Happy New Year greetings script for colleagues of health workers. Scenario of the holiday in the Children's City Hospital

Of great importance in the formation of the head and face of a person is his "heavenly part" - the forehead, which since ancient times was considered one of the main decorations of the face. To create the impression of a significant height of the forehead, in the old days, Japanese women shaved off their eyebrows and drew them at the level of the hair.

It is known that the frontal bone is formed under the pressure of the growing brain and all its convolutions, taking on one or another configuration over time. Therefore, the development of the brain affects the shape of the skull, forehead and face, however, apparently there is some truth in the words of A.S. Pushkin: "I heard the truth happened that the forehead is wide, but the brain is small!". There is a very common misconception that a big forehead always indicates a big mind, although there are numerous examples of this connection (Napoleon - I, Washington, Einstein), but idiots can also have a very large forehead. The fact of the connection between the shape of the forehead and the character of a person is considered to be proven.

Rice. 7 Forehead shapes

Much more important are the proportions and correspondence of the forehead to other parts of the face, including bumpiness or smoothness, symmetry, softness or hardness of the skin, folds, wrinkles.

Hilly forehead with symmetrical tubercles, square or rectangular shape on both sides, is a sign of natural mental abilities.

A wide and high forehead is considered favorable for a man and unfavorable for a woman.
According to physiognomists, a forehead protruding forward at the top and retreating back at the bottom indicates very limited abilities.

Rough superciliary arches give the forehead, and the face as a whole, an unfavorable appearance, reducing other positive signs.
A rounded forehead often indicates the softness and refinement of nature.

A high, but not very wide forehead is inherent in proud and vain individuals, and a wide and low forehead indicates a sober mind.
A low and narrow forehead against the background of other proportionally developed parts of the face is considered a sign of limitation, and a small straight forehead is considered cunning and insidiousness.

Slightly protruding forward and slightly concave upward forehead, covered with smooth and soft skin, on beautiful face, testifies to the spirituality of nature.

Straight, without superciliary arches, perpendicular and high forehead, in combination with mobile eyes located on the same level with it and a firm gaze, belongs to people of irritable, but with a clear mind. In combination with a short, straight nose, such a forehead often belongs to fanatical people.

Rich information is laid in the process of life in the relief of the forehead skin, in the form of permanent or temporary lines, folds and wrinkles of varying degrees of severity, configuration, orientation and location. The higher the mobility of the skin of the face, depending on the work of the mimic muscles underlying it, the more emotional the nature, the greater the trace remains on the skin. Tommaseo owns the expression: "Great thoughts smooth the forehead", and it explains the absence of wrinkles in people of the highest intelligence, great willpower and composure. To illustrate this fact, they usually cite as an example Napoleon, who did not have a single wrinkle on his forehead. Wrinkles on the forehead young man always serve as a sign, if not of an evil disposition, then of physical and intellectual weakness.

Oblique and broken lines on the forehead are evidence of insufficient development, low culture and deceitful nature.
If two or three almost straight lines, not interrupted in the middle, pass on the forehead, this is a sign of a good disposition, high culture and a sound mind.

Physiognomy has its roots in the times of Aristotle and Hippocrates. The first used it to study the state of the soul, the second - healing the body. Physiognomy was especially revered in the East, believing that the whole life path of a person can be predicted by the face. In China, physiognomy was considered a full-fledged branch of medicine. Chinese doctors, by expression, features and complexion, not only made a diagnosis, but also determined periods of ups and downs, successes and failures for a particular person with almost 10 percent accuracy.

Modern physiognomists believe that any change in facial features is associated with significant internal and emotional changes. Moreover, even by the most impenetrable face, one can determine the characteristics of the character of its owner.

"Triangle" people are no strangers to cunning

There are several distinct facial types.

It is believed that an elongated face with rectangular outlines is a sign of aristocracy. People with such facial features, as a rule, are good organizers who know how to manage the masses.

A triangular face indicates the presence of high intelligence. "Triangular" people are sensitive, some of them are not alien to cunning and resourcefulness.

A "round" face indicates benevolence, friendliness. Chubby people are usually cheerful, love comfort, unambitious.

The owners of "square" faces, as a rule, leaders, are able to make decisions quickly, show perseverance and perseverance in the implementation of their plans. These are consistent, purposeful, cold, rude, even harsh people.

A narrow forehead means mediocrity

A HIGH and wide forehead testifies to the mind of a person, his inclination to intellectual activities. A round hairline framing a high forehead is a sign of perseverance and independence of character.

A low, angular and sloping forehead often betrays people with low intelligence, but at the same time practical and firmly on their feet.

A narrow forehead and low-growing hair indicate dullness and mediocrity of nature.

Wrinkles as a sign of aggressiveness

VERY pronounced horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are a good sign. Their owner can achieve significant success in life.

Two small, even vertical lines on the bridge of the nose indicate great organizational skills. If the vertical lines are uneven, curved, there is reason to be wary: such a person is prone to aggression.

Scattered, thin, irregularly shaped wrinkles indicate a heavy, vicious character.

"Square" chins are mercantile

OWNERS of a wide chin - people, as a rule, are sharp and rude, inclined to solve problems from a position of strength.

"Square" chins are quite mercantile and often obsessed with material problems. A square chin, combined with prominent cheekbones, indicates determination and masculinity.

Nature rewards sensitive and reasonable people with a rounded chin. Sharp - cunning, with an entrepreneurial streak.

A person with a prominent chin is considered to be strong-willed and self-confident in nature. A sloping chin, on the contrary, betrays a weak will, often a difficult, uncontrollable character.

Lipslappers love to eat

THIN lips are a sign of coldness and prudence, and full lips are sensuality. People with full lips love to eat well, tend to indulge in the joys of life.

Open, relaxed lips are a sign of indecision, weak will.

If upper lip thin, and the lower one is slightly protruding, which means that a person is not without conceit and vanity.

The upper lip, if it is slightly swollen and pushed forward, indicates an accommodating character, a willingness to compromise.

A sloping, asymmetrical mouth is a sign of nervousness, constant dissatisfaction. And the lowered corners of the lips are an indicator of depression, self-centeredness and capriciousness.

Let the ear be harder than steel

A BEAUTIFUL shape of the ears is considered a sign of outstanding spiritual qualities. Large and firm ears speak of good health and promise their owner a long life.

If the upper part of the ear is highly developed, then the person has an extraordinary mind; a developed middle part is characteristic of people with great opportunities and a supply of energy, and a large lobe is, as it were, an indicator of sexuality.

The owners of pointed ears are usually cunning and quirky people.

Ears located above eye level are a sign of intelligence, while ears located respectively below eye level indicate a lack of it.

Pinocchio did not take revenge on anyone

A LONG nose is a sign of a pronounced individuality. A short nose gives out a tendency to optimism and friendliness. And if the tip of a short nose is slightly upturned, then such people are liberated and sexy.

A thin hooked nose will tell about pride and stubbornness. And the nose, similar to the beak of an eagle, indicates the vindictiveness of nature.

Eyes as a mirror of the soul

FACE of a person with beautiful eyes, is particularly expressive.

The sparkle of the eyes indicates a great internal potential and high performance. "Extinct" eyes, on the contrary, are a sign of weakness, sadness or depression.

Large eyes indicate a tendency to creativity, philosophical inclinations. It is generally accepted that what more eyes, the higher the emotional susceptibility of a person.

Physiognomy is an amazing science that allows not only to determine the character of a person, but also to look into the depths of his personality. Facial features can communicate the potential of a person, personal tragedies that he still experiences inside himself, hidden diseases. But the myth that one can predict the future by looking at the face is a pure deception, according to experts.

An experienced physiognomist, who has more than one year of work behind him, easily reads a person like an open book, but, alas, very few specialists have such knowledge. If you want to learn to recognize a person's character from their facial features, you will need patience, attention to detail and some knowledge of psychology. Physiognomists argue that it is quite possible to learn to recognize on a person's face a tendency to lie, anger, cruelty.

Today we will talk about the structural features of the superciliary arches in men and women. This seemingly insignificant detail can tell a lot about a person's personality.

What is a brow ridge? Where is she?

The superciliary arch is called the protruding part of the forehead, covered with hairline - eyebrows. Its main function is to protect the eyes from the wind, sweat, small specks, etc. The superciliary arch is equipped with a muscle that allows you to raise or frown your eyebrows, thereby expressing surprise or anger.

A few years ago, scientists tried to attribute protruding superciliary ridges to rudimentary organs. Rudiment - a sign inherent in a person at the initial stage of development, which a more developed personality should not have.

But actually it is not. Superciliary ridges are more often pronounced in men than in women, and are usually found in southerners. Pronounced brow ridges are associated with the male hormone testosterone - the more it is, the more convex they are.

What do protruding superciliary arches say?

Pronounced superciliary arches indicate the presence of a rather rigid, strong-willed character. Such a person prefers to live according to a proven, established scheme, deviations from which he does not welcome. He strictly follows the established regime and adheres to strict rules. Such a military approach is for him the optimal environment in which he feels comfortable.

Stubbornness is another distinguishing feature. A person is trying to get to the bottom of the reasons for certain actions, persistently looking for personal motives in the actions of his friends and acquaintances.

If a person has a more developed upper part of the frontal bone, this indicates a tendency to self-sacrifice. But with a developed lower part of the forehead, which is typical for people born under the sign of Aries or Leo, the person is prone to frequent resentment, selfishness, selfishness. In this case, not the most the best sides character inherent in these two signs.

At the same time, people with a developed lower forehead have a sense of dignity and decency. Despite the fact that they, as inveterate egoists, are able to justify even their most unseemly actions. The hollow between the eyebrows indicates vanity.

In addition, the owners of protruding superciliary arches have curiosity, attentiveness, giftedness, a penchant for playing music or other creative activities, an inquisitive mind and an intuitive nature. These personalities are sociable in most cases, they are pleasant conversationalists if you speak on neutral topics.

The location of the superciliary arches is very important. This will be discussed further.

The subtleties of the location of the superciliary arches

If the brow ridges are enlarged closer to the nose, then these people are so stubborn that they often refuse to change something in their lives, even in case of emergency. In professional language, this is called rigidity. In communication, they are pleasant, until you offer, even if unconsciously, something radical. Actor Johnny Depp has a similar arrangement of superciliary arches.

Large superciliary arches closer to the temples speak of acquired scarcity of thinking, conservatism, and a certain limitation. Communication with such people, especially on business topics, can be difficult.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the eyebrows - color, shape, density. In physiognomy, these details play an important role. Their balance in the absence of excessive eyebrow density and the presence of an even and clear line speaks of harmony between feelings, emotions and reason.

Absence of protruding superciliary ridges and character

In most people, the superciliary arches are not pronounced, especially for women. Physiognomists claim that these are flexible personalities, able to adapt to the situation. They are open to new acquaintances and people, they know how to make spontaneous decisions. Such people are very enterprising and able to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Brow ridges and leadership qualities

What brow ridges should a person with leadership inclinations have? Protruding brow ridges on a steep forehead indicate the presence of leadership qualities, great willpower and ability to lead. Broken, wide eyebrows also testify to this. Since the face is closely related to character, a person with unexpressed superciliary arches cannot be a leader.

Are brow ridges a sign of cruelty?

Some physiognomists really believe that pronounced brow ridges, like a sharp chin, are a sign of cruelty to other people. This is due to the fact that such individuals are internally very strong and conservative. They only consider their opinion. Therefore, in some situations they can behave rudely and sometimes harshly.
