Armpit hair removal rules or how to shave your armpits correctly. Can I shave my armpits with an epilator Is it painful to shave my armpits with an epilator

What the fair sex does not use today in order to remove unwanted hair: shaving, waxing, laser and photoepilation. Shaving does not give a lasting effect, in addition, the hair becomes stiffer and coarser; wax is a rather painful procedure that requires regular visits to a beautician; laser and photoepilation is not a cheap pleasure. In this regard, many ladies began to think: is it possible to shave the armpits with an epilator?

Features, advantages and disadvantages

Modern devices allow you to unequivocally answer - yes, you can. The epilator allows you to remove the hair along with the bulb, which significantly slows down its growth, however, this happens quite painfully. It is important to note that it is impossible to use an underarm epilator if there are wounds, abrasions, scratches and irritations on the skin.

Hair removal with an epilator has its advantages:

  • Long term result. hair in armpits ah will not grow for at least two weeks, and each time this period will increase.
  • Over time, the hairs will become softer and more supple, and the pain will practically not be felt.
  • Small costs. You will only have to spend money on the epilator itself. Thus, you no longer need to regularly change machines or visit a beauty salon.

However, this method also has its drawbacks, namely:

  • The problem of ingrown hairs.
  • Sufficiently strong pain during epilation, especially in people with a low pain threshold.
  • Possible skin irritation and discomfort after the procedure.

It is worth approaching the choice of a home epilator with all responsibility - both the process itself and the result will depend on this. The market offers a wide selection of models for every taste, color and budget. You should focus on your pain threshold - today there are models with cooling nozzles, a massage and airflow function, a brand - as famous brand you have less doubts, and, of course, your financial capabilities.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for hair removal with an epilator to be as easy and simple as possible, it is necessary to prepare for the procedure in advance. Namely:

  • The length of the hairs required to be captured by the epilator is about 5 millimeters, therefore, a few days before epilation, it is recommended to shave them with a machine, and by the appointed day they will grow to the desired length. Too much long hair, on the contrary, complicate the process.
  • Some devices have the function of "wet" hair removal, others do not. In this case, you must first take a bath or a warm shower in order to properly steam the skin. The pores will open, the hair follicles will weaken. Be sure to dry your skin thoroughly with a towel. You can use lotion, but only completely absorbed.
  • Exfoliate a few days before hair removal. Suitable coffee scrub, salt or sugar. It will remove dead skin cells, thus getting rid of ingrown hairs, and the epilation process will be easy, and the result will last longer.

  • Do not use fatty oils and creams - they will make the hair less supple.
  • Best time for the procedure - evening. Due to the fact that after epilation the skin is still irritated for some time, it is recommended to avoid the use of deodorants and antiperspirants. It is better to put on underwear made from natural fabrics and go to bed. And by morning, irritation and discomfort will pass, and it will be possible to evaluate the result.
  • It is important to adjust to the menstrual cycle. It is known that at this time the pain threshold decreases, the skin becomes more sensitive. In order to avoid severe pain, it would be wiser to postpone the epilation to other days.
  • If the design of the epilator provides for cooling nozzles, they must be removed in advance, filled with water and placed in the freezer. During use, they will help to reduce the sensitivity of the skin and the pain will not be so noticeable.
  • If a cooling glove is available, it must also be pre-filled with water and frozen. Then you can apply to the armpits.

The procedure itself

So, the skin is prepared, and you can proceed directly to the epilation of the armpits:

  • If you know that your pain threshold is low, take care of purchasing special anesthetic creams for hair removal in advance, and smear your armpits before proceeding.
  • The next thing to do is to choose the appropriate nozzle for this type of hair.
  • Since armpit hair grows in all directions, the epilator is installed either vertically or at a ninety-degree angle. You should move up and down, or, if the epilator is equipped with a floating head, in a circle.
  • Do not press too hard on the device, it is better to hold it slightly at an angle.

  • It is not recommended to repeatedly pass the device over one place - this can lead to irritation and a rash on the skin.
  • Putting pressure on the skin itself is also undesirable, later it can be fraught with ingrown hairs. You can stretch the skin a little with your fingers - so it will be easier for the epilator to grab the hair, and there will be less pain.
  • The speed should be set to the minimum. This will reduce pain and prevent hair breakage.
  • Some devices have a massage or cold air function. If the pain is too strong - use them, it will reduce it a little.

After each hair is removed, the skin must be disinfected. This can be done with ordinary hydrogen peroxide or chamomile compress. Then soothe the skin with a moisturizer. It is not advisable to use deodorant and antiperspirant for several days to avoid irritation.

If you still opted for an epilator to remove unwanted hair in the armpits, choose the device that suits your requirements, prepare your skin in advance, follow all necessary rules during the procedure, and the result will exceed all expectations, and pain will be minimized. And with each successive time, they will be less and less, as the skin will gradually get used to such an effect, and the effect will only improve.

​ATTENTION! This review contains information and conclusions drawn from the experience of personal use and does not call for an epilation procedure on any part of the body.

Hello! Epilator or shaver...? or not THAT or OTHER ...? Maybe tar, sugar or depilatory cream...? Everyone chooses for himself WHERE, HOW and WHAT he will remove "excess hair" ... And nature continues to prove to us that there are no "excess hair" on the human body, making our struggle for a "bald future" endless! Still, not a single portage is accidental ...

A little bit about yourself:

  • "hairiness" - increased, according to the male type.
  • hair growth rate is high in all areas.
  • hair color - from medium blond on the arms to chestnut and black in other areas.
  • hair thickness - thin on the arms, thick and hard in other areas.

Why did you buy an epilator?

  • epilation on legs
  • epilation in the armpits
  • epilation of the bikini area (full)
  • epilation on hands

To be honest, at first I thought about buying a photo epilator, because. There are very few positive reviews, and the price is high, and did not dare to buy such a device.

I read a bunch of reviews, most of the fans turned out to be the new generation epilators (Silk epil) from Braun,

about 70% are absolutely satisfied with the epilator,

10-15% - find flaws,

These are the best indicators when comparing manufacturers; or even Braun epilators between the "outdated" models and the Silk epil series with wireless use. So the question is: "Which brand will be my first epilator?", was closed for me!

The next question that "tormented" my brain: "Which modification should I choose? With a bunch of attachments? Will they be useful to me? Or maybe with blades? Maybe with an exfoliating brush?" and so on. Again, the reviews of the girls helped me decide! Many wrote that the nozzles are basically useless and only increase the cost of the epilator! I followed this advice and bought "no frills" Silk epil 7 7181. I'm very glad!, it cost me 4850 rubles!

Equipment and features:

1. Nozzle with massage wheels(very cool, I'm just bastard, a good massage is obtained!)))

2. Nozzle that lifts hairs. I do not use it ... maybe someday it will wait in the wings.

3. Cleaning brush - a very useful thing, napkins (they are still lying around), charging, instructions for use *, storage bag (useful).

4. Equipped with a powerful built-in flashlight. It helps a lot to see missed hairs.

5. The epilator has 2 rotation speeds- medium and high.

6 The epilator is powerful, grips the hairs well.

7. Can be used in the shower/bath.(I don’t need this function, I have never even tried it).

*- for instruction many thanks to the manufacturers! Written in a minimum and only the most important! For the lazy (saving time) there is an instruction in pictures, all the information is presented there: charging and proper use, how to care for the device and what not to do with it. It took me a minute to study the picture to understand EVERYTHING!

The epilator itself is made of high-quality plastic, by the way it is made in Germany, which in itself pleases! Disassemble and assemble - without difficulty!, Without much effort.


::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :1st epilation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Hard, medium density, length from 0.5 to 1 cm.

Preparation: No.

Feel: quite painful, on a 10-point scale for 6. Again, in different areas, the degree of soreness substantially is different.

Consequences: redness and inflammation of the skin, burning sensation and numbness. The appearance of red dots that completely disappear after 8-12 hours.

Nuances: some hairs remain unnoticed, so the lighting should be natural and maximum.

Elapsed time: 1.5 hours (+ one charge 40 min).

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::2nd epilation::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Description of epilated hair: medium hardness, rare, length from 1 to 1.5 cm.

Preparation: No.

Feel: painful only in certain areas, mostly not causing discomfort.

Consequences: rapidly passing inflammation , redness that disappears after 1 hour.

Nuances: ingrown hair- there is, in an amount of 3-7 per leg, and always on the same part of the leg. ingrown not accompanied by inflammation, because the hair is under a thin layer of the epidermis, which can be opened with a fingernail or a needle. This process does not cause any particular problems.

Elapsed time: 40 min - 1 hour (enough battery).

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::TOTAL::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

About the work of the epilator.

  • Powerful battery. The charge is enough, as it is written in the instructions. Recharges in just 40 minutes!
  • The cleanliness of the shave is "lame", a lot of missed hairs, the first time captures only 50%. Sometimes you have to go through the same place many times due to the fact that the epilator cannot capture one hair.
  • A big waste of time for a relatively "clean" epilation - at least 1 hour.
  • Cleaning the epilator itself is not burdensome and lightning fast, just rinse under running water + use a brush for cleaning. Dry outdoors.

My feelings.

With the help of this epilator, you will not get perfectly smooth legs * (- * read the chapter "MYTHS and REALITY"), but the hair has become much thinner and not as prickly as after shaving and not as noticeable when it grows back. In principle, I have been satisfied for 5 months, there is no desire to switch to a razor again.


In this chapter, I will talk about how to take the first step to perfectly smooth underarms and what you need for this.

Dedicated to everyone who hasn't made up their mind yet...


  1. A great desire to get rid of irritation in the armpits after using a razor!
  2. Willpower and patience!
  3. Auxiliary drugs:
  • Chlorhexidine solution 0.05%- for disinfection
  • cotton pad 1 - 2 pcs
  • Lidocaine - spray - for pain relief
  • baby powder - ordinary, without fragrances.
156 09/02/2019 4 min.

Underarm epilation is an opportunity to get rid of unwanted vegetation on such a sensitive area of ​​​​the body. There are many options for this procedure, so each woman can independently choose the type of hair removal that suits her best. You will find hair removal products at home.

Carrying out the procedure

Underarm epilation at home is most often performed with a special device - an epilator. If you do everything right, you can get rid of the vegetation in this area without discomfort and adverse effects. Such a device pulls out by the root only Thin hair, so before the procedure you need to stop shaving for 5-10 days. Over time, it will be possible to completely switch to getting rid of vegetation with an epilator. This will keep the level of discomfort to a minimum.

This method has several significant advantages, which is why it is popular with many women. This method is considered the most economical, since the device needs to be bought only 1 time, and you can use it all the time. It does not need constant purchase of replacement parts. If you properly work with the epilator and take care of it, then the device can last for many years. Also, such a device has a lasting result.

After hair removal by this method, the skin remains smooth for 12-14 days, and this is a good indicator for hair removal at home. Another significant benefit of using an epilator is the improvement in the structure of the hair.

The disadvantages of this procedure include the presence of minor pain. But this phenomenon lasts for the first 2-3 sessions. Also, after this epilation, hair can grow in, so it is necessary to carefully carry out such removal of vegetation.

It is very easy to carry out the procedure. First you need to do a peeling of the treated areas of the skin. To do this, it is better to use a scrub without coarse elements. Thanks to him, you can remove the keratinized particles of the upper layer of the skin, which will reduce the formation of ingrown hairs. After this procedure, you need to apply a lotion or cream that provides a moisturizing effect. To achieve a positive result from epilation, the length of the hairs should be 4-5 mm. If they are a little longer, then it is recommended to cut them with scissors or a trimmer.

It is much easier to remove vegetation from well-steamed skin, so you should take a hot shower or bath before exposure to the epilator. In order not to harm your epidermis, you need to carefully study the instruction manual that is sold with the device. It is better to make vertical or circular motions. It is recommended to keep the epilator at a slight slope, which will avoid injury to the skin during the procedure. Also read about how to anesthetize hair removal.

After removing underarm hair using this method, there may be a slight reddening. To relieve irritation, it is allowed to treat the skin with antiseptics that do not contain alcohol. Often, a solution of furacilin, a decoction of calendula or chamomile is used for this. Such products will disinfect the epidermis and provide a calming effect. During the day, it is not recommended to use antiperspirants and deodorants so that the skin can recover. You may find information about .

Hair removal with wax and sugar paste

Armpit hair removal can also be done with hot wax. Before, scrubbing should also be done, and then heat the substance and apply it to the skin area with a cosmetic spatula. The wax must be spread in a thin layer, then wait 2-3 minutes and remove the mass with special strips. A prerequisite is to do this according to hair growth. To remove residues of the substance, it is recommended to use napkins or vegetable oil.

This method is considered less painful and more effective than the epilator, since the hair does not grow after this epilation for 14-16 days.

You can also get rid of unwanted vegetation using another method -. To make, you first need to prepare a special paste, for which you need to take 10 tbsp. sugar, 2 tsp water and ½ lemon juice. All components should be mixed and cooked until a homogeneous consistency. Then you need to wait until the mass hardens, after which you need to take a small ball of the resulting caramel, roll it from top to bottom at the place of hair removal, and then pick it from the bottom up.

On the video - how to wax the armpits with wax:

To decrease pain, it is necessary to hold the skin with your hand. This procedure will take 20-30 minutes. The mass on the body should be for 25 seconds, this time will be enough for the paste to adhere well to the hairs. At the end of the procedure, the remnants of the caramel mass should be washed off with warm water.

Salon methods

The most popular depilation, which is used to remove underarm hair, is laser hair removal. This procedure is carried out using a special apparatus. Before manipulation, you need to consult a cosmetologist, and if there are no contraindications to exposure to laser beams, then you can use this method of hair removal. Before starting the procedure, you should put on special glasses, after which the specialist will be able to start working with the device.

This method is completely painless, but it will not be noticeable immediately, since the hair may fall out within 1 week after the laser treatment.

Can be completely removed after a few sessions unwanted vegetation in the treated area for 2-3 years.

On the video - how it happens laser removal hair:

The axillary area is sometimes relieved of extra hair using photoepilation. Vegetation of even the lightest color lends itself to it. It will take about 10-12 minutes to process such a zone, this method is completely painless and even allows you to overcome armpit sweating. You can read more about laser hair removal of the underarm area.

Among the home methods of removing unwanted hair, the epilator occupies a leading position. Electrolysis is suitable for any part of the body, including the legs and bikini area, and it is not difficult to do it. Vegetation removal is fast, using the device is easy and safe, and the price of the device is affordable for everyone.

Epilator for smooth skin

How the device works

Beginners often do not know what an epilator is and how to use it correctly. An epilator is a device that removes hair from the root by using dozens of small tweezers. When the device is turned on, the tweezers begin to move at a predetermined speed, grabbing and tearing out the hairs in the epilated area.

Electrolysis allows you to get rid of unwanted hair for a long time, up to four weeks. The exact result will depend on the characteristics of the rate of hair growth on the woman's body.

Advantages of the device:

  • ease of use;
  • versatility (suitable for legs, used in the bikini area and armpits);
  • long-term result;
  • compactness;
  • affordable cost.

Electrolysis is carried out only on regrown hair, at least 4 mm long. The tweezers of the device will not be able to epilate short hairs.

For those who are just starting to use the epilator, several simple tips what to do to get the maximum result and minimize pain.

Having bought a new epilator, you should first epilate the legs. The legs are less sensitive, which will allow you to quickly get used to the pain.

The most painful, according to women, is the bikini area. In this area, the hair is thick and coarse, so epilating and pulling it out is very painful.

The device is very easy to use

Shaving the armpits with an epilator hurts only at first, after a few procedures the skin gets used to it. This is due to the small area of ​​the treated area.

It is best to epilate on the last day of menstruation or a few days after it. During this period of time, the skin is less susceptible to pain, so electrolysis becomes almost painless.

Women note that pain dulls between 18 and 20 pm, so this time is most favorable for removing unwanted hair.

It should be remembered that the epilator removes hair strictly against the line of their growth.

Pain relief procedure

You can relieve pain during the procedure with the help of special sprays with an anesthetic effect. As a rule, these are sprays and lotions with lidocaine.

It is better to choose a spray - it is convenient to apply, unlike lotion. You can also use the ampoule of the drug. To anesthetize one zone, you will need to make a solution from half an ampoule diluted with the same amount of ordinary water. To avoid pain during the procedure, lidocaine is best suited. The skin becomes numb, and the pain during hair removal is halved.

A hot bath can help relieve pain

When removing vegetation in the bikini area, lidocaine should be used carefully so as not to accidentally get on the mucous membrane.

You can also take a tablet of any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug before the procedure. This will significantly dull the pain and steadfastly endure the procedure.

Expensive models of epilators are equipped with special cooling and massage attachments. This allows you to remove unpleasant. Electrolysis under water is considered the most painless, but only a wireless device with a moisture-proof housing is suitable for this, the cost of which “bites”.

In cosmetic stores, you can often find various creams and lotions with a cooling effect. They are recommended to be used when removing hair from the legs, arms or armpits so that it does not hurt, however, in intimate areas the use of cooling creams is not recommended.

Contraindications and precautions

The depilator should not be used by pregnant women. The pain experienced by the mother during the procedure can cause a number of neurological diseases in infants.

A woman must maintain the integrity of her appearance without forgetting about the obligatory cosmetic procedures. It is best to have an electric epilator available, since salon procedures are distinguished by their high cost and inaccessibility. This device is especially relevant for the armpit area to shave inappropriate hair.

How to epilate at home

To eliminate the vegetation of the armpit area, you will need tremendous willpower and patience. If you do electrolysis, then the first procedures will be accompanied by an acute attack of pain, since the skin of the characteristic zone is characterized by increased sensitivity. You can get used to such unpleasant sensations over time, and the resulting irritation disappears 2-3 days after the session. In order for everything to go without complications, it is important to study in detail all the intricacies of underarm epilation with an epilator.


Today, painless hair removal is a reality, the main condition is to strictly observe all preparatory measures, not to engage in dangerous "amateur activities". If such recommendations are ignored, irritation occurs on sensitive skin, which is accompanied by an extremely unpleasant sensation of itching, burning, and discomfort. Preparation for the procedure is as follows:

  1. Before the start of the session, it is necessary to take a hot bath (contrast shower) to open the pores, soften the structure of the hair follicle.
  2. After washing the body and especially the armpit, it is necessary to dry the skin with a quality towel.
  3. regrown hairs different lengths it is required to cut off under tension of the skin, reducing the intensity of painful sensations.
  4. The epilator itself should not touch the skin, otherwise the pain is complemented by trauma.
  5. After the session, the resulting redness can be eliminated with nourishing cream with a hypoallergenic basis.


Epilation of the armpits with an epilator is a home procedure, which is preferably carried out on weekends or in the evening. The girl must understand that after the session is completed, the treated skin should not come into contact with clothing, pathogenic environmental factors and pathogens, otherwise dermatological problems may arise.

General rules

  1. It is appropriate to use this method if the armpit hair has reached more than 0.5 cm in length. Otherwise, tweezers must be used, but such a session will take much more free time.
  2. The armpit epilator can be of different companies and manufacturers, but it is very important to have a special nozzle of the selected model designed for the armpit.
  3. Such a device has at least two speed modes. At first, it is best to use the initial speed in order to reduce the sharpness of painful sensations at times. Experienced ladies are ideally suited for the second speed mode.
  4. When working with an epilator, armpit epilation is especially effective if you cut the hair at different angles, do not pre-moisten the skin.
  5. Not everyone is allowed to use this method of getting rid of excess hair: with increased skin sensitivity, it is advisable to choose other means. Do not use the epilator if you are prone to ingrown hairs. Among the contraindications for use, it is necessary to highlight hemophilia, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus.
  6. After epilation of the armpits with an epilator, the first day is categorically contraindicated to visit the sauna and solarium, go to the bathhouse and swimming pool, sunbathe with direct sunlight on the treated skin.
  7. When choosing such an electric device for armpit hair removal, it is important to pay special attention to multifunctional models that have several nozzles and operating modes at once.

How to use an epilator correctly

If it became necessary to epilate the armpits, the first step is to check the serviceability of the electrical device, and then perform all the preparatory measures. Tip: before starting a session, it is important to examine the skin for abrasions, microcracks, inflammatory and infectious processes. If there are none, you can proceed to the procedure:

  1. If the hair is too long, it must first be cut with scissors to an approximate length of 6-8 mm.
  2. Stretch the dermis of the armpit, shave thin hair at different angles of the epilator knives. Hold the device perpendicular to the body, remove fine hair against its growth.
  3. After the end of the session, lubricate the skin with a nourishing or any moisturizing cream, do not wear clothes, especially from synthetic materials.
  4. Conduct this cosmetic procedure best before going to bed, but a prerequisite - bed linen should be made from natural materials.

Underarm epilation with a mechanical device

Price salon procedure armpit hair removal is not available to all girls, so they are trying to find an alternative, a budget option. Using an epilator is available to everyone, but this is the most painful method that can injure sensitive skin. Over time, the discomfort completely disappears, armpit hair grows much more slowly, and the resulting effect is enough for 3 weeks. To reduce pain, it is recommended to buy an epilator with massage wheels, although it costs an order of magnitude more expensive.

Armpit laser hair removal

This is a progressive method of armpit hair removal, which is carried out in a beauty salon and is expensive. The price depends on the processed surface, type of the laser device. The procedure is modern, but it has a capacious list of contraindications, so you must first seek the advice of a dermatologist. Otherwise, there is no pain, and the hair is removed for 3-4 weeks. If you complete the full course, then they will no longer grow. Such hair removal is very popular, because the effect obtained lasts for a long time.
