Signs for a wedding - what is possible, what is not, features and traditions. Wedding customs and signs

If everything is clear with the celebration of the New Year - how you meet it, you will spend it, then with the wedding everything is much more interesting - there are so many customs, customs and traditions, it is impossible for anyone to adhere to them all at the same time - but you really want family happiness!

wedding omens

  • If on the eve of the wedding a cat sneezes in the house in the morning, then the bride will be happy in marriage.
  • After the bride has left the house, the floors should be washed to make it easier for the bride to enter her husband's house. The best thing to do is to her mother.
  • Rain or snow on your wedding day - fortunately.
  • Before the newlyweds enter the house where they are to live, an unlocked lock is placed under the threshold; as soon as they enter, the lock is locked with a key and thrown away. For the same purpose, a lock is locked on the fence of the bridge.
  • The groom carries the bride across the threshold of the house in his arms. With his hugs, he protects her from damage.
  • The one who first crosses the threshold of the house (steps on the carpet in the registry office or church) will be the head of the family.
  • Grains, rose petals, money and sweets - all this can be thrown at the newlyweds leaving the registry office.
  • tradition to serve wedding loaf descended from the ancient Romans. In Rome, young people were not recognized as spouses until they ate a piece of the wedding cake at the same time. Today they are watching who will pinch off which piece of loaf. The one of the newlyweds who manages to bite off or pinch off more will be the head of the family.
  • There will be two “beaters”: after the ritual with the loaf, the bride and groom are served a glass of wine or champagne. They drink and break their glasses on the floor - for good luck. They look at the fragments who will appear first among the young: a boy or a girl. Large fragments - to the boy, small - to the girl.
  • In order not to quarrel in the future, the young wife, entering her husband's house, breaks the plate. Then they step over the fragments together.
  • Witnesses tie two bottles of champagne for good luck. The first bottle is drunk on the first wedding anniversary, and the second - on the birthday of the first child.
  • If the bride wants her sister or all sisters to marry immediately after her, then before she leaves the house, she needs to pull the tablecloth over the corner of the table.
  • If a newlywed wants to marry her girlfriend as soon as possible, she needs to cut off a piece of cheese and give it to this girl before leaving her parents' house.
  • The girl who catches the bride's bouquet will soon get married.

Signs related to wedding clothes and shoes

  • The groom must not see the bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony.
  • On the day of the wedding, the bride should wear something old, something new, something blue and borrowed. Old means some gift from the mother (such a gift symbolizes peace and wisdom in marriage). Blue means love, modesty and loyalty. Borrowed - this thing is taken from married woman happy in marriage.
  • The stitch added to the bride's dress before she leaves the church is supposed to bring her good luck.
  • The bride should be girded with a red belt - a charm. With her, there should be salt consecrated on Easter or on Maundy Thursday.
  • The change received from the purchase of veils, shoes and dresses is not spent as long as possible, at least not less than three months, and the money is removed so that a stranger cannot get to them.
  • So that the young people are not jinxed during the wedding, they need to pin a pin or a small piece of red ribbon (crosswise) on their clothes from the wrong side.
  • Rowan leaves in shoes, berries in pockets - these measures should protect the young from spoilage.
  • Old shoes on the bride will bring good luck family life. Before the wedding, the bride is recommended to walk at least a day in new shoes prepared for the event.
  • It is necessary to get married in closed shoes so that the toe and heel are closed, then happiness will not leak out of the house.
  • How long dress, the longer married life.
  • A wedding dress cannot be put on through the legs, otherwise the husband will leave.
  • Parents should ensure that none of the strangers and guests straighten the clothes on the bride and groom.
  • So that the young do not need bread and money, they put a few grains and a coin in their shoes.

Signs associated with rings

  • You can’t let your wedding ring be tried on, so you can give up your fate.
  • On the day of the wedding, you can not wear any other rings on your hand, except for the wedding ring.
  • Marries with parental rings - repeat their family relationship.
  • After the groom has put the wedding ring on the bride, neither she nor he can take an empty ring box or a plate on which she lay. It is better to take a box to an unmarried girlfriend or friend.
  • If, putting on a ring, the bride or groom drops it, be treasonous.
  • If you touch the rings of the bride and groom at a wedding, it means that soon you will be walking at your own wedding.
  • Newlyweds are not allowed to use wedding rings, sawn or melted down from the rings of their parents.
  • Both rings must be bought by the groom, and it is desirable that he does this on the same day, in the same place, then the chances of a long family life will increase.
  • The groom needs to put on the ring to the base of the finger - he will love stronger.

"Auto" traditions

  • In Europe in the 17th-19th centuries, bows were tied on the sleeves of the bride's dress ("bride's bows") for good luck. Soon, brides began to adhere to this tradition less and less, but the significance of the ribbons was not forgotten. Ribbons "migrated" to crews, later - to cars.
  • Cars from the wedding procession should constantly honk, scaring away evil spirit.
  • You need to go to get married (to the registry office) one way, and return the other way.
  • The bride and groom must go to the registry office in the same car.
  • The bride and groom must go to the registry office in different cars.

As you probably noticed, the signs are very different - funny, ridiculous, contradicting each other and common sense. Your right is to believe in them “wholesale” or individually, or not to believe at all. The main thing is to remember the sign, which probably comes true "To marry your beloved - fortunately!". And you, our dear readers, what wedding signs do you believe in?

A wedding is a significant day for the newlyweds and their families. wedding omens help to choose a favorable day for painting or wedding, buy outfits, invite guests who wish the newlyweds only happiness. Superstition helps to anticipate danger that can be avoided.

There are many signs associated with every nuance of the wedding.

About signs

Signs for a wedding speak about the future not only of the newlyweds, but also of their close circle. The more it is observed, the less likely it is to lose money or quarrel in the first months of life together. Conditionally signs are divided into:

  • bad (unfavorable) - they portend severe trials and difficulties that will appear in the near future;
  • positive - they talk about future changes, they promise success, good luck, well-being for the newlyweds;
  • warnings - a special kind of superstition that portends danger (it can be avoided with great effort).

Folk signs are help for people who are just planning a life together. Traditions different countries world help to see who will be the head of the family, and who will have to yield. In most cases, wedding folk omens are recommendations on how not to name trouble. It is important who the bride and groom invite to the wedding and how they prepare for the solemn day.

The meaning will take

Wedding signs are used during the preparation of the celebration. First of all, the outfit of the bride and groom is chosen - things charged with the right energy. Shoes symbolize the path of future spouses; the choice of shoes determines how united the newlyweds will be.

Wedding folk signs do not bypass the guests - people whose message will become the basis of the future family. If you call the wrong people, they can name trouble.

It is also important on what day the wedding is held: if you choose an unfavorable day, you can get bogged down in quarrels from the first days after the wedding.

Wedding folk signs suggest how quickly children will appear in the family, who will be (boy or girl) and what success the family will achieve together. Every superstition is an important clue.


Wedding traditions are equally important for both the bride and the groom. They are divided into general and special. Common superstitions help prepare for the wedding. Signs for the bride and groom before the celebration:

  • the last night (until they are married) the bride and groom spend separately; they cannot see each other or sleep in the same bed - otherwise quarrels cannot be avoided;
  • so that friends do not take their beloved away, you can’t look at them in the same mirror - superstition portends treason and betrayal;
  • heading towards the bride's house to ransom the future wife, a man should not look back - superstition promises a lot of empty, but constant squabbles;
  • you can’t give photos before the wedding - for the bride such a gift for parting, for the groom for a serious illness;
  • if before the wedding a woman starts sweeping crumbs from the table with her bare palm, the husband will quickly go bald.

Pre-wedding traditions help prevent partner illnesses:

  • so that the wife is not cross-eyed, on the eve of the wedding, a man should sleep less;
  • so that the husband feels good, the future wife should not take his things and take him out of the house.

Popular wedding signs on how to behave before the celebration:

  • if you look at yourself in a mirror in a wedding dress before marriage, you can’t do without petty quarrels;
  • if, after the bride leaves the house, the threshold and the floor are washed - to the breakdown of the marriage, the girl will quickly return to her parents' house.


The most popular folk omens about a wedding are associated with wedding rings. This is a symbol of the unity of the spouses, their endless happiness.

The main warning, if you follow folk signs, is not to take rough rings. They show how smooth the joint path of two people will be. You can not take rings with stones or additional details, otherwise the life of the newlyweds will be difficult, filled with constant problems. If you lose your wedding ring (before the wedding, at the wedding, or immediately after it), parting cannot be avoided. This is the most negative prediction for lovers.

To an unhappy marriage, let a stranger measure the ring. People say "to give a happy fate to another."

You can not let go of the rings that were worn at the wedding. After the wedding, the box from under the rings should not fall into the hands of the spouse. Such a box is given to an unmarried guest who wants to build a strong relationship - according to legend, she will soon find a mate and get married.

If the ring has inlay (pebbles), then it is better to choose rubies as a symbol of passionate and devoted love. Emeralds portend a lot of tenderness, and diamonds a long joint fate. For an engagement ring, stones are selected according to a similar principle.

Wedding rings with a stone portend a difficult married life


A separate type of signs tells how jewelry affects the fate of the newlyweds. If you wear pearls for a wedding, you will call tears and trouble into the house. Pearls should be worn only by unmarried women: it attracts potential suitors.

Jewelry cannot be worn to a wedding, the only a natural stone can only be in a wedding ring. To bring good luck to the family ( material well-being) the bride should only wear jewelry. On the hands of the bride and groom there should not be other rings, except for wedding rings, otherwise betrayal in the family is inevitable.

Dress and suit

A dress - the main attribute of a wedding - can attract good luck or call trouble. An old superstition says that the dress should be with a simple cut and light fabric.

An outfit with a corset, ties and other elements - the fate of the newlyweds will not be easy. Cumbersome details separate the lives of spouses; it will be difficult for them to agree even in the simplest matters.

Signs at the wedding for the bride:

  • white color symbolizes the purity of the union;
  • the dress is not shown to the groom before the wedding, otherwise he will not appreciate his wife at her true worth;
  • after the wedding, the outfit cannot be given away or sold, so as not to lose the family idyll;
  • you should not put on a dress through your legs (only over your head), so as not to call illness to your young wife.

Outfit for rent - to the constant distrust on the part of the spouse. He will suffer from jealousy, which will lead to the breakup of the family. Saving on a dress will lead to financial problems - the family will not have a common stable budget. The hem of the dress is hemmed by the bride with blue or light blue threads (the seam should be inconspicuous). So the future wife calls happiness and harmony to the house.

You can’t wear a dress before the wedding - an unfavorable superstition promises constant conflicts in which the spouse will be to blame.

Dress color

  1. A white dress is a blessing from higher powers.
  2. Silver color - for a short-term union.
  3. Red - to conflicts.
  4. Blue color - fleeting feelings.
  5. Blue - the husband's love affair is on the side.
  6. Green - the couple will not have a lot of money, the newlyweds will be mired in debt.
  7. Yellow is a short marriage.
  8. Golden - wealth that does not require much effort on the part of the newlyweds.
  9. Brown dress - for the quick sharing of acquired property.
  10. Black - to a severe illness of the spouse.
  11. Pink - to a reverent relationship.

Red Wedding Dress- to conflicts in the family

groom suit

  1. A black tuxedo is a symbol of marriage, in which mutual feelings prevail.
  2. Gray color promises a short life together.
  3. White - the suffering of the spouse.
  4. Blue - cheating husband.
  5. Blue - money problems.
  6. Green - the marriage will not last long, and the newlyweds will part as enemies.
  7. Red color - diseases of the spouse.
  8. Brown - despotism of the husband.

Shoes and accessories

Wedding omens depend not only on the main attire of the bride and groom, but also on the accessories they wear to the celebration. If the newlyweds are married in a hat, they will soon part. A short veil promises sick children, and its absence entails deceit and great suffering. Butterfly at the groom to treason and betrayal.

Signs for the bride and groom regarding shoes:

  • if the newlyweds choose boots instead of traditional shoes, they will fight and argue constantly;
  • light shoes on the groom for his illness (he will have a constant malaise);
  • sandals on the bride's feet promise poverty.

Wedding signs promise difficulties if the shoes break at the celebration. Two broken heels - to broken destinies, spouses not to be happy together. The danger is not to be avoided if the bride loses her shoes. An exception is a sign when shoes are stolen and then returned for a fee. Such a tradition promises wealth and generosity to a young family.

Newlyweds' shoes will also help predict the future


Wedding signs and superstitions related to the celebration, to how guests will come, what they will bring as a gift:

  • Forks or knives - a constant quarrel is called to the house of the newlyweds (conflicts will be frequent and unpleasant, and reconciliation painful).
  • Red or burgundy roses - the newlyweds will doubt their choice.

Wedding folk signs promise a lot of suffering if guests are late for the wedding. The breakdown of the newlyweds' car promises difficulties that are difficult to overcome. At a wedding, it is not customary to overtake the car of future spouses so as not to frighten off happiness.


The bride needs to wear a dress at the wedding (a few minutes before the wedding), otherwise the ceremony will not take place. Newlyweds going to the wedding should not cross the road - such a superstition has only a negative interpretation. Whoever burns the candle first - that of the spouses will die first.

If the bride drops her handkerchief in front of the altar, she will quickly be left without a husband. Superstition has another meaning - the husband may leave the bride in the near future.

Drop a ring at a wedding that has not yet been put on your finger, to separation and parting.

Signs for a wedding are unfavorably interpreted when a candle goes out during the ceremony - the happiness of the spouses will not be long.


Wedding signs for the bride and groom help to pick up witnesses. These are the people who will become the main advisers in family affairs.

Take divorced people as witnesses - to the breakdown of marriage. You can not trust such an important role to those who are unhappy in their personal lives. Their negative attitude will pass on to the newlyweds.

It is unfortunate to choose and meet married people as witnesses. Such people will bring trouble and bring discord into the young family.

It is dangerous to take witnesses who are married to each other - their marriage will begin to fall apart immediately after the ceremony. Best to take unfamiliar people who do not plan a joint future, then signs do not promise danger.


Wedding signs concern not only the wedding in the church, but also a trip to the registry office.

It is a bad superstition to walk near the registry office before the wedding ceremony - it does not help the newlyweds to build a happy family life.

You can’t let people past the bride and groom before going to the registry office - they can become lovers.

Parents should not be present at the marriage ceremony, otherwise their advice will harm the newlyweds. To go to the registry office in intricate ways - promises future spouses an interesting, eventful life. A confusing route will help to avoid quarrels and minor troubles.

Celebration date

A special moment in the preparation of the wedding is the choice of the appropriate month and date. For peace in the family, unfavorable days must be avoided. The wrong day falls on the 13th - marriages tend to break up quickly.

How to choose a day for a wedding and a wedding:

  • it is better to choose a day off so that all guests come to the ceremony in a good mood;
  • a suitable time in the afternoon, at such a time marriages are more successful;
  • on the wedding day, the bride needs to cry so that there are no tears in the family;
  • no day is chosen for memorable dates;
  • the weather does not affect the chosen day, rain and snow promise happiness and prosperity to the newlyweds.

Wedding folk signs portend happiness to couples who choose the birthday of the bride or groom. This is the right time to strengthen the alliance.

You can not appoint a ceremony on days when mourning is announced in the world. The overall energy of the day is important. You should not choose the days when one of the parents divorced the newlyweds - they will have to go the way of parents who did not stay together.

You can't get married on the day when the moon is waning. At this time, any undertakings are doomed to failure.


In December, the most reliable and strong marriages. This month, the newlyweds receive the blessing of higher powers.

January is not the most favorable for the celebration. If you have a wedding in January, you can lose your husband too soon.

In February, the marriage will be successful, there will be peace and harmony in the family. If you get married at the end of February, there will be no need for a family.


March marriages promise many difficulties. The newlyweds will love each other, but they will have to endure financial difficulties.

April marriages are very successful. Both husband and wife will be able to realize themselves in the professional field. Such couples will transfer success to the house: they will have comfort, harmony and well-being.

Marriages in May are rarely happy, and one of the partners is constantly cheating. In such families there is no cohesion and harmony.


In June, the most "sweet" unions are concluded. Newlyweds will be able to carry quivering feelings through life. In July, ambiguous marriages are concluded: they will have both difficult and pleasant moments. The union will last as long as the lovers have enough strength to fight for joint happiness.

In August, it is good to marry when lovers trust each other. They are friends, lovers and associates. Such an alliance will not fall apart, and fate will bring them only new surprises.


In September, the newlyweds provide themselves with a calm and measured life. This is a month that promises stability. The couple will not need anything.

In October, you should not expect a good life together. The couple will have to go through constant difficulties. In November, newlyweds get a chance to live not only happily, but also richly. Partners will not be difficult to get rich. The family is not in need.

A wedding in the fall promises prosperity


Folk signs help make the life of a young family easier. According to superstitions, a wedding dress, rings, wedding date are selected. With the help of signs, guests are invited and a marriage ceremony is held. You should not follow all the signs, but using them as a hint is useful for both the groom and the bride.

Wedding signs and superstitions will allow you to conduct the marriage ceremony correctly. On this day, it is important not to make mistakes, for which you may have to pay for your whole life.

In the article:

Wedding signs and superstitions: who to listen to

There are many traditions, so it is very difficult for newlyweds to decide which of them deserve attention and which do not. Difficulties begin already with.

In some sources, it must have pink flowers (a symbol of tender love), in another - golden ones (a symbol of wealth).

Modern newlyweds have a wide choice wedding traditions, because the customs and superstitions of various countries of the world are now known. And it's really impossible to do everything.

If you want to make a wedding not just beautiful celebration, but to strictly observe all the traditions, follow some rules:

  • define your nationality - what may be normal for our country will not always be understood by representatives of other nationalities;
  • carefully study the traditions of your people (if it is customary in your family to honor the traditions of your ancestors, you need to perform all the rituals correctly, without borrowing other people's customs);
  • it doesn’t matter what traditions you decide to follow and how superstitious you are, a wedding is your lucky day, and what is “bad omen” for others will not always harm you in later life.

The most common signs with rings

  • Newlyweds should not give their rings to anyone. You can only keep them Small child, which does not yet have a supply of negative energy. He also gives to the young.
  • Rings should be chosen of the same color and shape, it is desirable that they be smooth - then living together will be smooth, no problem.
  • Except for unmarried girlfriends and friends of the spouses, no one should touch the pillow on which the rings lay, or the boxes from under them.
  • The newlyweds should not have other jewelry on their hands during the ceremony. This can interfere with energy metabolism.

Bad omens: what not to do at a wedding

Under no circumstances should you drop your wedding ring. If this happens, the newlyweds may soon disperse. To eliminate the negative influence, you need to pass a thread through the fallen attribute, to which all the negativity will pass.

The used thread must be burned after the marriage ceremony is performed. Burning is carried out only by the culprit of the incident. While the thread is burning, he should say:

Drive away the fire of all my troubles and sorrows.

Lost or suddenly speaks of separation, divorce, breakup.

If, during a wedding, a girl, while standing under the crown, drops handkerchief she will remain a widow.

broken heel bride at the wedding promises trouble in family life.

If the bride will cut or prick his hand - he will live all his life in quarrels with her husband.

Wedding day: the main signs for the young

Of all, there are several main ones. It is important to follow these instructions, as they are present in the traditions of many peoples.

Indispensable attributes of the bride

It doesn't matter what you get married in. The main thing is that people love each other, which means they will be happy.

This is actually a true phrase. Because the very condition of the young during the ceremony is important. If a person is uncomfortable to be in a traditional outfit hung with talismans, what happy life can talk?

To keep all the rules wedding dress, you need:

  • dress (new, preferably sewn by a familiar seamstress, who is doing well in her personal life);
  • veil (symbol of purity, innocence);
  • a scarf (it is tied on the girl’s head instead of a veil to show that now she is not a bride, but a wife);
  • a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. It is desirable that this be an ornament;
  • borrowed item. It is taken only from a happy married couple - this is how they share with you the joys of family life. By borrowing something from an unfortunate couple, you will take on all their negative energy;
  • garter or jewelry blue color symbolizing purity and tenderness.

How to choose the right time

  • Experts advise not to choose the 13th for marriage, it promises failure.
  • The ceremony should take place before lunch. It is believed that in this case the marriage will last a very long time.
  • There are special signs regarding.
  • It is undesirable to marry in a leap year.

Wedding: signs for an old ritual

Today, a wedding is not a mandatory ritual, but it is better to hold it. After him, the couple will be under the protection of the Lord, and he will already protect the union of lovers.

It is impossible to terminate this union, since it is concluded not in the mortal world, but in heaven. There are, which must be followed during the wedding:

  • under no circumstances should those who hold crowns over the heads of young people lower or change hands;
  • the bride should not change shoes during the ceremony (especially if it is done by an outsider);
  • whose candle of the spouses burns out first, that one will have a shorter life;
  • both candles the newlyweds must blow out together, then they will have a long life together.

Wedding signs and beliefs after the celebration

  • If the young people take out a mirror immediately after the wedding and they look into it, then the union will be strong.
  • Leaving the registry office, the bride must give people coins. This will protect the family from poverty and adversity.
  • An important point is breaking glass. If the fragments turned out to be large, the first child will be male, if small - female.
  • If the young people move into a new home after the wedding, the groom must necessarily carry the girl over the threshold in his arms. This means that respect will reign in the house, and the bride will be carried in her arms all her life.
  • The parents of the bride and groom must stand on the same carpet. This suggests that from now on they are one family.

Folk omens for a happy marriage

In order for happiness in the family to be in abundance, the bride should not let go of the bouquet. This important attribute placed in front of the girl during a banquet, and then carried away to the bedroom.

If on the day of the wedding - to money and happiness.

A long marriage life can be ensured if the groom carries the bride across the bridge.

There should be a bench at the young table. Young people sit only on it, and not on chairs.

At the exit from the registry office, young people are necessarily sprinkled with sweets and grains.

Coins folded into a glass for the groom are kept in the house of the young away from prying eyes.

Throughout the ritual and celebration, no one should stand between the newlyweds, not even parents.

be unmarried at the time of marriage.

For the first wedding night Be sure to prepare new pillows. Pillowcases on them should be in contact with each other.

During the banquet, you need to put fur on the bench for the young. This will bring prosperity to the future family.

So that the family never needs anything, a coin is placed in the right shoes of the groom. It will be possible to get it only after the end of the ceremony.

It is forbidden for young people to dance at a wedding with anyone else. The exception is parents. And then, the dance should be short.

Only an odd number of people should be present at the identity.

Wedding signs, traditions and customs

The wedding is one of the most important events in the life of not only the bride and groom, but also their families, relatives and close friends who are invited to this significant event. Of course, it is surrounded by a record number of superstitions, some of which have come to us from the depths of centuries and have more than one millennium of their history, while others are born right before our eyes, but still firmly occupy a place in the minds of those who have yet to play this amazing rite.

If we retrospectively analyze marriage and family relations in Rus' from ancient times to the present, we can see that they have undergone significant changes. However, their basis is still the relationship between husband and wife, who after the wedding are separated from their parents and begin to live "their own house", which again goes back to the time of the late Stone Age, the Neolithic society, when there was a collapse of communal relations and a unit of society already considered a family living separately.

Here are just some of the signs associated with a honeymoon trip. Ever since the time when the main means of transportation was a horse, it was customary to ride in different carriages (carts, wagons) for both the groom and the bride. Nowadays, of course, cars are used for these purposes, but still the meaning remains the same - the bride and groom get to the registry office in different cars, and the bride goes with her girlfriends, and the groom with his friends.

Even before the bride is in the wedding car, the groom, again according to the existing custom, carries her in his arms to the car itself, although in Lately this ritual is observed less and less, mainly in Western Europe and the United States. According to the same customs, the path to the cars of the bride and groom is covered with rose petals so that their life together is as bright, beautiful and romantic as the petals of these flowers.

Where did the custom of decorating come from? wedding cars ribbons and flowers and what does it mean? Originally from Western Europe, this custom is a slightly modified, very ancient tradition the so-called "bride bows", which in its present form was most widespread in the 17th-19th centuries. The beautiful bride went to the church for the wedding, accompanied by several boys who carried sprigs of flowering rosemary, considered the flower of the bride, and narrow strips of ribbon, the so-called “bride bows”, which were tied in her arms and were considered a guarantee of a happy family life. At the beginning of the 20th century, this custom began to be gradually forgotten, but the practice of decorating items related to the wedding remained, although the bows themselves first migrated to wedding carriages, and then to cars.

In Rus', there has long been a tradition to arrange wedding arrangements and celebrate weddings from the Feast of the Intercession (October 14) to Kuzmin's Day (November 14). Begging for their "second half", girls and guys these days recalled all the famous love conspiracies that have special power on Pokrov. It was believed that the wedding ceremony is directly related to the worship of fire as a life-giving principle and the Sun as an image of heavenly fire that awakens the earth. On the last day of girlhood, the bride wept at the blazing hearth. Entering her husband's house, the bride went first of all to the hearth, specially kindled on that day.

Many other rituals and beliefs are connected with the wedding day. Although this holiday was considered joyful and solemn, the bride, from the moment the matchmaker appeared in the house until the very wedding in the church, according to custom, should not stop crying and lamenting about her fate, thereby showing respect to her parents and gratitude for the years of her life spent under stepfather blood. On the day of the matchmaking, the day of the next meeting is appointed, when the groom must come for an answer. The final agreement and the appointment of the wedding day were celebrated with a feast in the bride's house. By ancient tradition, the bride was symbolically “drank away”: the matchmakers and the bride’s parents drank for the agreement on future wedding, as a pledge of the inviolability of which the groom, before leaving, took a handkerchief and a ring from the bride.

And here is how our ancestors perceived the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding. The newlyweds break the first glass of champagne for happiness. The custom of breaking dishes for good luck during a wedding can be called international. On the second day of the wedding, clay pots began to be beaten in Russian villages. In addition, a broken pot was considered proof of the bride's chastity, but if the pot remained intact, the poor girl had a hard time. After all, it was very difficult to dissuade others that she was honest. And in general it was believed: the more fragments, the more happiness.

In some places in Europe, there was a custom according to which the parents of the bride after the wedding threw a dish of pies out of the upper window of the house. It was considered a good sign if the dish was broken into a large number of fragments.

The custom of breaking dishes for happiness existed not only in Russia. So, in Yorkshire (England) there is still a tradition of breaking a dish. The dish itself is given into the hands of the groom, on it there are pieces of a wedding cake. The groom must throw this dish over the head of the bride onto the road. At this time, the kids should quickly grab the pieces of the pie. In the event that the dish does not break into small pieces, the groom's friend must trample it with his foot. The more broken pieces of the dish were, the more happiness, it was supposed, could be expected in the young.

The father and mother of the bride greet the young with bread and salt, lead them to the table and seat them on a fur coat turned inside out. It is believed that this brings wealth and prosperity to the house. During the entire feast, the newlyweds should not drink or eat, and the boyfriend and girlfriend of the bride and groom make sure that the young people sit closely pressed against each other (“so that the cat cannot run between them”). Guests feast until late in the evening, break dishes for good luck, praise the young. The traditional exclamation "Bitter!" associated with the custom of offering each of the guests a shot of vodka, after drinking which he must confirm that it was really vodka, shouting: “Bitter!

And here are some signs associated with marriage ceremonies and wedding celebrations.

wedding omens

■ When the newlyweds sit down at the wedding table, it is necessary that they sit on the same bench - then the family will be strong and well-coordinated, otherwise the marriage may be unsuccessful.

■ The newlyweds at the table, according to ancient customs, should be put on a fur coat turned upside down with wool, so that they live richly and with prosperity.

■ The bride and groom should always be close to each other and not allow anyone to stand between them, otherwise they will disperse. The person who appeared between them was a harbinger of misfortune in family life. And besides, it was believed that the one who becomes between the newlyweds will be the reason for their separation.

■ Do not invite all relatives - to sort things out. In principle, this sign can be treated with a certain amount of humor and not taken seriously, but it still does not hurt to think about it at your leisure.

■ The girl who catches the bouquet thrown by the bride will be the next to get married, and next year. This sign is especially popular in recent decades, under the influence of American films.

■ Girlfriends should not wash the dishes after the wedding, otherwise there will be a quarrel with the newlyweds.

■ Many guests at the wedding - to the trouble. This sign can also be treated as a comic, folkloric one. It probably comes from the proverb "To marry the poor - the night is short."

■ A good treat at a wedding - to frequent guests in the house.

■ The bride and groom should not be photographed separately at the wedding - otherwise they will part.

■ Coins put into the glasses of the bride and groom during the wedding should be kept at home under the tablecloth, then the family will live richly.

■ If, returning from the registry office, the bride enters the house first, she will lead the family, if the groom, he will be the owner.

■ If at a wedding you tie two bottles of champagne with a ribbon and leave them instead of drinking them, the newlyweds will definitely celebrate their wedding anniversary and the birth of their first child.

■ If during the wedding jewelry fell from the bride - a bad omen.

■ If you give cutlery (especially with knives), give a coin - otherwise there will be contention.

■ The groom must not see the wedding dress before the wedding day and must not see the bride on the eve of the wedding.

■ Failure awaits the bride if, before the wedding, she sees herself in the mirror in full wedding dress.

■ If the bride's dress is torn at the wedding, then the mother-in-law will be angry.

■ Rain or snow on your wedding day - fortunately.

There are many signs regarding wedding candles. For example, it is believed that one of the newlyweds, whose wedding candle burns out earlier, will die first, and if it falls out of the hands, then this was completely considered not good. Also, the uneven burning of the wedding candle, which thus “worried” about the elders in the house, did not bode well.

If it rained on the wedding day, then this was considered an excellent omen, but it’s bad if the wedding was played in the winter and a snowstorm broke out - according to signs, all wealth was blown out of a young family.

If, after the wedding ceremony, the wedding procession went along a different road, then this was considered an excellent omen, since now the husband and wife will live new life and will not return to the former.

And what could be done if the girl did not want to marry the one whom she was expected to be her husband? Entrepreneurial matchmakers tried at all costs to seize old shoes and a girl's broom, since in this case she still had to marry, even against her desire, an unloved person.

Some of the signs associated with the wedding ceremony date back several centuries, and in this century they are also trying to observe, firmly believing in their effectiveness.

■ Before the wedding, the bride should cry a little - the marriage will be happy. It is best if these tears are from the parting words of the parents, and not because of some overlays or problems.

■ When the bride goes to the church/registry office, the mother gives her daughter a family heirloom: a ring, a cross, a brooch, a bracelet, etc., so that this thing is with her at the wedding, protecting her.

■ The bride and groom should blow out wedding candles at the same time - for a long life together.

■ After the wedding, the young should look in one mirror - to good luck, to a friendly and happy life.

Now it is fashionable to take loans for wedding celebrations, and this is understandable - after all, it is a great occasion to have fun on a grand scale, and this event is remembered by some for a long time, while for others - for life. In general, I want the celebrations to be held at the best level, so I have to borrow money, take loans ... But in the old days this was considered a bad sign, because according to popular belief, a family that celebrated a wedding with borrowed money will give all their lives debts and not have their own money.

Before sitting at the wedding table, the young should break the plate and step over the pieces together so as not to quarrel in marriage.

The bride cuts the wedding cake, the groom holds the knife. The groom puts a piece of cake with the main pattern on the plate of his betrothed, the bride presents the next piece to the groom, and then to the guests. This is a sign of mutual agreement and help to each other.

If three years in a row on the anniversary of the wedding to cover the table with a wedding tablecloth, then the young will live together until old age.

And of course, a rare wedding, even in our time, does without a traditional wedding loaf, about which there are also many beliefs and superstitions. A symbol of family happiness - a wedding loaf is baked by several women under the guidance of the godmother of the bride or groom. Widows, divorced or childless women are never invited to participate in this ritual: it was believed that their unfortunate fate could affect the future of a young family.

In general, there are a great many signs about weddings, not all of them portend good, but not all of them necessarily come true. If you believe in the power of love and do not pay attention to minor troubles during the wedding, then nothing bad will happen. The main thing is to always believe in good and look at everything with humor.

Recently, there has been an increase in interest in African culture and traditions. Some wedding planning firms even offer African style weddings. Exotic, isn't it? But perhaps it is worth knowing in advance about some of the signs and customs of a wedding in Africa. There are many of them, and we offer you some of them.

To begin with, it is important that before the upcoming wedding, a snake crawl into the house where the young people will live - this is considered a good omen, a sign of prosperity and happiness in family life. The mistress of the house in this case offers the snake a bowl of fresh milk and asks to stay. And it is considered a completely different sign if the snake has tried the treat - to be happy in the house.

There is also a fairly common ban on intra-tribal love relationships; according to the beliefs of many tribes, this brings misfortune and misfortune to the whole tribe and, of course, to those man and woman who, contrary to tradition, fell in love with each other.

During the wedding ceremony itself, the owners of the house in which this action is played read spells and prayers for the well-being of the house, call on the spirits of the ancestors to be favorable to them, and also ask for prosperity, well-being and health for everyone. It is noteworthy that, similarly to the traditions of European ceremonial magic, Africans at the end of each prayer-spell say "So be it" in chorus.

The custom of jumping over a broom at a wedding is common not only at weddings of ancient and modern pagans, it is an indispensable attribute of wedding ceremonies of many African tribes. The bride and groom during the wedding must jump over the broom, which symbolizes the beginning of creating their own home.

In South Africa, the Kgatla tribe lives, which has a custom according to which the next day after the wedding, the bride must, along with other women at home, sweep the entire yard clean. In addition to the purely practical component of this custom, it was assumed that she was soon to acquire her own house, but so far she helped with household chores in this house.

Wedding signs and superstitions associated with one of the most important events in the life of every person are specially collected together. If you are very superstitious, then in the process of organizing a wedding, you should carefully consider everything important points. There are wedding omens: superstitions for the bride, groom and their parents that are worth observing if they really play an important role in your life. So, let's deal with the main superstitions that are common among newlyweds.

A wedding is one of the most important events in every person's life.

There are wedding omens that the bride should know so as not to run into problems in the future. They are clear and simple, which will give you the opportunity to avoid complications.

Worried about the future and its well-being, people try to avoid bad signs

  • It is necessary to purchase only rings with a smooth surface. This is a real symbol of your journey with the groom, which should not be full of obstacles.
  • Don't show your guy your dress ahead of time. Also, don't look in the mirror while wearing your wedding dress. Do not fix your hair without removing your shoe or glove.
  • If you choose shoes, then pay attention to models that are devoid of laces and whose heel is closed.
  • Don't opt ​​for sandals. Superstition says that your family life will be very poor.
  • Don't forget to break in those shoes you bought for the wedding. Thanks to this, your legs will not get tired in the evening, so you can enjoy the holiday.
  • Avoid jewelry made from precious stones or pearls. Superstition says that this will lead to tears and disappointment.
  • If you are in a hurry to the registry office from your home, there is no need to look back. This old omen, which will give you the opportunity to protect yourself from evil eyes. If suddenly someone calls you, do not turn around. Go ahead and enjoy your new life.
  • Before painting, eat a chocolate bar without anyone noticing. But do it with your fiancé. Thanks to such delicacies, your life will become sweet and cloudless.

For the bride, signs primarily relate to her outfit.

Such wedding signs and superstitions will be useful to brides. Thanks to their observance, your life after painting will become very easy and enjoyable.

Wedding signs for the groom

Different wedding omens for the bride and groom are especially appreciated now. They try to follow, because only in this case can true happiness be found.

The groom also has a list of important nuances, violating which is a bad sign.

There are such signs that superstitious suitors follow:

  • You should avoid puddles in front of the bride's house. If suddenly the groom enters into it, then he will abuse alcohol in the future.
  • You should not look back if you have already taken the bride from your parents' house. If suddenly this happens, then the girl will be pulled back.
  • Do not try to see how the girl in the dress will look. This is possible only when the marriage ceremony has begun.
  • If suddenly the groom stumbles on the way to the registry office, then this indicates that he is not completely sure that he chose the right woman.

  • To avoid the evil eye, the groom's boutonniere is complemented by pins. They should be placed head down.
  • A prosperous and successful life will be only when the groom carries the bride in his arms.
  • A strong marriage is guaranteed if the bride is younger than the groom. The elder bride is the key to a fun life without problems.
  • If the groom loves dogs, then a devoted husband awaits you who will not look away. If a man loves cats, then affection and care awaits the bride.

If you are interested in wedding signs and superstitions for parents, then see what else is worth considering. For example, parents should serve the newlyweds a loaf. They also lay a towel and perform many other actions.

Wedding rings: signs and traditions

Today wedding rings often made to order and they can be unique, but still superstitious people hold on to old signs and traditions

Modern wedding rings, signs and traditions that directly affect, must also comply with the rules and requirements. If you believe in such signs, then heed these tips:

  • if suddenly an unmarried guest accidentally touches the ring, then he will soon also tie the knot. The same applies to popular situations, when a box containing rings was in the hands of a person;
  • misfortune in family life promises a situation when a person drops the ring before putting it on his finger. If suddenly the newlyweds made a mistake, the bridesmaid or groom's friend must thread the ring through the thread. After that, they burn it so that all hardships and quarrels go into oblivion;
  • never give the groom a gloved hand. If suddenly in your wedding image use of a glove is included, always remove it;
  • if you want to keep yourself out of trouble, you should not remove the ring when you are married or married. Previously, such accessories were a symbol of heartfelt love, so they were always worn on the finger;
  • if suddenly one husband or wife passes away ahead of time, the second spouse must put a ring on left hand. If people are divorced, then the ring is put in a box and never put on;
  • freeze wedding rings a few days before the wedding. The ice becomes a symbol of the fact that the newlyweds are as strongly bonded together as the jewelry.

The choice of ring design is a personal matter for every couple.

These are the main signs about wedding rings that should not be ignored if you are superstitious. In this case, you can be sure of your happiness and well-being.

Wedding dress color: signs

The most important sign of a wedding is that the groom should not see the bride in a dress before the wedding.

It is interesting, but the color of the wedding dress, signs about which also exist, plays an important role. Depending on which shade you choose, there will be the following:

  • brown color - the newlyweds will share what they have gained together;
  • white color is a symbol of God's grace;
  • a dress of a silver or golden hue - the marriage will be rich and magnificent;
  • black color - a woman will become a widow early;
  • yellow color - young people will live under one roof for no more than 6 years;
  • pink color - long and pure love;
  • blue color - the feelings of the spouses will soon cool down;
  • red color - very conflicting relationships;
  • blue color - the husband will have a lot of women on the side;
  • green - the marriage will soon end in divorce.

The bride chooses the dress on her own or with the help of the closest people

These are the main traditions that relate to the color of the wedding dress. If you believe in them, then you should carefully consider the choice of outfit. Only in this case, true happiness and peace await you after the marriage ceremony. If you do not know what color a wedding dress should be, omens will help you navigate your choice.

Wedding signs and superstitions by month

There are wedding signs and superstitions for months, which also cannot be ignored. These are the moments:

  • wedding in December - marriage will grow stronger day by day;
  • wedding in January - one of the spouses will die ahead of time;
  • wedding in February - the newlyweds will live in harmony and trust;
  • wedding in March - the spouses will live away from their home;
  • wedding in May - one of the spouses will be unfaithful;
  • wedding in June - your life will turn into a permanent honeymoon;
  • wedding in July - the newlyweds will draw both grief and happiness in the same amount;
  • wedding in September - the young union will be calm and harmonious;
  • wedding in October - difficulties and turbulent times await you;
  • a wedding in November is your opportunity to become independent, achieving stability.

When choosing a date for the celebration, in addition to the signs, practical points should also be taken into account

If you believe in signs, carefully study all that is listed above. This will make your marriage happy and stable. You will be able to enjoy feelings that will not depend on negative factors.
