Scenario for October 1 in the village club. Scenario of the holiday program dedicated to the Day of the elderly


Organization of leisure for retired educators;

Formation of a friendly atmosphere, positive emotions.

Program progress

Music sounds. Leaders appear in the hall.

Vedas. 1:- They say fleeting years

Do not calm down, do not slow down their run,

But over the years, the enthusiasm does not go away,

If a person is young at heart.

Vedas. 2:- And today the country celebrates

And so it will be from century to century

A special day, but by no means accidental -

Day of the elderly!

Vedas. 1:- Today we glorify gray hair,

Tired wrinkled hands

But it happened, in the old days,

These hands did not know boredom.

Vedas. 2:- Your whole life is filled with work,

Warmed by the warmth of the soul and joy,

And let the house become comfortable for you,

And let this day not only be joyful!

Vedas. 1:- Dear, dear guests! Accept a musical gift from us!

SONG "Nature has no bad weather"

Vedas. 2:- The word is given.......

Vedas. 1 (toast): We invite you to raise your glasses to

So that life always boils with a key,

So that fatigue does not come, it's time,

So that any business is always argued,

Tomorrow was better than yesterday!

Cheerful "village", folk music sounds. The leader throws a colorful scarf over her shoulders. The host puts a cap with a flower on his head.

Vedas. 2:- On the mound, in the light

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

The elderly and the young.

Vedas. 1:- Did you sit by the torch

Ile under the bright sky -

They talked, they sang songs

And they led a round dance!

Vedas. 2:- Our leisure is sometimes shallow,

And what is there to say

It's boring to live without gatherings -

They should be revived!

Vedas. 1:- And so we decided to arrange real Russian gatherings today. It will be a pleasure for us, honored guests, to sit side by side with you and talk in a friendly manner. And where it’s okay to live, the people say, there it’s sung well.

Vedas. 2:- Therefore, let's open our gatherings with a kind word, and a good song! The word is given...

GENERAL SONG "Dream of Retirement"

Vedas. 1:- They sang a good song (yes fervent). But it wouldn't hurt to get to know each other!

Vedas. 2:- So, we ask you questions, and we offer you to choose answers to them from the bag (questions are asked to each guest).

Comic test "Acquaintance"

Props: a bag with answers to questions printed on leaflets.

1. Do you like to visit?

2. Do you like to dance?

3. Do you like to interfere in other people's family affairs?

4. Do you always eat that much?

5. Do you have a habit of meeting people on the street?

6. Do you love children?

7. Do you want to win a million?

8. Do you like to solve crossword puzzles?

9. Do you like to swear?

11. Do you often borrow money?

12. Do you often climb into someone else's garden?

13. Do you snore in your sleep?

14. Do you hide your age?

15. Do you often fall out of bed?

16. Do you like to cook?

17. Do you use obscene words in conversation?

18. Do you like to laugh at others?

19. Do you like sweets?

20. Do you like washing dishes?

21. Do you have shortcomings?

22. Do you often stay away from home?


And under torture I will not tell!

Every day and not once.

Only awake and in slippers!

When there are guests in the house.

When no one sees me.

Otherwise life is boring!

It is so sweet!

My hobby is this!

It happens, but only at night.

Every other day.

Don't talk about it out loud!

It wouldn't bother me!

Only in the bath!

Just on the edge of despair.

Only in moments of weakness.

Well, who doesn't?

When it's very tempting.

Is it invisible?

Well, do you have to do something?

I resist!

Sometimes you can take a risk!

Don't poke your nose into someone else's question!

Vedas. 1:- The proverb is not in vain. All folk wisdom is expressed in proverbs. How many of them do we know? Try to finish a few of them.

Competition "Continue the proverb"

Props: prizes for correct answers

1. You can’t be without a penny ... (ruble)

2. Do not wish someone else, but your own …(do not lose it)

3. What we ask in childhood, in old age ... (let's quit)

4. Sleep long - live …(with debt)

5. Teach a wife without children, but children …(without people)

6. He knew how to give birth to a child, be able and … (teach)

7. My son, and his mind …(mine)

8. Eat bread and salt, good people… (Listen)

Vedas. 2:- Autumn has come - it's time to harvest, and put it in the cellar. Did you make jam? (Guests answer) With him, the gulls are tastier, and what kind of illness is cured. And can you, dear housewives, guess the taste of what the jam is made from? Those who are interested are welcome to join us. (1 person leaves the table, total - 5 people).

"Sweet" competition

Props: 3-4 jars of jam made from different berries/fruits,

5 spoons, blindfolds, prizes

Vedas. 1:- Have you made stocks for the winter, but have you forgotten about warm clothes - socks and mittens? Our guests certainly know how to needlework: sew and knit. Is there anyone who wants to show their skill in winding threads? (selected 5 people).

Competition "Winders"

Props: 5 unwound balls of thread, prizes

Vedas. 2:- What kind of village holiday is complete without songs and dances!

Even the dishes on the tables are jingling and bouncing! Dancing right!

It turns out that glasses with plates can perform different dances.

This is what we will now verify.

Game "Dance at the table"

Props: dishes on the tables of guests

To musical excerpts of various melodies, guests perform a dance on the table: lezginka, quadrille, tango, lambada, folk dance, etc.

Vedas. 1: Thanks to our dancers! And now it's time for us to knead the bones! We invite you to dance!


Possible competitions during dances:

Agricultural dances

Vedas. 2:- Dancing has always been associated with human labor activity. And even now, many people like to work with music. Let's perform agricultural dances, especially since they are familiar to us!

Digging the beds… spudding the potatoes… weeding the radishes… watering the carrots… loosening the beds…

Dance in the circle "Give it to your neighbor"

Vedas. 1:- Probably, it is not necessary to say how much the neighbors play in the life of a rural person! Sometimes they are like family members. Nothing for them is a pity! Even their own body parts! Don't be scared! We will give them to the neighbor on the right only for the duration of the dance! So ... Give to a neighbor:

Hand to a neighbor;

Elbow to a neighbor;

Nose neighbor;

Neighbor ear.

Dance in pairs with newspapers

Props: newspapers (9-10 pieces)

Vedas. 2:- We announce couple dances! The guests are divided into pairs.

Each couple holds a sheet of newspaper between their foreheads. In this position, you need to dance (the presenter shows the movements).

Dance in pairs "Musical Islands"

Props: newspapers (9 - 10 pcs.)

Vedas. 1:- The next dance is called "Music Islands"!

The same newspapers will play the role of islands. Each couple gets their own "island". The task of the participants is to perform a dance different ways(at the command of the presenter):

On one leg;


Vedas. 2:- We want to continue the feast, friends,

Please take a seat at the tables!

The guests sit at the tables.

Vedas. 1: - You can't do without music,

Let's sing merrily, friends!

The Rehash Contest is Announced!

Competition "Rehashing"

Vedas. 2:- Try to guess the song itself from the musical passages. And then do it all together.

Excerpts of songs known to guests sound

Vedas. 1: - How will we drink tea

Without gingerbread - cheesecakes?

How are we at gatherings

Yes, without clockwork ditties?

Vedas. 2: - Prick up your ears -

Let's sing ditties!


Props: ditty words printed on postcards

1. We invite you, friends,

For our gatherings

We promise to show

All our tricks!

2. To make the stove flare up,

Gotta turn up the heat.

So that the ditty sang better,

We need to dance to help!

3. We sing ditties to you,

We never get tired.

Grandmothers, great-grandmothers sang,

And now we will sing!

4. Taught me everywhere

But I'll still be a weaver

And from threads, like a miracle,

Cloths natku I people!

5. Everything around has already turned yellow

And mushrooms have grown.

My soul sang with joy

Eh, they would take out the accordion!

6. My granddaughter, though small,

But he knitted me mittens.

I did not have time to praise -

He left them and ran away!

7. Never lose heart-

Not today, not yesterday.

I will buy threads at the market,

I will do miracles!

8. I dance and sing

Shiu is always great

And besides, look

Very pretty!

9. Frank girls,

We can't grieve!

Without ditties - jokes,

We can't even live a day!

Vedas. 1:- And again we invite you to dance! We continue the "Russian dance"!

DANCE BLOCK. Folk songs sound

Vedas. 2:- Always wondering what awaits us tomorrow? No wonder people love to guess so much.

Vedas. 1:- For a long time in Rus' there have been many different fortune-telling: fortune-telling for the harvest, for marriage ... there were even so-called "understood" fortune-telling.

Vedas. 2:- And we will tell fortunes on the pie! Whoever pulls out what piece - with what pattern - is waiting for him in the near future!

Divination on the pie

Props: drawn, cut out of paper, cake, cut into pieces (according to the number of guests). Pictures are drawn on the back of each "piece of the pie". Tray.

- heart- Love;

- book- knowledge;

- 1 ruble- money;

- Sun- success;

- letter- news;

- human face- a new acquaintance;

- arrow- goal achievement;

- watch- changes in life;

- road- drive;

- present- surprise;

- lightning- tests;

- wineglass - holiday;

- bell- happy event;

- broom- chores;

- smile- fun;

- child - meeting with children, grandchildren;

- wallet- purchase;

- magnifying glass- find;

- rainbow- astonishment;

- Magic wand- fulfillment of desires;

- handshake- dispute won

Vedas. 1:- And now, in front of your eyes, we will hold the first and last prize draw - do not worry - a WIN-FREE lottery!


Props: box with "barrels", prizes

1. Though not a poet, not a winner,

And I want to wear laurels

You yourself will weave that wreath

Then put it in the soup! (Bay leaf)

2. Do not think to be angry with us -

But a soap dish in the household will come in handy! (soap dish)

3. So that your teeth do not hurt,

Clean them at least once a week! (Toothbrush)

4. You got a flower - a rose,

She does not wither from the cold (flower)

5. You wanted to win a flashlight,

But I got just a ball (balloon)

6. You got this soap,

To wash your hands more often (soap)

7. To find out the income,

A notepad will come in handy (notebook)

8. Pour this into a glass

And drink slowly (wineglass)

9. After a glass of snack -

The matter is very important.

Here's a sleeve for you

Paper napkins (napkins)

10. Do not be angry, my friend,

Useful boxes (casket)

11. Do not be sad, do not grieve,

Kiss your neighbor! (pomade)

12. And for dessert we have

Chocolate for you! (chocolate)

13. Would you like an apartment,

And got a picture (postcard)

14. In life, you have to hope for the best,

Take glue if something doesn't stick (glue)

15. Get the main prize,

Here are some eggs for you! (eggs)

16. Not good for health

If you don't drink juice (juice)

17. We give you toothpaste,

For you to be sharp (toothpaste)

18. Hooray! - shout to the whole world,

You have a car - a souvenir (toy car)

19. When you go for a walk,

So that the tights do not fall off,

You have with you

A pin made of steel! (box of pins)

20. Sweet life in winter and summer

Will be with delicious candy (candy)

Lyric music sounds

Vedas. 1:“Unfortunately, our gatherings are coming to an end. We hope you enjoy them. Thank you for participating in our competition program!

Vedas. 2: We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

So that your affairs are good,

So that trouble never knocks on the house,

And never had to be sad!

Vedas. 1:- We wish you warm, bright days,

Health is the most important!

Together:- See you soon!


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The festively decorated foyer of the House of Culture has been transformed into a cozy living room with tables set for tea drinking.
Light instrumental music sounds.
Leader exit.

HOST 1: Let's go for a walk along the sunny alleys,
There, where Leaf fall dances,
Where the soul is sure to warm,
And the eyes shine brighter.

LEADER 2: We will collect a bouquet of leaves for ourselves,
Let's bring a piece of autumn into our house,
Like a reflection of hasty thoughts,
About our present and past.
HOST 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!
HOST 2: Hello! Autumn is a beautiful, bright season - a time of peace of mind. Autumn is beautiful both in early September days, when it is still warm like in summer, and in late November evenings, but the most favorite month, of course, is October.

HOST 1: Today we have gathered in the cozy living room of our house of culture to congratulate you, people wise with rich life experience, who played an important role in the life of the Bokovsky district, on wonderful holiday autumn!

HOST 2: Galina Mikhailovna Antipova, manager of the Bokovsky District Administration, is addressing you.


HOST 1: Today there is no empty space in the hall
Today everyone is one family.
Let this song be your gift
Good familiar words.

Leaders sit down at a separate table.

No. 1. “Yellow Leaves” by E. Sklyarova.

HOST 2: Flocks of migratory birds flew,
Spread your wings above the earth
Played with the winds,
Leaving showers behind.

LEADER 1: A feather fell on the palm,
Like a letter from those war years
A flock of birds promised to return
How the fighter promised to return.

HOST 2: These days, with special warmth, we are talking about people, thanks to whom we can enjoy the beauty around us, walks in parks under the crowns of yellow leaves, inhaling the aroma of fresh wind and waving after the flocks of birds.

HOST 1: These are our heroes who defended the world, gave us the opportunity to live under a clear sky in a free country.

HOST 2: Anton Makarovich Topchy, without finishing 10 classes, went to the front. Participated in the battles on the Kursk Bulge and the crossing of the Dnieper. He commanded a rifle squad of submachine gunners. Was repeatedly wounded. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star with medals for bravery.

HOST 1: Nikolai Pavlovich Shpinev fought on the Southwestern, 1st Belorussian and Ukrainian fronts. Even from the history books, we know that the battles in these areas were very difficult and the service was not easy.

HOST 2: But Alexei Afonasevich Nikulin had a share to serve in the infantry. He fought in Lithuania. Returning home, he worked for a long time as the head of the village club x. Popov. And he devoted 25 years of his life to work as a livestock specialist at the Karginsky state farm.

HOST 1: Ivan Fedorovich Ilyin was called up to the ranks of the Soviet Army immediately after the liberation of the Bokovsky region. But in the very first battles near Voroshilovgrad he was seriously wounded and sent to the hospital. And, since the road was ordered to the front due to a severe wound, he decided to contribute to the victory over the enemy, working in Stalingrad at a tractor factory, which was retrained for the production of tanks.

HOST 2: Here at the plant, Ivan Fedorovich met his future wife, then a very young girl Faina Ivanovna, who worked as a crane operator in a blacksmith shop, where, by the way, she worked for 38 years. In 1948 they got married.

HOST 1: In 1955, Ivan Fedorovich brought his family to his native region, where he began working as a tractor driver at the Bokovsky state farm.

HOST 2: Thank you, our dear ones, for this bright world, for this autumn, for the life you gave.

HOST 1: Let the song, performed by Irina Koltunova, sound
now so that you know: we will always be by your side!
To know: the dawns will always warm you,
Let's listen to the song soon!

No. 2. “Do not be sad Cossack” I. Koltunov.

HOST 2: There are beautiful people on the fields and arable land.
They have gathered beauty from the earth.
And if you love the earth with all your heart,
You deserve real love too.

LEADING 1: A person is famous for his work, and with him the land on which he lives, in which he invests his love and strength, is also famous. Our area is famous simple people, workers.

HOST 2: Danil Semyonovich Gapuzov his labor activity started as a teenager during World War II. First he was a shepherd. And after the war he worked at the state farm Bokovsky power engineer. From there he retired. He is a labor veteran and home front worker.

HOST 1: Kochetova Raisa Fedorovna, this fragile woman has had a lot of trials and everyday work. She worked at the most difficult peasant work at the state farm as a milkmaid, and every summer she was sent to stack hay. About 40 years of Raisa Feodorovna's work experience were associated with hard work.

HOST 2: Vladimir Konstantinovich Davidyuk worked as a driver at the Karginsky state farm all his life. He was very attentive to technology, and he always had it in order and worked like clockwork.

HOST 1: Nina Viktorovna Zotova and Valentina Alekseevna Popova worked as milkmaids at the Karginsky state farm. Nina Viktorovna also had a chance to work as a pig farmer and a poultry keeper. Both for their work have the title of veteran of labor.

HOST 2: Nikolai Ivanovich Krivoroshchenko has 45 years of work experience. He worked at the state farm Malakhovskoye as a gas and electric welder. Nikolai Ivanovich is a creative person and his hands are golden. From metal, this man can work wonders. The whole area knows him as a master of openwork weaving from steel rods.

HOST 1: Alexander Ivanovich Aksyonov worked on a tractor, an excavator and a combine. Any technique was subject to him, he knew it to the smallest screw and could fix any problem. Alexander Ivanovich had a chance to work both at the state farm Bokovsky and Khimdym, and he retired from Vodnik.

HOST 2: Lyudmila Alekseevna Turilina worked as an inspector of the personnel department at the Vyoshensky fattening state farm for 28 years. This woman has always been distinguished by responsibility, competence, and there was absolute order in her affairs.

HOST 1: But Ivan Trifonovich Evlantiev worked as a driver at the Ponamorevsky state farm. He has medals "For Labor Valour", and "Drummer 10th Five-Year Plan".

HOST 2: Times are changing, the external signs of life are changing, and the hot summer is replaced by a calm autumn, but the essence of peasant labor, the peasant character of the rural worker remains unchanged.
HOST 1: Today we say “Thank you!”
For your valiant work,
We are all together, and this is strength,
Let happiness be only around!
No. 3. "Saturday Night" Trio of Children's Art School Teachers
HOST 1: And autumn has its own quirks,
And autumn has its own character,
Do not judge her strictly, people,
Call it better ... golden!

HOST 2: And she, with all the autumn heat,
Suddenly reminds me of something
Don't be afraid, it's free
Autumn pays for good with good.

HOST 1: Look - the trees outside the window seem to be nodding at you with rustling branches, congratulating you and giving you golden bouquets autumn leaves... Days flash by, years fly by like migratory birds, and many memories fade like old photographs. But we never forget our teachers!

LEADER 2: Teaching, educator is not an easy task. Here you need a clear mind and a warm heart. Through your efforts, many people have found their way in life!

HOST 1: Markianova Zoya Alexandrovna has worked as a teacher for over 30 years primary school Bokovskoy high school. A very educated person devoted to her work, she managed to transfer her deep knowledge to hundreds of students who passed through her hands. Among them are both heads of various levels, and specialists in the field of medicine, culture, education, as well as builders, drivers, cooks and engineers.

HOST 2: Grigoryeva Olga Grigorievna worked as a teacher in the Kurgan region for 20 years. For a conscientious attitude to work, a creative approach to the educational process, love for children and respect for colleagues, she has been repeatedly awarded with certificates of the Ministry of Education, has the title of Labor Veteran. Her students live and work in all corners of Russia.

HOST 1: Lyudmila Vasilievna Kouneva devoted her whole life to working with children. She is a caregiver kindergarten. The heart of this wonderful woman belongs to children. More than one hundred kids remember her teacher's kind hands, affectionate smile and understanding look.

HOST 2: Shmorgilova Nina Mefodievna this woman has a similar fate. For 32 years she worked as an educator and later as the head of a kindergarten. Nina Mefodievna is a great specialist in solving conflict situations and children's problems. She is a real psychologist.

HOST 1: It is impossible to describe the importance of the work of technical personnel in educational institutions. The cleanliness and order prevailing there help our children feel at school like at home. These people meet our kids at the school threshold and accompany them all 10-11 years of study.

HOST 2: So Valentina Ponteleevna Melikhova, working at school as a stoker and a night nanny in a boarding school, often had to, replacing her mother, kiss them before going to bed and jump up several times a night, covering them with a blanket, calm children's fears and tell fairy tales.

HOST 1: Khristinia Mikhailovna Semyonova also devoted her life to boarding school, working as a nanny and a cook. She spoiled the children with homemade cabbage soup and pastries. She finished her career in the central district hospital as a nurse. Total work experience over 30 years.

HOST 2: Antonina Alekseevna Shmatova has a medal for many years of conscientious work. Her work experience is over 40 years. During the war, as a teenager, she worked in the fields, growing bread. And behind that, a technical engineer at the Malakhov school.

HOST 1: Kochetova Nadezhda Pavlovna worked as a cashier in the District. Not small cash flows passed through her, which this woman distributed between educational institutions the entire region.

HOST 2: Dear women! On this autumn day, we wish you: ... .. light and warmth, We wish peace and goodness, Good health forever, Everything that makes a person happy.

LEADER 1: May all good, bright, best
Your companion will always be
Let the cherished thoughts come true
May your soul never hurt!

No. 4. "Snowfall" Egorov V.

HOST 2: Waiting for the first snow
I'm walking along a shaky path,
Satisfied with the October bliss
Catching inspiration on the go ...
HOST 1: And the hand reaches for the hand,
To save the picture for the winter,
Those yellow-purple leaves
On a dry blanket of grass...
HOST 2: Autumn is in full swing ... Beautiful, sad and changeable, like a girl's mood ...
HOST 1: Autumn is feminine, it will either please with a gentle sun, warming almost like summer, or it will frighten you with freezing rain.
HOST 2: Autumn is deceptive and insidious. So easy, trusting the bright sun, do not throw it on your shoulders warm coat And don't bring an umbrella. And now all the delights of the autumn cold are already waiting for you.
HOST 1: And then who is in a hurry to help you? Of course our valiant health workers.
HOST 2: Every resident of the Bokovsky district knows this woman by sight, because she worked at the registry of the central district polyclinic for more than 40 years - Shevtsova Nina Andreevna. She always patiently listened to health complaints and directed visitors to the specialists they needed.

HOST 1: Zemlyakova Maria Panteleevna worked as a paramedic for 3 years in Chistyakovskiy FAP. A village paramedic is the person who knows the life of every person from infancy to old age. And not only his ailments, but also worldly joys and hardships. Maria Panteleevna is a very active person and, probably, because of this trait of her character, she changed the paramedical FAP to the chair of the chairman of the executive committee of the Chistyakovo village council.

HOST 2: Anna Prokofievna Medvedeva worked for 25 years as a nurse in the Verbovsky feldsher-obstetric center. She is a Home Front Worker and a Labor Veteran. Good soul man. He always knows how to support in difficult times, what to advise, which doctor to contact. She loves cleanliness and order.

HOST 1: Lyubov Ivanovna, more than Skomarovskaya, worked for 46 years as a paramedic in the Karginsky hospital. She served the youngest of her patients, visiting them at home, strictly following the schedule of vaccinations. She is remembered with gratitude by those who have already become adults, the inhabitants of the village of Karginskaya and nearby farms.

HOST 2: Lidia Vasilievna Vecherkina began her career at the Malakhov FAP. From 1978 to 2003 she worked as an assistant epidemiologist. Lydia Vasilievna is distinguished by devotion to her work, high professionalism, readiness to always come to the rescue.

HOST 1: Natalya Mikhailovna Streltsova also worked as an epidemiologist. People of this profession are always on guard, protecting us from dangerous ailments that viruses carry, turning into epidemiological outbreaks. Natalya Mikhailovna is an honorary donor of Russia, which means that many lives were saved thanks to her.

HOST 2: After graduating from the Taganrog Medical School, the handsome guy Ivan Shkuratenko came to work in the women's team of the sanitary department. He was appointed as an assistant sanitary doctor. 27 years have been given to them in this profession. Having become a highly qualified specialist, now Ivan Dmitrievich, he conducted active educational work among the population of the region, acquainting people with the rules of protection against infectious diseases.

HOST 1: Telichenko Nina Vasilievna, by the nature of her work, also had to deal with dangerous viral diseases more than once. Accuracy, cleanliness and love of order have always been her constant companions and helpers in hard work. She has worked as a nurse in the infectious diseases department of the central district hospital for over 40 years. Nina Vasilievna Veteran of Labor and Home Front Worker.

HOST 2: Do you think how many of us are able to remember ornate names? medicines, and even in Latin, in addition, to understand from what it generally helps?

HOST 1: And with his eyes closed, will he prepare the most complex ointment or tincture? Only a talented pharmacist can do this.

HOST 2: This is exactly the kind of person Nina Andreevna Aksyonova is, who has worked in the Bokovskaya pharmacy for 36 years.

HOST 1: Among many others, the profession of a medical worker is the most noble and humane. It requires not only deep knowledge, incredible responsibility, the highest skill, but also special moral qualities: mercy, sensitivity, ability to share other people's pain and suffering.

HOST 2: You are from a rare breed that prolongs life,
Bring back health and joy:
And so we sincerely wish you
May your good work always be honored!

No. 5. "Weather in the house" Govorukhina O. A. (music)

HOST 1: How beautiful this autumn is,
Though she meets the day with rain,
But it flickers in gray clouds blue,
Breaking through with a sunbeam.
LEADER 2: Spills paint on the leaves,
The severity of everyday life, as if despised,
In every drop, like lights,
Lights a song with a bird.
HOST 1: And now, friends, we would like to talk to you about ... trading

HOST 2: In Rus', the work of a salesman has long been considered very worthy and honorable. Everyone considered such a person smart and literate, having weight in society.

HOST 1: . This profession has not lost its significance even today, it still remains in great demand. The main qualities that a person of this profession should possess are understanding, calmness and politeness.

HOST 2: All those present in this hall today remember how powerful and strong the trade organization of the district consumer society, or simply RaiPO, was. More than half a thousand workers worked there.

HOST 1: The organization had an extensive network of stores in all settlements of the region and millions of annual cash turnover. And everyone knew her by sight.

HOST 2: Maria Alexandrovna Krivoroshchenko worked as a warehouse manager for 20 years. She didn’t care about any revision, and all because Maria Alexandrovna is a principled, competent and conscientious worker. Her papers are always in order.

HOST 1: And Vasily Timofeevich Emelyanov worked for 23 years as a truck driver. He also delivered bread to the most remote corners of the region. How the inhabitants of the farms were waiting for his car! After all, his mobile shop had everything that was necessary and vital. And a gift to the godfather, and a present for the child. As they say from matches to carpet.

PRESENTER 2: The public catering organization was a structural subdivision of RaiPo. Kargina Valentina Antonovna gave 22 years of her working life to work in this organization as director. She took over the work of the dining room and restaurant. Making sure that working people are always tasty and satisfyingly fed.

HOST 1: Galkina Svetlana Alexandrovna worked in the central cafeteria. She is remembered by many, she is always friendly, polite, possessing the talent of communication.

HOST 2: You could always treat yourself to delicious sweet tea at Alexandra Timofeevna Kholopova, who was in charge of the tea room. But you won’t be full of tea alone, and Alexandra Timofeevna changed her tea room to a canteen from Malakhovsky’s farm, so that you can not only drink, but also tasty feed the village workers ....

HOST 1: ... among whom was her husband Aleksey Sergeevich Kholopov, who worked as a tractor driver at the same state farm.

HOST 2: Two more important organizations also belonged to RaiPo - a bakery and a bakery.

HOST 1: Nikonova Evdokia Dmitrievna and Gorelova Raisa Vladimirovna have been baking delicious bread for Bokovites all their lives. Both have worked for the organization for over 30 years.

HOST 2: Work at the bakery is not an easy work shift, like in the field at the harvest day and night in shifts. For her conscientious work, Evdokia Dmitrievna was awarded the badge "For Labor Merit".

HOST 1: The photographs of these women were on the organization's Hall of Fame. Both are veterans of labor.

HOST 2: Among the thousands of signs and remarks
There is one, and it is not accidental:
There is no society without trade,
We are buyers from the start.

HOST 1: If okay, the trade is going on,
This means that the country is prospering.
Let the merchants always
Good luck star shines brightly.

No. 6. "Conspiracy words" Pavlova O.

HOST 2: Yesterday I wandered along the boulevards
And made beauty.
Ditches painted crimson
And blue - a childhood dream.

HOST 1: And the views of the sun became softer
And the street is suddenly golden...
Without saying goodbye to anyone - silently
She went to her home.

HOST 2: Our district is located in the very north of the region, far from industrial centers. And getting to the regional center or to the neighboring district was not an easy task before, because not everyone had personal transport.

HOST 1: Therefore, everyone knew the drivers of intercity buses. Vecherkin Nikolai Fedorovich spent more than 40 years behind the wheel - Veteran of Labor, awarded the Order of Labor Glory and Jubilee medals. For 20 years he drove a bus, working in the ATP.

HOST 2: A decent, responsible and responsive person. He could be entrusted with a parcel with food or with warm clothes, so that a child studying at the institute would not freeze in winter and would not starve when the finances transferred with the same Nikolai Fedorovich ran out. And the students themselves always knew that he would definitely find a place for them in his bus.

HOST 1: Viktor Fedorovich Gritsenko worked for 20 years in the ATP as a truck driver. He always had the makings of a leader and a penchant for social work. For 7 years he was elected chairman of the trade union committee of the organization Veteran of Labor, the winner of the socialist competition. He is not indifferent to social problems even at the present time. Viktor Fedorovich is known to many Bokovites for his work.

HOST 2: But what an interesting thing Simonova Evgenia Gavrilovna has been doing for 18 years.

HOST 1: She ran the Transagency. In her submission there were several drivers who delivered gas and coal to the population of the area.

HOST 2: Evgenia Gavrilovna herself helped to purchase tickets for planes, trains, made “reservations” in hotels in the cities of the region. Now her position can be safely called a tour operator.
HOST 1: Today we bow to you,
And our gratitude is endless, like a road,
Which is growing every day
Bringing us closer year after year.

No. 7. "Sorbus ash" Govorukhina O. AKB

LEADER 2: Autumn is multi-colored, not sparing the colors,
Like a painter, behind a stroke, a stroke,
With a generous hand - through the yards, alleys,
Through gardens and paths, into the grove and into the woods -
I managed to look in with a bright, ringing song,
Wedge crane stretched into the distance.
A colorful veil, a thin cobweb, -
Generously spread the red veil

HOST 1: Today in our autumn living room there are people whose work is simply vital. Such an indispensable person in Bokovskaya, and in the whole area, was Valentin Markovich Galkin, who worked in the fire department.

HOST 2: After all, on a hot day in the fields, and in New Year holidays and on weekdays, there is the possibility of an emergency situation in which the help of firefighters is needed.

HOST 1: Valentin Markovich can still serve as an example of valor for the younger generation.

HOST 2: And Mikhail Andreevich Nikonov worked at the electrical substation as a fitter for 36 years. His job responsibilities included troubleshooting any problems with the light.

HOST 2: Knowing Mikhail Andreevich well, the Bokovites even called him at home in case of an emergency. At any time of the day, he hurried to their aid.

HOST 1: In times of scarcity, when a good suit or fashion dress it was difficult to find on the shelves of shops, Bokov's fashionistas and dandies came to the rescue by workers of the household plant.

HOST 2: Alexandra Vasilievna Fadeeva and Evdokia Fedorovna Kochetova worked in this organization. Their skillful hands created many elegant outfits for every taste.

HOST 1: From a pure heart with an open soul
Today we wish you a great life.
So that there is health, and happiness, and joy!
So that the years fly by and are not a burden!

No. 8. “And outside the window it’s either rain or snow” Senin N.

HOST 2: Why are you frowning and looking sadly in autumn,
Though in brocade and gold painted the world.
Again I hung pearls of beads in strings,
What the rain tied from a cloud is a jeweler.
HOST 1: I wove a white blanket from the mists,
Spread carefully in a field with a breeze ...
And the viburnum is red, like a bride has matured,
Splashes juice with bitterness right under the window.

HOST 2: The fate of some people has developed in such a way that they had to learn different professions and work in different organizations.

HOST 1: So Nadezhda Nesterovna Chernyshova was destined to live and work where her husband, a policeman, served. She worked both as a teacher and as a secretary of the juvenile commission, in the hospital registry and as an accountant in a trading company. Everywhere she was respected in the team and was distinguished by a responsible attitude to work.

HOST 2: As a young girl, Lyubov Georgievna Kochetova started working at the Belavinsky rural club, then worked as a milkmaid and calf-keeper at the Belavinsky state farm. After moving to st. Bokovskaya, worked in Gosstrakh, Millerovsky energy sales, as an electrician controller, in a household plant. Seniority over 20 years.

HOST 1: Ekaterina Ivanovna Semionova worked in a machine counting station and for 17 years in a communal household as a payroll accountant. Work experience 36 years.

HOST 2: Fadeev Ivan Mikhailovich worked as a driver in Kruzhilinsky, Karginsky state farms, in agricultural machinery, communal farm. He retired from the employment center.

HOST 1: Wherever these people worked, they treated their work with great responsibility.

HOST 2: Thank you for everything and honor and honor to you
And thank you for being and being
Get younger with your soul, it's too early to grow old!
So be healthy, live richly!

No., No. 9,10, 11, 12 Folk Bokovsky Cossack Choir

Exit of all program participants
No. 13. “We light it up again” Egorova V.

HOST 1: Our dear guests! Our program has come to an end, but we are not saying goodbye. We hope to have many more years of enjoyment with you.

HOST 2: Your invaluable life experience, your optimism, your wisdom are so necessary for us and our children. Today we say goodbye to you!

HOST 1: Long summer to you! See you soon!

We thank Valeria Egorova for the script

(The presenters Gavrilovna and Danilovna are wearing life-size puppets)

1 Lead doll: Hello, Gavrilovna!

2 Lead puppet: Good health Danilovna!

Gavrilovna: Good afternoon, dear grandparents, all guests. We are starting our concert!

Danilovna: Since our meeting is dedicated to our generation, I wanted to make it warm, sincere, leave the hustle and bustle of our days, have fun and see holiday concert!

Gavrilovna: And cheerful music will help us in this.

"Dolls are dancing"

Child: On this autumn day, as always,

We were waiting for you to visit with impatience,

To congratulate, sing songs, dance

And lift your spirits.

Child: There will be joy and fun,

There will be jokes, there will be laughter

Let us remember our holiday

You for many, many years!

12 group song "The rain is offended"

Gavrilovna: What did you Danilovna gather in the garden? Did you come with such a basket?

Danilovna: So, our generation is very hardworking, we grow so many different vegetables in the garden! Now the guys will sing about it to us!

10 group song "Harvest"

Gavrilovna: Guys, can you solve riddles?

1. Fragrant jam

pies for treats,

delicious pancakes

Beloved…. (grandmothers)

2. he did not work out of boredom,

He has callused hands

and now he is old and gray

My dear, beloved (grandfather)

3. He will teach you to work,

Have fun from the heart

He is an example to all the guys -

Our native... (pensioner)

4. In the portrait, the guy is brave,

This is my young grandfather

And I'm rightfully proud of them

Even though he became... (gray).

Tanya reads a poem "About Grandpa"

Gavrilovna approaches each guest and asks, takes "interview"

1. If you feel bad, how do you deal with such a mood?

2. The main quality that you value in people?

3. Do you have shortcomings? How do you deal with it?

4. your favorite food?

5. If guests arrive unexpectedly, what dish helps you out?

7. What is your favorite joke?

8. Tell us about your hobby?

9. What is your favorite actor?

10. What is your favorite singer or singer?

Children sing a song "My Russia"

Sonya reads a poem "My grandmother"

Muses. Leaders give grandmothers a song "Native home"


Gavrilovna takes out an umbrella

Danilovna: Why are you, Gavrilovna, scaring the weather? You're making rain!

Gavrilovna: So it's not me, it's the girls over there who want to please us with a fun dance.

"Umbrella Dance"

Danilovna: You Gavrilovna never part with a broom? Working…

Gavrilovna: My household is large, and apples have now grown in the garden, apparently - invisibly. … Don't know how to cope!

Danilovna: So call your girlfriends, but ask our guys, they will help!

a game "Apples-Brooms"

Child 6 group: We do not like to lose heart

we can sing and dance

Grandma will clap for me

well, I spin, stomp.

Dance "Polka"

Poems senior group

Gavrilovna: Oh, come on people,

The dance takes me

Balalaika, play

Entertain your guests!

Danilovna: What, Gavrilovna, have you forgotten? What balalaika?

We agreed,

What's the turn now accordion

Dance a little too.

Gavrilovna: So I can't...

Danilovna: Well, then watch and learn how the guys play the instruments!

"Under the sky of Paris" orchestra

Danilovna: Oh, look, Gavrilovna! Look, what grandmothers are sitting here, guys, take them out to dance!

"Free dance"

Gavrilovna and Danilovna leave during a free dance

Lyudmila Vladimirovna: You can talk about your grandmother for a very long time and a lot. I appeal to all the boys and girls: love and appreciate your grandmothers, be kind, sensitive to them, do not hurt them with your words and deeds. They deserve respect and gratitude. After all, these are the people who gave life to our parents, who endured on their shoulders the ordeals of war, devastation, famine and survived in them. Grandma me often speaks: "Do not forget me".

Let's more often please our own grandparents, give our smiles and flowers.

Song "Pies"

Children give grandmothers salt dough pies

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October 1, 2019 is International Day of Older Persons. On this day, charity events, conferences, exhibitions, concerts, amateur competitions are held. At evenings of rest, poems and songs dedicated to the older generation are performed, funny miniatures are played.

Funny miniatures for the Day of the elderly

We offer several miniatures that will certainly please the audience. People can participate in such performances different ages, including the parent of the children, and even children can play the roles of old women and old men.

Do not forget to choose the appropriate props for this - glasses and scarves, artificial mustaches and beards. Show your imagination, prepare the appropriate musical accompaniment - and your performance will cause a lot of positive emotions among those present at the holiday.

In the first short production for the Day of the elderly, two old women are talking ... about school lessons.

1st grandmother:
- Hello, my dove! Let's go outside and take a walk.
2nd grandmother:
“What are you, neighbor, I haven’t done my homework yet ...

1st grandmother:
What other lessons? You've been out of school for a hundred years, haven't you?
2nd grandmother:
- Yes? And the grandchildren? Now it is customary to do homework for grandchildren. I want to try it, although it is probably very non-pedagogical.

1st grandmother:
- Yes, what are you! I do my homework for my grandchildren all the time.
2nd grandmother:
- Is it true? Is that how you pamper them?

1st grandmother:
- I'm not spoiling! I am a strict grandmother. I only prepare drafts, but they always rewrite them cleanly.
2nd grandmother:
- Well, if it's not difficult, check how I learned the verse ...
By the seaside, the oak is green,
Golden Chain on Oak Vol.
And day and night the dog is a scientist ...

1st grandmother:
“Wait, what dog?”
2nd grandmother:
“Well, I don’t know what breed he has, maybe a bulldog, maybe…

1st grandmother:
- Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood? Cat!
2nd grandmother:
“Ahhh… I understand. Well, I then first.
By the seaside, the oak is green,
Golden Chain on Oak Vol.
And day and night the cat is a scientist
With a string bag he goes to the grocery store.

1st grandmother:
- With which shopping bag, in which grocery store, where did you see this?
2nd grandmother:
- At the circus. At the clown, cats are not doing that yet.

1st grandmother:
- Oh, that's it, I chatted with you, but there are still so many lessons I have, and you shouldn't be late for the rhythmic circle.
2nd grandmother:
- Are you still dancing at that age?

1st grandmother:
- Yes, not me, but my granddaughter, and I also have to master.
2nd grandmother:
- Well, show at least one movement, maybe it will come in handy for me.

The grandmothers begin to dance to rhythmic music and eventually perform a cheerful youth dance.

And here is another fun scene for the Day of the elderly, in which a grandmother and her three grandchildren are talking.

First grandson:
- Grandmother-a! I have to go to music school, I'm late. Notes, please!
- Run, honey!

Second grandson:
- Grandmother-a! Stroke my uniform, we have a reporting concert!
"Now, now, dear!"

Third grandson:
- Grandmother-a! I want to eat, where are your delicious buns?
Here they are, dear! Eat, eat, my sunshine!

First grandson:
- Grandmother-a! And now we will congratulate you!
All grandchildren:
Happy holiday, grandma!

- Oh, thank you, my dears! Will you sing me a song?
Let's sing and dance!
(The guys sing a song dedicated to grandmothers and dance.)

The following funny miniature for the Day of the elderly involves two pensioners.

Ivan Ivanovich:
- I was at the clinic the other day, so they wrote me such a prescription there that they didn’t take it apart in any pharmacy and didn’t give me medicines!
Petr Petrovich:
- I also recently went to the doctor, he wrote me a certificate. So I rested on it and in a sanatorium, and for a year I traveled by bus for free, and I still get benefits!

– What kind of reference is this? What are you at death, or what?
- No, what are you! You know how our doctors write - the devil himself will not understand their handwriting! So I show this certificate everywhere, and no one can understand anything. And they believe me as a pensioner! ..

Short funny scenes for the Day of the elderly

The following funny miniatures for the Day of the elderly are played with different characters.

Two old ladies meet.
First grandmother:
- Oh, I'm afraid, Semyonovna, that I will be robbed. Therefore, when I leave for a clinic or a store, I leave the radio on at home.
Second grandmother:
- And I leave a note on the door: “Son, all the snakes have crawled around the apartment again. Collect them, otherwise I did not have time.

The old lady is on the phone.
- Is this an emergency gorgaz?
- Yes, what happened to you?
“Son, I can’t understand anything. I turned on the stove in the morning, but the gas does not burn!
- Grandma, did you light a match?
- Oh, I forgot, now I'll light it ...

Sitting on a ridge old grandfather. A journalist approaches him and asks:
- Dear, how did you manage to live to such an age?
- Every day I sit in a bar, I smoke 5 packs of cigarettes, I drink 2 cases of beer, I eat hamburgers every day, washing down with cola, and most importantly, I never went in for sports!
- Then how did you manage to live to such a venerable age?
- What kind of age? I am only 32 years old.

An old woman is standing at the crossroads. She turns to young man:
- Granddaughter, take a closer look, please, is it green there?
- Green, grandma!
- Translate please!
- Well, it's ... like his ... green, in my opinion ...

Grandmother and granddaughter are sitting in the kitchen.
The old lady remarks:
- Yes, in our time the music was much more melodic.
- Grandmother! Yes, this is how the mixer works.

Recently passed the first international competition knitting among grandmothers. Its results are as follows:

  • Russian grandmother knitted the warmest socks;
  • the Dutch grandmother could not connect even two words;
  • a Chinese grandmother knitted an iPhone case;
  • Somali grandmother tied up all the old women and demanded a ransom of three million dollars.

What ditties can be performed on the Day of the elderly?

And, finally, at the holiday dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, you can perform funny verses about grandparents.

Don't look at us
Break your eyes.
We are not local grannies,
You won't recognize us.

Two old women without teeth
Talking about love:
- We are in love with you -
I'm in shmetana, you're in pancakes.

Grandfather forgot the old woman
Loved the youth.
It's not a freak
A fight for quality.

Grandma was peeling potatoes
Grandfather sang songs on the roof.
Grandma whistled a little -
Grandpa flew into the chicken coop.

Grandfather Matvey is a big fisherman,
I fished out a shoe in the river.
But then I caught
Sunken dump truck.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Yegor came out.
In his mushroom basket
Only an old fly agaric.

Grandfather Ivan, repairing the socket,
Surprised us today
He stuck his finger into the socket
And laughed for an hour.

I have an iPhone for my birthday
Grandson Seryozha gave.
my grandfather this sunday
They cracked nuts!

For a plane ticket
I've been saving up for years.
Only needed for the resort
My pensions are five hundred pieces.

Grandfather does not pay for travel,
He says he has no money.
I spent my pension yesterday
At the restaurant for lunch!

Recommend me a cream
To rejuvenate
look 25
And fall in love again.

We sang ditties to you -
Is it good, is it bad.
And now we ask you
For you to clap!

Public educational institution "Kamenskaya basic comprehensive school"

Compiled and carried out Art. counselors L.A. Khrenova and L.Yu. Shasherina.

The purpose of the event: spiritual and moral education,

Raise love and respect for the elderly, especially grandparents, show the importance of good family relationships.

1 led.

Years, like birds, flew over you,
You have known the happiness of life in labors.

Childhood, the beginning of the journey,
A happier time is hard to find.
Youth opened the way to the universe,
A time of great knowledge in life.
Years of study, struggle and labor,
Many have been hardened by the war.

2 led.

Survived in battles, had children,
New songs were sung with enthusiasm.
Believed in a miracle for all time
Love gave happiness then.
The children grew up, you matured too
The best people of a great country.

1 led.

They built castles, grew wheat,
The cosmos has opened the frontiers for you.
In general, it was not in vain that this world was visited,
The world on the planet has changed slightly.

2 led.

Children have already given you grandchildren,
There is a continuation of great Russia!
Holiday today for all time
Congratulations to your native country!


International Day of Older Persons - relatively new holiday. It originated at the end of the 20th century. First, the Day of the Elderly began to be celebrated in the Scandinavian countries of Europe, then in America, and from the end of the 80s - all over the world. Finally, the International Day of Older Persons was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1990, and in Russian Federation- in 1992.


I'll give you a riddle
And you guess it.
Who puts a patch on the heel,
Who irons and mends the linen?
Who cleans the house in the morning
Who puts a big samovar?
Who plays with the little sister
And takes her to the boulevard?
By whom the fringed rug is embroidered
(Sister - see everything)?
Who writes detailed letters
Soldier, my father?
Whose hair is whiter than snow
Are your hands yellow and dry?
Whom I love and pity
Who did you write poetry about?

Song about grandma.


1. I have been friends with my grandmother for a long time - for a long time. She is in all undertakings with me at the same time

Chorus: Without a grandmother, without a grandmother, do not bake pancakes
Cutlets will be overcooked, milk will curdle
And with grandmother - grandmother, everything will immediately become delicious
Live in the house cheerfully and breathe easily

2. I don’t know boredom with her and I love everything about her, but I love grandmother’s hands the most

3. And how many wonderful things these hands do: they tear, then they sew, then they knead, then they make something
Natalya Maidanik

Together with my grandmother
We live very friendly!
Together we go for a walk
Together we go to sleep
Together we wash the dishes -
True true! I will not lie!
We don't like to be sad
We can sing and dance
Grandma will clap for me
Well, and I - spin, stomp!
I try not to be capricious
I do not shed tears, but smile -
We are great friends with her.
Because we are FAMILY!

Contest "Guess the melody"

Do your grandmothers know the songs? Let's find out.

special question

Let's meet our grandparents. We would like to ask you a few questions.

How long have you lived in our village?

When and where did you go to first grade at school?

What poem from the school curriculum do you remember? Can you tell?

What did you dream about as a child?

Whom do you love more children or grandchildren?

What is your favorite activity right now?

Name your grandson's birthday

Ditties sound (boys in the hands of balalaikas, girls in headscarves)

.We begin to sing ditties,
Congratulations to grandparents.
With pies, buns
Delicious tarts.

patty patties
2. Granny fed deliciously
And beautifully dressed up.
Here is such a woman -
Golden right!

Okay, okay (and so after each verse)
3.He decided that I was on holiday
Granny will give a gift -
I will become very obedient
For a whole week.

4. Grandmother bakes a pie
With apple jam
Runs over the threshold
Bad mood.

5. I walk with my grandfather by the hand,
I hold him tight
So that grandfather is not afraid,
so that he doesn't get lost.

6. I will surprise a woman on a holiday -
I'll sleep for an hour during the day.
And paint on the wall.
I'll draw a fairy tale.

7.If grandfather promises
Will perform exactly
Then slaps on the pope
We cannot count in a century!

8. Why does our woman
So few hands?
She needs a couple more
To succeed everywhere!

9. Baba Masha - champion
in culinary sports.
All struck by "Napoleon" -
A hundred layers are in the cake.

10 Let's sing a song to grandma,
We will sleep for grandfathers.
And on our holiday
Let's say thank you to them.


Elena Duke

Now, if I'm a grandmother,
I swear I'll never forget
What to granddaughter, and maybe grandson
Give every day for lunch:
I will pour into my right hand,
I'll pour it into my left hand,
And I'll just pour it on the dish,
A mountain of colorful, sweets!
Now, if I'm a grandmother,
I swear I'll never forget
What a granddaughter, or maybe a grandson
Do not scold for deuces.
And just to dispel boredom,
I will send to a cheerful friend
And let me watch TV
I'll go for a walk more.
But grandma obviously forgot
That I loved candy as a child.
And, apparently, only five
She wore it from school.
And her girlfriend did not go to her,
And she did not whisper in her ear,
What is a loser grandfather Kolya
Waited for her at the window.

Game "Affectionate Name"

Instruction. Children stand in a circle. The teacher asks to remember how they are affectionately called at home. Then it is proposed to throw the ball to each other. The child to whom the ball hits calls his affectionate name. after everyone has called their names, the ball is thrown in the opposite direction. At the same time, you need to remember and name the affectionate name of the person to whom you throw the ball.

P. Sinyavsky

I am Masha, and my grandmother too,
My grandmother and I are very similar.
We love cheesecakes and rolls
And songs while walking.

My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.
My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.

We are together on a sewing machine

And dress it up together
And we love her together.

My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.
My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.

And if we have a name day,
We cook raspberry compote.
And kiss each other hard
And we give each other a toy.

My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.
My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.

Competition "Fold a fairy tale"

With the help of auxiliary words on the sheets, come up with a fairy tale for the grandson. Who's better?


My grandmother and I are old friends
How good is my grandmother
There are so many fairy tales that it is impossible to count
And there's always a new one in stock
But grandmother's hands are just a treasure.
Hands do not order grandmother to be idle
Golden, dexterous, how I love them!
No, you probably won't find others like them!

Contest " quick hands» - disassemble money and buttons

Please take a little of everything

And you will bake such a cake! ...

Salt, flour, milk and starch,

And curdled milk that stood for a long time,

Cinnamon, sour cream, eggs and water,

There will be no trouble from semolina and butter!

Nuts, raisins, sand and jam,

Mix everything properly without hesitation! ... And if you want to clarify the recipe, then you need to call my grandmother ...

The song "We all divide in half"

Performs 2nd grade.

According to the "chain" the words of the poem are spoken by grades 3 and 4.

Grandma has a grandson and granddaughter -

WHY and WHY.

Questions all day long

Sets snub-nosed people:

"WHY green leaf?

WHY does the artist sing?
WHY do cats have whiskers?

WHY do chairs have legs?
WHY fire burns?

WHY does the eagle soar?
WHY does grass grow?

WHY is the foliage rustling?
Grandma wears glasses all day

Checks in dictionaries
Clarifies for grandchildren

WHY brooks murmur
WHY is it cold in winter

WHY roses have thorns
WHY the bear roars

WHY copper sparkles
WHY does it rain

WHY prickly hedgehog

Well, granddaughter! Well, grandson!

They managed to grandmother

Make a "doctor of science"

And in just two weeks!

Riddles for grandchildren.

Conducted by a counselor.

1. Fragrant jam,

pies for treats,

delicious pancakes

At the beloved ... (grandmother)

2. He did not work out of boredom,

He has callused hands

And now he is old and gray

My dear, beloved ... (grandfather)

3. Grandfather and grandmother

Were young

And now they've grown old

Became ... (older)

4. He will teach you to work,

Have fun from the heart

He is an example to all the guys -

Our dear ... (pensioner)!

5. Autumn gave a holiday

And I did not forget to congratulate

Clear sunshine for lunch

Our grandmother and ... (grandfather)!

6. In the portrait, a brave guy -

This is my young grandfather.

And I'm rightfully proud of them

Although he became completely ... (gray-haired)

7. Together with my grandmother

We set an example for everyone.

And we will meet guests with her

On the holiday of the elderly ... (people)


M. Pleshcheev

Grandma, you too
Was it small?
And she loved to run
And plucked flowers?
And played with dolls
You, grandma, right?
What hair color was
Do you have then?
So I will be the same
Grandma and me -
Is to stay
Can't be small?
Very my grandmother -
Mother mother - I love.
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead a gray strand,
So I want to touch
And then kiss.
Maybe I am like that
I will be old, gray-haired,
I will have grandchildren
And then, putting on glasses,
I will knit gloves for one
And the other - shoes.


Grandma taught me how to peel potatoes.

She sharpened the knife on the plate,

She took a potato in her left hand

And from under the knife the tape went.
The ribbon stretches, stretches, stretches,

What's left of the poor potatoes?!

The tape almost hangs down to the floor,

The yellow ribbon suddenly ran out,

So much of it - you turn around.

Grandma showed me potatoes

The potatoes got a little smaller...
Does that mean I can clean it up?

Granddaughter, come on! Be bolder!

The ribbon does not stretch, the ribbon breaks!

Potatoes are no longer taken in hand!
Only rags of partition cleanups

And she lost weight to the limit!

It's almost invisible,

You can't even find it in cleaning!

Why doesn't anyone save potatoes?

Only the hungry will know about it!

Competition "Peel the potatoes!"

Participate in pairs: grandmother and granddaughter.


R. Rozhdestvensky

My grandmother is with me
And that means that I am the main one in the house,
I can open cupboards
Watering flowers with kefir
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel.
Can I eat cake with my hands
Slam the door on purpose!
And it won't work with mom.
I already checked.


M. Plyatskovsky

If it suddenly gets hard,
A friend will save you from various troubles.
I am very much like a friend
Because he is my grandfather.
With grandfather we are on Sundays
We're on our way to the stadium
I love ice cream with jam
And he loves cartoons.

With such a good grandfather
Not boring even in the rain
With such a good grandfather
You won't get lost anywhere!

Cranes, satellites and guns
I scattered it in the corners.
Grandpa brings me toys
And he plays them himself.
tin battalion
Grandfather commands: "Forward!" -
And leads to distant lands
My paper boat.

With such a good grandfather
Not boring even in the rain
With such a good grandfather
You won't get lost anywhere!

We bought skis with my grandfather,
They creak in the snow.
I'm following my grandfather
In front of all the guys.
I still can't understand
Surprise is not melting

Natalya Maidanik

I sat down and sit
And I don't go out for a walk

I don't turn on the TV
I gave up tea

I don't want to eat or sleep
I'll be waiting for my grandmother!

Why didn't you come
Maybe urgent business?

Maybe she's tired
Laid down and fell ill?

Who will give the sick pills,
Besides a good neighbor?

Maybe she needs help
Does she live alone?

All! Decided! I'll run
I'll help her myself!

Suddenly, I hear: knock-knock-knock!
It's Grandma knocking on the door!

Hello my dear
I will hug her, love!

Let the whole wide world know better friend not in the world!



Finally everyone fell asleep
Don't peep my secret
Because for granny
I will draw a bouquet.
Roses, asters, daisies
Flash brightly on a postcard.
I will write to my grandmother
How I love her
What her pancakes
I always praise.
It's good that everyone fell asleep,
Outside the window is already dawn.
I love you grandma
And I give you a bouquet!

Give gifts to grandmothers.

By "chain".

Dear Granny!
Don't count the years in vain
Do not be sad that whiskey turned gray.
This is what happens in nature all the time.
This trace is left by blizzards.
Let your life be hard
There was still joy and happiness in her.
Hold on, dear, hold on
Bypass the side of bad weather.
After all, your wealth is WE:
Daughter, son, grandchildren, great-grandchildren even!
For a long, long time you live
To babysit great-great-grandchildren too ...

The storehouse of worldly wisdom is, of course, our older generation.

And honor to you, and honor,

And thank you for being and being you.

Younger at heart

It's too early to get old.

So be healthy

Live rich!
And now let's have tea with grandma's pies.

E. Blaginina

If the grandchildren are cheerful, -
Grandmother even more so:
- Look, sang like goldfinches,
How glorious!
If the grandchildren want to eat, -
Granny's joy:
- Let them sit, let them eat,
They need to grow up!
If the grandchildren went out into the garden, -
Grandmother in alarm:
- Hy like rain or hail,
After all, they will get their feet wet!
If the grandchildren went to bed, -
Grandma is not breathing
- Bye-bye, lyuli,
Hush, hush, hush!
purity, silence,
Warmth, drowsiness.
Here's what she is -
Grandmother care!
Hy and you? What?
How are you and your grandmother?

P. Sinyavsky

I am Masha, and my grandmother too,
My grandmother and I are very similar.
We love cheesecakes and rolls
And songs while walking.

My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.
My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.

We are together on a sewing machine
We sew dresses for the Pauline doll.
And dress it up together
And we love her together.

My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.
My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.

And if we have a name day,
We cook raspberry compote.
And kiss each other hard
And we give each other a toy.

My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.
My grandmother is not old
And the best friend in the world.
