Certificate of conformity for a child car seat. Certifications for child car seats

for a child car seat is a mandatory permit, which must be obtained by the manufacturer or supplier of this product in order to sell it in the territory Russian Federation and other member countries of the Customs Union.

Issue a certificate on a child car seat is possible in accordance with the requirements that were provided for by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 018/2011 "On the safety of wheeled vehicles". The car seat, referred to in this document as a "child restraint", is considered by law as one of the objects of certification. Therefore, both the manufacturer and the supplier need to understand that on the territory of the Customs Union, the production of car seats that have not passed the certification procedure is a serious administrative violation, which entails large fines.

If a repeated violation is detected, the manufacturer or supplier will be subject to such measures as confiscation of products and suspension of the company's activities.

Certification procedure for child car seats

The applicant will be able make a certificate compliance for car seats for children only after passing laboratory tests. In this case, the expert takes into account the type of device mounting in the car. At the moment, car seats are available in 4 versions:

Universal (fixed in the cabin with standard seat belts);

  • Limited (can only be used in cars of certain brands in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations);
  • Semi-universal (can be used in the vast majority of cars using existing seat belts or additional mounts);
  • Special (can be installed in all seats for passengers and in the luggage compartment of some vehicles; in this case, mountings made by the vehicle manufacturer or a special holding device are used).

Quality certificate It is issued taking into account certain loads that the car seat will have to withstand, as well as based on the minimum and maximum weight of the child. In addition, during laboratory research the quality and reliability of fasteners and frame material are studied.

In the production of car seats, energy-absorbing material must be used without fail - only in this case it is possible to guarantee the full protection of the child in an accident or during a jerk.

The traffic police explained what negatively affects the level of accidents involving child passengers and what needs to be done to reduce the risk of injury to minor passengers.

The main factors are: the uncertainty of legislation and the lack of quality certification of child car seats.

Let's turn to the traffic police statistics. Last year, more than 9.3 thousand accidents involving minors were recorded. 10.3 thousand children were injured in accidents and 500 children died. It is noteworthy that in every second case the children were in special restraint chairs, in a quarter they were fastened with a seat belt using an adapter or booster. Not without a gross violation of traffic rules by the parents, this happened in every eighth case. The statistics are frankly not encouraging, what's the matter?

Automotive Baby chair: Memo

It is necessary to begin the analysis of the situation with lawmaking, in the uncertainty of the norms of legislation in this area. According to the rules traffic, instead of child restraints, it is possible to use "other means that allow you to fasten a child using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle."

What is usually used as "other devices"? Under these, most understand various kinds of correctors, clamps and adapters, which, according to experts, cannot provide the necessary level of protection, simply speaking, they are not suitable for their intended purpose. Moreover, according to the traffic police, devices that do not meet safety standards enter the market, these products do not have specific technical requirements, which allows manufacturers of “other means” not to undergo mandatory certification by evading it or receive conclusions from incompetent laboratories and certification bodies.

Do child car seats have an expiration date?

How to protect your child and buy a high-quality, safe car seat for him?

Remember! Any child restraint sold on Russian market, must have a certificate of conformity!

Second important point, child seats, for example, in Europe, are tested not only for mandatory compliance with established safety requirements, but also independent tests under more complex loads and modes. The results of such crash tests are freely available, any buyer can get the data he needs.

In Russia, we also have a similar rating of child car seats. The Research Automobile and Automotive Institute has been testing child car seats for 4 years. According to statistics, samples purchased in stores in different cities of the country show that out of 60 tested car seats, 40 did not pass the test! In this regard, we provide an official list of child restraint car seats that have not passed the test.

And remember! The child restraint must be selected according to the weight and height of the child. Strictly follow the instructions from the car manufacturer on how to install and secure the child seat. Teach your child to take their place in the child seat. Always show your child the right example of behavior in the car, fasten your seat belt.

Child car seats that have not been tested in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on BKTS (Annex 9 p.35: UNECE Regulation No. 44-03 with additions 1-7)

"SIGER Cosmo"

Manufacturer: FORS LLC, 390007,

Salesman:REGION LLC, 394053,Voronezh, st. Generala Lizyukov, 44 B

Kenga LB585

Manufacturer:JIANGSU BEST BABY CAR SEAT MFG. CO., LTD.,No. 168, Ruishan Road, Dantu Industry Park, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Pr., China

Salesman:Europe LLC, 305048,Kursk, Friendship Avenue, 9 A

Manufacturer:IP Molchanov V.S., 170042,

Salesman:IP Kazankov A.B., 150065,Yaroslavl, st. Chkalova, 7, apt. thirty

"Seat belt adjuster"

Manufacturer:IP Molchanov V.S., 170042,Tver, Artillery lane, 15, apt. 32, RF

Salesman:IP Medvedchuk O.V., 150006,Yaroslavl, st. Ship, d. 30, apt. 121

"SIGER Transformer - Prime"

Manufacturer: FORS LLC, 390007, Ryazan, st. Military motorists, 10, Russian Federation

Salesman:Malyshandiya LLC, 394051,Voronezh, st. WriterMarshaka, 18 A, office 2


Manufacturer:Private production and trade unitary enterpriseyatie "Rosplastic", 230001,Grodno, st. Western,21A, Republic of Belarus

Salesman:IP Ovsyuk L.M., 300057,Tula, st. Puzakova, d. 5, apt. 321


Manufacturer: TAIZHOU GANEN CAR APPLIANCE CO., LTD NO.3 Panlong RD, Jiangkou St, Zhejiang province, China

Salesman:LLC "BEGEMOT Tula",300028, Tula, Krasnoarmeisky prospect, 19

"I'm going-I'm going LB-N303"

Manufacturer:JIANGSU LUCKY BABY SAFETY SYSTEM MFG. CO. Ltd., Hongqiao Industry Park Qiwei Town, Taixing City, Jiangsu Province, 225453, China

Salesman:IP Babochkina M.V., 155800,Ivanovo region, Kineshma, st. Krasny metallist, 14, apt. 133


Manufacturer: CONECO Szymocha Winiarski Spolka Jawna 42-263 Wrzosowa, ul. Katowicka 44, Poland

Salesman:IP Litvinenko T.A., Vladimir, st. Krasnoarmeiskaya, 49, apt. 46

"Bertoni GAMA"

Manufacturer: Didis Ltd., Shumen 9700, Pravda Str., 1, Bulgaria. Teamtex, ZI Montbertrand F- 38230 Charvieu Chavagneux, France

Salesman:IP Dmitrieva I.A., 302038,Orel, st. Roschinskaya, 41, apt. 114


Manufacturer: Fujian Xinghui Baby Suppliers Co., LTD., North Area, Zhaoan Industrial Park, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China

Salesman:LLC "BEGEMOT Kursk",305001, Kursk, st. Upper Lugovaya, 6

Manufacturer:LLC "ALEKSCAR", 249033,Kaluga region,

Salesman:IP Sirazova A.N., 150064,Yaroslavl, st. builders, 11, apt. 47


Manufacturer: TAIZHOU GANEN CAR APPLIANCE CO., LTD, NO.3 Panlong RD, Jiangkou St, Huangyan district, Taizhou city, Zhejiang province, China

Salesman:OOO "BEGEMOT Orel",302001, Orel, st. Gagarin, 23, building 2

Kenga YB803A

Manufacturer: Ningbo Youbao Children's Products Co., Ltd., No. 5 Fuxin Road, Fuhai Industrial Zone,Cixi City, Ningbo, Zhejiang Pr., China

Salesman:LLC "AVTOMAG-OLIMP",Moscow, Zelenograd, st. Solar alley, bldg. 813 A


Manufacturer:LLC "ALEKSCAR", 249033,Kaluga region,Obninsk, Plotina district, Russian Federation

Salesman:LLC "ALEKSCAR", 249033,Kaluga region,Obninsk, Dam area, RF

All child car seats sold in the European Union are certified by accredited laboratories. This procedure is confirmed by a certificate and an orange plate on the car seat. The document is issued on the basis of laboratory tests and means that the product meets the required level of protection for the health and life of children. In turn, safety standards are listed in the rules and directives of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, in accordance with an international treaty that was signed in Geneva in 1958.

Since January 1, 2015, on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, which includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, the technical regulation "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (TR CU 018/2011) has been in force. The requirements of this regulation are harmonized with the Rules of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. This means that European standards apply in Russia and the EAEU countries, including for child restraints. This last edition ECE 44 and new standard ECE 129 (i-Size) . Both provisions currently operate in parallel.

This mandatory level of testing is typically passed by many modern child car seats. If a high level of safety is not important to you, then you should study the results of more stringent independent tests, which are carried out by such well-known organizations as ADAC, Stiftung Warentest, ANWB, ÖAMTC and others.

Only certified products are presented in our store. You can check the validity and validity of any certificate on the Rosaccreditation website at.

Valid Certificates

Certificate Authentication

With the adoption of the technical regulations of the Customs Union, you can check the validity and validity of the certificate online on the website of the Federal Service "Rosaccreditation".

To check, you need to go to the section of the site "Registers" and select item 2 "Certificates of Compliance":

In the new window, select item 2 - "National part of the Unified Register of issued certificates of conformity, issued in a single form":

In the window that opens, fill in the certificate number, which is located at the top of the document:

Attention! To search, it is enough to enter not the full registration number, but only the last 5 digits or symbols of the certificate number.

We also fill in the applicant's data:

We press the "search" button. We get brief information about the certificate, which indicates the status, certificate number, start and expiration dates, as well as information about the applicant, manufacturer and product name:

By clicking on the number, we get more detailed information

  • information about the legal entity (applicant)
  • information about the manufacturer foreign legal entity (manufacturer)
  • information about the certification body
  • full product name
  • certificate details

Certificate statuses are divided into 4 categories

Status "Valid" (green circle) - means that the information specified in the certificate is up-to-date at the moment.

Status "Suspended" (orange circle) - means that the validity of the certificate is suspended. The reason and date of the stop will be indicated inside the description of the certificate.

Status "Revoked" (red circle) - means that the certificate is permanently terminated. The reason and date of revocation will be indicated inside the description of the certificate.

Status "Archived" (pink circle) - means that the certificate is invalid due to the expiration date.

Employees of Roskontrol visited several large chain stores selling child car seats and checked whether the information posted on car seats complied with modern standards. And also - are the goods to which the buyers entrust the health and life of their babies certified.

Current regulations

For reference:

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Regulations is a single standard that all child car seats sold in the European Union must comply with. To confirm compliance with the standard, samples are tested for quality and safety. Based on the test results, a quality certificate for compliance is issued.

Today, according to the Russian Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles", all child restraints (car seats, boosters, cradles) must comply with the requirements of the document "UNECE Regulation No. 44-04", the fourth edition, which entered into force in 2009 year.

According to the Rules, each certified child restraint must be in a conspicuous place special marking and international approval mark.

International approval mark

This sign must have:

  • a circle with the letter "E" and the number representing the country which has granted the approval.

For example, E1 - Germany, E2 - France, E3 - Italy, E4 - Netherlands, E6 - Belgium, E11 - United Kingdom, 16 - Norway, 17 - Finland, 20 - Poland, 22 - Russian Federation;

Attention! If you see the ECE R44/03 label on the chair, these are obsolete standards. They are no longer valid. Such a chair can be unsafe! The required label is ECE R44/04.


Year and month of issue, stamped on the plastic.

Seat belt diagram for adults

  • On the visible inner surface of the remote control installed against the direction of travel, approximately in the area where the child's head is located, there should be a warning sign (in our country - with an inscription in Russian).
  • Minimum sign size: 60 x 120 mm.

This mark must be sewn on the surface along its entire perimeter and/or permanently attached to the lid along its entire rear surface. Any other form of fastening that is permanent and cannot be removed from the product and does not obstruct the view is allowed.

If RCUs can be used both in the direction of travel and in the direction of travel, the sign must read: "Caution - do not use in the direction of travel until the weight of the child exceeds ...... (see instructions)"

How do you know if a child car seat is certified?

For reference:

According to clause 12 of the RF PP No. 55, the seller is obliged, at the request of the consumer, to familiarize him with the shipping documentation for the goods (certificate of conformity, its number, its validity period, the authority that issued the certificate). These documents must be certified by the signature and seal of the supplier or seller, indicating his location (address) and telephone number.

To understand whether the product is certified, you should ask the seller for a TR CU Certificate of Conformity, a test report and a Type Approval Message, then check all the data with the label and check for the presence of the Certificate in the register, which is located on the website of Rosaccreditation.

Does the seller have to provide the original certificate? No. The original is from the manufacturer. But the seller must, at your request, provide a copy of the certificate, or shipping documentation containing this data.

Checking Roskontrol: are there any certificates?

What is at stake for sellers?

Loopholes in the law

Yes, according to the technical regulations, car seats must be certified. That is, by law, a child restraint must comply with the specified standards.

But, according to the "Rules of the Road" (Government Decree No. 1090), the transportation of children (in the back seat of a car) must be carried out using child restraints OR OTHER MEANS that allow you to fasten a child using seat belts.

By “other means” one can understand at least an ordinary pillow, at least a blanket folded several times, raising the child to the required height.

And such a clause nullifies the requirements of the technical regulations. Unfortunately, there are irresponsible parents who believe that the actual permission not to use a car seat during transportation will protect their baby in an accident. This is wrong!

In Russia, there should no longer be low-quality child seats: according to the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, from January 1, 2015, all of them must comply with the European Rule ECE R44/04. Already good! But this is by regulation. And we will test them according to our new method. Which chair is best?

We tested 16 restraints of the so-called group 1 (for children weighing from 9 to 18 kg), and, along with the usual chairs, we had one frameless seat and two "alternative" options - a booster and an adapter.

We were especially interested in chairs made in Russia. In the nine years that have passed since the previous large-scale Autoreview test, we finally have factories that produce real child seats. For example, the Siger Transformer-Prime seat for groups 1-2-3 manufactured by the Ryazan LLC "Force" is similar to the French seat Nania Beline SP: high-quality plastic, simple fastening with a standard (car) belt, a collapsible design that allows, when the child grows up, use the pillow as a booster. True, two other Russian samples aroused less optimism: this is the Kostroma FEST adapter, now supplemented with a “harness” for the baby’s legs, and a frameless Berry chair manufactured by TRADE LLC from the Ulyanovsk region.

But Smeshariki's armchair is a surprise! - made not here, but in China. As well as the inexpensive "English" chair Happy Baby Voyager. And the Chinese seat Babyton LB-513 can be found in stores under other names: Pilot, Food-Food, Mishutka ... I myself saw the last one in Tolyatti.

By the way, having wandered around the shops, I came to the conclusion that the share of Russian products is still vanishingly small: almost all inexpensive "belt" chairs are made in five or six factories in China, and then they are given different names, sometimes by the method " cross pollination. For example, the booster and seat of the same Kenga brand are made in China in two different factories.

Among the seats fixed with a car belt, the honor of eminent manufacturers will be defended by the German Römer King II LS and Recaro Young Sport seats, as well as the Japanese Carmate Kurutto NT2 seat. From the chairs where the child is held by the “safety table”, we chose the thoroughbred Cybex Pallas 2-fix and kiddy phoenixfix pro 2. And we will check the effectiveness of the Isofix locks, supplemented by the “anchor” Top Tether mount, on the example of the Römer Trifix and Casualplay Q-Retraktor seats fix.

Three accelerometers are installed in the head of the Q3 dummy, a dozen more sensors are mounted in the "spine" that measure the forces and moments acting on the lower and upper parts of the neck, and there are 28 sensors in total. for Q6 and Q10 dummies, simulating older children, aged six and ten, respectively

This time the Avtodeti company joined the project. In addition to being a large multi-brand dealer of child seats, the avtodeti.ru website is also a serious information resource on child safety. We agreed that the Autochildren would provide us with chairs, and we would take care of everything related to the tests.

The presence of a certificate of conformity with the Rule ECE R44/04 or GOST R 41.44-2005, alas, is not a guarantee of safety. For their issuance in Russia, more than a dozen organizations that do not have the proper equipment for testing child seats are accredited

The better the fixation of the chair, the higher the safety. Therefore, during installation, the “belt” seat must be pressed as tightly as possible into the rear sofa and only then tighten the belt strongly, starting from the waist strap and ending with the diagonal

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And here is an important innovation of the test base: modern Q-series children's mannequins appeared in the AvtoVAZ passive safety laboratory, so now you can measure the acceleration of the pelvis and - most importantly! - load on the neck. Our fearless and unemotional assistant was the Q3 dummy, a 98.5 cm “child” with a weight of 15 kg, which must fit in group 1 seats (from 9 to 18 kg). It should, but the range of adjustments of the inner straps of the Kenga YB 704 and Happy Baby Voyager seats turned out to be insufficient - and the car's belt had to be used to fix the mannequin. But this is forgivable: the seats are universal, and the instructions allow children weighing 15 kg or more to be fastened with a standard car seat belt.

As well as nine years ago, for testing we will use a fragment of the body of the Lada Kalina station wagon (it is rigidly fixed on the trolley), and we will carry out the strikes using the so-called "small catapult". The system of rubber bands shoots the trolley like a slingshot - and it crashes into the "heel" of the hydraulic cylinder.

And the most important difference from previous tests is the new methodology. Together with AvtoVAZ specialists, we spent a year developing it: from now on, it includes not only a frontal but also a side impact. Moreover, both impacts are “harder” than with the current Euro NCAP crash tests! The fact is that in the last decade, many child seats in crash-tested cars have received maximum points from Euro NCAP experts - and the differences between good and very good seats seem to have ceased to exist. And our task is to identify the difference. Therefore, we increased the momentum for the frontal strike. If during our recent crash tests of Granta and Kalina, broken at a speed of 64 km / h, the peak deceleration of the body reached 33.9 g, then for our tests of child seats we raised the overload to 38 g. It's as if the same Grant or Kalina crashed into a deformable barrier not at 64 km / h, but at about 68-70 km / h. For the side impact, we opted for a deceleration of 31g instead of Eurocap's 26g.

It is clear that there were fears that with such severe tests, none of our seats installed in the direction of travel could protect the baby - the load on the “child” would be higher than when installed against the direction.

First we weighed the chairs. The lightest among the full-size ones (adapter, booster and frameless “rag” do not count) is the Chinese Kenga seat (3.45 kg), and the most massive is the Japanese Carmate (12.8 kg). But in our case, the mass only says how easy it will be to carry the armchair.

Safety is much more dependent on following the recommendations for attaching the seat. And here we have already taken into account the clarity and clarity of the markings, the presence of control indicators and interlocks that exclude incorrect installation (you can read about what happens if you fasten the chair incorrectly on the following pages). The risk of making a mistake when installing the chair was evaluated in points from zero to ten (the higher the score, the lower the risk). Together with VAZ specialists and Avtodeti expert Sergey Kerzhentsev, we agreed that it is almost impossible to make a mistake when fixing Carmate and Römer King II LS seats with a car belt, as well as snapping kiddy and Cybex seats onto Isofix brackets, where the child is “locked” with a removable table - nine points out of ten. And the most difficult thing (three points) is to figure out the abundance of straps of the FEST adapter and the Berry frameless chair: the probability of an error is as high as when fixing the Babyton and Kenga YB 704 seats. There were some oddities. We were never able to put an additional clip on the belt, which comes with the Smeshariki and Siger seats: in Kalina, there was simply no space left for this clip between the regular belt lock and the seat body! Smeshariki and Siger were saved from early disqualification by sales assistants who advise buyers ... to fasten their seat without additional fixation of the belt.

When testing with a side impact (photo on the left), the front seat is not needed, so a bracket with a high-speed camera will take its place. For a frontal impact (on the right), the camera moved to the left side, and a fragment of Kalina's body was additionally fixed on the trolley with two braces, since the peak overload is higher: 38 g versus 30 g in a side impact

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What misfortunes await a child sitting in his chair if the car gets into an accident? In a frontal impact, the most dangerous are the loads on the neck. The muscles are still weak, but the head is already heavy! The Q3 manikin allows you to measure forces and moments acting on both the lower and upper parts of the neck. But since the Euro NCAP committee does not yet regulate either the bending moment or the tensile strength of the neck for three-year-old children, we, as during the test of adapters in Germany, decided to rely on the criteria adopted for adults. And it turned out that the absolutely safe "adult" threshold for bending moment of 42 Nm was slightly exceeded only when using the FEST adapter (42.5 Nm).

So we will judge the safety of the cervical vertebrae by the tensile force. The kiddy chair turned out to be the best - less than 2 kN with a safe limit of 2.7 kN. Carmate, Cybex and Siger seats also fit into this framework. An unpleasant surprise was that the expensive Römer King II LS seat failed this exam, as did the Kenga YB 704 and Happy Baby Voyager seats, as well as all devices that allow small children to be fastened with a regular car seat belt. When using an adapter, booster or frameless seat, the nod of the dummy was such that the force went beyond the "red" 3.3 kN.

I tightened the internal straps with a calibrated force, the same for all chairs. And the expert of Avtodeti Sergey Kerzhentsev (pictured on the left) then also checked the tightening using a simple everyday rule: more than two fingers should not pass under the diagonal branches of the belt

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These same products are unlikely to protect the head of the child from damage. Despite the absence of hard contact with the back of the front seat, the deceleration of the head exceeded the “red” threshold of 100 g - consider that a severe concussion is guaranteed! The same fate will befall the child in the Casualplay chair: here, during the impact, the flimsy tilt mechanism of the “bowl” collapsed, the lodgment rushed forward together with the mannequin, and the “child” hit its head against the front seat with force. And, as in the case of neck loads, the kiddy, Cybex, Carmate and Römer Trifix chairs became excellent performers: slowing down the head of the less safe 87 g.

The load on the pelvis slightly exceeded 100 g only in the Babyton chair, but the pelvis, thank God, is not the head. The main thing is that there is no dangerous effect of diving, which can lead to damage to the abdomen. And here, as shown by high-speed video footage, the greatest risk is the frameless Berry chair: during the impact, it simply broke - and the belt slid from the hips to the chest. At the same time, the pelvic deceleration amounted to a harmless 70.2 g.

Now - about chest overload. Only Siger and Cybex seats fit within the boundaries of the "green corridor" (up to 50 g for three-year-old children). And the "red" line of 65 g, along with the seats of Berry, Casualplay and both products of the Kenga brand, even the Römer King II LS chair crossed.

It is useless to use the headrest of the car for additional fixation. Even at the Nania seat, where Kalina's headrest hooked the chair best, the back popped out from under it during the impact.

We also measured the chest overload during a side impact, and this time the border of the “red” zone was expanded by 15 g, up to 80 g. The fact is that a side impact is more fleeting, and the danger from overloads is directly proportional to the duration of their impact. But the kiddy, Kenga, Nania and Römer King II LS seats did not fit into this limit either. Despite the fact that these chairs protect the baby’s head in a side impact perfectly (acceleration did not exceed the “green” 72 g), the shape of their sidewalls is poorly suited for protecting the chest in Kalina.

Armchairs Carmate and Happy Baby with their too rigid sidewalls of the headrests did not save either the head or the chest (the overloads exceeded 90 g), so the small bending moment acting on the neck (maximum 49.4 Nm with a dangerous threshold of 57 Nm) is little consolation. All the more so because all the other chairs have a load on the neck when hit from the side “green” or budding “yellow”.

After each impact, we changed the seat belt. And after testing Isofix seats - also the back of the rear sofa, which was damaged

Due to the destruction of internal mechanisms during a frontal impact, the Casualplay Q-Retraktor Fix chair threatens the child not only with a strong blow to the head on the front seat, but also with broken legs caught in a trap

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But at non-chairs ... We simply did not allow them to test with a side impact: we feared for the safety of an expensive dummy. In addition, our tests in Germany showed that even with a weaker side impact, neither the booster nor the adapter will save the "baby" from a strong head-butt on the door.

We calculated the final rating as follows. The weighting of the results of both frontal and side impacts is 35% each. The ratings themselves were set according to this principle: if the overload is within the "green" zone - ten points, and if it exceeds the "red" limit - zero. And the remaining 30% - for reducing the risk of both improper installation of the chair itself and fixing the child in it.

Even idols are fragile! Due to the fact that the mannequin's arms (they do not have sensors) lay for some time in an unheated warehouse, the polyvinyl chloride lost elasticity, and during frontal impacts with the Kenga booster, the right elbow collapsed, and with the Römer Trifix chair, the left elbow. The benefit of the “baby” was “cured” by replacing broken joints with metal ones.

The failure of all "other means", including the booster, did not come as a surprise to us. And it was unpleasantly surprising that many inexpensive chairs performed only a little better - those that are fixed on the car seat with its regular belt and are devoid of mechanisms for its tightness. But they, unlike boosters and adapters, somehow protect children when hit from the side.

Romer Trifix. The chair, fixed with Isofix fasteners and an “anchor” belt, provides the smallest overhang and optimal nodding kinematics upon impact, which reduces the load on the head and neck

Babyton LB-513. In a simple seat, fastened with a regular seat belt, there is a higher risk for the legs due to more forward movement, and the child’s “nod” is stronger due to the worse stability of the seat itself

Berry. And worst of all, the baby will be protected by “other means”. For example, a frameless chair that broke during the impact and allowed not only monstrous overloads, but also strong diving under the belt

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Discouraged and expensive "belt" chairs. The Römer King II LS seat overloaded the child's chest in both side and frontal impacts. The Carmate Kurutto NT2 model turned out to be dangerous in a side impact, and in a frontal impact, the stop in the bottom of the car broke at the seat. There are also complaints about the Recaro Young Sport seat: during a side impact, the belt lock was unfastened - and the chest overload was close to critical.

The Casualplay Q-Retraktor Fix chair did not live up to expectations, even despite the Isofix locks and the “anchor” strap: the internal mechanisms simply fell apart.

In terms of g-forces (31 g peak!) our side impact imitates the future Euro NCAP 2016 crash test. For added realism, we used a real car door, rather than a flat plywood panel as in the ECE R129 and ADAC tests. Only the glass was dismantled: according to the assurances of the VAZ, at Kalina, during a side crash test, it always crumbles even before the dummies nod

And for my child, I would not be stingy and bought either Cybex Pallas 2-fix or Römer Trifix. Yes, expensive, but it was these chairs that provided the best protection. Moreover, almost every new car now has Isofix mounts, including Grants and Kalina in basic versions.

* Frontal impact safety score, points
** Side impact safety rating, points
*** Evaluation of the exclusion of incorrect installation, points

Cybex Pallas 2-fix

Final grade 9.34

Price 23,665 rubles.
Specified manufacturer Cybex GmbH (Germany)
Group 1-2-3
Weight, kg 11.20

The safest chair we've tested snaps onto Isofix braces. But the fastening is not strong, and it is not surprising that the connecting plastic parts collapsed during both crash tests: Isofix is ​​used only to fix the seat in the right place. The child is held in the seat by a “safety table”, which goes around the standard car belt. From the point of view of the comfort of the child, the solution is ambiguous, but for safety, the configuration of the table is good: all loads during a frontal impact are within the boundaries of the “green” zone. And in case of a side impact, the optional external buffers on the sides of the chair work perfectly - the protection of the chest and head is sufficient.

The Cybex inertia ratchet automatically pushes the headrest forward in a frontal impact, reducing the risk of neck whiplash on rebound

Isofix fasteners with flimsy plastic rods are not designed for serious loads, but a chair with a table holds mostly not Isofix, but a car seat belt

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Romer Trifix

Final grade 7.78

Price 24 950 rubles.
Specified manufacturer Britax-Römer Kindersicherheit GmbH (Germany)
Group 1
Weight, kg 10.90

The indiscreet price does not seem too high when you see how well thought out the design is. Internal straps - with patented overlays and convenient height adjustment. Powerful sidewalls and a massive metal base of Isofix locks, coupled with an “anchor” fastening belt - and as a result, the best protection in case of a side impact! Loads during a frontal impact are also small - only slightly above the "green" limits. Römer Trifix should be blamed only for the deceptive “anchor” belt tension indicator: it shows a green “permissive” strip, even when the second branch of the belt is loosened.

At the front of the RÖmer Trifix chair, there is a red indicator of unfastened Isofix (when the lock is latched, it changes to green) - you don’t have to look for it, bending over three deaths

The "anchor" Top Tether belt must have a green indicator of the correct tension, which should only work when all the branches of the belt are taut

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Carmate Kurutto NT2

final grade 5,33

Price 26 450 rubles.
Specified manufacturer Carmate Mfg. Co. Ltd. (Japan)
Group 0+, 1
Weight, kg 12.80

The most expensive chair turned out to be the heaviest, but by no means the safest. The swivel mechanism of the “bowl”, which makes it easier to get the child in and fastened on, is great. But a heavy seat is fastened in the car with a low-missing seat belt - without a tightness mechanism, the fixation is extremely weak. During a side impact, the chair was dangling around the cabin with the largest amplitude, and therefore the exorbitant loads on the head and chest were not a surprise. In a frontal impact, the criteria for injury were small, but the emphasis in the bottom of the car could not stand it and bent. This chair needs an “anchor” belt and Isofix locks, but, alas, this option is not provided for the Kurutto NT2 model.

A powerful stop at the bottom, alas, is weakened by technological holes. With a frontal impact, he could not withstand the inertia of a massive chair and broke

So that during a side impact the “belt” seat does not dangle like a pendulum, like Kurutto NT2, the belt must cling to the back as high as possible and reach out with a special mechanism

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Siger Transformer-Prime

Final grade 5.10

Price 2 949 rub.
Specified manufacturer Force LLC (Russia)
Group 1-2-3
Weight, kg 4.25

Judging by the points scored, the Russian product turned out to be the best among the relatively affordable universal chairs of groups 1-2-3. Despite the significant deformation of the door upholstery during a side impact and a significant forward seat forward during a frontal impact (the movement could reduce the additional belt lock, but it cannot be installed in Kalina’s cabin), the “orange” threat level was recorded only due to an overload of the head in 81, 7 g in side impact. However, if we left glass in the doorway (or put a plywood shield instead of it, as is often done in such tests), then the result would most likely be worse: the video shows that the mannequin's head flew out of the arms of the headrest. But we have no formal grounds to lower the rating.

According to the instructions, it was necessary to install a clothespin at the seat belt buckle. But in Kalina and Grant there is simply no place for him.

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kiddy phoenixfix pro 2

Final grade 4.57

Price 16 000 rub.
Specified manufacturer kiddy GmbH (Germany)
Group 1
Weight, kg 6.35

In appearance, this chair with a “safety table” differs little from the Cybex seat, but costs one and a half times cheaper. You find an explanation by taking both chairs in your hands: kiddy is almost twice as light! In a frontal impact, the lower inertia of the chair did not win: the loads on the head and neck are small, but the chest acceleration of 57 g raises the threat level to “orange”. And with a side impact, the “red” 82.2 g already acted on the chest! That's because the headrest is made entirely of foam: its "ear" broke - and most of the load was transferred to the chest.
Despite the top safety ratings from the ADAC club and the highest authority of the kiddy company (these seats are often used when testing cars according to Euro NCAP standards), we would warn against buying the phoenixfix pro 2 kiddy seat.

The headrest of the kiddy chair is made entirely of foam and breaks in the event of a strong side impact, leaving the child's head unprotected in case of secondary impacts.

Just like the Cybex chair, the plastic parts of the Isofix fasteners on the kiddy are not designed to withstand a strong impact. But this is not a problem: the car belt holds the child through the safety table

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Casualplay Q-Retractor Fix

Final grade 4.28

Price 22 400 rub.
Specified manufacturer Play (Spain)
Group 1
Weight, kg 11.00

The Spanish top model with inertial (!) internal straps, and even with Isofix fasteners and an “anchor” belt, judging by the ADAC tests, should have performed no worse than Römer and Cybex chairs. This was clearly indicated by the price: Casualplay is only slightly more affordable than the leaders. Alas, in both blows, the mechanisms for adjusting the inclination of the “bowl” crumbled, and with them the hopes for a good result. And if during a side impact this almost did not affect the protection (the developed sidewalls of the chair secured the baby), then with a frontal impact it was a drama. The "child" strongly kissed his head and legs against the back of the front seat, and on the rebound the armchair "broke" the shins and feet caught in a trap. For more than twenty thousand rubles, you can find a safer chair.

The internal inertia straps of the Casualplay seat increase the comfort of the child due to greater freedom of movement. But in terms of safety, this is a dubious decision: the straps are devoid of preload and are worse than traditional, “static”, fix the baby during the impact

The “weak link” of the Casualplay chair is the “bowl” tilt adjustment mechanism: it collapsed in both types of tests

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Recaro Young Sport

Final grade 3.85

Price RUB 12,990
Specified manufacturer Recaro Child Safety GmbH (Germany)
Group 1-2-3
Weight, kg 8.30

Recaro chairs lure children and their parents with rich-looking and most pleasant to the touch upholstery, beautiful reliefs and the magic of a brand inspired by motorsports glory. And when all this is offered at a price half that of Isofix chairs from other eminent manufacturers, the hand itself reaches for the wallet.
Unfortunately, the seat belt fastening scheme without a mechanism for its tightness does not provide adequate protection: in a frontal impact, the level of threat to the neck and chest is “orange”, and in a side crash test, chest acceleration is close to critical 80 g. Moreover, the design of the car seat belt retainer is such that in the event of a side impact, it is ready to unfasten at the slightest contact with the door. Perhaps you shouldn't be tempted.

The insides of the Recaro chair are connected, among other things, with long self-tapping screws. Real German quality?

In a side impact, the car seat belt clip opened up. No wonder: the protruding tongue is ready to unfasten the latch even with a slight touch

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Smeshariki SM/DK-200 Pin

Final grade 2.93

Price 5 180 rub.
Specified manufacturer Ningbo Dargun Baby Product Co. Ltd. (China)
Group 0+, 1
Weight, kg 5.95

A Chinese armchair with an affectionate Russian name scares with rough details like a massive metal guide for a car belt, screwed to a plastic back without washers with a frail M6 bolt. The padding under the lock of the inner straps is thin, which threatens to injure the genitals. And the chair itself does not fit well to the back seat of Kalina: there is a gap of about 4 cm under the front edge of the pillow.
But the “trace” of the belt is clearly marked, fastening the seat is easy. And the loads on the head and chest in both blows, although large, still do not exceed the “red” limits. The belt guide fastener, which caused concern, as well as other elements of the chair, withstood the load - so there is no confirmed cause for concern, as well as for optimism.

At Smeshariki, as in the case of the Siger chair, it is impossible to install a clothespin on the belt

The upper attachment point of the belt is bent from a thick metal bar and simply screwed on with a bolt. Unaesthetic? But cheap, reliable and practical

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Romer King II LS

Final grade 2.70

Price RUB 18,560
Specified manufacturer Britax-Römer Kindersicherheit GmbH (Germany)
Group 1
Weight, kg 10.50

King II LS is the same “belt” model from Römer that we had on tests nine years ago, only modernized. Alas, the chances of severely pinching your fingers, lowering the folding "bowl" on the base, are still great.
Despite its solid appearance and thoughtful design, the chair was not able to fully protect the baby in severe accidents, modeled by our new method. In a frontal impact, the neck is in danger, stretched by a “red” force of 3.4 kN. And the chest overload was too high in both "collisions". And this is not an accident! During the crash test of Kalina according to the Euro NCAP method, the load on the chest in the King II LS chair went beyond the "green" threshold, although there were less overloads there.

Only in the King II LS chair, during a side impact, the dummy's leg flew off on the rebound. For a living child, this would mean a high probability of severe dislocation.

Mounting the RÖmer King II LS is as easy as shelling pears: fasten the belt, pass it through the marked slots, and lower the folding cradle. During the last operation, do not try to push the seat into the rear sofa or tighten the belt: pinch your fingers!

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Babyton LB-513

Final grade 2.69

Price 3 900 rub.
Specified manufacturer Kimura International Limited (Hong Kong)
Group 1-2-3
Weight, kg 5.25

The Hong Kong origin seems to be just a gimmick. Armchairs Babyton -LB-513 and their clones with Russian names (Mishutka, Pilot, Food-Food, etc.) are made in China. It is more difficult to pass the car belt through the holes in the back of the seat than with other "belt" models, and the correct path of the belt is vaguely marked - the highest probability of error! If the fastening is incorrect, this threatens the child, first of all, with head injuries. But if the seat is properly secured, the level of protection is acceptable: chest overload is alarmingly brown, but not “red”. If it wasn't for the installation difficulties, the Babyton chair would have been the best Chinese product we've tested.

When using a pillow as a booster, be sure to use the sling (pictured) to adjust the position of the diagonal strap of the belt

Familiar design! Seven years ago, we already tested this chair in Germany (AR No. 6, 2008). But then it was called Bimbo, not Babyton

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Nania Beline SP

Final grade 2.63

Price 3 430 rub.
Specified manufacturer Team Tex (France)
Group 1-2-3
Weight, kg 4.60

An inexpensive French chair stands out against the background of Russian-Chinese products with a presentable and pleasant to the touch upholstery, as well as a powerful headrest with developed sidewalls - it protects the head well in case of a side impact. And therefore it is doubly insulting that the design of the back of the chair poorly protects the chest: the overload has exceeded the dangerous 80 g.
In a frontal impact, the threat level to the neck is "orange". And in terms of clarity of markings and ease of installation, Nania leads among budget chairs - along with the Russian Saiger. But the failure in a side impact puts the French chair on a par with the Chinese and does not allow it to be recommended even to those who are on a tight budget.

The headrest of the Nania chair, openwork from the inside, cracked during a side impact, but fulfilled its mission with honor: the overload of the head was small

Like most universal chairs of group 1-2-3, the Nania Beline SP seat can be disassembled - and the pillow can be used as a booster

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Happy Baby Voyager

Final grade 1,99

Price 5 899 rub.
Specified manufacturer Happy Baby Project Ltd. (Great Britain)
Group 0+, 1-2
Weight, kg 7.50

A high-quality English chair for less than 6,000 rubles? So we didn’t believe it - and, looking at the documents, we found that the Voyager was not made in England at all, but in China, at the Jiangsu Lucky Baby Safety System branch factory. Unfortunately, the child in this chair will be lucky only if his height is less than 90 cm: then he can be fastened with internal straps. We had to fix the mannequin with a height of 98.5 cm using a car belt. With a frontal impact, everything is fine, but with a side "adult" belt threatens to cut the neck. The plump upholstery was immediately washed out - and it turned out that the configuration and rigidity of the plastic sidewalls were chosen poorly: the head and chest experienced the most dangerous overloads - more than 90 g. It is better to refrain from buying.

The back and pillow are connected in such a simple way. During the frontal impact, the rivets were simply torn out of the plastic!

VAZ engineers and I checked everything three times. In particular, the height of the inner straps: they must be at least shoulder level!

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Kenga YB 704

Final grade 1.05

Price 3 146 rub.
Specified manufacturer Ningbo Youbao Children's Products Co. Ltd. (China)
Group 1-2-3
Weight, kg 3,45

At first glance, this Chinese chair is no worse than the rest. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the range of adjustment of the inner straps is not enough - just like the Happy Baby seat. And being fastened with a car seat belt, the child is protected very badly. The overloads of the head during a frontal impact and the chest during a side impact exceed 100 g! The worst of the full chairs. AND low price that's no excuse.

Patch with the ECE R44 / 04 badge, a clear scheme for fastening the seat and the child in it, depending on the weight of the latter - everything is like in "pedigreed" products

The dummy pressed his hand and shoulder against the door harder than in any of the tested chairs: the deformation of the upholstery was the greatest

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Kenga LB 311 (booster)

Final grade 2.40

Price 1 121 rub.
Specified manufacturer Jiangsu Best Baby Car Seat Mfg. Co. Ltd. (China)
Group 2-3
Weight, kg 1 ,40

Formally, it is impossible to put small children in a booster. But they put you in jail, especially in a taxi! What does it threaten? With a side impact, everything is clear: as in our tests in the Römer laboratory, the baby will hit his head hard against the door. And even if the car is equipped with safety curtains, they will not help the child: the head will miss the pillow. And in a frontal impact, improper seating of the belt causes severe overloads. With the Kenga booster, all injury criteria exceeded the "red" limit.
Never transport babies in boosters!
Neither their own, nor others!

One of the few advantages of the Chinese booster: the plastic guide of the diagonal strap withstood the blow

With a frontal impact, the nod is such that the stretching of the neck, the overloads of the head and chest turned out to be above critical

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FEST 1541.8217010

Final grade 0.90

Price 730 rub
Specified manufacturer FEST Enterprise LLC (Russia)
Group 1-2-3
Weight, kg 0 ,08

The cheapest in our test and, with the connivance of the traffic police, the most common “other means” in the regions that allows you to avoid a fine for improper transportation of children. Now, however, traffic cops at all levels disown adapters, calling them dangerous. But FEST is also improving: in the seven years that have passed since our tests of adapters in Germany, a system of straps has appeared that covers the child's legs, which is designed to eliminate the effect of diving.
The adapter is certified according to ECE R44/04. We have suspicions that it is fake: the European certificate was revoked from -FEST back in 2013, and tests conducted at NAMI only confirmed the danger of this product. Another proof is our frontal impact: the loads on the neck and head are outrageous! Although it is worth noting that the "harness" works - and there was no diving effect. But this does not negate the main thing: adapters have no place in your car!
Specified manufacturer TRADE LLC (Russia)
Group 1-2-3
Weight, kg 0 ,43

Adherents of the idea of ​​frameless chairs claim that a similar design is being developed even at Volvo. Although Professor Lotta Jakobson, who has been in charge of child safety at Volvo for many years, has never heard of this. She, a supporter of seating babies in chairs installed against the move, would hardly have thought of bringing to mind such a “diaper” tied to the back of the back sofa.
The “armchair” Berry, sewn in the Ulyanovsk region, according to papers corresponding to ECE R44 / 03, was torn into los-kuts upon impact! The benefit of the "child" still held the regular seat belt of the car - and we did not have to blush in front of the VAZ because of the damaged dummy. But the diving was monstrous: the belt slid down on the baby's chest. And the loads are such that the chances of survival are negligible. Such "armchairs" should be banned at the legislative level!

Child restraints in Russia have been subject to mandatory certification since 2007. And from January 1, 2015, all child seats sold in our country must comply with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, which refers to Rule ECE R44/04. In other words, now we have the same requirements for child restraints as in other countries of the 1958 Geneva Agreement, including the EU countries. Most importantly, the technical regulation will soon be supplemented by the ECE R129 Rule, which also provides for side impact tests.

It remains only to convince the traffic police and the government to remove the ridiculous addition from paragraph 22.9 of the Rules of the Road, allowing children to be fastened using "other means." By the way, in 2013, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) working group on passive safety has already made its decision regarding adapters and other “assemblies of straps and guides” - that is, it cannot be considered child restraints, and all previously issued certificates have been revoked . For our part, we will make every effort so that this year an amendment to the traffic rules will be introduced, outlawing “other means”.

And yet the main problem related to the safety of child restraints in Russia is not the legislative framework as such. Issue in issuance a large number accreditations, that is, granting certain organizations the right to test such devices. Despite the fact that in Russia only NAMI and AvtoVAZ have the equipment necessary to conduct such tests, more than a dozen organizations have been given the right to check child restraints! You don't have to be a professional to understand: there can be no question of any full-fledged tests.

Another problem is that even chairs certified in Europe (under the Geneva Agreement of 1958, Russia recognizes the results of tests conducted abroad) do not always fully comply with the requirements of our technical regulations - for example, in terms of components or accompanying documentation. In 2011, we began regularly spot-checking retail-purchased child restraints, including frontal crash tests in accordance with ECE R44/04. For four years, 55 samples have been tested - and inconsistencies in terms of instructions and markings have been identified even for armchairs of eminent brands. In total, according to this parameter, we rejected 36 out of 55 products. But even worse, 26 out of 55 samples, as shown by our crash tests, did not meet safety requirements. And this, I emphasize, in the presence of certificates. Of course, fake ones.


The best-known independent tests of child restraint systems are those conducted by the German automobile club ADAC and the Plus Test program of the Swedish Road Transport Research Institute VTI. How do these methods compare with the Auto Review and Euro NCAP crash tests, which are not carried out on racing bogies, but on real cars?

The energy and, consequently, the severity of the impact during the "trolley" test are determined not by the speed before the collision, as in the case of a car crash test, but by the magnitude of the deceleration and the duration of the pulse. For example, in a frontal impact according to the certification rules ECE R44/04 and ECE R129 (the procedure is the same for both rules), deceleration of more than 20 g must last at least 15 milliseconds, and the peak must not exceed 28 g. This is “softer” than ADAC and VTI (Plus Test) shocks, where an overload of more than 20 g must act three times longer, at least 45 ms. At the same time, the Swedish test is more demanding than the German one - even despite the fact that the peak deceleration is less (35 g instead of 37 g): the duration of an overload of more than 30 g, according to VTI standards, is 37 versus 13 milliseconds. In our tests, deceleration above 30 g lasts 17 ms, and its peak is 38 g. That is, approximately in the middle between the ADAC and Plus Test conditions.

This is noticeably "tougher" than those overloads that a three-year-old child's dummy experiences, seated in a child seat behind the driver during crash tests under the Euro NCAP or ARCAP programs. For example, the deceleration of the left threshold of Kalina was 33.9 g, and an overload of more than 30 g lasted only 10 ms. That is why the loads on the mannequin in the same chair - Römer King II LS during our bench tests were higher than in Kalina: the three-millisecond peak of head deceleration was 88.3 g versus 80.5 g, and the maximum deceleration of the chest was 67.8 g instead of 52.3 g.

Side impact is not yet mandatory for certification. And the i-Size standard (ECE R129) is advisory in nature and prescribes an acceleration impulse (the test is carried out when the cart is accelerating) of 11 g for 60 ms. We tested alternative child restraints in a similar way seven years ago in the Römer laboratory. Now AvtoVAZ specialists and I have chosen a different path. We took Kalina body overload data during a side crash test according to the current Euro NCAP methodology - and increased the momentum towards tightening in accordance with the Euro NCAP 2016 changes, when the mass of a bogie crashing into a car at 50 km / h will be increased from 950 to 1300 kg. Our impulse turned out to be slightly shorter than according to the ECE R129 Rule (50 ms instead of 60 ms), but the overload itself is three times higher: 31 g at the peak. It looks like our side impact tests are the most demanding!

Body deceleration curves in frontal impact

The price of a mistake

According to statistics, half of the seats secured with a standard seat belt are fixed incorrectly. - What threatens even a minor mistake?

When installing the Babyton seat, I ran the car's lap belt not under the "ear" of the seat cushion, but above it.

A blow - and a chair with a poorly fixed right angle turns to the left. The flight forward was such that the dummy firmly kissed the back of the front seat. The acceleration of the head for three milliseconds was 144 g, almost one and a half times more than the certainly dangerous 100 g, when a severe concussion is inevitable! And this despite the fact that the inexpensive Chinese Babyton chair is not a safety standard, but, being properly fixed, is able to protect the child in a frontal impact.

We were convinced of this when we repeated the test, already with the correct installation. The forward movement was significantly less, and the dummy did not reach the front seat with its head - the overload was “yellow” 90 g.

So read the instructions carefully, install the chair without fuss and be sure - even when you are in a hurry! - double check that the seat and the child in it are fastened correctly.

Noticed the difference? On the first slide, an example of incorrect installation: the belt is skipped over the armrest. On the second slide, the seat is fastened correctly

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The new European i-Size standard (ECE R129) for child seats came into effect in mid-2013. So far, it is only advisory and will be introduced gradually, in three stages. The first stage is the requirements for seats with Isofix fasteners. The second stage is the requirements for boosters, which will have to have developed sidewalls for side impact protection. The third stage is the requirements for the so-called "integral restraints", in common parlance - cradles fastened with a regular seat belt. ECE R129 will finally replace the mandatory requirements of ECE R44/04 only by 2018.

What is good about the new standard?

Secondly, the i-Size standard, unlike the ECE R44/04 regulation, provides for side impact tests. The technique is not too demanding yet (only 11 g's for 60 ms), but it's better than nothing. The seat must be equipped with Isofix locks, an emphasis on the bottom of the car (the so-called “leg”) or a Top Tether anchor belt. And the i-Size logo on your car will tell you that there will be no problems installing such a chair, as, for example, happens in some compact vans with glove compartments in the bottom, when the “leg” rests on flimsy plastic.

Thirdly, the standard introduces a mandatory landing against the course for children under the age of 15 months. As already proven by crash tests, including our recent Granta and Kalina tests, the rearward landing provides the best protection for babies. The former ECE R44/04 standard prescribed it only for babies under nine months of age.

Fourth, ECE R129 crash tests will be conducted using the latest Q-Dummy, capable of measuring chest compression, neck forces and pelvic acceleration, unlike the outdated P-series dummies.

Fifth, the classification of child seats is carried out only depending on the height of children, and not on their weight or age. For example, for a child with a height of 115 cm, according to the new standard, the height of the back of the chair should be at least 66 cm, and the width between the sides should be at least 32 cm.

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