When are the first tests for pregnant women. Tests during pregnancy: what and when to take? Laboratory blood tests

Experienced mothers without a twinge of conscience scare pregnant girlfriends with terrible queues and tedious, endless tests during pregnancy. Indeed, the tests that expectant mothers need to take are striking in their variety and regularity. However, all of them are justified and deserve attention.

Mandatory tests during pregnancy are a guarantee that possible risk factors will be detected and eliminated on time - before they have time to harm the health of the mother or baby.

It is advisable to take some tests even at the stage of pregnancy planning in order to treat all possible diseases without risking harm to the developing organism.

So, the future mother finds out that she is pregnant and goes to the antenatal clinic (LC) to get registered. To her surprise, the doctor, after asking in detail about chronic and hereditary diseases, diseases of relatives, the presence of abortions, weighing, measuring height, pelvic volume, pressure and examining a woman on a gynecological chair, sends her for an ultrasound.

It's not that the doctor didn't believe you. So he must rule out the possibility ectopic pregnancy. Next, the gynecologist will suggest expectant mother a whole bunch of referrals for various tests and an impressive list of narrow specialists that she should visit, namely:

  • therapist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • geneticist;
  • dermatologist;
  • otolaryngologist (ENT).

This list may vary depending on the specific LCD.

This is where confused pregnant women, sorting through a pile of papers in the corridors of antenatal clinics, are visited by bleak thoughts that they will have to spend all subsequent months of pregnancy here, passing endless tests.

Do not rush to get upset, their main volume falls on the first 2 weeks after registration. During these half a month, you will have to pass the following necessary tests during pregnancy.

1. Urinalysis

To get a reliable result in the analysis of urine, a pregnant woman needs to collect the first morning urine.

Before collecting, you need to wash yourself and cover the vagina with a cotton swab so that no discharge gets into the urine. Try to collect the middle portion of urine, that is, substitute the container in the middle of the urination process.

It is advisable to buy a sterile container at a pharmacy.

2. Blood tests

General blood analysis during pregnancy, it is blood sampling from a finger. It is given 3 times: when registering, at 18 and 30 weeks. The analysis shows the number and ratio of blood cells.

A low level of hemoglobin, for example, signals that a woman suffers from anemia, which in the future, if not eliminated, will result in fetal hypoxia.

Also general analysis blood during pregnancy allows you to identify inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

Blood test for Rh factor and group during pregnancy. Do not try to prove to the gynecologist that you know your indicators very well - it won’t help - you still have to part with the next portion of blood, that’s the order.

If you have a negative Rh factor or the first blood type, you should also make sure that the father of the child passes such an analysis. This is necessary to find out whether a Rh conflict is possible in a mother and a child: a serious pathology in which the organism of matter rejects the developing fetus. Treat this with due care.

Blood tests for hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis (RW). Blood sampling is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. A very unpleasant procedure for pregnant women, especially during the period of toxicosis, when the lack of breakfast is tantamount to sophisticated torture. Therefore, be sure to bring a sandwich or at least a chocolate bar with you to have a snack on the test.

RW is given 3 times during the entire pregnancy: at registration, at 30 weeks, 2-3 weeks before the due date.

HIV - 2 times: at registration and at 30 weeks.

Hepatitis - 2 times: when registering and in the 3rd trimester.

Blood test for TORCH infection, namely: mycoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, herpes viruses and cytomegalovirus. All these diseases can be asymptomatic in the body or be in an inactive phase for many years. However, for the child, they all pose a serious threat. This analysis is also given in the morning on an empty stomach.

As a rule, detection of TORCH infections occurs using PCR analysis during pregnancy.

It happens that tests give false positive results. If suddenly, unexpectedly, you have a terrible disease, and you think that it should not be in any way - do not rush to panic. Insist on re-analysis - this is your right. It is advisable to take tests in another laboratory at the same time.

Blood sugar test. During pregnancy, the load on the pancreas of the expectant mother increases. As a result, gestational diabetes often develops.

Blood is taken from a finger or from a vein along with blood for other tests. It is appointed, as a rule, at registration and at 30 weeks. If diabetes is detected, then control is carried out regularly.

Blood clotting test coagulogram, helps to identify the body's tendency to bleeding and blood clots.

3. Vaginal swab , which the gynecologist will take at the examination at the first visit.

4. Electrocardiogram

10 weeks

1. Inspection

If you registered for pregnancy early enough, then the second scheduled visit will be scheduled for 10 weeks. The doctor will examine you, weigh you, measure your blood pressure, look at the appointments of other specialists, the results of the tests.

2. Urinalysis

Before visiting a gynecologist, you need to pass a urine test. If a protein is found in it, this is a signal of the presence of early toxicosis.

12 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Ultrasound

The indications of the first ultrasound during pregnancy (for a period of 10-14 weeks) are very significant in determining deviations in the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

During the study, determine:

  • The number of embryos, the degree of their viability.
  • Developmental defects.
  • The thickness of the collar space (TVP). This indicator shows the amount of fluid contained on the back of the neck, under the skin of the baby. It is this study that is one of the tests for Down syndrome - in the case of pathology, the fluid is more than it should be in the norm.
  • The presence of a nasal bone. Its absence also indicates Down's syndrome.
  • The exact gestational age in terms of fetal development.

3. double test with frailty - This is a blood test for the presence of two proteins: PAPPA and the beta subunit of hCG. According to its results, possible defects and deviations in the development of the fetus are diagnosed. However, this analysis does not always give accurate results or signals the presence of pathologies.

According to experts, in most cases, deviations from the norm are a reason for closer monitoring of the course of pregnancy, but not for hasty conclusions about fetal pathologies.

16 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Inspection

3. Finding out the height of the uterine fundus . This indicator allows you to specify the gestational age. Focusing on it, you can approximately calculate the weight of the fetus. This is done as follows: the height of the uterus (in centimeters) - 11 (if the woman's weight is less than 90 kg, and - 12 if more) 155 = approximate weight of the fetus in grams.

4. Measurement of the circumference of the abdomen of a pregnant woman . If the stomach has increased significantly since the last visit, it means that there are internal edema, fluid retention, etc.

5. Listening to the heartbeat . It is from this time that the doctor will listen to your tummy with an obstetric stethoscope - a long hollow tube that expands at the end. Such a device is often used by good doctors in old Soviet cartoons.

18 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Inspection , to which regular determination of the standing height of the day of the uterus and listening to the heartbeat are now added.

during pregnancy.

4. Blood test of a pregnant woman for AFP, hCG . It is during these periods that the analysis gives the most accurate and revealing result, it determines the possibility of the fetus having congenital malformations and severe pathologies, such as Down syndrome.

Also, this analysis is called "triple" or "quadruple test". In order for the doctor to correctly evaluate the results of the tests, you need to answer all his questions honestly and in detail. Do not be silent, for example, about bad habits since many factors can influence the results of the analysis.

22 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Inspection

3. Planned ultrasound for a period of 20 to 24 weeks, at which the specialist evaluates the number amniotic fluid, the state of the placenta and the development internal organs your baby.

4. Doppler study . This study is aimed at analyzing the state of uteroplacental blood flow. It shows whether it is possible in each specific case development of preeclampsia, placental insufficiency or fetal growth retardation.

26 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Inspection

30 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Inspection , on which you will receive a birth certificate. At the same time, it is issued maternity leave.

3. Clinical (general) blood test

4. A smear for the microflora of the vagina

5. Pregnant blood test for HIV and RW

6. Determination of fetal presentation .

33 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Inspection

3. Third ultrasound . It is carried out for a period of 32 to 34 weeks. On this study, a specialist can detect malformations that appear late. Also, on the basis of the third screening, it is already possible to draw conclusions about how the delivery will take place: whether the pregnant woman will have a natural birth, or whether a caesarean section is necessary.

35 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Inspection

3. Fetal CTG . CTG is a cardiomonitoring study carried out for a period of 34 to 39 weeks. Sensors are attached to the belly of the expectant mother, displaying readings on the display of the device.

CTG allows you to evaluate the work of the baby's cardiovascular system, as well as to identify possible hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation of the fetus, based on an analysis of its motor activity.

37 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Inspection

38 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Inspection

3. Pregnant blood test for RW , this is the same analysis that is carried out 2-3 weeks before the birth, we mentioned it above.

39 - 40 weeks

1. Urinalysis

2. Inspection

3. Ultrasound . Not a planned study, it is carried out only according to indications. Unscheduled ultrasound scans can be performed at any stage of pregnancy if clarification of some points or regular monitoring of the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus is required.

Unscheduled tests during pregnancy

So, we found out what tests you need to take during pregnancy on a planned basis. Now consider those that are prescribed for special indications.

Tests for hormones during pregnancy. They are prescribed to those women who assume or ascertain the threat of termination of pregnancy. Also, tests for hormones are taken when there is a suspicion of congenital malformations in the fetus.

Tests for hormones during pregnancy are taken in the morning on an empty stomach. You can drink water, but you can’t eat for at least 8 hours, preferably 12. The day before the test, it is recommended to exclude fatty, fried and sweet foods, do not try new dishes and foods, do not overeat. Avoid intense physical exertion, sex, strong emotional unrest, alcohol.

1. Analysis for TSH during pregnancy. TSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which has a significant effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. The level of the hormone in a pregnant woman gradually decreases, and the entire pregnancy remains at a low level compared to pre-pregnancy levels.

As a rule, an analysis for TSH is prescribed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Normally, it is approximately 0.1-0.4 mU / l. But, again, it all depends on the period, and only a doctor can determine the deviations.

2. Progesterone test during pregnancy, it is recommended to take it in the second trimester, if the doctor has not prescribed it earlier. Progesterone is one of the most important hormones responsible for the proper course of pregnancy. Deviations of its level from the norm can signal various pathologies (developmental delay, fetus, threat of interruption, bleeding in the uterus), and lead to them.

With the help of modern drugs, the hormone level can also be adjusted during pregnancy, but only a specialist should prescribe treatment.

Analysis for hemostasis during pregnancy shows the ability of blood to clot, a predisposition to the formation of blood clots. It is one of the paid tests during pregnancy. It is recommended to take it to women who have had two or more pregnancies with early developmental arrest and severe pathologies, and also have relatives with thrombotic complications.

Bruising or bruising may affect test results big size. Consult your doctor about this.

Often expectant mothers have questions about the main indicator of analysis: D-dimer. It is he who indicates the presence of increased blood clotting and is normally no more than 248 ng / ml.

Amniocentesis . For special indications, an analysis of the amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) can be taken from a pregnant woman. As a rule, this procedure is carried out if there is a serious suspicion of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, and is carried out by taking amniotic fluid with a thin needle through the woman's abdominal wall.

The resulting fluid contains cells and waste products of the fetus, therefore, it allows us to draw reliable conclusions based on the analysis.

According to the reviews of mothers who have undergone this procedure, the sensations are unpleasant, but no more painful than taking blood from a vein. The risk of complications after taking an analysis is no more than one percent of cases, in other words, this is a rarity.

However, you should know that if you experience abdominal pain, fever or heavy discharge after the procedure, you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition, the analysis of amniotic fluid cannot be prescribed without fail - the woman must give her consent and certify it with a signature.

Antibody test . This analysis is taken by expectant mothers with a negative Rh factor in the presence of a positive Rh factor in the father of the child.

If such a situation arises, the child may inherit the father's Rh, which is fraught with the development of the Rh conflict: the mother's body identifies the fetus as a threat and tries to get rid of it. It is clear what it threatens if the child's blood enters the mother's bloodstream.

In order to control the situation and not miss the emergence of a conflict, pregnant women are prescribed regular tests for antibodies - the response of the mother's body to the ingestion of the baby's conflicting blood.

Blood tests are performed once a month in the first half of pregnancy and 2 times a month - in the second. With an unfavorable development of the situation, the titer of antibodies in the mother's blood is kept at a high level, grows or changes abruptly.

Analyzes in the hospital

When the expectant mother goes to the hospital in advance or already treats with contractions, but there is still time before the birth, she can take urine and blood for tests, it is also possible that a pregnant woman is tested for salmonellosis. The latter is taken by the smear method from the anus - the procedure is unpleasant, but, fortunately, almost instantaneous.

After the birth, the condition of the mother will be monitored for another 5 days if there are no complications and the birth went well. You may have to take another blood and urine test.

If there were no complications, examinations and treatment are prescribed on an individual basis.

Exchange card

Each expectant mother is given an exchange card. It contains all the information about the tests and examinations of the pregnant woman. This card must always be carried with you.

I would not like to think about the bad, but if something happens to the expectant mother on the street, then during an emergency hospitalization, the exchange card will first of all make it clear that the woman is pregnant, which means that it requires a special approach.

For more later dates, when childbirth can begin unexpectedly and urgent hospitalization is required, a woman without an exchange card is likely to be taken to an infectious maternity hospital. It is there that mothers without a residence permit, a certain place of residence, as well as those who have been diagnosed with various infections, give birth.

You are unlikely to like such a company, so remember to carry your exchange card with you everywhere from the day you receive it. Gynecologists often recommend taking it with you, even if you just went to take out the trash.

So, you can refuse most of the tests necessary during pregnancy, but at the same time be in the dark about how your baby is developing and whether everything is in order with your own body.

Of course, no one likes to regularly donate blood from a vein and not part with urine containers, but all these are temporary inconveniences.

Gather your strength and be patient a little, very soon you will take your baby away for the first time, and this whole “analysis marathon” will turn out to be nothing more than a half-erased memory, and an occasion to scare your pregnant girlfriends a little.

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When the cherished two strips first appear on the test, a lot of questions arise. When you need to go to the gynecologist, how to register? When and what tests will have to take, and why? We will talk in detail about all planned examinations during pregnancy and some of the nuances of observation.

To date, a special plan of examinations and analyzes has been developed, which are required when monitoring pregnant women from the moment they are registered until the very birth. The plan is based on general recommendations on the management of uncomplicated pregnancy, established by the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation. In the presence of complications of pregnancy or chronic pathology of the mother, the list of studies and analyzes can be expanded at the discretion of the attending physician. Visits may be more frequent, additional examinations and treatment may be required, including in a hospital setting.

Terms from the fifth to the twelfth week (first trimester)

Up to 12 weeks, you need at least one visit to the doctor, during which an initial examination and registration will be carried out with a card, and a referral for ultrasound and tests. At the first visit to the doctor, you will have a detailed conversation with him, in which the doctor will find out the details - what diseases did you have, do you have chronic pathologies, did you have previous pregnancies and childbirth, how did you proceed, from what age do you have menstruation, what are they by nature and much more. This is necessary to create a holistic picture of your health.

At the first visit, the doctor will give you recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition, taking vitamins and microelements, will conduct an examination, measure pressure and pulse, height and weight, as well as a study on the gynecological chair and take smears, write out directions for tests. In addition, the doctor will give a referral to the passage of specialist doctors - a general practitioner, dentist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor and some others, if necessary. An EKG will need to be done.

In some cases, an ultrasound scan is prescribed in the period of 5-8 weeks to confirm the fact of pregnancy and determine that the fetus is developing inside the uterus.

Over the next two weeks from the moment of registration for pregnancy, you will need to take a lot of tests:

  • urinalysis, morning portion on an empty stomach to assess the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

  • a smear from the vagina for the presence of inflammatory processes of the genitals and latent infections.

  • a general blood test, in the morning on an empty stomach, which will show the amount of hemoglobin and the main elements of the blood, will make it possible to assess the general condition of the body.

  • blood to determine the group and Rh factor. With Rh-negative blood, the blood type and Rh factor of the spouse are determined.

  • blood for antibodies to hepatitis B and C, syphilis and HIV infection.

  • blood for antibodies to TORCH infection (toxoplasma, cytomegaly, mycoplasma and herpes). This study shows the risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

  • a blood test for glucose levels, which will indicate the risk of developing diabetes and changes in glucose tolerance.

  • coagulogram (blood clotting) will show a tendency to thrombosis or bleeding.

The second visit to the doctor is planned for a period of 10 weeks of pregnancy, before visiting the doctor it is necessary to pass a urine test. The doctor will evaluate the results of all previously passed tests and give recommendations on the further course of pregnancy.

The first scheduled ultrasound is prescribed at 11-12 weeks to undergo special prenatal screening in order to identify malformations in the development of the fetus and genetic abnormalities. Prenatal screening also includes a blood test for special substances - chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and plasma protein associated with pregnancy (PaPP-A), the level of which is assessed together with ultrasound data.

Second trimester studies (weeks 13 to 28)

Visits to the doctor will become monthly, in the period of 16 weeks the doctor will listen to the fetal heartbeat with a special stethoscope. At this time, the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen are measured, according to these data, the development of the fetus in the uterus and its compliance with the gestational age are assessed. These parameters will be measured at each appointment.

At 16-20 weeks, you will have a second prenatal screening with a special blood test for the levels of hCG, alpha-fetoprotein and free estriol. Based on these tests, the risk of congenital anomalies of the fetus will be calculated.

At 18 weeks of gestation, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for glucose levels, as fetal growth accelerates and the load on the pancreas increases.

In terms of 20-24 weeks, it is necessary to undergo a second planned ultrasound with the exception of malformations and anomalies in the course of pregnancy, assessment of the condition and position of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, measuring the height and weight of the fetus. In this period, it is possible to determine the sex of the child, to carry out Dopplerography of the fetus - an assessment of blood circulation.

A visit to the doctor is planned for a period of 22 weeks, an examination is carried out, the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen are measured, pressure and weight are measured. The doctor evaluates the ultrasound data and screening tests, makes recommendations.

At week 26, a visit to the doctor is necessary with a constant urinalysis before the visit. The doctor will examine, measure the weight, pressure and circumference of the abdomen, the height of the uterine fundus, listen to the fetal heartbeat, and determine its position in the uterus.

Third trimester studies (weeks 29 to 40)

A visit to the doctor is necessary at the thirtieth week of pregnancy, the doctor, in addition to the traditional examination and measurement of weight, pressure and abdomen, will refer you to tests. Also, maternity leave before childbirth and an exchange card of a pregnant woman with the data of all tests and examinations, which will always be in the hands of a woman, will be issued.

During this period, for rent:

  • general blood analysis,

  • general urine analysis,

  • biochemical analysis blood,

  • blood for glucose

  • blood for screwing (coagulogram),

  • blood for antibodies to HIV, hepatitis and syphilis,

  • swab for latent infections.

At 33-34 weeks of pregnancy, the third ultrasound is performed to determine the development of the baby, its weight and height, the sex of the child is determined, deviations and malformations are excluded, the state of the placenta and amniotic fluid, the walls of the uterus and cervix are analyzed. Fetal doplerometry is also performed.

At 35 weeks, a visit to the doctor and a urine test are due. In this period, a CTG of the fetus is prescribed in order to identify its motor activity and uterine tone, fetal heartbeat and its possible hypoxia.

At 37 weeks, a urine test and a planned visit to the doctor are performed.
In the period of 38 weeks, a blood test for syphilis and HIV, hepatitis for the maternity hospital is given.

In the period of 39-40 weeks, an ultrasound of the fetus will be performed to assess the position of the fetus and its readiness for childbirth, the position of the umbilical cord, the condition of the placenta and uterus, and the cervix.

At 40 weeks, you will receive a referral to a maternity hospital if you need a planned hospitalization, or you will wait at home for labor to begin.

Photo - photobank Lori

After a woman finds out that she is in a position, she has a great responsibility for the development of the fetus and its preservation. After all, how the child will be carried depends on his future health and well-being of the mother.

The first thing to do after pregnancy is to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist and register with the antenatal clinic. After pregnancy is confirmed, the woman will need to pass a large number of analyses.

Girls are often interested in why there are so many tests, are they all needed, and when should they be done? You will receive comprehensive answers to these questions from our new article.

What is the need for laboratory tests during pregnancy

Even if the pregnancy is going well and the girl feels great, this does not mean that there are no complications in the body. Even if there are no obvious signs of the disease, this does not mean that the body is completely healthy. Some pathological processes can be asymptomatic, that is, it is impossible to find out about them without tests.

In addition, laboratory tests help to observe the development of the fetus in the womb. Doctors, looking at the diagnostic results, conclude whether the fetus is developing normally, whether there are any complications. Often, women experience an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, which does not always make itself felt with symptoms of ill health.

Therefore, it is important, when conception occurs, to undergo a diagnosis and make sure that everything is in order and there are no risks of interrupting the development of the fetus. You need to go to the examination exactly at the time prescribed by the doctor. If the first screening shows positive results, then a second study may not be needed.

What analyzes show

The procedures done during the bearing of the baby have the following decoding:

  1. General blood analysis. It is done to check the level of red blood cells, hemoglobin. It also checks the concentration of leukocytes and ESR. This makes it possible to find out how quickly oxygen is transported through the cells of the body and the rate of blood clotting.
  2. General urine analysis. The concentration of leukocytes is studied, the presence of pathological particles, indicating a disease of the organs, and the amount of protein is determined.
  3. Blood type and Rh factor. Detects if there is an Rhesus conflict. The data are important for heavy internal bleeding during pregnancy.
  4. Blood chemistry. After conception, the load on the woman's body increases, which significantly affects the internal organs. BAC (taken 2 times during the entire pregnancy) helps to assess the state of health of the body and the functioning of organs.
  5. Blood for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV infection. The procedures are carried out 1 time per trimester to identify hidden infections that can harm the health of the expectant mother and baby.
  6. A smear for microflora and cytology. It is carried out to confirm the presence of colpitis and cervicitis in the vagina, which cause infectious pathologies of the reproductive organs.
  7. Blood for rubella, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus. It helps to identify whether the girl has acquired immunity, antibodies and infections in the body.
  8. Coagulogram. The procedure shows the rate of blood clotting in the expectant mother. Helps to determine the development of thrombosis in time.
  9. Double and triple test. Determines whether there is a possibility of developing congenital anomalies in an unborn child and the presence of Down syndrome.

Each analysis is taken several times for the entire period of gestation. How many times you will need to undergo the procedure, the attending physician determines. In addition, it is important to note that all procedures are done on an empty stomach and after preliminary preparation.

What tests are taken during pregnancy

At each trimester of gestation, a woman is assigned a specific list. Depending on the period of fetal development, the list of tests is supplemented.

In the first trimester

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman is assigned many diagnostic measures. All of them are carried out before registration. The first is a general urine collection for hCG, which is prescribed for 2-3 months of gestation.

After the expectant mother is registered in the antenatal clinic, the obstetrician-gynecologist takes a vaginal smear for microflora and the presence of genital infections. If there are harmful bacteria in the uterus, a colposcopic examination is performed.

After passing the first examination, the gynecologist writes out to the expectant mother a referral for the following tests:

  • blood chemistry;
  • total blood collection;
  • Rh factor;
  • to detect HIV infections and syphilis;
  • for hepatitis B;
  • on the level of glucose;
  • for TORCH infection;
  • hemoglobin concentration;
  • coagulogram;

And also the girl will need to visit a dentist and a surgeon. At 9-14 weeks, the gynecologist may prescribe a dual or prenatal screening study. They are needed to determine the level of production of hormones such as β-hCG and PAPP-A

In the second trimester

By the middle of bearing a child, the female body adapts to a new position, toxicosis goes away. At 15–18 weeks, the doctor prescribes the expectant mother to undergo repeated diagnostic procedures, the results of which were inaccurate on early dates.

Therefore, in addition to the general urine collection, the following tests should be performed:

  • coagulogram;
  • test for the determination of genetic anomalies in the development of the fetus.

From 18 to 23 weeks, the size of the child is rapidly increasing and the girl's belly is actively growing. During this period, the following procedures are prescribed: ultrasound, complete blood count.

By the end of the second trimester, if necessary, the doctor prescribes the second stage of diagnostic procedures.

Girls pass the following tests:

  • total blood collection;
  • coagulogram;
  • collection of blood for the detection of toxoplasmosis.

If the analyzes are bad or there are some inaccuracies, an additional list of events is assigned:

  • blood for testosterone, estradiol;
  • obstetric examination for the detection of chlamydia, genital herpes, thrush, gonococcal infection;
  • Ultrasound of the heart, kidneys, abdominal cavity of the baby;
  • diagnosis of lupus anticoagulant;
  • glucose tolerance test.

In the third trimester

At 30-36 weeks of fetal development, a woman's trips to the gynecologist become more frequent. You will need to go to the doctor's office every 1-1.5 weeks. The gynecologist systematically weighs the girl, checks the pressure, the diameter of the abdomen and the height of the uterus.

At a later date, you need to pass:

  • general urine and blood test;
  • biochemistry;
  • coagulogram;
  • tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • obstetric smear;
  • cardiotocographic diagnosis of the fetus;
  • dopplerography;

If there are any complications or childbirth did not occur before 39–40 weeks, the woman additionally needs to undergo ultrasound and CTG.

Almost any abnormalities in the early stages of embryo development are detected by a clinical blood test. If a girl has low hemoglobin or low level erythrocytes, a special diet, a complex of vitamins and preparations with a high iron content are prescribed.

When the concentration of leukocytes is increased and there are deviations from the norm in the ESR, additional diagnostics are carried out, and special treatment is prescribed. In the early stages of gestation, this is not dangerous, so do not panic.

If a risk of Rh conflict has been identified, it is recommended to systematically test for athyrhesus antibodies. If their number is rapidly increasing, doctors take emergency measures. Appoints drug treatment to normalize the state.

If bad tests are detected and infectious diseases develop in a woman, conservative treatment is prescribed with medication and folk methods. After getting rid of the problem, the expectant mother needs to undergo a second examination and check whether the indicators have returned to normal. If everything is normal, doctors recommend taking preventive measures to avoid re-infection with viruses and infections.

How to improve tests during pregnancy - preventive measures

According to doctors, in order to avoid complications and bad consequences when negative examination results are detected, preventive measures should be taken.

To improve research data, it is necessary to:

  1. Complete all scheduled examinations. Such events will help to control the health of the expectant mother, and will allow timely detection of the development of complications. The sooner a problem is detected, the more likely it is to get rid of it without harming the child.
  2. Eat properly. To normalize the biological processes in the body, you should adjust your diet. The menu should include dishes with a high content of vitamins and beneficial microorganisms. It is necessary to eat vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, meat, beans and nuts. It is advisable to refuse or minimize the consumption of fatty, junk food and convenience foods. Meals should be fractional and frequent. You can not overeat and starve.
  3. To live an active lifestyle. Frequent walks, toning exercises, gymnastics for pregnant women will help improve the metabolism in the body. In addition, such activities will make the body toned and strong. This will help nourish the cells with oxygen and speed up important processes in the body.
  4. Use contraceptives. In order to avoid infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory processes of internal organs, it is necessary to protect yourself. During sex, it is recommended to use condoms, coils and other types of protection.
  5. Visit a gynecologist. A girl in position should systematically go to an obstetric examination. This will help to monitor pregnancy, minimize the risks of obesity and other complications. In addition, if any discomfort or warning signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and tell about your feelings.
  6. Get therapy on time. If significant deviations from the norm have been identified in the indicators, the doctor may prescribe medication. You shouldn't give up on it. Timely treatment and prevention of diseases will help protect the fetus from pathological processes.
  7. Follow the daily routine. During the period of bearing a baby, a girl should get enough sleep and be always in good mood. You need to sleep from 8 to 10 hours. You can not emotionally and physically overstrain, nervous and worried, this can cause a deterioration in the results of the examination and harm the fetus.

Compliance with these simple rules will protect the woman and the child from serious complications. By following the daily routine, eating right and following the doctor's recommendations, the girl will be able to improve test results and normalize her condition.

What diagnostic procedures the doctor directs at different gestation periods, the video will tell:


During pregnancy, the girl takes a lot of tests. Tests allow you to monitor the health of the pregnant woman and the development of the child in the womb. At each trimester, the attending physician prescribes a certain list of procedures that are recommended to be completed within the allotted time. Some tests are paid and are considered optional, so the girl herself decides whether she should pass them or not.

Often, despite the obvious need for medical supervision, the volume and frequency of recommended examinations during pregnancy sometimes cause bewilderment in women. Why, for example, take a general blood test during pregnancy every month? There is a generally accepted, or basic, plan for examining a pregnant woman. The pregnancy management plan includes early (up to 12 weeks) registration, careful collection of anamnesis (health information), regular medical supervision and a certain range of laboratory and hardware studies. This plan of medical supervision is developed on the basis of clinical studies and results of medical statistics. Studies have shown that when monitoring the development of pregnancy with the above examinations carried out at certain times, the risk of developing pregnancy complications is reduced by 2.3 times, and the risk of developing fetal pathologies is reduced by more than five times! The plan is approved by the Ministry of Health and is recommended to doctors of antenatal clinics and family planning centers during pregnancy. The analyzes and studies indicated in the plan are basic and necessary for all expectant mothers.

So, what will tests during pregnancy show, when is it better to conduct them and how to prepare for them correctly?

1. Clinical (general) blood test during pregnancy: from the beginning of pregnancy to the 30th week - once a month, from the 30th week to delivery - once every two weeks. Allows you to timely detect anemia (lack of hemoglobin - an oxygen carrier, leading to oxygen starvation of the fetus), inflammatory processes of any localization, immune responses to the fetus, changes in blood viscosity. Usually, capillary blood is taken from a finger for research. The puncture is done with a special tool - a disposable spear. Is it true, Lately Increasingly, modern devices are used, popularly referred to as "pistols". It is very important that the blood from the wound comes on its own or only with a slight extrusion.

Preparation. It is recommended to carry out a blood test on an empty stomach, and it is advisable to do repeated blood tests during pregnancy at the same hours, since the morphological composition of the blood can fluctuate throughout the day. It is not necessary to donate blood for analysis after physical activity, physiotherapy procedures, X-ray examination, intravenous administration of drugs.

2. General analysis of urine during pregnancy: from the beginning of pregnancy to the 30th week - monthly, then - once every two weeks. Helps prevent kidney disease urinary tract, toxicosis and gestosis of pregnant women, diabetes, general inflammatory processes.

Preparation. In order to be able to correctly evaluate the results of a urine test during pregnancy and exclude the possibility of error, it is very important to know how to prepare for the test. In the morning on the day appointed for analysis, before going to the toilet, you need to wash yourself especially carefully and insert a tampon into the vagina. When collecting urine for analysis, only the middle portion is used. Such precautions are taken to ensure that the contents of the genital tract do not get into the jar along with the urine; this can lead to misdiagnosis.

3. Biochemical blood test during pregnancy: determined at registration for pregnancy and at 36–37 weeks. With the help of this blood test during pregnancy, you can evaluate the efficiency of metabolism in the body of the expectant mother, on which the course of pregnancy and the proper development of the baby depend. The general metabolism of a person includes the exchange of proteins, pigments, fats, carbohydrates and minerals - substances necessary for our life. A change in metabolic indicators may signal a malfunction in the work of a particular organ. For analysis, blood is taken from a vein.

Preparation. A biochemical blood test is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The day before, foods high in sugar are excluded from the menu: grapes, cakes, high-calorie buns, cakes, etc .; in the evening (no later than 19 hours) a light dinner is allowed.

4. A smear on the flora from the vagina during pregnancy taken at registration and at 36-37 weeks. This analysis during pregnancy is prescribed to detect infectious and nonspecific diseases of the genital tract. The method of taking material for research will create no more discomfort for you than a regular examination on a gynecological chair. During the examination, the doctor will carefully take material from the urethra (urethra) with one end of a special tiny spoon, then with the other end from the cervical canal (cervical) and finally, after an obstetric manual examination of the vagina, he will collect the discharge in the posterior fornix of the vagina. In the laboratory, glasses are stained with various dyes and examined under a microscope.

Preparation. On the eve, you must adhere to the usual hygiene rules, and on the day of the study you will be asked to refrain from deep washing (so as not to wash off the study material!), Limiting yourself to a regular shower. No food restrictions are expected. But if you suspect some infections, you will be asked to follow a “provocative diet”: more salty, smoked, spicy. Such food provokes abundant vaginal discharge, which contributes to a more accurate diagnosis.

5. Coagulogram during pregnancy(study of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation system) - at 36-37 weeks. An increase in blood viscosity leads to impaired placental blood flow, thrombosis of small vessels; blood thinning increases the risk of bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth. Usually this analysis is prescribed once. However, if doctors have special concerns, a hemostasiogram during pregnancy - another name for this test - can be prescribed earlier, at the very beginning of pregnancy, and carried out as often as necessary. The reason for an earlier or more frequent study of hemostasis during pregnancy may be bloody intimate discharge from the expectant mother, causeless bruising on the skin, enlargement and inflammation of the veins, as well as impaired blood flow in the placenta according to ultrasound, poor data from previous hemostasiograms, control in the process treatment of blood clotting disorders. Blood is taken from a vein, preferably in the morning (this increases the reliability of the result).

Preparation. The analysis is carried out exclusively on an empty stomach - at least 12 hours after the last meal. The day before the analysis it is recommended to exclude physical activity, stress, alcohol and nicotine (the last two factors, of course, should be excluded in principle for the entire period of pregnancy).

6. Analysis for the detection of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis virus- upon registration, at 30 weeks of pregnancy, 38 weeks of pregnancy and upon admission to the maternity hospital. Diseases can be transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy or during childbirth. Timely diagnosis and preventive (warning) treatment protects the baby from the disease and helps the mother endure pregnancy.

Preparation. Blood for this analysis is also taken on an empty stomach, more precisely, not less than 8 hours after the last meal. On the eve, it is recommended to exclude fatty and fried foods, and replace the usual drinks with non-carbonated drinking water. It is also necessary to exclude physical and psycho-emotional stress during the day, and alcohol, even in small doses, for three days.

7. Determination of blood group and Rh-affiliation- upon registration and upon admission to the hospital (to eliminate the possibility of error). Knowledge of these specific properties of blood is necessary in an emergency situation (for example, in case of bleeding) - in order to maintain compatibility during transfusion of blood and its components. In addition, the timely detection of a negative Rh factor in a future mother and further monitoring of the amount of antibodies in her blood can prevent such a dangerous complication of pregnancy as the Rh conflict between mother and fetus.

Preparation. Special preparation for this analysis is not required, however, doctors recommend, if possible, taking an analysis in the morning, at rest and 4 hours after the last meal.

Preparation. Two days before the analysis of feces during pregnancy, you should stop taking drugs that affect the digestive function, as well as products containing iron, bismuth, barium and food coloring. Before the study, you can not do an enema and take laxatives, use rectal suppositories or ointments.

9. Electrocardiogram- at 36-37 weeks of gestation. The study allows you to evaluate the work of the cardiovascular system of the expectant mother, to identify heart rhythm disturbances, heart defects.

Preparation. The study is carried out in the supine position, at rest; the day before, it is necessary to exclude any loads and stresses. If the expectant mother is taking nifedipine, Ginipral, or other drugs that affect the heart rate, this should be reported to the doctor.

10. Ultrasound during pregnancy- when registering up to 12 weeks (confirmation of the fact of pregnancy, exclusion of the pathology of the location and attachment of the fetus), at 18–24 weeks (exclusion of the pathology of the development of the fetus and placenta) and after 32 weeks (determination of physical parameters and location of the fetus).

Preparation. It is advisable to empty the intestines before the study - this will allow the doctor to better examine the pelvic organs. A couple of days before the planned ultrasound during pregnancy, you should refrain from cabbage, legumes, grapes, black bread, nuts, seeds and carbonated drinks. To increase the information content of ultrasound performed for up to 10 weeks, half an hour before the start, you can drink 300-500 ml of drinking water without gas.

11. Doplerometry during pregnancy(study of placental blood flow) - in parallel with the third ultrasound. Allows you to identify the deterioration of the blood supply, growth and respiration of the fetus.

Preparation. Not required.

12. Cardiotocography- a method used to assess the condition of the fetus and uterine tone. The study is carried out after the 32nd week.

Preparation. Not required.

IN last years the recommended studies were supplemented by an analysis for sexually transmitted infections (performed at registration) and a screening test for the detection of fetal pathologies (16-18 weeks of pregnancy). These studies also do not require special preparation.

In addition to general studies, there are specific tests during pregnancy, which are prescribed in special cases - according to indications. For example, some external examination data force the doctor to examine the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. Changes in the heartbeat and motor activity of the fetus at certain stages of pregnancy may be an indication for the study of blood viscosity. The significant age of future parents or the presence of genetic anomalies in relatives encourages a genetic examination. The presence of chronic diseases, such as diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, is a reason for an extended examination of the function of these organs and specific tests.

The timing and frequency of the "basic" set of additional studies, such as a complete blood count and urine test, vaginal smear, ultrasound and CTG, are also quite individual and may vary. An increase in the frequency of routine studies or a change in the timing of their conduct depends on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy in a particular patient. For example, if preeclampsia is suspected (late toxicosis, manifested by edema, high blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine), a urine test is prescribed up to three times in a row with an interval of several days - to eliminate errors and determine the stage of the process. In case of violations of the placental blood flow, ultrasound and doplerometry (blood circulation in the placenta) can be performed every week, and CTG (fetal heart rate registration) up to two times a day.

Deterioration in general health - for example, a viral infection or an exacerbation of a chronic disease - is also a reason for additional examination. After all, the condition and development of the fetus directly depends on the health of the mother. Against the backdrop of a general inflammatory process blood viscosity may increase, vascular tone increases, edema increases. Such changes lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the fetus and can adversely affect the course of pregnancy. In addition, viruses are able to penetrate the placental barrier. When viruses enter the placental bloodstream, there is a risk of inflammation of the placenta, membranes, and even infection of the fetus. An additional examination helps the doctor to identify the problem in time and prevent its development.

Tests during pregnancy: for greater reliability

To obtain an optimal and reliable examination result, the expectant mother must follow the following rules:

  • it is necessary to undergo examinations not selectively, but in full;
  • you should strictly observe the terms of research recommended by the doctor;
  • you need to immediately inform the doctor about changes in general well-being, a cold or exacerbation of chronic diseases; firstly, in these cases, an unscheduled and additional examination is necessary, and secondly, your complaints and symptoms will help the doctor to correctly assess the result;
  • it is desirable to be examined in one clinic; firstly, different laboratories may differ in the reagents used, instrument resolution and units of measurement, and secondly, it is more convenient for a diagnostician to compare the results with his previous studies;
  • specialists in additional diagnostic methods (doctors of ultrasound, CTG, ECG, etc.), as well as laboratory assistants, cannot make a diagnosis; they can only describe the results of the research and make a medical report, on the basis of which the attending physician, taking into account the data of the examination, previous tests and symptoms, makes a diagnosis;
  • appoint and evaluate the results of all studies should be the same person - your doctor; it is advisable not to change the obstetrician-gynecologist during pregnancy: the doctor who has observed you from the very beginning has the opportunity to more objectively assess the dynamics of the development of pregnancy;
  • and, finally, most importantly, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations for preparing for analyzes; otherwise, the result of the study may be unreliable.

The very first and most basic sign of pregnancy is the delay in menstruation. If you miss your period, you need to take a pregnancy test. This test is a strip of paper that needs to be dipped in the morning urine for a few seconds. In the morning because it has a higher concentration of “pregnancy hormones”. By the number of strips that appear after a certain time, a woman can find out if she is pregnant or not. Two lines mean pregnancy, one line means no pregnancy. If the test shows the absence of pregnancy, and there is still no menstruation, then it makes sense to donate blood from a vein for chorionic gonadotropin (CG). The content of this hormone in the blood rises sharply during pregnancy and is therefore considered one of the most reliable methods for diagnosing early pregnancy. You can donate blood at any medical diagnostic center.

Many women do an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the uterine cavity to determine the presence of pregnancy. However, many doctors recommend avoiding ultrasound in the early stages, since it is not completely known whether this examination has a harmful effect on the child's body or not. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the first ultrasound is recommended for a period of 12-14 weeks. At this time, the doctor looks at where the placenta is attached, the size of the child, possible malformations nervous system, abdominal organs or limbs, the terms of pregnancy are specified.

After pregnancy is determined, the woman is registered either at the antenatal clinic at the place of residence, or at a paid medical center specializing in pregnancy management. When registering, the doctor issues a list of tests that must be passed. As a rule, these are: a blood test for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis, blood group and Rh factor, a general and biochemical blood test, a general urinalysis, a vaginal smear. According to the indications, tests for urogenital infections and an analysis for hormones are taken. If it turns out that the woman has a negative Rh factor, and the husband has a positive one, then you will have to take a blood test for antibodies every two weeks.

In addition, a pregnant woman needs to go through the following specialists: a therapist, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, a dentist, and also an electrocardiogram (ECG).

A pregnant woman should visit a gynecologist once a month. For each visit to the doctor, it is necessary to take a general urine test, according to which the gynecologist will evaluate the work of the kidneys of the pregnant woman.

For a period of 14-18 weeks, the gynecologist may offer to donate blood to the level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). This analysis reveals such malformations in a child as Down syndrome, a violation of the formation of the spinal cord, hydrocephalus, and other chromosomal disorders. However, this is an optional analysis, so it is paid. This analysis is carried out according to the following indications: age over 35 years, children in the family or relatives with chromosomal disorders. This analysis is most informative in combination with chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and estriol - this is the so-called "triple test".

Unfortunately, the "triple test" gives a lot of erroneous results, so it is retaken, and often more than once. How many nerves a pregnant woman will spend when she finds out that her child is supposedly Down is difficult to describe. Therefore, before agreeing to this examination, the pregnant woman must decide what she will do as a result of a positive test result. If an abortion, then this analysis should be done, no questions asked. And if not, then you can refuse.

If the retaken “triple test” shows deviations from the norm, an additional examination is prescribed that is not included in the mandatory list of tests - amniocentesis. Amniocentesis is an examination of the amniotic fluid for the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in a child. The doctor inserts a long hollow needle through the abdominal wall into the uterus and sucks out a small amount of amniotic fluid with fetal cells with a syringe. These cells are then studied for the presence of genetic pathologies in the fetus. This procedure is carried out under ultrasound control so as not to hurt the baby and the placenta. Before this examination, the doctor should warn that in a small percentage of cases, amniocentesis can provoke a miscarriage.

At a period of 24-26 weeks of pregnancy, a second planned ultrasound is prescribed. During this ultrasound, the doctor examines the structure of the baby's body, looks for congenital malformations of the internal systems of the body, determines the sex of the child, the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, the placenta attachment and its condition. At the same time, a clinical blood test is given, which shows the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and, consequently, the presence or absence of anemia.

After 30 weeks, a pregnant woman begins to visit a gynecologist every two weeks. Then the gynecologist issues an exchange card to the pregnant woman. The results of all analyzes and examinations fit into this card. From now on, with this card, she must go everywhere, since childbirth can happen at any time, and without an exchange card, doctors can only accept a woman giving birth to a specialized maternity hospital, where women without a fixed place of residence, without tests, non-residents without registration, etc. .

After 32 weeks, the gynecologist issues maternity leave if the woman works.

At 33-34 weeks, Dopplerography is performed - a study that allows you to assess the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and the main vessels of the child. This examination is carried out in the same way as ultrasound, but unlike ultrasound, it allows you to find out whether the child receives enough oxygen and nutrients. If the blood flow rate is reduced, then the gynecologist may prescribe cardiotocography (CTG).

With the help of CTG, the tone of the uterus and the presence of its contractile activity, the motor activity of the child are determined. Possible intrauterine fetal hypoxia is assessed by motor activity. To conduct CTG, the pregnant woman is laid on a couch, tapes with sensors are fixed on her stomach. Within 30 - 40 minutes, the readings of the device are printed on paper tape or reflected on the display monitor.

At 35-36 weeks, a blood test for AIDS, syphilis, a biochemical blood test, a vaginal smear are re-taken. At the same time, the last ultrasound is done, with the help of which the doctor assesses the condition of the placenta, the height and weight of the child, its position in the uterus (cephalic or breech presentation), the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, cloudy waters or not). If everything is fine, then the pregnant woman is calmly waiting for the day of childbirth.

If, according to the results of tests or examinations, any trouble is revealed in the state of the pregnant woman or the child, then the woman is taken under special control. Namely, appoint medications that improve blood flow through the placenta, conduct additional ultrasound and dopplerometry in a week or two. The last two examinations are also carried out when the expected date of birth (ED) has come, and labor does not begin.

However, you should not be nervous and panic that childbirth does not begin. Competent control of the doctor is the key to a healthy pregnancy and successful delivery. The main thing is to pass all tests on time and regularly visit your gynecologist.
