Light and gentle body cream. Nourishing body cream at home How to make homemade body cream thick

Making a tightening cream yourself, at home, is not difficult. Moreover, such a tool will not be inferior to even the most expensive samples of well-known and trusted brands. It's all about natural ingredients, which are found in abundance in home cosmetics. If you have a desire to try to make such a skin care product, then you should stock up on essential oils, because it is these substances that have a great effect on the skin, tone and tighten it. Another important feature - each portion of the cream should be prepared immediately before use, such cosmetics are not stored for a long time.

In addition, do not forget about the safety and health of your skin. If you have it sensitive or prone to allergic reactions, before preparing this or that cream, you should test for each component. Apply a drop of oil on the elbow, if no redness or irritation appears within twelve hours, then you can safely start cooking.

So, take three tablespoons of any baby cream or body milk, which do not contain paraffins in their composition, and add three drops of juniper oil to the contents. Mix all ingredients in a ceramic bowl. In addition, if you want to achieve a tightening and warming effect, you can add one drop of cayenne pepper. The most important thing is to carefully combine all the components to a homogeneous mass. Therefore, before applying the product to the skin, you should take a portion of the cream and warm it up in your palms. In order to achieve a good result, combine the application with short massage movements.

For the following recipe you will need: two tablespoons of coconut oil, the same amount of sesame and shea butter, one tablespoon of avocado oil, six tablespoons mineral water, ten grams of wax and twelve drops of palmarosa and chamomile essential oils.

Melt the wax in a water bath, then add coconut and shea butter to it. Warm up the rest of the oils a little and combine all the ingredients together. Place the resulting mixture in a glass jar and leave for a day in a dark place.

Vitamins in combination with vegetable oils have an extremely beneficial effect on the skin. In order to prepare this remedy, you will need: three tablespoons of rosehip oil, the same amount of beeswax, ten drops each essential oil marigold and chamomile, one capsule of vitamin E and evening primrose oil, seven tablespoons of rose water and five jojoba oils. Melt the wax in a water bath, and then add all the ingredients. In order for you to get a homogeneous mass, for convenience, you can whip the cream with a mixer, but you should only do this at low speed and no longer than two minutes.

A starch-based cream is excellent for tightening the skin, in addition, if you have thin or sensitive skin, then this recipe is perfect for you. Combine a glass of milk and one teaspoon of starch. Put on a slow fire and stir constantly, as soon as you get the consistency of a dense jelly, remove the product from the heat. Be sure to let the cream cool before applying to the skin.

Our body needs constant care. Every day, the epidermis is exposed to the negative influence of environmental factors. Bad habits, the wrong way of life causes him serious harm, breaking the structure of the skin. You can maintain the beauty and prolong the youthfulness of the skin with the help of a cream. It is not necessary to buy a product in the store: you can make your own body cream at home.

What is it needed for

A good quality cream can make the skin supple, smooth out wrinkles, give it elasticity and a healthy color. It is necessary to take care of the skin of the body (arms, legs, face, neck) after 25 years: this will significantly slow down the aging process and sagging of the skin.

Home cosmetics is a worthy alternative to branded cosmetics. It helps to take care of the skin of the body, helps to maintain health, youth, beauty of the skin, saturating the cells with vitamins and nutrients.

A cream prepared at home has several advantages over a purchased product.

  • It does not contain preservatives and parabens. Such a product is safe, does not cause allergies or skin irritation. It is prepared exclusively from natural and healthy ingredients, selected for a specific case (from stretch marks, cellulite, for massage, tightening, from dry skin, for lifting, moisturizing, nourishing epidermal cells).
  • It has an affordable price: many components of a home remedy are always at hand.(butter, sour cream, honey, propolis, egg yolk, etc.). Others can be bought for little money. Such cosmetics are a budget option, and the benefits from it are often much greater than from a purchased cream.
  • Thanks to fresh natural ingredients, the cream will have a directed effect on the cells of the dermis, providing the maximum positive effect.
  • Homemade cream is not difficult to prepare, it will not take much time. This process is creative and exciting. By changing the components of the mixture, you can choose a skin care product with specific features(for excessively moist, oily, dry skin, combination). The number of components included in the recipe can be adjusted by choosing the most suitable option.
  • As a rule, home remedies are not addictive. They have a cumulative effect and need a course application to achieve the most positive result. Creating a homemade beauty product will make body skin care enjoyable and beneficial.
  • Apart from cosmetic effect, using certain ingredients, you can make a product with medicinal properties helps to get rid of skin diseases (fungal infections, rashes, irritation, cracks, sunburn, weathering and frostbite).
  • The consistency of home mixtures is different and depends on the purpose.(the soufflé is light and airy, the moisturizing series is liquid, the nourishing cream is denser).
  • You do not need to invest in expensive equipment to create homemade cosmetics. As a container for the preparation of the product, you can use existing kitchen containers.

The only drawback of a homemade cosmetic preparation is a relatively short period of use.

Since there are no preservatives in the homemade cream, it quickly deteriorates, and should be stored in a dark, cool place (refrigerator). Such preparations are prepared in small portions, before use, if necessary, making the desired mixture.


Cream recipes are varied. Their proportions and components depend on the specific task of care. Each tool has a directed effect, so you need to take into account the type of skin and the type of product.


The composition of the cosmetic cream includes various components . It depends on its purpose.

  • Moisturizing. Creams of this series are water-based (decoction or infusion of herbs). They have a light texture, are absorbed completely without feeling greasy film. Such products are intended for dehydrated, dry and flaky skin, restore water balance and saturate the cells with life-giving moisture.

  • Nutrition. The basis of such a product is fat, its texture is dense, the product is absorbed slowly. This cosmetic is indicated for nourishing dull, lifeless skin of the body, giving beautiful view and velvety. This cream is usually used before bedtime.

  • Mitigation. Homemade cell softening mixes are very effective. More often they are used twice a day and have a targeted effect on cells, restoring their structure.

This series promotes the regeneration of the skin, makes the skin soft, saves it from chapping and frostbite, softens dead cells.

  • Protection. Cosmetic preparations with a protective function are distinguished by the presence of a light film when applied to the skin of the body. It prevents the loss of moisture, the destruction of cells under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind, and aggressive household chemicals.

  • Treatment. The action of such creams is aimed at certain problems of the skin of the body (itching, rash, fungus, cracks, frostbite, burns). They have a healing effect, relieve inflammation of the skin, relieve the skin of the stratum corneum, reduce pain during cracks, heal wounds.

  • Rejuvenation. The anti-aging series is designed to maintain youthful skin. Such creams make the dermis taut, elastic. They smooth out small creases of wrinkles and are their prevention, restoring skin elasticity.

These funds are absorbed slowly, but without residue.

  • Scrubs. A series designed to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. The use of such products improves blood circulation, they are a tool to combat cellulite and its prevention, make the skin smooth and silky.

Each homemade cream consists of several ingredients. It should contain a base, active ingredients and additional substances. Such cosmetics contain:

  • Batters: 50% of the total (solid oils needed to maintain a solid consistency at room temperature).
  • Vegetable oils ( liquid, in proportions 50/50 with solids form a cream-soufflé texture).
  • Essential oils ( are added to the cream while it is in the liquid phase, give a pleasant aroma, soothe the skin).
  • Filtered water (boiled, purified). It is used in a moisturizing series, is the basis and solvent of such a cream. Its normal content is 60 - 85% of the total.
  • Emulsifiers(glycerin, lanolin, beeswax) - are an essential component of any cream. Thanks to them, the texture of the product remains stable, homogeneous.
  • extracts, vitamins(active herbal supplements make the cream effective, saturating the cells with useful substances).
  • Additional components (honey, propolis, menthol) that have a beneficial effect on the skin. They can cool, soothe, reduce itching, inflammation, and have an antibacterial effect.


Cook at home

Making your own cream is easy. To prepare it at home, you will need the following devices:

  • containers for heating and whipping;
  • container for storage;
  • kettle (for moisturizers);
  • whisk (spoon) - for stirring;
  • mixer (for whipping).

The cream preparation technology is quite simple. The container is sterilized with boiling water or alcohol. The solid components are crushed with a knife, heated in a water bath until completely dissolved, then mixed with other ingredients, adding essential oils and emulsifiers at the end.

When mixing with a spoon, the texture of the cream is denser, if an air mass is needed, it is better to use a small mixer. After preparing the product, it must be removed in a cool dark place. You can use it in two days.

Good and useful components of homemade body cream are pork and mutton fat, butter and beeswax. They make the skin soft, nourish it and reanimate it in case of frostbite or burns.



Cucumber cream will help moisturize the body. Wax (10 grams) is mixed with almond oil (40 ml), heated in a water bath until completely dissolved. Then add peeled cucumber ground into gruel and purified water (40 ml). The resulting mixture is put on fire for half an hour, cooled and whipped with a mixer. You need to store the product in the refrigerator.

Against cellulite

You can also make an anti-cellulite cream yourself, choosing the components taking into account the characteristics of the skin type. A simple recipe does not require additional manipulations and heating. You will need a regular baby cream, essential oils of orange, cinnamon and juniper (1 drop each) and 5-6 crushed mummy tablets. The ingredients are mixed in a sterilized container, then the mass is transferred to a glass container and tightly closed with a lid.

This tool helps to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, eliminates the signs of aging, relieves stretch marks.

The recipe for making anti-cellulite cream, see the following video.

With chocolate

This cream has a beneficial effect on the skin, making the procedure pleasant and relaxing. The mixture consists of cocoa powder (half a cup), honey (1/4 cup) and two tablespoons of lanolin. Honey and lanolin are melted in a water bath, mixed, cocoa powder is added to them. After the mass has cooled, it is removed in the refrigerator.

Such care will saturate the skin with nutrients, improve its condition and relieve fatigue, giving velvety.

Based on vaseline

The simplest recipe for such a cream consists of petroleum jelly and aloe juice in proportions (1: 2). The mixture is ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.

This procedure allows you to smooth out wrinkles, give the skin elasticity and firmness.

Lifting cream

You can smooth out wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin and restore the integrity of the skin with the help of a lifting cream with sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn berries (3 large spoons) are scalded with boiling water and crushed until gruel is obtained. Royal jelly, vitamins A and B (2 drops each), oil are added to it. grape seeds(1/2 teaspoon). For ease of application, you can add a little baby cream.

The recipe for anti-wrinkle cream with sea buckthorn, see the video below.


To exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis, you can prepare a scrub from sugar (2 cups), shower gel (0.5 cup) and moisturizing oil (1/4 cup). You can use any oil: coconut, olive, cosmetic, baby. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If the consistency seems runny, add a little more sugar (the texture should be a paste).

The procedure is carried out after a shower, later washing off with running water without soap.

See the following video for the sugar body scrub recipe.

Before we start creating the cream, it is necessary to disinfect all tools and containers. This can be done with boiling water or steaming. Then wipe everything with alcohol. This will avoid the multiplication of pathogens in the finished cream. This cream should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.

We measure all the necessary ingredients. Add emulsifier to base oil and send them to the water bath.

We measure the hydrolate or prepared water into the second container and, after waiting for the emulsion wax to melt completely, also slightly heat it in a water bath.

It is necessary that the 2 phases of our future cream - “water” - hydrolate and “oil” - oil with an emulsifier, reach approximately the same temperature, otherwise, when they are subsequently mixed, the desired consistency will not be achieved. Just do not overheat the hydrolat, otherwise all its usefulness will disappear.

We connect our two phases in one container ...

... and start mixing with a mini-mixer. Before our eyes, what the emulsifier was added for is formed - a delicate creamy emulsion.

After waiting for the emulsion to cool to room temperature, you can start adding vitamins and essential oils. If you add them to a hot base for a future cream, then all of them beneficial features will be lost. Added? We mix!

You can already accept congratulations - our cream is ready! But in this form it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. To prolong its existence, it is necessary to add a preservative. We will use Sharomix - it is suitable for indelible cosmetics. It is recommended to add 2-3 drops per 100 grams, so 1-2 drops will be enough for us. Add preservative and mix thoroughly.

So the responsible and solemn moment has come - the finished cream can be transferred to a beautiful jar!

Creams at home

Apart from cleansing, the skin needs to be nourished and moisturized so that it retains freshness, youth and elasticity for as long as possible. For such skin care, various creams and masks are intended, which can be easily prepared at home.

Recipe 1

Required: 0.5 cups of 30% fat cream, 1-2 drops of orange oil.

Cooking. Combine butter and cream and stir.


Recipe 2

Required: 5 tbsp grape juice, 2 tsp body cream, 1 tsp honey.

Cooking. Combine honey with cream, grind, add juice and mix.

Application. Apply the composition to cleansed skin, gently rub, after 10 minutes remove the residue with a napkin.

Recipe 3

Required: 2 tbsp. baby cream and honey, 0.5 tsp olive oil.

Cooking. Combine cream, honey, olive oil and mix.

Application. Apply the composition to cleansed skin, gently rub, after 10 minutes remove the residue with a napkin.

Recipe 4

Required: 3 tbsp body cream, 1 tbsp. cream 30% fat.

Cooking. Combine cream with cream and mix.

Application. Apply the composition at night, lightly rubbing into the skin after a shower or bath, remove the residue with a napkin in the morning.

Recipe 5

Required: 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa butter and emulsifying wax, 1 tbsp each beeswax and peach oil, 2-3 drops of perfume.

Cooking. Combine oils (olive, peach and cocoa) and waxes (emulsifying and bees), melt in a water bath and stir until cool, then add perfume and mix again.

Application. Apply the composition, rubbing lightly, on the skin after a shower or bath, then remove the residue with a napkin.

The cream nourishes dry skin of the body.
