Synopsis of OOD on the development of coherent speech in the senior group Topic: “Household appliances. OOD Speech development plan-summary of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic Synopsis of ood on speech development

MBOU "Educational complex No. 1"

OOD for the development of speech

V preparatory group

The book is a friend and helper.

Teacher Shmarova T.V.


OOD for the development of speech "The book is our friend and helper"

Purpose: To instill a love of reading .

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to distinguish sounds by ear mother tongue. Distinguish between the concepts of "sound", "syllable", "word", "sentence".

To teach to show independence, initiative in order to acquire new knowledge.

Improve speech as a means of communication.

Cultivate love for the book as a source of knowledge.

preliminary work: excursion to the library, reading books, work on syllabic tables and plot pictures. Learning idioms and tongue twisters. Didactic and educational games: “Who will see more?”, “Name more words”, “Rebuses”, “Name words with a certain sound”.

vocabulary work: letter, syllable, word, sentence, library.

Material: book exhibition, plot pictures, syllabary table, "magic words", circles for determining consonants and vowels in a word, rebuses.

GCD progress

Today is our special day

I will introduce you friends

With an object without which

We cannot live in the world.

A surprise awaits you.


She speaks silently, but clearly and not boringly.

You talk more often with her, you will become four times smarter.

Though not a hat, but with fields

Not a flower, but with a root.

Talks to us

All understandable language.

What is the riddle about? (about the book). How did you guess?

What do you think the book is for? (children's answers)

Who knows the names of the books that are taught in school?

The teacher shows the book and offers to read its title. (FAIRY TALES).

Do you love fairy tales?

Do you remember what a fairy tale is?

A fairy tale is a genre of literary creativity about fictional characters. (an entertaining story, magic, fiction).

What are fairy tales? (about animals, magical, instructive ...).

What genres do you know? (fables, stories, stories, epics, poems - poetry).

What do you think it takes to read a book? (be able to read)

Who remembers what kind of speech happens? (oral, written).

Written - we write or read, oral - we communicate.

In what form can oral speech be? (monologue, dialogue)

What is the difference between letters and sounds? (we write letters, we pronounce sounds).

What is our speech? (from sentences, sentences from words, words can be divided into syllables, syllables are made up of sounds, and sounds can be vowels and consonants). In the word syllables, the stress is on the first syllable.

We read a poem about vowel sounds:

Air moves freely through the mouth

The sound becomes a vowel

Vowels stretch in a voiced song.

They can cry and scream

They can cradle a child in a crib,

But they do not want to whistle and grumble.

l . Game "Unusual Forest"

A picture with the image of various objects is exhibited.

Task: identify short and long words.

ll . Game "Make a proposal".

Task: to make a sentence and a diagram according to the plot picture.

lll . Auditory dictation.

The teacher reads the words and offers to lay out the indicated letter.

BEE- (first) P

FOREST- (second) E

PUMP- (first) N

WASP- (last) A

SNAIL- (second) L

PENCIL CASE- a sound-letter analysis of the word is given.

Dynamic pause:

Up hand and down hand pulled them lightly

Quickly changed hands, today we are not bored

Squat with Claps

Down - cotton, up - cotton

Legs, hands stretch. We know for sure it will be good

We turn - we turn our heads

Stretching the neck. Stop!

lY . "Guess the word."

Task: under each picture of the card, lay out the first letter of the word. Read the received word, check each other.

Y . Word auction.

The syllable table is exposed.

Children form words on the principle of a chain so that the last syllable of the previous word is the beginning of the next:


Yl . Game "Tricky words".

Explain the meaning of words when the stress is reversed.

Exhibited words: CASTLE, FLOUR, HORNS, ATLAS.

Explain the meaning of words that sound the same but have different meanings.

The teacher says the words:

LANGUAGE (at the bell, at the child, at the boot).

HANDLE (by the door, by the child, for writing).

KEY (for a lock, violin - in music, wrench).


Here you have shown your knowledge.

We read the poem "Disciples":

We became students - we are no longer kids,

And we are grateful to the kindergarten from the bottom of our hearts,

We confused the sounds at first. The language did not listen to us at all.

Well, now we are boldly going to school, to first grade!

D. Demikhovo

Synopsis of OOD on the development of speech

in the preparatory group:

"Compilation of a story based on plot pictures

on the theme "Autumn".

prepared and conducted


Program content:

- to consolidate in children ideas about seasonal changes in nature,

- to teach how to compose a coherent sequential story based on plot pictures (according to the algorithm),

- to develop the ability to convey the subject content of the plot picture,

- develop grammatically correct phrasal speech in the process of teaching storytelling,

– to expand and activate the subject dictionary on this topic,

- exercise in the correct use of prepositions (in, over, under, on, by).

Dictionary work: rainy, damp, golden, fragrant, late, Indian summer, redden, turn purple (scarlet, crimson), fine drizzling rains.

Integration educational areas: cognitive, speech, social and communicative, game, physical.

Methods and techniques: visual, verbal, game.

Equipment: plot pictures according to the method " Development of speech in kindergarten".

Preliminary work: seasonal changes in autumn, the vital activity of wild animals in the forest, signs of autumn - inanimate nature, people's clothes in the autumn.

The teacher gives the children a riddle. And he draws attention to the fact that the answer will be the topic of today's lesson.

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves.

That's right, children are autumn. Just like you and I outside the window. And who will name the autumn months for us? (children's answers). Everything is correct.

Now answer me, please: What is autumn like? (cold, rainy, damp, golden, fragrant, late). Well done! What autumn is called "early"? (this is September, Indian summer, when the leaves are just beginning to turn golden, redden, turn purple, insects have not yet hidden and nature can please us with sunny weather). Everything is correct.

And what is " Golden autumn"? (children answer - the leaves on the trees seem to be covered with gold, rustle under their feet and delight the eye with their variegation. This is the time of leaf fall. The foliage smells delicious). And it is right.

And what period of autumn do we call "late"? (children's answers - trees are dropping their leaves, almost everyone is standing naked, cold strong winds are blowing, light drizzling rains are falling, gray low clouds are floating across the sky, the sun almost does not appear in the sky, birds fly away to warmer climes).

Guys, you are just great, and answered all my questions correctly. And now we have to creative work. You and I will turn into storytellers and we will come up with our own stories. And the stories will be on the theme "Autumn".

The teacher hangs plot pictures on a magnetic board, one shows animals in the forest, the other shows autumn rainy weather in the city. But before we start composing, let's warm up a bit and turn into autumn leaves.

Physical education is carried out:

Autumn leaves are spinning quietly (children are spinning around themselves),

Leaves quietly lie under our feet (children squat).

And they rustle and rustle under their feet (children imitate the breath of the wind with their hands and pronounce the sound “sh-shshshshsh” - drawlingly).

As if they want to spin again (the children are spinning).

Now guys, let's move on. Let's get back to our plot pictures. How would you title them? (children give various options, the general opinion chooses the name of the picture - "The animals are preparing for winter" and "Rainy autumn in the city").

The teacher draws attention to the fact that children already know how to make up stories from pictures. The story must be correctly constructed, according to a certain scheme - an algorithm. The teacher reminds that any story should have:

The beginning, the main part - the disclosure of the storyline. conclusion - the conclusion and their attitude to the picture.

The teacher explains that first you give the name of the plot picture you have chosen, then you describe the place and time depicted in the picture, then you describe the action or characters that are depicted here. And as a result - the conclusion.

The teacher, through questions, prepares children to compose stories - stories based on these pictures, clarifies the main phrases. The child has the right to choose any of the two proposed. The teacher listens to the stories of those children who themselves have expressed a desire to try their hand.


- What did we do today?

What pictures were used to make up the story?

The teacher summarizes at the end of the lesson. He listens to the opinion of the children, which turned out especially well, whose story turned out to be the most complete and well-structured.

Well done guys, you did a great job today, answered questions well. We worked together!

Educator MBDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 123"

(Senior group)

Target:Develop the ability to use complex sentences in speech and convey emotional coloring to the story.

Tasks: Development of perception, empathy, arbitrary behavior; development of the imagination; to activate the use of synonyms in the speech of children; exercise to compose a related story about what was read; pronounce phrases clearly and distinctly, speak with different intonation in the voice, change the pace of speech.

Material:audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", an owl toy, the author's fairy tale "A mischievous breeze", autumn leaves by the number of children, an album sheet and colored pencils, pictures for a proverb.

  1. Silence exercise.

Teacher: “Let's all sit down together on the floor, hold hands, close our eyes and sit in silence for a while, and we will come to visit fairy tale. And now let's open our eyes and listen to the tale of the "Naughty Breeze".

  1. The story of the fairy tale "Naughty breeze" (Author's).

Teacher: “There was a breeze, he was very mischievous and naughty. He blew strongly, dabbled, tore off people's hats. And once, when one girl was swimming in the sea, it blew so hard that all her clothes flew into the sea. Another time, he puffed the boy's ear very hard, so that it hurt him. And everyone became afraid of the breeze, tried to run away as soon as they felt its slightest breath, and sometimes they said: “Oh, what a nasty wind.” The breeze became very sad and insulting, he went to his old grandfather the wind and complained to him that everyone was hiding from him, but running away, and also called names. And grandfather wind tells him: “Don’t shawl your granddaughters and don’t play around, blow gently, people will love you. It can be very hot outside, so that everyone is happy with the gentle breeze. The breeze was delighted that they would love him if he didn’t play naughty, thanked the grandfather of the wind and flew away. Let the breeze play with dreams now.

  1. Exercise "Choose synonyms for the words mischievous"
  2. The game "The wind blows the one from whom ...".

With the words "The wind blows on the one who has ..." the teacher starts the game. So that all participants in the game learn more about each other, questions can be as follows: “The wind blows on the one who has blonde hair"- all fair-haired people gather in one pile. "The wind blows on the one who has a sister... a brother... who loves sweet things the most... etc."

  1. Storytelling with children.
  2. The game "Blow on an autumn leaf" ( breathing exercises)
  3. Saying the proverb: “Good adorns a person” (different intonation of voice).
  4. Invite children to draw their favorite fairy tale hero (audio recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons")

Synopsis of OOD on the development of speech "Naughty breeze"

Synopsis of OOD on the development of speech in senior group on the topic: "Winter"
Target. The development of connected speech.

1. To generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about winter, to clarify the signs of winter.
2. To consolidate the ability of children to answer questions with a complete sentence.
3. Activate the dictionary on the topic; learn to select definitions for given words (activation of adjectives). Dictionary enrichment: blizzard, blizzard, powder, powdered, blizzard.
4. Improve the grammatical structure of speech: learn to select words with the same root, use nouns in the right case in speech.
5. Develop attention, thinking.

Material. Illustrations with winter landscapes, phonogram by P. I. Tchaikovsky "At the stove" ("The Seasons"); album sheets of a light blue tone, colored pencils (colored wax crayons).

Preliminary work:
Observations while walking.
Reading stories, learning poems about winter; talk about signs of winter.
Examination of illustrations depicting winter nature.

Lesson progress
Illustrations with winter landscapes hang on the board. The teacher reads the poem:
The magical winter is coming.
Came, crumbled;
It hung in tufts on the boughs of oaks;
She lay down with wavy carpets
Among the fields, around the hills.
A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil;
Frost flashed. And we are glad
Leprosy mother winter.
A. S. Pushkin
Educator. Guys, today we will talk about the wonderful season - winter.
- Who can say how many months winter lasts? (Three.)
- Name these months. (December January February.)
- What month is it now? (January.)

Educator. At this time of the year we often say the word "snow". And what snow? (White, cold, fluffy, sticky, etc.)
The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from E. Trutneva's poem "The First Snow":
What is outside the window?
Light up in the house!
This snow lies like a carpet,
The very first, the whitest!
Didactic game"Add a word"
- In winter, everything is covered with white fluffy snow. Let's play with this word. I will read a poem, and you finish the lines with words similar to the word snow.
Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground ... (snow)
Fluffs are all sliding from the sky - silvery ... (snowflakes)
On the trees, on the meadow quietly falls ... (snow)
Here's the fun for the guys - getting stronger ... (snowfall)
Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play ... (snowballs)
As if he dressed up in a white down jacket ... (snowman)
Next to the snow figurine is a girl ... (Snow Maiden)
In the snow, look, with a red breast ... (bullfinches)
As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, he decorated the whole earth ... (snow)
What words did you add? What word do they look like? (children's answers)

Educator. What natural phenomena can be observed in winter? (Snowfall, blizzard, blizzard.)
- The paths were covered with powder - how do you understand that? (Snow covered.)
“Powder”, “powdered” - these words are repeated by the children in chorus and individually.
- What words can you say about winter, what is it like? (Snowy, frosty, blizzard, cold, etc.)

Fizminutka "Snowflakes" Oh, fly, fly snowflakes - Snow-white fluffs. (Smooth waves of hands.) This is a winter-winter (We take away first right hand to the side, she led the sleeves. then left hand to the side.) She swirled all the snowflakes And lowered them to the ground. (Turn around and sit down.)

Educator. What happens to trees in winter? What are they? (They stand naked, without leaves, only pine and spruce are green; trees rest in winter)
- What do you think, how do animals live in the forest in winter? (Children talk about a hare, a fox, a squirrel, a bear, etc.)
Have the birds all flown south? Tell us which birds hibernate and what they eat, who helps them survive in winter. (Children's stories. 2-3 stories are heard.) Educator. What fun and games do you have in winter? (We go sledding, skiing, skating. We play snowballs, make a snowman, etc.) Exercise "Finish the sentence"
- Let's play a game. I will say the beginning of the sentence, and you will add the word snowman.
We decided to make ... (snowman).
We attached a carrot nose to our ... (snowman).
We showed our neighbors ... (snowman).
We played with our ... (snowman).
We told grandma about... (the snowman).

Physical education "Snowman"
Come on, my friend, be bolder, my friend, (They walk in a circle, pretending to roll their snowball in the snow. They roll a snowball in front of them.)
It will turn into a snowball, ("Draw" a large circle with your hands.)
And it will become a snowman. ("Draw" a snowman from three lumps.)
His smile is so bright! (They smile broadly.)
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom. (Show eyes, cover head with palm, touch nose.)
But the sun will bake a little - (Squat slowly.)
Alas! - and no snowman. (Shake hands, shrug.)

The teacher invites the children to draw a picture about winter.
Calm music sounds, children draw.
Outcome. Evaluation of children's activities.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 27 "Charoite"

Synopsis of OOD on the development of speech in the preparatory group


Shtol Natalya Alekseevna

April 2017


Moscow region

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group

Lesson objectives:

1. Learn to select and use words with a generalizing meaning in speech.

2. Enrich the vocabulary of children with synonyms and antonyms, be able to select examples.

3. Recall and name fairy tales based on fairy-tale characters, develop the imagination and speech creativity of children.


1. Develop the ability to form diminutive words from the nouns given by the educator. The game "Call it affectionately."

2. Didactic game "Name your house" - teach you to name the animal's dwelling (house) correctly.

3. Learn to form adjectives from nouns (fox - fox).

4. Learn to use comparative words and phrases in your speech.

5. Develop the ability to recognize an animal by description (fur, nose, eyes) - a comparison method.

6. Repetition of home address and phone number.

Lesson type:

Consolidation of previously acquired knowledge.

Lesson form:

Directly educational activities


30 min


Pupils of the group

Age of students:

6-7 years old

Equipment and materials:

A small ball,

Preliminary work:

Methods and techniques for working with children:

Visual: demonstrating illustrations, showing a method of action, showing a sample; verbal: teacher's story, children's explanation; practical: completing tasks.

Lesson structure:

Develop the ability to form diminutive words from the nouns given by the teacher. The game "I am a weasel."

Didactic game "Name your house" - teach you to name the dwelling (house) of an animal correctly.

Learn to form adjectives from nouns (fox - fox).

Learn to use comparative words and phrases in your speech.

To develop the ability to recognize an animal by description (hair, nose, eyes) - a method of comparison.

Repetition of home address and phone number.

20 minutes

End of class

Summing up the lesson, checking the acquired knowledge.

5 minutes

Lesson progress:

The guys stand in a semicircle. The teacher is in the center with a small ball in his hands.

Teacher: Guys! I asked you to stand in a semicircle, shoulder to shoulder, so that you feel like one organized, close-knit group, and in case of your failure, you can always feel the shoulder of your friend, comrade, who will always come to your aid.

Let's think about how you would like to be called in the group and how your mother affectionately calls you. As you pass the ball, please say your name loudly and clearly.

Children pass the ball to each other and affectionately call their names (Sveta - Svetochka).

Teacher: Guys! But you can affectionately call not only you, but also the objects around us. Let's try to form diminutive words, that is, let's play the game "Call it affectionately."

The teacher calls the word and passes the ball to the child, who forms a diminutive form from it. For example, a flower is a flower, a nose is a nose, a dress is a dress, etc. Then the children quietly sit on chairs at the tables.

The teacher checks the further readiness of the children for the lesson (the back is straight, the legs are straight, the arms are folded - the right one is at the top).

Educator: In the last lesson, we recalled words that are called synonyms, that is, we selected words that are close in meaning.

Asks one of the children to remind and give examples. Children select synonyms for the words "enemy", "work", "lazy".

Educator: Today we will work on the words work - mess around. What, guys, are these words in meaning, in meaning? What are such words called?

Asks one of the children to define antonyms, give examples.

Educator: Come on, guys, let's try to pick up antonyms, that is, words that are opposite in meaning to these words: day - night; kind angry; back and forth; polite - rude; industrious - lazy; high - low; neat - slovenly; narrow - wide; top - down; right left; friend - enemy; the brave is the coward.

For better understanding and memorization, the teacher refers to the poetic form.

Educator: “I will say the word“ high ”, and you will answer ... (low).

I will say the word "far", and you will answer ... (close).

I will tell you the word "coward", you will answer ... (brave).

Now I'll say "beginning" -

Well, answer ... (end! )

The teacher at the end of the game of antonyms praises the children.

Educator: Look now, guys, at the easel. Let's remember the poem by I. Tokmakova "Fish, fish, where do you sleep?"

Put two demonstration pictures on the easel.

Teacher: Guys! Which of you can read this poem to us? Please, Anya. It was not by chance that I called Anya to the easel. She read this poem very well and highlighted all the endings in the words with her voice. Let's repeat together: the fox has a trace of foxes. (Voice underline the ending of the adjective).

The teacher with the help of the ball conducts the game "Whose trace?" Children pass the ball to each other, say the answer:

cow - cow

hare - hare

Sheep - sheep

horse - equine

cat - feline

Goat - goat

Piglet - piglet

Hedgehog - hedgehog

Squirrel - squirrel

wolf - wolf

fox - fox

Educator: We learned from the poem that animals live in houses. What are their houses called?

With the help of the ball, the game “Who lives where?” is played: an ant is in an anthill, a bird is in a nest, a bear is in a den, a shark is in the sea, a pike is in a river, bees are in a hive, a fox is in a hole, a squirrel is in a hollow, a wolf - in a den, a beaver - in a hut, on a dam, a dog - in a kennel, a chicken - in a chicken coop, a sheep - in a sheepfold, a horse - in a stable.

Educator: Where do my children live? Who can give their home address?

Listen to the answers of 3 - 4 children.

At the end of the game you need to praise the guys. Then the children quietly stand near their places, the teacher conducts a physical education minute:

"We made a snowball,

The ears were made later.

And just instead of eyes

We have coals.

The bunny came out alive

He has a tail and a head.

Do not pull on the mustache -

From straws they

thin, shiny,

Like the real ones"

And now, guys, let's see how you know fairy tales. I will name fairy tale characters, and you tell me the name of the fairy tale. Listen carefully:

1. King, three sons, Sivka-burka, princess - "Sivka-burka".

2. Evil stepmother, two daughters, Santa Claus - "Morozko".

3. Tsar, three sons, Ivanushka, humpbacked horse, princess - “Humpbacked Horse”.

4. The king, three sons, an arrow, a swamp, a frog - "The princess is a frog."

5. “Father, stepmother, three daughters, king, prince, fairy -“ Cinderella ”.

Put a picture with the image of forest fabulous animals on the easel. (Application)

Assignment for children: carefully look at the picture, choose the animal you like, describe it, say at the same time how it differs from other animals. What is it called in fairy tales and in what fairy tales is it found? Children come out and talk about the animals they have chosen.

For example, a fox is cunning, a liar, red, fluffy, very beautiful tail, ears on top. They call her fox-sister, fox-Patrikeevna. It is found in fairy tales: "Gingerbread Man", "Fox-sister and gray wolf", "Fox with a rolling pin"; the mouse is small, gray, with a long tail, eyes - like beads. Mouse-norushka. Tales: "Teremok", "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen"; wolf - gray wolf, teeth click, when he is hungry, he howls at the moon, his eyes are angry. Gray wolf. Fairy tales: "Teremok", "Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf", "Little Red Riding Hood".

Teacher: Well done guys. They did a good job. What did we do today? What new did you learn?

1. Agapova I., Davydova M. Literary games for children; Lada - Moscow, 2010. - 192 p.

2. Bondareva L. Yu. Teaching literacy to preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. Exercises for every day; Academy of Development - , 2008. - 288 p.

3. Buneev R. N., Buneeva E. V., Kislova T. R. On the way to the ABC. Textbook-notebook for preschoolers 4-6 years old in 4 parts. Part 2; Balass - Moscow, 2008. - 450 p.
4. Varentsova N. S. Teaching preschool children to read and write. For classes with children 3-7 years old; Mosaic-Synthesis - Moscow, 2009. - 112 p.

5. Development of speech. Additional materials. Vegetables, fruits, berries; Corypheus - Moscow, 2010. - 112 p.
