Scenario for the day of the police for pensioners. The script of the holiday militia day

SHE: Today we celebrate our professional holiday-Day Russian police. We, as they say, and the cards in hand. More specifically, microphones. And I must say, holding a microphone in your hand is much more pleasant than a military weapon.

HE: Plus it's safer. And the safety of our citizens is just the job of the police. I think it's time to start the holiday vigil.

SHE: I really hope that it will be calm, without incident.

HE: Don't worry, everything is under control - the police are in the hall and on the stage. This means - no incidents, except congratulatory ones.

SHE: A festive concert dedicated to the Day of the Russian Police opens with a vocal ensemble (number) ....

1.Concert number

HE: Irregular working hours, urgent calls, night shifts and communication with suspicious persons.

SHE: And so I want the weekend - more often, and the challenges - less often! But in reality...

HE: Irregular working hours, urgent calls, night shifts, communication with various suspicious persons. This is our working day, nothing can be done.

SHE: But today we see in the hall and on the stage only faces familiar and dear to us. And this is a completely different ... holiday business. Musical gift sounds performed by …. She dedicates her number to her beloved dad and his colleagues.

2. Concert number.

HE: Recently, we have experienced global changes.

SHE: You mean renaming the militia to the police? Then, I hasten to reassure you ... We just returned to our roots.

HE: As far as I understand, we are waiting for an excursion into history?

SHE: Quite right. Back in 1715, Peter I created a public order service in Russia and called it ... the police, which in Greek means "government of the state."
Even then, law enforcement agencies were assigned an honorable, important role in maintaining and observing laws.

HE: Today we have been entrusted with an equally important and pleasant mission - to congratulate our colleagues on their professional holiday, standing on this stage.

SHE: And I am pleased to announce the next issue of our holiday program. Sings (dances ...) for you ...

3. Concert number

SHE: We continue the conversation about the upcoming changes ... What do you think about the new form?

HE: I believe that a man in any form is good! You women are used to changing your wardrobe according to your mood.

SHE: By the way, I'm in the same mood right now. You announce the next number, and I'll change into my dress uniform.

The leader leaves.

HE: Dear friends! Accept congratulations from the dance team ...

5. Concert number

SHE: A lot of books have been written about police officers, and entire series have been made about them. But the songs about the police - count on the fingers.

HE: I can't agree with you. The songs of many popular artists are dedicated specifically to the police. For example, the songs of Stas Mikhailov, the Roots group and many others.

SHE: And I always thought they sang about love.

HE: Everything is correct. About the love of the police. Here, listen and watch!

6. Video for songs of popular artists.

HE: Well, are you sure?

SHE: Your example is another proof that a good song will always find its fan. They sing for you...

7. Concert number

SHE: There is such a title - the wife of a policeman ... After all, each new star on the shoulder straps of a beloved man is her alarm calls, sudden, and often dangerous, business trips, sleepless nights ...
The next issue of our holiday program is dedicated to these loving, patient, courageous women.

8. Concert number

HE: Traffic police inspectors, guards, OMON fighters, district police officers, criminal investigation officers, police officers on duty, heads of passport offices ... In the service we are always restrained and strict, but at home ...

SHE: At home we are waiting for the usual everyday worries. Everything is like everyone else; family, children, weekdays and holidays.

HE: I really want the alarm calls to be heard less often, and the hours spent in the circle of relatives to be as much as possible.

9. Concert number

SHE: Honoring Russian police officers today, I would like to say special words of gratitude to our fellow veterans. We wish them health and family well-being.
A song is being performed for you...

10. Concert number

HE: Dear colleagues, students of the secondary school send their congratulations to you.

11. Video with congratulations.

SHE: Perhaps one of these boys and girls will choose to serve in the ranks of the police as their profession. In the meantime, they are faced with a difficult choice.

HE: But we hope that their choice will turn out to be correct, they will become worthy citizens of their country and will also stand guard over the law.
Accept congratulations from...

12. Concert number

SHE: Not for nothing is sung in the song: "Our service is both dangerous and difficult."

HE: And no matter how they call us, the police, the police - the essence remains the same. We are all ready to help those who need it. And our saving number - 02 remains unchanged.

13. Song "02" - all participants of the concert

At corporate holidays, parties in a company with colleagues, and even more so at a celebration that is arranged on the occasion of a professional holiday, jokes, board games, concert numbers or active competitions are especially popular, one way or another beating the field of activity of the gathered company. AI, current events and professional jokes.

Might not be worth arranging entirely theme party dedicated to work, because this is a holiday, many people want to be distracted and just have fun, but adding a couple of game moments to the program, especially at the beginning of the evening, will not hurt.

We offer ideas for table games for the Day of employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Russian Federation (Day of the Police, Criminal Investigation):

Table game - role-playing tale "Weekdays of PPS - nika"

The meaning of entertainment lies in the fact that in the course of reading the text by the presenter, everyone who received a card with words, having heard the mention of his character, expressively pronounces the written remark.

Actors and lines:

Leading- reads text

PPS - nickname:"Your documents!"

bosses:"Don't relax!"

Dark night:"I'll hide everyone!"


Moon:"I'm so mysterious!"

Makarov pistol:"Shcha, how I'll bang!"

Fairy tale text.

“The day in the city passed without incident, about which the on-duty PPS-k reported to his Superiors, proudly putting his hand on the holster with his service Pistol, and scratching behind the ear of his faithful comrade, the shepherd dog Mukhtar. But the Dark Night was coming, and the on-duty PPP-k increased his vigilance, as his native Heads advised him, Mukhtar and Makarov also became wary. At that moment, the Dark Night was illuminated by the bright Moon, while the PPS-nick sighed dreamily, Mukhtar howled wistfully, and the Makarov Pistol hit the PPS-ka painfully in the side, immediately reminding him of the words of the Administration. Which means hometown can sleep peacefully, because, no matter how dark the night is and no matter how the moon shines, the vigilant PPS-nick, inspired by the Administration, together with his faithful friend Mukhtar and trouble-free Makarov, stands guard over his peace. And therefore, on this holiday, which is dedicated to the Day of Internal Affairs Workers, I propose to raise glasses for all ordinary PPS-nicknames serving in the light of the moon and under the scorching rays of the sun, for the Bosses, who are also vigilant, even on the Darkest Night and for their faithful comrades: Makarov's pistol and Mukhtar's service dog! Hooray!"

Table chant - congratulations for "Internal Affairs Workers"

The host explains to the guests that he reads the first five lines, and the fifth line: “Internal affairs workers!” all the assembled guests shout in unison.


Everyone judges you by the characters of the series,

Which nasnimali like and a lot.

But the cinema could not tell everything

About workdays..

All (in chorus): Interior workers!


He did not say anything about those who are the support,

Who protects us from the murderer and the thief,

About those for whom the risk is profession and lot

Today we are celebrating..

All (in chorus): Interior workers!


We glorify those who are in the service for days,

Who is a faithful comrade in work and friendship,

Who is disinterested, who is reliable and brave -

Happy Holidays...

All (in chorus): Interior workers!

Entertainment for the holiday "Charter of the banquet"

The essence of this leader reads out the articles of the charter, then proposes to approve them with the clink of glasses.

Article 1 The number of toasts is not established by the holiday regulations, the quality requirements are: toasts must be solemn, sincere, cheerful and simply must be.

Article 2 On November 10, 20 ... each employee of the Department of Internal Affairs, legally and in accordance with the state of his health and wallet, is obliged to celebrate a professional holiday. Everyone who is in office has the right to moral compensation - belatedly noted, but in an enhanced mode.

Article 3 Each guest is elected the supreme legislative body of the holiday, and therefore the desire to have fun is the law and a guide to action.

Article 4 To avoid unauthorized entry into someone else's home after the banquet, write your address on a napkin.

Article 5 Everything that is not forbidden is allowed at the banquet: professional pride and fun, any joys of manifestation.

Article 6 The charter of the banquet is approved by all those present, the ringing of a glass will mean the entry into force of the Charter.

Song quiz "What crime are we talking about?"

The essence of the game: to determine: what kind of article threatens the heroes of these songs, or what violation of law and order is referred to in this passage. For greater effect, it is better to make appropriate cuts from the songs and include them as a musical question, if it is technically difficult to organize, then read out the lines from the songs, encouraging the best answers.

Music questions:

1. How is a similar type called by the people, and what article qualifies his actions in the legislation? (Alphonse, fraud)

"He invited me to a restaurant,
Cognac, however, treated at my expense.
Promised Monte Carlo and Varna,
Oh, and to marry, can you imagine, he promised.

2. Do we have an article for this activity? (prostitution -administrative fine from 1000 rubles)

"Confused, confused, confused!

Butterfly, well, who's to blame?

Confused, confused, confused!

The hotel lights are so tempting.

3. Such a description is very helpful in solving crimes, what is it called? (Identikit)

“... And I recognize the sweetheart by his gait,
He wears trousers, wears jodhpurs.
And he wears a hat on Panama,
He wears nareman boots.

4. How would you qualify such actions? (petty hooliganism - noise after 11 p.m., fine)

"Hey, you up there!
Again, there is no escape from you!
Can't listen anymore
I am your corps de ballet!”

5. Can the heroes of this song really be calm? (there is no direct prohibition on manufacturing, countermeasures during distribution)

“And our brothel drives a moonshine.
No one, guys, will put a damper on us!

« If they ask me where I got it

I'm such a sweet boy

I will answer that…”

7. By what article will the hero of this song be judged? ( 115, premeditated murder)

Soap feet at night

The thieves' world completely forgot

And get a pen for it..”

8. What does the law say about the differences in punishment in situations: do they mow for themselves or for sale? (for oneself only by prescription, for storage and distribution of an article from a fine to imprisonment)

"In the meadow grass
Hares mowed at midnight.
And, at the same time, they sang
Strange words...

Game at the table "Catch the hero of a fairy tale at the crime scene"


Solemn fanfare sounds.
The leader comes out to the music.

Presenter: Good afternoon dear friends! Today our country celebrates the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies Russian Federation! This is one of the most honorable and courageous professions designed to protect the peace and stability of our state and each of its inhabitants.

That is why this day is a common holiday for the whole country - strong and great Russia.

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds.

The floor is given to the head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Reading the holiday order (a senior specialist in work with personnel is invited), rewarding employees of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Speech of honored guests.

Presenter: We can rightfully be proud of a galaxy of professional detectives, investigators, forensic scientists who solve the most seemingly hopeless and intricate crimes. Their life is entirely devoted to their favorite work, their story is always interesting. She can walk hand in hand with us, or she can look at us from photographs and videos. Attention to the screen.

Video about the work of investigators and criminologists.

Music number.

Presenter: Today in the hall there are people who are a model of professionalism and dedication, unconditional service to their homeland. Today's generation of employees have learned from their experiences and mistakes.

Dear veterans! You have always been and remain a worthy example of love for your profession, selflessness and dedication. Thank you for being you, for being here today.
Happy holiday to you! In recognition of your services, the following creative congratulations for you!

2 musical numbers.

Presenter: Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - it sounds proud and stern.
But despite this, nothing human is alien to them. They are also passionately, at times, given to creativity, as well as their work.

2 musical numbers.

Presenter: People of your profession can not do without erudition, ingenuity, sense of humor. I am absolutely sure that our police officers will be able to answer any question! Let's check?

Let's start with a joke question.

Tell me, who most often gets into the police? Of course… who? Hooligans? No. Criminals? As an option, it's fine. Who? (they are police officers themselves, they go there every day to work).

The next question is a serious one, for knowledge of history.

The same person answers most actively of all - the Host (a pre-trained employee of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia sitting among the audience in the hall)

The presenter descends into the hall, approaches him.

Presenter: Good evening. What is your name?

The leader is presented in the form.

Presenter: You are very active and correct. Maybe try yourself as a leading concert?

Leading: You need to ask permission from your superiors.

The presenter approaches the head of the internal affairs department and asks permission for the employee to participate in the concert.

Having received permission, he again turns to the Leader.

Presenter: The authorities approved. Please come with me to the stage. Do not be shy!

They go on stage, pass and stand behind the counter.

Leading: What should I do?

Presenter: Nothing special. Just stand next to me and announce the speakers.

Leading: Fine. (To the presenter) What is your name?

Presenter: Why are you asking?

Leading: So they said themselves, to announce the speakers. And most of all today you are.

Presenter: Let's not discuss my humble person. Announce the next number of the concert (holds him a tablet with a script and shows where to read).

The host announces the next number.
Music number.

between the leaders of the dialogue.

Presenter: Do you like to read?
Leading: I love.
Presenter: What are you reading?
Leading: Detectives, of course.
Presenter: Not surprising. Can you give me something to read?
Host: P please. What do you want: Akunin, Marinina, Neznansky ...
Presenter: No, I've already read it all. Is there anything else?
Leading: Pelevin is.
Presenter: This is interesting?

Leading: In general, yes ... (takes out a folded sheet from his pocket, unfolds it, gives it to the presenter) Here.
Presenter: (reads) I, Pelevin Alexander Mikhailovich, being in a not completely sober state, struck three blows with a slipper on citizen Uvarova ...
(turns to the co-host in bewilderment) What is this?!

Leading: Turnout with a confession.
Presenter: Well, you have jokes!
Leading: This is not a joke, this is work. And here you have the next performance on stage.

2 musical numbers.

The dialogue between the leaders continues.

Presenter:(Addressing the Host by name) Can you tell us some interesting, exciting case from your practice?
Leading: Easily. Somehow they investigated the case of the disappearance of a balalaika, and found two button accordions. They gave it to the victim - he was not even upset, probably did not notice the substitution. True, then allegedly the owners of button accordions were found. They pretended to be musicians, but in reality…. Yes, you must have heard about it. It was a tough business! I was just starting then. I remember coming to work...

Presenter:(interrupts) Stop, stop, stop... That's enough.

Leading: Wait, don't interrupt. Coming to service...

Presenter: We will assume that there is already a beginning for memoirs. As you add, we will arrange a public presentation for you. And now there is a festive concert, and its participants are already ready to go on stage. By the way, they have their own tools. And they are true musicians.
The presenters leave the stage backstage.

2 musical numbers.

The hosts enter the stage from behind the scenes, dialogue on the go.

Leading: No, no, no, you have a completely wrong idea about police officers. In your opinion, a policeman only thinks about his job.

Presenter: I really hope it's not.

Leading: Of course not. Our employees, like all people, live full life: are fond of sports, creativity, fall in love.

Presenter: And what do you usually say to your favorite girls? I know. Something like this: “Allow me to apply! I report that police captain Maksimov was mortally wounded by Amur's arrow in the very heart!

Leading: Here you are again for yours! Everything is much simpler and more familiar: “I love you! You are the best! I want to live with you all my life! Be with me!"

Presenter: Breath with me.
Leading A: And that too.
Presenter: Then for all the lovers in this room a creative gift.
Leading: About love?
Presenter: Certainly.

2 musical numbers.

Presenter:(Addressing the Host by name) As the host of this concert, you can now say whatever you want, what is now torn from the tongue. Ready?

Leading: Ready. (turns to the audience) Dear colleagues! I congratulate everyone on their professional holiday! May success and good luck always accompany you, may your hearts be forever young, your eyes burn joyfully, with a twinkle. Let at least once a year, on our professional holiday, phone calls bring only congratulations and not a single unpleasant news!
Presenter: Thank you very much for your difficult, but such a significant service for the benefit of Russia!

2 musical numbers.

Presenter: Dear friends! Holiday program came to an end.
Leading: Conducted it for you (represents the host)
Presenter: and the best leader of the police in the whole country, the police captain (represents the leader).
Once again, Happy Holidays!
Leading: Goodbye!
Leading Together: See you soon!

Music sounds.

Post Views: 12,920

The world is with us .. You have an invisible battle
script for the concert program dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Police

The curtain is closed. Music sounds (Hymn of the Krasnoyarsk police), a video projector is turned on.
Under the videos, the presenters rise to the stage, read:

1 : Sometimes you barely have time to rest.
Someone dials zero and two again!
This number in our life is like - SOS
The whole post rises in alarm.

2 :After all, work and care are not alone
And the whole country is in danger.
We know that everyone feels it.
The world is with us - you have an invisible battle !!!

The music is louder.

1 : Good afternoon, dear friends and distinguished guests of our holiday! We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall.

2 : This year is an anniversary year for the celebration of the Day of the Police, which turns 90 years from the date of its formation. The date is pretty big. It embodies the era, history and destinies of people.

1 : There are bright holidays
We turn again
To the police officers
Today is your word!

2 : There is someone to look up to!
1 : There is - someone to be proud of!
TOGETHER: We wish you good health, comrade militia!

1 : Today, many warm and sincere words and congratulations addressed to you will be heard here.

2 : And on such a holiday, I would like to first remember all the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All those who gave their long years of life for the benefit and prosperity of their native department!

1 : In the police, like a reliable guard.
As expected, there are veterans.
That they defended the post for many years.
We gave so much health and nerves.
Criminals, putting a reliable barrier.
To you, veterans - our low bow!

2 : You, dear veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are congratulated by the young soloist of the Nadezhda Song Theater Yulenka Erasheva! Meet!

2 : And we continue our holiday, which today will be held in a slightly joking manner. Namely, to go through the nominations that were elected throughout the department.

1 : So, we begin! Boguchansky Investigation Department!
He solved a lot of cases.
Connoisseurs are working
Okay, with restraint, willingly.

2 : Increase openness,
Keeping track of progress.
We are publishing this list.
We sincerely congratulate you!

1 : In the nomination “Subtle scent and strong nerves. For devotion to the profession "the following are presented:
1. Yana Yurievna Mamina
2. Yulia Alexandrovna Belonozhka
3. Lilia Eldarovna Minakova
(read, video plays)

1: And the winner in the nomination “Subtle scent and strong nerves. For devotion to the profession "becomes Yana Yuryevna Mamina.
2: We ask you to come up to the stage. (give a gift)

1 : Many services in the police
They are hard to count.
know how to work
For this you are honored!

2 : After all, you said - there is no lawlessness!
And the criminal element crawls into the holes.
UGRO will prove it. A clear answer.
What, where and who when robbed il knocked.

1 : Any American superman will understand
What exploits of his show-off and prose
When he finds out how it works with us
Our Boguchansky Criminal Investigation Department!!

2 : In the nomination "Find and neutralize. For devotion to the profession” the following employees are represented:

1. Evgeny Aleksandrovich Sushchenko
2. Sergei Sergeevich Zubov
3. Evgeny Fedorov
4. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov

(a video is playing, the envelope is opened)


1 : And in the nomination “Find and neutralize. For devotion to the profession, the winner is Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov. Please come up to the stage.
(Fanfare, awards)

2 : Ekaterina Prokop congratulates the employees of the criminal investigation department. Meet!

1 : If a bandit suddenly attacks you at night,
If somewhere and something will be stolen.
This service will accept you, it will find everything.
Investigators live by this.

2 : We are proud of such an excellent team!
We are honored to announce this large list to you.
1 : In the nomination “Calm, calm and only calm. For devotion to the profession" the following candidates were nominated:

1. Ksenia Vladislavovna Batrdinova
3. Nikolai Anatolievich Korovyakov
4. Marina Anatolyevna Kulakova
5. Svetlana Vladimirovna Kozlova

2: The winner in the nomination “Calm, calm and only calm. For devotion to the profession, Nikolai Anatolyevich Korovyakov becomes the senior investigator for the Boguchansky District Department of Internal Affairs. Your applause!
(fanfare, gift giving)

1 : Employees of the department for combating economic crimes are on the alert! They are always on the alert and know their business!

2 : If you serve in the police,
Not in your work.
Fair position -
Be the protection of the people!

1 : If you serve in the police
That is calm and simple
According to the Chekist tradition
You are posting!

2 : In the nomination “Cool to live, we will not let. For devotion to the profession” the following nominees are presented:

1. Ivan Andreevich Kalashnikov
2. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov
3. Natalya Andreevna Maksimova


1 : And Ivan Andreevich Kalashnikov, the detective of the department for combating economic crimes, wins. Please come up to the stage.
(Fanfare. Presentation of a diploma.)

2 : Employees of the department for combating economic crimes are congratulated by the choreographic ensemble "Angaryata" Artistic director Irina Miroshnikova.

1 : Our precinct officers are sensible in all matters.
They understand the essence of service. And don't turn them off the path.
They protect their site, help people in trouble.
They will deal with the most difficult, even the most impossible!

2 : We announce the best ones.
We give the nomination!

1 : In the nomination “Under the roof of my house. For devotion to the profession "the following are presented:

1. Konstantin Nikolaevich Kuznetsov
2. Alexander Vasilyevich Dyachenko
3. Dmitry Prokopevich Tereshchuk


2 : And the winner is the senior district police officer Dmitry Prokopyevich Tereshchuk, who is not present at our holiday today, but is on duty!

1 : As you know, the theater begins with a hanger. And where does the internal affairs department begin, do you know?

2 : In my opinion, from the duty unit. If I'm not mistaken.

1 : Right. As the theater begins with a hanger, so the police begin with the duty unit.

2 : Hello, hello. The attendant is listening to you.
Tell everyone, don't hide the truth.
I'll write everything down and send the task force.
Just don't worry. It's in vain!

1: In the nomination "The Trumpet Calls!" For devotion to the profession” the following nominees are presented:

1. Andrey Viktorovich Barsukov
2. Dmitry Dmitrievich Lukin
3. Ivan Valerievich Nikolaev
4. Yuri Vladimirovich Bykov


1 : And in the nomination “The Trumpet Calls. For devotion to the profession, the winner is Yuri Vladimirovich Bykov. Please come up to the stage.

1: You are performing a difficult service.
Each of you is risking your life.
Don't take care of yourself
Keep a dream Russian citizens!

2 : The patrol service keeps watch day and night. Carefully guarding peace small homeland. And today they deservedly got into the nomination
“The post has passed. Post accepted. For devotion to the profession”, in which the following employees were nominated:

1. Nikolai Yurievich Rukosuev
2. Anatoly Nikolaevich Kruglikov
3. Yuri Alexandrovich Tkachenko
4. Mikhail Nikolaevich Shevchenko


1 : And the winner is Yuri Alexandrovich Tkachenko. Your applause! We ask you to take the stage!

1 : Our passport service -
The floor is beautiful, let's just say!
Carry out passport control.
We can't run from them!

2: Visas, extracts, deeds.
There are no problems here.
Got nominated
We have been waiting for you for a very long time!!

1 : In the nomination “Show and Receive. For devotion to the profession” the following employees are represented:

1: Radion Olegovich Zaderey
2. Olga Vasilievna Trofimova
3. Irina Vladimirovna Bryukhanov.

2 : And the winner, or rather, the winner is Olga Vasilievna Trofimova - senior inspector, captain of the Internal Service. Your applause!

1 : Anatoly Rudenko congratulates you. (2 songs) Meet!

1: The Boguchansky department of internal affairs is famous for its interesting, special people. It also includes the local police departments.

1 : And today these departments are represented in the nomination “The work of the master is afraid. For dedication to the profession. Our nominees for the Taezhinsky police department:
1. Oleg Vladimirovich Fedorov
2. Eduard Albertovich Frizorger
3. Marina Anatolyevna Frizorger

Chunoyarsky police department:
1. Alexander Vladimirovich Koryakin
2. Vyacheslav Vazhaevich Prangeshvili
3. Nikolai Mikhailovich Sokolov


: The winners are the district commissioner of the Chunoyarsky police department Alexander Vladimirovich Koryakin and the senior interrogator of the Taezhinsky police department Marina Anatolyevna Frizorger. Applause to our winners! Please come on stage!

1 : In the capital and in the province
All day long
Russian police
Protects our peace.

2 : Criminologists are working
They are full of worries.
The experts are sensitive
Where is it going wrong.

1 : Traces are swept by criminals
Trying to cheat.
And quickly the task force
Problems are found.

2 : The following nominees are presented in the nomination “We have inherited here ... For devotion to the profession”:

1. Vladimir Ivanovich Pupyshev
2. Vladimir Anatolyevich Sidorov
3. Alexander Viktorovich Shkredov
4. Nikolai Vasilyevich Kazakov


1 : And Alexander Viktorovich Shkredov becomes the winner. Your applause. We ask you to take the stage!

1 : The young soloist of the Nadezhda Song Theater Katyusha Bryukhanov congratulates you. Meet!

1 : There are rush jobs at every job
Everything is like on fire - on the run and cared for.
The accountant will tell you what you need.
Will draw up a balance sheet, prepare a salary.

2 : Everything that they did not have time to do, they strive to do it.
Accept, calculate, you need to be able to!
We announce the list of accountants to you
We wish you success in business and work!!

1. Olga Vladimirovna Vdovina
2. Irina Yakovlevna Lakman
3. Evgenia Nikolaevna Bogolyubova


2 : And the Leading Specialist Olga Vladimirovna Vdovina becomes the winner. Our congratulations, we ask you to take the stage!

1 : There are many professions in the world.
In every case there are masters.
Well, if you got into the frames
Here the work is in full swing.

2 A: We wish the staff does not age.
May luck accompany everyone.
Let the problems go away for a moment.
And sadness will go away completely.

1: In the nomination “Freeze frame. For devotion to the profession" the following nominees:
1. Alexander Atarovich Piradze
2. Lidia Yurievna Shicheva
3. Evgenia Vladimirovna Zhuravleva
4. Elena Alexandrovna Tolstykh


2 : And Evgenia Vladimirovna Zhuravleva becomes the winner in the Freeze Frame nomination. Senior HR Inspector. Our congratulations. We ask you to take the stage.

1 : Antonina Flegentova congratulates you!

1 : Our next nominees also deserve a lot warm words to your address. Many troublesome and responsible cases related to our unscrupulous citizens fall on the shoulders of the employees of the temporary detention facility.

2 : We wish you an easy service,
Bright joys of the earth.
Indestructible warm friendship
And have a relaxing weekend!

1 : This department is represented in the following nomination “Who goes to the forest, who goes to the firewood. For dedication to the profession"
1. Ivan Vasilyevich Kornev
2. Sergey Muratovich Taychikov
3. Elena Andreevna Shamshurina.


1 : We invite the winner to the stage - this is Elena Andreevna Shamshurina. Your applause!

1 : Let the work of men not always be on your shoulder
And not always gray uniform color suits you.
And sometimes you dream of another job.
But the best one what you chose - just no!

2 : Nominated in the next nomination - the headquarters and department of office work and regime

1: In the nomination “It's fun to walk together. For dedication to the profession. The following employees are represented:
1. Inga Alexandrovna Lapkova
2. Natalia Nikolaevna Bovkun
3. Natalya Viktorovna Popova
4. Evgeny Anatolyevich Bovkun
5. Valentina Alexandrovna Demshina.


2 : Applause to our winners! We ask Natalya Viktorovna Popova, Senior Inspector of the Headquarters, and Valentina Alexandrovna Demshina, Policeman of the Department of Records Management and Regime, to come up on stage.

(fanfare, gifts)

1 : Alena Levitskaya congratulates you!

1 : Let the road wind like a gray ribbon
It is necessary that order always reign here.
The state traffic inspectorate is called for a long time -
An honest guardian of order, dear old-timer.

2 : As everyone has already guessed. In the next nomination “You go quieter - you will continue. For devotion to the profession” presented by traffic police officers.
1. Evgeny Aleksandrovich Bazin
2. Igor Khayrulatovich Shekurov
3. Eduard Nikolaevich Petrov


1 : Evgeny Alexandrovich Bazin becomes the winner. Your applause!

1: Theft is a problem with us.
Without protection - nowhere!
If you hand over your object to the remote control -
Save your entire department.
Alarm will help
But without people, she cannot.
People are the main wealth
In their affairs - the male brotherhood!

2 : On October 26, the Private Security Department celebrated its 55th anniversary. We sincerely congratulate all employees of the Boguchansky branch of the Private Security Service and nominate them in the nomination “Stop! Who goes? For dedication to the profession. Our nominees:

1. Sergey Yurievich Karnaukhov
2. Alexander Anatolyevich Nebolsin
3. Ivan Mikhailovich Pozdnyakov
4. Andrey Yurievich Karnaukhov


1 : And Sergey Yurievich Karnaukhov becomes the winner!
We invite you to the stage.

2 : Katya Prokop congratulates you!

1 : As a child, a girl happened
My mother was scared by the police.

2 : Now the girl has grown
All the police are afraid.

2 : In our next nomination “Oh, these kids. For devotion to the profession” Svetlana Lvovna Shtol, an employee of the Inspectorate for Juvenile Affairs, was presented. We congratulate you and invite you to the stage!

1 : Being a signalman is what you need!
To be a signalman is to live it!
Communication nomination
Allow me to propose!

2 : In the nomination "Bird on a wire. For Devotion to the Profession” presented Sergey Alekseevich Balanev, senior lieutenant of militia, senior inspector of special communications. Please come up to the stage. Your applause!

2 : Kilometers, versts, miles
Behind the driver.
He rides in a car
And in the cold, and in the rain and in the heat!

1 : In the nomination “Tanks are not afraid of dirt. For Devotion to the Profession” a security and support group is represented.


1 : And the junior inspector for motor transport Igor Sergeevich Lyashko becomes the nominee. Your applause!

2 : We congratulate all the nominees and invite Sevastyan Martynyuk, the soloist of the Nadezhda Song Theater, to the stage!
(The hosts go on a losing streak.)

2 : Who will tell me what measure to measure,
Which one to glorify and sing in a line?
Heroic work of soldiers in gray overcoats
Protecting human peace.

1 : Through unthinkably long experience
From the beginning of the service and beyond.
Their profession is to be on guard
Their law is not to feel sorry for yourself!!

TOGETHER: Congratulations and see you soon!!
(all speakers leave)
