Children's birthday script for a fixie boy. Children's birthday script with fixies

Simka and Nolik come to visit the guys, who remember that they have an exam soon. You need to prepare for it - remember the disciplines that you studied. The guys help them with this, and they get a delicious cake as a reward.


Creating a festive, friendly atmosphere.


A congratulatory poster in the form of a TV (congratulations are written on the screen). Images of cartoon characters, tools, Balloons. Photos of the birthday boy different years life can be portrayed as a film.


  • Bolts, magnets;
  • Suction cup toys;
  • Helmet;
  • Spray guns filled with water, a plastic sheet on which fire is depicted in washable paints;
  • Leaky tubes, plasticine;
  • Toys, wires, colorful boxes;
  • Boxes, cards with the image of objects, cards and boxes have a kind of barcodes that show which box the item is in;
  • Cake in the style of "Fixies".


  • Simka
  • Nolik

Event progress

Simka and Nolik first come out to the guys.

Simka: Guys, do you have a holiday today? Which? Who is the birthday boy? Show it to us!

The birthday boy takes the stage. Fixies congratulate him.

Zero: Wow, how big you have become! An inch more than last year!

Simka: How old are you?

The child answers.

Zero: How big are you already! You'll catch up with me soon!

Simka: And he will overtake if you do not study. By the way, do you remember that you have an exam today?

Zero: Of course I remember! But I'm so afraid! I don't remember a lot!

The children answer.

Simka: To pass it "excellent", you need to repeat all the topics that we studied. Guys, can you help Nolik figure out what we studied?

Children: Yes!

Simka: Then let's go! Guys, do you know why they test devices?

The children answer.

Zero: Well, probably to test what conditions they can withstand. And also determine how long the device can work under normal conditions.

Simka: Well done Nolik. Answered correctly. Now we will also conduct tests - we will check how many bolts the guys can collect in 2 minutes!

Competition "Magnet" is held.

Bolts are scattered on the floor, which participants use a magnet to collect in a special box. At the end of the time, the collected items are counted and the winner is revealed. You can attach a magnet to a string - then you get real fishing.

Zero: Look, Simka, what good fellows guys! Did a great job!

Simka: Then, I think, we can move on to the next question: a suction cup - what is it? And what do they eat it with? They don't eat it? And what is it for?

The children answer.

Zero: Have you ever seen suckers?

Shows children toys with suction cups.

Simka: Now we will check them - they work or not.

Relay race "Sucker" is held.

The guys are divided into teams. Each participant is given one toy with a suction cup. Players take turns running up to the window (mirror), fixing a toy on it, returning to pass the baton to another. It is important to glue the toys in such a way that they are arranged in order of increasing or decreasing their size. The team that completes the task correctly and quickly wins.

Zero: They work! The toys are holding on! How amazing!

Simka: And if you attended classes more often, it would be a matter of course for you. Guys, what do you think, is it necessary to go to classes?

The children answer.

Simka: Explain to Nolik why this is necessary!

Children explain (otherwise you can miss some important information that will come in handy in life).

Zero: Okay, I realized that you need to go to classes. From the next quarter I will attend all classes. But you need to prepare for the exam!

Simka: How did I forget. An important topic is Safety! Guys, when you are driven by car, do you fasten your seat belts? That's right, this must be done so that nothing bad happens to you on the road if the car suddenly brakes sharply. Have you tried rollerblading? It turns out?

The children answer.

Simka: Did they fall? Well, yes, only professionals do not fall. What should I do to avoid serious injury during a fall? That's right, you need to put protection on your hands and feet, and a helmet on your head. Then you will have less bruises and abrasions.

Relay "Protection" is held.

Children are divided into teams. Players take turns putting on a helmet, running the required distance, passing the helmet to the next participant. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Simka: You are just great guys! Have you ever seen a fire extinguisher? Did they have to use it? What is it for?

The children answer.

Zero: Guys, look! The real fire!

Shows a plastic base on which fire is painted with washable paints.

Simka: It needs to be extinguished immediately! Rescue Squad, dismantle the fire extinguishers!

The game "Fire Extinguisher" is being played.

A plastic sheet with a painted fire is installed vertically, a tray is placed under it, into which water will drain. Children are given small spray bottles filled with water. Their task is to “put out” the fire by spraying water on the plastic, that is, to erase the fire.

Simka: You would make great firefighters - got the job done very quickly! Liked?

The children answer.

Simka: The next topic is pipes! What do you know about pipes? Where can they be found? And if the pipe becomes full of holes, what will happen?

The children answer.

Zero: Fixies' job is to fix what's broken. If a crack appears in the pipe, you need to close it! (Shows two tubes about a meter long, on which there are many holes). Look, these tubes are full of holes. How will water flow through it? Something needs to be done urgently.

Graduation in kindergarten? We have an idea how to make it fun!To your attention the script for kids on prom with the leading Fixies. Simka and Nolik arrange games and competitions, award winners with medals and give gifts.

Simka: I think that the guys will cope with this task quickly!

The Leaky Pipe relay race is being held.

Each team receives a tube with holes. Their task is to close all the holes with plasticine cakes. After the teams complete the task, the leaders pour water into the pipes to check the integrity.

Zero: Well, if the tubes are filled with metal, then this is ...

Children: Wires.

Zero: Yes, but water does not flow through the wires at all. There is a current running! Why is he dangerous?

The children answer.

Simka: Since the wires through which the current runs are not a toy for children, we will play with safe wires. Agreed?

The game "Tangled Wires" is being played.

Toys are connected with wires to multi-colored boxes. For example, from the typewriter, the wire leads to the blue box. Then all the wires are tangled. The task of the children is to guess which toy should be in the box of which color. After those who wish to speak, the correctness of their answers is experimentally checked.

Simka: The guys must be tired. Do you want to rest? Then the last task for you is to find a cake!

Zero: Imagine, we prepared a delicious cake for the birthday boy. But they forgot which box it was in, so they brought all the boxes.

Simka: Help identify where your treat is!

The game "Barcode" is being played.

The boxes display a specific color code (e.g. green square, blue triangle, yellow circle). Children take cards with the image of an object, where the code is also indicated. The task of children is to guess by the codes what and where lies. The card with the image of the cake is opened last, in order to immediately get a delicious treat.

After tea drinking, you can play calm games:

  • Collect puzzles with Fixies;
  • Color themed coloring pages;
  • Sculpt tools from plasticine.

Party guests receive a package. In the package is a cracker with a letter. The letter contains the following text: “Dear guys! We invite you to visit. To shrink and shrink everything around, shoot the clapperboard. Your Fixies"

It becomes clear that the cracker is not simple, but magical!

After the shot is fired. Nothing changes around. But the host explains that not only the guys have decreased, but everyone around. To check whether our experiment turned out, let's call fixies. At this moment, large Simka and Nolik balls appear in the room and everyone understands that since we are the same size with them, it means that the decrease has occurred!


Part 1

After getting into the mini world, the host invites the guys to become fixies, and for this you need to take three steps.

1 transformation step

We learn the song and the sign "Tydysh"

Who can sing everything, who can't shout "Tydysh" in the right places and show a sign. The task is to perform the number loudly and unanimously.

2 step transformation

We make emblems "tydysh"

Using a blank (a black and white image of the sign on self-adhesive paper), color the sign, cut it out and glue it on the chest. (or hang like a medal on a ribbon).

3 step transformation

Riddles about electrical appliances (For each correct answer, guys can get a piece puzzle about fixies, and eventually collect it)

To distant villages, cities,

Who is on the wire?

Bright Majesty!

Dries dry wind

My mother's curls.

(hair dryer)

Steam let the tailed dragon

And smoothed out the crumpled scarf.


Even in the July heat

It is cold as winter.


Cleaner-robot from carpet

Pulls dust and dirt into its trunk.

(vacuum cleaner)

This laundry machine

We are erasing everything.

(washing machine)

Boiling from the inside

And blows bubbles.


Shoots like a machine gun

Sew a new dress.

(sewing machine)

The giant clenched his fist,

Made orange juice.


Looking at the screen in the apartment

See what's going on in the world


Part 2

After we have turned into fixies, you can begin their normal life. That is to go to school.

The facilitator warns that before each lesson, the guys will have to guess what kind of lesson it will be. Musical riddles will help you find the answer.

Lesson 1 Learning tools

Musical riddle: Pliers song

The facilitator shows the guys a backpack-helper. And he says now we will check how well you know the tools. Each participant is invited to try himself. We discreetly put one tool (for example, a hammer) in the backpack. The participant, without looking inside, puts his hand into the helper and tries to guess what kind of object it is. Then the next one does the same with another instrument, and so on. (everything happens under the “pasatizhi” fixer, which lists all the tools) In the test, you can use a hammer, pliers, screwdriver, wrench and more complex tools for seniors)

Lesson 2 How to make a cocktail

Musical riddle: the song "Milk" from the series about the mixer

Let's make a milkshake with the kids. And then the presenter suggests decorating cocktails with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits (orange, kiwi), making sugar edging glasses (lemon, plus sugar), choosing a beautiful tube. At the end, you can treat your parents.

Lesson 3 Physical education

Musical riddle: The song “and who are the fixies” from the moment, “I recently saw them, I didn’t catch just a little.”

The main task of fixies is to quickly hide from people. Therefore, we arrange a hide-and-seek lesson. The task is to hide from the leader or disguise. The leader leaves, and the guys hide.

Lesson 4 Music

Musical riddle: Song "Drum"

The task for the guys is to find a drum for themselves (as it is clear from the song, it can be anything, even a box, even a pan). Let's all play the drums together.

Lesson 5 Construction

The guys get a jar with different cogs, bolts, etc. The task is to select the same ones and arrange them in boxes.

After that, each player or all together (if the number of constructors is limited) is given the task of assembling some kind of constructor with selected screws.

The last test or the search for a way home

Unexpectedly, the host asks the guys: “But how can we turn into ordinary ones now?” We look around and see another package and a note from fixies:

If you want back

You enjoy being big

You shoot from the clapperboard

And grow up soon!

The guys look at the package, but there is nothing there. Only glow sticks. With these sticks, in turn, the guys are launched into a dark room or a tent covered with a blanket. Everyone's task is to find their cracker.

The final

Before the reverse transformation, the presenter offers to take a picture with a fixed camera as a keepsake. All guests receive gifts from fixies (among them is a photo collage, where all participants are presented in images of fixies). Also in gifts can be magnifiers, bubble with fixies, balls and other toys.

Additional game options:

Using makeup, we draw the signs of thousands for the guys

Taking pictures and playing with large objects (glasses, scissors, etc.)

- Game Signal

The children stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader stands in the center with his eyes closed. On command, the game starts. The leader opens his eyes. And the participants transmit a signal by squeezing the hand of a neighbor. The leader's task is to intercept the signal.

Missile launch

blowing bubbles

Fixies is a Russian animated cartoon series for the whole family. Created based on the story of Eduard Uspensky "Guaranteed little men". The Fixies series is part of the Fixies large-scale media project, designed for a wide international audience. The development of the project began in 2006. Since December 13, 2010, it has appeared on the TV show " Good night, kids! on the channel "Russia-1"

Birthday "Fixies"- great theme for celebration children's day birth. About how to organize the birthday of "Fixies", choose a script, games, costumes, arrange a room, festive table and much more you will find on this page-collection.

birthday fixie

The main colors to use at a birthday party are a combination of bright (neon) blue (cyan), orange, pink and green. Use bright neon colors for balloons and compositions from them, paper garlands, streamers and banners.

Huge fixies and cartoon characters, drawn or printed, are perfect for decorating doors, walls, and, of course, for a themed photo zone.

Additional decor can be foil balloons, figures from balloons or piñata in the form of fixies and / or with their image.

For your work in Photoshop paint
birthday fixie

Tailored for your creativity Birthday in Fixica style this useful collection of materials for working in photo editors and photoshop: clipart on a transparent background, digital backgrounds (textures) for photoshop, files for editing in psd format, various files in png format (with a transparent background) for inserting photos.

To work with these files, you will need installed programs: Photoshop (psd-files), paint is a standard built-in file editing program, you can add labels to JPG or PNG files in it. Photos in frame files png format you need to insert in photo editors (photoshop, illustrator and others).

birthday fixie

Thematic decor: photo props, masks, numbers, posters - stylized as the Fixies theme - this is always a very good and simple technique in order to maintain the overall style of the holiday. The decor numbers can be used in the form of a poster, curly toppers, pendants for balloons. Print masks, photo props - you are guaranteed fun for children.

birthday fixie

birthday fixie

Real experience Birthday in Fixica style from our subscribers. Here you can find interesting ideas decoration, as well as look at the already assembled sets for the holiday (paper candy bar), if it was used. For your convenience, links to printed materials have been added to the photo reports. I thank all the authors of the photos for the photos from the bottom of my heart!

Birthday 1-2 years old
Birthday in Fixica style

Birthday of 1-2 years old is the sweetest and favorite topic and mothers very often choose fixies, despite the fact that the cartoon is designed for an audience a little older, its popularity is so high that mothers choose them for their babies' birthdays.

Birthday 3-6 years old
Birthday in Fixica style

A birthday at 3 years old and above is already more a preference for the children themselves, their choice. Often children have several favorite cartoons at this age. It is simply impossible not to love the inquisitive Simka with Nolik and, of course, Dim Dimych! Mothers of children under 3-4 years old are advised to choose a topic about a month or two in advance so that the child does not have time to choose another topic or gradually increase the child's interest, reminding about the cartoon that will become the theme of the birthday.

Does your child dream of a Fixies-style holiday? Well, you are quite capable of arranging a birthday in the style of your son's or daughter's favorite characters.

First you need to decide - do you want to arrange a birthday in the style of all the characters in the "Fixies" cartoon, or perhaps opt for one of your favorite ones.

After that, you can safely take on the production of invitations to the holiday (of course, having previously decided where and when it will take place).

Having sent out or personally given invitations to the Fixiks holiday, you need to do the decor. Consider how and with what the room for the holiday will be decorated. It could be balloons bright colors Fixies (green, blue, yellow, orange), garlands and banners, posters depicting Fixies or their big figures printed on cardboard.

Don't forget to decorate food and drinks too. The easiest option is to print small images of Fixies and stick them to toothpicks or skewers - you will get a great decoration for various snacks. You can also just put them on the table in a glass (you get a kind of bouquet of Fixies :)).

The choice of menu, of course, depends on the preferences of the birthday man or the birthday girl and their guests. But what they definitely won’t refuse and will wait with special impatience is a cake. We offer you a small selection of cakes in the style of Fixies:

You can also offer Fixik-style cookies to your guests.

The entertainment program of the holiday depends on your capabilities (an animator or you will entertain the guests yourself) and on their age (for example, younger children can be offered coloring, and for older guests, a master class on drawing one of the Fixies).

As a basis for the script, you can take the plot of one of the cartoon series or come up with original games and tasks on your own. Here you need to start directly from the interests of your child and his friends.

If you have the desire and opportunity, you can arrange a photo zone where everything will be done bright photos for memory.

Holiday script for children 6-8 years old

Characters: children aged 6-8 years, presenter, Nolik and Simka. There must be at least three children so that they can make a round dance with the leader and fixies.

Props: table, Nolik's suitcase with tools (wrench, hammer, screwdriver, 2 magnets and metal objects - bolts, nuts). Also, the presenter must have scales to determine who won, and sweet prizes.
During the holiday, the song "Fixies" and the fixies' song about a screw are heard. For the last competition, you will need cards with images of household appliances.

Music is playing, children are dancing. The dance melody changes to the song of fixies. The door opens and Nolik enters with a box of tools.

Nolik: Well, what's wrong with you?

Host: We didn't break anything. We're celebrating.

Nolik: What holiday?

Host: Birthday ( name of the birthday boy).

Nolik: I love birthdays! Will you take me to your party?

Presenter (addressing the children): Well, let's take Nolik to celebrate his birthday?

Host: Stay. We have a lot of space, it's more fun together.

Nolik: Can I call Simka?

Moderator: Of course you can. Children, do you like to watch cartoons about fixies?

Host: Call Simka.

Nolik takes out a mobile phone from his pocket and calls Simka:

Nolik: Simka, I'm at the birthday party ( name of the birthday boy). Come, everyone is waiting for you here.

Host: Coming?

Nolik: Yes, she said that she would be soon.

Host: Well, guys, are you happy?

Zero: In the meantime, Simka is driving, let's check how you know the names of the instruments. I have tools in my drawer. I will get and show. And you call.

He puts the tool box on the table, opens the lid and takes out in turn: a hammer, a wrench, a screwdriver, and the children call in chorus what it is and what it is used for. Suddenly, the toolbox falls and screws and cogs are scattered across the floor.

Nolik: Oh, how am I so careless! Wait kids, don't rush. I have magnets. Who wants to help me with magnets?

He chooses two children and, on command, they must collect everything that has crumbled. Then, on the scales or by counting, it is determined which of them won. The winner will receive a sweet prize. Music sounds again and Simka enters the room.

Simka: Here I am. You were waiting for me?

Simka: Well, what were you doing here without me?

Children talk about the competition.

Nolik: Simka, let's teach the guys our favorite song?

Simka: Come on. Everyone stand in a circle so you can see us. We will study the movements and words of the song.

Simka: Here, look. When I say the word "cog", we all do this movement.

Shows with thumb and forefinger right hand 1 cm distance.

Simka: Well, repeat. Screw!

Nolik: And when we say "bulldozer", we show it like this.

And he shows how he pushes something away from himself with both hands.

Nolik: Well, repeat. Bulldozer!

Simka: On the word "crane" we put the right palm to the forehead and look up. Well, repeat: crane!

Nolik: And when we say “computer”, we show it like this.

Shows a square in front of his eyes with his hands.

Nolik: Well, repeat: computer!

The music of the Fixies song about the screw sounds, everyone sings and shows movements. If it doesn't work the first time, you can start the music again.

Simka: Did you like the song? Now let's just dance!

We turn on any children's music, and everyone dances as they want, for 5-10 minutes.

Nolik: Tired?

Children: No!

Simka: How are you not tired? Then let's play some more.

Nolik: I propose to play our favorite game - riddles.

Simka: Keep cards with pictures of useful tools. Nolik and I will ask riddles. And you guess and, if this tool is on your card, raise it up. Does everyone understand?

Simka: Don't shout out answers.

Simka: Well, did you like it?

Nolik: Eh, it's a pity to part with you. But it's time for Simka and me.

Simka: We liked you very much. By the way, where is our birthday boy?

The song of fixies sounds. The birthday boy comes to Simka.

Simka: We have prepared a present for you.

And he gives the birthday boy something good - a toy, a real one. household appliance or tool.

Nolik: Guys, bye! Watch cartoons about us and we will definitely come to you again!

Fixies go.
