Depilation of the intimate area - cream, wax or sugar. How to do intimate area waxing at home

Depilation of the intimate area is not only aesthetic, but also hygienic, because in the hair of this area a favorable environment is created for the life of microbes. You can remove unwanted vegetation in beauty salons, however, there are many ways to carry out this intimate procedure, which are easy to use at home.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Not everyone cleans intimate places from vegetation. Some believe that pubic hair creates a certain microenvironment that is a defense against germs. However, many researchers and gynecologists advise epilation of the intimate area, since such a procedure has many advantages:

The disadvantages of depilation include:

  • skin irritation after some methods;
  • temporary effect;
  • ingrown hairs may
  • continuous implementation requires the cost of special tools.

Female intimate depilation

There are quite a few ways to remove hair in intimate places, from which each woman chooses the most suitable for herself.


With the help of wax, you can carry out a hot and cold hair removal procedure:

Hair removal with wax has its own characteristics:

The wax procedure slows down hair growth and gives a long result, but it is quite painful and can irritate the skin.


Sugar is used to carry out the procedure, so this type of hair removal is called shugaring. It is popular in the countries of the East and is similar to wax depilation. The sugaring mixture is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • water - 1 tablespoon;
  • juice squeezed from half a lemon;
  • sugar - 10 tablespoons.

The mixture is thoroughly stirred over low heat until it turns golden brown. It should not be lighter or darker, since only a golden brown color gives the desired effect.

The heated mass is used in the same way as wax, applying fabric strips to it and tearing them off with a sharp movement.

  • availability of ingredients;
  • sugar does not cause inflammation or irritation;
  • sugaring can be used even on sensitive skin;
  • Sugaring can remove coarse hair.

In a mixture of water and sugar, you can add additional walnut shell tincture, chamomile and honey. The walnut contains iodine, which burns out the hair follicle, chamomile is an antiseptic, and honey enhances their effect.

The disadvantages of the procedure include its fragility and contraindications for use in diabetes.


Male type of hair removal is widely used by women. For the procedure, you will need to prepare:

  • a razor with a double blade;
  • shaving foam;
  • scissors or trimmer;
  • towel.

The first time depilation with a razor is carried out according to the following instructions:

This is a fairly easy and painless method. which has its drawbacks:

  • during the procedure, you can cut yourself;
  • after shaving, the hairs grow back quickly, and you have to shave them almost every day;
  • shaved hair becomes sharp, and growing, they can grow into the skin.

Depilatory creams

Application special cream is a painless way to get rid of vegetation in the groin area. It can be applied only to the bikini area or completely removed with it. The composition of the cream or gel for depilation includes a substance with which the hair protein expands, separates from the bulb and falls out.

Cream types:

Before using any of the products on the day before the procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a little cream is applied to the skin of the hand in the fold area. If after a few hours there is no redness and other irritations, the product can be used for depilation.

Instructions for using the cream:

After applying the cream, the next procedure may be needed only after a few weeks.

Using an intimate epilator

You can remove hair from intimate places using a special epilator, which is equipped with tweezers. During the operation of the device, the tweezers capture and pull out the hairs by the root. The advantage of using a depilator is a long-lasting effect for about four weeks. However, this procedure is quite painful, and after it the skin remains red for some time.

Today, there are epilators that are equipped with special cooling devices. With their help, hair removal is almost painless. Also on sale are modern portable laser and photoepilators. They look like professional ones and have many protective features.

Folk recipes

At home, you can use the tools that our grandmothers used:

Folk recipes should be used with caution. Their use is individual, and it is not known how long it is necessary to use an iodine mixture or potassium permanganate in order to obtain the desired effect.

Epilation in beauty salons

Quite expensive salon procedures allow you to forget about unwanted vegetation, since special devices are used during their implementation.

Professional epilation methods:

Skin care after depilation

After the procedure, the treated skin is irritated and requires special care:

Redness of the skin and their irritation should disappear within a day after the procedure. At this time, it is not recommended to wear tight, rubbing clothes.

Depilation of intimate places is gaining more and more popularity. Before the procedure, you must choose the appropriate method that will be convenient to use at home.

If in the last century intimate depilation didn’t know anything, today such a procedure for every girl is an integral part of self-care. But before embarking on such a delicate matter, you should understand the existing methods. After all, in addition to pain symptoms, during the procedure, you can get no less serious types of complications, such as ingrown hairs.

Hair removal in intimate places is not only aesthetic and beautiful, but also hygienic. In the intimate area, the skin is quite sensitive, so the hair removal procedure should be carried out with caution.

In order not to provide negative impact on the skin of this area, a woman needs to take the choice of the optimal method with all seriousness. We will deal with the existing methods of depilation of the bikini zone, and also find out how this procedure is performed correctly.

Depilation of the intimate area is a process in which the outer part of the follicles is removed without destroying the channels that feed the bulbs. Depilation of intimate places is an important step that many girls take seriously. Indeed, it is often very difficult to decide on such a procedure, as some are afraid, while others are shy. But in any case, not only girls, but also women strive to have a beautiful appearance even intimate areas.

The presence of hair in the intimate area entails a violation of hygiene. First of all, after each visit to the toilet, it is imperative to carry out appropriate care, otherwise the remaining discharge on the hairline contributes to the development inflammatory process. No less relevant is the question of when the velvet season comes and girls put on swimsuits. It is very difficult to hide hair in the intimate area under a swimsuit. Therefore, there are enough reasons for removing hair in the intimate part, and whether it is necessary to do this, you need to decide on your own.

Pain in this sensitive area is the main excuse that stops women from depilation. Soreness is due to the fact that the bikini area is quite sensitive. Therefore, almost any method of hair removal entails pain symptoms. But if the depilation procedure is carried out correctly, the process will not be so painful. If the removal procedure causes pain symptoms, then today there are painkillers that allow you to carry out the process painlessly and quickly.

Although many are embarrassed to visit a beauty salon in order to depilate the bikini area, nevertheless, first you need to decide to visit a qualified master. After all, the intimate area is very delicate, so the incorrect implementation of the procedure will entail unpleasant consequences. By visiting the salon, you can not only get rid of extra hair painless, but the most important thing is to learn how it happens. Next time you can do the procedure at home yourself.

The advantage of periodic hair removal is that each subsequent time the hairs become finer. Thin hair removal is not only easy, but also less painful. After visiting the salon, you will be able to decide on an acceptable method of removal, so you should definitely start with a visit to the beauty salon.

How do depilation in intimate places

At home, depilation of the intimate area is the removal of the upper part of the hair, so the shaft grows back within 1 month. But there are also methods in which hair regrowth does not occur so quickly. Hair removal in a delicate area can be performed at home, while achieving a significant result. To perform depilation at home, you will need to choose the best method, as well as find out the principle of its implementation.

What tool to choose for depilation of the intimate area

You can do hair removal at home using a variety of methods. To do this, you can buy expensive ingredients or use cheap ones. It is even worth noting that sometimes not always expensive ingredients allow you to remove hair painlessly, as is typical for cheap components. But, as they say, female beauty requires sacrifice, therefore, in order to realize what was conceived, it is necessary to be patient. What are the methods of hair removal in the bikini area, we will learn further.


Waxing is carried out using special strips impregnated with this material. There are also roller cartridges made of wax. With the help of such devices, you can remove hair in the bikini area quickly and almost painlessly.

The benefits of waxing include:

  • the ability to remove hair from hard-to-reach areas of the skin;
  • wax activation is carried out due to exposure to high temperatures, so it is enough to rub the strip in your hand, and heat the cartridge in a water bath;
  • when the wax is heated, it can be rubbed on the skin, where it is necessary to remove the hairline;
  • when the wax hardens, it is removed from the skin with a sharp movement.

The effectiveness of this method is due to the sharp separation of the strip from the body. The direction of tearing off the strip should be against hair growth, otherwise, development is not excluded. negative consequences in the form of complications. Important rule when working with wax, it is to prevent its particles from sticking to the skin.

Sugar depilation

In cosmetology, sugar depilation is called shugaring. Sugaring has some benefits:

  • ease of preparation of components with which hair removal is carried out;
  • cheapness;
  • lasting effect.

To carry out the shugaring procedure, you will need components such as sugar, water and citric acid. Caramel is prepared from these components, which is the main component for removing hair.

Depilatory cream

There are types of creams that contribute to the destruction of the hair structure after its application. To obtain desired result, you need to apply a thick layer of cream on the bikini area where you want to remove hair. After that, wait 5-10 minutes (each manufacturer has its own time), and then remove the cream along with the hair using a special plastic spatula.

The advantages of the method include:

  • speed of the method;
  • economy, as one tube is enough for 3-4 procedures;
  • the duration of the effect is up to 2-2.5 weeks.

The disadvantage of this drug is its chemical composition, which affects the top layer of the skin along with the hair. After removing the cream for 2-3 days, it is not recommended to apply shampoos or gels to this area.


An epilator is a special machine that pulls out hair. The method may be effective, but rather painful. Therefore, the epilator is used only in rare cases.

To reduce pain when using the epilator, you must perform the following procedures:

  • steam the skin with a warm compress;
  • perform hair pulling movements in the direction against hair growth;
  • slightly stretch the skin under the machine;
  • wear loose underwear for 2 days before the procedure.


Tweezers are the simplest and effective method, but its disadvantage is the inability to remove hair in large quantities. With the help of tweezers, you can remove follicles in hard-to-reach places, as well as where other methods are powerless.

Hair removal with tweezers is an epilation that has the following advantages A:

  • accessibility of the method;
  • slow hair growth;
  • the ability to remove any type of hair.

How to properly depilate the bikini area

Depilation is done in two well-known ways: conventional and deep. The usual method of depilation is based on the method of removing hair from the pubic part only. A deep way of depilation of the bikini area allows you to remove hair from the entire perineal area. Both of these methods can be done at home. How to make depilation normal and deep ways, we will find out later.

Deep depilation

With deep depilation, the following actions are performed:

  1. The bikini area is being prepared for the hair removal procedure. To do this, you need to wash the treated area, and then treat it with a scrub. The scrub is used to soften the hair follicles and reduce pain. It is forbidden to wipe an intimate place; it is necessary to either dry it or get it wet with a towel.
  2. Hair can be removed if its length does not exceed 7 mm. If the length of the hair is longer, then they can be shortened with scissors.
  3. Depending on which method is chosen, wax or caramel must be applied. A strip must be applied over the materials, which will allow the mixture to be removed along with the hairline.

Upon completion of the procedure, the bikini area must be treated with moisturizers and an antiseptic.

The conventional removal method has the following advantages:

  1. It is much easier to remove hair on the rough part of the skin than to do it in the crotch area. The pubic area is in full view, which cannot be said about the perineum.
  2. With a machine tool or tweezers, you can make any intimate haircut.
  3. Ease of the procedure.

Skin care after depilation

After depilation of intimate places, mandatory skin care is required. After all, even a superficial effect on the skin contributes to the occurrence of microtraumas. In order not to aggravate the situation, active skin care is required for 2-3 days after the hair removal procedure. This will not only allow her to recover quickly, but also saturate her with the necessary minerals.

  1. For 3 days, you should forget about the use of aggressive hygiene products.
  2. If during hair removal mechanical damage to the skin has occurred, then it is necessary to use an aftershave cream that promotes healing.
  3. If after depilation there is an appearance of irritation on the skin, then it can help to neutralize the effect. baby cream, for example, Bepanthen.
  4. Be sure to use moisturizers to avoid drying out the skin.
  5. Make sure you have comfortable underwear that won't chafe your bikini area.

Determine the best way

Summing up, it is important to conclude by determining the best and most effective way to remove hair in the intimate area. In reality, there is no such way, since all options are good. You should choose an acceptable option for yourself based on factors such as the level of pain, skin sensitivity, susceptibility to natural and synthetic substances.

It can only be noted that most women use the good old method called waxing. Sugaring practically does not lag behind him, which was known even in the time of Cleopatra.

Despite the fact that these methods are implemented at home, there are still girls who do not bother with hair removal on their own, but visit special beauty salons.

  • 1. Salon depilation in the intimate area
  • 1.1. Wasking
  • 1.2. Sugaring
  • 1.3. Chocolate hair removal
  • 2. Salon hair removal in the bikini area
  • 2.1. Laser hair removal
  • 2.2. Enzymatic hair removal
  • 2.3. Electrolysis
  • 2.4. Photoepilation
  • 3. The cost of salon bikini hair removal
  • 4. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
  • 4.1. I'm embarrassed to go for a deep bikini shugaring, what should I do about it?

Salon depilation in the intimate area

Beauty salons offer to remove hair in the intimate area, in the same ways that girls can use at home, but as has already been proven, professional epilation of the bikini area is better and painless.


A popular way to get rid of unwanted vegetation, not only in the intimate area. Even some discomfort during the procedure does not reduce the number of his supporters.

Salon waxing takes place in 6 stages.

  1. Skin preparation involves the application of a special soothing agent, which also acts as an anesthetic.
  2. Wax is applied to the intimate area in the direction of hair growth, its temperature depends on the pain threshold, structure and color of the hair.
  3. Gradually cooling down, the mass firmly captures the follicles.
  4. On the cooled wax, the beautician glues special tapes or paper strips.
  5. With a sharp and confident movement, he tears off the wax along with the hairs, in order to reduce pain at this moment, you should lightly hold the skin.
  6. The epilated area is lubricated with a soothing and moisturizing cream, Panthenol or aloe can be used.


Bikini sugaring is a great alternative waxing, even the technology of the procedures has many similarities, only sugar caramel is used instead of wax.

Professional mixtures, in addition to sugar, contain citric acid, essential oils and other skin care ingredients.

Before doing shugaring as efficiently and painlessly as possible, you need to prepare the intimate area for the procedure in advance. In two days, women begin to use a scrub that removes dead skin particles. During this period, it is advisable to abandon moisturizing lotions and creams, since for better adhesion of caramel and hair, the surface of the body must be dry.

Professional sugar hair removal in the salon is carried out in several stages.

  1. The beautician cleans the bikini area with a special tonic, after which it degreases with baby powder or talcum powder.
  2. Caramel is gently applied to the body exclusively against hair growth from the edges to the center (pubis).
  3. The cooled mass, like wax, removes the follicles with a sharp movement along the growth. With such actions, the hair follicle breaks out entirely, but with minimal discomfort.

When using a soft paste, a specialist can remove it with fabric strips, a solid mass can be easily removed by hand.

Chocolate hair removal

It involves the use of granules or cartridges with chocolate wax, which favorably affects the condition of the skin, making it soft and supple. In Russia, such a service is provided by a limited number of beauty salons, since the price of the material is high and girls prefer more budgetary wax or sugar.

Before going for the procedure, a woman should shave with a regular razor so that the length of the hairs does not exceed 5 ml. The process of hair removal in the bikini area is carried out according to the following scheme.

  1. The cosmetologist treats the intimate area with a lotion or tonic designed to remove dirt and disinfect the skin.
  2. Chocolate wax is gently distributed over the surface of the body in small strips. Cocoa and butter extracts included in the mass soothe delicate skin, so you can not be afraid of irritation and pain.
  3. The master with a sharp movement tears off the frozen "chocolate", doing it against hair growth.
  4. After removing the remaining wax, the master uses a chocolate soothing tonic.

Many girls have only pleasant impressions after the procedure. The aroma of chocolate soothes, relieves stress and uplifts the mood.

Salon epilation in the bikini area

Cosmetology centers offer to get rid of hair in the bikini area with the help of special devices that act on the structure of the follicle, removing them forever.

Laser hair removal

The device removes hairs with a laser beam, it is considered a painless procedure. The working laser is very hot, so it is better to trust an experienced specialist who will not allow burns.

  • Before the procedure, the bikini area is treated with cooling agents that reduce skin sensitivity.
  • The woman sits comfortably on the couch and puts on glasses, the eyes of the master should also be protected. The beautician smoothly moves the device, capturing a small area of ​​skin at a time.
  • After finishing work, an anti-inflammatory and regenerating cream is applied to the intimate area.

Enzymatic hair removal

Copes with unwanted hairs with the help of chemicals: papain, trypsin and chymotrypsin.

A few days before the session, a consultation with a specialist is required, who will assess the state of the body, select the appropriate enzyme complex and check the skin for a possible allergic reaction.

  • The procedure itself begins with the application of a special cocktail containing enzymes, it should be distributed in an even layer over the bikini area.
  • A cling film and a thermal bandage are applied to the mass; in some cases, the cosmetologist heats the skin with electrodes.
  • Enzymatic hair removal ends with regular sugaring or vasking, the effect of which lasts longer than usual.


It involves the removal of hair through the action of current. The procedure is considered painful, so you should take care of painkillers in advance.

A few days before visiting the salon, you should limit sun exposure and use cosmetics. To get a good result, the hairs should grow about 5 ml, so you should use the razor for 3-4 days.

Before the procedure itself, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures that will clean the bikini area and prepare it for working with electrical impulses.

  1. The cosmetologist treats the surface with an antiseptic preparation, and, if necessary, applies an anesthetic gel.
  2. Then a sterile needle is inserted into the hair, through which a current passes, destroying the follicle shaft.
  3. The processed hairs are removed with tweezers.
  4. To prevent accidental infection, the intimate area is re-treated with an antiseptic and lubricated with a soothing cream.


It is considered the safest option for permanent hair removal in classic and deep bikini areas. To get a really good result, you need to make sure the qualifications of the master and the good reputation of the salon. A small device with a thermal pulse, upon contact with the skin, breaks down melanin, and thinning of the hair occurs.

  • First of all, a conversation is held with a specialist who, based on the type of hair and skin, determines the number of procedures and the strength of the light flux.
  • Before the procedure, the skin is lubricated with a cooling gel, which provides protection from unpleasant consequences after a strong light and heat flux.
  • The beautician moves the device around the intimate area, periodically making flashes. At this time, the client may feel a slight tingling or burning sensation. Thermal energy penetrates the hair follicle and destroys it.
  • After treatment of the entire epilated area, a soothing agent is applied to the surface of the body.

bikini hair removal cost

Many girls refuse to depilate the intimate area in the salon for two reasons - embarrassment and the high cost of the session, and in some cases, repeated procedures are needed to completely eliminate vegetation. If you can still stop being shy, then the final amount for effective and high-quality hair removal is large.

Below is a table of average prices in dollars for all methods of hair removal in the intimate area, which are carried out in beauty salons.

Type of hair removalNumber of proceduresAverage price for 1 session
waxThe effect of 1 session lasts 2-3 weeks11$
ChocolateThe effect of 1 session lasts 3 weeks15$
laser4-6 sessions in 1.5-2 months98$
Enzymatic6 treatments, one every month16$
Electrolysis5–10 procedures, one every 1.5–2 months$ 0.5 per minute, the needle is paid separately. Minimum 17$
Photoepilation3-6 treatments, one per month45$

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

I'm embarrassed to go for a deep bikini shugaring, what should I do about it?

A shy girl should understand that the master is used to seeing intimate areas, so you should not expect close attention and ridicule from him.

Already after the first visit, the feeling of stiffness will disappear, the main thing is to take the starting step.

Try to find a pleasant and attentive beautician who will always cheer you up and distract you from complexes.

Depilation is a procedure for removing hair from the skin, in which the hair follicle is not affected, unlike epilation: in this case, the hair is removed along with the follicle. Many girls prefer depilation. This method is more gentle on the skin and less painful. It is also suitable for those women who are afraid or embarrassed to go to the salon, because depilation is easy to do at home.

The issue of removing hair from the intimate part of the body has long been controversial. Many believe that hair removal from the bikini area is a direct path to the appearance of various diseases and genital infections in a woman. After all, hair serves as a natural barrier against harmful microflora. But doctors have long established that this is a delusion. Vice versa, long hair in the intimate area contribute to the appearance bad smell. After all, the hair accumulates drops of sweat and sebum on itself. The absence of hair in intimate places charges with confidence any of the fair sex.

Cons also exist, probably, as in any other procedure. Ingrown hairs often occur. The skin becomes irritated and feels uncomfortable. But if you properly prepare the skin, and then properly care for it both before and after the procedure, then these consequences can be avoided.

How do depilation in intimate places

Before getting rid of hair in intimate places, you need to decide on the type of depilation. There are several of them, namely:

Ways to carry out at home

Today, there are many means to ensure that depilation of the intimate area at home is as painless as possible. The most popular of them:

Regardless of which type of this procedure has been chosen, it is best to use several methods of hair removal.

Proper skin care after the procedure

So that irritation does not spoil the mood and does not cause discomfort, you need to know how to properly care for behind the skin of the bikini area after the procedure. For this you need:

Choosing the Right Method removal of unwanted vegetation- epilation or depilation - purely individual. Every woman has her own pain threshold and skin type. Therefore, if one of the methods does not fit, it is better to try another, less aggressive option.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 9 minutes


The most popular alternative to the usual method of hair removal today has become waxing (waxing). The hairline is glued together with cosmetic wax, after which it is quickly removed. This procedure allows you to forget about the discomfort of unwanted hair for several weeks. or in the salon, it is simple and does not require complex devices for the procedure. How does the procedure take place in the salon, and what do you need to know about it?

Waxing in the salon - features

Those representatives of the weaker sex who resort to this procedure regularly, speak only positively about waxing , noting affordability, simplicity and hair thinning over time among its main advantages. Waxing is considered safe even with regular use, unless, of course, there are contraindications to it. Usually in beauty salons, women are offered two options for waxing - in accordance with the structure of the wax and the features of the procedure:

  • Epilation with hot (hard) wax.
    In this case, the composition of the wax contains resin, petroleum products, and sometimes vegetable / lemon oil. As for the consistency of the wax, it does not spread over the surface of the skin, but only sticks to it, and after the procedure, its residues are quickly washed off with water. This procedure is less painful due to the good opening of the pores under the influence high temperature. This type of hair removal is suitable for, on intimate parts of the body, and for those whose skin is too delicate and sensitive.
  • Epilation with warm (soft) wax.
    Preheated wax, which contains special softeners and, of course, resin, is applied to the skin and special strips are applied over it. Further, these strips are torn off with a sharp movement. The procedure is painful, and they try to use it on less sensitive areas of the skin - arms and legs.

Waxing - the benefits of the procedure

Waxing - cons of the procedure

  • Soreness. Especially for the first time. Hardly anyone can call the procedure pleasant. Although, with its regularity, the sensitivity gradually decreases, especially after you evaluate the result.
  • Need to grow hair to the desired length so that their removal with wax is as efficient as possible.
  • Redness on the site of the removed hair for several days after the procedure.
  • Ingrown hair.

Contraindications for waxing

Despite the safety of the procedure, nevertheless, waxing has its own contraindications, in the presence of which it should not be done:

  • Component intolerance in wax.
  • Presence of moles, warts, skin lesions on the corresponding areas of the skin.
  • Herpes.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Varicose veins.

Preparing for a waxing procedure in a beauty salon

Before waxing, first of all, you should remove dead skin cells (peeling, scrub, etc.) and put off lotions and creams for a week - the use of oil-based products makes it difficult to remove hair with wax. In preparation for epilation in the armpits Replace your antiperspirant with a traditional spray deodorant . An hour before the procedure, you can take painkillers if the pain of the epilation bothers you a lot. Well, when using a razor to remove hair, wait until the hairs grow back ( minimum 5 days ).

Waxing in the bikini area - what you need to know?

Waxing the intimate area is the removal of hair visible from under the linen, and deep hair removal in all parts of the groin and between the buttocks. To reduce the pain of the procedure and eliminate possible troubles after it, you need to remember the following:

  • Don't shave for 4-5 days before the procedure.
  • Before epilation (half an hour) it is necessary apply anesthetic ointment on the epilated area (in professional salons, this moment is taken into account by the masters).
  • The least painful time periods for this procedure are 4-5 days after the end of critical days , morning or 3-4 pm.
  • The most painful procedure will be during menstruation and ovulation, 3 days before menstruation and 3 days after it.
  • Choose a salon that uses epilation devices for single use only .
  • Apply after epilation hair growth retardant .
  • Wear a skirt for the procedure to avoid rubbing the skin irritated after the procedure on jeans / shorts.

Phased waxing - how is the procedure?

Before proceeding with the hair removal procedure, the master must make sure that the length of the hair allows for effective epilation (length - at least 0.5 cm). The procedure then proceeds as follows:

  • The desired area of ​​the skin is exposed fruit acid treatment or special tonic. This is done to exfoliate the top layer of the skin, remove impurities and prevent ingrown hairs.
  • The wax is heated and applied with a wooden spatula on the epilated area exclusively in the direction of hair growth. Under the influence of temperature, the pores open, and the wax penetrates to the hair follicles.
  • After the wax mass has cooled, the master removes it in accordance with the method of the procedure - with sharp movements, strictly against hair growth.
  • Wax residue is removed softening and nourishing lotion.
  • An anti-hair growth agent is applied to the epilated area , to validate the result.

Behind 30-40 minutes you get perfectly smooth, velvety skin.
