean water. lemon juice.

A cup of aromatic coffee or sweet tea perfectly invigorates in the morning. These drinks are an essential part of any breakfast. When a woman finds out about her interesting position, she begins to worry about the benefits and harms of certain products, so the question of whether pregnant women can drink coffee and tea is natural.

The caffeine contained in coffee, in small quantities, cannot harm the body of a pregnant woman. But with frequent use of coffee, there is a risk of violations in the development of the fetus. Some research suggests that caffeine has a detrimental effect on nervous system developing in the womb of a child, emphasize the relationship of drinking with miscarriages and premature.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to drink coffee, it is necessary to consider the effect of its active substances on the mother's body. So, caffeine excites the nervous system, increases blood circulation, increases pressure in the vessels. If a woman suffers from headaches during childbearing due to low blood pressure, then drinking a small amount of weak coffee can even be useful, but during preeclampsia, it should be completely abandoned.

Coffee has a diuretic effect, so during pregnancy it can cause discomfort to a woman associated with an already frequent urination. Instant coffee can cause heartburn due to its high acidity.

It is better to drink substitute drinks that do not contain caffeine instead of coffee during pregnancy. And if you still really want to enjoy your favorite taste and aroma, then coffee should be diluted with milk or cream.

If pregnant women are not recommended to drink coffee, is it possible for a pregnant woman to drink tea? You should not overdo it with this drink either, because it also contains an analog of caffeine. Its concentration is especially high in green tea. Therefore, doctors recommend that pregnant women switch to herbal preparations and decoctions of dried fruits.

During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for her health, but also for the well-being of the baby. That is why during an illness it is better to be treated not with pharmaceutical preparations, but to brew teas from medicinal herbs.

You will need

  • - chamomile;
  • - dog-rose fruit;
  • - lingonberry leaves;
  • - raspberry leaves;
  • - Melissa;
  • - mint.


Weakened immunity during pregnancy often makes itself felt with colds. You can alleviate your condition at this time with an infusion of linden or raspberry. Moreover, a woman in position can drink raspberry infusion even a few weeks before childbirth, because. it has a relaxing effect on the ligaments and speeds up the process of childbirth. Infusions of rose hips, verbena and echinacea will help maintain immunity, they are rich in vitamins and have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

It is good to gargle with infusions of chamomile, because. it has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract, effectively normalizing the stool. But it should be borne in mind that they should not be abused. The maximum amount per day should not exceed two cups.

Tea with calendula, mint and St. John's wort is very useful throughout the entire pregnancy. Infusion of lemon balm perfectly copes with toxicosis, relieves the feeling of constant nausea and relieves discomfort in the intestines.

Also, tea with grated ginger helps with morning sickness. In addition, it will energize you for the whole day. With the same problem, fennel infusion is effective, though they should not be abused.

Often, expectant mothers have problems with pressure. The medicinal collection, consisting of wild rose, hawthorn and St.

Removes toxins from the body and fights swelling collection of hawthorn, motherwort and lingonberry leaves. It is drunk in small portions throughout the day.

Relieves constipation finely chopped rhubarb root, filled with a small amount of water. The threat of premature birth can neutralize the infusion of elecampane root.

forbidden herbs during pregnancy

Most of the medicinal herbs used in the normal state are strictly prohibited for pregnant women. They can harm your body, the health of the unborn child, cause premature birth, provoke a miscarriage or contribute to the birth of an unhealthy baby. These are aloe, barberry, oregano, lovage, tansy, licorice, sage, etc. Before using any herbal decoctions and infusions, be sure to consult your gynecologist.

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The diet of the expectant mother greatly affects the rate of metabolic processes in her body and the absorption of nutrients necessary for the development of the baby. The supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and useful trace elements to the fetus, its uniform growth and development, as well as weight gain, the work of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels of the woman herself depend on the intensity of metabolism.

On the one hand, there are many foods that pregnant women should not eat. On the other hand, some expectant mothers are on a strict diet.

You should not go to extremes, you just need to figure out what really can harm not proper nutrition during pregnancy.

Why is proper nutrition so important during pregnancy?

Many future parents imagine the “harmfulness” of a particular food product literally: if a pregnant woman eats something, it will get to the fetus and harm it. However, this is not the case: in reality, the situation with "forbidden" products is much more complicated. There is no direct digestive tube between the body of mother and baby. The food eaten by a pregnant woman is broken down in her digestive tract into the main products necessary for the normal functioning of the body and the development of the fetus - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These substances are essential for energy metabolism. Through the intestinal wall, they are absorbed into the bloodstream and delivered through the blood vessels to the baby.

From the majority harmful components modern food products - food additives, flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes, flavors - the baby is protected by the placental barrier (a unique double microfilter from the walls of the capillaries of the uterus and placenta). If the placenta does its job well, then the molecules of harmful substances literally do not go through “customs control” and do not enter the fetal circulation.

Among those foods that we traditionally eat, there are none that could directly affect the health of the fetus. There is no such food, drink, fruit or vegetable, nut, berry, etc., which is usually useful, but becomes harmful during pregnancy. However, this does not mean at all that the expectant mother can safely eat whatever she wants without fear for the health of the unborn baby. Pregnancy is an additional burden on a woman's body, and a very significant one. All her organs and systems work in “wartime mode”, and sometimes in the most literal sense: the growing uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs, including the stomach and pancreas, liver and gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, bladder And a large number of large blood vessels. With this mode of operation, any error in nutrition, which in normal times would manifest itself as a slight malaise or would go unnoticed at all, can seriously affect the metabolism and worsen the well-being of the expectant mother.

No food, in fact, can directly harm the baby. However, the use of harmful products always adversely affects the health of the future mother herself, on which the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus depend. Thus, reviewing your diet during pregnancy is not an empty reinsurance, and you need to take it reasonably and with all seriousness.

What not to eat pregnant: "black list" of toxic foods

Of course, the expectant mother should make a “forbidden list” for herself, which will include all products that are obviously dangerous to health. Pregnant women should not eat chips, chemical sweet drinks, foods with flavors and artificial colors, canned food.

They contain harmful substances that impede digestion, the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and are toxic to the body as a whole. During pregnancy, these dubious delicacies fall under a strict ban: a woman’s body experiences a double load, and improper nutrition during this period can lead to serious health problems much faster, which will immediately affect the condition of the fetus.

The most common consequences of the use of harmful products during pregnancy include cholelithiasis. These diseases, accompanied by severe pain and a significant deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother, often require urgent surgical intervention which significantly increases the risk of miscarriage.

In addition, during the period of expectation of the baby, you should not use coffee and alcohol- these products can provoke a rise in blood pressure, uterine hypertonicity and the risk of placental abruption. In addition, the half-life products of alcohol circulating in the blood of a pregnant woman are toxic to the fetus.

Nutrition during pregnancy: how to avoid excess weight?

In addition to the “forbidden list”, there are other products that it is desirable to significantly limit for various reasons. So it is better to reduce the consumption of bread, pasta and all kinds of pastries, confectionery, as well as meat and meat products with a high fat content (lard, bacon, fatty sausages), as they contribute to excessive weight gain.

They literally harm the health of mother and baby, sometimes jeopardizing the very fact of pregnancy. Being overweight places an increased strain on the cardiovascular system.

Against the background of a pathological weight gain in a pregnant woman, pressure often rises, the tone of the uterus increases, and placental blood flow decreases. As a result of such changes, the fetus experiences a lack of nutrition and oxygen - fetoplacental insufficiency develops, often leading to (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.

Pregnant women with a significant weight gain (15 kg or more) are at risk for the development of late toxicosis, or preeclampsia, characterized by the appearance of edema, increased pressure and loss of protein in the urine. Without timely treatment, this complication can lead to premature placental abruption, the development of eclampsia (a convulsive syndrome against the background of an uncontrolled rise in blood pressure), and uterine bleeding.

Unfortunately, these most dangerous complications, which endanger the life of mother and child, in the vast majority of cases (82%!) develop in pregnant women with pathologically overweight. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to monitor a uniform weight gain and limit pleasant "excesses" in her diet.

Foods that interfere with the digestion of pregnant women

During pregnancy, it is recommended to significantly limit the use of smoked meats, spicy, fried foods, as well as legumes, corn and highly carbonated drinks. The reason why the listed dishes fall out of favor is simple: during pregnancy, due to the pressure of the growing uterus, the digestion process is significantly hampered, so foods that are difficult to digest cause the expectant mother special discomfort.

An abundance of spicy and fried foods can cause hepatic colic and vomiting even in a perfectly healthy expectant mother, and legumes and soda can cause prolonged flatulence (bloating), which gives a pregnant woman a lot of discomfort and often becomes an indirect cause of increased uterine tone.

Avoid allergens during pregnancy

Expectant mother should be careful to use "allergenic" products - citrus, Exotic fruits and meals.

During pregnancy, a first-time allergic reaction to foods that a woman ate before pregnancy without any consequences is often detected. Allergy is dangerous for a future mother, because it is a predisposing factor in the development of early and late toxicosis of pregnancy - complications that sometimes cause miscarriage. Therefore, you should not lean on “recognized” allergens.

Many people think that if the expectant mother eats allergenic foods during pregnancy, then. This is the most common misconception about the nutrition of a pregnant woman. But it is important to understand that there are no foods that directly affect the health of the fetus. Allergy is laid down genetically at the time of fertilization or is acquired already during life under the influence of external adverse factors (for example, poor ecology or harmful production). However, it is in the embryonic period (during fetal development) that a person is reliably protected from the influence of adverse factors with the help of the placental barrier. Thus, the development of allergies in a child is in no way connected with the use of allergenic foods by the mother during pregnancy. You should refuse only those products that provoke allergies in the pregnant woman herself.
