State institutions of social protection. Organizational support of the activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the pension fund of the Russian Federation Program for ensuring the activities of the social protection body

Feb 25, 2016

Organizational support activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

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Title: Organizational support of the activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
Author: V. Shcheglov
Year: 2015
Genre: Other educational literature, Reference books, Jurisprudence, law

About the book by V. Shcheglov "Organizational support of the activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation"

Abstract of lectures on the specialty "Law and organization of social security." This abstract is written taking into account the relevance of Russian legislation in the field of social security law.

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Quotations from the book by V. Shcheglov "Organizational support for the activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation"

More than 130 thousand specialists work in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The structure of the pension fund includes: 8 departments in federal districts, 81 departments of the pension fund in the subjects of the Russian Federation, more than 2,500 territorial departments in cities and regions, and hundreds of pension departments in small towns (urban-type settlement - PGT).
The scope of activities of the PF includes:
1) Establishing the payment of pensions.
Currently, almost 41 million citizens receive pensions, of which:
1.1) 34 million recipients labor pension old age;
1.2) 2.3 million are recipients of a labor disability pension;
1.3) 1.3 million are recipients of a labor pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner;
1.4) 3.4 million are recipients of budgetary pensions.
In addition, the PFR provides pensions to more than 250 thousand citizens living in 112 countries of the world;
2) Purpose and implementation social payments.
The Pension Fund assigns monthly cash payments to those categories of citizens who are included in the Federal Register of persons entitled to receive state aid. These are more than 18 million beneficiaries of Russians: participants in the Great Patriotic War and disabled people, heroes of the USSR and Russia, Chernobyl victims, disabled people and other categories;
3) Appointment and implementation of the federal social supplement for pensions up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
Almost 3 million people living in 17 constituent entities of the Russian Federation receive social supplements through the PF. This federal surcharge is established by the Pension Fund for those pensioners who live in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where living wage below the federal minimum pensioner lived;
4) Personalized accounting pension rights participants in the OPS system.
More than 100 million citizens of the Russian Federation have an individual personal account (ILA) in the Pension Fund, which takes into account all the information necessary for establishing pensions in the future;
5) Formation and investment of pension savings.
More than 80 million people form the funded part of their future pension through the Pension Fund. From January 1, 2015, this funded part will be converted into the new kind pensions - funded pension thus, the PF will form another type of pension;
6) Administration of insurance premiums for OPS and MHI.
Administration includes control over the correctness of the calculation of insurance premiums, including accounting for payments, the return of overpaid insurance premiums, and the collection of payment arrears. The Pension Fund controls the receipt of insurance premiums not only for pensions, but also for compulsory medical insurance. To do this, the FIU interacts with more than 10 million insured employers;
7) Issuance of Certificates for the receipt of Maternity (Family) Capital and payment of Maternity Capital funds.
There are about 5 million Russian families registered in the Pension Fund who have received Certificates for Maternity Capital. Of this number, 41% of families have already fully used the funds of Maternity Capital. The Pension Fund allocated 98% of these funds to improve housing conditions;

Abstract of lectures on the specialty "Law and organization of social security." This abstract is written taking into account the relevance of Russian legislation in the field of social security law.

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by the LitRes company.

© V. P. Shcheglov, 2016

Editor Sergei Petrovich Lapin

Editor Antonina Andreevna Chistova

Corrector Sergei Petrovich Lapin

ISBN 978-5-4474-3103-7

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

General concept social protection and welfare


1) The concept of social protection;

2) The concept of social security

3) Public relations related to social security.

1) The concept of social protection

There are no well-formed concepts of social protection and social security in Russian legislation. Therefore, it is first necessary to determine the content of these concepts, which will allow us to correctly represent the social security system and its essence.

The combination of the concepts of "social" and "protection" suggests that social protection is understood as a complex of various measures by which a person "defends" from the adverse effects of the outside world. Russia, as a social state, must take all possible measures to create favorable conditions for the life of its citizens, i.e. create a favorable environment. The concept of "human environment" includes:

1) Ensuring the employment of citizens;

2) Creation of normal working conditions;

3) Decent wages;

4) Providing comfortable housing;

5) Creation of a favorable economic environment;

6) Provision healthy eating;

7) Access to education and cultural values;

8) Health protection;

9) Preservation of private property;

10) Providing citizens with social support in the event of adverse life circumstances.

Article 7 of the Constitution tells us that the purpose of social protection is guaranteed labor protection, health of citizens, minimum size wages (minimum wage), support for motherhood and childhood, the disabled and the elderly, the payment of pensions and benefits, and the provision of other social guarantees.

With regard to the current situation in Russia, a generalized definition of social protection can be formed as follows: social protection is a set of economic, legal and organizational measures that the state addresses to able-bodied and disabled citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation that they cannot overcome on their own, and aimed on their material support, providing them with all kinds of assistance, and support at a level that must meet the requirements of a decent life.

Social protection of the population is a complex of various social relations:

– Labor;

– Housing;

– Educational;

– Environmental;

– On health protection;

– Family;

- Social Security.

The concept of "social security" is an integral part of the concept of "social protection", i.e. "social protection" is a broader concept than "social security".

2) The concept of social security and its structure

The modern literature contains the following definition of the concept of "social security".

Social security is a form of state social policy aimed at providing material support to categories of citizens defined by law from the federal budget and special off-budget funds in the event of events recognized by the state as socially significant.

Social security has a number of features by which security is recognized as social:

1 sign: special social relations arising in the social sphere. They are formed between citizens and the relevant competent authorities in the following cases:

1) When citizens reach a certain age, due to illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, raising children, unemployment, etc.

Such relations arise with the above subjects in these cases are called material relations. In the course of their implementation, the citizen is provided with material goods with the help of which they satisfy their individual needs. Provision of the named benefit to a citizen in cash or in kind - in the form of pensions, benefits, social services.

Sign 2: in accordance with this sign, social security is that it is carried out at the expense of various financial sources.

The main financial source is the state budget. The second most important source is off-budget state funds. 3rd are the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) and municipal budgets.

Sources of income Money to federal, regional and municipal budgets - taxes and fees.

Sources of funds for off-budget insurance funds are insurance premiums and subsidies from the budget.

Funds from federal budgets, budgets of subjects and municipal budgets are spent on social security:

1) Citizens performing important state functions (military personnel, employees law enforcement, civil servants);

2) Citizens who have merits before the state or suffered through the fault of the state (participants and veterans of the Second World War (Great Patriotic War), blockade survivors, awarded orders and medals, Chernobyl victims, etc.);

3) Disabled citizens and families (children, orphans, disabled, low-income, large and foster families).

Funds from off-budget insurance funds are spent depending on the specialization of the fund. These funds are: Pension Fund (PF, PFR, RF PF, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation), Social Insurance Fund (FSS), Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS).

Funds from these funds are directed to:

– Pension Fund (PF) – payment of pensions;

– Allowance for the burial of deceased pensioners;

Social Insurance Fund (FSS) - for benefits, sanatorium treatment, keeping children in health camps;

Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS) - for the provision of free medical care and treatment.

3 sign; special subject composition, i.e. circle of persons to be protected. It includes: children, women, pensioners, the disabled, the unemployed, large families, foster families.

4 sign: its warranty. It means that the state legislatively, organizationally and economically provides all types of social security with the necessary funds.

5 sign: in accordance with this sign different kinds social security (social security) are provided only upon the occurrence of the relevant circumstances specified in the law.

6 sign: the purpose of its provision. The main goal of each type of social security (social security) is to equalize the social status of certain categories of citizens with the rest of society.

3) Public relations related to social security

The totality (listed in clause 2 of Theme No. 1) of signs indicates the existence of several groups of social relations related to social security, which have their own characteristics.

The 1st group of features is the relationship for the direct provision of appropriate types of social security to citizens at the expense of special funds allocated for these purposes. In the course of the functioning of these relations, the realization of the rights of citizens to pensions, benefits, compensation payments, social services, medical care, benefits, social assistance. The legal norms governing relations for the provision of the listed types of social security in the aggregate constitute the social security law (PSL).

The 2nd group of features - relations on the formation of financial resources aimed at social security. The participants in these relations are the competent state bodies, authorized organizations, employers, and in some cases the citizens themselves. These relations are regulated by the norms of financial law.

3rd group of features - relations, on the organization of social security management. These organizational relations in the field of social security arise between the competent authorities and organizations, and are regulated by the norms of administrative law.

* * *

The above introductory fragment of the book Organizational support for the activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Edition 1 (V.P. Shcheglov) provided by our book partner -

"Organization of the work of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR)"

1. Main sources of financing social protection of the population.

2. Legal regulation of social services for the population in the Russian Federation.

3.Organization of the work of territorial bodies of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation.

4. Legal relations in the field of social security.

5. Functions of public organizations in the field of social protection and service.

6. Social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.

7. State bodies of social protection of the population.

8.Organization of the work of the territorial body of social protection of the population for employment and vocational training of disabled people.

9. Organization of bodies of the pension fund of the Russian Federation

10. The role of reference and advisory work in social security and social protection of citizens

11. State social assistance: the concept and basis for providing

12. Organization of activities of the Ministry of Health and social development RF.

13. The main tasks and functions of regional authorities that carry out the functions of social protection of the population

14. Organization of the activities of regional authorities that carry out the functions of social protection of the population

15. State government institutions in the field of social protection of the population.

16. Goals and activities of the district department of social protection of the population as a state body in the field of social protection of the population

17. State institutions of social services of the system of social protection of the population: types and types, categories of those served.

18. Interaction of bodies and institutions of social protection of the population at various levels

19. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation: concept, competence, history of creation, management

20. Regulatory framework for the activities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its territorial divisions

21. Interaction of the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with state bodies

22. Organization of reception of citizens, insured persons, representatives of organizations and insurers

23. Activities of territorial bodies of social protection of the population on social support for families, children and elderly citizens

24. The order of work with appeals of citizens, insured persons, organizations and policyholders

25. The role of the PFR in the implementation of reforms in the field of social protection

Administrative law

1Administrative responsibility of juvenile delinquents

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    Organizational support of the activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

    Edition 1

    V. P. Shcheglov

    Editor Sergei Petrovich Lapin

    Editor Antonina Andreevna Chistova

    Corrector Sergei Petrovich Lapin

    © V. P. Shcheglov, 2017

    ISBN 978-5-4474-3103-7

    Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

    General concept of social protection and social security


    1) The concept of social protection;

    2) The concept of social security

    3) Public relations related to social security.

    1) The concept of social protection

    There are no well-formed concepts of social protection and social security in Russian legislation. Therefore, it is first necessary to determine the content of these concepts, which will allow us to correctly represent the social security system and its essence.

    The combination of the concepts of "social" and "protection" suggests that social protection is understood as a complex of various measures by which a person "defends" from the adverse effects of the outside world. Russia, as a social state, must take all possible measures to create favorable conditions for the life of its citizens, i.e. create a favorable environment. The concept of "human environment" includes:

    1) Ensuring the employment of citizens;

    2) Creation of normal working conditions;

    3) Decent wages;

    4) Providing comfortable housing;

    5) Creation of a favorable economic environment;

    6) Provision of healthy nutrition;

    7) Access to education and cultural values;

    8) Health protection;

    9) Preservation of private property;

    10) Providing citizens with social support in the event of adverse life circumstances.

    Article 7 of the Constitution tells us that the purpose of social protection is guaranteed labor protection, the health of citizens, the minimum wage (minimum wage), the support of motherhood and childhood, the disabled and the elderly, the payment of pensions and benefits, and the provision of other social guarantees.

    With regard to the current situation in Russia, a generalized definition of social protection can be formed as follows: social protection is a set of economic, legal and organizational measures that the state addresses to able-bodied and disabled citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation that they cannot overcome on their own, and aimed on their material support, providing them with all kinds of assistance, and support at a level that must meet the requirements of a decent life.

    Social protection of the population is a complex of various social relations:

    – Labor;

    – Housing;

    – Educational;

    – Environmental;

    – On health protection;

    – Family;

    - Social Security.

    The concept of "social security" is an integral part of the concept of "social protection", i.e. "social protection" is a broader concept than "social security".

    2) The concept of social security and its structure

    The modern literature contains the following definition of the concept of "social security".

    Social security is a form of state social policy aimed at providing material support to categories of citizens defined by law from the federal budget and special off-budget funds in the event of events recognized by the state as socially significant.

    Social security has a number of features by which security is recognized as social:

    1 sign: special social relations arising in the social sphere. They are formed between citizens and the relevant competent authorities in the following cases:

    1) When citizens reach a certain age, due to illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, raising children, unemployment, etc.

    Such relations arise with the above subjects in these cases are called material relations. In the course of their implementation, the citizen is provided with material goods with the help of which they satisfy their individual needs. Provision of the named benefit to a citizen in cash or in kind - in the form of pensions, benefits, social services.

    Sign 2: in accordance with this sign, social security is that it is carried out at the expense of various financial sources.

    The main financial source is the state budget. The second most important source is off-budget state funds. 3rd are the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) and municipal budgets.

    Sources of receipt of funds in the federal, regional and municipal budgets - taxes and fees.

    Sources of funds for off-budget insurance funds are insurance premiums and subsidies from the budget.

    Funds from federal budgets, budgets of subjects and municipal budgets are spent on social security:

    1) Citizens performing important state functions (military personnel, law enforcement officers, civil servants);

    2) Citizens who have merits before the state or suffered through the fault of the state (participants and veterans of the Second World War (Great Patriotic War), blockade survivors, awarded orders and medals, Chernobyl victims, etc.);

    3) Disabled citizens and families (children, orphans, disabled people, low-income, large and foster families).

    Funds from off-budget insurance funds are spent depending on the specialization of the fund. These funds are: Pension Fund (PF, PFR, RF PF, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation), Social Insurance Fund (FSS), Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS).

    Funds from these funds are directed to:

    – Pension Fund (PF) – payment of pensions;

    – Allowance for the burial of deceased pensioners;

    Social Insurance Fund (FSS) - for benefits, sanatorium treatment, keeping children in health camps;

    Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS) - for the provision of free medical care and treatment.

    3 sign; special subject composition, i.e. circle of persons to be protected. It includes: children, women, pensioners, the disabled, the unemployed, large families, foster families.

    4 sign: its warranty. It means that the state legislatively, organizationally and economically provides all types of social security with the necessary funds.

    Sign 5: in accordance with this sign, various types of social security (social security) are provided only upon the occurrence of the relevant circumstances specified in the law.

    6 sign: the purpose of its provision. The main goal of each type of social security (social security) is to equalize the social status of certain categories of citizens with the rest of society.

    3) Public relations related to social security

    The totality (listed in clause 2 of Theme No. 1) of signs indicates the existence of several groups of social relations related to social security, which have their own characteristics.

    The 1st group of features is the relationship for the direct provision of appropriate types of social security to citizens at the expense of special funds allocated for these purposes. In the course of the functioning of these relations, the realization of the rights of citizens to pensions, benefits, compensation payments, social services, medical care, benefits, social assistance takes place. The legal norms governing relations for the provision of the listed types of social security in the aggregate constitute the social security law (PSL).

    The 2nd group of features - relations on the formation of financial resources aimed at social security. The participants in these relations are the competent state bodies, authorized organizations, employers, and in some cases the citizens themselves. These relations are regulated by the norms of financial law.

    3rd group of features - relations, on the organization of social security management. These organizational relations in the field of social security arise between the competent authorities and organizations, and are regulated by the norms of administrative law.

    The concept of social security management
